Rising now, anon descending,
Swift and bright as shooting stars,
Thus we travel glad and free.
Swift and bright as shooting stars,
Thus we travel glad and free.
The year is 198X.
The beautiful blue orb of Earth is under threat.
It comes not as an invader from beyond the celestial sphere.
It comes not as an unstoppable plague, leaving rotting life in its wake.
It comes not as the collapse of humankind, their recklessness bringing about their own doom in the fires of nuclear devastation.
Instead, it is the planet itself that seeks to sate its hunger with the blood of the innocent.
Monstrous creatures, strange flesh and warped with metal, have risen from the very depths of Planet Earth.
They spread death and destruction in their wake, walking disasters seeking only one goal.
Humanity's utter extermination.
Under siege by these mysterious leviathans, and their glorious works crumbling into the dust before their eyes, there was no recourse for mankind but to band together, grovelling and scrabbling in the dirt for anything that could give them a chance to survive the terrible onslaught.
They found their salvation in the man, Higini Somporn.
A man of great wealth and philanthropy, it was he who learnt of these monstrous presences on an biological expedition funded by him in the name of furthering science. It was he who, upon the realisation of the true extent the creatures' immense threat, was tasked by humanity's leaders to unite the greatest scientific minds that Earth had ever known, whether they be from the 1st World or the 2nd World or even the 3rd World, to find a way to save mankind.
Sweat. Blood. Tears. So much was expended upon this seemingly insurmountable goal, but the breakthrough came from the unlikeliest of places.
The monsters themselves.
In the aftermath of their rampages, a strange substance was discovered. A substance possessing incredible qualities, of energy beyond anybody's wildest beliefs. It was small in quantity, but the potential was too much to ignore. So under his leadership, his assembled brightest of humanity - known thereupon as the organisation of MAX FIRE - began to gather as much of this substance as they could, hoping that it would help them in their quest.
And through the power of the substance, deemed Etherion, they built a guardian.
Humanity's greatest weapon.
A sword bared against all evil.

Under the aegis of humanity's greatest at MAX FIRE'S Great Scientific Fortress of Vaucanson in the nation of Japan, the GIGA ASSAULT HELL SMASHER PROMETHION will has awakened to do battle with the beasts no matter where they appear, seeking to defend the world from the monsters that would seek its destruction. As a steel titan fighting for everlasting peace, it has united the wills of the five heroes who have offered their souls to the hungering Etherion for the ultimate annihilation of its enemies.
And their names are:
Hazel Ada Stoll!

Michel Montmartre!

Victor Lewis!

Corinne Shourichi!

Michel Montmartre!

Victor Lewis!

Corinne Shourichi!

The warriors of the First Independent Special Squadron, supported by the frightening genius of Vaucanson's Dr. Ryoma Kougami, are the vanguard of mankind's war against the monsters. The blades of humanity's vengeance! The passionate youths who will vaporise those who threaten the world into a mist of atoms!
Together, their hearts are one.
And together, their pulses shall combine and bring forth the mighty titan.
Crush all who oppose you!
Who are MAX FIRE?
The best and brightest of all mankind.
The heroes who have been trusted with humanity's future.
MAX FIRE is the greatest assemblage of minds in the history of the world, with scientists, intellectuals and experts from all walks of life having been gathered by Higini Somporn for the great crusade against the monsters that savaged human civilisation. Its domain is vast, uniting both East and West in the unrelenting, maddening quest to create that which would protect and guard mankind from all foes. There is no place on Earth where the justice of MAX FIRE cannot be found.
Yet it is Vaucanson that embodies all of MAX FIRE'S ideals.
Japan's Great Scientific Fortress.
The gates from which the mighty Promethion sallies forth.
Built upon the hallowed ground where the first of the horrible monsters was felled, the Great Scientific Fortress of Vaucanson is no mere research institute, but a terrifyingly immense citadel of knowledge and power, home to powerful defenses that truly befit its name. It is here, the core of MAX FIRE'S operations in East Asia, that experiments with Etherion are performed, and it is here that the mightiest armaments are made to combat the beasts.
Its destruction would be crippling, yet the waves of monsters break upon contact, falling prey to its power.
Sprawling towers, directing their energies against invaders.
A barrier of light, unbreakable by even the mightiest of weapons.
Professional men, able to grasp victory from even utter failure.
Indeed, the Fortress lead by Dr. Kougami simply dares humanity's foes to strike.
The skeletal carcass of the first monster has been rooted into its walls, chained to the stone and steel.
A grim reminder to all of their purpose.
They will burn monsterkind to ashes.