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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tokyo-to located somewhere in Asia and that it cannot be found on any map. Though it is heavily implied to be in japan is a large city that can be just as large if not a bit larger than the actual Tokyo. Separated into four large districts Shibuya-cho, Benten-cho, Kogane-cho and Akiba-cho. Though it has a secret as well unknown to most Tokyo-to was build upon a great barrier that kept the magic and the "real" world separate. Thus masked heroes and magical girls is a common site protecting the people from escaped beasts that make it past the barrier. However despite these heroes hard work the barrier is weakening and more and more beasts are being born on a near daily basis.

The city was peaceful even for the heroes nothing large and domineering was popping up no beasts or villain organizations was popping up with evil schemes it was quiet as some veterans would put it and that by itself often puts even the most hardened warriors at edge. Though peace no matter how brief should be enjoyed for it is often times of peace no matter how uneasy that offers respite. It was than that things changed in a sudden turn of events Beasts mere fodder at best appeared in droves coming out of every nook and cranny as they slowly made their way out. Quickly over running the city and causing mass hysteria due to the large numbers and their rather sudden appearance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

While chaos spread throughout Tokyo-to, Katsuo would be taking his seat at the desk in his room. Before him sat the lunch he had spent the last half hour or so preparing for himself, having made absolutely sure that each dish that sat before him would have the perfect amount of fruits, vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, and everything else he needed to build muscle. Despite his powers he needed to keep in shape, not grow lazy with his old training, and learn to not put all of his reliance on his superhuman abilities. For now though, he could enjoy his meal while enjoying some good ol' fashion television. If not for the monster attack outside that his local news was now reporting. Katsuo looked down at his steaming lunch, knowing full-well that leaving would mean it'd grow cold by the time he returned. "Duty calls," he dishearteningly mumbled to himself as he rose from his seat, striking a pose before shouting, "Henshin!"

Almost as if from out of nowhere, green armor began to cover the young boy's body as the power granted to him by The Spirit of the Earth herself activated. Once the transformation had completed, Midori Kamen now stood in the place of where Katsuo had just been standing. "Time to kick some bad guy butts," he said to himself, making his way outside through his apartment's balcony. Like something straight out of an action film, he leaped off the railing and fell down to the city streets, cracking the cement beneath him as his feet and fist impacted with the ground. "Alright, who's first?" he asked, cracking his knuckles before getting into a defensive stance.

As the first of the creatures charged at him, Midori Kamen grabbed one of its flailing arms and lifted it into the air, flipping it over his head before slamming the thing into the ground. "What the hell are you?" he rhetorically asked it before the creature dissolved right before his eyes, leaving no trace of its previous existence. Hearing more of the monsters begin to spawn behind him, Katsuo turned back around to see them starting to swarm and surround him. "Oh good, I needed the workout," the hero said before preparing for his first real fight for his life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

A man in his late twenties, alone with a bouquet of flowers of varying hues of purple, dark blue, and pink strolled down the streets of Shibuya-Cho. Judging from the look of contentment on his face, one might find it easy to find that he was eagerly going to meet a girlfriend or wife with those...although unfortunately, those flowers would wind up cast to the side. Kaiki Nageki, former Nirenger and current defender of justice was simply walking leisurely to the hospital where his best friend was staying at before he started hearing screams from citizens a block or so ahead. Particularly children. Cursing under his breath, the seasoned hero gingerly placed the flowers on the ground. He'd...be back. He hoped. Walking forward, he tucked the front of his white sweatshirt into his pants, exposing the silver and white built on his waist that seemed WAY too conspicuous to be a normal belt. Turning the crank on the side 90 degrees with his right hand, the Belt suddenly started blaring: "BIRIBIRIBIRIBIRI SPARKING! BIRIBIRIBIRIBIRI SPARKING!" over some form of speaker as he walked forward. "Henshin." he declared before pushing the crank in with his fist, the belt making a small electrical noise before his body was almost instantly covered with a white suit of armor befitting a hero. "AMP UP!" the belt shouted, the black eyes of his helmet lighting up for a moment as it formed. "CHAAAAANGE SPARK!" the belt finished, a blue scarf appearing and tucking itself around his neck, billowing in the breeze as he rounded the corner.

"Just small fry huh?" he asked as he craned his neck to the right and left, cracking it a bit. They hadn't noticed him yet, but sneak attacking was out of the question given that there were still civilians fleeing. Hurriedly kicking a nearby light pole so hard that it crumpled near the base and started to lean at a 30 degree angle, Kaiki ran the length of the pole and jumped off, landing on and promptly punching the ever-living fuck out of a small monster below him, a sparking hole torn through its mask as it disintegrated. Now he had their attention. Getting into a fighting stance with one hand poised in front of him in a balled fist, the other at his hip, Kaiki turned his head to see two young children, an older brother and a younger sister he presumed. "You two get running. Big Bro's got this." he said confidently before charging right into the approaching mass of flesh and despair.

