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Zeroth Post
The Chaos entry

Tearogoth had waited long enough for his masters to give him orders, and now his wait was rewarded. He opened the tear in reality to go to the giroth system, and he, and his horde, were blood thirsty...


The Ork Camp

Kragot was tired of da' 'tupid humies messin' with his system. A orc messenga' came about and disturbed 'is train o' thought. "What!?" 'he orc coward backed up, and nervously said what he was 'dere for. And the news confused him.


The Eldar March

The Farseers new the chaos were coming, but so soon? It made them all nervous and they quickly decided on a action, for they new they couldn't fight all of them; Imperium, orks, and chaos.
They had to make friends with one...


The Imperium's call to war instead of exterminus

Yoven and Incarces feared the worst when Cornilious came charging in screaming "Yoven! The Chaos have arrived on Hundin 5!" Incarces was in disbelief, and Yoven knew Cornilious was almost never wrong. Incarces laughed at Cornilious when cornilious showed his sensor readings, but Yoven made him go silent. "I belive him" he said. Cornilious, to angry at incarces, didn't notice till Incarces turned his head. "Then we must prepare, and quickly..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Clad in black plate chased with the golden lighting bolts of the emperors household, eagles shining in bronzed metals and purple plume and cloak making the vast form of the figure even more intimidating as it marched down the ramps into the space ports of the regions command centre. Armour glittered as the ornate but master crafted warplate caught the dim lights.

None had seen his kind aboard from the throne world in 10,000 years, there name had been forgotten, drifted into legend or considered mere ceremonial guards by the unwise and challenged by those with a deathwish. Asura was of the Custodes, unyielding perorations of the Emperor, serving none but there lord and some of the greatest warriors in the history of the aincaint empire.

Now with the return of the son reborn, the great crusade and drive to reunite the impirum the guards of legend had once more marched beyond the palace and donned once more the armour of there legendary forebears, taking up the mantle of crusaders to earn names and defy the enemies of there lord in the vast stars of the milky way.

Marching through the mortal guards that stood aside likely thinking the figure was one of the Arastes, guardian spear held aloft and mighty shield ornately carved with the eagle and its talons holding paired lighting bolts how wrong they where.

Taking off the heavy helmet and looking over stern faced with a distinct scar, ageless even 3 centuries later, "Terra has come, this region will be secured for the Lord of mankind. Where is the commander of the campaign? "
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

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@PrinceAlexus Cornilious was nearby, hearing the commotion of a Custodes, and saying "There is three of us, I'm one of them, Custodes of the Throne" in his metallic voice. He went up to the hulk of an entity, saying "Nice to finally meet someone who survived the Herecy as I have. What brings you to our front? By the way, Adept William Cornilious." He held out his hand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lancegames10
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lancegames10 The Guardian

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Tazakion is summoned by the Farseer Of the Biel-Tan. It is requested that he accommponies the envoy to go request help from the Imperium.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Asura took in thr figure of a member of thr machine cult, noticing the obvious threat and extensive augmentation that covered the body of the adept. Deciding that dispute his distrust, there where few of his adaptus and they needed allies to achive their missions. Leaning the heavy shield against the wall he firmly took the grip of the adept and remained Stern.

"Asura. Sheild captain. Warders of the vaults."

Thinking before he answered. This was his first solo mission away from terrain system. His experience in the terrain underhive had taught him to be cautious and always to have a plan for everything.

"Veterans exist, I am a recruit of later times. This front has drawn our gaze. Too long has failure been tolerated. Too long has the emparors vision been failed. That will change."

Speaking matter of factly, without fear or emotion, the custodes loyalty was not this man, or the governor, inquisition or any mortal. They served the Emparor alone, eternal. They would find a way to save their master.

The custodes only knew duty.

"i am here to make sure my Lords will is furfilled."

