Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EricRP
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Death of Lucerys and Arrax

The King is Dead
King Viserys, the first of his name, had ascended to the throne at a time of unrivalled prosperity for the Targaryen name. Never had there been more blood-relatives of the household nor as many dragons since the Doom of Valyria. With his daring and rash brother, Prince Daemon, at his side he presided over a Kingdom that had enjoyed five decades of peace and prosperity. The gallant Ser Otto Hightower provided wise counsel in his role as Hand of the King and once Daemon was appointed head of the City Watch- crime plummeted in King's Landing too...

It was heard that Daemon's support of his brother was, in part, motivated by a belief that he would be favoured as Viserys' preferred heir. This, if true, proved misfounded, however, as Viserys long had an heir in mind; his daughter Rhaenyra- ofttimes called 'The Realm's Delight', whom he sired upon his cousin, Queen Aemma of House Arryn.

Rhaenyra - The Realm's Delight

Since her childhood, Viserys had doted on his daughter, even taking her along to council meetings and encouraging her to listen, to watch and to learn. As he doted upon her, so came the court to do likewise; she was a precocious and bright child of uncommon beauty- even for one of Targaryen blood- already a dragonrider by her eighth nameday, she could be often seen circling the Red Keep and then off across the Blackwater on the back of Syrax- her she-dragon named for some old God.

After the Queen birthed a son who died within a day, a day longer than the Queen herself, Viserys was heartsick and past his last whit of patience with questions upon the issue of succession. He named Rhaenyra Princess of Dragonstone- the ancient seat of the Targaryens- and insisted that she succeed him and not Daemon, his brother. Prince Daemon did not attend the ceremony.

Four years passed and we come to the induction of one Ser Criston Cole into the Kingsguard. A mere Steward's son in the service of House Dondarrion at one time, Cole caught the eyes of the Realm at a Tourney in Maidenpool to celebrate Viserys' ascension- winning the melee and reaching the final of the Joust. The princess took a childish fancy to him and had Viserys name him her sworn shield. He rarely left her side. The King went on to remarry; taking Lady Alicent (Otto Hightower's daughter) to wife. Princess Rhaenyra welcomed the union, less so Daemon who had the messenger whipped upon hearing the news. Not wont to wait upon a crown that seemed ever more distant, Daemon decided he might carve out a kingdom of his own. Making common cause with the Sea-Dragons of house Velaryon- Daemon and Corlys Velaryon warred with the Triarchy Kingdom of Lys, Myr and Tyrosh. The Velaryon fleet supported by Daemon and Caraxes- his monstrous dragon- Viserys supported the endeavour with coin. The feud was old- The Triarchy had warred upon old Volantis.

Over the next few years, Daemon and Corlyss won many victories and when his brother defeated the Myrish Prince in single combat- known as the Crabfeeder- and declared himself King of the Narrow Sea, Viserys was content for Daemon to keep his crown "so long as it kept him out of trouble." But the Triarchy dispatched a new fleet and when the Kingdom of Dorne allied their strength to their oars, Daemon's fragile kingdom sank with little trace (metaphorically).

Back in King's Landing, Viserys and Queen Alicent had a son; Aegon. Aegon was followed by Helaena - his sister he would go on to wed- and finally his younger brother, Aemond. Whilst happy news, it once more threw the question of succession into the melting pot. The eldest son should inherit- Queen Alicent and her father, Otto Hightower- hand of the King were keen to see Aegon named heir rather than Rhaenyra, who was not of Hightower blood. Otto overstepped in this and Viserys replaced him with Lord Lyonel Strong. The King didn't want to hear of it; he'd long made clear his preference for his daughter and was keen to disregard the ruling of the Great Council of 101AC that decreed the Man should always go before the Woman.