Now that the kids were out of the way, it was time to get violent. As he was grabbed on the arm by one of the monsters, a sudden bolt of white jumped from him to it, the monster's arm reeling back in pain as its hand started to burn up, before Spark grabbed it at the elbow and gave it another jolt. Another monster approached from the side, only to be batted back into the mob with his impromptu living mace. "You're making me late you know." Kaiki said as if the monsters understood him as he bludgeoned more of them, deliberately trying to agitate them more and more. Letting his captive weapon go after flinging it, Kaiki pushed in the crank on his belt once, the device shouting: "SPARK UP! 10, 100, 1000, 100,000,000!" as a current ran down from the belt to his leg, enveloping it in crackling electricity that crackled and roared furiously. Just before he was about to get grabbed and pulled in, he jumped into the air and spinning for a bit. About a dozen feet of the ground, one of the minions tried to jump at him, instead being batted down by the motion of his foot extending out. "RIDER FLASHKICK! he roared before he took the jumping minion along with most of the others for an electrifying ride, the remaining light posts and various store fronts suddenly sparking to life as if struck by a power switch, violently flickering as Spark's kick let out a final burst before a majority of the crowd detonated from the force and voltage.

Standing amidst a pile of disintegrating monster bodies, Spark started mopping up some of the stragglers, although from the sounds of distant screams, it definitely seemed that now wasn't the time to return to civilian status. "Sorry Chiaki...gonna have to reschedule. Dammit, those flowers were perfect too." he griped as he reached into the shadowy mass of a monster and crushing its heart with his hand. Today would be a loooong day...Without much else to gripe about once the small mob was cleaned up, he'd move onto the next. Fifty down...countless to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tokyo-to was indeed an interesting place to be. It seemed to be the most peaceful place on the planet, although Hanako had never seen the rest of the world. An escaped military experiment couldn't randomly travel the world without being targeted.. Also money was also a problem. She could technically use a missile to fly to another country, however such things would bring even more attention to herself. This place was nice to live in anyway. The locals were kind enough to help her and she always made sure to repay them. It had been quite a long time since she last used her powers since she didn't want to destroy anything. The sights that she had seen were more than amazing to her. They may have appeared mundane to those who had lived here all their lives, but to her, there was something wonderfully moving about seeing untouched nature. Hanako had grown so used to seeing craters upon craters, destroyed buildings, body parts scattered around the blast zone.

Although there was something odd about this place at the same time. Whenever monsters appeared, monsters she had never seen before.. Someone would appear out of nowhere, bearing powers that she had never seen before, and destroy the monster in an instant. At first she thought it was extremely odd, she always asked them about their powers whenever she got the chance. None of them were experiments like her. "Oh, I just woke up with powers one day" or "These are god given!" were responses she would usually hear. She never once spoke of her own powers. She felt that if she showed them, they'd be horrified.

However, life moves on and things change. For better or for worse. Today was a time of change for her. The city of Tokyo-to was suddenly being overrun by black sludge-like creatures. The sheer number of them was quite suffocating already, however they didn't seem very intelligent. They just acted like a wave of mindless drones. Hanako stood still as the city went to hell. People screaming, fleeing, crying. It's just like back then, except they weren't running from her. She took a deep breath and whispered to herself, "Izmeneniye." Which was Russian for 'change'. She had heard many heroes say something like "Henshin!", but such words don't work for her as her powers were programmed to activate using Russian. Although her body didn't change as dramatically, her hair became blond and she gained a few plates of armor. Such things were cosmetic as the scientists wanted to differentiate between transformed and normal states of being so she wasn't constantly in battle mode.

A manic grin spread across her face as she looked around herself. "It's been awhile! HAHAHA!!" She laughed hysterically as a single missile launched from under her feet. As if her feet were stuck to the missile, she flew into the air, the missile almost immediately detaching from her feet when she had become airborne. Numerous RPG-7's phased into existence creating a ring of rocket launchers below her feet. With a snap of her finger the launchers fired simultaneously, obliterating everything below her in a spectacular fashion. Again, she laughed hysterically as she summoned another missile under her feet. Riding it like a surfboard into the sky to get an even better view of the carnage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fourze
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tatsuo Narumi found himself back in Tokyo-to in his search for Dr. Mitamura, a retired member of M.I.R.R.O.R whom he wanted to have a "heart to heart" talk with him about his actions when he worked there and the whereabouts of his co-workers. What he found instead was a ransacked apartment which meant that either the good doctor had learned of his arrival and made a hasty retreat or M.I.R.R.O.R had paid him a visit before he arrived. Either way, nothing related to the organization remained in the apartment, only clothes and miscellaneous stuff.

Frustrated by the dead end he had reached, Tatsuo went back to his car to think about what he was going to do now or at least that was his intention before the sounds of car alarms and screams were heard from the distance and it slowly became closer and closer. Calmly opening the door of the car, Tatsuo grabbed his skull helmet and left his hat where the helmet previously was. Putting the helmet on Tatsuo took a deep breath before starting his transformation “Set up” he said to which the helmet replied in a deep voice replied in a deep voice “Standing by….” The skull helmet would release some sort of smoke that would cover Tatsuo body from below the head before quickly dissipating and revealing the Skullman armor in place. “Complete” the helmet said, finishing his transformation just in time for the swarm of monsters coming to the street.

The first of those creatures launched at Tatsuo probably hoping to catch him off guard, but the one that received the surprise was the the creature as Tetsuo used his power to stab the creature with one of his spikes before it could get any closer. This didn't seem to disturb or scare the other creatures who continued their mindless rampage, this time with an objective in mind. Tatsuo slammed them through the floor, walls and against each other, stabbed them and slashed them with his bone spikes, punched a hole through them and other various methods and they kept coming in droves. At this rate they may beat him by slowly tiring him up and swarming him, he needed to destroy the majority of them quickly and deal with the remaining without the burden of their numbers.

