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Sayeeda jogged through the rain to where a group of men were huddled. Again she was surprised at the ornate uniforms and armor, they looked scared to her but then again they had held these monsters at bay for hours. It wasn't a trival accomplishment. They were an odd group dressed in soaking finery, stained with blood and dirt. One of them stood up and cast back his cloak in what she could only think of as a theatrical gesture. Armor of gold and white enamel gleamed dimly in the rainy afternoon light. Sayeeda instinctively stepped backward, horrified that anyone would annonce themselves so obviousloy on a battlefied but of course the Xenos didn'g have snipers. Still it was a sloppy dangerous habit. The seargent walking behind her evidently thought her hesitation was disrespectful and tried to shove her forward. Sayeeda slammed her elbow back into the mans belly and the soldier let out a choking gasp and feel to his knees.

"Ah a warm welcome to you as well," the armored man declared in a surprsingly rich cultured voice. Behind them the plasma cannon finally exploded with an actinic flash and a sharp boom. Everyone ducked and pieces of hot metal pattered down around them sizzling for a moment before the rain cooled them. Another salvo from the Highlander tore into the enemy. The noble straightened although there was a slightly paniced look developing in his eyes.

"I am Prince Aiden Amalric, heir to the throne of Atrantos," he declared grandly, making a bow only somewhat spoiled by the fact that his cloak of fine white cloth was both sodden and filthy. Aiden was an attractive man in his early thirties with peircing blue eyes and an impecably manicured handlebar mustache. It gave him a dashing rakish look

"I'm uhhh... Captain Junebug Cykali," she responded wondering if she could curtsey or something. The princes mouth compressed into a smile.

"Junebug? There is a story there I'll wager but it can probably wait till we get out of this particular deathtrap."

"Yes," Sayeeda agreed, "Problem is that I can't land my ship in this storm or under a hail of rocks. A few hits to the thruster nozzles and we would be in real trouble. Even if I could we could never get everyone aboard before those things overan us."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Neil side dodged another rock, the thrusters igniting for a split second to keep the Highlander airborne. A few rocks had even dinged the ship, but Neil had made sure it was on the thick hull plating and nothing fragile. He felt like the rocks were taking the role of hail in the storm, and it fit in a cosmic punishment sort of way. Then again, better up here than down there where the cast-aways and his captain were.

After another minute, he knew this was getting nowhere. Even though he could easily mow down any of the Xenos from up above, it still left spots open, and to his horror some of them seemed to be able to regenerate by fusing together, as if they were single-celled organisms made giant, recreating themselves. "If these things aren't made from bio-engineering, then I'm a police officer." He was glad some of them were a bit too vaporized to attempt regernation, but it was still too much for the ground force.

"Alright, that's it." Neil said, snapping the steering up and telling Lonney to take control once more after sending Lonney a new algorithm.

"Aye sir!"

Taya walked in, almost bumping into Neil before he caught her. "Any news on Junebug?" She asked anxiously. She wasn't as nervous as she had been the past few missions, but then again Neil guessed she had been through a lot since they'd met. "Yep, we're about to save her." Neil told her matter of fact, and passed her into the corridor. She spun around. "Wait, how!?"

"Get to the cargo bay and you'll see!"

She hesitated for a moment, and then when a boulder glanced off the ship and caused a large 'bump' next to her, she squealed and scampered after Neil, wanting to be anywhere in the galaxy but here. She then felt the same way ten fold when she made it to the cargo bay and saw Neil begin to work on the truck.

"What in the hell are you doing!?" She gasped, very certain he had gone insane! Well, even more insane than usual!

"Head to the bay hatch and strap yourself in!" He called from under the jeep. "Open the door when I give the signal."

Taya heaved in breathe, hyperventilating at their situation, but she did as she was told as if her body was being controlled by some unseen force. Vaguely she realized her waking self had drawn within to make sure she didn't start crying, and once she was strapped to one of the wall straps, he stood next to the button that would open the hatch. Neil suddenly slid out, pulling a large item out from under the hover-truck. Taya knew it to be the reactor engine.

Once Neil got to his feet, he unslung his grenade launcher and grabbed the handle to the reactor, his free hand grabbing onto one of the overhanging chains of the 'workshop."

"Now." He ordered, and Taya pressed the button.

The hatch door opening brought a torrent of rain and wind surging into the Highlander, nearly yanking her off her feet and out of her skin. To her surprise, Neil wasn't effected. Or even amused, which was even more surprising. He had complete concentration, and a closer look revealed him wearing some form of head phones? With the time apparently right, Neil let go of the reactor as the Highlander swirled round over the enemy Xenos. The floor inclining slightly to the left and the reactor shot out into the mountain's run.

Almost as if he foresaw the Highlander steadying, Neil stepped calmly forward and let go of the chain, both hands on the grenade launcher. His muzzle followed the descent of the reaction, until the hundred pound steel contraption landed on one of the beasts and crumpled it from the velocity. It had only just begun to pick itself up, lifting the reactor as if in curiosity when a krak grenade struck it squarely.

