Name Tsuruhime Kasugano
Alias none known

Age: appears 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Tsuruhime is not without her own "unique" traits despite these quirks of hers she is a dependable person who cares mainly for those she is close to. Being more Solitary in her life style makes her a bit closer to a shut in than most of her family and friends would care for. In the long run though she is a kind young girl who due to her unique mannerisms makes it harder for her to socialize with her peers. While she has a keen memory her laziness prevents her from taking advantage of it. She is often drawn to challenges for the sheer thrill it can give.
While she can be cheerful to the point of being annoying to others though when push comes to shove she is serious when it counts. She is also perfectly willing to attack people who talk about things she doesn't like or act perverted. She has a deep seated hatred toward perverted people due to bad experiences in her lifetime. Beyond that, she has a strong fear and weakness towards things that are slimy like worms and things similar to it. She holds those that she cherish very deeply and is willing to go the distance for them no matter the cost at times.
Biography: Tsuruhime was not born into the world a hero, rather the world conspired to make her one. Tsuruhime has known a lot of things been to places and so forth her skills in terms of sharpshooting was unquestionable but she wasn’t happy it felt empty to her. When she was 14 monsters started to attack a competition she was at in a panic a hidden gene within her dna awakened. Things happened in a flash for her one moment she was about to be attacked than next she knows she was reliving key moments in history from nobunaga's eyes. When she awoken in her hands was a single blackened tanegashima rifle and a strong mental urge to take it.
This was her awakening as a magical girl it was definately not a moment she wouldn't forget. As the years passed she saw more and more of these events and with each new event she saw the stronger the grasp she had upon her powers.Tsuruhime was granted the power of her ancestor Nobunaga Oda. By using her body as a medium she can gain the abilties and skills he had when alive along with the skills granted by the the corruption of his legend.
Though these things came with a price she was for awhile
Tsuruhime inherited her the basic of her powers from her ancestor Nobunaga Oda granting her the skills she needed to survive while in great peril. Through the use of magic she is able to call upon the skills and abilties of her ancestor Nobunaga. With it she is able to call upon a vast arsenal of guns to use at her disposal. Though beyond that she is also armed with a single katana for close range combat though its true ability remains locked away.
Alias none known

Age: appears 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Tsuruhime is not without her own "unique" traits despite these quirks of hers she is a dependable person who cares mainly for those she is close to. Being more Solitary in her life style makes her a bit closer to a shut in than most of her family and friends would care for. In the long run though she is a kind young girl who due to her unique mannerisms makes it harder for her to socialize with her peers. While she has a keen memory her laziness prevents her from taking advantage of it. She is often drawn to challenges for the sheer thrill it can give.
While she can be cheerful to the point of being annoying to others though when push comes to shove she is serious when it counts. She is also perfectly willing to attack people who talk about things she doesn't like or act perverted. She has a deep seated hatred toward perverted people due to bad experiences in her lifetime. Beyond that, she has a strong fear and weakness towards things that are slimy like worms and things similar to it. She holds those that she cherish very deeply and is willing to go the distance for them no matter the cost at times.
Biography: Tsuruhime was not born into the world a hero, rather the world conspired to make her one. Tsuruhime has known a lot of things been to places and so forth her skills in terms of sharpshooting was unquestionable but she wasn’t happy it felt empty to her. When she was 14 monsters started to attack a competition she was at in a panic a hidden gene within her dna awakened. Things happened in a flash for her one moment she was about to be attacked than next she knows she was reliving key moments in history from nobunaga's eyes. When she awoken in her hands was a single blackened tanegashima rifle and a strong mental urge to take it.
This was her awakening as a magical girl it was definately not a moment she wouldn't forget. As the years passed she saw more and more of these events and with each new event she saw the stronger the grasp she had upon her powers.Tsuruhime was granted the power of her ancestor Nobunaga Oda. By using her body as a medium she can gain the abilties and skills he had when alive along with the skills granted by the the corruption of his legend.
Though these things came with a price she was for awhile
Tsuruhime inherited her the basic of her powers from her ancestor Nobunaga Oda granting her the skills she needed to survive while in great peril. Through the use of magic she is able to call upon the skills and abilties of her ancestor Nobunaga. With it she is able to call upon a vast arsenal of guns to use at her disposal. Though beyond that she is also armed with a single katana for close range combat though its true ability remains locked away.
Sixth Heavens arsenal - Allows her to summon a tanegashima rifle to side at command from a sub space armory.
One Line Volley - Her basic skill which allows her to summon a volley of rifles behind her that fires upon her command.
Two Line Volley - Should one line volley not be enough she is allowed to summon a second volley of rifles. Though she can only summon the second volley should the first prove to be not enough.
Three Line Volley - Three line volley is her signature skill one accessed if the first two volleys of rifle fire are not enough to deal with the situation.
Forbidden Art: Ten Line Volley - A ten line volley accessed in critical situations with it she creates a true barrage of rifle fire upon a single opponent.
Forbidden Art: Twenty Line Volly - A second to last resort with it she creates a volley of twenty rifles its power can overwhelm most single targets.
Forbidden Art: Infinite Line Volley - A true last resort calling upon all the rifles within the armory she releases a untold amount of rifle fire in a single volley. This can be called Tsuruhime's ultimate attack a true last resort type of attack.
One Line Volley - Her basic skill which allows her to summon a volley of rifles behind her that fires upon her command.
Two Line Volley - Should one line volley not be enough she is allowed to summon a second volley of rifles. Though she can only summon the second volley should the first prove to be not enough.
Three Line Volley - Three line volley is her signature skill one accessed if the first two volleys of rifle fire are not enough to deal with the situation.
Forbidden Art: Ten Line Volley - A ten line volley accessed in critical situations with it she creates a true barrage of rifle fire upon a single opponent.
Forbidden Art: Twenty Line Volly - A second to last resort with it she creates a volley of twenty rifles its power can overwhelm most single targets.
Forbidden Art: Infinite Line Volley - A true last resort calling upon all the rifles within the armory she releases a untold amount of rifle fire in a single volley. This can be called Tsuruhime's ultimate attack a true last resort type of attack.