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Taya snickered undiplomatically as the Prince froze for a second in shock, his eyes darting between Neil and Sayeeda. Diplomatic training provided since birth kicked in and he covered his momentary chagrin with a wan smile and stepped into the room, the door automatically swinging closed behind him.

"Cultures vary a great deal between the stars," he said in as neutral tone as he could manage. Having shed his armor for the civilian setting the prince wore a jacket of spotless white silk with golden epaulets. The front of the coat was cut in such away to allow a line of golden buttons to run down the center of a zigzagging closure. Black pants with a red strip down one side and black boots, polished till they gleamed, completed the ensemble. So far as Junebug could tell he wasn't armed.

"Why don't you join us?" Sayeeda asked gesturing towards the hot tub. Aiden's eyes cut to Neil before fixing on her again and he shook his head. Having spent the last decade in barracks living where there was no room for gender separation Junebug could master only an intellectual understanding of his discomfort.

"The.. ahh rooms are to your liking I take it?" he managed awkwardly. Junebug nodded her approval.

"Other than the staff bugging us to spread out into two more," she replied reaching out to grab an appetizing fruit from a platter nearby, the gesture would have exposed her if not for the film of bubbles clinging to her, before sinking back into the water. The Prince coughed politely and turned his back. Prude.

"Yes... the mentioned you had security concerns?"

"I do," Junebug responded, "Plus you know we spend most of our time in a cramped metal box anyway, this is four times the square-footage we have aboard the Highlander. For a moment the prince seemed at a loss for how to respond.

"Mistress... that is Captain, I wonder if you might want come with me to discuss the ceremony in a few days, I could show you the city while we talk if you like." The words tumbled out a bit to rapidly to be entirely calm. Junebug glanced at Neil who shrugged.

"Sure give us a minute to get dressed," she replied climbing from the tub and beginning to towel herself dry. THe prince seemed to wilt a little at the use of 'we' but Taya piped up immediately.

"Actually Saydeeda, Neil and I probably better stay, he did order all that food afterall, wouldn't want it to get cold!" her voice was just a tad to sincere and Junebug gave her a sharp look. With the princes back still turned she winked at her captain and made a lewd thrust of her hips. Junebug threw the towel she had been using at the girl and started pulling on her undergarments.

"Fine, give me a minute then."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Despite his slight reservations at what Taya was orchestrating, he couldn't help but laugh at her antics and hip thrusting. She was starting to take after him, he saw. "Yep, just don't be too long. We're getting Braman burgers," Neil explained, referring to the cattle that had descended from Holy Terra thousands of years ago. While they were nowhere close to extinct, old earth food was considered a delicacy and they had not spread too far across the galaxy to be a common meal.

Neil stepped out of the hot tub as the Prince looked away. It was a polite gesture not to look, but Neil had to take it a step further. "Don't be jealous, Al." He said, unapolegetically inferring his dick size.

Of course his conscience struck him a moment later, and he suddenly went quiet. He shouldn't let a very miniscule amount of fame sprinkled with a small amount of jealously have him take jabs and people who didn't deserve it. The Prince had been nothing but grateful and nice since they had met him. He felt that he should have a talk with the Prince and apologize to him at some point before the ceremony. Neil had no right to the jealousy anyway after eye-fucking and indeed totally fucking Quetzalli when he had the chance. He still said he'd see her again one day, but he didn't even know if that was possible.

But honestly, it was deeper than that. Neil had never liked authority, which was the main reason he had joined the rebellion. He shouldn't thrust his prejudices on the Prince, who's been a swell guy.

Neil toweled himself up, looking into the towel. "I know little buddy, but don't worry you'll get company soon. Calm down." He let out a 'whoo' at the cool air on his skin, and gave Sayeeda a 'good luck' wink as he exited into his quarters to change.

After Sayeeda gave him the go ahead to turn around, the Prince gave a smile that was undeniably charming. "If you'd like to, we can take the causeway over the Dar'illian Strait. Trust me, it had quite the view." He was referring to the walkway above the city, connecting the two furthest palace wings together.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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The door banged open and a laughing Sayeeda tumbled through. She was dressed in a completely different outfit from the one she had left in, a tailored dress of slinky scarlet fabric with ruby studded jewelery at wrists and neck. An elaborately embroided cloth of gold head covering covered her from her hairline and hung down her neck in a gausy wave. Beyond the door Aiden called his reluctant good byes with a quick 'tomorrow then' and he was off striding down the hallway with a swagger in his step. The door clicked shut and the room was in darkness for several seconds. Then the lights powered up with a quiet hum.

"Well?!" Taya asked excitedly. The animation that had been in Junebug's face faded buy degrees. A jerky dimmer switch moving from exctatic to somber in an uneven series of jerks.

"It was fine," she said at last and headed across the room kicking off the high heels she had been wearing. It had been fine, more than fine, Aiden had showed her the city talking at length about its history and culture as well as his plans for the Empire when he inherited. Apparently that would be soon, it was for the custom for the King to step down while still in reasonable health and to annoit a successor rather than let the children fight it out. He had been engaging and charming and she had enjoyed it immensley allowing the dinner to progress into a gala and an artistic display.

