Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

A collection of the esoteric, supernatural, occult, and unknown.

Director Simon Pierce
Personal Log
June 11th, 1986

"Our world is not what it seems-it never has been. What little time I have on this Earth I hope to devote to discovering these phenomena. Studying and understanding have always been the foundation of scientific research. I hope we are given the tools necessary to accomplish that task..."

Welcome to Castle Rock Complex || Site 11 || Dept. of Defense || Classified Location

Anyone may join! You need not even create a character, although it is suggested you do so. Alongside a simple narrative (with some plot points regarding the fate of the assigned staff & the archive itself) is a blank slate to create whatever you wish. This RP takes strong cues from the SCP-Foundation, Warehouse 13, X-Files, Hellboy, etc.

In this world, Conspiracy Theorists are usually right. Lizard-people, The New World Order, Loch-Ness, Big Foot etc. Fringe science is rampant in this world. Time travel exists as well as a few confirmed timelines. Hitler was definitely a clone and almost everything was an inside-job. There are also some really horrifying entities in this world, things of utter chaos. The Minerva Archive exists to study and catalog all of these things. I hope you'll join us!

Archive Entries

Anyone may submit an archive entry for players to review, adjust or build a plot-line around. Entries must be submitted in the OOC first! There are no length requirements for your entries, but quality writing is expected. I will try and throw in a few of my own here and there. Here are some basic guidelines for submitting archive entries:

@Rice Porridge@BingTheWing@ihinka@Pathfinder@Penny@Darcs@FantasyChic
Let's see what we get! First archive posts up relatively soon. You may submit a character sheet in the OOC with the format you wish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CoyoteLovely
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CoyoteLovely Avatar of the Trickster

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Minerva Archive


Kassandra, the Dreamer


Subject 1664-P claims to be a Pythia, one of the Oracles of Delphi. Whether she believes herself to have been reborn into a new body, or she is as old as Delphi itself it is difficult to say. What is known of her is that she occasionally falls into a trance like state and speaks in rhyme. During these trances, she gives prophecies of the future - some of which have been vetted to pass. It is difficult to say what her percentage of successful prophecies is, as we are still uncovering events she foresaw in the past.

Recommend subject for further study, approach with care - she does not trust easily.


Medical data on the subject is difficult to find, at best. That said, we believe we have uncovered a possible birth certificate for the subject, listing her as "Kassandra Argyris". If the birth certificate is correct, she was born some 37 years ago, in New Mexico. Any additional data for Kassandra Argyris looks exceptionally normal; full school records, excellent grades, job history, married, etc. Then approximately 10 years ago, the subject simply fell off the grid. Her husband filed for divorce in absentia when she did not return home. 3 years later, the prophecies began to emerge.


Kassandra is a pale woman with premature stark white hair. Her eyes are a rare violet color. She tends to dress in flowing garments of violet, pale grey, and white, reminiscent of ancient greek styles of dress. She is an uncommonly tall woman, approximately 5'11", and is of average weight.

When she is in her trance, her clothes and hair seem lifted as if by an invisible breeze. They will frequently take on a soft, violet glow in these moments, as her eyes appear to roll back into her head. Her voice during trance is two-tone, with a whispered voice audible under the usual sound of her voice.

Classified Info

It is this reporter's recommendation that Kassandra be observed and possibly approached. If she is capable of telling the future, she may provide a steady source of leads for additional Minerva Archive files. At the time of this report, we have sent four undercover operatives to speak with her, and she has accurately identified all four. Subject is polite, and hospitable - she does not pose a significant threat.

There is significant cause to fear for what might happen if she is approached by "the wrong people". She does not appear to have any significant combat skills, however, one operative believes she may have a form of magic or telepathy at her disposal that she simply elects not to use. More study may be necessary.

NOTE: I believe, though it is uncorroborated, that we have found the lost Kassandra Argyris, however - reports of her now in no way match how she was described before she went missing. If the reports about her are correct, she may be connected to the Dreams of those around her, which is how she got her nickname of "The Dreamer".