A schism developed, of sorts. At a Tourney in 111AC, Queen Alicent wore a dress of deep green- Hightower colours whereas the Princess underlined her position in garments of black embellished with red for the banners of House Targaryen. People began to speak of those close to the royal parties as 'Greens' or 'Blacks' depending of which potential heir they were thought to favour; Rhaenyra or the boy Aegon. At this tourney, Daemon returned from his wars and held his crown up to Viserys in a show of fealty to his brother. The king - who loved Daemon well despite his frequent volatile mood swings- kissed him on both cheeks and let him keep the empty crown.

Daemon offers his 'King of the Narrow Sea' Crown up to his brother, Viserys.

None cheered more at this reunion than Princess Rhaenyra, who also loved her dashing uncle well. Perhaps, if tales are to be believed, more well than a niece ought to love an uncle...

Be that as it may (or may not), within days of this public show of fealty, Daemon was exiled. Some sources suggest he and the princess were caught abed together whereas others maintain Daemon was tutoring her in ways to make Criston Cole break his kingsguard oaths by teaching her in the art of love. Were you Viserys, would it matter which account rang true? The Princess was still a child. Chastened, Daemon made for the Stepstones to continue his war. Rumour has it that he had offered to wed the Princess in return for the King anulling his estranged and barren marriage with his own wife, Rhea whom he had wed in 97AC.

Ser Criston Cole kept his vows. He was named Lord Commander of the Kingsguard in 112AC, the year before Princess Rhaenyra came of age. In the years preceding this she had had no shortage of potential suitors; Harwin Strong, heir to Harrenhal (purported to be the strongest knight in the Realm); Twins Ser Jason and Ser Tyland Lannister who showered her with gifts; Lord Bracken and Lord Blackwood who had duelled for her honour. The Queen and her father were keen to see Aegon betrothed to his beautiful half sister, perhaps conceding that Viserys was unlikely to change his mind over the boy's position in the line of succession. Indeed, the Targaryens had wed brother to sister for generations in order to keep the bloodline pure but Viserys was dismayed the motives of his wife and Ser Otto were simply to have Aegon King by hook or by crook and he declined. In any case, Aegon was still very young and he and Rhaenyra had never really gotten along.

Enter the Sea Snake. The Velaryon House had dragon's blood on both sides and Laenor Valeryon even had a dragon of his own, Seasmoke- a splendid Grey and White beast. The problem was that Laenor seemed to prefer the company of young squires his own age (19) to the company of women and it was even mooted he'd never known a woman intimately, having sired no bastards. Presented with this news, Grand Maestor Mellos is said to have remarked, "What of that? I am not fond of fish but if fish is served, I eat it." Rhaenyra was not pleased with this proposal, perhaps she would prefer to wed Daemon or see Ser Cole released from his vows to crawl between her thighs at last but Viserys was resolute. "If you deny me this, mayhaps I must needs reconsider the issue of succession after all!" He warned.

So she wed Laenor in 114AC and a Tourney was held. Rumours surfaced that prior to the wedding, the princess had (again) been found abed with another. Suitor Ser Harwin Strong had allegedly taken Rhaenyra's maidenhead (if indeed she even still had it) and Criston Cole had been said to have shunned her forever. At the Tourney he wore Queen Alicent's favour (declaring himself a 'Green') and fought in a black fury. When he faced Strong in the lists, he shattered his elbow and collarbone for Rhaenyra to witness before facing the Knight Laenor was said to 'favour'- Ser Joffrey Lonmouth- the Knight of Kisses. Ser Joffrey was stretchered away senseless and bloody and did not die for six days. Laenor wept bitter tears of grief.

After this the newlyweds split; not officially but whilst she stayed on at Dragonstone, her husband returned to Driftmark. Had the marriage even been consummated? It would seem so when Prince Jacaerys was born, though some remarked whilst Rhaenyra and Leonas had the silver hair and aquiline features of Volantis, Jacaerys was brown-haired and pugnosed much like Ser Harwin Strong, ever the Queen's companion and Captain of the Blacks - her personal guard. She had two more sons; Lucerys and Joffrey (both looking like their brother and neither parent); healthy, strapping lads.

