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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Omake: The Odaiba Incident

Hagi, Yamaguchi
December 22, 2012 (Six months post-Convergence)
9:15 PM

Months after their ‘little’ adventure, the group had gone off their separate ways for the holiday with Lucas staying at Tokyo while everyone else were scattered all around the place. It was another holiday season for Zei as she went back home to the Yamaguchi Prefecture to spend time with her family, and some more.

Sitting on the soft tatami floor after a nice dinner, she smiled as she watched Dorumon and Ranamon lazily lying on the straw mats with pieces of cantaloupe stuck inside their mouths, or jaws in Dorumon’s case. The TV was on with the news channel playing in the background.

“I’m bored,” Dorumon mumbled for the third consecutive time for the day. “There’s nothing to do here at this hour. How can you survive living in a place like this?”

Turning to her side, she saw Ranamon giving her a disapproving look, her partner-in-crime-and-law looking very content to relax for the quiet night. “Don’t be such a sourpuss! We’re lucky that Zei’s parents not only welcomed us, but also fed us and not kick us out of the house.” The blue Digimon turned to the TV, watching the weather forecast along with any other news she was remotely interested in. “At least try to chill and relax. You don’t have to wake up every day and start killing anything that moves!”

“I guess you do have a point. Besides, it’s kinda nice to not have to look behind my shoulders every waking seconds,” Dorumon replied with a yawn, curling up as Zei quietly ran her hand through her purple fur with her eyes glancing at the TV every now and then.

Seeing that the two Digimon seemed to have come to a mutual conclusion, the raven-haired girl turned back to the TV, watching a report about a young man being pulled out after being stuck inside a particularly erotic-looking statue when a breaking news interrupted the segment.
“Welp, I spoke too soon,” Dorumon growled. “So A. C. D. U. is having a party in Tokyo and we’re not invited.”

“How do you know?” Ranamon whipped her head to her purple partner, looking baffled and shocked.

“Black uniforms, Digimon fighting for them and against them, the “shoot-now-ask-never” MO. They’re gunning down young Tamers, for fuck’s sake!” Dorumon, now looking excited and anticipatory, circled around anxiously in hopes of some action.

“Lucas and Elecmon are in Tokyo and everyone else is out elsewhere! They could be in danger!” Ranamon, now frowning with worry, turned to an alarmed Zei and asked, “How long will it take us to fly back to Tokyo from here?”

“An hour and a half, more or less,” Zei replied, standing up and opening the sliding door to the backyard to reveal a starry night sky, something she saw every now and then back in Tokyo.

“That should be easy. I can cover that distance on my own,” Dorumon said, the Rookie jumping onto the grass and looking at her Tamer expectantly. “Well, what are we waiting for?”

“Wait! You can’t be serious! Don’t you see the news? It’s a warzone right there, right now!” Ranamon could tell from the look in her partner’s eyes that she wanted in on the action and groaned with displeasure. “Besides, I’m sure Lucas and Elecmon can handle them on their own. After all, those two are pretty resilient and strong, so we have nothing to worry about… right?”

Ranamon’s worry seemed to be compounded as Zei quietly walked to the table and held her white Digivice, looking at it contemplatively.

“Back then, I would normally do what you do, Ranamon. I’m quite confident that Lucas already has something up in his sleeve to be involved in this sort of battle,” she said to the two, then looked back at the TV as the footage of the raging battle was replayed over and over again. “However, I suppose Dorumon has rubbed on me, seeing that I cannot find the heart to ignore this even though I know it’s quite dangerous.”

Rolling her eyes while Dorumon’s grin was plastered all over her muzzle, Ranamon hopped out to the backyard, looking back at Zei as she wrote down a note for her parents, telling them they would be out for the night and promising to be back by breakfast. “If we’re going back to Tokyo, can we at least let Lucas know that we’re coming to back him up? It should save him some worries.”

“Eh, fuck him! He’s not our boss,” Dorumon scoffed as she walked impatiently around her patch of grass. “Besides, in wars like that, we’re gonna have to be discreet and silent. We still don’t know who our enemies and allies are, apart from cockface and his pussy.”

“Wow… Your language is a lot looser since we came back from the Digital World. It’s almost comforting, in a way,” Ranamon chuckled and shook her head, looking as if she should had seen it coming.

“I guess now that I and Alphamon are two different person, I just feel like being myself,” the Rookie shrugged as Zei closed the sliding door and joined them in the backyard. “Alright, we have a few options to get back to Tokyo and crash the party. Which one are you taking, Zei?”