The agent of throne looked round seeing the mortal men and others nearby seemingly quiet, good. They knew a custodes presence did often not bode well.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

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R'lyeh stood on bluff over looking the legions of chaos. Thousand sons,emperor's children,world eaters,death guard and many more marched under the war banner of Tearogoth in force. The largest gathering of the traitor marines short of a black crusade. After them the countless forces of the traitor guardsmen. Thousand of tanks and armored vehicles rolled on as even more numerous the guardsmen themselves as they marched alongside.
The initial invasion was quick as PDF and guardsmen's were unprepared. Most who were not taken as sacrifices or slave laid nailed to banners, held aloft by abhumans. their screams making a beautiful Symphony of pain, sure to please the dark gods.
"Lord R'lyeh...visitors" A deep voice said behind him. R'lyeh turned. Behind him stood his favored champion Kuzan and his Rubricae blocking several traitors and their prisoners.
"Come forth." He commanded, his voice commanding and filled with the weight of the ages. Slowly the Rubricae stepped aside allowing the humans through. Slowly they come forward as the prodded their prisoners with bayonets. The prisoners were guardsmen captured in the initial attack. At their head stood a female captain of the PDF. "My lord..." Said one of the guards as he bowed. " the volunteers you requested. " he said as the woman spit at R'lyeh direction. With a chuckle R'lyeh opened his arms in a mock welcome.
"Such kindness from the corpses emperor.... Long has it been since I had tbe pleasure." He said as he stepped close. Softly the prisoners begin to recite prayers. "Yes say prayers...you will soon learn their uselessness...take them to the ritual pit." He said
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

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@lancegames10 The Farseer Benineno, waited for her favorite warrior, and who she suggested for the envoy guard. The other farseer were nervous about sending him given his record, but saw it best. When he arrived, They gave him his orders. "You will accompany the envoy, who will secure the imperiums assistance, are we understood?"


@PrinceAlexus Asura did give him some reassurance that the situation was going to be handled. "If you'd don't mind,
I'll lead you to the iquisitor and chapter master in charge of their respective units, which has gone to high Warp. Even the great omnisah that you protect would have a hard time to get us to agree on something."
He shaked his head as he lead the Custodes.


@caliban22 Tearogoth walked up to R'lyeh from behind silently. "What do you think your doing? I want no one alive or uncorrupted as quickly as possible! But you sit and prod them like cattle! Turn them or kill them NOW!" he screamed into R'lyeh's ears as loud as possible.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lancegames10
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lancegames10 The Guardian

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"Yes I understand I will accompany the envoy to the Imperium forces" Tazakion leaves and prepares for the journey ahead. Zender says to Tazakion "Tazakion why do you always listen without fail. It becomes foolish how well you take orders from those still living." "why do you always criticize my ways Zender I live to serve the Eldar life or death thats all there is to it."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Big Mek Garock

Da humies didn't put up much of a fight.
Not that such things mattered to Garock as much as the others. Still, as soon as Da Fortrezz crashed over and through their barricades all the little humies just scattered. Garock rather enjoys the red spray that comes up when da deff rolla finds flesh, but with all the cowards running away there wasn't enough red paint in the kosmos to make Da Fortrezz fast enough to catch up.
Garock scratched his chin, while leaving a mental note to get more red paint.

He was standing in his workshop, looking over the choicest bits of loot recovered from the humies. Most of them were using little laser pointers, useless little fings. Garock had no idea how they worked, but that didn't stop him from gutting them and now the mek was staring down at the assembled pile of scraps, preemptively trying to figure out what his next good idea would be. That said, all the thinking was starting to hurt, so Garock instead took a few steps away from his main workbench and took the latch of the door in his large green hand.

The latch creaked with a rusted pain, but under ork strength it turned all the same. Stepping out onto one of the balconies Garock took in the sight of WAAAGH Kragot. It was glorious, and it was right proper green.
They were situated in a wide valley that wound it's way up nearly from the base to the tip of the Fluens. Nearly as far as the eye could see were the tents of the orks, and the gretchens were working hard to replace those tents with proper huts using the scrap collected at the base of the volcano and the pieces collected on the march here.
About a week ago WAAAGH Kragot had arrived on the planet, and began walking towards the volcano that was their destination. Carving a green path of destruction the humies quickly realized where the orks were heading and tried to hold them at the entrance to the valley, going to far as to build a big wood and dirt wall to keep da orks out. Didn't stop Da Fortrezz.

