Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana frowned at Yoki's childish answer. Oh nothing... sure Marlin was stupid but at least he was only stupid when he was drunk. She clicked her tongue once clearly showing her distaste with his response, back at Atlas she'd have never needed to deal with an idiot of Yoki's calibre. Admittedly there were less than intelligent people, but none would give a response such as that. She couldn't decide which Faunus was more infuriating, the cat or the dog. Unable to come up with a choice she settled with simply looking away from Yoki and looking down at the world from the balcony.

She'd hoped he would leave after getting the cold shoulder but perhaps he was to stupid to understand what that was. And that's when it hit here, she'd almost forgotten that Yoki had assisted her against the alpha Beowolf. Her hair started to get a little brighter as she now knew that a complete idiot was the one whom saved her from danger. Then that same fool had just asked her a personal question that he had no business in asking. She took a deep breath to calm herself before turning to face Yoki, her gaze would have been awfully piercing almost like a well honed blade. "Brooding? That is such a crude way of putting it. But that is what I expect from idiots. As for why I brood. It is because there are actual things that happen inside my head, I think. Which is not something I feel you are familiar with. Diana then retracted her glare and looked out at the sky.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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Yoki felt the effects of her gaze and looked away. It had only been a few times he's experienced it but given the mood he was in it was starting to click that it wasn't just the bitter circumstances. He glanced back at her before she looked away to test it. He felt the fear and intimidation and looked away with a slight smirk.
“You assume I don't,” Yoki scoffed at her attempts to insult him. “I've got more problems to deal with than even you could comprehend. Like dealing with a pretentious Atlesian soldier that apparently knows nothing about teamwork. What is Ironwood teaching his people?” Yoki shrugged with a smug expression. “Or are you just a special case because it has something to do with your semblance?” He was just taking a stab in the dark. He didn't know any particulars behind it but he felt confident he was onto something, if not it'd at least rattle her and that was good enough for him. “That prickly personality of yours isn't the only reason you scare the hell out of people now is it?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana hisses at Yoki's response, "I know you don't." then he went on about comprehending problems. The demented fool didn't know what he was talking about, it was enough to insult her but then he proceeded to insult Ironwoods teachings. This made Diana turn back around and her hair was visibly glowing now, the light was weak but it was clearly there. Then Yoki put the cherry on top of the insult ice cream by bringing up her semblance. Diana's face contorted into an enraged glare and her semblance started to leak off of her, she let out a long hiss and took a deep breath only managing to stop her semblance's leakage but her hair continued glowing.

"You talk about comprehension then demonstrate how you are clearly misinformed. You talk about problems that you have to worry about, how selfish. The things I deal with are dangers to the entirety of Atlas." her hands were trembling as she struggled to stay cool. She gnashed her teeth and one of her hands found its way onto the hilt of her blade, "And people fear me for many reasons, y-you only need to know one." She popped the sword from its sheath and held the hilt tightly. Her gaze would be so frightening at this point even without the addition of her semblance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“And while you worry about one country I worry about the entirety of humanity and believe it or not this team.” Yoki's expression turned serious. He faced her head on and pushed aside the fear from her because he feared something more. His ears would betray him as always, pinned back and showing every bit of emotion. “The people we are after have the intent and means to destroy the world and we are the only thing standing between them and their goal. You can bet they will have every way at the ready to not just kill us but destroy our lives in the process when it suits them. So rather than intending that blade at me save it for the real enemy or you'll get killed just like they did or worse...” Yoki took a sharp breath and closed his eyes trying to calm down. The bitter memory of finding his teammates dead was brought to the surface again and his ears dropped in the sorrow that came with it. “You survive knowing you could have done something about it…” He stepped back inside and walked a ways down the hall, leaning against the wall, facing away from the door. He clicked his tongue bitterly and sighed. His not so good humored fun was dampened by a terrifying woman and even worse memories. He felt even more edgy than flight made him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana glared at Yoki as he spoke of threats that endangered the entirety of Humanity, this pissed her off because she'd said something similar to Marlin not that long ago, and he also brought up caring for the team, this made her bite her tongue. She felt the shift in his tone as his face went serious, then he did something not many have, and looked her dead in the eyes. She saw his ears instantly drop, but his face remained stern Yoki was incredibly brave or incredibly stupid Diana couldn't decide on this yet. She couldn't stop grinding her teeth together as Yoki spoke now it seemed everyone else was important to the man who apparently ran away from his team all the time. Was he spouting hypocrisy to win an argument? She was about to cut in when he told her to stave the use of her weapon. This is when Diana realised she had pooped the blade from it's hilt, and with that realisation her composure completely fell. She slid the blade back into it's sheath and took a deep breath her hair dying down. A look of shame found it's way onto her face