The Greens put it about that the children were obviously Strong's issue and challenged that if they were unable to become dragonriders, it would prove the question of their parentage. However, Viserys commanded each lad have a dragon's egg placed in his cradle and each egg hatched. Vermax, Arrax and Tyraxes issued forth in turn. The King ignored any rumours thereafter, determined Rhaenyra still succeed.

In 120AC- known now as the Year of the Red Spring- four things happened... Laenor's sister died. After Daemon's wife had passed in a hunting accident five years previous, the Prince had wed Laena and thye'd had two daughters; Baela and Rhaena. Viserys had been angered by this marriage (he hadn't given his blessing) in the outset, he allowed Daemon to present his daughters at court in 117AC. Perhaps he hoped fatherhood might temper his brother. In 120AC she gave Daemon the son he'd always wanted but what was drawn from her womb was a twisted deformity and died with the mother shortly after birth.

But it was Lord Corlyss and Princess Rhaenys Velaryon who had the greater cause to grieve. No sooner had they lost their daughter than they also lost their son. Laenor was murdered at a market in Spicetown. His friend (and alleged lover) Ser Qarl Correy and he had quarreled (potentially over Leonas' desire to set Correy aside in favour of a new lover) and blades were drawn. Leonas died and Qarl fled. He was never seen again. A darker rumour suggests the newly widowed Daemon paid Correy to murder Leonas so he might take his niece to wed after all.

Graver still was the enmity bubbling to the surface between Rhaenyra's three sons and her three stepsiblings, the progeny of Viserys and Queen Alicent. The Dragonless Aemond Targaryen, Aegon's younger brother tried to claim Vhagar, Laena's former mount, for himself. Aemond taunted Rhaenyra's boys, calling them "The Strongs" until Prince Lucerys put out Aemond's eye with a knife. He was henceforth known as Aemond One-Eye though he did manage to win Vhagar for himself. Viserys intervened and commanded his sons return to King's Landing whist Rhaenyra's boys remain on Dragonstone to distance his family from further quarrels. Ser Harwin Strong was also removed back to Harrenhal.

Lo and behold, the fourth tragedy that Spring was the fire at Harrenhal which claimed Harwin's life as well as that of his Lord father, Lyonel Strong; the serving Hand of the King. Of course there are those that suggest this was no accident; Queen Alicent or Daemon or Lord Strong's youngest son (who would inherit) all had their names whispered in connection with the conflagration but once the tongues of flame were extinguished and the stronghold gutted, who was left to say what was the cause? And so Rhaenyra lost a husband, and some would say a paramour as well as a Sister by marriage in the same year. Undoubtedly, one way or other, her boys lost a father (if not two) in name as well as blood.

The result? Viserys recalled Otto Hightower to once again serve as King and Daemon finally wed the Princess Rhaenyra, his niece. The couple quickly delivered Daemon a son who lived and was named Aegon. Queen Alicent was enraged, seeing it as a direct affront to her eldest who had also been named for the conqueror. The two became known as Aegon the Elder and Aegon the Younger. In 122AC Rhaenyra bore Daemon a second son, Viserys, named for her father. Viserys lacked the strength of his elder brother or any of his older stepsiblings and the omens were ill when he alone had a dragon egg placed in the cradle which did not hatch. Though the boy was precocious, as his mother had been in childhood.

And there things stood until, finally, in 129AC King Viserys died. By this time, Aegon (the Elder) had wed his sister Helaena and she had borne the twins Jaehaerys and Jaehaera (the latter a strange child; slow to grow and never weeping nor crying as children invariably do). She also bore him Maelor in 127AC. Over in Driftmark, the Sea Snake Lord Velaryon sickened and took to his bed. King Viserys injured himself on his Iron Throne in 128AC and the wound became badly infected. He lost two fingers to cease the rot but he continued to decline afterwards. He was abed telling stories of old to his grandchildren Jaehaerys and Jaehaera before tiring and falling asleep. He never awoke.

