Another one of these?
Name: Arin Kurokawa
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Dinosaur
Skills: He's got a pretty strong tail which he can also use to wrap around his enemies in order to throw them.
Weakness(es): Extreme Exhaustion resulting in him not wanting to fight anymore.
Crush: Ayaka
From: OC
Personality: Friendly to all but the ones who attack and anger him. He would help a friend if they really need it. He also loves a certain girl who you better respect or else. Overall, he's a pretty nice guy.
Bio(optional): TBR

Likes: his girl(Ayaka), helping others when they need it and having/making friends.
Dislikes: A certain necromancer named Hunter(which I will create below this CS) and anyone who purposely tries to anger him.
Other: The reason you don't want to anger Arin is because if you do, he will become a giant dinosaur and kick your butt.
Name: Hunter
Nickname: none
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Necromancer
Powers: Shadow Magic and Death Magic.
Skills: None
Weakness(es): He relies heavily on his magic so I'd imagine he'd be nothing without it.
Crush: "I don't have that kinda time!"
From: OC
Personality: Hunter is very secretive then again says exactly what he's planning out loud to himself. He is very rude, but not shouty or anything. He often uses dry humor in order to sound serious. When he has his eye on something or rather... someone, nobody can stop him, but you can try.
Bio: "You don't need to know."
Likes: Torturing Arin to no end, getting nuisances out of the way(which to him is any of Arin's allies), Being surrounded by the undead or darkness.
Dislikes: Anyone who stands in his way.
Other: "Nothing, that's all you need to know about me."
Another one of these?
Name: Price
Nickname: None
Age: 20 (He lost track of his real age a long time ago)
Gender: Male
Species: Demonic Vampire
Skills: I wanna say he might be a bit agile due to all the running he's done in the past.
Weakness(es): Can't be around too many humans or their blood without going into demon form.
Crush: Terra.
From: OC
Personality: Price is such a sweet person to where he can come off as too friendly. In other words, he's way too polite or at least he tries to be. He often chooses flight over fight. He cares a great deal about humans, but he just has one major problem which is why he avoids them instead.
Bio(optional): "I don't feel like repeating all this."
Appearance(s): Normal:
(ignore the glasses)
Likes: Terra(long lost girlfriend), Juno, his best bud, animal blood only(his favorites being rabbits and squirrels).
Dislikes: his own demon and anyone who purposely tries to force it out, but of course you would have to have seen it in order to know how the demon works.
Other: Demon Triggers: 1. Human gets too close for comfort. 2. Humans surround him, giving him no way out. 3. Simply by the smell of human blood so yeah, if you're human, don't bleed around him if you can help it(XD).
Another one of these?
Name: Juno
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Neko
Powers: Telepathy.
Skills: Skilled in hand-to-hand fighting.
Weakness(es): Anything that can hurt a human would hurt him too.
Crush: I still haven't met anyone interested in me yet, but to all you girls out there, sorry I'm gay.
From: OC
Personality: Juno is very sweet person, but won't take crap from anybody. He is very loyal to his friends which he currently only has two of.
Bio: TBR

Likes: His two friends(Price and Terra), other nekos and anyone who is nice to him.
Dislikes: Anyone who is mean to him or his friends and that includes people torturing his best bud for the heck of it.
Other: Born mute but gifted with telepathy. Speaking of which, he can use it on anybody even if the other person doesn't have it. He just has to be sure they know it's him talking and not somebody else. He sometimes is hesitant as not everyone likes it when you creep into their mind. Oh and btw, Another one of these?
Name: Joey Freeman
Nickname: none
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Weakness(es): May have trouble fighting against enemies that can fly or use magic.
Crush: None yet.
From: OC
Personality: Joey is very friendly to most, but can't always bring himself to trust a vampire of any kind. He is very loyal and highly protective of any friend he makes. He takes a bit longer to anger than Arin(not that he knows him), but push enough buttons and he'll be kicking your butt. However, he is not a killer, he would prefer you to learn so doesn't have to beat you to a pulp again.
Bio: He doesn't remember much about his childhood except that he was bitten at a young age(he was 12). Although he did meet the one who bit him some time ago who tried to get him to remember who he was, but sadly Joey could not comply.
Appearance(s): Human:
Likes: Any friend he might make, other werewolves, and more I can't think of right now.
Dislikes: Being called Wolfy("don't you dare call me that."), Evil vampires and anyone foolish enough to attack him.
Other: Unlike most werewolves he's seen, he cannot talk in wolf form nor can he change at will. The only way for him to do this is either be really angry or wait till it's nighttime and hope the full moon is out.
Another one of these?
Name: Golden Oscuro
Nickname: None
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Powers: Hypnotizing by changing the color of his eyes to a swirly yellow and using commands. He can only use this on one person at time, however.
Skills: Basically the same as Joey, though he can't seem to match his strength.
Crush: "No, and I don't plan on getting one!"
From: OC
Personality: Insane, Persuasive, Ruthless and Careless.
Bio: "You will never find that out as long as I live."