The resulting explosion rocked the Highlander, Neil only having time to comment. "Sick" before he was flung into the wall. Below, the explosion sent shockwaves down the mountain, crashing into advancing beasts and incinerating most of them within a hundred meter range, giving those further up the mountain a much needed respite. Neil was out cold, blood trickling down his skull from somewhere within his thick mane of hair.

To Taya's surprise, the Highlander then began to lower itself closer and closer to the plateau where the royal soldiers held the line, the cargo hatch lowering to allow passengers. Taya was not there to see Neil placing in the algorithm to do such a thing before they ever made it into the cargo bay...
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The whole peninsular rocked with the concussion as Neil's improvised fusion bomb converted a hundred hectares of rocky coastline to blackening volcanic glass. Dust and debris rained over the beleagured defenders like hail. Sayeeda's helmet had integral sonic dampers which deployed instantly to save her hearing, most of the soldiers and the nobles and retainers weren't so lucky and clutched their ears in stunned amazement. Junebug clicked her helmet over to milimetric radar to cut through the grit.

"Neil! Light up the landing bay lights bright as they will take," she shouted, unnecessarily as her commlink transmitted the message and modulated it to a comfortable volume for recipients. She grabbed the staggered noble and shoved him towards the Highlander. A moment later brilliant white strips of light, visible through the storm of grit, appeared around the entry way. Sayeeda started bodily grabbing soldiers and attendants and shoving them towards the lights. Most managed to stumble under their own power.

"Junebug," Taya's voice came breathlessly in her ear, "I have you patched into the locals communications net..."

"All units withdraw to the lights, fall back while you can troopers!" the shocked troops needed little encouragement but Junebug grabbed those two stunned or too scared to move.

"Seargent, you and your men collect the wounded!" she called to a squad of troops that came jogging out of the storm in fairly good order. The dust was settling rapidly as the rain continued to pelt down. She vaulted up onto a rock and looked out over the expanse of blackened destruction. Shockingly she saw movement at the edges of it. Beyond the range of any thrown rock, but curious she dialed up the magnification on her helmet. Creatures, many blackened and burned by radiation were hurling boulders into the still molten glass. They were making a causeway.

"You have got to be kidding me..." she mouthed in open mouthed awe at such an endeavor. Whatever these things were it was clearly best to leave the planet to them.

"Captain!" a voice shouted behind her. Sayeeda turned to see Aiden Amalric standing behind her. He held a plasma rifle in his hand and an odd metalic cyilinder in the other. SHe was surprised he wasn't cowering aboard the Highlander, he certainly looked pale enough to be going into shock.

"All my men are off the beach, come we must go!" Sayeeda's respect for the noble rose a few notches and, ignoring his outstretched hand vaulted down from the rock to land beside him. Together they ran for the Highlander, booted feet ringing metallic on the gangplank, the ship already beginning to rise into the air on vectored thrust. By the time the hatch had closed the Freighter was skimming the wavetops, out to sea and beyond the range of any further projectiles.

Taya was busily handing out cans of cola and medical supplies to the two dozen survivors. One of the men with millitary training appeared to be setting up an aid station. Dripping wet from the storm and full of adrenaline jitters, Junebug clambered up the latter and into the cockpit. Aiden followed uninvited though Sayeeda made no move to block his way. She stuck her head through the door to look down at her pilot.

"And here I thought MY plan was crazy," she commented with rueful amusement. She turned her head to look at Aiden.

"Also you totally owe us a new fusion bottle."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Lonney could pilot the ship for a time, but despite his advanced nature, he was still AI. He had been limited by the strict Imperial Artificial Intelligence laws and could not make a jump himself, or give tactical decisions beyond basic maneuvers. Neil needed rest and some time in one of their small medical chambers. One of the courtesans had kissed him on the cheek and a few hailed him as a hero, along with Junebug and Taya. If he'd been awake he would have capitalized on such attention, but it took a few hours for him to regain consciousness and once he did, he had his head bandaged and he stuck to the cockpit until they hit the closest R.I.P. tide.

As Neil set up the proper functions to keep the ship steady and safe within the R.I.P., Prince Alden had taken the time to personally thank Junebug and Taya for the rescue, inviting them along with his senior officer and his closest councilmen and advisor to sit and speak, finally having some time to talk.

"I feel as if we owe you the kingdom as well as our lives," the Councilman said, who introduced himself as Ranald Antioch, former soldier and now aged advisor. He was bald, with a sharp nose and an even sharper beard of grey, though his eyes had not lost any of their luster (and if they had, he would have been quite the fiery youth!). If Junebug recalled, he had been firing into the mass of Xenos as well, at least at the end. "Prince Aiden would not admit it, but he is the only heir to the throne that has any worth."

"Ranald," Amalric scoffed, almost embarrassed to be praised as such in front of Sayeeda. He cleared his throat, and turned to Junebug and Taya, his eyes grateful and his smile informally fetching. "I would hate to admit it, but we were caught with our trousers dropped and you showed up as if sent by Gideon himself. Thank you. Both. We're sorry we're keeping you from your busy schedule of...?"