Current Status

Living in a small house out in the desert of New Mexico, near Santa Fe. People bring her gifts, in exchange for her telling their future, which is how she makes her living.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

@CoyoteLovelyI really like this, from the name to the recurring character archetype. I could see Kassandra having many interactions with the Archive over a few plots. I have some recommendations I will send your way when I get home. I wonder what happened to those four agents the Archive sent? Might be a kernel of a story beginning .
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CoyoteLovely
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CoyoteLovely Avatar of the Trickster

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Polybius - Glad you like the idea. I was firing a bit off the cuff and hoped it would fit in for you!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

A work in progress.

Minerva Archive

(anomalous object)

Void Sphere

The Void Sphere located in Vault 47, Castle Rock Complex

An anomalous sphere with an approximate stable diameter of 10m-12m. Fluctuations in surface area have been observed with the largest increase being <4m. The object, for all purposes appears to be devoid of any light, mass, or observable surface qualities. The sphere was first discovered in August, 1944, hovering some 500m above the North Atlantic Sea.

Initial Contact

On August 23,1944 the Destroyer USS Constitution assigned to convoy escort H-1-32 made contact with a German U-Boat (U-5881). At approximately 04:30:14 the U-Boat disengaged and fled North-North-East into the Norwegian Sea. The USS Constitution pursued the vessel and managed to damage the U-Boat to an unknown extent. At about 11:00:01 the U-Boat abruptly stopped and the Captains Log confirms the vessel began to sink. No lifeboats were deployed. At 11:00:42 the USS Constitution halted search operations for survivors of U-5881. At 12:00:00 the anomalous object appeared on the starboard side of the vessel without any precipitating events. See photographic record C-12-A

Object Relocation & Research

On August 29th, 1944 #0011-AO began to move West at approximately 18 knots. The object increased speed at a rate of [Classified]. The USS Constitution was ordered to pursue the object, but soon lost contact with #0011-AO. On September 1st, the object was reported to have appeared in the American Mid-West at coordinates [Classified]. The object has remained at this location since September 1st, and was the reason for the construction of site-11.

Initial Research conducted with #0011-AO was exploratory in nature. Data collected during tests #1-85 have been compiled in Supplementary Document 211*. These tests determined some very basic data about #0011, size and fluctuation and certain quantitative properties.

Tests #81-90 were conducted by Dr. Peter Knowles between January-March, 1945. These tests were designed to record information related to direct contact and interaction with the object.

Results of Research

Theories on the Nature of #0011-AO
1) #0011-AO is a weapon developed by the Special Weapons and Tactics Division of the Kriegsmarine. It is possible that the Germans developed anti-matter weaponry similar to [Classified], for use in the North Atlantic Theater of Operations during World War 2.
2) #0011-AO is a portal to an alternate dimension.
3) #0011-AO is a naturally occurring phenomena across space-time.
Certainties Determined about #0011-AO

Current Status

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

Damnit. Lol.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StarInaBox
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StarInaBox Probably Scarfed

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oh gosh, I absolutely MUST join this~. I think I have a cool idea for an object, actually, then some possible research staff characters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

@StarInaBox Yes! Awesome, jump in!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Zaziel is the designated name of entity e-777, suspected to reside on the planet of Saturn.

Evidence of Zaziel's existence and ability to communicate was first discovered in 1980 and 1981, via the two Voyager space probes. Radio emission readings revealed anomalies in the planet's electromagnetic field near its northern hexagonal cloud pattern. The readings from this area were unusually patterned and rhythmic, almost as if an entity or entities were trying to communicate. Both probes also felt a slightly stronger gravitational pull in this region, though they maintained sufficient distance to avoid catastrophic consequences. Meanwhile, readings from Saturn's rings occasionally picked up strange sounds vaguely resembling human screams. The ring readings were altered for public release, and the hexagonal cloud readings were censored entirely.