Now Garocks was staring out over the camp, taking in the smells of roasted squig and fresh shite, an orky combination if ever he knew one. Da Fortrezz had the place of honour of being in the center of the camp, right next to Kragot's hut. In fact, said hut was somewhat obscuring Garock's view, mostly because gretchens were still all over it, building it ever taller in an effort to be larger than Da Fortrezz. Giving the working whelps work a look over though Garocks could easily see that if he just slightly bumped the hut with Da Fortrezz the entire thing would come crumbling down, maybe even with Kragots in it. Mek-Boss Gragot, now that was an interesting thought.

Garock reached for a small leather bag on his waist, and after some fumbling produced from it a fresh chewing squig. Popping the creature into his mouth the mek turned around and sealed himself back into his workshop. At the workbench a tall stool held aloft Gids, who was busy putting a shoota together. Garock was amazed at the cleverness of the gretchen, and maybe if the whelp had been born a proper ork they could have partners. As it was though, Garock gave the diminutive creature a slap to the head as he walked by before taking up his earlier position staring down at the bits and pieces of a dozen deconstructed lasguns.
Garock chewed on the squig in his mouth, deep in concentration. He could do something with these scraps. He was supposed to do something with these scraps. Mork wanted him to-
Garock was interrupted mid thought by the loud clanging of a shoota being tossed down into the room below as Gids shouted down, "Fixed it!" In less than a heartbeat Garock was across the room, kicking the stool Gids stood on across the room and sending the gretchen to the ground in a heap. "I was havin' an idea!" Garock shouted in anger. The whelp below him stared up at Garock, his beady red eyes producing tears as he whimpered, "I'm sorry boss I ams! I'm sorry!" Garock couldn't stay mad at that. Giving Gids a solid kick to remind him whose the boss Garock stomped over to his workbench, all the while Gids ran off, a wide grin of triumph upon his face.

"Git" Garock said to himself as he stared down at the scraps. Wait a moment, Garock thought, wait a moment! The mek got to work, attaching various bits and whatzits together, adding bolts or tape as required until... it was done. And it was a beaut. A mass of rifle barrels, all attached to one another with tape and hope, which would fire a barrage of deadly lazers when the trigger was pulled. Of course, the various lazers weren't very strong before, certainly not a weapon to be used by a proper ork, but when all the power sources were fused together, as well as when paired with a particularly nice bit of powery scrap Gids found in an humie bike one time, the makeshift weapon could punch through even heavy armor. Maybe. Or it could explode, leaving a crater where the user was.

Maybe it would be best, juuuuust in case, to give dis one to da boss, Garock decided. Hefting up the heavy weapon, which looked akin to a gatling gun, Garocks descended the ladder that connected the workshop to the hold below. The ramp leading outside was already down, as it is when Da Fortrezz is in camp so that boyz can come in and request their shootas fixed or whatever else they may need. Walking down the metal ramp Garocks made his way over to the ever growing hut of Kragots, intent to show off, and hopefully offload, his newest invention. Maybe if he was lucky, he could even get some teef for it... Walking through the leather flap that took the place of a door until a proper one could be scrounged up Garock was just in time to see an ork messanga' walk up to the War Boss.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

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Kragot saw the Ork named Garock 'ome in 'is tent. "Wat is it? I'm 'orkin' 'ere."Kragot went over to the mek and stared down at 'im.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Asura nodded and followed the tech priest to the other imperial commanders who from sounds of things where bickering like children. Without humour, the custodes thought it might be the answer in the extreme.

"maybe I shall smash there heads together till they see sense or one of them needs replacing if it comes to it."

The custodian mag locked his shield to his back as he walked beneath the flowing purple clock of a light adamantium weave ernough to turn aside a unpowered blade strike by a mortal, it's protection against heavier weapons was Unreliable at the best.

"ommisiah. The zealots would try to take your head for even using that term. They are difficult to work with."

Keeping his thoughts to himself, thr emparor was not a god, he never wanted to be. Still it was prudent to humour the modern zealously that was so rampent in the impirum. He would guard his words.

Helmet held at the elbow and guardian spear held vertically he made quite the formal image as he entered the chamber with the two other figures. A human and the chapter master with there retinues.