"We're simple traders~" Taya said breathlessly, her lower half shifting nearly in a wiggle and her eyes large and awestruck as she spoke to the Prince. They were so wide one could see the ship's overhead lights within them, ironically giving them the faux appearance of stars. She had just gotten done helping the last of what she had suspected were refugees until she noticed their uniforms and professions, and once she found out they were entertaining a prince she seemed a tad less mature, though still holding herself together.

"I see," Alden said. "Where to?"

"Headin' to Alpha Centuri, yer Lordship." Lonney pipped in. The senior officer gazed upwards and around as the others did, but he gave a disbelieving laugh. "By the Gods." He uttered, extremely amused at the AI not only advanced enough to answer with a personality, but also with such a rough accent.

"I see there's another tale to learn. You've quite the ship and crew here, Captain Cykali." The Prince commented, obviously impressed.

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Sayeeda didn’t much like funerals. In theory Andor’s Armored had always tried to recover the bodies of fallen troopers for proper interment. That wasn’t always practical. She had too many memories of manhandling the bodies of fallen comrades over the side of the fighting vehicle during an engagement or coughing as she breathed in the finally dispersed vapor of plasma torn troopers. As the captain of the Highlander however it was proper that she was present as the three soldiers who had died of their wounds were loaded into the airlock and jettisoned into the roiling tide of RIP space.

Aiden, having shed his armor in favor of what she could only assume were the most subdued clothes Neil had ever owned, spoke a few solem words and then dismissed the gathering. Three more of his men were critically wounded but had been saved by virtue of putting them in stasis within their three theoretically functional cryo pods. It was axiomatic that if a soldier could reach advanced medical care he would survive, modern medicine didn’t lose too many people who got to a surgery while still breathing. Several other men were due long sessions with the autodoc but would emerge none the worse for wear.

When the formalities were done Almaric’s advisor, the grizzled old sergeant, invited them to conference with the Prince. The cockpit was chosen by virtue of being the only large space that could be isolated from the surviving troops. Several of his hangers on tried to join the meeting but the lack of space and a stern glare from the sergeant were enough to dissuade them.

“Firstly I would like to thank you again for saving my life and those of my men,” Aiden began with a grateful nod at the Highlander crew. Out of his armor he was a surprisingly impressive man, he clearly spent a good deal of time out door or else worked hard to maintain his physique. That wasn’t Sayeeda’s usual impression of aristocrats, they tended to let themselves go as far as their egos would permit.

“I would like to offer you a suitable reward as soon as I return to *BLANK*,” he went on grandly.

“Well we will be happy to accept your gratitude,” Junebug commented drly, having gained the distinct impression she was interrupting a rehearsed speech. Aiden turned his dazzlingly white smile upon her with an engaging nod. She could see why Taya was smitten with him.

“I would also like to discuss chartering this vessel… The Highlander is it? Direct to *Blank*, I will compensate you for your lost cargo but it is impressive I return home immediately,” the prince declared with surprising earnestness. The old sergeant was nodding his approval of this course of action.

“Surely you would be more comfortable on a proper passenger vessel…” Sayeeda began to object but Aiden was shaking his head even as she began the objection.

“Comfort is an irrelevance Mistress Cykali…”

“Captain,” Junebug corrected.

“Captain Cykali,” he finished with an apologetic bow of his head.

“You see the story of how my vessel came to be wrecked on *BLANK* is a complicated one.”

“It is treason sire, call a spade a bloody entrenching tool,” the old solider grumped earning a slightly pained glance from his principle. Aiden spread his hands and leaned back against the viewport.

“I have something of a reputation as a scholar of the Ancients,” Aiden went on, unconsciously his eyes flicked to Neil’s tattoo before returning to the group. That showed a surprising degree of observational skill given the crisis they had just come through.

“I was on my way to view the ruins on Hue 326 when I decided to stop and investigate the rumors of uncharted Ancient sites on *BLANK*. We had almost landed when an explosion tore out half our engineering section and the ship crash landed.” Sayeeda let out a low whistle and Taya gave her a questioning look.

“According to the charts Hue 326 is another week or week and a half away,” she explained.

“If he hadn’t come out of the RIP…”

“My ship would have vanished forever and no one but the plotters would know what had become of me,” Aiden concluded, his face hardening for the first time into something beyond a jovial aristocrat.
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"Or the rest of your crew," Neil completed for him, his nod toward the Sergeant and the Councilmen was sympathetic. The Prince cleared his throat, but nodded in agreement, accepting the criticism. Neil knew the Prince obviously cared about his crew, or at least Neil had that impression. But he still had to voice it and remind the Prince. He wondered what Amalric would think of Neil as a former planetary insurgent and known criminal. Technically rebelling against Fortus law was rebelling against Imperial Law.

Good thing they were very far away from that system.

"What were you to look for on Hue 326?" Taya asked, her interest of the subject plain, though it was obvious the Prince also had something to do with it. For his part, the handsome aristocrat smiled at her question, and she practically melted under his gaze, though he didn't seem to notice.