And so began the Dance of the Dragons...
The elder Aegon, with the insistance of Ser Otto (his Grandfather and Hand of the King), his Lady Mother, the Queen Alicent and the small council- Aegon was convinced to take the throne for himself. Viserys had ever insisted Rhaenyra would inherit but Viserys was dead and by the laws of Gods and Men and the decree of the Great Council of 101AC Aegon was the rightful Heir. He was crowned Aegon II before word of Viserys' demise was sent to his daughter on Dragonstone. The Princess was heavy with child and when learning of the betrayal, she flew into such a black rage that she fell into a horrific labour a moon earlier than was her time. After three days in which she cursed the Queen, the new 'King' and all their kin foully and even cursed the child trying to 'claw' its way out of her, she brought forth a monster indeed. Blind and deformed with a hole where the heart should have been, she named the daughter Visenya and it was taken away to be burned. She had been stillborn and had a scaly tail. Rhaenyra blamed this, too on Aegon and the Queen (or Queen Mother as she had become).

And here we are
The history goes on but we shall begin from this point. The Dance is Ours to tell. Do not take this RP lightly because there is a ton of lore to get your head around but from this point; Aegon II on the throne, Rhaenyra and Daemon on Dragonstone enraged with no time to mourn their twisted and stillborn daughter we begin the dreadful dance. At this stage please state interest and placehold away. I will hopefully fill gaps but give the principal cast over to you to portray. I hope I've done enough to stir some interest. I'll add more maps and lore etc as interest (hopefully) grows. I would like to state my reliance on George R.R. Martin, Elio Garcia & Linda Antonsson's 'The World of Ice & Fire' for the lore thus far as well as the artwork. I am not very experienced being GM (not at all on this site) and would welcome collaboration with some seasoned pros in this endeavour!

Fire & Blood

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I don't know the lore well enough for this, but I'd just like to say:

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Almost fully caught up with the show, but never read the books. But interested regardless. :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 3 days ago

I'll put my hat in with this. Thinking of House Stark or Blackwood.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'll put my hat in with this. Thinking of House Stark or Blackwood.

Where the Roddy and Rolly hype @ tho.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ethanjory
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ethanjory The Mary-Sue Master

Member Seen 11 days ago

Any restrictions on playing dragonriders? I may have interest in playing as a Targaryen.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EricRP
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Any restrictions on playing dragonriders? I may have interest in playing as a Targaryen.

Not at all, we will need dragonriders for certain 👍
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EricRP
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

CS Template I may not even play House Templeton but wanted to give those interested an indication of what we're looking for then people can get a start on creating their CSs.
House Templeton
Ninestars- The Vale of Arryn

Ninestars is the name of the castle that forms the seat of House Templeton. Sitting NorthEast on the Southern Edge of the Fingers, Ninestars Castle is fashioned from white-grey stone and consists of fairly short, squat battlements framed by two square towers. It lurches up from long yellow grasses with its back to the tides, ducking out of the salty winds gusting off the narrow sea.

Of huge strategic importance, Ninestars has proven invaluable in forming a defensive fortress guarding the Fingers, whilst looking out across the Narrow Sea to its rear.

Whilst hardly the Vale’s most impressive stronghold, Ninestars’ fringe position helps to facilitate it as an administrative hub for the various farming communities in the fertile peninsula. There are comfortably upwards of 2'500 men that owe fealty to the Knight of Ninestars and it is this that has enabled each Ser Templeton to command the respect of the Lordly counterparts such as Corbray, Royce and Hunter.
The centrepoint of the castle is the Sept, or ‘temple’, after which the House is named.