"I'm surprised you didn't follow along on the vid screens," she muttered, "Honestly its amazing people don't inhale the damn things on this world. Taya looked a little guilty at that remark but was in no hurry to confirm it. Reaching the bar she picked up an ornate bottle of what was probably a very expensive brandy and gulped down several quick slugs before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"It was fine?" Taya pressed, "That isn't exactly a great recommendation for a date."

"It wasn't a date," Junebug protested without much enthusiasm. In her minds eye she saw the flashing of holo camera at the gala. In her minds eye she was back on Humbolt for a moment, plasma bolts blasting chunks of ancient glaciers into incandescent steam. The glint of a sniper scope the moment before a kinetic rounded blew Corvitz' left eye out the back of his head. The wink of incoming as it cleared the horizon on Kendal IV. She took another gulp of liquor, leting the fire of it burn down her throat and warm her belly. There was a slight quiver to her hand.

"...Junebug," Taya repeated in a tone that suggested that it wasn't the first time she had spoken the words. The girls youthful enthusiasm had transmuted to worry in the lost seconds between her second and third slugs of the brandy.

"You ok?"

"Fine, fine," she muttered and pulled the gold lace head covering from atop her scalp and tossed it into the corner. Her hair was still short but longer than it had been when she took over the Highlander, might be time to cut it again. She spotted a strange concoction that appeared to be meat and vegetables between two slices of some sort of carbohydrate. It was half eaten but apparently abandoned beside some fried tubas which had been cut into short sticks. She took a bite and masticated with determination, her nerves calming as her body focused on eating.

"Uhhh... thats Neils..." Taya interjected. Junebug shrugged her shoulders.

"I dont see him eating it," She mumbled around a mouthful of what must have been a 'braman burger'. It really was quite good, esspeically whatever that red sauce was. She poured herself a glass of iced sodawater from the bar and cut it fifty fifty with the brandy. No good in making herself too drunk. Sometimes being out in public got to her.

"You ask me why I'm a trooper," she hummed to herself, the familiar cadence settling her nerves somewhat.

"Ask me why I sleep in a ditch," she went on. The cadence helped her to press the fear and uncertainty into the back of her mind. Civilian life just had different challenges. She could adapt to them. Had to adapt to them.

"You guys didn't have dinner? You were gone for hours," Taya said flopping back on the bed, a little amused by the sight of Junebug swilling booze and eating a burger in an expensive cocktail dress.

"Vegie crap, no carbs in it," she mubled around the food.

"Where is Neil anyway, not out racing sky cars or something I hope?"


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Neil had felt restless.

After about fifteen minutes of waiting on the food, he let out a long sigh. Needless to say Taya was startled when he suddenly stepped forward into a jump and kicked off the wall like he used to do in his planet's 'Primary Educational System' when he got too bored. The food wasn't here, Junebug was out doing Gideon knows what with the heir to a throne, and he didn't know what to do with himself. Granted, he could always go out and either get drunk or find some local tail, but for the first time in a long time he had no appetite for it.

"I'mma take a walk." He said to Taya. The girl had been lounging on the cushioned chair, her head popping up like a surprised puppy. "What? But the food..."

"I'll be back." He said, and disappeared out of the great guest hall and into the corridor that was big enough for the Highlander to skim through.

He just wanted to stretch his legs, but a short time later he found himself in a wing he'd never been in before. The ceiling was the same high, elongated domed shape. The busts and paintings and the decorum in general was lavish and extravagant. But it felt unfamiliar in a way he couldn't quite put his finger on. The color scheme was no longer red and gold, but purple and blue. It took him a moment top realize that perhaps the palace's wings had different royal owners.

Wherever he was, he was just trying to find the elevator. Even if he wasn't invited to Junebug's 'date' he still wanted to see some sights. You know, maybe he would go try to find some lady to spend some time with. If this was one of Aiden's sister's hall, he might just sweet talk his way into her bed. It wouldn't be the first time he made a high class girl squeal.

Just as he made it to one of the corners of the hall that turned left, he began to hear footsteps. Neil stopped, and realized he honestly didn't know if he was allowed here. A mixture of amusement and guilt appeared on his face, and he sprinted over to one of the tapestries, slipping behind it. In fact it was so thick he grabbed it and hauled himself up to hide his feet, the tapestry so large it barely caused it to sway anymore than it already did. He wasn't what you'd call muscled, but he had a fit, wiry physique and good upper body strength.

The footsteps disappeared not a minute later, and slowly he sank back down onto the ground and peeked out into the hall.

"Coast is clear." He told himself, and took that turn on the corner to reveal a colorful rug under something he hadn't expected to see. The thrice stabbed corpse of a pretty woman. "HOLY SH-" he said as soon as the image clicked in his head. The body was still bleeding bright red. It was one of Aiden's sisters or...female cousins? He didn't know. He didn't really care. He just needed to get the fuck out of here before anyone pinned this on him.

