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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fuji
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Fuji Part-Time Drama Queen + Full-Time Nerd

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Water. It surrounds us. Fills us. Makes up 70% of us. Or...some number like that. Water makes us live. And it can make us die. It played like a movie in the back of their minds. All of them. All of us. Children screaming. Tears trickling down cheeks. The realization that they were all going to die. It took only a moment. And the world broke before their eyes. Below them, the ground shifted. Black out. Suspended in a time capsule of liquid. Between this life...and the next. Or the emptiness. Whatever you choose to believe. It was all...numb. Chaos simply funneled into nothing. Three steps. The plane. The crash. The nothingness. And yet. How was the fourth step such a monumental factor. It was as if you were dead and suddenly returned to the land of the living. Suddenly...it all becomes clear again.

And time starts to work.

Air. She needed air. Her throat began to burn. Thin, bony fingers reaching for her neck. Eyes open. Was she even crying? Annette kicked, her legs thrashing beneath her. Yet the right was caught. With something, something that she couldn’t see underneath the water. And then it was the final kick, her hands cut from pulling at the big chunk of metal that had put her down. The pain was reminding her she was alive. A tear. One shock across her leg, as the woman bit down on her tongue. But somehow she was rising. Rising up until she broke the surface. She screamed. Everything hurt. She was soaking wet. Hazel eyes found the creeper plushy, sitting. Well. Lying down. Seemingly dead as if it once lived. On the tip of the airplane wing. Which was rising like a trident from the water. Each stroke brought her closer, enough so that she could press it to her bosom. And she held on to the airplane wing. What the hell was happening to her?

For Aidan. It all worked so fast. Suddenly he was awake. And all he could think of was where he was. Not recognizing anything underwater. Suddenly, he was above the surface, shaking his head, flicking his hair back. You know. That typical way before he smoothed it back. His jaw hung, droplets falling from his chin. It was as if the plane materialized next to him. The exit door. With a grunt, he pulled it open. Well. It fell open. Almost on top of him. But he moved away in time. The water heavy jeans almost brought him down to the depths of the sea. Desperately, he unfolded the raft. Hands trembling as he did so, jaw clenched. Something crazy in his eyes. Bright yellow. Hexagonal shape. Huge. How many people could he fit? Damn that hero complex. But as Aidan dragged himself upon the raft. He had no strength. He could barely suck in air into his lungs. Even as he sat, his whole body winced from the effort. Palm pressed against his soaked chest, somehow his flesh was warm beneath. Tropical waters. Were they in tropical waters? A lone figure was clutching to the airplane wing. “Hey. Hey!” No response. As he paddled to her, he thought her dead. Damn it. The man reached, almost falling off the boat, to place his hands beneath her arms and pull her back on the boat. Profusely bleeding from one leg, but alive. She was alive. “Hold on.” Aidan looked around, before he discovered a whistle in a pocket of the raft. He blew it three times. Hard. And loud. “Anybody out there!”

@Erklings25 @Blazion @Vlad P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Warren Clarington

All he could remember was looking at his watch and deciding he was finally back on schedule. Finally. After almost two days of plane hopping he was back on track. Ready to back to good old Nevada, where he grew up. Then a sensation of falling. His head wildly flailing backwards, striking itself on the window of the plane. A cracking noise, a severe pain. And then blackness.

He woke to find himself in a plane wreck. Almost underwater. The situation was unbelievable. It took Warren a moment to comprehend the situation. But as soon as he realised, he took action. He had already smashed some of the window, surely he could break it some more. He bent his wrist, smashing open the weakened window with the surface of his watch. He decided he would regret that rescission later, but he didn't care. His task possessed him so much he didn't realise that his head was wounded. Nothing fatal, but it wasn't just a paper cut. As the window shattered, he harnessed some unkown force and paddled to the surface, almost as if some dead Jedi was telling him to "Use the force, Ren."