Taking a step back he pressed the button at the back of his helmet and waited for the effects of the acceleration mode to begin. Not long after Tatsuo felt the pain of the needles stabbing his skull before everything seemed to slow down “Start up” the helmet said as Tatsuo began his rampage. Not many of the monsters had a chance to react as Tatsuo tore them apart through sheer friction thanks to his speed, the ones that did see him only saw a vaguely human shaped blur before being killed. Half a minute had passed and most of the monsters in the area had been killed though Tatsuo wasn't exactly in the best condition to fight them now, the sudden stop to his speed had rendered him dizzy and his hands had suffered from friction burns. “Got to keep fighting, there just a few m-more of them left before none remain" Tatsuo reassured himself as he tried not to fall down, sluggishly continuing to fight.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"Have a taste of my foot!" Midori Kamen cried out as he kicked another of these strange monsters in the face, it's crumpled corpse soon dissolving just as the last thirty had. Taking each of these strange creatures out was no problem for the rookie hero. They were on a complete other level when it came to low intelligence, not at all organizing themselves to attack when he was weakest and instead just lunging forward on sight. They weren't impressively strong either, having the same amount of power behind their attacks as a normal human would, which paled in comparison to the green-clad protector's own strength. That wasn't the problem though. The problem was that there seemed to be an almost endless supply of them and soon enough he was bound to be swarmed and crushed under a tidal wave of the beasts. Already, there was probably more of these things then there was litter on the ground and that number was still steadily increasing. There had to be a source, somewhere that all of these things were coming from, and he needed to find it and shut it down.

Like an unfortunate victim of a flood, Midori Kamen began to wade through the sea of beasts as he attempted to follow their path of destruction. Though instead of just trying to keep his head above the tide, he needed to instead punch and kick the water until it disappeared. Perhaps this flood analogy wasn't the most accurate comparison, especially when the number of them is still small enough that I can distinguish which creature's body parts belong to which. For now at least. That won't last forever though and fighting each individual monster is seriously slowing me down. It's time to think of a new strategy. Pushing back the beasts nearest to him, the young hero began to put his untested plan into action.

Gathering up all of the strength in his legs, he began to run. He'd need the running start in order to make this work. Once he'd gotten enough speed, he slammed his foot into the ground and pushed off with as much force as he could, sending him flying through the air. The power of flight was unfortunately not one of the powers granted to him be the Spirit of the Earth, however his super strength allowed Katsuo to have the next best thing: superpowered leaping. In a single bound, the seventeen year old would find himself so high that he could easily spot the pattern of the monsters below him. They were all coming from city's center, though he couldn't see if it was a portal, an even bigger monster, or something else that was the actual cause of all this. After landing on a couple more of the beasts, Midori Kamen would get into position to do another jump closer to the center of Tokyo-to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

51, 52, 53...Was there no end to these things? Kaiki clenched his fist, driving a current through it as he started to literally punch his way through the mass of destructive minions before him. Oddly, they seemed to greatly thin out towards the back...was there already another person fighting here. That'd be a relief...having to retain his rider form for too long would eat away at his energy reserves, and having someone watch his back meant he could fist a socket to get some charge back. In spite of his strength however, Kaiki wasn't counting on the swarm that was encroaching from behind, a dozen or so swarming him and forcing his limbs down to the ground before they began wailing on him. Blow after blow was levied on his thankfully reinforced body, sparks of electricity arcing off as contact was made. These beasts didn't care about being burnt or scarred as much as they cared for destruction.

Grunting in pain in spite of his armor taking a majority of the damage, Kaiki tore his right arm free before punching the crank on his belt inwards three times, the belt sparking before shouting: "WARNING: HIGH VOLTAGE SPARKING! D-D-D-DISCHARGE!" A second later, a beep sounded, more blows being levied against Kaiki before the monsters would find themselves shocked far more intensely, Kaiki's roar piercing the air as he was suddenly engulfed in a white burst of light. "BLACK OUT! SHUT DOOOOW...n..." the belt said, literally shutting down towards the end as every single monster in the horde had arced intense voltage between each other, wiping them all out instantly. Kaiki however was on the ground, struggling to try and kneel as he propped himself up on one arm. "Ha...ha...hate...using...that..." he managed, vision starting to get blurry. He'd pretty much used up 70% power in that one attack, and forced out of his transformation after 3 seconds, his breath ragged as he looked about in a hurry, managing enough strength to carry himself on his legs to a nearby lamp post. Taking a deep breath, he wound his fist back and drove it into the pole, grasping the wires inside and shuddering as he ripped them apart, electricity entering his body. He needed this...or else he'd pass out. Still hurt like hell, but after a half a minute, Kaiki let go, his hand smoking a bit as he stood taller. Even with fuel, he'd still taken a pummeling...either way, he didn't hesitate as he turned the crank. "BIRIBIRIBIRIBIRI SPARKING!" his belt called out.