"Literary sources tell of a planet where the birth of the ancients occurred." He explained. "An Eden of their civilization. It's...there are many planets that are possible candidates. This was one I felt was correct due to the alignment of the systems in one of the old maps I've found, but then again it could have been a barren rock. We'll return after we refuel and resupply, once we get these men home."

"My prince." The councilmen pipped in, and though it was a subservient request for his attention, the elder did have a scolding look about him. "You do know that soon you will ascend to the throne? You need to prepare."

Aiden let out a sigh, nodding. "Yes, Ranald I realize." He acqueised. "We'll see what the future holds, yes? Speaking of which, I would be honored if you and your crew would deign to stick around once we make it to our homeworld. If your business is not too pressing. I would be summarily crucified if my saviors were not shown to my family and some of the public. Perhaps if it was too late in the R.I.P. season, it would be a place to rest?"
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Neil and Sayeeda exhanged glances. She hadn't heard of Dar'monad but logically it had to lay ahead of them or she would have seen it while searching for destinations on previous legs of the journey. The profit margin on the cola they had been hauling had been slight even before they had let a score of shell shocked soldiers trample all over it. They seemed to come to a mutual decision.

"Alright, we can shape course for Dar'monad," Sayeeda agreed with a professional smile.


Neil was taking his watch on the bridge when Aiden unexpectedly clambered up the ladder. For once the noble didn't have any of his entourage with him. It was what passed for the night cycle on the Highlander although Junebug was notoriously ambivalent to things like sleep patterns. There was a quiet hum of electronics lit mostly by the roiling golden fire of this portion of the RIP through the main view screen.

"Ah Mr Edwards," the Prince began his gaze sweeping the cockpit to make sure they were alone.

"I was hoping to have a chance to speak with you privately. A remarkable ship and a strangely assorted crew yet all the Captain will give me are vague monosyllabic responses. You are both former military yes?"

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Neil had been merely relaxing, his eyes having grown somewhat heavy. Usually he was a late kinda guy, but that last bump on the head really had thrown him for a loop. The young pilot had propped the chair back and had taken the time to recline comfortably when the Prince arrived and stole his attention.

"Ah, Prince Aiden. How goes it?"

The heir smiled, not used to being so informal, though he clearly didn't mind. He continued with his line of questioning, and Neil spun his chair around, considering why he was curious. After a moment, he supposed he didn't care too much. What would be the harm in telling him, anyway. They were heroes.

"Yes. The Captain's been fighting a few years longer than I have, but I've seen my share of professional action." Neil admitted.

"She seems a remarkable woman," Aiden confided, continuing before Neil could have a reaction to that. "Did you serve together?"

"No, I served on my home planet of Fortus. Sayeeda's been all over the place. I couldn't rightly give an accurate number of worlds, but she's fought on more than most people have probably been on." Neil said. "I did most of my travel after being discharged. Now we just get by best we can."

"What is the young girl's name? Taya?" Neil nodded. The Prince gave a small smile as if he had a very amusing thought. "She seems quite intelligent, though a bit out of place on this ship."

"I think we're all in agreement on that, but we like having her. If you want to know more about her, I'm sure she'd love to talk to you about it." Neil chuckled, and he took a sip of the cola he'd had next to him. The Prince idly gazed at the cockpit's inner workings as he continued, eyes following the row of knobs that indicated the thrusters. "You know I've been looking for contractors to perform some work for me. I cannot confide the details at the moment, but needless yo say I'm impressed by the ship. Captain Cykali tells me you're a fine pilot."

"Thank you, your highness."

"By the way..." He asked, casually pipping the question within the conversation. "Where did you get that marking on your hand?"

"My first job aboard the Highlander. One of the locals gave it to me. I decided to keep it. Cool tat, right?"

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Aiden nodded skeptically, clearly unconvinced that the marking was a simple tattoo. The prince had been on many archaeological expeditions, a diallitente rather than a true professional, but he knew the working of ancient technology when he saw it. Never before had he seen it impact a human in such a way though. He sat himself down in one of the chairs and pivoted it slowly back and forth.

"You will excuse me if this sounds indellicate," Aiden continued, clearly a little uncomfortable to speak so informally.

"But is there anything.... you know... going on between you and the good Captain?"


"Isn't he just the most handsom...ahhhhh!" Taya yelped as Junebug slapped her elbow. The pair of women were in the galley, with the table folded up to make an improvised exercise area. Sayeeda exercised with the discipline with which she approached everything and rarely missed an oppurtunity to train.

"Keep your elbow up," she snapped, "If you want me to teach you, you will pay attention." Junebug's voice was censorious but not angry. Taya adjusted her grip on the plasma rifle and lifted her elbow as instructed. Nodding her approval the mercenary backed off several paces.

"Why am I learning hand to hand if you are training me to shoot?" Taya complained. Junebug darted forward and snatched the barrel of the weapon as Taya began to swing the butt up in a defensive stroke. With a twist of the wrist she broke the younger woman's grip and yanked the weapon away.