"Don't run..." he whispered to himself as he untensed, a cold sweat appearing on his brow. "Just walk. People ask less questions when you walk."

He turned around, and headed back the way he came, his mind whirring with the possibilities of why anyone would murder someone in the royal line. He'd need to tell Junebug just in case Prince Charming was next. Or just to let her know so they can shy away from getting into any trouble. As he pondered, he nearly passed a door he hadn't noticed before on his way there, and realized he was walking on the opposite side of the hallway as if it was a highway.

He laughed, recognizing the lift for what it was. "Noice." He said, pressing the button and stepping in. The door was glassteel, and once he was going upwards he saw past the Palace and found the city lights streaming before him in a myriad of colors, with buildings rising like low mountains. It was actually beautiful, reminding him of when hew piloted the Highlander over Fornax's mountainous region. He just needed a high vantage point to piss off the side for kicks and then he'd go back and eat. Turning his head to the left, he saw the walkway that Aiden must have mentioned earlier.

"Whoa that does look-"

He saw Junebug and Alden walking along it, laughing. She wore an expensive dress that accentuated every womanly side he never even knew she had.

Neil deflated, and he pressed the button to go back down. "This is starting to get annoying."

He decided to take another walk in the opposite direction of the palace before he made it back, and by that time his burger had been eaten, getting washed down Sayeeda's throat with a drink. For once, he didn't seem amused. He didn't even feel like talking at all, but he didn't want to leave them in the dark. He pointed a thumb behind himself. "Found a dead royal in one of the halls. Stabbed. No idea why."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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A shocked silence hung over the room for a moment. The brandy bottle was frozen halfway to her lips at the nonchalantly delivered news. Her mascara, applied by the same expert servants that had fitted her for the gown had begun to run. She swiped irritability at the make up, succeeding only in smearing dark splotches beneath her eyes. It made her look oddly like an Trivet player ready to throw a pass. The tremble in her hand steadied. Crisis was focus afterall.

“Did you just say…” Taya began but Junebug held up a hand for silence. The girls sentence stuttered out and she looked uncomfortable and confused. For a moment she said nothing, merely staring at Neil. Carefully she set the half empty brandy bottle down on the table top.

“Highlander Six to control,” she said, activating her mastoid communicator which tied into the local net and patched her to Lonney in the Highlander’s control core. Tay mouthed the words ‘not secure’ without actually vocalizing them. Any communication that was routed through a local net was, by definition, suspect. All encryptions except for extreme high end quantum units were vulnerable to decription in minutes or hours with the computing power even a modest navi-computer could provide.

“Aye Capt’n,” Lonney chirruped.

“Run a scan of all local media sources you can access. Tell me what percentage of sources speculate on Neil being an assassin. Break.” There was a moment of silence while the AI ran his calculations.

“Twenty six percent Captain.” A sinking feeling began to settle into her stomach, a weird counterpoint to the spreading alcoholic warmth.

“Express that as a percentage of total theoretical professions.”

“Seventy two percent cap’m,” the AI came back instantly, data crunching far easier than data gathering.

“Six out,” Sayeeda said closing the link. She sighed contemplatively. Taya fished out the burger meant for Junebug and tossed it to Neil.

“I don’t like the smell of this,” Sayeeda confessed. Was it possible that Aiden was involved somehow? It didn’t seem likely, the Prince was no fool, but neither did he seem machiavellian enough to lure her away merely to deny Neil an alibi. She remembered Aiden’s sister glowring at him on the landing pad. Could it be the same woman.

“I don’t like the feel of it at all,” she reiterated.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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"Why!?" Taya cried in the background, falling to her knees as Neil put on a poised look. "Why do all of our good fortunes go sour!? What God hates us!?" As the pilot mused and spoke, Taya would collapse dramatically and begin crying, before tugging at one of the giant tapestries and hugging it as if it were her mother.

"I don't think it's him." Neil said honestly, even reluctantly. Yes, it did seem a bit too convenient of a scenario, for him to take Sayeeda out on a night of the town, but he couldn't have known Neil would go for a walk, right? He was clearly interested in Sayeeda from the get go, and this would be a bit too obvious of a ploy. The Highlander crew would immediately be suspicious of him. Then again he could have been acting, but Neil didn't quite believe an accomplished thief and a Captain would be that gullible. "There's plenty of siblings, maybe he's in danger? Wouldn't taking him out first simply make the target one of the other siblings? I'd kill a different one if I were some mystery assassin."

Taya looked up, hope in her eyes. Her face was wet and riddled with marks from having pressed her face into the tapestry "You think so?"

Neil shrugged in acknowledgement. "He seems like a cool guy in my book." He said. "I don't think any dude could get on Junebug's good side on lies, anyway."