"chapter master. Inquisitor. The Holy throne requires this crusades success.
I am. Sheild captain Asura. Talon of the Emparor.

Unity is required if victory is to be won from the forces on chaos."

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

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@PrinceAlexus "Heremare the other's of our little rag-tag of what the 2nd mellenia would call the 3 stooges"
Yoven gave him a dirty look. "What? It is what they would refer to us as" Incarces punched the wall. "Shut it, Cornilious. I want to hear this damned custodes' stupid concerns and wants of us so we can send him on his way!" -mumbles-"..by the throne, what an Idiot..." "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" he yells as he walks up to the adept and grabs him by the robe. "I called you an idiot, and you might want to look at your weak points." 4 dendrites were aimed at the astartes weak points.

At the same time, a Protector, that of the adept, came in saying "the eldar are here wanting tooo....is this a bad time?""No, continue" Cornilious said as he and the astartes unthreatening each other. "Well,
the eldar are here to discuss a armistice to deal with the chaos/ork threat.
Yoven raised an eyebrow. "Let them in, Custodes, try not to threaten our guest."

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The custodes intently was faceplaming with the force of a warlords titans fist. How did these fools come to lead chapters and command such power. Weapon primed and able to bring to bear in a fraction of a second he watched looking for weak points in each member of the group.

Raising his voice calmly, and calming as the sentence begins to end.

I am not of any of you to command chapter master. Nore can you force me to leave. I work solely for the God emparor.

Looking round the room, fools.

A Xenos. This is most unorthodox. Maybe I should ask a oygan. I might get less of a headache, the amount of hot air here could heat a starship reactor.
Bickering might hurt negotiations somewhat.

Adding a cool tone to the end, judging they should know better and calmly standing on the edge of the room.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

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Cornilious straightened his robe and said "What brings the great endangered race to the imperium?" The envoy, Riktus of Ulthwe, spoke briefly. "Well met Metal human of the red planet. This is my guard and good friend, Tazakion.
We wish to combine our forces in order to rid the area of chaos and the former warrior race of orks made scavenging theives. We will then, after the battle is won, leave. I know this is unorthidox, especially to you, Custode of the human emporor."
"That it is" remarked Yoven, "but our species have worked well before, and I see no reason to stop now." "I agree, but if we do agree to this, we need to set some ground rules and prohibitions for this so our troops, should they be in one area camping on the front lines the won't kill each other." "Agreed" Incarces then slammed a hammer on the ground. "I forbid this! I refuse to work with XENOS!!!" Both Yoven and Cornilious took their respective weapons and aimed them at the chapter master. Yoven, uncontent, said "If we don't agree, we could be overrun! Do you want to loose?" "Me and the inquistion have had some issues, but this we agree on. Asura, would you be angry if we spill an astartes' blood? He is very much going against the emporor for not thinking of the emperium first, like he is supposed to
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lancegames10
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lancegames10 The Guardian

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Tazakion angered by the display slams his fist on a table and yells. "What are you fools doing this may not be my place to speak but you idiots intend to start a gunfight during a conference. you humans always the same you see one disagreement and you try to kill each other over it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Asura looked over the conference descending into anarchy, where they Orks. They seemed to be Orks, maybe they might respond to Ork grade diplomacy and fired a bolt into the ceiling sending a pile of tile and and a light falling into the center of the table.

"Fools. this system matters more than your petty feud. your acting like Orks, even Orks can agree on things if you whack them over the head enough... maybe that is a idea. Kruk... Want headsmashgame? "

Gesturing to the Oygan outside who seeemed very happy to oblige

Hammering the butt of the spear cracking the ornate marble, someone else would pay for it, all of these factions where not lacking in resources, plus the design was imprecise and ugly. they where trying to imitate the Palace, but a cheapo version. gaudy upstarts.

"In times past we have done deals with Xenos, this is true. However we also had terms. You will not undermine our planets, you will leave the system at the end of operations, and the Chapter master will be free to work interdependently."