"Henshin." Kaiki said, transforming into Spark once more. "AMP UP! CHAAAAAAAAAAANGE SPARK!" the belt said as his armor formed, the rider clutching his right shoulder with his left hand as he walked forward. Seeing more up ahead, he let go before breaking into a run, planting his fist right into the mask of one of the minions. Just as he was about to get rolling, he noticed...someone...wait, that mask. "SKULL MAN!?" Kaiki questioned, seeing the anti-hero standing against the monsters. He looked like he'd seen better days, but Kaiki didn't care much. Jumping over the mass of minions, Kaiki stood between them and Skull Man, turning to glance at him. "Stay put. I'll deal with you next." he said before hurling himself into the few that were there, intending to apprehend The Skull Man once he was done. Even if reports were saying that he'd changed his ways, Kaiki was slow to believe that. Nobody changes like that...nobody.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tsuruhime sighed as she shot another one of the beasts in the mask that they called a face. "YOU DAMN THINGS DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE" She yelled with hatred as she shot them over and over her hat and hair in disarray from what she been doing for the past while. Though her face spoke of great anger and rage. "YOU GOD DAMN IDIOTS DESTROYED MY MANGA!" She yelled out as another one fell and dissolved. Despite being a "magical girl" she wasnt well liked you could say she had her moments where memories overran her and took control giving her a arrogant view and heartlessly killing both villians and monsters alike.

"Hatasu no wa itsu? Ware no ikizama!" She intoned as she leveled her gun at the massive collection of monsters in front of her as she aimed her gun forward thousands appeared behind her aimed and ready. "Three line Volley!" she called as one by one the guns fired in a symphonious ringing as the many guns fired deafening everything to her but the sound of gun fire. In front of her the beasts one by one fell as each gun hit a target it was truly a sight if anything. "This isnt working" she muttered under her breath cursing the fact that there was still no end in sight for the monsters.

She needed to find the source of the monsters just standing there was getting her nowhere. With a howl of frustration she jumped on to her bike and drove off. The black paint of her bike gleamed in the sun as she desperately tried to find the source. Though no matter where she looked she couldn't find anything or anyone that would possibly spawn this many creatures. It wasn't long before she saw some jumping from building to building some kind of demented grasshopper. "heroes of all types huh" She muttered to herself before driving off to the city center.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Hanako flew majestically through the sky atop of her rocket, she looked down at the mass of slime monsters that plagued the city. There was really no end to them... And she loved it. Below she also saw other.. 'Heroes'. What were they called again? K..Kamen.. walkers.. Riders? Riders. Kamen Riders. They were an interesting group of heroes, always shouting something about justice and how much of a hero they are. Hanako had always concluded that they were extremely arrogant and self-righteous. Her Commander, Izumi, would often display her distaste for such heroes, despite the fact that they weren't present in Russia.

As she surfed across the sky, she noticed a hero jumping from rooftop to rooftop, as well as a magical girl riding on a motorcycle. What they could do was a mystery to her, not that she was entirely curious in the first place. Multiple rocket pods phased into existence around her, barrels diameter was about the size of her fist, making them quite small for rockets. In fact these were an experimental type of missile. Like rain they fired down on the monsters below, destroying them individually as they homed in on the enemy. These slimes were quite close by to the other Magical girl that drove toward the center of the city. Catching their attention wasn't really her intention though, she just wanted to kill. A lot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fourze
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tatsuo felt his bones aching from the exhaustion, his dizziness had not stopped and made it difficult for him to keep a sense of direction with all these monsters coming out if they weren't so easy to destroy Tatsuo may have been in trouble. Concentrated in keeping himself conscious Tatsuo did not see the Kamen Rider till he was in front of him. Standing back for a moment Tatsuo took a moment to realize who was in front of him. It seemed that like many heroes he still had a grudge against him, which he couldn't blame him for it. Still, he couldn't stay put and wait for his arrest, there were still things he had to do and people he had to take revenge on before accepting any punishment for his previous life crimes.

Giving himself a moment to breathe and rest thanks to the ex-ranger, Tatsuo resumed his fight and launched himself at the swarm of monsters, addressing Kaiki while he fought "Midori-, no you call yourself Kamen Rider Spark now haven't you? While you and I may have bad encounters in the past what matters now is the removal of these creatures from the city, so I won't stay put when I have the ability to fight!" Tatsuo stabbed one of the monsters with a spike extending from one of his knuckles as he finished addressing spark. It was going to be a pain to escape with him on his tails, but there was still the chance of him recovering enough to use the acceleration mode to escape, leaving the Kamen Rider without any chance of catching him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Katsuo would have made quite some progress on his way to the city center when something in the distance began to shine in his eyes. The Sun was reflecting off of a black motorcycle that was being ridden through the city streets by some figure that was much too far away to be recognized. The identity of this rider didn't matter in his eyes though. What did matter was that there was someone in the city who was probably looking for a way out of Tokyo-to and these beasts were probably swarming them. Someone needed help and that was all the young hero needed to know before his priorities changed from stopping this crises to saving them. Skidding to a stop and kick up some of the road beneath his feet, he changed directions and leaped toward the direction of Tsuruhime.

When Katsuo got close enough to the magical girl though, he'd have yet another change of plans as another hero joined the fray. Since the gun summoning, angry looking girl looked like she was no civilian upon closer look, he directed himself instead to the missile summoning, ecstatic looking girl who appeared to be blowing up dozens of the creatures as well as whatever buildings and such were nearby. She hadn't toppled anything yet or caused the roads to be completely irreparable, but there was no telling what damage she could do if this were merely a fraction of her power.