The pilot fell back onto the cushioned chair, and simply decided that all he felt like doing was getting hammered drunk. "Toss me the vodka," he told Junebug.
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Junebug tossed a frosted bottle of vodka to Neil and then stared into space for a minute trying to fit the facts into some sort of coherent picture. It was no use, they simply didn't have enough information. It clearly wasn't Aiden personally, but it could have been done on his orders. What did he have to gain though, he was already the heir by all reports.

"Look this is all platoons in the valley," Sayeeda decided finally.

"It could have been anyone for any reason," she said wearlily.

"For all we know some jilted lover killed her over something purely personal." That didn't exactly explain the attempt on Aiden's life that had stranded him an an Alien infested peninsular.

"So long as no one puts Neil at the scene I don't suppose its any proper concern of ours."


The news broke the next morning as the Highlander crew was rousing themselves from alcohol fueled sleep. Taya had a holo news broadcast playing on the screen. Alexia Almaric found murdered! Images of the woman in life confirmed her to be the sister they had seen when disembarking from the Highlander. Tearful images and comments from the king and queen were played before it degenerated into a series of talking heads speculating on possible motivations for such a killing. They had just finished breakfast when there was a knock on the door.

Junebug took her pistol from her bag and held the weapon behind her back before pulling the great doors open. Ranald the grim faced advisor to Aiden stood there in a dress uniform that he looked distinctly uncomfortable in. A formidable row of metals and campagin ribbons stood out on the white and gold piped tunic. He glanced at her elbow, the veteran clearly aware that she was armed.

"Do you greet all visitors like this Captain?" Sayeeda let the weapon slide into view, a stark contrast to the almost see through silk nightgown she was wearing.

"Only on days I plan on surviving," she answered sweetly and swung the door fully open. Ranald steeped inside and his eyes went immediately to the holo broadcast. Sayeeda pushed the door closed with a click.

"To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Ranald looked distinctly uncomfortable for a moment and then produced a small holographic projector.

"Aiden is a good man and a smart one in his own way, but I fear he has many enemies here that he is reluctant to see." With that he thumbed on the holoprojector. An image of Alexia sprang to life atop the projector head.

"Aiden, I know you are busy with preperations for this ceremony of yours, but I have vital information about the wreck of your ship. Listen I'm not sure who exactly to trust, you need to meet me as soon as you can. Tonight if you can make it happen. This is important big brother." The holograph cut out.

"This came in while the prince was... entertaining you Captain," the old veteran said, his voice holding a hint of disapproval

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Neil jolted awake. "It wasn't me!"

Blinking lazily, he realized he was in his extravagant bedroom. The pilot rubbed his face and blearily wondered if this room would be a temporary affair, or if his commendation in a few days would grant him a lifetime suite and a vassalage. That would have sounded extremely appealing until recently. Hell, it still was appealing. But his mood had somewhat soured since they'd arrived. Then again, he didn't feel as bad he did yesterday. Other than the slight hangover.

"They make it strong on this planet." He groaned as he swung his feet off the bed, scratching an itch under his eye. First thing was first, he went to take a quick shower. As the hot water hit him, he felt all the physical and mental muck drain out of him, and he let out a large 'whoo!' before he stepped out, drying himself and his thick head of dark hair.

He slipped on some comfortable street clothing and headed into the great hall only to step into the middle of Ranald and Junebug watching the clip of the slain royal Neil had discovered.

If that video had come in during his absence, it couldn't have been the Prince. He wouldn't have known who to go after. Neil nodded. It had top be someone they hadn't the pleasure of meeting yet. He was certain they would soon.

"I'm flattered you decided to divulge this footage, but why to me?" Junebug asked.

"Because he's quite fond of you, and I feel if you spend more...time with him, you could be in danger as well as he. Not that it would stop you. I know a soldier when I see one. But you and your crew saved his and my life. I feel I am paying a debt." He informed her, giving a respectable pose as regal as any King could.

"We appreciate the thought." Neil said, causing both of them to look his way. They'd see Neil leaning casually against a pillar, not a few meters away and behind them. The rogue was scratching his chin, a small 5 o'clock shadow having formed since they'd gone off schedule. He hadn't shaved the past few days. "Have any leads yet?"

Ranald shook his head. "Not yet. Granted, the heirs to the throne are given shares of estates according to their age, so it could just be a sibling rivalry. But the planet is famous for its power struggles. Thank the Gods Aiden will be king. He's the only one of them with a decent head on his shoulders." the elderly councilman declared. "Insurgents or a senator is the next guess. We have problems with both."

"Where is the Prince? Aiden?" Neil asked.

"He said he is not to be disturbed. But for you...I am certain he would make an exception. He's in his quarters."

"Thank you for the warning, and your time."

Ranald made his way out shortly after, giving them a bow. Neil waved him goodbye, then shut the veritable gate behind him. He let out a sigh. "So, what do you think?" Neil asked, before giving his opinion. He felt like he should give a talk to the prince at some point, but he'd follow his Captain's leave.
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"I think we should head back to the Highlander and head for space," Taya put in from the bed. Junebug was shaking her head even before she finished speaking.