Templeton’s history dates back as far as the Andals who are credited with the building of the Temple which became a significant waycastle for those accessing the Vale by sea. Whilst not boasting ought so grandiose as a harbour or port; over generations Ninestars grew around it and the Templeton House was given Knightly status and dominion over the castle by House Arryn many centuries ago.
Essentially the first ‘Templetons’ were required to maintain the temple and keep residence of the villages clustered in the vicinity. It is rumoured that this task was oft doled out to ‘bastards’ of the Arryn House; if true, it would provide a blood-tie to the Noble House for Templeton. Certainly their allegiance to Arryn has never wavered.
As the fortifications grew, Temple-town (from whence the name derives) was the colloquial monicker given to the almalgamated villages who eventually moved to within or beside the castle grounds. The hugely popular Templeton market and annual Fair drew more and more settlers to the vicinity. In acknowledgement of the time-honoured diligence and capable management of the temple and surrounding township, ‘House Templeton’ was formerly recognised by Lord Arryn, that same evening a meteor shower purportedly featuring ‘nine falling stars’ shone across the darkening sky- giving the castle its name, and House Templeton its sigil; the yellow of the stars representing the long grasses of the vale and the black field representing the night sky.

Members of the House:
Ser Jon Templeton- Knight of Ninestars- 30 (called the blackstar colloquially)
The Widow Ninestars- Lady Allayne Templeton- 34 (Ronnel’s Widow)
Miss Birgitte Sunderland– Daughter of Lord Sunderland and a ward sent to Ninestars to secure Sunderland’s fealty in future. - 13
Kennet Nash – Master-at-Arms – 47
Yohn Cowley – Kennelmaster – 47
Maester Corbyn – A maester – 55
Harold Stone – The late Ronnel Templeton’s bastard – 17
Gawarth Templeton– Jon’s Uncle – 55

Character Sheets:

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 12 days ago

Interested! Place holding house Dayne if possible.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EricRP
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The Dragons of Westeros: 129AC

King Aegon II's Dragons

Sunfyre- King Aegon II Targaryen's dragon

A young, yet splendid dragon, Archmaester Gyldayn decreed that Sunfyre was the most beautiful dragon ever to fly in the skies. He has gleaming gold scales and pale pink wing membranes. In the sunlight his scales shine like beaten gold.

Vhagar- Prince Aemond (One-Eye)'s dragon - the last of Aegon the Conqueror's Dragons.

The oldest (probably) living dragon at this point in history; huge but not so quick as once he was.

Dreamfyre- Queen Helaena's Dragon

Dreamfyre was once Rhaena Targaryen's (b. 23AC) dragon she is fully grown and two centuries old. Her scales gleam a fiery red/orange to match her flame.

Tessarion- Prince Daeron's Dragon

With wings of bluest cobalt and underscales of beaten copper, Tessarion is a striking looking beast. Her fire burns a deep blue to match her colouring; her wings are black as pitch. A young and nimble dragon only a third of the size of Vermithor.

Morghul & Shrykos The dragons of Princess Jaehaera & Prince Jaehaerys respectively

Too young for war. These dragons hatched in the cribs of the young royals but are too small to be ridden yet

Princess Rhaenyra's Dragons

Syrax- Princess Rhaenyra's Dragon

A huge and formidable beast, yelow-scaled and kept chained and well-fed. Syrax hasn't hunted in years and lacks the experience of Caraxes.

Caraxes- Prince Daemon's dragon

The Red Wyrm. Caraxes is strong, large and experienced in war having lain waste to the Stepstones over decades past. Daemon and he are a formidable duo in battle. He is the OG. About half Vhagar's size.

Vermax- Prince Jacaerys' Dragon

Vermax's egg hatched in the crib of the Prince Jacaerys, much to the chagrin of Queen Alicent who alleged Rhaenyra's sons by Laenor Valeryon to actually be the bastard progeny of Ser Harwin Strong. By 129AC, Vermax is big enough to ride though, naturally, small and inexperienced. His scales are a murky green.

