Not much to explain here, right? You woke up, lousy day, vacation with the family. Hooray...ugh! Perhaps your significant other broke up with you, you're tired that Despacito is still playing non-stop, or maybe...you're just having a bad day. Well. It's all good. You get on the plane. The sandwich is bland, tastes like dirt or sand. You can't decide which is worse. You get into an argument about it with yourself. Some future opera-singer is crying their lungs out, enough so that you start making up multiple scenarios of throwing them out the window. But of course, it's a baby. Not only aren't you so cruel, but you're also not that stupid. It was sometime between your stop at the bathroom, and the return to your seat. Or maybe, you were just sitting there. Watching a movie. Talking. Looking out the window and wondering aircraft mechanisms. But everybody experienced it. The sudden pull. The sudden fall. It was over in seconds.
Now all you have left to do....is go up for air. And survive.
This roleplay is BRAND NEW! I'm currently accepting players before it gets started, so please do consider joining!
I was a derp and made the RP before the interest thread so if you wanna sign up there, here's the link: