Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

So I currently have an idea for a cult which essentially desires to expand its influence and territory by slaughtering a planets inhabitants and adding the dead to the horde. Currently there is only one planet in this state (my characters homeworld ,Lycholme) and the undead legion is currently in shambles with most of the original horde being either too decayed to function or act like wild animals that will need to be recaptured and controlled. The cults initial goal would be to build up the undead horde on Lycholme (there is currently a small portal active on Ecetopia , if would require significant effort to set up another portal so transport would be appreciated) and eventually use it to begin invading other worlds.

Faction Sheet for The Lycholme Cultists

Name: The Lycholme Cultists


Motto: Do not pity the dead. Pity the living, for they are the ones that must face what is to come.

Leader: Vaulthuz Bonemelder,Arch-necromancer of the cult. He has complete control of the cult but will entrust those who have proven their worth to rule in his place whenever he is not present. New cultists require an audience with him to be accepted to he may personally assess their abilities and ambitions.

Description: Fanatics and power hungry mages is the best way to describe the Cult of Lycholme. Those who are willing to give anything for power or have nothing left to lose are the types the cult attracts. The rest are monsters brought to life by the spell casters to serve them. Any who are not useful to the cult or will not bow are seen as enemies.
Goals: The Cult of Lycholme wishes to build, and then use, a vast undead army to of conquer worlds from sheer numbers alone to expand their influence and power. Personal reasons may vary but the pursuit of power is the general goal of the Cult.
Unique Abilities:
Summon Phantoms- Members of the cult are taught the ability to summon a pair of phantoms capable of spying,scouting and as distractions. These phantoms are relatively fast and able to become invisible at will but are incapable of harming enemies. Each cultist can only control two phantoms at a time
Death Speech- A language understood only by necromancers and their victims where words are not constrained by distance, but pass through the plane of death into the mind's of those for whom it is intended.
Bladed Shadows- Shatter nearby shadows and gain control over the serrated remains capable of inflicting painful cuts on targets and sucking the very heat from the damaged flesh.

  • Critical Point: Lycholme- Vaulthuz' home planet and location of his Soul Anchor. It is currently an undead wasteland full of empty cities and roaming groups of undead lycans. Losing this planet would result in the loss of the armies main staging area and the likely destruction of Vaulthuz' Soul Anchor
  • Critical Point: Necromancy- the ability to raise the dead is central to the cults power and plans. If this ability was somehow lost or nullified the cult's power would be greatly reduced.
  • Critical Point: Watercave, Ecetopia- the location of the only portal connecting Lycholme to any other planet, this location is essential to the cult as it allows cultists access to Lycholme and somewhere to send currently unneeded undead.

Allies: None currently
Enemies: Technically none currently

@Pyromaniacwolf's Character: Vaulthuz the Bonemelder
@Circ's Characters:Valdyrdólg
@JaceBeleren's Characters: Kobasratha the Soul Duke
@Sophrus's Characters: Gravelord Mortan
@Overlord Thraka's Character: Tiaz the Twisted Shaman

Cult's Discord Group: discord.gg/UNNadwm
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JaceBeleren
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JaceBeleren Unraveler of Secrets

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Pyromaniacwolf Interested in joining.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

That was quicker than I anticipated! I'm currently adding more detail to the post because I accidentally posted it before I was finished
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Interesting in joining as well as a Cyrawaloc character. How the hell a symbiont from distant place ended up as part of a magical cult? Well, we'll figure that out.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well I certainly hope your group gets off the ground. My guys will need a proper opponent for this to be any fun.

So best of luck and En Garde!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Yes there is a lack of more antagonistic groups currently, most seem fairly neutral or good
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@Arawak The most appropriate way is probably to wait until the travel ban is lifted but if you'd rather get involved faster maybe you could get some smugglers to transport you to Ecetopia for one reason or another (which is currently my Characters location)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I figure that. I just want the character apps made beforehand and I meant in regards to a character sheet, not IC.