Arrax- Prince Lucerys' dragon

Best believe Arrax was a small, jade green dragon. Nimble and young (only fourteen like the Prince) Arrax hatched in Lucerys' cradle where his egg had been commanded to be placed by King Viserys I. A fifth of the size of Vhagar, Arrax is agile and fast for his lack of experience.

Tyraxes- Prince Joffrey's Dragon

Small in 129AC, Tyraxes is only 12 like rider Joffrey and has only now begun to bear a rider. Able to fly shorter distances but not ready for war, Tyraxes' scales are a golden-brown colour and his eyes are a verdant green.

Stormcloud- Prince Aegon (the Younger)'s dragon

Young and unridden at this point in 129AC, Stormcloud is a pale-blue dragon belonging to the young prince Aegon (the Younger) Targaryen- Rhaenyra & Daemon's eldest son. The boy & dragon are yet to reach their ninth nameday yet Stormcloud is a strong flier, Aegon hopes he will be able to ride before long. His mother was riding Syrax at seven, lest we forget.

Meleys- Princess Rhaenys's dragon

The Red Queen. Cunning and old, though lazy- Meleys is fearsome if roused. Of a size with Caraxes, still half as big as Vhagar. Her scales are scarlet and the membranes of her wings, pink. Her crest, horns, and claws are bright as copper. If any dragon could be said to prove a test for Vhagar, Meleys is believed to be the stiffest.

Moondancer- Lady Baela's dragon

Baela is of age (13) but her dragon, Moondancer - a pale green- is no larger than a warhorse. Hatched from a clutch of eggs produced by Syrax, Moondancer is quick and nimble- she goes crazy when she hears a cymbal and a hi-hat with a souped-up tempo- I'm on a roll! It's time to go solo...

...sorry... anyway, Moondancer is large enough to bear Baela's weight but she's hardly like to turn the tide of battle... is she?

Riderless & Wild Dragons

Silverwing- formerly Queen Alysanne's dragon - currently riderless

Alysanne Targaryen died in 100AC so Silverwing has been riderless near thirty years. Large as Vermithor in whom she found a mate, Silverwing is a dark green colour with silvery underwings as the name would suggest. It is said that dragons that have accepted riders in the past are more like to do so again...

Seasmoke- formerly Prince Leanor Velaryon's dragon

Grown to adulthood yet still comparatively young, Seasmoke is a dragon of House Velaryon and belonged to Princess Rhenyra's murdered first husband, Leanor Velaryon. Seasmoke has been riderless 9 years now. A pale silver/grey dragon, beautiful to behold and favours flying low over water, close to the sea.

Vermithor- formerly King Jaehaerys I's dragon

The Bronze Fury is already a century old and second in size only to Vhagar (despite Meleys being almost 200). Vermithor has bronze scales with tan wings and underbelly. Vermithor has been riderless for six and twenty years since the death of the current King's grandfather. He is old and, boy, is he hoary.

Sheepstealer- Wild dragon

A dirty mud-brown wild dragon, Sheepstealer enjoys his mutton and lives behind Dragonmont. His range seems to be between Driftmark and Wendwater. He has never been ridden. Wild and savage.

Grey Ghost- Wild Dragon

Grey Ghost is silvery white/grey with a deep scarlet crown. Reclusive and shy of people, this dragon has never been ridden or tamed as few can lay claim to ever have him come close enough. He also resides on Dragonmont like Sheepstealer, making his lair somewhere on the eastern edge. He flies across the sea, feeding mainly on fish.

The Cannibal- Wild Dragon

Large, savage and black as coal, Cannibal is likely one of the oldest living dragons given his size. Untamed and never ridden, one school of thought has it that the Cannibal lived on Dragonstone even before the Targaryens and is almost certainly of a different lineage entirely. Mayhaps this explains his enmity towards the other living dragons; feeding on dragon eggs and hatchlings at times. It is said his lair is littered with the bones of those that have tried to tame him, though who has truly lived to see the sight I couldn't guess.

