"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
In June of 2016, the above quote inspired the start of the horror roleplay, Abandoned Hope. It spawned the start of a multi-RP universe, originally named the Abandoned Hope Universe, which included stories from different times, different genres, and different themes. From superhero action oriented roleplays to hauntingly deadly pirate tales, the Abandoned Hope Universe was similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yet this experimental and thrilling process eventually gave way to a full blown multiverse.
This guide is designed to give you a glimpse into the status quo of each established multiverse. Their timelines and characters stem from both established roleplays and films that have been made cannon within the universe, allowing for one's imagination to run wild. Not all roleplays have to connect, but there will always be subtle little easter eggs and the potential to meet characters once more. There are always more stories to tell and more universes to explore.
In the Legends section are the established roleplays in this multiverse, with their universe designation noted next to them. Primarily, these roleplays are run by @Morose and @BlueSky44, as well as @Nallore. At the moment, no other GMs can run a RP that can be considered Skyrose Multiverse cannon.

This is the universe that started it all. More commonly known as the Abandoned Hope Universe, Earth-666 is a harrowing world filled with strange creatures, magic, and individuals with extraordinary abilities. The lines between good and evil are no longer distinct, with the majority of characters doing just about everything they can in order to survive. Yet while the death tolls are great and the foes are formidable, humanity has managed to persevere when up against incredible odds...so far.
The majority of Skyrose Multiverse RPs are set within this reality. These include:
- Strange New Waters
- Experiment X
- The Wolves of Red Lake
- The Alucard Institute for Peculiar Youth
- Abandoned Hope
- The Horrors of Coventry
- Hooked on a Feeling
- X-Men: Darkness Rising
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
- The Gifted
The timeline shown below is by no means definitive. It reflects the current state of the Abandoned Hope Universe, and in order to eliminate spoilers, does not record events that have yet to occur in RP. Events listed below are from one of two sources: universe RPs or events declared to be cannon in the universe. RPs included in the Abandoned Hope Universe have been listed above and this is not intended as a summary of events--instead, treat it as an overview.
However, events that have been stated to be cannon draw from two primary pieces of source material: Phase One Marvel Cinematic Universe Films and the Apocalypse Season of Supernatural. All Marvel movies made up to and including the first Avengers Film can be considered cannon; the same is not true for Marvel television shows. As for Supernatural, the general storyline of the Apocalypse season has been considered cannon. In each case, the timeline taken by the source material (obviously) diverges as it becomes a part of the Abandoned Hope Universe.
It is possible that more source material will be added.
However, events that have been stated to be cannon draw from two primary pieces of source material: Phase One Marvel Cinematic Universe Films and the Apocalypse Season of Supernatural. All Marvel movies made up to and including the first Avengers Film can be considered cannon; the same is not true for Marvel television shows. As for Supernatural, the general storyline of the Apocalypse season has been considered cannon. In each case, the timeline taken by the source material (obviously) diverges as it becomes a part of the Abandoned Hope Universe.
It is possible that more source material will be added.
- 1662 - Coventry is founded by Tobias Fairfax
- 1691 - Tobias Fairfax's child turns 17 years old and Coventry burns to the ground
- 1719 - Deviances are discovered and are thought to be the powers of gods
- 1719 - Captain Avery Swale drowns on dry land after accepting a job from Mr. Alucard
- April 4th, 1719 - Elias Smith crumbles into ashes and dies in the Twelve Daggers Tavern
- April 9th, 1719 - Millicent Clarke becomes the host for Hecate, the goddess of magic
- April 9th, 1719 - The English navy, along with La Fraternité du Sang, arrive at the desolated Port of Tortuga in order to claim the Cursed Flask
- April 13th, 1773 - The town of Red Lake was founded by Avery Johnson
- November 26th, 1780 - A dispute between the settlers of Red Lake and the local Native American tribes within the area, causing the death of its founder
- June 1st, 1785 - Tensions worsen to war, almost destroying Red Lake as well as the tribe
- June 2nd 1786 - Ceasefire is negotiated peace is made.
- March 30th, 1939 - Stark Industries is founded by Howard Stark
- June 23rd, 1943 - Steve Rogers is given a serum by Abraham Erksine, creating the world's first super soldier
- March 4th, 1945 - Steve Rogers, known as Captain America, goes missing and is presumed dead
- January 1949 - The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, Logistics Division is founded by Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, and Chester Philips
- December 16th, 1991 - Stark Industries Owner and CEO Howard Stark, and his wife Maria, die in a car accident
- July 24th, 1995 - Natasha Romanoff joins Russia's espionage facility and becomes one of the world's finest assassins
- January 31st, 1998 - Natasha Romanoff joins S.H.I.E.L.D. after recruitment by Clint Barton
- July 4th, 2008 - The Wolves of Red Lake
- 2009 - Lucifer escapes from his cage for the first time and begins to summon the Four Horsemen to him
- 2010 - Lucifer attempts to infect humanity with the croatoan virus; the Four Horsemen continue to attack humanity, though unseen
- 2010 - The Winchester brothers defeat Lucifer and return him to the cage
- January 24th, 2010 - Tony Stark is kidnapped in Afghanistan by an organization called the Ten Rings and held captive for three months
- October 25th, 2010 - Billionaire Tony Stark announces himself as Iron Man
- April 24th, 2011 - Pepper Potts becomes the CEO of Stark Industries
- May 31th, 2011 - 'The Stark Expo Incident' in which the Iron Man battled Whiplash and caused damage to New York City in the process
- June 2nd, 2011 - S.H.I.E.L.D. covers up a battle involving Thor in a small town in New Mexico and begins phase 2 weapons development
- April 14th, 2012 - Steve Rogers' crashed plane is found and he is safely recovered by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents
- May 1st, 2012 - A S.H.I.E.L.D. facility in the Mojave desert is destroyed
- May 4th, 2012 - The Battle of New York, often referred to as the Incident, in which humans discovered the existence of aliens; hundreds perish in the fighting
- May 13th, 2016 - October Crypt and Carolina Reed begin summer term at the Alucard Institute for Peculiar Youth
- June 20th, 2016 - The Altsoba Massacre begins
- June 20th, 2016 - Liam Matthews awakens as a Prophet of the Lord
- June 21st, 2016 - The Rise of the Witnesses occurs, as the dead rise and attempt to kill the living in Altsoba
- June 21st, 2016 - Lucifer escapes the cage for the second time and takes the vessel of Amy Chang
- June 21st, 2016 - Eudora Erebus kills the antichrist
- June 21st, 2016 - Jade Cornish kills Lucifer and ends the Altsoba Massacre
- June 22nd, 2016 - The Organization for the Eradication of Necromantics is founded in the wake of the Altsoba Massacre
- July 4th, 2016 - Owen's Field Cemetery is dedicated, named for Darren Owen Andres, and those killed in the Altsoba Massacre are laid to rest
- October 31st, 2016 - The Winchester Brothers, the leaders of O.M.E.N., vanish; their bodies are found later after the murders of Sal Aldrich and Fiodora Valeska
- December 28th, 2016 - Seraphina Addams is murdered; Several Altsoba survivors find themselves falling in and out of portals through time
- December 28th, 2016 - Hel escapes from Hell shortly after Mephistopheles is killed; Aloise Zamora joins Hel in her conquest against Heaven and Hell
- May 21st, 2018 - The wreckage of the Bellona is found off the coast of Puerto Rico
- May 2018 - MI13 scientists develop strange and abnormal abilities after contact with the wreckage
- January 8th, 2019 - The X-Men and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents Stark and Reed combat the Brotherhood of Mutants at the Hanson Power Plant in Washington D.C., only for the plant to explode
- January 8th, 2019 - Magneto steals the Gifted Index and ransacks the Triskelion
- February 13th, 2019 - The X-Men combat the Brotherhood at a research lab in New York; Lizzie Roswell and Oshea Jackson perish
- June 6, 2020 - Xavier's Institute for the Gifted is destroyed by Sentinels sent by O.M.E.N. to subdue the team.