"Don't hesitate like that, any move you make is better than no move," she counseled and handed the weapon back to the girl. Taya readjusted her grip.

"But Aiden is handsome right?" she pressed. Sayeeda could only sigh.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Neil was both surprised, and yet not. He'd seen how the Prince seemed to really admire the Captain, and most of the time a man starts with admiration and finds their interest leading straight to the dick. Neil could understand. He was attracted to women of talent and competence, and it seemed the prince was as well. And yet, he honestly hadn't thought that Aiden here would be bold enough to ask him that question.

"Nnnno." Neil said simply, dragging it out.

Not for a lack of interest on Neil's part. The pilot had hit on her a few times, was amazed at her badass moves, and she had an uncomfortable habit of turning him on. (It was why he usually hit on her and not Taya) But she'd never shown even a passing interest in him (which GREATLY offended him because WHY NOT) and he'd never pressed the issue, and there was also still the chain of command. Plus with Quetzalli in such relatively recent memory, he didn't exactly know how he really felt with this line of questioning. So far he was just having a good time as a crew member.

"-We are not. I'm mostly trouble for her, haha. Why do you ask?" Neil said, raising an eyebrow. "Besides, I thought Princes married politically." It was mostly a joke, an amused smile curving on the pilot's face.

Aiden Amalric tapped his chair arms. "You have a point. But I think a prince is allowed to ask a hero for a drink, yes?"

Neil balanced the thought process in his head. He hadn't considered the crew might have gained some form of status from this recent rescue. "Does this make me anything?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Like..." he spread a hand out, as if placing letters in the air, flashing his hand at each syllable for emphasis. "Neil! Grand. Baron. of. Dar'monad."

"...Probably not, but you'll still be a hero?"

Taya fell flat on her rump, groaning at the last leg sweep of the exercise. Sayeeda gave her a hand up, and wiped the hair out of her face, her usually shaved head now growing into something she might need to start managing.

"You never answered my question, which is an answer in and of itself I think" Taya remarked, slyly.
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"I don't know if he is really my type," Sayeeda responded her ton noncommittal. By reflex she checked the load of the plasma rifle even though she was already sure it was empty. Aiden was an attractive man in many respects but he was also a prince and an aristocrat, not someone to be trifled with.

"Beside's I doubt an old hag like me would stand much of a chance with a pretty young thing like you melting all over him," she said with a straight face.

"Ha. Ha. Ha Ha," Taya responded as she took a bulb of water from the sink and drank deeply.

"You are like.. into guys right?" Taya asked an eyebrow quirking. Sayeeda grinned wolfishly as the pair of them headed out into the cargo bay. Most of the soldiers were sacked out wherever they could improvise beds. Empty cola cans rolled around everywhere, apparently the word that Aiden was buying their cargo had gotten around.

"I've always sort of taken affection where I could get it," Sayeeda replied with another grin that set the younger woman giggling.

"Besides did you ever consider that the Prince might be into guys? Maybe Neil has a better chance than either of us?" As the words left her mouth Aiden appeared from the cockpit ladder way with a pleased smile on his face. Sayeeda and Taya dissolved into instant laughter in front of the stunned noble.


Sayeeda twitched convulsively and her palms itched. All around her bright lights burst in flurries of gorgeous color. In her minds eye she saw hilltops exploding as plasma shells blew them into consituent atoms, trace elments blazing in a gorgeous arry of colors as they burned.

"...I said is it not wonderful Captain?" It was Aiden standing in the entryway as the Highlander coasted down towards the capitol of Yilryia, the capitol of Dar'monad. All around them fireworks burst and beneath them crowds waved banners with apparent enthusiasm. The city itself was a true wonder. Gorgeous structures of stunning archtictural daring soared all around them. Slender marble spires and impressive palaces stetched for miles. Air cars zipped between roof top landing pads and the cerullian brightness of the city was broken by scupted parks and creative water features. She flinched again as another blast echoed of the hull. It was beautiful but Junebug could have done without the fireworks.

"Very, I will admit its not like most worlds I have ever visited," she confided.

"How so?" Aiden asked in a tone of polite interest.

"On most worlds I've visited people were shooting at me." Aiden laughed at the not quite joke, his earnest face and infectious good humor drawing a reluctant smile from her.

"Don't spend too much time talking to Ranald then, before you know it you will believe there is a sniper lurking behind every statue." Junebug knew the remark was meant to be a joke but the stern faced old soldier was hardly the joking kind.

"We have clearence to land in the Primate's Plaza, whatever that is," Taya chimed in helpfully, touching her keypad to highlight hte landing area for Neil.

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"Clearance? Oh goody," Neil remarked back. It wasn't sarcastic in an annoyed fashion. He mostly just felt like letting a bit of his silliness out to distract himself from the myriad of things occurring all at once. The Palace was indeed gorgeous. Just like one he was going to buy one day, with rooms filled with gold and women to keep him company. That is, if he ever got tired of the dangerous life. He might need to think on that possibility soon if Aiden kept them, and most notable Sayeeda, grounded for too long.