Throwing himself toward the rocket Hanako was riding atop of, Midori Kamen only just barely got a grip on the tail fin of it, the flames from the back almost scorching him. "Hey! You! Cool it with the missiles! You're going to end up doing more damage than the monsters possibly could!" he shouted over the sound of the rockets and roaring wind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

"Bad Encounters? That's a hell of a way of saying you tried to kill me." Kaiki said as his foot impacted against a monster's face, pushing the mask into its face before it fell into pieces. He had a great deal of...disdain for Skull Man, even with all the rumors and news reports surfacing of him helping people. It was all a lie...had to be. Once evil, always evil. And M.I.R.R.O.R. was as evil as they came. He'd need to squeeze some information out of Skull Man before turning him in, but for now he had to agree that eliminating the swarm was of key importance. Kinda hard to drag someone to the police station if it gets overrun.

Electricity crackled off his hand as he wound his arm back, running forward and delivering a powerful straight to one of the minion's bodies, before finishing it off with a hook on the follow up. "So damn many..." Kaiki thought to himself as the beast's body fell limp and dissolved after a moment. Continuing his electric assault, Spark's fists were proving to be efficient at dealing with this crowd. it would be far easier to just use a Finishing Move to try and blow more away, but he needed to conserve his energy in case he needed to chase down Skull...Consequently, this also meant having to rely on Skull to watch his back from the encroaching beasts. "...What a shitty day. Take it that M.I.R.R.O.R. isn't behind this if they're gunning for you too?" he asked, turning to look at Skull as he kept his guard up, retaliating against anything that'd try and get through him. "Or is this just a bad ambush like last time?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The beast surged forth the two lone heroes Kamen rider Spark and Skullman was caught unaware as the shadow blob like bodies of the beasts gathered onto each other one by one piling onto to each other slowly taking a new form and shape Three large stump like legs emerged from the mass while its body was a gooey mess of black tentacle like bodies oozing a black slime as it formed two tentacle like arms next seperating to more tentacles but in the middle revealing a human shaped hand as it moved its digits around as if testing them. As it continued a single tentacle like head formed ending in a sharp point as a single mouth split its face in half showing rows upon rows of sharp teeth. Lacking eyes of any kind it slowly made its way towards the heroes leaving behind a large ooze of glowing black slime that formed on its own the smaller being that made it up. It was a colossal size standing around 70 feet in height equal in height only to the distant radio tower easily showing that things needed to be taken up notch or two.

Though while this was happening in the center of the city things would also soon turn around as the beats gathered and stopped all facing the center their arms flailing about as they waited in the middle waiting for something. Slowly tremors starting to happen slow at first but slowly picking up speed as the beasts starting to flail its arms faster and more wild like. Step by step a large beast came into different from the other ones due to its boar like design though it still had the large blue mask from the small beasts as it came into view the smaller beings climbed on top of it forming gel like armor on its body it's body towering over the buildings easily passing the skyscrapers in height. Its large body easily destroying buildings in its wake as it shook causing black globs of the slime like substance to splash around and start slowly devouring the buildings and things it landed on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hanako was enjoying herself as she rained destruction down onto the small creatures below.. Suddenly she felt her rocket tilt backward slightly as a Kamen Rider grabbed onto it's tail fin. She stumbled slightly before regaining her balance relatively quickly. The girl looked down at the 'Hero' with an expression of disdain. She now understood why Master Izumi hated these guys so much. Never minding their own business. "What the fuck are you doing?! Fuck off or I'll kill you!" She growled, jumping off her rocket and onto a newly summoned one. The missile that the Kamen Rider had been holding onto suddenly ran out of gas, it's engine spluttering as it plummeted onto the street below. Upon hitting the ground, the ballistic would create a much larger crater compared to the one's Hanako was currently making.


As she made her way to the city center, it became apparent that a large monster was being formed by the blobs. It wasn't long before a massive horror of a beast started to destroy the buildings around it. Such a beast would enjoy a greeting in the form of Thermobaric explosives. Hanako grinned wildly as two 30-barrel multi-rocket launchers materialized. "Preevyet~" she laughed as the missiles began to fire out in succession. As the rockets exploded upon impacting the beast boar, the explosions became more akin to massive fireballs as the incendiary fuel set alight, burning the monster.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb. Plummeting back down to the Earth while holding onto an active missile was definitely not something Katsuo had been planning to deal with that day, but sometimes things just didn't go as planned. To make matters worse, the thing was large, much bigger than any of the other explosive projectiles that the strange and destructive girl had been launching at the city. He was no expert, but it was pretty common sense that the bigger the bomb, the bigger the yield. Still gripping onto the tail fin, the hero began brainstorming ideas to get rid of it.

"Alright, Katsuo. Time to give yourself the biggest pep talk you've ever given yourself," the boy mumbled to himself as he repositioned himself in the air. Spinning in a circle, Midori Kamen gritted his teeth while gaining momentum to toss the missile out of the city. Doing so would probably piss off its creator, but he didn't really care how she felt. "No one else is here to help. You're the only one who stands in the way of this thing taking out who knows how many buildings. If there's anyone still here, their lives are still in danger and even if they aren't their homes and beloved belongings are still at risk. I can do it... I can do it... I can do it... I can do it! I CAN DO IT!"