Only as he rose to the surface did he notice the pain in his head. Some of the water around him was dark. It was blood. He quickly put a hand to his head, as he pulled it away did he realise it was his. He quickly became worried, he couldn't see any land. What if he was stuck here forever and no one would know he was gone. It was almost symbolic in a way. He was stirred from his thoughts to hear a whistle blow thrice. A cry of "Anybody out there!" followed. He paddled in the direction of the sound. Eventually he came across a small raft. "Good afternoon." He said cordially, grabbing the side of the boat and hauling himself over. He looked at the man in the boat, nodding slightly before turning to the woman. "I take it you just found her. Otherwise you would have bandaged that leg, correct?" He quickly took off his tie, binding it around her wound, leaning over her to check if she had any other injuries. He didn't say anything else. The most important thing was to get to shore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sandy was reading a torch romance as the plane bumped along through minor turbulence as the ocean below rolled by at Jet aircraft speeds and some of the less well traveled fidgeted worried about nothing. She knew the statistics of flight from last years traveling partner who was a worry wart who couldn’t even climb aboard the final plane flown by the State director of antiquities who was an experienced pilot who’d flown in his country’s airforce for 20 years before become a politician and could land the thing on a postage stamp. Needless to say he received a fail on his assignment and changed his major while she’d gone onto handle her’s and his work without complaint and why she was so trusted now that she’s the point man this trip.

Sighing Sandy put away her book and fell asleep knowing she needed to store as much energy as she could because from this flight she would have to change flights two more times and then travel 135 kilometers to the dig over roads meant for donkeys and barely even met up to the standards they needed.

She was asleep instantly as she always was when she decided to sleep a talent she’d developed in foster homes as she grew up in Peachtree City Georgia.

She wasn’t sure whether she woke because of the impact or the screams of her fellow passengers but Sandy knew she was in a crash so she balled herself up in the hopes that she could protect her arms and legs from damage. She wasn’t sure but she thought a rather large male passenger who was so fat he needed two seats was the soft landing she had when she was shot out of her seat and flung across the cabin. Then there was the water which rushed in filling the craft and making the need to find the exit that much more important.

She wasn’t in a panic as she swam out of the sinking plane knowing from what she’d been taught about escaping a bus in a river that it would only speed up her end by burning up her breath before she could break the surface. It wasn’t as easy as her professor had explained to extricate herself and not panic but somehow she kept her cool and soon was breaking the surface of the water and sucking down as much air as she could to fill her starving lungs.

As she drifted on the surface trying to get her bearings something bumped her from beneath and seemed bent on pushing past her to the surface and at first she thought it was one of the other passengers but it turned out you can use parts of your seat as a floatation device. Not one to pass up on opportunity Sandy grabbed the cushion and climbed aboard so she could save energy not treading water.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vlad P
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Vlad P The Metalhead

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Anthony James Webber

Anthony just came back from the bathroom and sat back on his seat. Before the plane took off he managed to convince the person next to him to switch seats with him so that Anthony could stay next to the window. The guy was nice enough to accept. As he sat back on his seat Anthony rested his head next to the window and closed his eyes hoping to catch some shuteye before the plane reaches it's destination. Afterall he would need all the rest he can get because he knew that dealing with his ex-wife would be a tiring job.

Unfortunately for him he only managed to get about 15 minutes of sleep because the violent turbulences that the plane started to have woke him up. Anthony was shaking left and right as he looked around him trying to make sense of things. Pieces of the plane were falling apart, people were screaming in fear. "You gotta be kidding me!" He said outloud as he grabbed his chair with one hand and the chair in front of him with the other.

It was useless however as he was sent flying from one side of the plane to the other. That resulted in him hitting his head hard and passing out. He woke up with a terrible headache and as he looked around the whole plane was a mess. There were seats and plane parts everywhere, dead passengers and water mixed with blood. The plane was catching up water fast so with some effort he pushed away a dead body that wwas on top of him and quickly made his way to the plane's door, which seemed to be opened. He looked left and right and started swimming to the top. After getting his head out of the water Anthony started looking around.