“I can offer a safer route, but I believe you already have a plan in mind and I don’t see why I couldn’t go along with that,” Zei replied with a calm smile, her Digivice giving off a warm, white glow.

“Shall we?”

Biomerge activate.
Odaiba, Tokyo
December 22, 2012
10:20 PM

The district of Odaiba had grounded to a halt as soldiers clad in black were scattered all over the place with Tamers and Digimon, both allies and enemies, now mixed in the fray. The war had gone into a stalemate with neither side showing signs of letting up anytime soon. The news footages did little justice to the real horror of the reality of the battle as A. D. C. U. ruthlessly swept the streets for Digimon and Tamers, the other side fighting back with equal fervor.

Near the famous Rainbow Bridge, a rank of armed troops was closing in on a cornered group of Tamers while their partners valiantly tried to protect them. Guns raised, it looked as if it was the end of them…

… until a loud crash sent the soldiers in black flying all over the place

As the dust settled, DORUgoramon stood tall on the cracked asphalt, a few soldiers crushed to death under her feet. Another tried to claw his way out, but Ranamon, having adapted to fighting on top of a Mega Digimon, quickly whipped a water blob from the Tokyo Bay and drowned the man to death.

The younger Tamers looked predictably horrified as the two Digimon fought to kill and not to subdue and their Digimon partners seemed very wary of them, but then DORUgoramon turned to them, Zei’s voice speaking to them instead of her partner’s rough one. “Don’t worry. We’re here to help you,” she said to them as the soldiers opened fire, only to have their bullets ricochet thanks to DORUgoramon’s armor and size, hitting one or two of their own instead.

With another ground-breaking stomp, DORUgoramon turned back to them and let out a loud roar, making Ranamon, the Tamers, and their Digimon allies cringe for a moment.

“So much for being discreet and silent,” Ranamon winced as the Mega took the charge, trampling any soldiers not running fast enough and sending the rest scattering for their life as her burning claws swept the road, cooking the asphalt and burning any poor sap trapped in the sticky liquid.

With another rank and a feral Triceramon joining to reinforce the fallen rank, Ranamon stood up as she waved both hands above her head, a dark cloud forming right under their enemies’ heads.

“Today’s weather forecast calls for high chance of acid rain!”

As if on cue, the dark cloud began to pour acidic water on top of them, dissolving their armor and burning their skin, Triceramon roaring in pain as the water began to destroy bits of its data. Seeing her chance, DORUgoramon lashed at Triceramon with her claws, lifting it and biting into its neck like a hunting beast until it was no more, its data shared between her and Ranamon. The latter proceeded to lower the acid cloud until it engulfed the soldiers, reducing them to dead, blemished corpses.

“Alright, the ground’s clear. Might wanna make a run for it while you can,” the brutal Mega said to the Tamers and their Digimon, the group gratefully taking their chance and fleeing to safety.

“Up ahead,” Zei warned as combat helicopters hovered to their location. Growling with a dark grin, DORUgoramon braced for a flight with Ranamon on her shoulder, a water blade ready to slice and dice. The two exchanged glances and a smirk with one another before facing the A. D. C. U. sent to contain them.

“Bring it on! We’ll make you wish you were never born!”
After what seemed like an eternity, DORUgoramon flew across the sky, watching the battle came to a conclusion in their favor. It seemed that they managed to route A. D. C. U. despite all the firepower sent to stop them while ensuring that the Tamers were properly backed up and it seemed that Lucas wasn’t fighting alone after all.

As she flew with Ranamon now sitting contently on her shoulder, DORUgoramon noticed a few figures underneath, slumped inside the remains of a parking building. A light scoff told Zei and Ranamon that she recognized these ant-like figures from where she was.

“Hmph! Figured those two ain’t gonna sit still with all this shit going on,” she mused, looking half-bemused by their exhausted state.

“Oh?” Zei hummed and looked through her partner’s eyes, her lips parted into a kind smile as she saw the familiar figures. “I’m surprised to see Siggy and NeonGuilmon here as well. I thought they were in Okinawa, but I’m glad to see that they’re all alright.”

“The battle’s all over the news. I’m sure they’ve seen it as well,” Ranamon casually replied, smiling victoriously despite her own fatigue. “Well, now that it’s over, can we go back to Hagi? The sun’s up and I don’t want to miss Mrs. Yasuragi’s home-cooked breakfast!”