Lady Rhaena and Prince Viserys both have dragon eggs as yet unhatched at this time...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ethanjory
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ethanjory The Mary-Sue Master

Member Seen 11 days ago

More specifically, I'm looking to play as Prince Daeron. It's been awhile since I've played a character who's a decent human being.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EricRP
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

More specifically, I'm looking to play as Prince Daeron. It's been awhile since I've played a character who's a decent human being.

Consider the place held for you :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 12 days ago

Working on my CS now. Got most of the family done.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EricRP
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hi gang. Finished my dragon compendium! Still infinite spots open and as you'll see we need plenty dragonriders and would-be dragonriders! If people wouldn't mind taking on a Green or a Black Targaryen alongside their chosen household/character it would really help. Otherwise I have one heck of a story to tell on my own! Ha ha... Please don't worry what becomes of you in the Dance, as I say from our starting point all bets are off. Similarly, if you're down with the lore and know some of the major players yet to manifest, Addam of Hull, Ulf the White, Nettles, the Shepherd etc their roles in the dance are by no means guaranteed either.

If you are interested in creating a character that would seek to claim a riderless dragon, bear in mind some Valyrian blood tends to be an advantage in such an endeavour. For instance, if you look at my House Templeton temple-plate (har har) above, Harold Stone is bastard born and his father is either Ronnel Templeton or Ronnel's uncle, Gawarth. The mother is some unknown serving girl. But if I make her some Celtigar descendent (ancient House from old Volantis) then perhaps Harold could tame the Cannibal! Yeah... weird example but you get it! I'll set to working more sheets together over the next few days so let me know who you'd like to play so I don't steal your work from you!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetWanderer
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SunsetWanderer woke moralist

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Placing down some interest! I think I'll write for Ser Criston Cole.

Tentatively, I'll say that I may also write for Prince Lucerys Velaryon, but yeah. Still not sure on him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EricRP
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Placing down some interest! I think I'll write for Ser Criston Cole.

Tentatively, I'll say that I may also write for Prince Lucerys Velaryon, but yeah. Still not sure on him.

That's great. Cole is a huge part so understand if you don't take on Lucerys too (although the only limit is your own ambition! ha ha)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 12 days ago

Considering either Aegon the Younger or Joffrey at the moment. Perhaps both.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nora Stark
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Nora Stark First of Her Name

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EricRP
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House Arryn

Seat: The Eyrie
The Vale

Lady Jeyne Arryn - Maiden of the Vale

The younger half-sister of the late Queen, Aemma Targaryen, Jeyne Arryn became Warden of the East upon the death of her Lord Father, Rodrik Arryn in 100AC, she was five years old. Her mother, Wilma Royce (younger sister to Rhea Targaryen, Prince Daemon's estranged first wife), had married Rodrik in the hope she might be able to provide the aging Lord of the Vale a male heir. Aemma was Queen and destined to diee in childbirth and her daughter Rhaenyra (b. 97AC) would be heir to the Seven Kingdoms. When Jeyne was born late in 95AC, it was hoped there was plentiful time for a younger brother who might become heir to the Eyrie but despite Wilma being young and hale (just fourteen when Jeyne was born) she suddenly sickened in 98AC and passed away. Jeyne was two years old.

So it came to pass that she came to inherit the ancestral seat whilst scarce more than a babe herself. Despite this, she had sound advisors left behind by her late father and grew swiftly into her office. Patient, wise beyond her years and savvy, the Vale prospered and she was well loved. She got along well with young Princess Rhaenyra whenever occasion brought them together, just a year and a half separated the girls in age and their shared Arryn blood meant Jeyne felt a responsibility for the Princess whilst Rhaenyra seemed to listen to Jeyne a deal more than any of the females at court, including Viserys' new queen, Alicent Hightower.