He was not entirely sure if he was jealous or not. He was somewhat wary of them sticking around too long, and then the logical part of his brain snapped him out of it, inciting the fact he was a hero about to rewarded. Why not have some fun?

On the display monitor, Neil saw a small abstract line appear on the screen which lead him directly toward the landing zone. A polished platform a few stories above the crowds, with a smooth walkway that led into the interior of the Palace's foyer, which looked bigger than the Highlander itself. Outside, a contingent of guards and a few highly decorated aristocratic looking folks awaited them, and Neil made sure to land carefully.

The landing gear bumped against the ground softly, bending lightly on its pistons before coming to a complete stop. A cheer rose among the troops and the councilors when they felt themselves landing on Dar'monad ground. Neil's voice picked up on the comm, his voice silk. "Thank you for flying Edward's Airlines, we hope you enjoyed your stay. Please make sure to keep your hands and feet away from the bay door as it opens and have a lovely day."

The bay door whistled as it opened, Aiden and Sayeeda standing before the aging King and Queen.
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The roar of the crowd below was almost deafening even a few stories above. Sayeeda had opted to forgo her helmet, though her stripped down shooters glasses were tucked into her left pocket. She didn't have anything resembling formal clothing, the Armored did have a dress uniform, she was pretty sure, but she couldn't remember anyone actually owning one. Instead she wore her chestplate, although dinged and scarred by hard use in recent days, and combat pants in urban camoflauge patterns. In deference to planetary custom she carried only a pistol in a service holster. Aiden was dressed again in his armor, buffed and shiny for the situation. He strode down towards the King and Queen, waving majestically for the benefit of vid casters. Sayeeda was uncomfortably aware of the hovering air cars with stabilizer rigs recording the scene in holo.

Dar'monadi national costume appeared to favor long flowing garments in bright primary colors. There seemed to be some pattern to them which might be indicative of livery. Most of the soldiers were armed with ceremonial halberds and ornate large bore pistols in brightly decorated holsters. Unlike Aiden's troops these men and women seemed like they spent more time on the parade ground than on the range and from the look of some of the slightly flabby overdressed officers, rank might be a hereditary privlige rather than a real signifier of competence.

The king and queen were dressed in robes that shimmerd from dark bronze all the way up to white platnium on a two minute cycle before making their way back down through the metallic spectrum. They wore small but obvious crowns inset with a variety of dazzling gems. Beside them stood several young men and a woman whose resemblence both to Aiden and the royals were apparent even at a cursory glance. Each was dressed expensively although none went so far as to wear armor.

"Who are they I wonder?" Sayeeda asked no one in particular.

"They are Aiden's siblings," Ranald said unexpectedly, Sayeeda twisted her head to see the seargent, still dressed in his combat gear, spit on the ground.

"They are a scheming bunch of snakes if ever I've seen one." Sayeeda gave the older man a hard look, wondering what he was implying but unwilling to voice it infront of so many recorders.

"The prince certainly seems popular," she commented. The old man shook his head, lip curling in contempt.

"They are a mob captain, swayed as easily as any herd of beasts. He might be a hero today, but tomorrow who knows?"

Judging it best to leave the old soldier to his dark musings Sayeeda sidled over towards Neil.

"Have you ever seen anything like this?" she asked, making a broad gesture at the city as Aiden continued to converse with his parents.


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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Next in line behind the Prince and the Captain was the Councilman, followed by Neil who somehow got from the cockpit to the very opposite side of the ship in the blink of an eyes, wearing his trademark dark shades and winning grin, hands made into guns as he gave the vid-cams something to think about. He stepped off the ship, not even wearing anything formal in the occasion. It was his usual attire, though his shirt was black this time with a curious phrase on it. He got it at a thrift station a few years back and felt it was appropriate.

He slid up next to Sayeeda and placed a finger atop his shades, lowering the glasses to eye the younger siblings of the King and Queen. After he realized the royals were in fact the royals, he actually was respectful enough to take the glasses off and slipped them into his pocket, before giving a bow. This wasn't the first time he had run into high planetary government, but this was the first time he'd met a King or Queen.

"Have you ever seen anything like this?" Sayeeda asked, gesturing to the crowds. Neil looked out at the throng of men and women. He gave a few of the girls a wink, and waved to the rest. "Once back on Fortus." He said. "Though it wasn't directed at me specifically. More my faction...still, why not enjoy it for a bit? We're here after all." He shrugged.

"Aiden," the King said, his hair a mane of grey and his beard was carefully trimmed. He strode forward and placed a hand on his son's shoulder. Neil suspected he wanted to embrace his son, but it wasn't formal for the crowds. Maybe favoritism was frowned upon by the royal succession? The King continued. "Let's discuss things later. As of now, I'm glad you're safe."

Behind Neil, men ran to and fro from the Highlander's bay, and soon they escorted the injured men out on stretchers. Neil blinked and saw Taya hiding inside, obviously shy. Neil shook his head and waved her out here. Like a stray cat, she inched forward bit by bit until she gained the confidence to walk into the eyes of the crowd. Neil winked to her, giving a nod of approval. Then the King's voice rose.