- June 6, 2020 - the X-Men destroy an O.M.E.N. facility illegally holding innocent mutants.
- June 2020 - O.M.E.N. is disbanded by Alexander Jakobsen.
- July 15, 2020 - a tragic accident destroys St. Cecila's Preparatory School as a young mutant's powers went haywire. There is renewed interest in the MRA and hate crimes rise. Purifier leadership pledges to eliminate the mutant threat that O.M.E.N. could not.
- August 14, 2020 - S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Phase Three program, designed to create the next generation of super powered soldiers, puts its successful recruits through their first operation in the Framework.
- August 30, 2020 - S.H.I.E.L.D. covertly invades Latveria and kills Lucia Von Bardas, the Prime Minister of Serbia. Agents Sparks and Raynor are trapped in the Quantum Realm as a result.
- August 30, 2020 - HYDRA makes itself known, having been secretly growing inside of S.H.I.E.L.D
- August 30, 2020 - the Phase Three team under the direction of Clint Barton robs Creed Financial, disrupting HYDRA's cash flow. Von Strucker and Luminous, HYDRA operatives, are imprisoned in the Raft.
- September 10, 2020 - the second Mutant Massacre occurs in Washington D.C.
- September 17, 2020 - Mesmero controls various members of the X-Men and steals the plans for Cerebro.
- October 24, 2020 - the Secret Warriors, through time travel shenanigans, avert the takeover of the world by Ultron and liberate those stranded in the Quantum Realm.
- December 10, 2020 - Wanda Maximoff warps reality, creating a world where Magneto is king. She is defeated on December 18th and reality restored.
- December 24, 2020 - the Secret Warriors fight Deadpool in order to get their Secret Santa gifts and realize a skrull invasion is imminent.
- February 14, 2021 - the Secret Warriors fight the Black Order as M-Pox ravages the world due to the Terrigen Mist the inhuman royal family flooded the atmosphere with.
- March 3, 2021 - Galactus threatens the world, heralded by the Silver Surfer.
In the Abandoned Hope Universe, we have known that we were not alone in the world since 2012, due to the Incident. Aliens are real, powered individuals are possible, and anything else? It is the stuff of fiction, of Harry Potter novels and horror flicks. But of course, that is the public perception, largely due to the efforts of MI13, O.M.E.N., and S.H.I.E.L.D. The world just isn't ready to know about what else is real, causing the Altsoba Massacre to be deemed an event driven by religious paranoia and hallucinogenics. Nothing abnormal at all. Had the Incident been less public, it would have been covered up and hidden as well.
According to O.M.E.N., a being with supernatural and inhuman capabilities is called a necromantic. This can range from enhanced humans, such as Steve Rogers, all the way to the most darkest and complex of creatures, such as Azrael, the Angel of Death. And while this term is used in most government documents, there are other terms that are more specific and demonstrate improved understanding of the situation. The universe is a strange one, one that we can hardly understand.
Below is our attempt to explain something that is, within itself, nearly unexplainable. But remember, magic is simply science that we do not yet understand. This lore will be updated as more is revealed and explained.
Mutants, also called homo superior, are powered individuals who gain their abilities due to an X-gene. This gene is something that is simply part of their genetic makeup from birth. It can be activated when the individual is subjected to great stress, often during puberty or traumatic moments. It's important to understand that while a mutant's powers can be called a mutation, they were born mutants. They did not mutate throughout the course of their lifetime.
Mutates are those who, as the name implied, mutated to gain powers. This is often due to the presence of electromagnetic radiation outside of the visible spectrum. Encounters with radioactive waste would certainly qualify. It is possible for those with an X-gene to mutate when exposed to radiation or other materials, but it is uncommon and also effectively 'neutralizes' the X-gene.
Inhumans, also called inhomo supremis, are individuals who are descended by unfortunate souls who were experimented on and had their genetic code modified. This unorthodoxy in genetics can be activated through a process called terringenesis, in which the inhuman emerges from something akin to a cocoon with newfound abilities and powers.
Deviances, as they are now understood, refer to (often) extraordinary abilities that distinguish someone from the average human. However, these are not differences on a biological or genetic level. While these can be small things, such as a sixth sense when it comes to healing and knowing what is wrong with the patient, it can be as dramatic as pyrokinesis. Deviances are a result of the shattering of the Cursed Flask in 1719, the shards which were recovered in 2018 by MI13. The flask's contents were said to grant immeasurable power, and with the contents mixing into the air in trace amounts, individuals can sometimes acquire slight abilities from exposure. There is currently no method of explaining why some people gain a deviance and others do not, however. This area of research is still relatively new.
We are not alone in this world by any means. The creatures included here are those encountered thus far in the Abandoned Hope Universe, either directly or by simply mentioning them. As you'll notice, not all of them have complete information. Those indicated by an asterisk are ones that only those with extensive knowledge of necromantics (creatures, in this case) will be aware of. Some of those included below have more details than others. All that means is there is more to learn and discover in future roleplays~
According to O.M.E.N., a being with supernatural and inhuman capabilities is called a necromantic. This can range from enhanced humans, such as Steve Rogers, all the way to the most darkest and complex of creatures, such as Azrael, the Angel of Death. And while this term is used in most government documents, there are other terms that are more specific and demonstrate improved understanding of the situation. The universe is a strange one, one that we can hardly understand.
Below is our attempt to explain something that is, within itself, nearly unexplainable. But remember, magic is simply science that we do not yet understand. This lore will be updated as more is revealed and explained.
Mutants, also called homo superior, are powered individuals who gain their abilities due to an X-gene. This gene is something that is simply part of their genetic makeup from birth. It can be activated when the individual is subjected to great stress, often during puberty or traumatic moments. It's important to understand that while a mutant's powers can be called a mutation, they were born mutants. They did not mutate throughout the course of their lifetime.
Mutates are those who, as the name implied, mutated to gain powers. This is often due to the presence of electromagnetic radiation outside of the visible spectrum. Encounters with radioactive waste would certainly qualify. It is possible for those with an X-gene to mutate when exposed to radiation or other materials, but it is uncommon and also effectively 'neutralizes' the X-gene.
Inhumans, also called inhomo supremis, are individuals who are descended by unfortunate souls who were experimented on and had their genetic code modified. This unorthodoxy in genetics can be activated through a process called terringenesis, in which the inhuman emerges from something akin to a cocoon with newfound abilities and powers.
Deviances, as they are now understood, refer to (often) extraordinary abilities that distinguish someone from the average human. However, these are not differences on a biological or genetic level. While these can be small things, such as a sixth sense when it comes to healing and knowing what is wrong with the patient, it can be as dramatic as pyrokinesis. Deviances are a result of the shattering of the Cursed Flask in 1719, the shards which were recovered in 2018 by MI13. The flask's contents were said to grant immeasurable power, and with the contents mixing into the air in trace amounts, individuals can sometimes acquire slight abilities from exposure. There is currently no method of explaining why some people gain a deviance and others do not, however. This area of research is still relatively new.
We are not alone in this world by any means. The creatures included here are those encountered thus far in the Abandoned Hope Universe, either directly or by simply mentioning them. As you'll notice, not all of them have complete information. Those indicated by an asterisk are ones that only those with extensive knowledge of necromantics (creatures, in this case) will be aware of. Some of those included below have more details than others. All that means is there is more to learn and discover in future roleplays~
- Alphas:*
- Immortal.
- The first of their species and the children of Eve.
- Alphas have increased resistance to items and attacks that harm their species.
- They are the strongest members of their species.
- Angels:*
- Highest order immortal.
- They require their host's permission for possession.