"No, it would look suspicious, it would be a golden opportunity for whoever is behind this to pin everything on us." Sayeeda didn't know what the reach of the Planetary Nobility was but she would rather not spend the next several years dodging bounty hunters and assassins at best and tedious legal proceedings at worst.

"It seems to me," Sayeeda said carefully, "that we should go and see Aiden. Seeing as we are stuck here until the ceremony tomorrow night, we ought to see what we can do to keep our patron alive."

"Alexia clearly had something important she wanted to talk to Aiden about," Taya interjected.

"Important enough to kill her over?"

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"Oh," the Prince said in surprise. "Please come in."

The guards pushed closed the gates behind them with a grinding clap. It needed at least four men to open and close such a magnificent gateway. One would need a starship cannon to be able to penetrate its thick metallic plating, though of course it was embroidered with exquisite artwork with curvaceous images of tales long past. Aiden kissed Junebug's hand, and greeted the other two.

Inside, Aiden's hall was even more elaborately decorated than their were. Large statues of heroes took the role of pillars, holding the ceiling up with, as if with the strength of their legends. Shining clear diamonds were embedded along their necks; items Neil could live forever off of if he would but get his hands on one or two of them. The seats and table was lavish and comfortable all at once, and there were three great hearths compared to their hall's one. Behind Aiden, servitor drones floated back and forth, cleaning and furnishing the place.

"Are you ok, my prince?" Taya asked him once they had walked in, clearly not knowing how to comfort him, or if he would even appreciate such a gesture.

"Yes, considering." Aiden said, letting out a breath. He wore a handsome top covered by a cloak that gave him a rakish quality. "I feel worse about my parents, and how this could be my fault." The Prince lamented. Neil gave him an understanding look. He knew what it was like to feel as if you were responsible for the death of a loved one. The pilot glanced at the ceiling for a moment, marvelling at the intricate carving of the artistic curves.

"Have you scanned the ceiling, your highness?"


"If someone's after you, they might have a bug or a camera up there."

It took Aiden a moment to process his words, and when he did he ordered one of his servitor drones to fly upwards and scan. It found nothing, but the prince had to ask. "Why would you believe there would be something up there?"

"Because that's what I would do."
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Aiden sighed and let them to a grand sitting room, the place looked rustic with comfortably upholstered chairs of dark carved wood and tables inlaid with the same mythological scenes they had observed elsewhere, graceful naked water nymphs forming the legs, holding the hands of broad shouldered Atlas whos outstretched arms provided the crosswise pieces. For all its archaic splendor however it was thoroughly modern in function. A careful eye could pick out access points for various electronic devices and other contemporary features. The prince sat down and gestured for Sayeeda to sit beside him before motioning all the others down.

“I fear I may have been too quick to dismiss Ranald’s counsel,” he said at last. His hands rested palm down on the table as though trying to press through the heavy timber.

“Do your intelligence people have any leads?” Sayeeda asked. Aiden smiled wrly.

“We don’t have a centralized intelligence service the way you are thinking.” Sayeeda snorted in disbelief.

“What did you blow the whole budget on fancy statues?” Aiden chuckled, the expression reaching his eyes for the first time.

“Something like that,” he admitted before explaining: “Actually most of our intelligence is gathered through personal networks of various nobles, theoretically we are supposed to share what we find, and thats fine for offworld matters where we all have the same interests but…”

The doors opened unexpectedly and two men, brothers who had been at the landing ceremony strode through the doors flanked by armed guards.

“Alexander, Aire,” Aiden greeted them in surprise. Both men were rangy and strong although neither was as handsome as the Prince himself.

“Brother,” Alexander, the taller of the two and dressed in a shiny black doublet greeted. His eyes panned to the Highlander crew.

“What are these mercenaries doing here, is this the space tramp…” the man’s tone was a sneer but Aiden stood up abruptly, his face hardening into a mask.

“These are my friends, and perhaps soon my retainers, have a care brother,” Aiden responded his tone chilling markedly. Alexander stepped back slightly and cocked his hip sideways. Junebug recognised it as a move to clear a weapon and her hand, concealed beneath the table, slid to the pistol holstered at her hip. Instead of a gun though Alexander revealed a metallic cylinder similar to the one she had seen Aiden with back on the beach.

“Oh be serious,” Aiden snapped, “father will never approve a duel between us. Now did you have something of actual import to say or is this just a ‘courtesy’ call?”
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Alexander sneered, his jaw clenching as he regarded Aiden and the crew he kept for company. The other brother, Devon, raised an eyebrow but divulged nothing. Neil marveled at how different the siblings were to one another, at least in personality. Then again, when you're as fertile as the Queen apparently was, you're bound to have a few inconsistent children.

"I believe my calling in a vote of 'no confidence' for your rulership is of 'import' to you, is it not?" Alexander said, raising his chin slightly to further look down his nose at Aiden. For his part, Aiden looked taken aback. "What are you saying? Why?" He seemed honestly perplexed, though still somewhat expectant that Alexander would at least make trouble in some fashion.