In accordance with Omega-B measures, NASA covertly studied both readings using the Chaldean-Ishi method. The resulting message was spoken in Ancient Babylonian, translated into English below:

I can see you

Whether this was an intended statement by an intelligent entity or simply a coincidence was still unsure. Therefore, when NASA sent the Cassini-Huygens probe in 1997 for further study of Saturn, an Ur-speech electromagnetic signaler was equipped. The probe entered Saturn's orbit in 2004, and broadcasted the following message in its atmosphere:

Who are you?

The reply:

Gnashing [of] teeth

The transponder was then broken off by strong winds, but the radio emissions reader was still intact. The probe then moved into Saturn's rings. Improved technology made the supposed human screams more audible, and sentences could be made out. Some of them were:

I'm sorry! I'm sorry, God!

Please, make it stop! Make me die!

Bring me back there! To the gates! I'll set things right!

They made me betray him!*

Stop the fire! The fire!

The gas chokes me! It chokes me!**

Then a final radio emission was received:

I am the jailor

No more emissions nor screams were received by the probe. Normal observation of Saturn continues up to this day.

It can therefore be theorized (after a careful review of religious texts and historical basis), that Saturn is the spacetime location of [EXPUNGED].

*Spoken in what appeared to be Ancient Hebrew around the time of Jesus Christ.

**Spoken in German.

Note: hexagons have six (6) sides. Doesn't that tell you something?
- Dr. Bracinsky
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

@BingTheWingLove it. Super creepy and open ended for others to add/embellish the lore of it.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Edited in an improved, creepier audio file of Saturn's polar regions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by StarInaBox
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StarInaBox Probably Scarfed

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Minerva Archive

Booting... Minerva Archive OS... Searching for Facility network...
Connected to: Annex C Facility Database.

Welcome to the Annex C Facility Database. Please enter login information below.
Username: evilapples
Password: ***************

Logging in...

Logging in...

Login Successful.

Search: Doctor Wesley Tassle

Searching personnel database...

Open tassle_staff_file_update.doc


File restricted to level 8 or higher.

USB drive detected. Loading U://key/skeleton.exe...

Open tassle_staff_file_update.doc


Downloading tassle_staff_file_update.doc ...
Download time: ~22 minutes
Download time: ~30 minutes
Download time: ~3 minutes
Download time: 2 minutes 22 seconds
Download time: 42 minutes 42 seconds
Download time: -99999999999 seconds
Download time: 1000000 years
Download time: 31 minutes
Download time: AAAAAAAAAA
Download time: 3 seconds
Download time: 2 seconds
Download time: 1 second
Download time: 0 seconds.





The very fabric of the universe, tied together to form a tight, straight, uniform thread. This is what you know to be true about the world.

It's a real shame that your feeble mind can't break free from this truly weak string we call fate.

But hey, you got level 8 security clearance somehow, or managed to get past the security, so maybe you have a chance to. I hope you find what you're looking for when the file finishes loading. If you have any questions for me personally, my office is labeled. Make it fast though, I might get erased from the timeline soon. Then you all might be royally screwed.


Hack detected. Hack detected. Contacting security officials.


Hack detected. Hack detected. Contacting security officials.


Teaser for a character. Today is an off day so I can focus on getting a full sheet for Doctor Tassle together.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

[@@StarInaBox Cool man. Perhaps someone with dubious morals? A double agent? Looking forward to it.

Maybe Tassle is a Minerva Director in an alternate timeline? Something to ponder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by StarInaBox
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StarInaBox Probably Scarfed

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Minerva Archive

open tassle_staff_file_update.doc


Minerva Archive

Doctor Wesley Tassle

Age - 29

Gender - Male

Race - Caucasian

Specialty - Quantum Physics

Security Clearance - Special Clearance Level R

Organization History - Doctor Tassle was hired at the age of 24, on January --, 20-- and moved to the [REDACTED] Facility to begin his research. Doctor Tassle showed exceptional prowess in his research of various Minerva Archive items of temporal and spatial nature. His well mannered and polite nature made him especially popular at the facility, and he would often be invited to test Archive items outside of his realm of expertise. Only after a year of his time at the Annex C Facility was he slated to become Head Researcher at the facility, despite the five year minimum service requirements.