Though be wary of Kitamin, its incentives for being part of your group. May not align with your agenda even if it is willing to work within that to achieve its own agenda. You wouldn't like what Kitamin thinks of you. At all. But Kitamin isn't going to express that as that is a reservation of the body. The hands are fine with you.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@Arawak honestly I imagine most characters that would join a group like this to meet their own agenda. Only insane characters would be entirely supportive of basically leading a campaign to murder everything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Okay unless I'm being dumb and missing something, the sheet is completed. When people who have stated their interest have completed their characters, please link them here so I can add them to the roster. @Arawak and @JaceBeleren because you have both stated interest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Here's my app so far. I need collaboration on the history however, and approval of the lore addition of there being a ancient alien library in one of your planet's mountains filled with ancient runes written by Kitamin.

Character Sheet for Kitamin

Name: Kitamin

Title: Runewriter - a ancient, mostly lost profession of the Ecumenical Dominion, a dead empire that was ran by the Cyrawaloc over a thousand years ago.

Height: 7' tall From the tip of the Cyrs to the Feet of the Awas

Weight: 470 kg (Cyrawaloc are tetrapods)

Age: (The following ages do not take into account the undetermined, but massive time period spent in a stasis state)
Cyrs - 64 years
Awas - 71 years
Loka alpha - 44 years
Loka beta - 21 years
Loka delta - 21 years
Loka gamma - 21 years

Race: Cyrawaloc (a species)

Tier: Advanced when it has its runes, just improved/normal without them. Kitamin's power comes from being able to write runees into various objects to enhance their properties, cause all matter of abilities and so on. However, Kitamin is limited by how it has write its own runes and this is the only real "power" Kitamin has beyond the inherited Cyrawaloc traits. Still, runewriting gives Kitamin a an array of capabilities that it can give to others for them to use as well. Rune Writing is very time consuming though, so all runes must be made in advanced of a situation.
Appearance: Kitamin is a greyish-purple colored Cyrawaloc, with its head having a opalescent shine and its body lined in cryptic etchings from the runic language, with circlular symbols filling much of the body. The Cyrs is biologically female and thus lacks the frill seen in the doodle, but the Awas is biological male and thus has its boney frill and is of a sturdier build as a result. Like in the picture, the Awas has a long boney head and large, greyish eyes that are peculiarly forward facing given the natural role the Awas once had before their symbiotic relationship with the Cyrs. One major peculiar trait of Kitamin is that Kitamin holds host to four Loka instead of the usual two and these loka are dressed in metallic ceremonial rune bracelets that enable them to hover about without explict need to wrap around the Awas. The Cyrs itself has a curved, rectangular mask again, filled with all matter of arabesque inscriptions that enable it to precieve the outside world without direct aid of the Awas. The four loka are all vibrantly colored, mainly in stripped alternating colors However Loka Alpha is black-white stripped while the other three are black-purple stripped. The general color palette of Kitamin is that of cloudy grey, purple and white with ultraviolet colored glowing from the runes that cover it. The legs are of a strong build, as they should be to hold all the runes that it must carry about the place.

Personality: Kitamin's personality is best described as someone who is able to doublethink all the time. Kitamin often is able to act loyal if it must act loyal and is a very driven individual thanks to its self-proclaimed role as the remaker of the Ecumene. Not like it will ever tell anyone that. Kitamin's overall personality is hard to genderize to any real degree, it is best just to think of Kitamin as androgynous due to this. Kitamin's head is characterized more or less by that mad desire to remake the Ecumene while the Awas is characterized by being constantly frustrated and impulsive about the situation they are in, being homesick and unable to breed does that and just going along with the cult thing because the Cyrs has convined it that such breeding will be daily once they achieve their goals. The Loka are split to some degree too. Loka Alpha, the oldest of the three that had to raise the three others after the death of its partner is very tired and depressive, just going with the currents of things and hoping it can die soon, but is the most experienced of the group and tends to silently handle the rune writing. Lokas Beta to Delta are much less experienced and over eager, they very much are open minded to just about anything and tend to use runes, talk and carry out actions. Lokas beta-delta are triplets and tend to be very similar in regards to appearance and personality.

Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:

(inherited) Common Cyrawaloc Traits - Kitamin has the common traits of the Cyrawaloc symbionts as explained in the hider.

Extra Arms - Kitamin is a bit peculiar due to having two extra Loka with itself instead of just two Loka.

Etched-in Runes - Runes etched into the body of Kitamin has enabled itself all sorts of powers, mainly protective resistance against energy based attacks and all matter of self-healing mechanisms should you not hit the healing runes etched into its body- ((Protip: they're located on its hide)).