- To fall, an angel must rip out their grace, an incredibly painful process.
- Fallen angels are reborn as humans, yet are still able to hear the thoughts of angels around them. This is sometimes called 'angel radio.'
- Angels are capable of astral projection and can appear in dreams.
- They can manipulate electrical appliances, often destroying them when they appear.
- Angels can find any human, provided said human does not have protective sigils.
- They are capable of reality warping, telekinesis, telepathy, flight, voice mimicry, protective charms, pyrokinesis, healing, and terrakinesis.
- Angels can smite almost any being with a simple touch.
- They are sensitive to distortions in time.
- Powerful angels are capable of biokinesis, memory manipulation, soul reading, power negation, hypnotism, and the use of a holy white light that serves as an energy blast.
- Holy Fire will kill an angel, though it will only banish an archangel.
- Hexbags and sigils can be used to prevent angels from tracking/finding a particular person.
- The anti-christ can destroy an angel.
- An angel blade can kill an angel. Only an archangel's blade can kill an archangel.
- Archangels:*
- Some of the first born angels, there are a limited number of them.
- They are advanced immortals.
- Each archangel has a specific purpose, a role to play in the cosmic scene.
- Archangels are tasked with protecting Prophets of the Lord.
- Known archangels include Sariel, the Archangel of Guidance, and Lucifer, the Morning Star.
- Similarly to angels, archangels also must have permission in order to possess an individual.
- Archangels have all of the abilities of angels.
- Archangels are also capable of thermokinesis, electrokinesis, molecular combustion, shapeshifting, weather manipulation, terrakinesis, and mental manipulation.
- Archangels have the same weaknesses as angels.
- Buruburu:
- These are ghosts born from fear who infects its victims with fear, known as ghost sickness.
- Ghost sickness will kill a human within 48 hours, yet will speed up the more wicked a person is.
- Ghost sickness can only be cured by destroying the buruburu (the original ghost).
- Only those with a personality trait or physical trait similar to the original ghost can catch Ghost Sickness
- Buruburus have the same weaknesses as ghosts.
- Buruburus can only be destroyed by scaring them to rest - in other words, to repeat the method over and over again by which they originally died.
- Crocottas:*
- Immortal.
- They have the ability to copy and mimic voices, as well as to change their appearance.
- They feed on flesh.
- Crocottas devour the souls of their victims.
- They have superior strength and speed, as well as the ability to manipulate technology.
- Stabbing them in the back of the neck will kill them.
- Davy Jones:
- The condemned captain of the Flying Dutchman.
- He rules the Seven Seas.
- Men can make deals with him, similar to the contracts made with demons.
- Davy Jones can only be killed if he is tricked into walking on dry land.
- Death:*
- An immortal being, ranking on the highest order of mortality.
- Also referred to as the angel Azrael.
- Death has the same weaknesses and abilities as other angels, in addition to wielding a powerful scythe capable of killing any being, even Death itself.
- Demons:
- Highest order immortal.
- Devil's Trap: prevents a demon from leaving
- Holy Water: burns demons
- Exorcism: There are several differently styles of this, but all of them remove the demon from the host. Some will send the demon to hell, others will force the demon to manifest itself so it can be killed or sent to hell permanently.
- Flesh Sigil: If a sigil is carved into the host's flesh, the demon will be powerless
- Ghosts: Ghosts can remove a demon from its host
- Hallowed Ground: Some demons are unable to enter hallowed ground, such as churches. These tend to be the weaker ones.
- Hex Bags: these can hide people from a demon
- Holy Fire: Holy oil lit on fire, it roasts a demon.
- Iron: Demons cannot cross an iron barrier or touch iron without extreme pain
- Palo Santo: Stab the demon with this, the host smokes and the demon cannot move
- Damaging the host may force the demon to choose a new host, or be slowed down
- Purified Blood: This, when injected into a demon, is incredibly painful.
- Salt: Demons cannot step over salt, pass a salt line, or touch salt. Touching salt results in (you guessed it) extreme pain.
- Demons can be cured through the Demon Purification Ritual.
- Demons can be killed by angel blades.
- Demons will flinch and have their eyes turn black when the name of the Lord is spoken.
- Djin:*
- Immortal.
- Similar to genies.
- Djin are capable of low level reality warping. With a single touch, a djin can put their victim into a hallucinogenic state.
- Djin are capable of pyrokinesis, as blue psychic flames form around their hands when they use their hallucination abilities or feed.
- They possess superior strength, senses, speed, and agility.
- A silver knife dipped in lamb's blood is lethal to a djin.
- Demons and angel can kill djins without too much effort.
- Dhampir:*
- The child of a vampire and a human
- They do not appear in mirrors or reflective surfaces - as well as in images
- They have no shadow
- They can detect mullos, vampires, and other dhampirs
- While they have no innate magical talent, they tend to have an aptitude for it
- They can be burned with harsh light
- A wooden stake will kill them
- They have the same lifespan as the average human
- They either love or hate garlic - no in between
- They possess a regenerative Healing Factor
- They have near perfect night vision
- They have heightened senses when compared to an ordinary human.
- Eve:*
- An advanced immortal being.
- The Mother of All Monsters.
- Eve is invulnerable to conventional weapons.
- Phoenix ash is lethal to Eve.
- Eve can only manifest herself with the vessel of a virgin girl.
- Eve is capable of flight and advanced biokinesis, as well as regeneration, teleportation, shapeshifting, telepathy, concilium, and angelic power negation.
- Eve has superior strength, speed, and senses.
- Eve can conceal herself from the watch of any other creature - in other words, she can only be found if she wants to be found.
- Ghosts:
- There are two general classifications of ghosts, with each classification having several subcategories: preserved and vengeful.
- Preserved -
- These are spirits who died in a place filled with negative energy, preventing them from moving on.
- They are confined to the place of their death and cannot leave.
- They can become tangible at will, as well as intangible.
- They appear to be alive to all those who see them, though they can choose who they appear to.
- They can leave their place of death on Halloween and Devil's Night.
- They can be temporarily vanished by humans.
- They are capable of transmutation and telekinesis, but can also harm the living using any 'traditional' and 'conventional' methods.
- Vengeful -
- These are spirits who were unable to move on once they perished. They require an anchor to this world in order to exist and while initially may be harmless, they become more dangerous and unhinged the longer they exist.
- Salt and iron can stop them.
- Salting and burning their bones will kill them.
- They disrupt nearby electronics from their mere presence.
- They are capable of thermokinesis, invisibility, telekinesis, teleportation, and environment manipulation.
- They are intangible.
- They possess superior strength, speed, and perception.
- The more violent ghosts are capable of possessing a human body.
- The more powerful ghosts may be capable of biokinesis, able to inflict wounds on others similar to ones they too had suffered, among other manipulative abilities.
- God?:*
- An immortal being of the highest order.
- Existence is uncertain.
- Virtually all powerful, if real.
- Golem:*
- Immortal.
- Made of clay.
- Golem have superior strength and stamina, along with invulnerability.
- Removing the scroll from its mouth will incapacitate the golem until the scroll is returned.
- A binding spell can also incapacitate it for an indefinite amount of time.
- Horsemen:*
- Immortal.
- War - this horseman is capable of illusion casting, telepathy, and electrokinesis. War also possesses superior strength.
- Famine - this horseman is capable of soul reading and absorption, telepathy, gluttony augmentation, and forcible removal of a demon from its vessel.
- Pestilence - this horseman is capable of biokinesis and insect manipulation.
- Death - see Death previously in this guide.
- Horsemen are vulnerable to physical attacks when their ring has been removed and can be bound to do one's bidding.
- Horsemen are collectively capable of teleportation, telekinesis, and invisibility.
- They also have increased stamina. They are indestructible and possess cosmic awareness.
