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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

July 19th/Time: 9:00 AM

"Following the story on the recent robbery and arson attack on a Transit Vehicle south of Junyo headed for the Kazuma National Bank. The police have reported that they have found strange entry wounds on the drivers, as well as the charred remains of what appear to be arrows nearby. We await further information, while this story unfolds. In addition, earlier today eyewitnesses caught sight of a young girl-"

"Last night, two more bodies were discovered with their heads cut off! This is crazy! What the heck are the police even doing out there?
They need to find this freak fast, or there's gonna be-"

"GOOOOOD morning Junyo-cho, and welcome back to-


"The Parallel Grail War has started."

Various media channels, various radio signals, all being monitored and swiftly censored, modified, or deleted on the spot, memories of them altered or transfixed in order to preserve the fabric of society. At the center of that sat the watchful eye of Muninn, which was currently researching methods to combat those individuals bearing the strength of figures from myth and legend; Card Masters. Whosoever was already affiliated with them would be contacted immediately, and the city was unofficially put in a state of high alert.

A company of Magi gathered in organized secrecy from society in order to combat such a threat would of course have already planned countermeasures - One of which was soon to take hold.

"Director, the bait has been taken. Target Beta has already started spending the bait cash around the city; Local bars, clubs, and the like. The two homunculi have also been disposed of." A relatively handsome young man would explain, his head bowed in respect as his dark attire and hair stood out and clashed against the entirely white room he stood in. White walls that reflected everything, white furniture that was dulled and rough, and behind his little white desk sat an aged, but not quite elderly man bearing an aura of serenity about him. It was as if the world itself wasn't teetering on the edge of oblivion as he stood out like a sore thumb, his gray hair fitting, the completely colorless room, but the sharp black suit he wore along with a strangely...even more out of place pink and yellow tessellated triangular tie. "Nice work then Seamus. Let's keep the pressure on Beta, he can't keep slipping away from us forever. Dismissed." he said, the younger man Seamus taking his leave at that.

On his desk sat a beige folder stuffed full of documents on cases of mysterious murders, the very same beheadings conducted by Target Alpha. Flipping through the rather grim coroner reports as well as the police reports of the incidents. Always in alleys, always to criminals, and always quiet. Far too quiet for the precision of the murders conducted. Beta would be simple, but...Alpha was elusive. Smarter. Practically undetectable as well, since if they were indeed using the power of a Servant to conduct these acts, there would be no trace of a murder weapon. Leaning back in his chair, Matias Ansgar let out a deep sigh before shutting the folder, kicking up his feet on his desk and muttering: "Honestly...are we really going to need to throw more Homunculus into this one too? What kind of stunt does the Clock Tower expect us to pull without sending us more funding?" as he completely dropped the (very slight) guise of seriousness he'd had before. Ceasing his griping to nobody in particular, the Director would instead start spinning in his chair in order to think...and he'd really only stop unless someone came in, or if he couldn't take it any more. Mysteriously sometimes the Targets would just outright dissapear...it seemed as if one of the Card Masters had been busy already and was keeping under the radar. Whether this was friend or foe was currently unknown, but Matias didn't care much as it meant less work for him.

Calling on Card Masters for this would be troublesome enough already if they were present, but...as far as their intelligence knew, their only available asset was Ms. Kaur. As such, she would receive the call for Beta's location for the time being. A rather sleazy bar known for cheap booze, women with fat asses, and being an overall hole of depravity and human waste. Naturally fighting there would be a foolish action without knowing the extent of the servant, as well as due to the casualties that would ensue. The choice was her's to proceed as she would.

However, the faintest of tuggings could be felt on the hearts of the Class Cards, as even without a proper Grail War to fight, there was a certain...connection between the servants within the Cards that could be used to at least somewhat track one another down. Whether it be the power of the Throne, or of the heroes themselves was anyone's guess. Regardless, the general location of a Master was locatable, but difficult to pinpoint. But, finding a needle in a haystack is far easier once you know which haystack of many the needle is in.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

In the Land of the Rising Sun, the sun shone bright behind Ophelia Sanders. Upon the rooftop of Hideaki High School, in a corner, tucked within the blind spot of the maintenance entrance, where the chain-link fence was stripped and peeled away, the sun cast a vengeful halo around the rising empress; bleeding like liquid gold through her hair of tempered coal and calling attention to her eyes of burning flame. In her hands, soft and pale, unblemished by the harsh summer, she clutched a fistful of ebony hair... not her own. No. Her fist clutched that of another. "You disappoint me, lass," spoke the Irishwoman, at long last, her fluid Japanese disrupted by the coarseness of her Irish accent, "I sent three of my sweetest girls to your doorstep, wee babes, and you send them home, broken, crying, and, worst of, robbed of their dignities," her grip tightened with a firmness, "and, my deal." Ophelia narrowed her eyes, "Lass, you don't wound me girls AND scorn me deals."

Trembling, the girl attached to the long lifeline of hair hung in the air, her feet pressed firmly -- not out of need, but desperation -- against the flat outside face of the roof... in the unforgiving weightlessness of the air, she hung, suspended by the tensile strength of her hair, alone. Tears streamed down her face, as she plead to deaf ears and blind eyes. It was just her and Ophelia; her lord, her savoir, her judge, her jury... and, her executioner. "It wasn't my idea!" she cried for the nth time to no avail; the damage was done. I'll take the deal! You can run your business in our school! Please, don't drop me!" Ophelia laughed, a sick and twisted laugh of a person that didn't truly dirty their hands. "I wouldn't..." she says, letting her grip loose, by a fraction, before clamping down. A shrill scream flew into the air, as the girl fell for, but a moment, before her hair wretched taut, and strains ripped from the flesh with searing recognition. "However, my grip is getting weak. Hurry," Ophelia said, after an afterthought, with mocking concern, "I can't hold you forever, lass."

Suddenly, another scream ripped the air, then another, and another, still. All panicked, worried...

Looking beyond her prey, Ophelia saw the impossible. Suicide Bride's fall... and return. For all intents and logical purpose, such a fall should have killed her, then and there, and yet... she hit like a video game protagonist, with all the grace of an elephant, and yet the recovery of a cat -- to shake it off, stand up, and walk away. It bespoke of something unnatural, magical -- threatening. Ophelia was the only Magus allowed in her domain; in this, her territory. A powerful wrench of her hand, and the rival girl was safe on the roof; missing a grand deal of hair, sense of safety, and control of her bowels, as a pool formed around her waist. "Let's make a deal, lass, and quickly," she says, pulling out a small recorder. "I run business, through your gang, and you reap a tidy thirty-percent profits from sales, in return for free passage, set-up, and protection. That''s ten-percent per contractual stipulation," she pressed the blunt spike of her heel upon the throat of the girl, "That sounds mighty fair, eh, lass?"