There was no sight of any land anywhere and just as he started thinking for the worst he heard a whistle and the voice of a man shouting. He followed the sound all the way to an inflatable raft with three people inside. Two men and a young woman which seemed to have a leg injury. He gathered his strength and got on the raft as he put his hands on his legs and started catching his breath. "Hey! You guys are from the plane too right?" He said as he stopped for a second checking out the girl's injury. Then looking back at the guy with the whistle. "For a moment there I thought I was the only survivor. We really should get out of here. There are sharks in these waters and they're drawn to blood like crazy. And there's plenty of that in the water right now. Does anybody happen to know where the hell we are?" He said as he ran his hands through his water soaked hair.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fuji
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Fuji Part-Time Drama Queen + Full-Time Nerd

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


“I...didn’t have anything do bandage it with. I barely knew she was alive until a few seconds ago.” Aidan swallowed, eyes wide as he watched the stranger used his tie, in a creative way, to bandage the leg wound. Well. It wasn’t like he owned the boat, but it was still a surprise when he had basically sprung from the water. “Are you a med student?” Yup. He really sucked at telling ages. Yet his brows furrowed as he saw the cut on the man’s head. “Hey dude you...uh.” He motioned at the back of his own head, lips pressed together. It looked bad. “Your head.” And yet...ANOTHER GUY JUMPED ON THE RAFT. Whoa. This was a little bit much. He was...confused. His mind was jumbled, he couldn’t think straight. And all of the sudden they were appearing. Aidan. Come on. You’re a nice guy. Hold it together. “Yeah. I’m from the plane.” Jaw locked, he nodded. “Well...considering where we were heading. This is probably somewhere in the Caribbean. Water temperature and all.” His hands were still shaking, and yet he was able to breath and have some...rational thought.


“Oh my god.” Hazel eyes flew open. And suddenly, she was surrounded by a bunch of men. That would probably be one of her fantasies as long as they were a character from a book or a television series. But they were out here in the middle of the ocean. And her...plushie! Where was her plushie! Annette shot a look at Aidan and reached for the creeper. “Please.” There was a slight smirk on his face as he handed it over. “Aren’t you a little old for Minecraft?” Annette simply shook her head, but a laugh spilled from her mouth. A nervous chuckle. “Geez. I probably am.” Her hand slipped down to her pulsating leg, wrapped in a tie. What? Confusion marred her features for a second, as her chin tipped up. “Thanks...but there’s a girl over there. We are in desperate need...of estrogen.” She swallowed, pointing at the girl who clung on to a cushion seat flotation device. Sitting up, Annette felt a shock cross her leg. Deep breaths. “Guys...there’s a shark.” The dark creature was sliding right for the girl! “Come on heroes. Do something!”


“Sure thing Bossy-Pants.” Aidan slipped out of the boat with a shake of the head, taking his pocket knife out of his...well, his pocket. “Anybody wanna help?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Warren Clarington

Warren didn't turn around to face Aidan, he was too busy concentrating on the woman's leg wound. It didn't appear to be infected, but these foreign waters were probably infected. "A med student? Not exactly. I'm a criminologist. In training, that is. But I've done enough first aid courses to know how to handle an injury." He turned around to face Aidan. What about his head? Oh, yes the wound. The bleeding. That. He coolly shrugged it off, deciding to return to the matter at hand. Sure, the cut hurt like hell, if he concentrated on other things, surely he wouldn't notice.

As the other man pushed himself onto the boat, Warren shot him a simple, conservative nod. Too many people were popping up from the water it seemed. Like they were all nymphs, or naiads. "Gentlemen. I hate to be the realist, but where we are will not change things. As long as we have food and we know that we can signal any planes that fly over we should be a-okay." His attention once again shifted as he heard a female voice. A female who seemed to care only for her creeper. It was kind of cute, but a bit odd. Well, more than a bit.

As Aidan slid out the boat, requesting assistance to help him rescue the stranded girl he shook his head. Nope, that did not help the pain relief in the slightest. "Count me out. I don't think the bleeding guy will stop a shark attack." He suddenly turned on the girl with the injured leg, rolling his eyes. "Oh, hell. Come here!" He muttered, pushing her back down onto the boat. Maybe he seemed rather abrupt, but she needed to look after herself. He patted her in the shoulder, a signal to stay down, before lifting her ingured leg, getting onto he knees, resting it on his shoulder. He moved down to a box position, didn't want her to tear a muscle. "You want to heal faster? Then you gotta keep that leg elavated. And give me back my tie when you're done with it, ok?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Fuji@Vlad P@Erklings25

Sandy had been concentrating on recovering her energy after her escape from the sinking plane when she heard a woman in the nearby raft call out shark which seemed odd to her because the fin cutting the surface trope was purely Hollywood; if a shark attacked a person or animal on the surface they prefered the stealthy bottom up approach. So twisting around and assuming the other woman was right she tried to find her investigator as a plan formed in her mind. The shark would know she wasn’t injured because she wasn’t bleeding or thrashing around on the surface and be cautious in its approach, its first bite would be exploratory as it tried to decide if she were worth the effort. Sharks weren’t the mindless eating machine people thought of them as, even a feeding frenzy had more control than many could see and it was because a shark had to protect their ability to continue to hunt.