- Kraken
- A legendary sea monster that preys upon ships
- Supposedly responsible for the deaths in the Bermuda Triangle
- It can be killed (hypothetically) only by the removal of its head.
- Kumakatok:*
- Children of Azrael, the Angel of Death.
- Removal of a kumakatok's cloak will stun it, and if prolonged, kill it.
- True death of a kumakatok requires burning of the cloak and will rip a permanent hole in the fabric of reality.
- Unless the cloak has been burned, the kumakatok will be reincarnated in another form. If the cloak has been burned, Azrael must create a new kumakatok.
- Kumakatok knock on the door of a person fated to die one day before.
- Vulnerable to iron and salt.
- There must always be three - two old men and one young girl.
- Leviathan:*
- Advanced immortal beings.
- Monstrous and deadly.
- All leviathan are currently locked away in Purgatory and are unable to escape.
- They possess powerful jaws that serve as their primary weapon, able to rip anything apart.
- The "Bone Of Righteous Mortal Washed In the Three Bloods of Fallen" is the only method with which a leviathan can be killed.
- They are invulnerable and capable of flight, regeneration, and possession, though this possession is permanent.
- Provided with the desired DNA, they are capable of shapeshifting into another person's likeness.
- They have superior strength, intelligence, stamina, speed, and senses.
- They are able to conceal their true form from other supernatural creatures and can negate the powers of angels.
- The blood of a leviathan is poisonous and can kill instantly.
- They are vulnerable to witchcraft and strangely enough, borax.
- Temporary neutralization can occur once they are beheaded.
- A leviathan can devour and kill another leviathan.
- Nachzehers:*
- Immortal.
- Hybrid mixture of a vampire and a ghoul.
- Some feed on the flesh of the dead, others on the blood of the living.
- They run in packs, with absolute devotion to the leader of the pack.
- They possess enhanced strength, limited regeneration, and an infectious bite.
- They can be slowed down with silver.
- To kill a Nachzeher, one must put a copper coin in its mouth and then decapitate it.
- Killing the leader of the pack will turn all other members of the pack human.
- Pagan Deities:*
- Immortal.
- Weaknesses depend on the specific deity, as each of them can be killed by various rituals.
- The ability to use magic, as well as increased stamina and strength and invulnerability, are considered standard.
- Phoenix:*
- Immortal.
- Not to be confused with the Phoenix Force.
- Phoenixes appear human.
- They can incinerate anyone with a simple touch.
- They are capable of pyrokinesis, and have regenerative abilities and superior strength.
- They are vulnerable to iron.
- Quareen:
- A Qareen will appear to be an incredibly beautiful person.
- They seduce and then devour their master's target.
- They are controlled by means of their heart.
- If the heart is stabbed, they perish.
- Rakshasha:
- They feed on human flesh.
- They must be invited inside.
- They can assume any shape or form.
- They can become invisible.
- They have superior strength, senses, and speed.
- A rakshasha can be killed with a brass knife.
- Reapers:*
- They have the same capabilities and weaknesses as angel.
- Reapers can restore life to an individual and similarly, take life.
- Through magical means, they can become bound and enslaved.
- They can kill with a single touch.
- They are capable of chronokinesis.
- Shtriga:*
- Immortal.
- They are similar to witches, but they feed off of the life force of children.
- They cause electromagnetic interference.
- They have superior strength and speed, as well as the ability to shape shift.
- They can be killed by consecrated iron only while they are feeding.
- Vampires:
- Immortal.
- Vampires can be killed with a stake to the heart.
- Fire destroys their body quickly.
- Sunlight exposure kills them
- Vampires can be killed by having their heads cut off
- Holy items burn vampires
- Garlic repels vampires.
- They have enhanced speed, stamina, strength, agility, and senses.
- Vampires are created through the bite or transfer of blood from another vampire.
- Wendigos:*
- Immortal.
- They were formerly human, turning into a wendigo once they were forced to consume human flesh in order to survive.
- They are able to mimic voices.
- They have gigantic, deadly claws.
- They have superior speed, strength, and agility.
- Fire will kill them.
- Anasazi symbols will keep wendigos at bay.
- Werewolves:*
- Silver will kill or weaken a werewolf
- Wolfsbane will weaken or repel a werewolf
- They are territorial
- Naturally aggressive/easily triggered
- They work in packs or groups of two
- Infection can be spread by a werewolf from either a bite or scratch will turn someone into a werewolf
- Heightened senses (smell, hear, taste, sight and touch)
- Human form is considerably weaker.
- When weakened they revert back to human form
- Older werewolves have full control on their transformation
- All werewolves transform during the full moon.
- Witches:
- Near immortal--extremely long lifespan.
- Witches can be taken down with iron.
- They require hex bags or DNA to complete their long, complicated rituals.
- There are three types of witches
- Borrowers: They have sold their souls to the devil in exchange for powers.
- Naturals: They are born with the ability to create and use magic.
- Students: Through years of hard practice and training, they are able to manipulate magic and cast spells.
- Natural witches are capable of feats known as the Seven Wonders.
- Telekinesis - this is the most common and easily accomplished one.
- Concilium - also known as coercion or mind control.
- Pyrokinesis
- Divination
- Transmutation - also known as teleportation and not to be confused with transfiguration.
- Vitalum Vitalis - the giving or draining of life
- Descensum - the ability to project one's spirit into hell
- Natural witches also have the potential for an innate and special power unique to them since birth.
The Avengers
The Avengers are a team of extraordinary individuals, either with superpowers or other special characteristics. Its purpose is to protect global stability from inner or extraterrestrial threats. Though primarily affiliated with the United States of America, they work with the peaceful interests of the whole world in mind rather than a specific country or organization. The Avengers were first assembled by S.H.I.E.L.D. when Loki invaded Earth with his Chitauri army to conquer the planet. The team defeated him and went to their separate ways. They reunite to handle global threats to humanity.
The Brotherhood of Mutants
The Brotherhood of Mutants was a group dedicated to the cause of mutant superiority over humans. Throughout its various incarnations, the Brotherhood's agenda gravitated towards either subjugating the human race to the will of mutants or eradicating humanity altogether. Magneto formed the original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
The Council of the Aesir
So far, the Council of the Aesir has been highly referenced but has yet to appear in Earth-666. Much about them is currently unknown. They are assumed to be a group of deities - perhaps even merely races with extraordinary abilities that caused them to be worshipped by humans in early civilizations. Hecate, the Greek Goddess of Magic, and Hel, the Norse Goddess of Death, are said to be affiliated with the Council of the Aesir.
The Hellfire Club
The Hellfire Club began in England as a social club for the British social elite and wealthy in the 1760's as a way to provide its members with pleasures that often defied the moral standards of the time and to allow members to consolidate their influence over British economic and political matters. At some point, a handful of the most powerful members emigrated to the American colonies and began a branch in New York City and other major cities around the world.
The club has branches in Boston, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and San Francisco. The various branches were overseen by the Inner Circle, consisting of the White King, White Queen, Black King, and Black Queen. The Hellfire Club membership is hereditary, but can also be earned through wealth or influence. Among the Club members there are many famous and influential members of society, the wealthiest and most powerful businessmen of the world, including Justin Hammer.
The purpose of the Hellfire Club is to obtain and exert power through politics and economic influence instead of outward conquest and domination. Since its foundation, the Hellfire Club had been involved in wars and assassinations as long as these helped further the agendas of the Club's most prominent members.
The constant intrigue, backstabbing, blackmailing and politicking that plagued the Hellfire Club resulted in many changes of the Inner Circle, as new players sought out membership in order to obtain influence, power and wealth. Although the hierarchy of the Inner Circle would go through constant upheaval due to the competing egos and political motives of its members, it continues to exist in the same basic structure today.