The girl nodded, fighting to breath against it; even movement of her throat burned. Ophelia sank to one leg, baring weight down upon her, "Stay it right. Like a good bitch." Eyes watering, the girl croaked out, in Japanese, [H-hai!] before she fighting to breathe in, and finish with, [Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu, Sanders-sama!] Ophelia grinned, and suddenly brightened with the intensity of the morning sun on her flawless face. "No, thank you, ma'am," she says, smoothly; gone, the coarseness of her Irish accent, and present the soft, kindness of her Japanese accent. "I look forward to our future business ventures. Please, rest here, and I'll summon help and new clothes for you. No-one will ever have to know of this nasty bit of negotiations."

For a split-second, her eyes burned again with a hatred unfathomably deep, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll a wedding to attend..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A mysterious Master and Servant pair!?

The Previous Day at 8:24pm~

Boring. That is what this all was. It was a complete and utter bore for someone of her talents. How that pious woman strictly enforced them only going out in the night time as if she could control her. Here she was bound by a simple rule to not go out during the daylight hours. Purely because of how much attention she would bring to them both. Good. She liked attention.

"You know I can hear your thoughts right...?" The voice was sharp and clear through The pale woman's skull as face's pale mouth curled down into a frown. "Well I know you know that I can hear considering but did you really have to go on another tangent?" The feminine voice said in her mind with an obviously annoyed tone. "Well, It's not my fault I was paired with the most cautious person this side of the world." The pale woman said aloud in an attempt to make the voice in her head feel just a little guilty in order to let her go outside and indulge herself. "Being reckless is how you get caught, and getting caught is how you get people trying to take what you have. Do you really want some slimy individual getting a hold of your class card and using it for their personal purposes. At least I am trying to help you get your revenge." The voice shot back.

The pale woman slumped down in her seat with a rather audible sigh weighing her options for just a moment of if that would actually be worth it before finally deciding on a no. Most people wouldn't get such a sweet deal she had and most good people wouldn't pick up a class card have it willingly bond with them. The female whom's body she shared had been an example of the few good eggs in a whole rotten field of them. "How sweet of you." The voice said inside her head with what the pale woman imagined to be a coy grin. "I'd kill you if I wasn't going to end up killing myself!" The pale woman spat back with a scowl painted across her face as she got up to wonder to the kitchen still dressed in her pajamas due to her sheer laziness of refusing to change until it was time to go out.

She opened the fridge rather forcefully but the tough little box managed to only groan on its hinges instead of the door being ripped off. The woman's eyes scanned the contents of this little marvel of technology which made storing food so much easier then what it was back in her time. Though if this was a normal circumstance and she would be allowed to constantly have her install be active she wouldn't ever need to eat or drink to sustain herself but then again... The voice in her head wouldn't have it because of all the mana she'd give off. Looks like the fridge is getting low. I might need you to buy groceries from the store. The female's voice mentioned through her mind. "Well its going to have to wait." The pale woman said as she pulled out a plastic carton of milk as she opened it and chugged it down quickly, throwing the empty carton into the trash as she grabbed a cheese stick and started to chew on it. Closing the fridge behind her.

She headed back to the living room and slumped back into her chair as she began to think about recent events. The newspapers have proven to be relatively reliable sources of what was going on in the city. Front page news about beheadings being one of the things. Of course the pale woman herself would of never bothered doing such petty research and rather would of just have waited and see what happens and haphazardly stumble into her vengeance but the voice in her head had pretty adamant that analysis before engagements usually made the fight all the more fun. It was almost as if the voice had purposely worded the words that way to her to get her to agree but...

The recent events of beheading described as clean cut and unnaturally precise as if they were being done through automated means generally put it up to either being a servant at best or at worse a mage thus they did the research and started to figure out that he liked to hang around a certain area to dispense his justice. Lots of dead people required a lot of vengeance for them. The pale women couldn't have such a filthy pretender being the executioner of this place. That was a special job, her to be the judge jury and above all else the executioner for this entire city. The pale women finished her cheese stick as she sat there for a moment. "Feeling better now that you've eaten? the disembodied voice inside her head asked. "Marginally" The pale women responded as she slowly started to formulate how best to kill a man. "Well, we know his general area so if we go scouting there then maybe you can find them and lecture him with your fists" The voice chimed cheerily in interrupting the pale woman's increasing dark thought process almost as if that was intentional in order to change the pale woman's thoughts from edging into something the girl within her mind didn't want to hear.

30 minutes or so later~ at 9:00pm

She got up and headed to the wardrobe in the master bedroom cracking her neck as she did so. Tonight was gonna be fun if she managed to find the guy, but at the very least it would be a way to stretch her legs, hone her technique and generally beat people up if they were doing questionable shit on the streets. She opened it up. "Do you think shorts and a black zip up jacket is suitable enough?" She said aloud to ask the voice in her head. "It'll give you manoeuvrability certainly but make sure to take one of the coats I don't need us to catch a horrible cold simply because you couldn't be bothered to put on a coat." The voice replied. Nodding in response to the voice the pale woman started to undress herself as she put on the outfit sliding into the soft cotton and nylon coverings. She lean't over to the mirror examining herself. it certainly looked good on her the dark colours working well with her pale complexion giving her that intimidating bad girl vibe. Perfect~ she thought to herself, "Agreed." The voice in her head added.

She strode out to the hallway a smug grin on her face. Oh this was gonna be so, so, so good she was almost going to burst from the excitement of being able to finally go outside for the first time since she got partnered with them. Them being the voice in her head. She started to pull on her treads, Nice thick sturdy boots that were perfect for cracking some skulls, tying the laces as she stood back up. She grabbed the purse near the door and put it into one of the zip-up coat pockets so that after she was done prowling she could get the groceries so the voice in her head didn't complain.

Unbolting the bolt that helped keep the front door of the apartment locked she turned the key in the lock as she opened it. Feeling the chill of the night air as she stepped out and locked the door behind her. Her lips curled into a smile. Free again and free to get to work. Oh she was brimming with glee "Hold onto that excitement for when you actually find the guy." The feminine voice said cheerily. "You bet I will" She retorted back to the voice as she hopped down the metal steps to reach the ground for before taking off at a light sprint down the streets in order to reach the area that the executioner guy loved to stalk.

12 hours Later

July 19th/Time: 9:00 AM

The black streets that she had gone out in had slowly but surely became lighter throughout the night and the early morn. It wasn't that she was annoyed but that she was damn well disappointed that she hadn't stumbled upon him at all during the night she was out. Certainly she had found his corpses but she hadn't found him because he had attacked on the other side of the area from her and had gotten away. It was just hellish. So she was just walking through the streets like regular ol' person eating a roll she had just purchased from a vendor and carrying a bag full of groceries she looked just like everyone else. "Women if you had woken me just a few moments earlier we could of caught him." she said with a mouthful of her food in her mouth and rather rapidly the voice in her head spoke back as if it was slightly offended. "I'm sorry I wasn't the one that was like '1 minute de plus'" the voice shot back as if it had been prepared for that very comment for a while.