Body Conduit - One of Kitamin's Runes act as a conduit for the Jump Runes.

Runewriting Mastery - Kitamin's mastery of Runewriting is its main pride and Kitamin is able to write all matter of runes in two dozen ancient languages no one else knows. These runes can be classified into three main categories:

-Active Runes; Runes with powers built into them that are deployed and carry out a direct action when the requred trigger is met, these runes can be used offensively as grenades and defensively as barrier deployers. Active runes also include teleportation, which makes use of a conduit rune and an active rune.

-Passive Runes; Runes that passively enhance or modify the traits of something, for instance the hover runes the Loka are equiped with. These runes often take the form of clothing or language etched into something. They have to be physically removed or for their parent object to be broken to rid of their effects.

-Conduit Runes; Runes that transfer things between different places. The aforementiuoned sole rune counts as this, as do force runes that project a invisible wave of forces. Transfering power and matter are also very possible.

The more powerful a rune, the harder it is to write. Runes have to be written to be used. More potent runes require more exotic, heavier materials to use.


((These are the starting Runes, they are deployed and Kitamin must make new runes in down-time. I will alert you of any new rune types that Kitamin makes.))

(Only usable w/ full group in the Lyncholme cult) Soul Transmution - A recent product of being part of the cult has been Kitamin's experiments in trying to combine the magic of Lyncholme with its own rune working. The main product of this has been to make soul runes to transmute souls to other bodies through inscription and Kitamin has written this soul transmution into all of its loka. Soul transmution requires that one etches ruins into the bodies of a living being and a non-living being.

[x2] Sliding Runes - Another Conduit Rune class that has two runes that are shared between two people who can switch places with the other when both agree to such switch. Basically switching the place of individuals. Can be done as an active or conduit rune.

-[x12] Runes of Levitation; Used for the Loka who get three each, these are passive runes the Loka have in order to foat around the place within need to wrap around the Awas.

-[x4] Barrier Runes; Active runes that are deployed to intercept attacks and generate shields that the Loka hold to block melee attacks off. These runes are only temporary however.

-[x12] Missile Runes; Missile Runes are the main means of attack and the bulk of the runes that the Awas has to carry around. Missile Runes are energy filled runes that emit large bursts of energy wherever they strike.

-Translation Rune; A conduit rune haphazardly devised to translate the language of the Lycans. A seperate rune is needed for every language it comes across to transmute properly.

-[x3] Jump Runes; Modified teleportation Runes that are tied to an object the Conduit is attached to, launched like Missile runes to teleport Kitamin and its Loka to the destination at will of the user.

-The Mask of Zo; The Mask of Zo is distinct in that it is actually not a rune. It is a curced, rectangular mask with elaborate facial markings with swirling textures that the ancient Cyrawaloc in the higher classes used fasten to their Crys to give the Cyrs a better sense of things around it (meaning it is a stealth detector) and a quicker way of communicating with its Loka.

-[x4] Telekenetic Runes; These runes are fastened to bracelets and one is distributed to each Loka. These Telekenetic runes follow the arm/hand commands of the Loka to manipulate objects, move stuff and throw the aforementioned missile runes. The telekenetic runes can combine their forces to move larger objects. The runes can be disrupted through distraction of the wearer as the runes need a constant flow of commands to work consistently.

History: Kitamin's origins are from a ancient empire that collapsed long ago, one that had incredibly sophisticated rune making technologies alongside all matter of wonders that fueled their society's power. This ancient empire was known as the Ecumenical Dominion and well reowned for the incredible stability and security that it had brought to itself and its clients. It also was known for being quite a imposing dread for its rivals as while they were slow to expand, they proved remarkably hard to beat back once they begun their advance. Such civilization seemed like it could have lasted forever to an outsider. However, internally things had slowly deteriorated and everything one day just started to collapse in a cascade of death. This collapse was when Kitamin was Born, in quite distant times. As a runewriter, Kitamin found itself being chased down by violent revolutionary groups and having to weave through both the crossfire of endless warfare against their own kind. Kitamin didn't actually believe at the time. that the Dominion would ever collapse, but still believed it should take refuge on some planet far, far away from the Dominion. That planet would be one with tribal humanoid creatures [[knock knock pyromanicwolf]] and good mountains to hide its library of runes inside. Kitamin had at the time had a whole group of helpers with it who helped set up the structures within the mountain where a large, masonic library complex was formed over the years.