With that final shout, the hero used all of his strength to throw the missile in the direction of the ocean. Only for the city's skyline to block its path. As soon as he let go of the tail fin, the explosive impacted with the top of a nearby skyscraper, blowing away the uppermost floors and sending Katsuo flying. When he finally landed it would be after skidding across the city streets, kicking up most of the road with him, and stopping right in front of an enraged, motorcycle-riding magical girl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

That...was one big monster. To say that Kaiki was scared would be lying, but concern was certainly creeping into his mind. How would he defeat this? How much damage would it cause to the area? How would he keep civilians safe from it? And the answer to all those questions was balled up at his side, arcing with electricity.

He was gonna punch it. A lot.

As the ugly beast started to move its legs, Kaiki saw an opportunity and quickly bolted to action, jumping onto the beast's leg and starting to climb his way up, clinging to it with a mixture of augmented strength and static clinging. As if he was scaling a master of climbing, Kaiki was making his way higher and higher, until he reached near the beast's shoulder, or where its shoulders would be below its neck. Now, he was no monster biologist or anything, but given that it had a head, that must mean it had a neck. And a neck connected to a spine. And a spine connected to a brain of some sort. And so, Kaiki would navigate his way to the back of the beast's neck, one hand holding on while the other pushed in the crank on his bolt, a surge of electricity moving from it up his torso and into his arms. "SPARK UP! 10, 100, 1000, 100,000,000!" his belt shouted, the element of surprise entirely thrown out the window for theatrics. Thanks professor.

Regardless, Kaiki dug his feet into the shoulders of the monster as best he could, before his hands began to pummel at its neck, hitting where it was hardest as he tried to LITERALLY fry the bastard's brain with full-amped punches. "RIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER..." he started as he wound one arm back, before noticing the massive beast's arm moving to swat him off. The Rider thought quickly though, and promptly jumped onto the monster's wrist in order to dodge its attack. Running along the length of the arm, Kaiki kept one fist winding up behind him, ducking and weaving to avoid various tendrils and hands from the monster's writhing form that was now on full alert against the white soldier of justice. However, all at once Kaiki would find himself being taken for a ride on the beast's other arm, gripping onto it as his right fist crackled with electricity, hands forming and grasping at him, trying to pull him into it and suffocate or crush him...or absorb him. Who knew really with these freaks.

Having no intention of dying, and quite pissed at how much his ribs hurt, Kaiki broke himself free from the grasp of the hands by shocking them, carrying himself over to about halfway across the tenticular arm before hands grabbed at his feet. "...Screw it, here's fine. ROLLIIIIING..." he said as his head, left arm, and torso were grabbed, starting to be pulled in. "THUNDER!" Kaiki bellowed, slamming his hand not only against, but through the black fleshy mass of the beast's arm, sending himself and the entire length of the pained collective's arm, using the remaining energy from Rolling Thunder to bash some heads in on the way done before falling with a calamitous thud. Literally having fallen onto his back from a normally fatal height, Kaiki was definitely going to feel that in the morning. Rising from his concrete crater, the Kamen Rider grimaced under his helmet at the beast, and the mob forming behind it of its children.

"...Wish you were here, NiTaka." he muttered to himself, remembering his formerly omnipresent Mechanical vehicle. Heck, he missed the entire Nirengers right now, but he needed something BIG to take that thing out.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fourze
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tatsuo had taken the strategy of waiting for the monsters to rush against him before impaling them, it was not like they would escape and it helped him recover energy, the Ex-ranger had at least understood his wish to fight the monsters, even if he still held a grudge against him, something to expect really. "Bad Encounters? That's a hell of a way of saying you tried to kill me." the man wasn't really wrong, even if he has the memories of the Skullman that he was, he still can't reconcile with some of his memories and may look them with the perspective of an outsider.Not that he was going to tell him as he probably wouldn't understand and even then he is still responsible for all those who suffered under his brainwashing

"...What a shitty day. Take it that M.I.R.R.O.R. isn't behind this if they're gunning for you too?" he asked, turning to look at Skull as he kept his guard up, retaliating against anything that'd try and get through him. "Or is this just a bad ambush like last time?"

"M.I.R.R.O.R has been erasing their traces ever since they found out I was eliminating their agents, whether this is some bizarre experiment of them or not, it is something I will have to after this mess is sorted" Finding what M.I.R.R.O.R was doing was like finding a needle in a stack of hay, despite their relative secrecy the number of secret and double agents they were willing to dispose of for the sake of protecting their goals was surprising, in hindsight he was very lucky to not have been installed with any self-destruct devices and to be believed dead by M.I.R.R.O.R initially as things would be much much harder.