"Oh shut it, a soldier needs her a rest and you know that." The pale women spoke back in response to the voice in her mind as she kept walking. Dipping into the side alleyways again on purpose in order to have a better chance of stumbling upon the filthy little justice dispenser so that she could give him what for. She could feel her entire pure dislike of the situation growing. She took another bite of her roll in a feeble attempt to calm her growing anger because shouldn't her enemies know that rising her ire was simply the same as asking for death and yet they did it anyway... The world truly was full of idiots.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

July 19th/10:03 AM

Phillip was supposed to be on his plane ride back home, having finished all of his affairs in his late father's home country. However, something had pulled him away from his path to Junyo's airport. After asking the taxi to pull over, the young man carried his luggage to a hidden alleyway that had been blocked off by police tape. There didn't appear to be any cops around to enforce the blocked off area though, so he ducked underneath and began his investigation as to why he felt such a pull to this location.

The first thing to stand out to him was the blood-stained concrete. Something about the shape seemed off to him. Walking around to look at it from another angle, he began to come up with theories. It was the best he could do since the body had already been taken by the police and law enforcement didn't actually do chalk outlines like those seen in movies. It almost appears to have pooled from two separate locations, as if something had been severed from the rest of the body and rolled over here, he thought, pointing to where he was referring to.

If it had been an arm or a leg, we probably would see a trail as the victim attempted to escape. That's not the case. Instead the source is from these two spots as it trickled toward the sewer grate. My guess as to what was severed would be the head. Perhaps the servant used to commit this murder was one who has a connection with beheadings? Either having been an executioner or the one who had been executed. Though it could just be mere coincidence. This second voice who had joined the conversation belonged to the servant who's card was still inside Phillip's breast pocket. Despite him having no physical form outside the card, it felt to the strategist like the king was right behind him.

"Shh. It's no fun if you figure it out for me. Give me a few more minutes," the young man said aloud, still getting used to having another voice in his head.

Apologies, your highness. I shall remain silent for the time being.

Further disrupting the crime scene, Philip began to lift up various pieces of trash that littered the ground in case some sort of evidence had rolled underneath and had been missed by investigators. He'd make sure to use a piece of cloth though so as to not leave behind his finger prints. I'm not a king and I don't care for being treated as such. Please just refer to me by my first name.

Again, apologies. 'Tis a force of habit.

After several minutes had passed, Phillip stepped away in order to begin gathering his thoughts. So here's what I've confirmed so far. The servant's master used some sort of large blade to sever the victim's head, killing him instantly. Afterwards, he took a moment to stand here, since the blood seems to touch something and flow around what looks like a shoe or boot. Perhaps to make a call, perhaps to write something down, or perhaps to just admire his handy work. Afterwards, he got onto his motorcycle and rode off, since I'm feeling that same sixth sense sensation that brought me here from these two skid marks. Feeling proud of his work, he crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. So how did I do?

Finally speaking up after half an hour of silence, the Wandering King replied back, Considering how much evidence had been taken by the police, very impressive Phillip.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fourze
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Following the story on the recent robbery and arson attack on a Transit Vehicle south of Junyo headed for the Kazuma National Bank. The police have reported that they have found strange entry wounds on the drivers, as well as the charred remains of what appear to be arrows nearby. We await further information, while this story unfolds.”

“This definitely seems fishy”, Thomas thought to himself as he mindlessly watched the news, for some reason that story had created a feeling of curiosity as if something was telling him he had to look more into it. “If you ask my opinion, it is very likely that the crime was committed by someone with a servant card, albeit a servant who uses an antiquated weapon such as a bow” the voice inside him exclaimed calmly as a teacher explaining something to a student. For a very brief moment, Thomas was startled before remembering where did the voice come from, Simo hasn't been the most talkative guy since he met (or in other words found) him. “With how little you talk I constantly forget you can even speak Simo, and if what you say is true then the police won't really stand a chance against someone like that, we have to do something about it!"

“While normally I would suggest leaving this matter to the authorities, this is an unusual case, so I'll follow whatever plans you have Master." Thomas, happy to see that Simo had given him a chance to prove himself, grabbed his coat and the keys to his motorcycle and left the house.“Since I don't work today we will do a little patrol around the area where the crime happened, and with the help of this”Thomas pointed at one of his eyes“We will see if someone nearby has any evil intentions or detect if they have a servant card”Thomas gut instinct told him the criminal would likely want to see the crime scene, to see if he left any evidence, since that what most criminals did on TV, and if the culprit was carrying his servant card he would be able to see its aura.

As he drove to the area where the Vehicle was robbed, Thomas felt the need to stop. Much like how he was compelled to do something when he saw the news. Parking his bike and getting closer to the alleyway he felt the pull, he noticed two things; the “do not cross” police signs which meant that a crime had happened, and the guy standing there. Giving him a quick glance before taking cover in one of the walls, Thomas noticed that he didn't have a police uniform, nor there was anyone from the police with him, meaning he wasn't a detective or part of the police force. Using his pure eyes Thomas noticed that the person had a yellowish aura, denoting either confidence or curiosity, though Thomas couldn't tell right now, what caught his attention is that something in the man's breast pocket also emitted a golden aura, a servant card!.

“Alone in a crime scene, not part of the police and that he has a servant card should be the enough evidence we to affirm he is a criminal, and maybe the same person that committed the robbery to a vehicle that was going to the bank!” Thomas told his servant card while peeking to see if the man was still there. “You should remember that the assassin class isn't suited at dir-” the servant didn't manage to finish his sentence before Thomas grabbed the card from his pocket and crushed it in his hand, transforming into an old rifle. With the rifle in hand, he revealed his position to the man, pointing the rifle at him. “All right, I have come here to apprehend you so don't try anything funny!”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Etranger
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Sajan was half way through combing her hair when she got the call. She was half tempted to drop everything and get out their immediately, but the Sikh combing practise had traditional significance, and now she had the man that came up with the practise breathing down her neck. As much as she wanted to put this "Beta" scumbag in the ground, she could hardly leave behind a 400+ year old tradition just to get to put down douchebags faster. God only knew she was definitely going to try and hurry it along, however. Once finished, she exited her residence and started the drive to the target's location. Naturally, this jackass was hiding out in some kindof dive bar. Alcohol was forbidden in the Sikh faith, so Sajan had little reason to ever visit such a place, though she had certainly been informed of their existence. She could only hope she wouldn't be expected to drink anything besides water.