"These must be the valiant heroes that helped you, yes?" The King asked. "And who might they be? Introduce yourselves so I know who to thank."

"Husband, come now." The Queen said, nudging his shoulder. "What's the rush? They must be tired."
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"Ah but thanks for my son's safe return is not such a small thing," the King went on, his voice a clear barritone that carried easily despite the roar of the crowd and the buzz of air cars overhead. Neil's antics had attracted a flurry of interest from the circling cameras which jockeyed for position in the crowded skies.

"Please, there will be time for more complete discussions later but step forward and name yourselves to me." The words drew a slightly exasperated expression from the Queen but several of the siblings grew stony faced. Aiden took a position by his fathers side and turned to gesture encouragingly at the Highlander's crew. With no option but to comply Junebug steeped forward. She had no idea what the appropriate gesture of greeting was to the King of Dar'monad and was silently cursing Aiden for not preparing them better. The armored wasn't big on drill or ceremony, people hadn't hired Colonel Andor's troops so they could polish gear in barracks but she stiffened to attention and made a passable attempt at an academy salute. The King didn't seem surprised by this and bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement of the gesture.

"I am Captain Sayeeda Cykali," she proclaimed feeling awkward to be the center of so much attention, "I am glad that my crew and I were able to be of service to Ai.. to Prince Amalric," she amended and then hastily stepped back to gesture Neil and Taya forward.

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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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It was all about owning the moment, Neil knew. The spotlight didn't always need to be on you if you took it for a ride everytime it was, even if it was with something as simple as some swagger. The charming pilot stepped forward after Junebug as introduced herself, and he gave another bow. "Neil Edwards, your highness." He said, and inclined his head to his wife. "My Que-...your?...Misses Queen." He bowed again, and the King actually chuckled along with his wife.

Next was Taya, and she needed encouragement by the King's waving hand before she would step forward. "Taya of Fornax, your Highness and My Queen. I'm honored to be here. Prince Amalric has been so good loo-...good to us! He...has been great." Her face was as red as a cherry, and she hastily skittered back with a small peep of noise.

"You have our deepest gratitude, and we invite you to stay with us for as long as you like while. You're to be commended and rewarded." The King said, and though he seemed quite charismatic, it almost seemed as if even this entire scene of welcoming taxed his stamina. The Queen placed a hand on his shoulder as the King have a tired wheeze, and with that he inclined his head toward the exit. "Come. We shall show you your rooms."

The halls were resplendent and the tapestries of the planet's mythos swayed overhead. Busts of ancient heroes and artwork transported from across the systems were planted and hung around every corner. Neil felt the air was very clean in the palace, as if it had its own life support system. Perhaps it had one in case a catastrophe ever occured on the planet? The Palace could certainly fit a large population.

To the Highlander group's surprise, the guest suite was actually an entire wing of the Palace. A great hall was at the center of each lavish room, the hall as tall as sevent stories and filled with comfortable furniture, a large dining table and an electronic hearth, along with a vast vid-caster screen for them to view at their leisure.

"Holy shit." Neil breathed.
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Sayeeda luxuriated in a blue bathrobe of priceless silk enjoying the feel of the fabric as it slid over her skin. She sat back in the plush chair and lifted the sparkling cocktail she had retrieved from the automated bar which nestled discretely in a corner of the massive suite. Taya sat in a large marble hot tub in another corner in a bathing suit which was probably worth more than all the clothing Sayeeda had ever owned combined. The girl giggled at something she was viewing on a small hand held vidscreen she was holding.

"We need to rescue royalty more often," Sayeeda commented as she sipped at the sour concoction. There was a knock at the door and a servant in gold and silver livery stepped in. Judging by the cut of clothing and the intricate braiding on his shoulders he was of somewhat higher rank than the ones Junebug had unceremoniously ejected from the suite fifteen minutes earlier.

"Excuse me Captain," the man said in a cultured voice, "my staff inform me that you rejected the other suites we offered you, were they unsatisfactory in some way?" It was phrased as a question but his disapproval of the action could not have been clearer.

"I'm sure they were great but we like this one," Sayeeda said closing her eyes and leaning back.

"But there are three of you Captain. Surely three rooms would be..." Sayeeda sat up abrupty cutting the servant off with a sharp gesture.

"I said we like this one," Junebug said her tone cooling markedly. Taya looked up from her vid screen with a look of concern on her face.

"But there..." the servant began but Junebug held up a hand to shut him up. She gestured at the door and windows with quick jabs.

"If we have one room I can keep my people together, we only have two entraces to cover and we are close enough to support each other. This room has the best fields of fire out of the three you showed us," she explained to the horrified butler. The servant revaled back and opened his mouth to object.

"Out!" Junebug snapped. The servant hesitated, took a look at the set of her face and then fled through the vast doors of polished wood, jostling past Neil as he did so.

