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    1. Fuji 11 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current roleplayerguild.com/topics/… final call before starting.


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Was she....talking to him? Or to herself? Aidan narrowed his eyes at the woman, babbling words he couldn’t quite hear. Yet she paddled to the boat, and both men were quite welcoming. A smirk danced upon his lips, fingers treading through soaked hair. She used to tell him he had a love-sick puppy face. Before she...perished. The dolphin moved along to play with the other brave man that had hopped into the water. And so he pulled himself back up, sticking to a corner and watching the clouds roll lazily across the sky. Birds. Birds would be there path. Blue eyes settled on the woman. Seemingly containing a lot of knowledge about theses things. There were seagull cries above them, and he squinted at the birds. “So are we supposed to follow those? Or just go straight over there...” Aidan pointed at the dark mass of land, starboard from the ship. Raft. Whatever. It was far but...wherever these seagulls could take them was probably not as close. “It’s as if...it simply appeared.” The man rubbed at his chin, was it really not there a moment ago? Something was off about this island. Really, really off.


“Okay...I won’t move.” Annette stared down the stranger. He was awfully...intent about doctoring. Everybody relaxed around the discovery of the dolphin. And then he decided to make more snarky conversation. Did he think he sound nice or was her resting bitch-face on? No clue. “They’re common. But they only give ink sacs. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a shark on Minecraft. Except for Mods.” She nodded, in the zone, sort of. It was one of the few things she knew about. Unlike dolphin boy and bird girl. Well....dolphin boy seemed kinda...lonely. “Twenty and a half.” She corrected tie-guy. “I’ll be twenty in August.” Of course, she’d most likely not know it was her birthday unless they got the hell out of the middle of the ocean. Dolphin boy then pointed. What the...it was never there before. Oh well! “Paddle!” She attempted to push away from tie-guy and lean over the edge to paddle with her palm. As Aidan was already doing. Her leg wouldn’t be too useful anyway if she was soon dead.
@Cassowarysaur Looks good! Just keep in mind that the journal will probably be soaked and not as readable. Depending of how he gets to the island. I'm happy you and Erklings are getting along <3

Feel free to post up your character in the character section and join the IC roleplay!
OOC: Oops, someone knows about sharks far more than I do XD


Criminologist? Damn. That was a...fancy term. And Aidan was just the guy who hadn’t gone to college. How was he so calm? So...collected. After all he considered himself to be a pretty relaxed and fun guy. Yet he was...oh boy. So full of emotions and shit. Aidan simply nodded at his words about food or a plane. Yet he looked up at the sky. Not so sure how many planes would fly by and be able to see them. Fast forward, and he was out of the boat and in the water. Ready to get the girl and save the day. You know. Good guy protocol. Criminologist didn’t come. Too busy trying to wrangle monkey-girl. The other dude, well, he proved more responsive. Yet Aidan simply chuckled, amused at his reaction. Until he jumped in the water. He was bleeding? “Don’t worry. I can’t feel a thing.” With a charming smile, he looked back over at the girl. “Perhaps we’re out of our league...” She seemed to have things under control. “Wait a minute.” Aidan swam towards her, and clicked his tongue. In a very failed...awful way of trying to attract the animal. Then...suddenly, a dolphin popped out of the water. And began to press his snout against Aidan’s hand. “That’s a good boy.” He turned to look at his “crew”. “They’re not afraid of people. Land must be nearby.”


“Hey!” Annette gasped, frowning as the stranger pushed her back onto the boat. “Oww. Oww.” She whispered hissing through her teeth. Couldn’t he be a little more gentle. Eyes widening as he placed her leg over his shoulder. As he gave orders, she nodded. “Yes sir.” She saluted mockingly, with a half smile on her mouth. Two men off the boat. And then the man who’d asked her if she was too old for minecraft, began to speak again. “What the...” Of course, the girl wasn’t a damsel in distress. She was the only distressed thing in that lifeboat. Apparently. And yet surfer dude swam out. “Hey...” But then. “Of course, it was a dolphin.” Annette looked at the other guys, chuckling in disbelief. “We’ve got a dolphin boy.” A doctor, a dolphin whisperer, and Jane of the jungle. She was just creeper girl. And the other dude was...something.

Great. Just great.

“I...didn’t have anything do bandage it with. I barely knew she was alive until a few seconds ago.” Aidan swallowed, eyes wide as he watched the stranger used his tie, in a creative way, to bandage the leg wound. Well. It wasn’t like he owned the boat, but it was still a surprise when he had basically sprung from the water. “Are you a med student?” Yup. He really sucked at telling ages. Yet his brows furrowed as he saw the cut on the man’s head. “Hey dude you...uh.” He motioned at the back of his own head, lips pressed together. It looked bad. “Your head.” And yet...ANOTHER GUY JUMPED ON THE RAFT. Whoa. This was a little bit much. He was...confused. His mind was jumbled, he couldn’t think straight. And all of the sudden they were appearing. Aidan. Come on. You’re a nice guy. Hold it together. “Yeah. I’m from the plane.” Jaw locked, he nodded. “Well...considering where we were heading. This is probably somewhere in the Caribbean. Water temperature and all.” His hands were still shaking, and yet he was able to breath and have some...rational thought.