'So I'm thinking, Guru Ji...' It still felt strange for Sajan to speak so casually with one of the most significant figures in her religion. But then, a Guru was supposed to provide wisdom and guidance, so it only made sense to ask him questions, from a certain point of view. '...I'll go in there, I'll try to lure him out, get him somewhere quiet, and then stick him with the Kirpan. Sound good?'

'It is not what I would do.' The Guru began. 'But these are exceptional times, and you must do what works for you. Your plan is tactically sound, if nothing else. The only question will be if it holds up in practise.'

'What WOULD you do, Guru Ji?' Sajan inquired.

'You must know my stories; I would not attack this man before he attacked me. But I cannot blame you for taking the proactive approach in defense of others. Besides that, it is not my place to dictate your actions. God has decreed that I play the role of servant, and so I shall.'

Silently acknowledging his words, Sajan carried on to their destination. Upon arrival, Sajan was sure she would stand out in this festering pit. She had taken to wearing a suit in Japan, as while it was hardly a traditional Sikh outfit, it served as perfectly modest clothing as well as acceptable work attire. In this dingy bar, however, it was sure to be distinct from the common clothes the patrons were sure to wear. But it hardly mattered what she wore, as people tended to give her enough odd stares for wearing a turban, and she definitely couldn't afford to take that off. She was hoping it might ultimately work to her advantage, as standing out against all these cheap floozies may well catch her target's attention. That was precisely what she wanted right now.

Striding right on in, she took no notice of the stares of a few as she sought out her prey. The man wasn't making any effort to hide himself, so it wasn't hard. Approaching him, she simply stood near him and gave him a smile. "Hey sailor. Having fun?" She asked him. It was up to him what happened next. Worst come to worst, she could defend herself quickly with her regular Kirpan hidden on her person, but that was the last resort. With luck, she could get this guy somewhere she could take him out with little fuss.

@The Irish Tree
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marie sighed to herself as she lazed about on a nearby bench the sun was in a perfect position where it wasnt directly at her but enough to warm her body in the light. with that said it was simple and forward to let her little pets do the work on gathering info sure her new methods was frowned upon but the changes her new friend suggested only made them better. With the addition of small electrical generators they could be saved and used again later allowing for reuse compared to the old method. She wouldn't be as great at golemancy as Solomon he was hailed as the greatest and is what granted him access to the throne of heroes in the first place apparently. Still she cared little for glory or fame or gaining access to the root. Her family wasn't a old family rather they were established not yet having fame or prestige to their name like some other families such as the Einzbern. It was only a matter of time as she closed her eyes allowing her to briefly see what her golems was capturing. The scene was gruesome or at least once was though the police always combed through for evidence not that they were going to get much concrete proof in the long run she mused to herself.

Marie stood up her long fiery red hair blowing in her face as she got up. Brushing it out of her face she headed over to where the two was going at it from what she saw though she be wrong on that as it was only a brief limited view. With that said the area around the crime scene and by consequence the two people was crowded as people went about their daily lives moving back and forth in a busy matter. Marie huffed it would be hard to do much of anything due to the amount of civilians. Deciding to play it around she decided to look the part and pretend to be waiting on a friend. She got a bit of looks mainly due to her appearance her short height and long twintails being somewhat eyecatching but nothing to out there to require investigation. Though eventually as time passed the influx of people lessened giving her a chance to sneak into the alley. "Uuu!" she heard in her head nodding at Fran it was best to prepare for the worst considering the situation.

Seeing the person with the gun in the corner of her eye she felt the card for Fran materialize in her sleeve hidden but it was a comforting feeling. Fran afterall got her out of many a hairy situation so the comfort she got form the card was something special to her. "Uu-uuu" A voice was heard in her head again. "Your right fran we best hurry if we want to interrupt them." She said quietly to herself nodding at the urgency in the tone. As she walked more into the alley revealing herself in the open. "Quite a place to have a violent altercation no?" She asked the two others her steps calm though inside she was shaking heavily what if they were like her? In the fact that they had a partner with them a servant card hidden up their sleeves? Was she ready to fight another person even if they were like her? These questions floated around in her head as she tried to calm herself down. "Things are getting quite tense wouldn't you guys agree how about we all step out and calmly go our separate ways?" She suggested as she walked towards them though she was read to call upon Fran's power should things go south.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

While he was beginning to pack up his things, Phillip heard the sound of an approaching motorcycle. At first he attempted to ignore the sound, file it away in his brain as simply being background noise and completely unrelated to his investigation. However, the coincidence that it was the same mode of transportation used by the killer and the fact that he was feeling another pull coming from the noise's direction told him to not trust his immediate reaction.

When the Assassin's master jumped out into the alleyway's only entrance and exit, hoisting a rifle that appeared to be from the mid-20th century and ordering a surrender, the young man merely blinked in response. Not much for stealth is he? he thought to himself. Could he be the killer, here to cover his tracks? Perhaps. He has a servant card as well and is using the same mode of transportation as our killer. Judging by his response though, one could almost think he was law enforcement. Could the killer be a cop? It would explain how he can keep from being caught. He would know exactly what his coworkers would look for and he'd have access to whatever evidence he failed to clean up. Though this man appears to be using a gun. No matter what, there's no way that weapon could decapitate the victim so cleanly. Coincidence than? He's stumbled upon this scene just as I-

The sound of Richard mocking the sound of clearing his non-existent throat would pull the wannabe detective out of his head and remind him of his current danger. You can attempt to piece all of the evidence together once we have escaped our life threatening predicament, can't you?

Good call. Rising from his kneeling position and standing on his own two feet, Phillip began to plan his escape route. In his left hand, he held onto his still open duffle bag, filled with his laundry and other travel supplies. In his right hand, the toothbrush that had been sitting at the top of everything had he had stuffed inside the small bag. First, block his line of sight. If he can't see his target, the chances of him landing a shot will be significantly reduced. If I duck down lower to the ground, even more so. Next, install Richard. Use toothbrush in right hand to summon Excalibur. Send a quick strike in his direction, it's purpose to have him back off. If he avoids it, so be it. Just need to get out of this alley and no longer have my back pressed against the wall. Once out of the alley, charge and fire another attack, this time towards his motorcycle to avoid him from chasing me on it. Undoubtedly, he'll continue to chase me on foot. Need to use Crusade to block any incoming rounds. Main priority is to return to somewhere public. With dozens or hundreds of witnesses, he'll likely choose to escape himself rather than continue chase. With his plan readied, the blue haired boy prepared to put it into action.

No battle plan ever survives first contact with the enemy. Phillip couldn't recall where he had heard that quote from, but whoever it was that said it deserved a lot more credit than they probably ever received. Just as his grip began to tighten upon his bag, ready to toss it, another master joined the fray, this one a younger looking girl. Hmm. Too many variables. Too much unknown about both parties. Direct confrontation less likely to succeed. Perhaps diplomacy should be used instead.

"I understand how this might look, but I can promise you that our killer is long gone. I'm assuming you're here for the same reason I am. You felt a strange pull to this spot, probably because, just like the three of us, whoever committed this murder used a servant card," he began, reaching into his pocket and taking out his card for the both of them to see. Slowly, he placed it down at his feet to show he had no intention of using it. "Now, how about we discuss things like level-headed adults should. There's no reason to shed more blood in this alley after all."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ophelia sat at a folding table, perched in the afternoon's sun, with a large umbrella posted at an angle behind her; said sun-shield had holes shorn through it, like the trim of a lace bra, and cast shadows of the Greek alphabet around her. Before her, the well-mounted pole of her favorite negotiation point of the rooftop was currently being tested. From it, a length of coarse rope, like that of a sailing ship, was wound around it, over and over, to create a stable support. Then, it was drawn through itself, and looped over a pipe; from which, that could be pulled and drawn back the bound captive on the end.

For the second time -- in one day, no less -- the exchange student had employed the fear of the falling to one's own death as a means to acquire something. In this case, answers.

"Suicide Bride," Ophelia says, sipping at her tea, before dunking a crumpet into the luxuriously smooth Earl Grey, "did you tell her something that made her jump this morning? And, please, don't pretend like you aren't aware of this."

~Empress, you waste your time on this swine. Perish this fool's excuse of a man. A woman of your stature has more important things to worry about.~ Above the cries of mercy, the pleading drama of a worthless man caught in his wrongdoings, her confidant spoke. Lucius Siccis Dentatus, a man that exemplified respect and power, as she learned, yet lived in her bra-pocket as a mere trading card for some American game. ~I am surprised you didn't choose to investigate one of the murders this morning. Normally, you would pine for any reason out of socioeconomic class -- especial on a test day.~

"I know, Lucius, I know," Ophelia says, looked at her captive, while he stared at the ground, so far away. "However, if I don't come to the defense of this poor girl... who will? Besides, as you always tell me, business before pleasure." Ophelia sipped her tea, and her Irish accent bled back into her words, "Now, I'll ask one more time, lad: Suicide Bride, what did you say to her? And, don't lie to me, boyo, or you'll be testing your landing skills. Something tells me, you'll land with more finality."

@The Irish Tree
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Etranger
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


So far, so good, or so it seemed. He didn't even seem remotely concerned that someone that clearly didn't belong in here had just walked up and talked to him. Was he stupid, horny, or just that drunk? Quite possibly all three. There was a time when mistaking her for a Pakistani might have earned him an earful of bile, but Sajan had become somewhat used to this type of ignorance in her time abroad. "No, handsome, just regular old India." Although he seemed like a moron, she wondered if she shouldn't give him credit for knowing Pakistan even existed. "Can we get something strong for this fine gentleman?" She called out to the bartender. It didn't matter how much it would cost, seeing as the objective was to get this guy disposed of cleanly.

"So..." Sajan began. "...I'll be on the level with you. I came here looking for a good time, and you're the best looking guy in this joint." Which might be true to a certain degree, but Sajan definitely didn't find him all that physically appealing. But this was all about appealing to his ego, and a guy like this HAD to have an ego. "What do you say we get out of here and go somewhere private? Intimate, if you will. I'd like to teach you what the words "Kama Sutra" mean...if you know what I mean." A lot of people had heard of the Kama Sutra, especially those with dirty minds. Sajan was banking on the ignorance of this man, however, in the sense that he wouldn't know the Kama Sutra was actually a fairly boring description of sexual activity. Even if he was so ignorant he didn't know what the Kama Sutra was, he would surely not be dense enough to completely miss her obvious hints.

'This feels wrong...' A thought from the Guru passed through her head.

'Guru Ji, please, you know I'm pretending for the greater good.' She knew that the Guru would find this distasteful.

'No, not that. Well, yes, that, but something else feels off. I just can't place it...' Upon his words, Sajan noted that she did feel a strangeness to the room. But she pushed such thoughts aside for now, as whether something was up or not, she needed to focus on getting this guy out of here, and randomly poking around might only make things worse.

@The Irish Tree
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fourze
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Normally one would expect that someone who was being pointed by a gun would be fearing for their lives or at least panicking they were caught if they were a criminal, yet this guy remained calm or at least what his aura was telling Thomas that he was "Perhaps he isn't the murderer, master? As always your judgment is still too sudden and you have gotten us into this kind situation because you followed your gut instead of thinking" the servant said, scolding his master. "I know, I know it was sudden, but being in a crime scene with a servant card was weird enough to warrant suspicion," Thomas said while thinking what to do next. If the unknown master tried to grab his servant card from its current position, he would find himself meeting his face with the butt of Thomas rifle before he could install or include it.

"Quite a place to have a violent altercation no?"

Huh? The appearance of a third master, more specifically a schoolgirl confused Thomas who still maintained his rifle pointed at the other master. "Two masters may seem like a coincidence, but three masters definitely means that something strange is going on" Was the alleyway under a spell or something?. "Disregarding her sudden appearance, she is calling for diplomacy, which I suggest you should comply if you don't want to end up in a fight against two masters, in which I remind you the Assasin class would lose in direct combat". Saber´s master explanation did seem to match up with how he ended up here and gave a sorta reasonable explanation on why three masters where in a specific alleyway, but he still refused to Un-Include his rifle, merely lowering it. Seeing no ill intentions on both masters Thomas spoke to them "While I don't fully know or understand the details of this strange meeting.. I do agree that violence will solve nothing"

"You'd do well to listen to him."

A fourth voice appeared in the alleyway. An even more strange guy had appeared behind Thomas who looked him in confusion, he didn't seem to have a servant card, yet he seemed to know what they were, that the three of them were masters, and that masters tended to find each other, something that he as a master hadn't known. His talk about research and "Project alpha" did nothing more to puzzle Thomas out, his mannerisms reminded him of the stories his uncle would tell him about his very few meetings with Magi of the association. "Before you go ordering us all around why not first tell us who you are, and more importantly, how did you find us if you don't have a class card?" Thomas asked him looking to find out more about his motives before committing any rash decisions, all that he knew was that underneath his unchanging expression he was overflowing with confidence.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Mysterious Master / Servant Pair

The pale woman sighed heavily to herself as she finished off the last of her roll. Having slumped so casually onto a bench back on the main street, she rested her legs. She wasn't tired mentally that was for certain, but her joints did certainly ache a little from her night-time adventure of climbing on things and running along rooftops and hiding from cameras and eyes because of the fact she was basically trespassing every five seconds but what was such a stupid thing as property rights to a girl like her? Nothing that's what, the law couldn't contain her not as she was.

Her eyes looked out towards the street staring at the passerby's as they moved by. Men, Women, Children. All of them were either ignorant or blind to the secret nature of the world, of its mysteries of its splendour they were so naive it pained her. "It pains me too." The voice in her head chimed in. "Well then, that means you understand me a little bit doesn't it." The pale woman mumbled to herself talking to the voice the expression on her face a mix of boredom and what seemed to be slight smile.

"When we get back I'll make you dinner and it'll b-" The voice began as it started to speak. What it was saying though was lost to the pale woman, whom had begun clutching her chest. A hot pain was running through the very core of her being, a hot pain that she had never felt before but she instinctively knew what it meant. It was a good type of pain, the pain that would inform her of a boatload of joy just waiting to arrive and it was getting hotter. "Class Card?" The voice asked having stopped whatever they had started having the same strain as if they too was feeling the same sharp burning sensation, a con of their particular existence. "It must to be them" The pale woman said with a hostile tone as she scanned the street standing up as she left her groceries on the bench.

The pain was ascending rapidly in her chest which meant whomever it was, was moving at speeds comparable to a runner. Likely a vehicle as nobody was running and the only vehicle was... "You have got to be kidding me." She laughed as the police bike came into view. Of course a member of the law had to be in possession of a class card. "What a cliche." The voice in her head mumbled as if this revelation was disappointing.

The voice didn't have time to make any more comments though because in a period of a few seconds the pale woman gripped at the air as she curled her fingers around the hilt of a blade as it began to manifest in her fingers. Thin, Sharp and covered in crimson runes that appeared almost demonic in nature, an idea of a weapon made to cut given form. To any that could detect mana it was as if she had come from nowhere.

Giving her target no time to react. She leaped forward to collide with the side of the motorbike with all the force her body could muster, slashing the blade across the front wheel causing it to buckle. The policeman having only just turned his head to look at where the sudden influx of mana had appeared from as she crashed into his side. Attacking a law enforcer? Oh she was going to be in so much trouble now. Good. Let them come.

The weight of her impact and the now unstable bike cause both her and the policeman to be thrown onto the curb as her momentum caused her to roll off of him, all of that having happened in only seconds. He had been a decent impact cushion for her, so she wasn't delayed in the slightest when she drew herself to her feet to the crowd of onlookers some of which were attempting to pull out their recording devices of preference. "Gens stupides." She roared at them threateningly raising her sword, the action of which caused the crowd to disperse and to run.

Pandemonium, people fleeing the street with their children, teenagers yelling about terrorist attacks. Oh how the world had grown so weak. Her lips curled into a smile as she stepped forward towards the police officer, whom was still on the ground, attempting to get on his feet, obviously he was winded. "I know you know why I am here" The pale woman said with a smile looking down at her little victim. "Be cautious" the voice in her mentioned as the pale woman cracked a smile at the police officer. "Stand up and fight me, or die a cowards death." She ordered, the ultimatum was clear and it was backed by the fact she was now pointing her ebony coloured blade directly at him, her eyes glistening with a hunger for bloodshed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marie sighed as she looked at the new comer his apperance spoke of a well off man and that was as far as her knowledge goes but the way he is bossing people he just met or ran into being a more correct term it is probably best to say that he was bossing people he ran into. He either had a lot of confidence or he was delusional. Going by the way he carried himself Marie was betting on the former rather than the later. Just as she was about to say something about how he had no purpose in demanding things a nudge from Fran in her mind made her change her actions to something a bit more showy.

"Class card include." She said firmly as she held out her right hand and as she did show a giant mace like weapon slowly appeared in her hand. Hefting the large weapon easily as she firmly pointed the sphere end toward the man. "You know more than you let on who are you exactly?" She questioned her voice firm bridal chest still pointed firmly towards the man who came in demanding things. The large sphere began to spin slightly as it started to emit sparks at random intervals as it slowly started to pick up the pace and spin faster. "I know not who you are but I am Marie Lasbard now tell me your name before I introduce you to Bridal Chest!" Her tone taking on a more angry tone compared to her careful drawl she was speaking in earlier. "NOW TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!" Marie said as a sudden rage started to worm its way into her speech a downside to the fact she was a user of a berserker class servant in terms of class cards.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


July 19th/Afternoon - Hideaki High School

"Don't forget to bring in the materials by Friday!" Samuel said as the bell ranged throughout the school and his students began to shuffle out of his classroom. They had recently begun to cover a new chapter and he had decided to let them familiarize themselves with an experiment that they were going to perform later that week as he assigned them the work they needed and had it due tomorrow. Other than that, he had everything up to date with his student's academics which for the most part was easy as they were passing with varying degrees of success. Rummaging through his thoughts as he sat in front of the empty class on a stool as he looked at the calendar he drew on the board for the next week. 'Wedsnday... Thursday... Friday...' He thought to himself as he roughly simulated the week in his mind without anything better to do.

'Tch- Aren't you going to go out?' A voice suddenly popped into his head that broke the silence and caused his eyes to shift to the doors and then out to the windows on the opposite side of the room.

'Nooo..." Samuel childishly said to Jones with a small chuckle at the end as he spun around in his chair and pulled out his phone as he got onto an app to show how anti-social he was at the moment "I already went out yesterday, let me enjoy some time in my room'

As it loaded, a map was created as columns of blue and green were decorated across it as locations were secured around the area by two different teams who captured points of interest. The school itself was a glowing green marker that he had helped keep secure ever since he got here, but the gaming app has been his main way of keeping himself interested in exploring Junyo without getting too bored. With a daily routine that he had from the school back to his place that allowed him to maximize his zone of influence, it was a fun mini-game that drained his phone's battery from 100% to 0% in a matter of minutes but it was worth it.

Of course, though, he didn't have all day to spend on playing games as he eventually placed the phone back into his pockets after he spent all his in-game energy and logged onto the school computer as the screen popped up. From there he fiddled around with the files that were on there as he checked the assignments that he had planned for his students while he cross-referenced that with the planner that had a rough plan of his lessons. Eventually correcting a few errors and shifting a few plans around as he adjusted the work with where his class currently was at, being slightly ahead of schedule, maybe he'll plan to do something that would be fun for them to do for a period. With that in mind, he closed his book and the programs on his computer.

'Finally, you are done with all of that book work, never thought you'd finish' Jones sarcastically said as he gave a small yawn. 'I am surprised that you haven't decided to do any investigation around the city. You and me both know that there are other people like us in the city and not to mention around this place too...' Rider said to Samuel as the later realized what was bugging him with that knot in his chest that he couldn't shake off. He opened up the browser on the web and began to search for the news for Junyo as this morning, he didn't get to watch the incident that the police was covering earlier with the bodies in the alleyways.

'Oh crap, that was what I forgot to check up on' he said sheepishly with a chuckle to the other.

'Tsk... What would you do without me...' Jones sighed before letting him read up on what happened, with the Servant probably focusing as well. Eventually, after a few minutes, the two of them had read thoroughly a few articles of what was going on in the town, enough activity to be a case where the neighborhood should be shaken up. 'I suggest that you avoid going alone anywhere at night if you don't want to get into anything troublesome, could be fun seeing who they are if you are up to it' Rider said mischievously which only caused Samuel to shake his head as a response.

'Let us find out who is at the school first before going anywhere where else' Samuel said before sighing dramatically to the servant 'Guess I'll have to get out of the class' to which he only got a small affirmation from the servant as an answer. With the bell ringing once more as the intermission between classes ended as students began filing in from their break as they finished their food or whatever they were doing with the time they had. Nobody was usually late and even if they were, they had a pass that explained why for the most part but he had his few garnishing of those who slipped in just right on time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

With the gunman no longer pointing his rifle in Phillip's direction and a new person of interest now ordering him to install his card, the young man decided it was probably best to listen and do as he was told. Picking Richard's card back up from the ground, he lifted it up above his head and shouted, "Class card install!"

The transformation began with three red streaks appearing suddenly in the bangs of his cian colored hair before a golden light appeared behind him. Around his casual street clothes, flaxen colored armor would appear to help defend him from any incoming attacks. Finally, the toothbrush he had been holding in his other hand had also changed. What had once been a small stick of plastic with worn down bristles on the end had now become a full-length sword. It was no normal sword though. This blade was the legendary weapon of King Arthur, Once and Future King of Britannia, and King of Knights. Excalibur! Well at least a very close copy of it, though anyone who might be on the business end of the blade probably wouldn't care that much whether it was the actual saber handed down from the Lady of the Lake or just an imitation.

Slashing through the air to swipe away the magical mist that had surrounded him during the install, Phillip stood before the three with a confident smile. While his back may have still been against the wall, he was now at full power and with his strategical mind he knew that it wouldn't take much effort to readjust his position if a fight did end up breaking out. "So, do I pass your test, Mystery Man?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ophelia narrowed her eyes, and stood; removing the umbrella from its mount, as she did. Sunshade in hand, she closed it, and slammed the capped pommel into the back of Daikichi's legs. "That's an unkindness, Aikawa-kun," she says. "If I weren't so opposed to unnecessary things, I would drop you," she assured, slamming against his other leg. "Don't worry, Aikawa-kun," another slam, "I won't hobble you," another slam, "I'm not gaudy, like a mafioso," another, "but, you have to learn a lesson," and yet another, "ABOUT KINDNESS!"

Ophelia raised the umbrella to slam it, but, she felt two distinctive pings. The first had a sense of fluidity to it, like water, yet vastly more power than that, alone, and the second had a crawling sense to it, like a swarm of bugs, or perhaps a den of snakes. Either way, she was arrested in her assault, and Daikichi didn't suffer more than terrible bruising to the backs of his knees. Dropping the umbrella, Ophelia pulled out a cell phone, and speed-dialed a number. "Moshi moshi," she says, "I'll be in Home Economics. Yes. Please," she paused, "Arigatou," and with that, hung up. "The day is nice, boyo. Enjoy it."

And with that, she turned to leave the rooftop. Her phone call would ensure Daikichi wouldn't remain on the roof for more than hour, but, he didn't know that. Ophelia couldn't pull more shit than money could buy, and physical intimidation could route, after all.

However, that was inconsequential to the moment. Barging into the Home Economics class room, Ophelia took to a countertop, and grabbed a bag of flour. It bothered her to do it sloppy, but she didn't have the time for a full bake. "Show me... Guide me... Peek beyond the veil..." Ophelia paused, and looked into space. ~Seek the Master, not the Class. Seek the known, and leave the unknown to be prepared for.~ Ophelia nodded, "...and reveal the Master that flows like water." Ophelia cut the flour bag at the bottom, and let it pour out. The grain powder exploded against the floor under the influence of magic, and formed into a picture of familiar man.

"Smoaks? The teacher," Ophelia asked, as information appeared. "How pleasantly mundane." Lucius hummed, ~It is best to start there, Empress. A member of the school board is already in your favor.~ Ophelia was in agreement, but Lucius added in: ~Step wisely, however. Another Master stands on even ground with you, Empress.~ Ophelia smirked, "He'll be mine, in due time," her crimson eyes focused on the man, "In one way or another." Lucius said nothing further, he was his Empress's shield and consul, not her king, so he would follow, as she decided to lead -- for better and for worst.

(Difficulty Level For Typing While Walking To Work: Higher than I thought.)

@The Irish Tree
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Etranger
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

'Mission accomplished' Sajan thought as the man eagerly accepted her offer. She hadn't expected anything less to come of this. The man was so simple, it was a wonder how he managed to get away with anything without getting caught.

That was when the news report showed up on the TV. As if it was playing just to spite her. Just so she would know she had wasted a good few minutes acting like a whore to get this idiots attention. It was a good thing her face wasn't visible to him at the moment she saw it, else he might have been scared off by the look of rage that briefly passed across her face. "You coming?" He asked, unaware of the reason for her delay. "Oh, of course!" She replied hastily, trying to recollect herself. He had no idea what was swimming through her head right now, and if he did, he'd surely run. She knew she needed to neutralise this guy and focus on the real deal. Only moments out of the bar, approaching her car, she hatched a plan.

Swiftly, she brought her fist into the dead center of his gut. The blow immediately caused him to double over in pain. She hadn't learned martial arts for nothing. "Oh my goodness!" She cried out. "Oh dear, you're so drunk, you're almost keeling over!" She pretended as though she was just holding him up to keep him from falling over. Her acting was hardly perfect, but there weren't many people nearby right now, and those that were seemed to be largely apathetic. She was thankful, to a degree, that this was all taking place in such a degenerate neighborhood. A more pleasant community might have cared to look closer. Wasting no time, Sajan gripped him by the head and smashed him into the door of her car. "Oh my! You're so drunk, you're stumbling around into things! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to get you out of harms way..." At this point, the man was well and truly out for the count. She opened her car and stuffed him into the backseat, then locked him inside. With him secured, she produced her phone and called for the Muninn foundation.

"Alright, somebody turn on a TV over there, because the man I was sent after is NOT the card carrier. Got that? Now if you can, get me some eyes on this district, because I'm SURE he's nearby." She spoke in a harsh but hushed tone. It was true, however, that she could feel the real master was close, coming closer even. She kept her eyes peeled, looking closely for suspicious activity. If fate was kind, this armored criminal would round the corner and right into her sight. Then he would get a taste of Guru Ji's bow. If her luck so far was any indicator, however, she wouldn't be surprised if he was on the other side of the block.