In the Abandoned Hope Universe, we are primarily concerned with what is called the modern incarnation of HYDRA. Founded by Johann Schmidt, it operated as the Nazis science division in the Second World War. However, the organization was active before the war, even attempting to assassinate genius Howard Stark. Its founder was called the Red Skull, referencing the condition his body was left in after he tried a botched batch of super soldier serum -- the same serum that would later be used on Steve Rogers.
Despite having factories in nine different countries and millions of foot soldiers, HYDRA was ultimately defeated by the Howling Commandos lead by Steve Rogers (Captain America). However, after the war concluded and the Cold War Era began, many former HYDRA scientists were recruited by the United States government, in order to stop them from working with the Soviets. These scientists, more loyal to HYDRA than anything else, rebuilt the organization in secret.
It has since regrown inside of S.H.I.E.L.D. itself, with HYDRA funding the Phase Three program and having its operative, Jim Kennedy (born Gabriel Calrisian), oversee the training of the agents. After the capture of Baron von Strucker and Luminous, its leadership is unknown but the threat is still present and growing.
A part of the Directorate of Military Intelligence, MI13's public status is that of an organization responsible for"undocumented intelligence and special operations." Aside from the foreboding number 13 in its name, MI13 is also one of the more quiet and harder to join organizations. Members are often recruited from other divisions of military intelligence and it is not uncommon for family members to be brought into the fold, such as Rupert Cornish (former director) recruiting his niece, Jade Cornish.
MI13 has a similar structure to S.H.I.E.L.D. when it comes to training, owning a large training academy in an undisclosed location in Scotland. Its reputation is also closer to that of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s, hardly as corrupt and unfeeling as O.M.E.N. is. Much of this, of course, is due to how little people know about the organization. Its official purposes are all highly classified, but can be assumed to include the monitoring, protection, and policing of enhanced individuals, as well as the assessment and neutralization of paranormal threats.
In short, they fulfill both the functions of S.H.I.E.L.D. and O.M.E.N., but with better efficiency and more human decency.
The Morlocks
An underground mutant separatist community, there are branches of the Morlocks in most major cities. They are peaceful and non-violent, but almost never interact with the world on the surface, preferring to live apart from humans. In New York City in the late 2000s, the New York City Morlocks were slaughtered, prompting other Morlock communities to become more vigilante and wary of outsiders - especially humans.
The Mutant Underground
A nationwide network founded by Leo Luwoye, Evangeline Whedon, and Charles Xavier, the goal of the Mutant Underground is to provide refuge for mutants in trouble. Although the Mutant Registration Act did not pass, groups such as the Purifiers have risen to power, causing many mutants to be unsafe in their communities. The Mutant Underground takes them in and relocates them to a place where they can ideally live without fear. The current leader of the Washington D.C. faction is Veil (Valery Simmons).
The Organization for the Methodical Eradication of Necromantics was signed into existence by the President of the United States of America on June 22nd, 2016. Created in response to the Altsoba Massacre, it is O.M.E.N.'s duty to identify paranormal abnormalities in the world that may do us harm and vanquish them. It is a covert organization and underneath the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, as it is concerned with protecting national security.
Although its founders were experienced hunters, O.M.E.N. has a reputation for being unable to distinguish between peaceful beings and violent ones. Individuals with supernatural or superhuman abilities are often targeted by O.M.E.N. without mercy, as no grey areas of morality are considered. Anyone considered dangerous to the United States and its interests (provided that danger stems from what is considered supernatural and paranormal) can be arrested and charged without trial by O.M.E.N.
The only exception to O.M.E.N.'s ruthless antics is witchcraft. While witches like Walter Hanson are hunted down like dogs, those who practice magic and are willing to assist O.M.E.N. in hunting the supernatural are often left alone. Individuals like Eudora Erebus are asked for assistance in various cases, as O.M.E.N. encounters more and more supernatural beings, and are only arrested if they do not cooperate.
Known members include the Winchester Brothers and Agent Carbry Keenan. O.M.E.N. was disbanded in 2020 by director Alexander Jakobsen, after being shown that O.M.E.N.'s actions would lead to an apocalyptic future in X-Men: Darkness Rising's Days of Future Past arc.
The Purifiers are an anti-mutant hate group, willing to commit violent acts against mutants ranging from intimidation, arson, and lynchings.
Somewhat like earlier hate groups across history, the Purifiers are not a nation-wide "organization" as such, but more of a concept. "Purifiers" is more of a catch-all term for violent anti-mutant human groups, ranging from loose gangs to fairly well organized militias. There are also public figures that are also classed as purifiers that give public support and financial aid to anti-mutant causes such as politicians and businessmen. A lot of former O.M.E.N. agents have joined their ranks.
The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division was founded in January of 1949 by Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, and Chester Philips. It absorbed the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) - the Allies' deep science agency that was responsible for the creation of the serum that turned Steve Rogers into Captain America. Following the conclusion of the war and the defeat of HYDRA, S.H.I.E.L.D. continued to monitor the world for catastrophic threats, as individuals with abilities and superior technology became more and more commonplace. The age of heroes had just begun - but so came the rise of villains.
In short, S.H.I.E.L.D. often deals with alien technology, superpowered individuals, and events that boggle the senses. Despite the agency's success in protecting the world since its founding, its failure to prevent the alien invasion of New York in 2012 and then the Altsoba Massacre (see the RP Abandoned Hope) prompted a defunding of the agency. Its budget was limited significantly and then given to O.M.E.N., a rival US intelligence and military agency. Fortunately, after O.M.E.N. attempted to kill the X-Men while the Mutant Registration Act was being debated in Congress, the rival organization was shut down and S.H.I.E.L.D. saw its funding restored.
Recruitment for S.H.I.E.L.D. can be fierce. Recruits usually have a college degree, but it is not required with the exception of Science and Technology, where candidates need at least one PhD to enter the building. Very few agents are trained 'on the job' but there are some scenarios in which this is the case. Additionally, individuals can be recruited for various initiatives without progressing through the academy, such as the Avengers Initiative. Its current director is Nick Fury and its primary headquarters, the Triskelion, is located in Washington D.C.
The X-Men
The X-Men are a security force created to harbor peace between the emerging homo superior, nicknamed "mutants" and baseline humans. The roster is made up of mutants who have been trained and educated in the use of their powers at the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Their operations are funded by Professor Charles Xavier's family fortune and from the patents he created.
The Avengers are a team of extraordinary individuals, either with superpowers or other special characteristics. Its purpose is to protect global stability from inner or extraterrestrial threats. Though primarily affiliated with the United States of America, they work with the peaceful interests of the whole world in mind rather than a specific country or organization. The Avengers were first assembled by S.H.I.E.L.D. when Loki invaded Earth with his Chitauri army to conquer the planet. The team defeated him and went to their separate ways. They reunite to handle global threats to humanity.
The Brotherhood of Mutants
The Brotherhood of Mutants was a group dedicated to the cause of mutant superiority over humans. Throughout its various incarnations, the Brotherhood's agenda gravitated towards either subjugating the human race to the will of mutants or eradicating humanity altogether. Magneto formed the original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
The Council of the Aesir
So far, the Council of the Aesir has been highly referenced but has yet to appear in Earth-666. Much about them is currently unknown. They are assumed to be a group of deities - perhaps even merely races with extraordinary abilities that caused them to be worshipped by humans in early civilizations. Hecate, the Greek Goddess of Magic, and Hel, the Norse Goddess of Death, are said to be affiliated with the Council of the Aesir.
The Hellfire Club
The Hellfire Club began in England as a social club for the British social elite and wealthy in the 1760's as a way to provide its members with pleasures that often defied the moral standards of the time and to allow members to consolidate their influence over British economic and political matters. At some point, a handful of the most powerful members emigrated to the American colonies and began a branch in New York City and other major cities around the world.
The club has branches in Boston, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and San Francisco. The various branches were overseen by the Inner Circle, consisting of the White King, White Queen, Black King, and Black Queen. The Hellfire Club membership is hereditary, but can also be earned through wealth or influence. Among the Club members there are many famous and influential members of society, the wealthiest and most powerful businessmen of the world, including Justin Hammer.
The purpose of the Hellfire Club is to obtain and exert power through politics and economic influence instead of outward conquest and domination. Since its foundation, the Hellfire Club had been involved in wars and assassinations as long as these helped further the agendas of the Club's most prominent members.
The constant intrigue, backstabbing, blackmailing and politicking that plagued the Hellfire Club resulted in many changes of the Inner Circle, as new players sought out membership in order to obtain influence, power and wealth. Although the hierarchy of the Inner Circle would go through constant upheaval due to the competing egos and political motives of its members, it continues to exist in the same basic structure today.
In the Abandoned Hope Universe, we are primarily concerned with what is called the modern incarnation of HYDRA. Founded by Johann Schmidt, it operated as the Nazis science division in the Second World War. However, the organization was active before the war, even attempting to assassinate genius Howard Stark. Its founder was called the Red Skull, referencing the condition his body was left in after he tried a botched batch of super soldier serum -- the same serum that would later be used on Steve Rogers.
Despite having factories in nine different countries and millions of foot soldiers, HYDRA was ultimately defeated by the Howling Commandos lead by Steve Rogers (Captain America). However, after the war concluded and the Cold War Era began, many former HYDRA scientists were recruited by the United States government, in order to stop them from working with the Soviets. These scientists, more loyal to HYDRA than anything else, rebuilt the organization in secret.
It has since regrown inside of S.H.I.E.L.D. itself, with HYDRA funding the Phase Three program and having its operative, Jim Kennedy (born Gabriel Calrisian), oversee the training of the agents. After the capture of Baron von Strucker and Luminous, its leadership is unknown but the threat is still present and growing.
A part of the Directorate of Military Intelligence, MI13's public status is that of an organization responsible for"undocumented intelligence and special operations." Aside from the foreboding number 13 in its name, MI13 is also one of the more quiet and harder to join organizations. Members are often recruited from other divisions of military intelligence and it is not uncommon for family members to be brought into the fold, such as Rupert Cornish (former director) recruiting his niece, Jade Cornish.
MI13 has a similar structure to S.H.I.E.L.D. when it comes to training, owning a large training academy in an undisclosed location in Scotland. Its reputation is also closer to that of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s, hardly as corrupt and unfeeling as O.M.E.N. is. Much of this, of course, is due to how little people know about the organization. Its official purposes are all highly classified, but can be assumed to include the monitoring, protection, and policing of enhanced individuals, as well as the assessment and neutralization of paranormal threats.
In short, they fulfill both the functions of S.H.I.E.L.D. and O.M.E.N., but with better efficiency and more human decency.
The Morlocks
An underground mutant separatist community, there are branches of the Morlocks in most major cities. They are peaceful and non-violent, but almost never interact with the world on the surface, preferring to live apart from humans. In New York City in the late 2000s, the New York City Morlocks were slaughtered, prompting other Morlock communities to become more vigilante and wary of outsiders - especially humans.
The Mutant Underground
A nationwide network founded by Leo Luwoye, Evangeline Whedon, and Charles Xavier, the goal of the Mutant Underground is to provide refuge for mutants in trouble. Although the Mutant Registration Act did not pass, groups such as the Purifiers have risen to power, causing many mutants to be unsafe in their communities. The Mutant Underground takes them in and relocates them to a place where they can ideally live without fear. The current leader of the Washington D.C. faction is Veil (Valery Simmons).
The Organization for the Methodical Eradication of Necromantics was signed into existence by the President of the United States of America on June 22nd, 2016. Created in response to the Altsoba Massacre, it is O.M.E.N.'s duty to identify paranormal abnormalities in the world that may do us harm and vanquish them. It is a covert organization and underneath the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, as it is concerned with protecting national security.
Although its founders were experienced hunters, O.M.E.N. has a reputation for being unable to distinguish between peaceful beings and violent ones. Individuals with supernatural or superhuman abilities are often targeted by O.M.E.N. without mercy, as no grey areas of morality are considered. Anyone considered dangerous to the United States and its interests (provided that danger stems from what is considered supernatural and paranormal) can be arrested and charged without trial by O.M.E.N.
The only exception to O.M.E.N.'s ruthless antics is witchcraft. While witches like Walter Hanson are hunted down like dogs, those who practice magic and are willing to assist O.M.E.N. in hunting the supernatural are often left alone. Individuals like Eudora Erebus are asked for assistance in various cases, as O.M.E.N. encounters more and more supernatural beings, and are only arrested if they do not cooperate.
Known members include the Winchester Brothers and Agent Carbry Keenan. O.M.E.N. was disbanded in 2020 by director Alexander Jakobsen, after being shown that O.M.E.N.'s actions would lead to an apocalyptic future in X-Men: Darkness Rising's Days of Future Past arc.
The Purifiers are an anti-mutant hate group, willing to commit violent acts against mutants ranging from intimidation, arson, and lynchings.
Somewhat like earlier hate groups across history, the Purifiers are not a nation-wide "organization" as such, but more of a concept. "Purifiers" is more of a catch-all term for violent anti-mutant human groups, ranging from loose gangs to fairly well organized militias. There are also public figures that are also classed as purifiers that give public support and financial aid to anti-mutant causes such as politicians and businessmen. A lot of former O.M.E.N. agents have joined their ranks.
The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division was founded in January of 1949 by Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, and Chester Philips. It absorbed the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) - the Allies' deep science agency that was responsible for the creation of the serum that turned Steve Rogers into Captain America. Following the conclusion of the war and the defeat of HYDRA, S.H.I.E.L.D. continued to monitor the world for catastrophic threats, as individuals with abilities and superior technology became more and more commonplace. The age of heroes had just begun - but so came the rise of villains.
In short, S.H.I.E.L.D. often deals with alien technology, superpowered individuals, and events that boggle the senses. Despite the agency's success in protecting the world since its founding, its failure to prevent the alien invasion of New York in 2012 and then the Altsoba Massacre (see the RP Abandoned Hope) prompted a defunding of the agency. Its budget was limited significantly and then given to O.M.E.N., a rival US intelligence and military agency. Fortunately, after O.M.E.N. attempted to kill the X-Men while the Mutant Registration Act was being debated in Congress, the rival organization was shut down and S.H.I.E.L.D. saw its funding restored.
Recruitment for S.H.I.E.L.D. can be fierce. Recruits usually have a college degree, but it is not required with the exception of Science and Technology, where candidates need at least one PhD to enter the building. Very few agents are trained 'on the job' but there are some scenarios in which this is the case. Additionally, individuals can be recruited for various initiatives without progressing through the academy, such as the Avengers Initiative. Its current director is Nick Fury and its primary headquarters, the Triskelion, is located in Washington D.C.
The X-Men
The X-Men are a security force created to harbor peace between the emerging homo superior, nicknamed "mutants" and baseline humans. The roster is made up of mutants who have been trained and educated in the use of their powers at the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Their operations are funded by Professor Charles Xavier's family fortune and from the patents he created.
Current Line Up - East Coast
Current Line Up - West Coast
- Steve Rogers / Captain America (Leader)
- Tony Stark / Iron Man
- Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
- Clint Barton / Hawkeye
- Bruce Banner / the Hulk
- Thor Odinson / Thor, God of Thunder
- James Rhodes / War Machine
- Sam Wilson / Falcon
Current Line Up - West Coast
- Hank Pym / Ant Man
- Janet van Dyne / Wasp
- Scott Summers / Ant Man
- Hope van Dyne / Wasp
- The Vision
- Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
- Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
- Gwen Stacy / Spider Gwen
Current Line Up
Retired Members
- Charles Xavier / Professor X (Leader)
- Marygold Isley / Bloom (Field Leader)
- Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
- Guin Stark / Iron Star
- Carolina Reed / Spirit
- Mira Adebayo / Sonica
- Lance Banner / Spectrum
- Bethany Bell / Night Lock
- Antoinette McCarthy / Mystery
- Neil Spellman / Solstice
- Iris Rivers / Hellfire
- Edus Penior / Mage
Retired Members
- Hank McCoy / Beast
- James Howlett / Wolverine
- Ororo Munroe / Storm
- Scott Summers / Cyclops
- Jean Grey / Phoenix
- Anna Marie LeBeau / Rogue
- Remy LeBeau / Gambit
- Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler
- Dean Kesseli / Lightning
- Ayita Dyrkin
- Richard Laine / the Adder
- Oshea Jackson / Rocket (Killed; later revived by Wanda Maximoff)
- Damon Fawkes / the Host
- Charles Farrier / Vulcan
- Michelle Diggby / Whisper
- Bobbi Hobbes / Professor Bad-ass
- Allison Andrews / Prophesy
- Sara Grey / Mimic
- Elizabeth Flame / Alchemy
Current Line Up
- Reed Richards / Mister Fantastic
- Susan Storm / the Invisible Woman
- Ben Grimm / the Thing
- Johnny Storm / the Human Torch
Current Line Up
Retired Members
- Cassandra Reed / Titanium (Leader)
- Maria Novikova / Mockingjay
- Theresa Sparks / Sparky
- Raynor Blake / Ragnarok
- Frederick Flynn / Firestorm
- Bonnie Chase / Athena
- Matthew Moss
- Oliver Sulivan
- Niah Bautista / Psychia
- Amelia Baptiste / Thrill Seeker
- Kwassi Asokho / Sparrow
Retired Members
- Goose the Cat
- Tempest Renroir / Livewire
- Tinley Abercrombie / Dominion (Killed)
- Clint Barton / Hawkeye (Leader)
- Roman Carter (Killed; Skrull Imposter)
- Harry McCormick / Reverse Iron Man
- Dominika Novikova / Quartz
- Sami Rhodes (Killed)
- Griffin Lee (Killed)
- Nikolai Vasyutin (Killed)
- James Kennedy (Killed)
- Arcturus Hale
- Teig Kelley
- Victoria Thompson

This universe is a brighter one than Earth-666 or Earth-6. Rather than filled with the stuff of nightmares, it's a world of hope and wonder. There is a mostly clear divide between the light and the dark. Yet while there is this seeming peace and balance, there are still plenty of threats to be found in a world brimming with magyk. It's the result of a schism from Earth-666, in roughly the year 3470 after an unknown climate disaster ravaged the Earth. It is also known as the Darke Magyk Universe.
There is currently only one RP in this 'verse:
The timeline shown below is by no means definitive. It reflects the current state of the Darke Magyk Universe, and in order to eliminate spoilers, does not record events that have yet to occur in RP. Events listed below are from one of two sources: universe RPs or events declared to be cannon in the universe. RPs included in the Darke Magyk have been listed above and this is not intended as a summary of events--instead, treat it as an overview.
- 3470 - Schism from Earth-666, natural disaster
- November 23rd, 12,507 - Queen Meliscente dies from what appears to be an illness
- December 21st, 12,507 - Princess Valda's coronation day
- May 4th, 12,507 - Witch Messiah Fleur defeats Chthon, eliminating the Sickenesse plaguing Magyk users
While Earth-412 stems from the Earth-666 universe, it has fundamentally different powers and laws. This is due in part to the natural disaster that caused the schism with the Earth-666 universe.
Magyk refers to the powers of wizards and witches. These include the ability to sense things and to cause others to forget things. Most people can perform a few basic spells but in order to do more advanced forms of Magyk or Darke Magyk, a person needs to have talent at Magyk. Magykal talent has a chance of occurring in anybody but being related to other people with the talent will increase that person's chance of having it through inheritance. The seventh son of a seventh son is said to have extraordinary Magykal powers.
Wizards' eyes become green when they are exposed to Magyk. The Heap Children as an example used to have either blue or grey eyes but their eyes turned green in color once they had learnt enough Magyk. Witches' eyes can vary although the most powerful witches always have blue eyes. Zelda Heap is a good example with her sky blue eyes which indicate that she is a white witch. Warlocks are male witches (rare) so they also have blue eyes. Witches, unlike wizards can be born with their magical eye color or develop it later.
Using Darke Magyk affects Magykal green eyes and gives them little flecks of black until eventually the green is lost. Ultimately, whether or not a person's eye color will change depends on two things: their ability to do Magyk since non-magykal peoples' eyes won't change no matter how much Magyk they are exposed to. Or in the case of with the talent for Magyk - the amount of Magyk that they are exposed to.
Frequently, but not always, Darke Incantations are Reverse chants, which are almost always evil, and only make sense if read backwards, hence their name. Usually alchemists use and explore Darke more than wizards.
Magyk refers to the powers of wizards and witches. These include the ability to sense things and to cause others to forget things. Most people can perform a few basic spells but in order to do more advanced forms of Magyk or Darke Magyk, a person needs to have talent at Magyk. Magykal talent has a chance of occurring in anybody but being related to other people with the talent will increase that person's chance of having it through inheritance. The seventh son of a seventh son is said to have extraordinary Magykal powers.
Wizards' eyes become green when they are exposed to Magyk. The Heap Children as an example used to have either blue or grey eyes but their eyes turned green in color once they had learnt enough Magyk. Witches' eyes can vary although the most powerful witches always have blue eyes. Zelda Heap is a good example with her sky blue eyes which indicate that she is a white witch. Warlocks are male witches (rare) so they also have blue eyes. Witches, unlike wizards can be born with their magical eye color or develop it later.
Using Darke Magyk affects Magykal green eyes and gives them little flecks of black until eventually the green is lost. Ultimately, whether or not a person's eye color will change depends on two things: their ability to do Magyk since non-magykal peoples' eyes won't change no matter how much Magyk they are exposed to. Or in the case of with the talent for Magyk - the amount of Magyk that they are exposed to.
Frequently, but not always, Darke Incantations are Reverse chants, which are almost always evil, and only make sense if read backwards, hence their name. Usually alchemists use and explore Darke more than wizards.
Wendron Witches
Wendron Witches are inhabitants of The Forest, a region outside of the Castle. They often set up traps and ambushes, to prey on people and creatures alike, looking for loot and other valuable items. Contrary to the Port Witch Coven, the Wendron Witches only practice Lyte Magyk. They currently have a larger Coven size than their rival Coven, as well as boasting the membership of then Crown Princess Valda. On her Coronation Day, they went to war with the Port Witch Coven and were decisively defeated, ending this coven.
The Port Witch Coven / the One True Coven
The Ying to the Wendron Witches' Yang, the Port Witch Coven resides in a small house in the Port. They practice almost exclusively Darke Magyk and show no regard for the lives or safety of others. Rather than stealing to survive, they sometimes antagonize the inhabitants of the Port for the fun of it. They were absorbed and rebranded as the One True Coven after defeating the Wendron Witches decisively.
The Hanseatic League
The Hanseatic League oversees the Traders' Market at the Castle. They enforce the various rules agreed upon between the two governments (the Castle and the Land of Long Nights) and remove any Traders who break these rules. In order to begin working as a trader, you must obtain a license from the Hanseatic League. They also help traders who have come into trouble at the Castle, such as finding their ship in need of desperate repairs or realizing that they wish to relocate to the Small Wet Country Across the Sea.