Suddenly the remaining monsters started to pile up and formed a tentacle behemoth as things were going from bad to worse. "Oh is this going to hurt" Tatsuo said to himself as he thought of a way to defeat that monstrosity, Sparkman was already being toyed around by the creature, but his initial strategy could work. Doing another Acceleration mode wasn't something he liked to do, but that thing needs to be killed as soon as possible. On the sound of “Start up” Tatsuo began climbing the monster with his augmented velocity, he had little time but with effort, he managed to reach the creature's neck.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Tatsuo began to scream as he created a bone spike the size of his arm if he wasn't chockful of adrenaline he might have passed out. Little time remained in Acceleration mode when Tatsuo launched the arm sized bone spike to the creatures neck. Unfortunately, the spike didn't completely pierce the creatures neck, with half of it visibly remaining outside the monster body. Even with the sudden drop of speed, Tatsuo managed to hold on the spike and the creatures thrashed around trying to make him fall. Spotting the rider Tatsou shouted at him "Dont you heroes have a giant robot or something to beat things like this?!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Kaiki clenched his teeth as he stood, body throbbing from the impact and beating he'd gotten from the monsters trying to pull him inside. Looking at his belt, a small gauge near the top was about empty, maybe having about 10% left in it. "Held Rolling Thunder too long...dammit." he muttered to himself. He had, maybe one more regular finisher in him at best. He didn't have the luxury of running off to charge up either, on account of all the little ones spawning off the massive monster. Looking to Skullman, he took a deep breath, trying to remain as composed as possible. "I DID!" he yelled back, which was partly out of anger and partly out of sensibility given how high up Skullman was. "BARON GEIST BLEW IT THE HELL UP THOUGH!" he continued, remembering the Nirenger's climactic battle with their arch-nemesis...who in the long run, was actually kind of pathetic and had some thinly veiled motivation for taking over the world that made no real sense.

Regardless, Kaiki spotted an opportunity in the spike that Skullman created that was still dangling, taking a deep breath before cranking his belt once. "One shot at this..." he thought as electricity surged to his feet. "SPARK UP! 10, 100, 1000, 100,000,000!" his belt shouted, the Rider dashing past a handful of the small black ooze monsters, before using one as a springboard to launch himself off of its extended hand. Letting out a loud cry as he started RUNNING up the leg of the monster, Kaiki's energy reserves were rapidly dropping. Hands reached out to grasp at him, only to catch air as he gained speed from the extra mobility provided from his "Finisher" state. Leaping over the actual hand of the beast as it sought to swat him off, Kaiki's belt started beeping, showing that it was running out of juice quickly. 10 seconds...9 seconds...he had a mental clock going of exactly how much time he had left before his belt puttered out. At roughly 2 seconds left, Kaiki leapt to the neck and twisted his body, ready for his last second finish. Avoiding Skull, his foot made contact with his bone spike, seeking to drive it through all the way.

"RIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER FLASH KIIIIIIICK!" he bellowed, his foot driving the spike through, to decapitate the beast. Its final cry as it started to die off wasn't heard to Kaiki as his form started to crumble, returning him to civilian form as he struggled to hang onto the remnants of the beast as it started to crumble itself, breathing heavily as he clung on for dear life. He loathed to admit it, but...he doubt he could have beaten the damn thing with Skull's help. However, now there was another problem...

Would the whole body die, or just deform into its smaller spawn?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Youko took another bite of her sandwich, a simple turkey sandwich, made with fresh sourdough bread. She savored the warm sandwich, sitting on a bench made of brick and mortar, her bottled tea resting on a simple wooden table. The small restaurant was homely, reminding her of a small cottage in some distant place away from the city, it was surrounded by green. Small trees, vines, pots of flowers, she couldn't possibly know all of the species of plants that was in that small plot of land. It was her favorite sandwich place to go to, and she suspected that she wasn't the only superpowered person to like it. After all, through numerous attacks in the area, this particular sandwich shop has always come out mostly unscathed. The shop had to be incredibly lucky, or a number of protectors, maybe both. Auriga took another bite of the simple, yet delicious sandwich. The satisfying crunch of the lettuce and the soft crumb of the bread, the blending of the turkey and mayonnaise-

Her bluetooth headset chimed. She tapped it, and heard her brothers voice. "Youko! City wide, red alert!" Youko jolted upright, but the brick bench didn't give way and neither did the large wooden table, causing her to just hit her hip against the table. She groaned in pain, her mouth still full of sandwich. She looked down at her sandwich, not even halfway done and frowned. It was pricey, and she couldn't just toss it... "The police are setting up strong points at the hospitals, schools and community centers. As soon as you switch, we'll send you the alerts and coordinates." Her brother briefed her. Youko thought fast, she grabbed the paper plate and her tea, jogging back into the shop. The TV was on, but she didn't pay much attention to it. She turned to the owner of the shop, an elderly woman.
"Excuse me, can you wrap this sandwich and may I leave it here? I'll come back, promise!"
"Of course dear." The woman said, "Youko?" Youko nodded, and the elderly woman took out a sticky note and wrote her name on it. "Now, you have somewhere to be right?"
Youko rose an eyebrow in confusion, and the elderly woman nodded towards the TV. She looked over and saw that the news was on, showing a live feed of the inner city, black, living tar like creatures swarming. Already a number of superpowered people, heroes, were fighting against them. Although the news helicopter wouldn't show much of them, she knew that the first responders were working just as hard.
"Ah, um... yeah. Nothing to do with that stuff, not at all." Youko explained, poorly.
"Good luck dear."

Youko gave a quick two finger salute and jogged out of the shop. Outside, people were hurrying to designated safe zones, phones in hand watching the chaos of the inner city from afar. Youko put her hood on and jogged down the road, surprisingly empty of cars. She sped up into a run, and grabbed the pendent of her necklace, its sharp points poking into her hand. She ripped it off her neck and went into a sprint. She gripped the pendent tighter.
"Starlight Legionaire!"
The pendent glowed in her hand, red rays of light slipping through her fingers. She threw it ahead of her with surprising speed, the shining pendent left her fingers and few a few feet ahead of her before shattering mid air into a cloud of fine particles.
In a split of a second the particles gathered together into a sphere, igniting into a bright ball, akin to a sun. Youko took a running leap right into it, the sphere splitting up into bright sections, attaching themselves to the girl. Youko landed on her feet and continued running. The light dulled, revealing red armor, and a white coat. Now Youko was Auriga, and her run went far beyond the speed of a normal human.