As a Junior Researcher, Doctor Tassle was limited to experimentation on safer Minerva class objects. Despite this, Doctor Tassle would continually request to experiment with very dangerous Minerva Archive items. As he had not met the staff requirements to handle such objects, his requests were denied. This led Tassle to instead research Archive Items on his own, as well perform private research of theoretical quantum physics in his off time. During 20-- psychological evaluations, Doctor Tassle was tested to have symptoms of anxiety, and was extremely irritable. When questioned about his private research, Tassle would attempt to avoid answering at all. Immediately following his evaluation was a minor disciplinary hearing. It was then that Doctor Tassle was moved on to a list of at risk personnel. Curiously, at this time, researchers who commonly worked with Tassle would report feeling symptoms of paranoia and tiredness. Research of various time space related items was also causing a much higher rate of injury in Minerva Archive staff.

As time progressed, Tassle would grow increasingly recluse, focusing entirely on his private research, turning in research journals to Minerva Archive officials as substitute for work. The contents of the journal were reviewed by Archive researchers and were disproved and disposed of as inconclusive research. The combination of this lack of findings, secretiveness from all other staff, and the refusal to cease requests to experiment on dangerous Archive Items led to a full disciplinary hearing for Tassle's behavior, involving various senior and head researchers who had previously worked with Tassle. This hearing ended with the stripping of Tassle's employment after the Doctor made personal remarks towards various staff. He would be held at the Annex C Facility to await administration of amnestics before being returned to the public.

During his holding at [REDACTED], various anomalous events occurred that are theorized to be caused Doctor Tassle himself, although it is currently unknown how he could affect the rest of the facility from within his holding cell. Events include the activation of Archive [REDACTED], an exponential increase of activity in Archive #0011/AO, as well as Archive [REDACTED]. The most destructive occurrence was the breach of Archive [REDACTED], which caused numerous civilian and staff casualties. Minerva Archive agents were deployed, and [DATA EXPUNGED] was narrowly avoided. While other events have been recorded, staff who were on sight at the time do not recall the events ever happening. A large influx of the discovery of various Archive items was also recorded at this time, most of them being extremely dangerous. In an interview with Tassle during detainment, he revealed that this was the work of an "extra[REDACTED] computer program" that he had called the Arkive Engine. Despite no known instances of this program being present on any facility computers, or any other devices investigated at the time, various research staff have reported scrolling past an arkive_engine.exe, before it would inexplicably disappear from the device.

After the deaths of two well respected senior researchers, and a mysterious email demanding the release of Doctor Tassle to research this influx of dangerous Archive items (which Tassle claims he has no connection to, and questions the existence of the email in general. The email has since been deleted, and despite numbers attempts at recovering it, it would seem that there are no traces of the file. The recipient of the email was subsequently taken in for an emergency psychological evaluation), Tassle was released from his cell and placed on his own private research team with Special Clearance Level R. Clearance Level R only permits the study of highly dangerous Minerva Archive items. Only Clearance Level 0 personnel are permitted to work with Doctor Tassle. Researchers below Clearance Level 8 are not to request to work with Doctor Tassle, and are to be administered low-power amnestics and moved to another facility if they do so more than twice.

There he is~. Still more or less a draft, going for a super smart guy who does stuff he's not supposed to or that is otherwise dangerous for a "righteous cause."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@PolybiusHm, for some reason I didn't receive the tag... I'll get to work on some ideas after... uuum... work
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

@PolybiusHm, for some reason I didn't receive the tag... I'll get to work on some ideas after... uuum... work

Oh no! Sorry about that! We're always open so jump in!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Here I go... Two archive entries and my character

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@PolybiusSo what's the idea... besides producing archive entries... Should we post in the IC or...?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

@ihinkaIt's sort of a free-for-all sandbox type deal. Honestly I thought more people from the IC would show and prompt some IC interaction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@PolybiusIf you think it'll help I'll get a post up in the IC
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