Legal Names】
Song Lin and Song Qiao【
Image of Reference】
P.K.M.N Trainer Identity】
Orchid | Vermilion【
Current Rank】
Novice | "Novice"【
Trainer | Bodyguard【
Female | Female【
16 | 29【
Physical Description】
Song Lin is a thin framed girl. Barely above five feet, she struggles to do more than get lost in a crowd. She has a soft, violet colored eye and a skin tone on the pale side, giving her a bit of a haunting look. She has dark colored hair which Song Qiao puts in a variety of braids, with the untied length just at her shoulders.
Song Qiao has a starkly different appearance from her companion with a large, imposing frame. While she only stands six feet and a few to spare, Qiao's body naturally seems to hold itself broadly. She has much sharper features than Lin, with a higher cheekbone which often gives her a look of continued judgment or displeasure to those she meets. Like Lin, she has dark colored hair, but has a deep bronze color to her skin, coupled with dark eyes that are often described by other's as soulless.【
Medical History】
Blood Types: O- | O-
Height: 5'0.5 | 6'3"
Weight: 103 lbs | 168 lbs
Allergies: No Known Allergies | No Known Allergies
Disease: Lin suffers from a degenerative genetic disorder resulting in complete blindness in both eyes. Qiao has no known medical issues and is considered to be at the peak of her health.
Misc.: Qiao has been treated for multiple injuries from training and fighting.
Academic/Exam Proctor Report
Report Card - Song LinGradesMental: 10
- Note: Candidate has exceptional judgment and a diverse field of knowledge. However, access to that judgment can be limited by the lack of sight, requiring companions to make use of her insights. She has a wide breadth of knowledge especially in regards to plants and medical applications. We still find that despite her disability, she rightly earns her score. - Shiela V. Varilin
Physical: 2
- Note: Candidate struggled in all forms of physical testing, even with attempts at accommodating her unique circumstances. Bar exceptional scoring in other areas, we do not recommend passing this student. - Reginald T. Lastonra
Agility: 7
- Note: Candidate demonstrated quick reactions to simple stimuli and once familiar the capability to complete a simple agility course without issue. Significant potential for a higher score should she have been able to see the course. - Sorina X. Vanamose
Species Recognition: 98%
League Code: 100%
Wilderness Survival: 5%
Situation Recognition: 99%

Song Lin is a reserved young woman, a product of her inability to experience the world like most others her age and the stature of her family. She has an inherent kindness and almost psychic like empathy that allows her to easily engage with other people, providing they are willing to tolerate her slightly rigid behaviors.
Song Qiao is reserved in a different fashion and solely a product of her own restraint and dedication to the Song family. While she has a sense of honor, her sense of duty far outweighs it, which gives her enough leeway to easily cross into morally grey zones should her ward need her to do so for her protection. She, like Lin, is very capable of engaging with people, but from a different perspective due to her involvement with the Songs.【
Song Lin is the only daughter of the wealthy Song family. She was born with high expectations for her aptitude, her family having made significant amounts through various ventures throughout the years. And from the early start, she looked like she would meet those expectations. She excelled constantly - top of her classes in every year and constantly pushing for more. However, at seven her struggles began as her vision began to fail. Consumed with fear, she hid the early stages of her disease from her family. The family's Espeon, as well as her own Eevee, helped with Lin's charade by moving furniture, or even guiding Lin herself, around obstacles in the house.
After a year, Lin's sight was too bad for just the Espeon to get her by. She spent a year in constant care of someone as she was shuffled between medical facility to medical facility to find a solution. Despite throwing significant money at Lin's issue, they were unable to restore, or even halt, the loss of her sight. By fourteen, she had lost all of her sight. Lin's fears of failure or losing the love and approval of her family were unrealized. It was then she realized that the pressure had largely been from herself and she felt freer than she had been.
Despite her setback, she continued to do well, but on her own terms and without the fear of failure.
Qiao's involvement with the Song family began when Lin was four years old, at which time she was hired as a full time staff to guard young Lin. Qiao met the Song family when Qiao's father was selling a few art pieces he had managed to acquire to the Songs. When the Songs met Qiao she was already an imposing woman, having served as her father's security for many years due to her ability to intimidate some of their more problematic clients out of their store by merely staring them down. Of course, Qiao's father had spent time serving in the KMN and the KSS and taught Qiao many of the skills he had learned. In fact, he had been the intention for Qiao to serve within the KMN herself. However, Qiao's father knew the opportunities that would be afforded his daughter by working for the Songs.
Of the years, especially as Lin's health began to fail, Qiao became a more important part of the family. While Lin would still be involved, the Songs knew that Qiao would potentially be needed by Lin her entire life, which meant that Qiao needed to be familiar with the family's business. What was not expected by the Songs was how adeptly Qiao would insert herself in the the various business holdings. Knowing that Lin was their only heir and that it could be a threat to their status, they adopted Qiao and named her heir, with specific conditions that Lin be given free access to the family resources when she came of age - showing just how much confidence they had in Qiao and how much she had treated Lin like a sister, taking on a role beyond that of just a bodyguard.
Realizing that she was free to make her own mark in the world, Lin persuaded her parents to allow her to take the trainer exam on the condition that Qiao come along with her. After significant debate on the prudence of the idea, they eventually relented with assurances from Qiao and Lin's Eevee that they would take care of her.
Lin's exams were a mixed bag. She did well on the more academic portions of the exams but struggled to complete many of the physical challenges. One of the proctors almost convinced the others to fail Lin due to 'risks a foolish girl couldn't understand' but relented when Qiao started him down.
As assurance, the Songs purchased a Vulpix from a breeder for Qiao to have with her.

Abilities and Special Traits】
Qiao is well trained in close combat and standard weaponry, who also taught Lin the basics of defending herself as she refused to treat her as less than capable.
Lin is smart and almost psychic like with her empathy. She has in depth knowledge of plants and their uses as remedies.

Weapons, Tools and Equipment】
Qiao's weaponry varies depending on the environment, but she usually has at least a knife on her, if not a longer blade.
- Vulpix, Male
- Eevee, Female