"Emilia died under your watch. You're to be the protector of the realm and your closest sibling dies not two days before the coronation. Oh I know it couldn't have been you, but something you need to begin to realize is that when one is a king, everything is your fault, for good or ill."

"Oh, silence yourself." Aiden ordered, cutting his hand across his chest to further emphasize. "Brother, we are all high strung and saddened by Emilia's death. But don't you dare use her as an excuse to try and wrest the crown from me. A duel and then a vote that will not go through. What other clever plans do you have? Passing gas and blaming it on me?"

Neil snorted, which drew the wrathful gazes of both younger brothers. "You do know my sources indicate this Highlander crew has been wanted under suspicion of various crimes?"

"Perhaps, but they saved my life and the life of my servants, as well as Ranald. Now are you quite finished?"
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"Oh I'm far from finished," Alexander spat with a contemptuous glare at the whole company. Devon gave a slightly pained look to his older brother and then turned and followed him from the room. Aiden let out a sigh and relaxed. Sayeeda eased the saftey back on with an audible click that made everyone start. She shrugged her shoulder apologetically.

"Well I see someone is eager to turn a profit of a tragedy," Junebug murmured. If the prince heard he he didn't respond, instead he paced over to a large pict window that imported a view from one of the tall towers above the city. The high definition hologram was as crisp and pure as if they actually had been at the pinnacle of a tower.

A news holo sprang to life above the table. A news anchor whos skin and hair was so perfect they looked to have been grown for the job was talking animatedly with a co-host.

"Breaking news, this network has uncovered new evidence in the death of Princess Emillia. Apparently this concerns covert communications between the deceased and her brother and Heir Apparent, Aiden Amalric. More on this story as it unfolds!" Within moments most new casts would be rebroadcasting the message.

Aiden turned with a resolute look on his face and stalked to his chair to sit down. He pressed a communicator and called for Ranald and some other advisors whom Sayeeda did not recognize. That completed he turned to the Highlander crew.

"I know you don't have the background in politics to know I'm telling the truth, but you must believe me that Alexander becoming king would be a disaster for our people..." Sayeeda held up a hand to silence the prince mid sentence.

"Aiden, when I was on Praxis the government paid me to shoot at insurgents. When I was on Kennec's World the insurgents paid me to shoot at the government. I'm not really interested in politics writ large. If you are paying, we are playing. Moral issues really dont concern me." The calm bussinesslike tone seemed to rattle the prince slightly.

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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Neil patted Aiden's shoulder. "Them's the brakes." He said, winking at him. The pilot then slipped under the table to sit opposite of them, grabbing one of the drinks on the table. "So, what do you got for us? Might as well get used to this whole retainer thing." Neil then took a hearty sip of the wine Aiden had. Taya did not seem entirely happy, of course. But she felt glad there were things that could distract her while they attempted to fix their luxurious situation.

The handsome prince seemed to consider for a moment, his hand in a closed fist, lightly resting along his mouth as he looked between the crew. "I suppose you have a point." He sighed, and cleared his throat. "Allow me to be clear that I want no harm to my brother, or to anyone you can help."

"I hear you." Neil said, raising his glass. Aiden nodded. "Alexander's suite is on the northern side of the Palace, to the east of my parent's section. If you could find out if he has any suspicious workings or dealings with insurgents, please report it to me. If you could, finding out what he is planning in general would be immensely helpful. This isn't just about my position, but I want to halt any complications. Terrorism and civil wars...If there is a better king than I then so be it. But Alexander..."

"We getcha, don't worry." Neil said. To further emphasize the point, Sayeeda was already reloading her submachine gun, drawing their gazes once more with an audible 'clack' of the clip being inserted. Aiden shook his head, but he smiled. As the doors began to open to reveal Ranald and the other council members, Aiden leaned over to Junebug. "I'd like to speak to you privately tonight, if you would." He said.

As he leaned in to whisper to her, Taya had on a grin while Neil was a bit busy making sure the approaching figures weren't Alexander goons coming back before he realized who they were.

"Thank you very much for seeing me." Aiden told the crew, a clear indication they needed to depart for now.

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The trio headed out into the street. The streets were packed and people were clearly excited vigorous debates raged in numerous cafes. Massive public vid screens showed images of the opening moves of the vote of no confidence and analysis abounded. It seemed to Sayeeda that there were more royal guard than she had seen earlier, clearly tensions were heightening. So far as she could tell no papparazzi had recognized them and they wandered off the main street and into a small noodle shop that wasn't doing much business. After they had ordered Sayeeda got down to business.

"Ok, clearly little brother is going to be watching us, we cant just waltz into his rooms and expect to get away with it. We need some kind of a distraction.

"Come in Capt'm," Looney's voice chimed in her ear. Sayeeda held up a hand for silence and touched her temple. She had never known Looney to initate a communication before.

"Just a routine report that I'm completing maintenance on circuit phi-beta-one-six-niner," the AI went on in a shockingly normal voice. It was hardly slurred with accent at all. Sayeeda shook her head in confusion, what maintence was he talking about and why in hell was he telling her.