@The Irish Tree
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Mysterious Master / Servant Pair

The pale woman smiled in excitement, oh she knew that glint in a persons eye. That was the will of an enemy to live, a face she was all to familiar with on the battlefield. He was gonna rise up and brandish his weapon and she'd finally get to flex her power without her little friend getting all annoyed because it would finally be necessary. "I don't think that is a good idea to get your hopes up..." The voice said as if trying to break bad news that the man wasn't going to fight.

The Pale woman looked over her target again still gripping her blade tightly, no. He wasn't giving up was he? He couldn't have. Why would you die so easily and drop everything. Wasn't he a murderer with a cause, was his conviction that weak? She had gone to town on her display of power and he was just giving up. She felt defeated. No insulted even, didn't he know how to give common courtesy to an enemy. At least let them have the gratitude of gloating. He was a vile good for nothing criminal not a anti-hero of any sort because all heroes had drive, perhaps she wouldn't kill something so pathetic... perhaps...

She stared off into the distance to contemplate just what she was going to do before she heard the click of a trigger being pulled and the bang. She tried to raise her sword to block it but she didn't have the speed nore the reaction time and with her arm barely above her waist, a bullet passed through the shoulder carrying her blade as she gripped the spill of fresh crimson coming from her shoulder as she tried to adjust to the new wound that she had so callously let occur. "Oh god it hurts!" The voice in her head yelled out from the pain they were experiencing. The greatest con of sharing a body was that all pain was shared too and yet even if the pale woman felt little but the most extreme pains... the person on the inside would be in agony.

She gritted her teeth, she had messed up in her own pettiness... Now her master was hurt. Her face betrayed a heavy murderous intent as she leaned down and picked up the blade with the same hand that just had its shoulder shot through as her form started to darken. As she moved forward dragging her blade across the ground leaving a sharp indent. Armour began to manifest, a metallic almost tiara like object above her head. Long flowing robes and armour, chains connecting the metal plates all as black as the Ebon blade she carried. Her wound began to become compensated by the power flowing through her, Her mere presence cause the air to feel devoid and empty of all hope as she held an almost unholy glow as a result of the rapid intake of mana her magical body craved for.

Perhaps every servant in the area felt her if but a little, that was usually what she'd expect when she would have dropped this form but an executioner must always show her face to instil fear. She politely let him finish talking on the radio as she took it, from him and began talking down to whomever was on the line in perfect french that he'll be going to hell shortly and for them to take their time before crushing the little device between her fingers. "Pity isn't it? That you had to try to be what I am and yet you are not, humbling really..." The pale woman said as she twisted her blade in her hand, her finger gently caressing the policeman's cheek, "However, you'll never be qualified as a Martyr or as a Murderer." She said as she plunged in the blade deep so deep in fact that it stuck out of the man's back having dealt catastrophic internal damage.. "When you get to hell... Reserve a seat for me. Jeanne D'arc." she said whispering quietly into his ear as she used her foot to push him off her blade, leaving him to have his last moments.

She just stood there for a few moments savouring the sight before she moved onto a more pressing matter. "Juliana are you okay?" She asked concerned. Something that was generally uncharacteristic for her, as she waited until the voice of her master in her head replied. "Jeanne... Why didn't you just transform to begin with." Juliana said with the same strain she had earlier still not getting over the throbbing pain in the shoulder. "Sorry Juliana, my mistake, I'll make it up to you." Jeanne replied with what seemed genuine emotion, it was never her intention to get her masters body hurt. They were in this mess together even in their strange form of existence. "Now I think its time for the whole reason we are here." Jeanne said with some excitement in her voice as she de-materialised her blade leaning down to where she felt the most mana on the mans person, flipping him over as she pulled out the assassin class card and giggled to herself. "Oh this should help us alot, its got a lot of blood on its hands..." Jeanne said as she opened wide and ate the class card.

She felt it's energy go down as it tried to connect to the class card at the core of her being, as it attempted to repair and then she grimaced as her body felt like it was trying to rip itself apart, as it convulsed and spasmed. "Jeanne stop please I beg it hurts!" Juliana screamed in her head. This ripshoddy method was going to end up killing them... and so Jeanne let it go... She vomited it back up onto the ground coughing and spluttering, her face made her look as if she had gone through the greatest hangover. "It almost worked, it just wasn't compatible enough." Jeanne said annoyed, wiping her lips as she dragged herself to her feet, hearing the sirens in the distance. She grabbed the class card and hide it somewhere where the police wouldn't find it, but anyone with any mana detection would find it instantly. Right between the cracks of the pavement.

She stumbled off trying to move as fast as she could given how much pain she was in. A scary thought as she could take a bullet wound like it was nothing... but trying to fix her damaged class card with such an incompatible thing had felt like she had tried to rip her very existence apart. She could hear Juliana's sobbing her in head, likely a result of the fact that her mind was less receptive to pain and thus was feeling it worse. "Hang in there Juliana." Jeanne said reassuringly as she picked up the groceries, any sass or vindictiveness in her voice replaced with pure concern for the well-being of her master. "It hurts so bad..." Juliana's voice said quietly as though speaking with great strain.

Jeanne then began to run with the enhanced speed of a servant so as to avoid any engagement... They just needed to get home as fast as possible. For Juliana's sake if not her own. Perhaps if anyone was monitoring her route they would see her move as away from the crime scene on a way to where she lived before after what seemed like a few moments her mana signature completely disappeared within about 800 meters or so of her home. She had continued to keep to herself and avoid camera's and prying eyes as she frustratingly pulled herself up the steps. The lack of her true form having caused her body to feel it injuries even more so for while she wasn't feeling the pain, her body was certain showing signs of some strain.

She stumble into her apartment as she tore off her coat, the shoulder of her shirt was stained with the blood but it appeared the mixture of a servant and a human gave ample regenerative properties, as it had already clotted, and neither did it feel like the lead remained however now she certainly felt lightheaded now because she wasn't accessing her full power. "Can you please promise me Jeanne, can we not do that again anytime soon." Juliana pleaded as Jeanne felt another convulsion as if their was still some lingering mana from the assassin class card. She leant over the sink and expunged the rest of the toxin from her body as she pulled back wiping her face, "I promise." Jeanne said flatly, annoyed at how sick she felt.

"I think we should have some sleep..." Juliana suggested as Jeanne responded wordless by limping to the bedroom and flopping on the comfy pillow in order to rest her head. "Vengeance can wait for a little while..." Jeanne mumbled as she closed her eyes and attempting to go to sleep without even bothering to change, the mana in the air being drawn in a little more then usual in order to help the recovery but did Jeanne care, she'd kill anyone that dared try to stop her in her goals.

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