News of the Collapse being total hit them deeply so, it seemed unimaginable that the Dominion could ever collapse in any shape or form, but the proof from the one-way messanger ship was undeniable. The Dominion was no more.

Immeadiately much of Kitamin's cohorts commited suicide, with Kitamin itself contemplating the same. But Kitamin ultimately did not, on the belief that perhaps the empire would rise again, conquer this primitive world and thus Kitamin can continue its runewriting activities as runewriting is always a valued skillset that takes decades to hone in. Kitamin underwent the creation of various guardian constructs and builder constructs to make its library have the secondary purpose of being a hibernation center for Kitamin so that it may be awakened to a world where the Dominion is resurgent and serve the rest of its life in service of a better Dominion.

Kitamin would however get an awakening from a member of that same very species of primitive humanoids. They don't seem to have advanced much, but evidently their leader has made a empire from the dead and has found a way to other worlds. Seizing the Oppertuinity and making use of a translation conduit after a brief spout of mis-givings, Kitamin pledged cult loyalty and immeadiately set about resuming its task of rune writing and making all matter of runes for itself and the rest of the cult, of course keeping the best runes a secret to itself. Don't want the fuzzball having that power, after all. Thing seems power mad enough as is.

And thus with the beginning of the invasion afoot, Kitamin continues its objective in secrecy even with the continued mutual mistrust [that plagues the whole cult?? We'll find out soon I suppose].
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@Arawak The library being built in the mountains somewhere doesn't really interfere with the planets history. If he arrived before Vaulthuz rose he likely would have never heard of the place so it would be in little danger, save for the occasional wandering undead. If he arrived afterwards Vaulthuz spent most kf his time underground trying to create a portal so odds are he would never make contact. The only thing you could include if you like is some minor skirmishes with some undead but its hardly a priority.

Oh and as for how our characters do make contact, perhaps Kitamin tries to explore the area when he awakens and finds the cave Vaulthuz had placed the portal to Ecetopia in. Then they meet, a brief discussion and your character decides to join Vaulthuz. Unless you have other ideas in which case go nuts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 7 mos ago

To better explain, Kitamin arrived in ancient times (long, long before the rise of your character) and went into a stasis state for a incredibly long time. Kitamin doesn't leave stasis unless something forces it out of stasis.

What I want to do is see what events may happen between that and Kitamin ending up as a member of your cult from a lore perspective.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@Arawak oh right well that works just as well, you're character would be a legend at most. At least, nobody would ever of even heard of him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Would be interesting to see how Kitamin is interpreted given that the ancient Lycans evidently had a empire of their own.

Here is my take: Kitamin's appearance would have been somewhere between the fall of that empire and the rise of the cult, given your character is a thousand years old and all and your character's habit for raiding ancient ruins means he may come across Kitamin's library at some point. Mutual misunderstandings would probably be overcome and once some translation system is established (via a rune conduit most likely) Kitamin may find you of great use and pledge cult loyalty once it realizes that the Dominion never revived and never conquered this world to the general purpose of remaking the Dominion even if it means an army of undead to do it and at some later point getting mr. fuzzy out of the picture.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@Arawak would we do this interaction in a private thread when the travel ban is lifted? Or would you like to put this in your history as something my character did before arriving at Ecetopia? Considering his old tribe destroyed most ruins he'd be curious to see why your character's library hadn't been.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 7 mos ago

It's something in the history I want absolved even if your character may still not really understand much about Kitamin given how recent Kitamin is to your group.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@Arawak fair enough then, I'll add you to the group roster as soon as your character is accepted
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JaceBeleren
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JaceBeleren Unraveler of Secrets

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Keep in mind this hasn't been formally accepted yet, so there may be changes:
Character Sheet for Kobasratha
Name: Kobasratha
Title: The Soul Duke

Height: 6'1 (7'7 with horns)
Weight: 168lbs
Age: Old, by demonic standards, though no precise amount is known
Race: Demon

Tier: Mid, though will often be accompanied by allies which may threaten a higher tier character if they work together

Appearance: Kobasratha is an intimidating figure. Just over six feet tall, with tough, jet black skin and eyes that glow a cold blue. Thick spikes running along the back, pointing skywards like the crown of horns that adorn the brutish head. Powerfully built and distinctly otherworldly.