"Neil what the hell is circuit phi-beta-one-six-niner?" she asked. Taya started immediately and both of the mercs turned to look at her.

"It.. I mean I think... Its from a holo-soap from Fornax." Sayeeda stared at Taya as though she had gone mad but the woman only licked her lips nervously.

"In the show it meant that someone was holding the protagonist at gun point but they didn't want to tip the bad guys off..."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Neil raised an eyebrow at the proclamation, only for his mind to catch up with him. "Oh hell no, not my ship." He declared, and started to run, not even bothering to look back to see if the two women were following him. He turned the corner of the vast palace wing, looking around for any of the telltale signs of the hanger. He remembered what it looked like. But it was probably miles away in the palace.

It was about two miles he had run, many of the palace retainers and councilmen he had passed looking at him in utter bewilderment and incredulity. He deeply hoped none of them had vid-casters on them, and he knew there were probably cameras above him, capturing him vaulting over priceless busts and vases in realtime. However without any real information on why he was doing it, there would only be a small gossip piece on the 'wild man' Neil.

He stopped when he couldn't run anymore, though he was certain he was close. Neil turned on his comm, knowing he needed to slow down whatever was occurring. He knew he couldn't say anything directly to Lonney or it would perhaps be overheard. So he decided to speak 'english english.' "Lonney, Skive it! Cock-up. Throw a spanner in there, arse over tit!" he said, followed by a brief pause over the comm.

"...Know your onions, eh? Not nicked yet. Bob's your uncle!"

"Oh thank god." Neil said, relieved. The pilot placed his a hand on the marble wall and caught his breath. Whatever was happening to Lonney, the systems would lock in an emergency anti-theft bypass. The bypass itself could be bypassed, but it would take time. Time enough for the three companions to make it around the next bend where Neil was certain the hanger bay would be. As the other two women caught up, Sayeeda having only just broken a sweat and Taya nearly dead, he told them the situation was handled for the moment.

Neil then reached under his shirt to where he kept his weapon and cocked his revolver.
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Sayeeda raced past Neil and into the broad alleyway that held the hangar door. One side of the alley was lined with what might have been storage units or small increments of warehouse space seperated off from the street by long roller doors of extruded metal. There was no foot traffic save for a large air cushioned delivery sled parked infront of one of the hangar access doors. The vehicle was open topped and empty so Junebug ignored it. A figure in dark black fatigues crouched in the door way but he was looking back over his shoulder rather than towards the mouth of the alley where Junebug and her friends were approaching.

Unslinging her submachine gun she sprinted down the alley, shifting her gait slightly so that she ran almost silently on the tips of her toes in long bounding strides. THe trick wouldn't have worked if she was wearing her armor but given the likelyhood she would be shot in the next few minutes she wasn't sure it was worth the trade of. Hoping that Neil had enough sense to follow and Taya had enough sense not to she closed the distance at a full sprint. The crouching figure, alerted by some sound of her approach or just turning his attention back to his proper bussiness at last, looked around at the last second. He had enough time to open his mouth before Junebug bought the butt of her weapon down hard on the top of his skull. The man slumped like a poleaxed ox but she was through the door before his body hit the ground.

The inside of the highlanders hangar was much like any Junebug had seen. Crates of supplies and tools lay wherever was convient interspersed with hydraulic lifters, fuel lines and electrical hook ups of all sorts. A fusion bottle, meant to replace the one in the jeep which Neil had convereted into an improvised bomb, lay on a pallet jack nearby. A dozen figures stood in the hangar. A pair of men in black body armor were affixing something to the main hatch that looked alot like a millitary grade intrusion box. Three or more figures in similar gear were in good positions around the hangar, clearly guarding team working the intrusion gear. The rest of the group maybe more like eight now that she had a chance to process the data wore black fatigues similar to the guard she had just clocked. All of them carried automatic weapons.

Carreming through the door Junebug crashed into a black clad enemy the check sending him sprawling across the floor. She put two shots into him and let the recoil of the weapon lift the barrel. Crack! Crack! the next to shots hit one of the men attempting to affix the box to the hatch, the first hitting him in the spine and snapping his head back before the second blew the back of his skull in wrapping his helmet against the hull of the highlander with a concussive clan that rivaled the submachinegun.

The hangar exploded into action, several weapons blazed at once although none of them had yet had time to take up a proper site picture and the metal walls of the hanger rang with ricochets. The figures in body armor flung themselves behind whatever cover was available. Taking the hint Junebug dived sideways sliding across the smooth concrete and rolling into cover behind a crate of vacumn rated tools the size of a large refridgerator. Gunfire roared around her as the confused mass of intruders opened fire.