“Oh my god.” Hazel eyes flew open. And suddenly, she was surrounded by a bunch of men. That would probably be one of her fantasies as long as they were a character from a book or a television series. But they were out here in the middle of the ocean. And her...plushie! Where was her plushie! Annette shot a look at Aidan and reached for the creeper. “Please.” There was a slight smirk on his face as he handed it over. “Aren’t you a little old for Minecraft?” Annette simply shook her head, but a laugh spilled from her mouth. A nervous chuckle. “Geez. I probably am.” Her hand slipped down to her pulsating leg, wrapped in a tie. What? Confusion marred her features for a second, as her chin tipped up. “Thanks...but there’s a girl over there. We are in desperate need...of estrogen.” She swallowed, pointing at the girl who clung on to a cushion seat flotation device. Sitting up, Annette felt a shock cross her leg. Deep breaths. “Guys...there’s a shark.” The dark creature was sliding right for the girl! “Come on heroes. Do something!”


“Sure thing Bossy-Pants.” Aidan slipped out of the boat with a shake of the head, taking his pocket knife out of his...well, his pocket. “Anybody wanna help?”
@Blazion Awww, I'm sorry for that. I hope all goes well!

@KahleenCuthald There will be random events in which a dice is rolled for "natural disasters" or diseases and stuff. Plus perhaps some more mystical dark secrets of the island.

It all depends it if takes off properly or not.
Sounds awesome! Can't wait to see her on the island. @RumikoOhara Feel free to post her in the character's section and get into the RP. I'll wait a little on the rest to post before I move things along <3

@Erklings25 BTW I'm loving Ren already XD
Oh! We're still open. We're only starting so you can apply if you want <3

Plenty of space left!
Huh? What happened XD

Water. It surrounds us. Fills us. Makes up 70% of us. Or...some number like that. Water makes us live. And it can make us die. It played like a movie in the back of their minds. All of them. All of us. Children screaming. Tears trickling down cheeks. The realization that they were all going to die. It took only a moment. And the world broke before their eyes. Below them, the ground shifted. Black out. Suspended in a time capsule of liquid. Between this life...and the next. Or the emptiness. Whatever you choose to believe. It was all...numb. Chaos simply funneled into nothing. Three steps. The plane. The crash. The nothingness. And yet. How was the fourth step such a monumental factor. It was as if you were dead and suddenly returned to the land of the living. Suddenly...it all becomes clear again.

And time starts to work.

Air. She needed air. Her throat began to burn. Thin, bony fingers reaching for her neck. Eyes open. Was she even crying? Annette kicked, her legs thrashing beneath her. Yet the right was caught. With something, something that she couldn’t see underneath the water. And then it was the final kick, her hands cut from pulling at the big chunk of metal that had put her down. The pain was reminding her she was alive. A tear. One shock across her leg, as the woman bit down on her tongue. But somehow she was rising. Rising up until she broke the surface. She screamed. Everything hurt. She was soaking wet. Hazel eyes found the creeper plushy, sitting. Well. Lying down. Seemingly dead as if it once lived. On the tip of the airplane wing. Which was rising like a trident from the water. Each stroke brought her closer, enough so that she could press it to her bosom. And she held on to the airplane wing. What the hell was happening to her?

For Aidan. It all worked so fast. Suddenly he was awake. And all he could think of was where he was. Not recognizing anything underwater. Suddenly, he was above the surface, shaking his head, flicking his hair back. You know. That typical way before he smoothed it back. His jaw hung, droplets falling from his chin. It was as if the plane materialized next to him. The exit door. With a grunt, he pulled it open. Well. It fell open. Almost on top of him. But he moved away in time. The water heavy jeans almost brought him down to the depths of the sea. Desperately, he unfolded the raft. Hands trembling as he did so, jaw clenched. Something crazy in his eyes. Bright yellow. Hexagonal shape. Huge. How many people could he fit? Damn that hero complex. But as Aidan dragged himself upon the raft. He had no strength. He could barely suck in air into his lungs. Even as he sat, his whole body winced from the effort. Palm pressed against his soaked chest, somehow his flesh was warm beneath. Tropical waters. Were they in tropical waters? A lone figure was clutching to the airplane wing. “Hey. Hey!” No response. As he paddled to her, he thought her dead. Damn it. The man reached, almost falling off the boat, to place his hands beneath her arms and pull her back on the boat. Profusely bleeding from one leg, but alive. She was alive. “Hold on.” Aidan looked around, before he discovered a whistle in a pocket of the raft. He blew it three times. Hard. And loud. “Anybody out there!”

@Erklings25 @Blazion @Vlad P

We're always open for applications later on though. ;D
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