Wendron Witches are inhabitants of The Forest, a region outside of the Castle. They often set up traps and ambushes, to prey on people and creatures alike, looking for loot and other valuable items. Contrary to the Port Witch Coven, the Wendron Witches only practice Lyte Magyk. They currently have a larger Coven size than their rival Coven, as well as boasting the membership of then Crown Princess Valda. On her Coronation Day, they went to war with the Port Witch Coven and were decisively defeated, ending this coven.
The Port Witch Coven / the One True Coven
The Ying to the Wendron Witches' Yang, the Port Witch Coven resides in a small house in the Port. They practice almost exclusively Darke Magyk and show no regard for the lives or safety of others. Rather than stealing to survive, they sometimes antagonize the inhabitants of the Port for the fun of it. They were absorbed and rebranded as the One True Coven after defeating the Wendron Witches decisively.
The Hanseatic League
The Hanseatic League oversees the Traders' Market at the Castle. They enforce the various rules agreed upon between the two governments (the Castle and the Land of Long Nights) and remove any Traders who break these rules. In order to begin working as a trader, you must obtain a license from the Hanseatic League. They also help traders who have come into trouble at the Castle, such as finding their ship in need of desperate repairs or realizing that they wish to relocate to the Small Wet Country Across the Sea.

Darker than its parent universe, Earth-6 stems from Earth-666. In the year 2020, a critical event caused this timeline to splinter off from its parent timeline. The only RP currently hosted in this timeline takes place in the distant future. In general, while this RP is dark in tone, it also is an example of true sci-fi in the Skyrose Multiverse.
There is currently only one RP in this 'verse:
The timeline shown below is by no means definitive. It reflects the current state of the Unfortunate Thirteen Universe, and in order to eliminate spoilers, does not record events that have yet to occur in RP. Events listed below are from one of two sources: universe RPs or events declared to be cannon in the universe. RPs included in the Unfortunate Thirteen have been listed above and this is not intended as a summary of events--instead, treat it as an overview.
- 2020 - Schism from Earth-666
- April 12th, 2086 - The world goes to war over the supernatural
- December 25th, 2174 - First nuclear missiles are launched at the capitals of the world, since many had been holding out for an end to the almost hundred year war
- January 1st, 2175 - This marks the turning point, when countries truly choose sides and draw the line
- August 6th, 2285 - Almost all of the supernaturals/mutants of the world have been wiped out
- October, 2290 - All supernaturals/mutants have been confirmed to be dead
- June 21th, 2315 - The Dark Anarchy is formed
- February 9th, 2330 - The Aulid project is started
- May 14th, 2335 - The war is finally over, and the countries of the world begin to rebuild
- July 28th, 2335 - The Dark Anarchy is destroyed, and their labs are lost
- January, 2345 - A group of military men are sent down to the remains of the Dark Anarchy labs, to destroy the research and kill the Aulid (The Unfortunate Thirteen)
- 2345 - An unknown attack collapses this timeline, ending its existence.
This universe stems from Earth-666 and as of such, it shares a majority of its lore. All necromantics have been wiped out, with the Dark Anarchy creating the only remaining individuals with abilities. These people, referred to as either the Aulid or the Unfortunate Thirteen, were experimented on by these scientists. They were kidnapped and given abilities similar to those previously held by mutants. Each one can be identified with a tattoo of a number on the under side of their left arm, as well as the branded mark of the Dark Anarchy on their right shoulder.
The Dark Anarchy
With the world at war, a group of scientists decided to try and create weapons that could potentially turn the tide of the war in one direction, or the other. It wasn't until 15 years after they initially formed that the answer had been staring them in the face. Create a group of individuals who each had a particular skill set, as well as a superhuman ability. This is how they came to create the Aulid project. When the war ended, the locked away their experiments, and soon the world caught up with them, destroying all of their research, and burying the fact that they had ever existed in the first place.
With the world at war, a group of scientists decided to try and create weapons that could potentially turn the tide of the war in one direction, or the other. It wasn't until 15 years after they initially formed that the answer had been staring them in the face. Create a group of individuals who each had a particular skill set, as well as a superhuman ability. This is how they came to create the Aulid project. When the war ended, the locked away their experiments, and soon the world caught up with them, destroying all of their research, and burying the fact that they had ever existed in the first place.

The World consists of the Four Nations, each one consisting of different types of Benders, or people who can manipulate the elements. The nations being the Northern and Southern Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, and the Air Nomads. Together, they live in peace for the most part, until the Fire Nation Started a war to take over the world.

The Fire Nation is one of the world's four nations and five sovereign states. It is an absolute monarchy led by the Fire Lord and home to most firebenders. Geographically, the nation is located along the planet's equator in the western hemisphere and is composed of several islands. Its capital is simply known as the Fire Nation Capital.
The Fire Nation is the second-largest nation in terms of area, following the Earth Kingdom, while its economy is the most powerful in the world; its strong industrial sector and extensive technological developments not only enabled the Fire Nation to create an extremely powerful military, but also initiated the worldwide modernization and globalization.
They are the ones who started the war and caused the Genocide of the Air Nomads.

The Earth Kingdom is one of the world's four nations. Spanning an entire continent as well as several subsidiary islands, it is the largest and most populated sovereignty in the world and encompasses much of the eastern hemisphere. The kingdom is ruled by a monarchy which operates under the rule of a king or queen.
The people of the Earth Kingdom are proud and strong and adhere to a philosophy of peaceful coexistence and cooperation with the other nations of the world. Earthbenders use their abilities for defense and industry and fiercely defended their cities against Fire Nation attacks during the Hundred Year War. It also has a large economy based on agriculture and limited industry, though it is not as economically powerful as the Fire Nation, which benefits from advanced technology.
The Earth Kingdom is characterized by significant ethnic and cultural diversity, a consequence of the country's vast territorial expanse. As a result, it suffers from high levels of local autonomy and ethnic conflict, both of which began accelerating as the central government grew weak. Despite this division, the people's recognition of the Earth Kingdom as a single political entity is largely strengthened through the communal belief in a shared history and identity.

The Water Tribe is a collective term for the nation of people who practice the art of waterbending. It is one of the original four nations and its citizens primarily inhabit the northern and southernmost regions of the globe, near both poles.
The people of the Water Tribe are generally peaceful, and strive to live in harmony with nature and the other nations of the world. There are two primary divisions of the Water Tribe, the Northern Tribe and the Southern Tribe, though both were at least de jure governed by the Northern chief. Although in the past there was significant exchange between the North and South, contact between the two tribes was interrupted due to the chaos of the war.
The Water Tribe is less powerful than both the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation, due to its geographical location and the small size of its population and economy. The economy is dependent on the ocean, given the country's location and lack of arable land, apparent manufacturing capacity or minable resources.

Air Nomads is the collective term for the nation of people who practice the discipline of airbending. One of the four major nations, the Air Nomads were wanderers by definition, but had four air temples, one at each corner of the globe, hidden away atop mountain ranges and under cliffs, in the northern Earth Kingdom and on three remote islands. The theocratic Air Nomads were home to a monastic order of men and women who practiced airbending. Unlike the other nations, the people of the Air Nomads were, without any seen exception, all benders due to the high level of spirituality of their people.
The Air Nomads were a peaceful race who were wiped out by the Fire Nation. They lived in large temples and traveled the world on flying bison. They were the most spiritual of all the cultures and lived in harmony with nature. They also were fun-loving and had a strong sense of humor.
The Air Nomads made up the smallest of the four nations in the world. They had a small economy, based entirely on limited agriculture. The population of the Air Nomads was small compared to even the Water Tribe and was far smaller than either of the world's two major powers, the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom.
The world is inhabited by elemental "Benders", or people who can control one of the four elements, Air, Water, Earth and Fire. These people each inhabit one of the four nations, the one that coincides with their element. However, their number is fewer than the number of Non-Benders in the world, or those who do not have these abilities. The two groups generally work together in order to succeed and flourish.