“Now that’s something we all can agree on.” With a chuckle, DORUgoramon turned to leave, but then she paused for a brief moment to look at the sleeping black Rookie slumped on the ground. A soft hum echoed in her throat as her eyes were glued to him before Ranamon broke the spell with a teasing cheer and a tap on her head.

“Now, now, you can always ask him out on a date when we get back from our holiday. Maybe you can get him something from Yamaguchi as a present~!”

“S-Shut up!! What makes you think that I thought that way about that royal idiot anyway?!” DORUgoramon growled and roared in protest, the Mega flustered even further as Zei chuckled alongside Ranamon.

“Oh, please. We all could see it!” Ranamon replied with a mischievous grin as she flew back to Yamaguchi while trying to ignore the blue Champion-level Digimon now pestering her and her Tamer giggling as she watched her partner blush, the rosy hue invisible behind her silver armor.

“Doru’s got a crush~! Doru’s got a crush~! Doru loves NeonGuilmon oh so much~!”

“Zei, do something!”

“I’m sorry, DORUgoramon. I can’t really do anything, I’m afraid…”

“Argh! Ranamon, drop it or I’m dropping you into Mount Fuji!”

“Okay, okay, whatever you say, dopeyhead.”

DORUgoramon breathed a sigh of relief for a moment as they finally left Tokyo.

“Doesn’t change the fact that you still have a crush on NeonGuilmon though.”

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

Member Seen 10 days ago

Glorious. Feels nice to have a few omakes around again. Feels like the old days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Good shit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

Member Seen 10 days ago

tobiax said
Which ones? You don't need many really, unless you're playing on one of the hard modes. I mean, the one you're guaranteed to have grants Leaf Bracer, I'm curious, how far'd you get?

Can't remember names, but the high level ones like the Tyrannosaurus-based one. Most of the ones I'd been using up till I gave it a rest were the basic ones. As for where I got up to, I guess the part where you first get to The World That Never Was? The bit where Sora suddenly wigs out and you're stuck with Riku or something, idk. It was 2012 when I last played the game.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yay! I did something good for once. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

Member Seen 10 days ago

tfw three shiny groudon from a /vp/ giveaway

glorious jewing
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I don't even remember S5/S11 plans anymore. X_X
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Looks awesome, Voc.

Vin: S5 is ZeedMillenniummon if I recall rightly. S11 is Demon Lords. Most things are otherwise up in the air so no big deal I'd suppose. Just decide if you'll be in S11, I guess, is the main issue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I will be, but I remember discussing plans but none of them come to mind anymore. OB! What were my plans!?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

Member Seen 10 days ago

Vincanity said
I will be, but I remember discussing plans but none of them come to mind anymore. OB! What were my plans!?

You were going to have Leon get a sex change and scissor with Elle. :P

Real Talk: I don't remember half my own plans from that period, either figure it out yourself or give me a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

Member Seen 10 days ago

ohai bebe

how bout dat homucifer eh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oh yeah! Watch out boys, Leona is coming through!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

Member Seen 10 days ago

oh god it's actually happening

what have i wrought
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Fish of Oblivion said
Can't remember names, but the high level ones like the Tyrannosaurus-based one. Most of the ones I'd been using up till I gave it a rest were the basic ones. As for where I got up to, I guess the part where you first get to The World That Never Was? The bit where Sora suddenly wigs out and you're stuck with Riku or something, idk. It was 2012 when I last played the game.

Ah. The T-rex. If I remember correctly, use Riku, do the special "Portal of the Day" when it's a dragon in Symphony of Sourcery. Also think one of the Pegasus ones. Try Country of Musketeers and Prankster's Paradise as well. There's also a rare chance the bear enemies will drop the item you need, so I've heard. I did that part with just the bat you make at the start and a healing flower one- which, due to being on both teams almost all the time, was level 94 or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yo Ob, we were supposed to hvae Shaka and Gradrac meet at some point. Still happening?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

Member Seen 10 days ago

Vincanity said
Yo Ob, we were supposed to hvae Shaka and Gradrac meet at some point. Still happening?

Yeah, I'll fit it into my next post if I can. Just tired and tapped out on top of being lazy as shit as usual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Post is up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

RBY you sassy pickle I just realized what you did with Marine Angemon, Piximon, and NecroWisemon.
(Only because I wouldn't have known before now.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

Member Seen 10 days ago

Alright, posted. Tob and Vo, gonna need you to get on Gmail soon-ish. Collab and get this next bit sorted out quickly.
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