"Find what you were looking for?" she asked in a much calmer tone. Taya giggled again and made a few quick key strokes. The massive vidscreen on the far wall lit up with a still image of Neil with is fingers in pistols, shades glinting dramatically. Below the picture hung the words: Dangerous Mystery Man Arrives with Prince. The screen divided to show a picture of Sayeeda glancing sideways - Prince Aiden's Secret Woman. The screen divided a third time to show a picture of Taya - Mysterious Foreign Princess Returns with Exiled Prince. Tabloid news presumably.

"This place is just the best!"


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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Neil stepped in, sidestepping the fleeing Butlers easily enough and giving them a glance of curiosity before turning around to see Taya and Sayeeda. He raised an eyebrow, and amused smile on his face. He had initially thought he'd be the one that took to the luxurious life the easiest, but it seemed they were all in need of a vacation. "Yep." He said, sauntering forward and hopping onto a lush, cushioned chair. He practically sank into the soft fabric.

After he let out a groan of relaxation, stretching languidly, he collapsed and simply gazed at the ceiling. "Seems like our banquet's in three days." He said, and it was at a lazy wave of Sayeeda's hand for him to continue that he did. "We'll be expected to get decked out in fine clothing apparently and make a show of ourselves. Receive our commendations..." He let the words trail off. Once Taya was done in the hot tub, he'd probably partake.

"I have nothing to wear." Taya lamented almost childishly, placing her arms above the side of the tub and resting her chin on them. Neil shifted within the cushions. "They said it's on their dime. Kinda nice of them if ya ask me. We might even get a few interviews beforehand. But that's just a theory..."

Suddenly the vidcaster above them had Neil's face on it, wearing the same exact clothing he wore right at that moment. On the bottom left corner, its time was merely seven minutes ago. He had just finished bragging about his and his team's heroics as the screen was turned on.

"It was all in a day's work, believe me." He said to the cameramen with an infectious smile, masquerading as a pompous actor. The microphone hovered by his mouth as the newsman continued with. "And what is this we hear about the Prince being interested in your female partner? This true?" Neil shrugged. "Hey, why don't you ask her? She's right over there." He pointed past the camera, for both the newsman and the camera to turn. Once it was established Junebug was indeed not there, the camera turned back around and Neil was merely a tiny dot in the distance, still sprinting.
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Junebug could not help but chuckle as various pundits began to dissect the footage, speculating wildly about their origins. In the space of a few minutes she saw Neil labeled as a commando, an assassin and a run away slave, apparently a misinterpretation of his tattoos. Similar speculation ran on about both of the women in the group, growing increasingly implausible as the level of excitement rose.

"Don't these people have anything better to do?" Junebug asked in exasperation. Taya climbed from the hot tub, flesh steaming in the climate controlled air as she grabbed a towel and began to dry herself off. Junebug slid to her feet and shucked the silk robe before dropping completely naked into the hot tub, the bubbles Taya had deployed on the surface providing her a modicum of concealment.

"Not really," Taya explained as she flopped onto the grotesquely large bed, and spread her arms and legs in a wide starshape.

"Dar'monad is the focus for a small empire, fifteen or twenty planetary systems, most of the wealth comes here, enough that the people out there dont really have to work. Dar'monadi social custom dictates that the more important a noble is the larger a household he is required to maintain. Even the smallest lordings have chefs, poets, and artisans of all sorts. Most of the time they arent required to actually do anything just sort of hang around and be an ornament to their masters."

Sayeeda blinked at the explanation. Mercenary service didn't take you many places where there was enough wealth that people could expect to live without need of work. Places like that only had one person who could pay for intergalactic mercenaries and those people were already in power. She shook her head in wry bemusement. Neil looked slightly dissapointed and she glanced down at the tub.

"Hop in if you want we could fit a whole regiment," she invited, taking another sip of the cocktail and pushing the empty glass aside.

"I wonder why Ranald is so uptight, dosen't seem like a knife in the back sort of place."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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It was extremely comical for Taya to watch Neil look suddenly reproached at Sayeeda making it to the hot tub to indicate she was taking the next spot, only for him to button his lip when she revealed her naked backside. Neil gave a helpless shrug as if to say 'them's the breaks' before Sayeeda invited him in. She was right, it was a huge tub. "Nice." The pilot remarked, stripping off his shirt, shoes, and trousers, and then finally his boxers.

"Oh damn..." he remarked as the hot water began filling up his pores and increasing the heat of his body. He sank in and simply enjoyed the moment.

"Yeah, not sure..." Neil began, letting out a small groan within his closed mouth. "Back on Fortus, the government was always up to some crazy shit. It's why I joined the Ordo Sanctus. Well, one of the reasons anyway." He stretched is legs out after he made sure they weren't going to bump into Junebug's. "Why would this place be any different? High society always has some backstabbings. They got nothing else to do."

"By the way I ordered some really good food." Neil said. He opened his eyes and saw Sayeeda looked accustomed to this life by her posture. He guessed even a hard fighter like her could appreciate the finer things.

There was a knock at the door, and Neil called. "Come in!" The door opened, and he turned around expecting the food, only for Prince Amalric to be standing before him getting a good view of both Neil and Sayeeda naked in a hottub.

"It's only somewhat what it looks like."
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