By the time her Aunt Rhea died in 115AC, advisors (now mere subjects) were keen to press upon Jeyne the idea of marriage. She was approaching her twenty-third nameday and had earned the monicker 'The Maiden of the Vale', she understood well enough that producing an heir (preferably male, though Jeyne expressed no opinion on this) was part and parcel of her duty to her office and to her name. The problem was that she simply didn't like men. Most of her court were men and she found those who weren't greybeards or sots were dullards so armed in chivalry and courtesy that she ofttimes had to bite her lip sharply to stay awake through some of their dreary monologues.

She could certainly feel pleasure of the flesh but found that the soft, porcelain caresses of Aya, a Lysene girl brought to serve at the Eyrie as a refugee from Daemon's infernal war on the Stepstones. She had worked in pleasurehouses and Jeyne had raised her to the role of her personal stewardess. She had taught Jeyne the pleasures a woman can enjoy and Jeyne had ever insisted she needed further tuition. The 'search' for a husband, it seemed, was set to continue.

What she hadn't banked upon, however, was Daemon Targaryen's temerity in requesting poor Rhea's former home of Runestone for his personal seat. Here was a man who married too young and then cruelly shunned her Aunt for the rest of the marriage (and Rhea's life). He had even famously declared the Vale bored him and made scandalous accusations about the relationship her subjects had with their sheep! It gave her a real satisfaction to reject his claim and honour Rhea's nephew (her cousin) as the new Lord Royce. Daemon's reaction was predictable. He attacked and Jeyne had to call the banners to weedle him out and restore the peace. In honour of the brave men that gave their lives (including the Knight of Ninestars- a half-crippled, but brave man) Jeyne banished Daemon from the Vale forever. It was disappointing that Viserys had elected not to bestir himself to intervene in the conflict.

It has been disappointing to see how Rhaenyra and Queen Alicent have developed such a cold enmity over the years, but Rhaenyra is Jeyne's blood- half an Arryn herself- and should any presume to supplant the Princess and steal her rightful Crown, there is little doubt where her loyalties lie. The only sticking point being that Rhaenyra has wed that infernal uncle of hers, Daemon. Now, in 129AC, Jeyne is in her thirty fourth year and winter is coming. Snows already cover the slopes of the Giant's Lance as far down as Stone (one of the Eyrie's wayhouses along the treacherous approach).

The Arryns can trace their history right back to the purest Andal stock. Ever since Ser Artys Arryn, the Falcon knight became the first Arryn King to rule over Mountain and Vale have the Arryns held sway over the Eastern lands of Westeros. From the day Ser Artys defeated King Robar II at the battle of the Seven Stars, the household has held a storied place in the history of the Seven Kingdoms.

When Aegon the Conqueror came, the Arryns became Wardens of the East and have staunchly stood beside the Iron Throne ever after. As well as defending Westeros from enemies across the Narrow Sea, House Arryn has kept tight controls over the savage Mountain Clans that plague the mountains of mist.

More recently, House Arryn was honoured with the distinction of being allowed marriage into the Targaryen bloodline; Lord Rodrick Arryn offered the hand of Princess Daella Targaryen and their daughter, Lady Aemma Arryn was wed to the lately passed King Viserys I. Lady Aemma is long dead now but was mother to the Princess Rhaenyra, making Viserys' preferred heiress half Arryn herself.

Rhaenyra's newest husband, however, her rash uncle Daemon is no friend in the Vale. His first wife Rhea died in 115AC and when he petitioned that he should inherit Rhea's ancestral home, Runestone. Not only did the current Lady Arryn forbid this, she expelled Daemon from the Vale altogether!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ezekiel
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Awesome sauce!

Is the Realm's Delight herself, and potentially Jacaerys free to play?

Love a bit of dragon dancing.
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