"Taya! Don't come in, we need as big a distraction as you can give us!" Junebug yelled over the clang of slugs smashing into the container. She lifted her gun and fired a blind burst in the direction of the Highlanders hatch, although without real hope of hitting anything. She didn't pack grenades in her breakfast outfit, mores the pity, and she needed to draw fire away from the door.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Neil skidded into the hanger not moments after Sayeeda, sliding along the pavement and pulling his revolver out. He was well known for his quick draw and his crackshot accuracy, but he barely missed one of the armored men that dove behind some of the crates for cover, his large caliber bullet ricocheting off his cover to hit the Highlander and then fly wide, harmlessly. The next second was the scenario played in reverse, Neil crashing across the open expanse into a stack of starship hydraulic tubes.

"R-Roger!" Taya said over the voice comm, though she didn't sound too sure of herself.

Neil felt the shocks of the pipes as they were riddled with small arms fire, and he clenched his teeth, glad these things were stacked with plast-crete. Judging from the fire, they had a lot more firepower than he or Sayeeda had. They needed to play this smart and think outside the box.

"Hey!" Neil yelled, his voice echoing off the walls. The bullets suddenly halted for a few moments in deep silence. "If you give up now, we'll spare your lives!"

The next few moments seemed to have twice as much gunfire as before, with a few profanities thrown in for good measure. Neil chuckled helplessly and shrugged his shoulders at Junebug, before looking for another way out. He didn't know what Taya was planning, but he decided to take a chance. "Captain," Neil said over his comm. "When I run out, you'll have a chance to take a few shots. Make 'em count."

To his right was a small sliver of space where the bend in a wall nearly closed a gap between the rockcrete and the tubes. Only someone with any real acrobatic skill could make it through there without being stuck for a few moments, and Neil doubted the enemy expected for him to take that route. Which is why he took it. With a running start, and most of the enemy bullets puncturing the left side of the tubes, he dove out into the open on the opposite side. He could feel their gazes and guns turning toward his sudden appearance.

Neil's roll took him across the bullet riddled floor and then tumbling below the Highlander into the landing pit where only the legs of the ship resided. Unbeknownst to the enemy, there was a small access bay down here if he could just find it and open it. A few shouts and footsteps to his right caught his attention, and he knew they were about to fire down under here with as many bullets as they could muster. He couldn't survive a ricochet if he got unlucky.
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Junebug was already moving as Neil dived for the pipe. His entrance had drawn most of the gunmen's attention but she still kept low as she darted from the pile of crates to one of the riveted steel pillars. Shots hammered into the pipes, following Neil as he wormed his way through the narrow opening. One of the unarmed enemies, a heavy set woman with broad muscular arms, had pulled a fragmentation grenade from a webbing harness and thumbed the activator. Junebug shot her twice before she could toss the explosive, both shots hitting her at the base of the sternum. Blood gouted from the woman's mouth as she tumbled back into a pile of coiled pneumatic cabling. The grenade bounced onto the concrete, it's red led blinking rapidly. Someone shouted a warning as Junebug pressed herself flat against the support post. There was a flat bang and the familiar whine of glass fiber shrapnel.

Screams mixed with the gunfire and Junebug ducked out and put a long burst into a pair of men who were rushing towards the landing pit, tumbling both bodies into the pit with a spray of blood and a clatter of equipment. The weapon clicked empty and she ducked back into cover. With quick methodical action she stripped the magazine and dropped it to the floor.

"Whatever your doing Neil make it quick!" She slapped her spare clip into her weapon and cocked the action. When she got up this morning she hadn't been expecting urban warfare.

"This is what I get for brunching without grenades," she muttered as the shots tore the walls around her, hammering the steel pillar she was sheltering behind.

"Taya how we doing?" Junebug called over the radio, blinking to clear the after flashes of tracer fire from her eyes.

"Uhhhh... working on something!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Online

As Neil slid along the smooth floor under the landing, feeling the bottom of the Highlander for the latch of the hatch, he heard the muffled explosion, followed by the footsteps of approaching enemies. That is, until two piercing bangs from above, which caused two bloodied corpses to fall into the pit with him, viscera and lifeblood spraying everywhere. "Goh-ho-hod-damn!" He laughed, both surprised and then marveling how he shouldn't be. If anyone could solve problems with bullets, it was Sayeeda.

Still, he knew it was a momentary success and he needed to hurry. As he fished around below, the men above renewed their fire on Junebug's position, and she would be able to see the odd hand signal every now and then a few of the men moving around. Thankfully the Hanger on their end was not a big place, and to run over to her side was a suicide run even under cover fire. However it was only a matter of time before they got lucky.

Until they all began to spasm and gasp.

The Captain of the Highlander would hear guns clattering to the floor, along with the screech of palms and shoes on a smooth surface as the men grunted and wiggled, some falling limp for a few moments. As they were effected, Taya's voice popped into Junebug and Neil's comms.

"I increased the volume on their comm frequency. If you're going to do something, do it now!" The girl said with urgency. It was right around this time Neil found the hatch, unlocking it and opening up the bottom of the Highlander. He slipped into the narrow entryway by pulling upon the ladder bars with a few strong tugs, making it through the tube and opening the top hatch that led into the Cockpit corridor.

He needed to find some larger firepower just in case.
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