So that in mind Sandy slid off her cushion and submerged and opened her eyes as she gripped the seat laying her body as flat with the surface as she were able to. She was beginning to clear her vision when she saw the approaching blur that was the shark or whatever it was that was coming at her. Her plan was likely to not go as she planned but if she could manage it she was going to shove the seat cushion in it’s face in the hope that it would bite the fabric and rubber and if lucky think it was how she tasted and swim away disgusted.

”They say if you’re falling you should flap your arms, who knows you might be the first to fly”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vlad P
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Vlad P The Metalhead

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony James Webber

The man responded to Anthony's question saying that they're probably in the Caribbean. That would have been pretty awesome if they weren't floating around in a raft next to a crashed plane. The other guy seemed concerned with the girl's injury. The word shark had the girl pretty concerned as she imidieatly pointed one out. Anthony looked in the direction that the girl pointed seeing what looked like a shark fin heading towards them. "Oh this is just great!" He said with a concerned tone as he nodded his head in dissaproval afterwards.

After the girl told the boys to do something about it Anthony sees one of the guys jumping in the water with a pocket knife in his hand, asking if anyone would help. "Are you nuts? You really mean to fight a shark with a pocket knife? get back in here!" Said Anthony trying to convince the guy to come back on the raft. "Jesus Christ!" Said Anthony as he eventually jumped in the water in the water alongside the guy. "Is it too late to mention that you're bleeding. Huh? You're like an invitation for supper." Said Anthony to the guy looking at him afterwards.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fuji
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Fuji Part-Time Drama Queen + Full-Time Nerd

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

OOC: Oops, someone knows about sharks far more than I do XD


Criminologist? Damn. That was a...fancy term. And Aidan was just the guy who hadn’t gone to college. How was he so calm? So...collected. After all he considered himself to be a pretty relaxed and fun guy. Yet he was...oh boy. So full of emotions and shit. Aidan simply nodded at his words about food or a plane. Yet he looked up at the sky. Not so sure how many planes would fly by and be able to see them. Fast forward, and he was out of the boat and in the water. Ready to get the girl and save the day. You know. Good guy protocol. Criminologist didn’t come. Too busy trying to wrangle monkey-girl. The other dude, well, he proved more responsive. Yet Aidan simply chuckled, amused at his reaction. Until he jumped in the water. He was bleeding? “Don’t worry. I can’t feel a thing.” With a charming smile, he looked back over at the girl. “Perhaps we’re out of our league...” She seemed to have things under control. “Wait a minute.” Aidan swam towards her, and clicked his tongue. In a very failed...awful way of trying to attract the animal. Then...suddenly, a dolphin popped out of the water. And began to press his snout against Aidan’s hand. “That’s a good boy.” He turned to look at his “crew”. “They’re not afraid of people. Land must be nearby.”


“Hey!” Annette gasped, frowning as the stranger pushed her back onto the boat. “Oww. Oww.” She whispered hissing through her teeth. Couldn’t he be a little more gentle. Eyes widening as he placed her leg over his shoulder. As he gave orders, she nodded. “Yes sir.” She saluted mockingly, with a half smile on her mouth. Two men off the boat. And then the man who’d asked her if she was too old for minecraft, began to speak again. “What the...” Of course, the girl wasn’t a damsel in distress. She was the only distressed thing in that lifeboat. Apparently. And yet surfer dude swam out. “Hey...” But then. “Of course, it was a dolphin.” Annette looked at the other guys, chuckling in disbelief. “We’ve got a dolphin boy.” A doctor, a dolphin whisperer, and Jane of the jungle. She was just creeper girl. And the other dude was...something.

Great. Just great.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Fuji@Vlad P@Erklings25

When Sandy Discovered she was facing a Dolphin she had to laugh and did once she broke the surface and as she giggled she hoped her heart would settle down soon. She slid up onto the cushion again and pushed herself up so she could see around for herself and look at the creature that had fooled her because her eyes hadn’t adjusted to the saltwater before it got close.

