Declaration of the King
His Royal highness King Tarquin VI has issued an order for all his Imperial subjects with the title of Duke or Count to come to his home and capital of the nation, indeed the world, Nighthaven Citadel. There are two reasons why is Lordship has given his subjects such a generous display of hospitality. The first being that the King wishes to hold a grand council to discuss the affairs of the nation and the state of the ongoing war with the neighboring Empire. The second reason will be announced by the King himself on the arrival of the Dukes.
Please arrive at Nighthaven with due haste.
- Arthur Wraith, King's Chancellor writing on behalf of his Good Grace
King Tarquin VI of House Heartwroth
His Royal highness King Tarquin VI has issued an order for all his Imperial subjects with the title of Duke or Count to come to his home and capital of the nation, indeed the world, Nighthaven Citadel. There are two reasons why is Lordship has given his subjects such a generous display of hospitality. The first being that the King wishes to hold a grand council to discuss the affairs of the nation and the state of the ongoing war with the neighboring Empire. The second reason will be announced by the King himself on the arrival of the Dukes.
Please arrive at Nighthaven with due haste.
- Arthur Wraith, King's Chancellor writing on behalf of his Good Grace
King Tarquin VI of House Heartwroth
About this roleplay:
This roleplay will center around the Dukes (And Duchesses) and Countesses (And Counts) who have been called to attend the kings grand council. They are unaware however that the king does not intend for them to leave afterwards, instead unbeknownst to them they will now have a permanent residence in Nighthaven Citadel.
This is loosely inspired by the real life French King Louis XIV who built the grand Palace of Versailles (Which is the picture I chose to display Nighthaven) and had his subjects close by. The general idea behind this was "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer".
So, is anyone interested?