"We've got you. Linking data stream now." Her brothers voice crackled through her helmet. A number of blue transparent pillars appeared in her helmets heads up display, the strong points the police and armed forces had set up. "We're acquiring distress calls from a number of surrounded and cut off groups." Auriga sped up, becoming a red blur, heading towards the closest group. A pair of patrol officers and a group of civilians. She turned the corner and saw them holed up in a shop, the two officers barely holding off the creatures. Auriga leapt and performed a superman punch to the closest monster, at her speed and strength, would have outright killed a normal human. But this monster wasn't phased, it recoiled from the punch, but it wasn't destroyed. "The heart Youko!" She heard. Auriga examined the monster a little bit closer, its slime creeping up her right arm. She inhaled sharply, then glowed for a few seconds. A few seconds was all she needed, using the light from her right arm, she examined the monster. Its armed gripped around Auriga, but she saw it! A black mass, darker than the rest of the body. She grabbed the mask of the creature with her left hand, pulling it to hopefully get the heart closer to her right hand. After a moment of struggle she gripped the heart with her right hand, then crushed it. The monster dissolved away into nothing quickly after. One down, but there were still more. She scanned the floor and found loose pebbles from a knocked over pot. She took a few steps to reach them and picked up a number of them. Auriga only needed a few for now, and only a fraction of her power. Her arms became a blur as she threw the small rocks at the other monsters, not all of the pebbles hit their mark, but the ones which missed the hearts of the creatures appeared to have stunned them.

She looked over to the left and saw a flashing pillar of blue light, that was the closest strong point. She rushed into the shop and grabbed a person, then sprinted at full speed to that strong point, a hospital, already a barricade of patrol cars and armored vehicles surrounding it. The location was chaos. Ambulances ducking and weaving through the streets crowded with monsters, trying to reach the hospital, armored vehicles, officers and soldiers letting loose with their guns, and civilians fearfully gripping each other. Some of them had picked up weapons for themselves, contributing to the defense. Auriga dropped the person off next to a perplexed officer, then repeated the run several more times, only taking half a minute to transport about a dozen people.

"We're not done yet, getting... Over a dozen more distress calls. Marking for you now."
Auriga looked to the closest alert and zipped away from the hospital, leaving more than a dozen perplexed, but safe, people behind. Nearly fifteen minutes and over two hundred people rescued, her brother spoke up again. "The city center. One of the biggest we've ever seen, satellite imagery suggests the smaller ones have combined to form one larger. Additional smaller creatures are forming a gel like layer over its body." Auriga ran around a destroyed construction site and found a few fist sized steel ball bearings, she put them in a bag and sprinted up to a large buildings roof, where she got a line of sight to the massive creature. It had attracted the attention of the other heroes already, and they were attacking it. The red legionnaire grimaced, she picked up a ball bearing.
"The building might not withstand a Lightspeed Star launch." Her brother informed.
But what was her individual safety worth in the face of this danger?
"If you miss, you can destroy a few city blocks, especially with a projectile like that."
"We wont miss." Auriga spoke, two voices speaking as one.
"There's other heroes in close proximity to it right now."
Auriga groaned and gripped the fist sized ball bearing tightly, there was too much in the way for a full charge Lightspeed Star. She put it back into the bag, watching the battle for a second, contemplating what to do next. Suddenly one of the heroes lost their transformation! Auriga gasped and sprinted towards them at full speed, if he needed to be caught, the red armored legionnaire would be there to catch him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Despite being beaten the parts of the monster that was recently beaten started to come together once coming together once again forming the the giant tentacle like beast. Despite the recent defeat it was back to full strength in a matter of minutes though a few things changed as its hands changed forming two long sharp blades as it stabbed one into the ground and with a surge smaller human size version of itself came crawling out of the ground set on cutting the two heroes.
@The Irish Tree@Fourze

"Foolish monkey" She said her voice cold and stern as her eyes seem to be alight with delight at the sight of the enemy in front of her. In a flash of light a gun was in her hand using the gun as a makeshift bat as she batted shattered debris out of her way from the boars thrashing. Before long she took aim and fired before throwing it at the downed Midori Kamen "Monkey make yourself useful and use this." as the gun landed in front of him. Before two more appeared in her hands "ONE LINE VOLLEY!" She exclaimed as nine more appeared before her and in symphonic sound of gun fire fired. She knew the one above was more than prepared for the monster but the monkey worried her going at it with fists was foolhardy. "If one volley doesnt work simply add another." She said calmly as her first attack did nothing really to the monster in front of her. "Now lets go! TWO LINE VOLLEY!" She yelled out as more guns appeared and one after another each fired. "Monkey find your ambition and follow it dont let others get in your way NOW FIGHT!" she roared as she continued firing at the beast in front of her. Talking towards the still downed hero behind her as she prepared to fire her guns yet again. "Hey you above think you can time you things to my volleys?" She asked the person above if they could time it right it should be able to at least shatter the heavy defense it had.
@Guess Who
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