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

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Incarces spit at the ground. "I still won't work with them. Get another chapter master or replace me, but this is herecy" "Chapter master Leoandros would say other wise..." "Shut it mechanicum! You are here as a chief engineer, nothing more!" This is where both the envoy and Yoven stepped in. "That is where you are incorrect Incarces, ever heard of the Magos during the horus herecy that damn near went into battle over his master?" "Yes, I knew I recognized him somewhere!""Yes. I don't see how that is relevent." Cornilious walked up to him and punched him in the face. "THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE LOOKING AT HIM YOU IDIOT! NOW QUIT YOUR PETTY ANGER, OR BY THRONE I'LL HAVE A SISTER OF CYLODIL KILL YOU!" Incarces backed up and calmed down. "Fine, and if the tail is true, you would have no trouble doing it yourself. Now, what are the terms we set other than that of what the Envoy and custodes have said?" Yoven stepped in. "We wish to know why you are in this system in the first place?"

The envoy sighed. "I wasn't supposed to tell you, but after the war in heaven, we hid an artifact of the chaos' great power in the very volcano the orks occupy. We were here to retrieve it and hide it elsewhere." At that moment, Yoven and Cornilious went to the side, with an interesting glow emanating from Cornilious' pendent. They whisper and go back to the others. "This makes sense with the readings we obtained when scouting the planet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Asura sighed internaly, least they where making slightly more sense.

"also, to make this. Entirely clear, you eldar are known to be tricky to work with. This agreement only applies to this warzone only, this is not license to operate in any other sector, unless it is approved by the imperial command. "

Looking between them, how could a crusade even succeed when they hated each other more than there enemy. This sounded much more like why, the Eldar would only of even attended had their been some reason of import to tackle, and convince then to even let the eldar into their midst.

"A most concerning event. would it not be better this artifact was destroyed. such weapons cannot be allowed to fall into chaos hands. that may spell danger to all our races. "

It had potential but such a artifact, temptation of lesser men, no it was better destroyed.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

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The envoy explained "We agree, and as for the artifact, we couldn't destroy it, we even tried throwing it into a blue star, it simply bounced back towards us!" Cornilious burst out laughing. Yoven gave a look of confusion. "What's so humorous?""It seems that us mere mortal humans arn't the only ones to have difficulty blowing stuff up! Ha!" Then the array shook, and an alarm sounded. "What now?"



Over the last few hours, the chaos ran free. Tearogoth ordered a strike on the imperial array. "Leave none uncorrupted,
and kill the eldar on the station!"
The attack commenced, terror streaking the area with chaotic energy. "R'lyeh,
lead a group into the main control, and make the leaders surrender! All of them"


"I'm reading breaches on all decks, and in the ammunition and armory! I'm headed there." he said as he sprinted off. "Cornilious! Damnit, if he is found by the chaos, they'll use him to..." Incarces was unnerved by Yoven's response. "To what?" Yoven turned "Nothing, he can handle himself. We must make sure they don't get main hanger incase we need to evacuate. Eldar, will you help us?" "Of course. TAZAKION, Kill any who enter the hanger, and kill all forces of chaos in your way! And what about our mechanicum friend?" "He'll have to fend for himself."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

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R'lyeh bowed to his lord as the Traitor guardsmen dragged the prisoners back "while our sacrifice must be up held...perhaps some other many have that honor." He said as Kuzan looks to the guardsmen "Take them to the Pit...let the Word bearers have them. He muttered as he turned back to R'lyeh. Slowly Rubricae formed up behind Kuzan.
" Kuzan...assembly our forces..." He muttered as he walked away.
After what seemed only minutes R'lyeh stood before his force. Three
thousand sons aspiring sorcerers with full squads stood ready to assault the command center. L. Next to nothing would spot them from achieving their goal. The array would limit their effectiveness but it should work, at least to secure their prize. Any others would be offered up to the dark gods. With a quick nod the thousand sons moved out for the attack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lancegames10
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lancegames10 The Guardian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"my pleasure I will mince those chaos with my blade" He went to go do just that. trying to clear a path to the hanger he found the way to the hanger crawling with chaos soldiers."Here I was thinking this was going to be boring Zender""Me too but it seems this is going to be interesting.""time to kill some fools in my way" he began to cut through the horde of chaos soldiers. clearing a path to the hanger.
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