Likes: Trying his hardest to get rid of Joey(which will never happen because I like that character too much), using or eating unsuspecting humans from time to time.
Dislikes: getting caught eating a human, hates Joey which is another reason he wants him gone or in other words dead and like another villain, anyone who stands in his way.
Other: Often uses his human form as a disguise whenever he decides to play it cool.
Another one of these?
Name: Viktor Quintus
Nickname: Vik
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Powers: Camouflaging, Blood Boiling(Only it causes immense pain instead of killing), Force Blasts
Skills: His fighting style is pretty impressive.
Weakness(es): Holy water or items, but he's a good demon, who would want to hurt him?
Crush: "No time, too busy fighting crime."
From: OC
Personality: Cool, Laidback, always on the run which gives him barely any time to socialize if at all, also very hardcore making his fighting style very impressive.
Bio: TBR
(without the chains of course)
Likes: Stopping crime(if he can) and eating Cheeseburgers.
Dislikes: Criminals, bad guys, villains (you get it).
Other: He's a demon trying be a hero and so far, he's done pretty well. Also, another one of these?
Name: Arin Kurokawa
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Dinosaur
Skills: He's got a pretty strong tail which he can also use to wrap around his enemies in order to throw them.
Weakness(es): Extreme Exhaustion resulting in him not wanting to fight anymore.
Crush: Ayaka
From: OC
Personality: Friendly to all but the ones who attack and anger him. He would help a friend if they really need it. He also loves a certain girl who you better respect or else. Overall, he's a pretty nice guy.
Bio(optional): TBR

Likes: his girl(Ayaka), helping others when they need it and having/making friends.
Dislikes: A certain necromancer named Hunter(which I will create below this CS) and anyone who purposely tries to anger him.
Other: The reason you don't want to anger Arin is because if you do, he will become a giant dinosaur and kick your butt.
Name: Hunter
Nickname: none
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Necromancer
Powers: Shadow Magic and Death Magic.
Skills: None
Weakness(es): He relies heavily on his magic so I'd imagine he'd be nothing without it.
Crush: "I don't have that kinda time!"
From: OC
Personality: Hunter is very secretive then again says exactly what he's planning out loud to himself. He is very rude, but not shouty or anything. He often uses dry humor in order to sound serious. When he has his eye on something or rather... someone, nobody can stop him, but you can try.
Bio: "You don't need to know."

Likes: Torturing Arin to no end, getting nuisances out of the way(which to him is any of Arin's allies), Being surrounded by the undead or darkness.
Dislikes: Anyone who stands in his way.
Other: "Nothing, that's all you need to know about me."
Another one of these?
Name: Price
Nickname: None
Age: 20 (He lost track of his real age a long time ago)
Gender: Male
Species: Demonic Vampire
Skills: I wanna say he might be a bit agile due to all the running he's done in the past.
Weakness(es): Can't be around too many humans or their blood without going into demon form.
Crush: Terra.
From: OC
Personality: Price is such a sweet person to where he can come off as too friendly. In other words, he's way too polite or at least he tries to be. He often chooses flight over fight. He cares a great deal about humans, but he just has one major problem which is why he avoids them instead.
Bio(optional): "I don't feel like repeating all this."
Appearance(s): Normal:


Likes: Terra(long lost girlfriend), Juno, his best bud, animal blood only(his favorites being rabbits and squirrels).
Dislikes: his own demon and anyone who purposely tries to force it out, but of course you would have to have seen it in order to know how the demon works.
Other: Demon Triggers: 1. Human gets too close for comfort. 2. Humans surround him, giving him no way out. 3. Simply by the smell of human blood so yeah, if you're human, don't bleed around him if you can help it(XD).
Another one of these?
Name: Juno
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Neko
Powers: Telepathy.
Skills: Skilled in hand-to-hand fighting.
Weakness(es): Anything that can hurt a human would hurt him too.
Crush: I still haven't met anyone interested in me yet, but to all you girls out there, sorry I'm gay.
From: OC
Personality: Juno is very sweet person, but won't take crap from anybody. He is very loyal to his friends which he currently only has two of.
Bio: TBR

Likes: His two friends(Price and Terra), other nekos and anyone who is nice to him.
Dislikes: Anyone who is mean to him or his friends and that includes people torturing his best bud for the heck of it.
Other: Born mute but gifted with telepathy. Speaking of which, he can use it on anybody even if the other person doesn't have it. He just has to be sure they know it's him talking and not somebody else. He sometimes is hesitant as not everyone likes it when you creep into their mind. Oh and btw, Another one of these?
Name: Joey Freeman
Nickname: none
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Weakness(es): May have trouble fighting against enemies that can fly or use magic.
Crush: None yet.
From: OC
Personality: Joey is very friendly to most, but can't always bring himself to trust a vampire of any kind. He is very loyal and highly protective of any friend he makes. He takes a bit longer to anger than Arin(not that he knows him), but push enough buttons and he'll be kicking your butt. However, he is not a killer, he would prefer you to learn so doesn't have to beat you to a pulp again.
Bio: He doesn't remember much about his childhood except that he was bitten at a young age(he was 12). Although he did meet the one who bit him some time ago who tried to get him to remember who he was, but sadly Joey could not comply.
Appearance(s): Human:


Likes: Any friend he might make, other werewolves, and more I can't think of right now.
Dislikes: Being called Wolfy("don't you dare call me that."), Evil vampires and anyone foolish enough to attack him.
Other: Unlike most werewolves he's seen, he cannot talk in wolf form nor can he change at will. The only way for him to do this is either be really angry or wait till it's nighttime and hope the full moon is out.
Another one of these?
Name: Golden Oscuro
Nickname: None
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Powers: Hypnotizing by changing the color of his eyes to a swirly yellow and using commands. He can only use this on one person at time, however.
Skills: Basically the same as Joey, though he can't seem to match his strength.
Crush: "No, and I don't plan on getting one!"
From: OC
Personality: Insane, Persuasive, Ruthless and Careless.
Bio: "You will never find that out as long as I live."

Likes: Trying his hardest to get rid of Joey(which will never happen because I like that character too much), using or eating unsuspecting humans from time to time.
Dislikes: getting caught eating a human, hates Joey which is another reason he wants him gone or in other words dead and like another villain, anyone who stands in his way.
Other: Often uses his human form as a disguise whenever he decides to play it cool.
Another one of these?
Name: Viktor Quintus
Nickname: Vik
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Powers: Camouflaging, Blood Boiling(Only it causes immense pain instead of killing), Force Blasts
Skills: His fighting style is pretty impressive.
Weakness(es): Holy water or items, but he's a good demon, who would want to hurt him?
Crush: "No time, too busy fighting crime."
From: OC
Personality: Cool, Laidback, always on the run which gives him barely any time to socialize if at all, also very hardcore making his fighting style very impressive.
Bio: TBR

Likes: Stopping crime(if he can) and eating Cheeseburgers.
Dislikes: Criminals, bad guys, villains (you get it).
Other: He's a demon trying be a hero and so far, he's done pretty well. Also, another one of these?