Now I feel silly about my worry even though the chances it was a shark this early I knew were astronomical said with a giggle of relief

She heard the comment of land nearby and knew if there was one of the best signposts would be birds but also knew that whether they were flying to or from the island a tricky call and because of that she was trying to remember everything she knew about the habits of seabirds.

She quickly came up with a logical assumption and that was that like people birds had a rush hour at certain times of day and it not being morning thought it a good chance that they would be flying home at this time of day because an early start at daylight again was a trait the birds had with people. The morning sun would have heated up the surrounding landscape providing updrafts for them to use and their hunting at sea would peak around noon meaning they head for home after that time.

The birds will most likely be flying towards land this time of day so we should keep an eye out for them and then set or course by their flight path, at least that’s my best suggestion said Sandy as she paddled close to the raft
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Warren Clarington

Warren slid away from the woman, staring intensely, almost daring her to move her leg. He leaned over the side of the boat, paddling it forwards. It wasn't moving very fast, but it was still moving. That was the main thing. His usual look of intensity turned to one of bemusement as the shark they were all anticipating turned out to be a dolphin. And as Aidan suddenly became the king of the dolphins, he almost smiled. Almost. He wasn't quite ready for that kind of self expression yet.

He looked over his shoulder at Annette, glowering slightly. "I guess you're the girl who cried shark, aren't you? Maybe if it was a squid you would have been more accurate. Minecrafters love their squids right?" He turned away and added "And, no, I don't think you're too old. For Minecraft, that is. What are you, twenty? Definitely not too old."

As he grew closer to Sandy, he leaned over the edge even more, risking toppling into the water. He reached out to grab her, getting a hold of her arm, managing to find that elusive strength again and to pull her out of the water. "Welcome aboard, soldier." He said, pressing two fingers to his temple and saluting. "I take it you weren't mercilessly ravaged by the big scary dolphin?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vlad P
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Vlad P The Metalhead

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony James Webber

As the creature approached them Anthony became more and more tense. One could tell that from the look on his face. Although he knew this was a bad idea he felt like he couldn't leave the poor fool die alone. And now here he was in the water next to him. As the creature popped out of the water he calmed down seeing that the ravenous shark turned out to be a friendly and playful dolphin. "Wonderful." Said Anthony slapping the water with his hands. As he was wiping his face of the water Anthony saw another survivor pop up. A 2nd girl. And quite a pretty one too. Anthony liked her eyes. He then started playing with the dolphin too, putting one hand on his back and with the other he was maintaining himself on the surface of the water.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fuji
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Fuji Part-Time Drama Queen + Full-Time Nerd

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Was she....talking to him? Or to herself? Aidan narrowed his eyes at the woman, babbling words he couldn’t quite hear. Yet she paddled to the boat, and both men were quite welcoming. A smirk danced upon his lips, fingers treading through soaked hair. She used to tell him he had a love-sick puppy face. Before she...perished. The dolphin moved along to play with the other brave man that had hopped into the water. And so he pulled himself back up, sticking to a corner and watching the clouds roll lazily across the sky. Birds. Birds would be there path. Blue eyes settled on the woman. Seemingly containing a lot of knowledge about theses things. There were seagull cries above them, and he squinted at the birds. “So are we supposed to follow those? Or just go straight over there...” Aidan pointed at the dark mass of land, starboard from the ship. Raft. Whatever. It was far but...wherever these seagulls could take them was probably not as close. “It’s as if...it simply appeared.” The man rubbed at his chin, was it really not there a moment ago? Something was off about this island. Really, really off.


“Okay...I won’t move.” Annette stared down the stranger. He was awfully...intent about doctoring. Everybody relaxed around the discovery of the dolphin. And then he decided to make more snarky conversation. Did he think he sound nice or was her resting bitch-face on? No clue. “They’re common. But they only give ink sacs. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a shark on Minecraft. Except for Mods.” She nodded, in the zone, sort of. It was one of the few things she knew about. Unlike dolphin boy and bird girl. Well....dolphin boy seemed kinda...lonely. “Twenty and a half.” She corrected tie-guy. “I’ll be twenty in August.” Of course, she’d most likely not know it was her birthday unless they got the hell out of the middle of the ocean. Dolphin boy then pointed. What the...it was never there before. Oh well! “Paddle!” She attempted to push away from tie-guy and lean over the edge to paddle with her palm. As Aidan was already doing. Her leg wouldn’t be too useful anyway if she was soon dead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Fuji@Vlad P@Erklings25

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Hamlet to Horatio

Sandy drew near the raft and before she could even think to ask a man with short blond hair pulled her aboard and said

"Welcome aboard, soldier." He said, pressing two fingers to his temple and saluting. "I take it you weren't mercilessly ravaged by the big scary dolphin?"