Personality: Kobasratha, like any demon, is utterly malevolent. The only disctinction in that regard is the form that that malevolence takes. Kobasratha's evil resides in a patient, scheming manner. He sees concepts such as faith and morality like a game. He, of all people, would know that everyone has their price, even the most celebrated of saints and the most pious of angels.
He is quite content to wait for his plans to come to fruition. He does not celebrate victory, because though he does enjoy it, it no longer seems like there is much chance of failure. Winning is good, but unsurprising. However, he does not seem surprised when he is defeated, either, despite its relative rarity. In truth, he is impressed with the victor, and will often commend them for their success, before devising or improving a plan to continue with.
Power is Kobasratha's primary motivation. He desires to gather ever more souls to serve him and establish a permanent base on the mortal plane, from which he will enact further villainy. How will he do this? The greed of mortals and a little fine print tends to get Kobasratha his way.

Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:
Soul Duke: Kobasratha can sell certain vile commodities to mortals in exchange for their souls, upon death. These include bound lesser demons, castings of powerful enchantments long-forgotten by mortal civilisations, strange and advanced potions and even liquified pain. Upon death, the soul of the mortal will be forcibly transported to Kobasratha's castle in Hell, where he will decide on a use for them.
Twin existence: Kobasratha can simultaneously be on the mortal plane and Hell at the same time, organising his army of souls while gathering more "recruits".
Signed in blood: Any contract written by Kobasratha and signed in blood is binding, to the point that someone trying to breach it will find themselves mentally compelled to do otherwise.
Shadow of the demon: Kobasratha cannot be physically manifested on the mortal plane for more thana few hours. However, he can possess a weak-willed (definition: unimportant NPC) mortal indefinitely, posing as them and having access to their memories and a general idea of how they would act. Abilities inherent to the body, such as naturally occuring magic, are available to Kobasratha, but learnt abilities (such as studied magic) are not. Abilities which start off inherently but are developed through practice (such as psionics) can be used at the natural level only.
Uses of souls: Souls are valuable commodities, if you know how to use them. Kobasratha uses many in the processes required to produce many of the other items he uses to buy more souls. He has consumed a number in the past, permanently boosting his physical and mental power. He does not do this often, as this permanently destroys the soul, reducing opportunity for pain. Lastly, there is a process that can turn a captured soul into a weak form of demon, with stronger and more good-aligned souls forming more powerful demons (Kobasratha himself was formed from an angel), which are born compelled to the creator's service, unlesss they are a more powerful demon than the creator.

Thousands of souls: Useful for many things, see above.
A wealth of demonic commodities: Used for buying souls, in countless forms and uses, some also mentioned above.
Castle Kobasratha: A demiplane about five miles across within Hell. Most of the souls Kobasratha owns are housed here, working for eternity or until their master decides upon another use for them.

History: Kobasratha was orginally an angel, sent as part of a strike force to assassinate Asmodeus himself. The whole operation was going to plan, right up until they finally got into the room with Asmodeus. He had known they were coming, and was nowhere to be seen. In his place a series of traps killed almost the entire team, leaving only the angel that would become Kobasratha standing. It was then that Asmodeus offered the angel a chance to survive and escape an eternity of torture. Kobasratha accepted.
Since then, Kobasratha has travelled throughout the universe, with little care for who he hurts. More recently, though, he discovered the planet Lycholme, where almost an entire planet was slaughtered in the name of a powerful necromancer. Seeing a chance to "do business" he made an offer to some of the survivors. A much better chance at survival, in exchange for their humanity. What he meant by this, was that he would turn them into demons. Most accepted, which was excellent for him - he was effectively getting a few dozen souls for free. Never let it be said that Kobasratha does not keep his word.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@JaceBeleren just read through this on the initial submissions thread and man I kind of wish I made a demon now, but whatever I like ny guy just as much. I imagine he will join Vaulthuz in exchange for a share of the souls he reaps from a planet or something along those lines?
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