Sandy laughed a little because she still felt silly for reacting to a dolphin as if it were a shark and because of it her mind was still working at high speed so she answered.

Well I think it was a girl dolphin so I was safe from any bad intentions and after Weymouth issued a warning to beware of amorous dolphins I admit I was worried about being Ravaged

Then she heard Aidan say

“So are we supposed to follow those? Or just go straight over there...” as he pointed towards a strange Island that was off to the right of the raft adding “It’s as if...it simply appeared.”

Sandy began studying the Island until she found to points she could use as reference knowing that ocean currents could easily block them from making the island no matter how hard they paddled; the Pacific was dotted by islands that could only be approached on certain points of their coast and some not at all.

It was then that she remembered her grandmother’s Compass that she wore on a chain around her neck. It wasn’t a very accurate device made more to appeal to ladies of the Victorian set who were enamored of the Adventurers and Explorers of their time but she could use the markings to measure the angles of bearing to see if they were in a current.

She was no navigator but she knew how to do this because it was a simple application of trigonometry and the measuring of angles and watching for any unusual shifts that favored one side of her zero-point over the other then she dropped it back into her shirt to protect it till she a little time passed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Hamlet to Horatio

Sandy had only been aboard the raft with the other survivors perhaps an hour as they tried to make for the Island in the distance paddling with their hands only to realise they were caught in a strong ocean current and all their effort wasted. She had simply laid back and relaxed just as she would have if she’d gotten lost on a dig; you never got anywhere when you focused on the negatives when the primary one was so important.

The others handled things as they found fit and she didn’t interfere or allow herself to be drawn into any squabbles and it was while weathering one such debate she saw writing across the raft and bored decided to read it. It was an idiot manual and she was thankful for it as she had no idea of how to properly use a rescue raft. It was printed on the outside of a velcroed pocket that contained a sea anchor, flare pistol and three flare rounds, hand fishing tackle and a survival manual printed on waterproof pages.

Naturally she surrendered the flares and flare gun to one of the men then deployed the sea anchor into the strong current so the raft was less at the mercy of the winds. Then she searched the rest of the raft finding the inflatable roof that’s primary duty was to protect them from the sun.

The fishing kit came under discussion by the men as she leaned back on the cushion she’d pulled aboard with her knowing it was not simply something to rest her head on but her life vest after a fashion and a practical girl she saw no good reason to think differently.

Two days passed as their raft rolled on tall seas dragging them who the hell knew where and Sandy began to worry because she was beginning to feel the effects of dehydration and thought they had perhaps two more days before they began to suffer it’s brutal onset and then it began to rain and everyone gorged themselves on rainwater as if it were the finest drink ever presented. And so it was that a happy group so began to realize that the rain was not stopping and the seas grew unfriendly.

Somewhere in the morning or next day a nasty wave capsized the raft and Sandy was swept away her last sight of the others clinging to the overturned raft as she clung to her faithful cushion. The sea and storm matched themselves to her will finding iron which they began to hammer.

How long her ordeal lasted Sandy couldn’t say or when she passed out but she did know she was covered in sticks weeds and sand clutching the cushion in a death grip that took effort to open when she sat up. She was 150 feet from the surf in what must be the storm surge limit and she was alive; alone but alive. As far as her previous survival chances went this was a vast improvement and she knew she needed to get off her rear and get to acquiring the 3 necessities of survival; water, food, and shelter.

Her first find was a lucky one, water and it was cold and clean and in fitting with what was a northern subtropical environment. There were no palms but rich evergreens signaling this area has cold winters then there were other clues but she didn’t care as she stripped and plunged into the pool to wash all the salt and sand from her body.

This is a highjacking because I’m tired of RP ending without a word.
Don’t know where I’m exactly heading but I’m in for discussion on the topic

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