She watched him walk off, she couldn't know how he felt. She could imagine what it might be like but she couldn't truly sympathise with his feelings of having lost someone close to him. She was both envious and grateful she hadn't experienced what he had. She decided against following him, she came out here to brood in the first place, so she'd just have to brood about what just happened instead of Marlin's stupidity.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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Taking the bottle she tossed to him, he popped off the cap and started drinking, though he didn't down the whole thing this time, going to try to make it last for a bit, the first bottle was more of a jump start anyways. Though his headache wasn't going to leave anytime soon, the medicine would take effect within the hour and that would help subside it. She mentioned a friend of hers helping the team find a lead while they hunted for Hansa's sister. Though he had a concern, "If your friend is going to do some digging around, can she handle herself or would she need some protection? Just a cautionary thing." He didn't know much about what was going on but knew that Ozpin asked him to hunt and protect the team, being someone of no real alliance to anyone made him extremely expendable and he was just fine with that. Marlin wanted to get up and walk around the ship but he was in no condition to do so. For the moment his thoughts were running through the mission, did they even have any leads on Hansa's sister, and when they find her is she even going to be cooperative.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“She'll be fine. Bisque is a full fledged Huntress.” Eve waved off his concern. She smirked a little remembering how awkward she was as a student. “You wouldn't know it by looking at her but she's pretty talented. She beat me at the Vytal Festival Tournament when I was a fourth year and she was a first year.” Eve laughed light-heartedly remembering how embarrassed she was at the time. It didn't bother her much now. “Besides, I'm only giving her the symbols anyway.” Eve placed a hand on her notebook. “She won't be in as much danger. I'm just hoping she already knows where some more ruins are that have them. Knowing her though she'll spend more time looking through her records than hunting them down in person. She's so disorganized it'll take her a while.” She paused for a moment and looked at Marlin apologetically with a smile, "Sorry to ramble, I was quiet for too long pretending to be mad. It was the only way to maintain it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Marlin didn't know much about the Vytal Festival, but knew it was a big event involving competitions between huntsmen at the academy. It amused him to hear that she happened to lose to someone who was far less experienced than she was, though such a Tournament was based on skill, he knew that much. Bisque must be quite the hunter. Eve mentioned her not only her skill but her knowledge as well, though he was more curious in how well she can fight, and what kind of sparing partner she could possibly be if the opportunity brought itself. With his condition becoming better he could actually focus on a single thought rather than the pain. This allowed him to regain balance and focus on meditating subtlety so that if the need to fight came he was prepared, though he could still hold a decent conversation. "I never got the chance to really say a last goodbye to Hansa, how's he holding up since I was last locked to a hospital bed?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“He's pretty good.” Eve smiled with cheer as she stood up to stretch. “We trained together quite a bit, with Yoki helping. He's a pretty quick learner. He started picking up on some of my moves toward the end of things.” Eve waved her hands around jokingly in a fighting manner. She laughed at herself and sat back down. “Pretty surprising how much he's healed up but I'm glad we could get him up and walking and even fighting. He wanted to join us to find his sister but I told him he needed to stay and train a bit more with Rhythm. He needs to get used to those legs so he can bring his best to Beacon.” Eve shrugged and leaned back. “Who knows maybe we'll see him in the Vytal Festival this year!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Marlin was glad to hear that Hansa was doing well, and the fact that he was training even though he was still recovering from his injuries. "That's good, I'd like to see him in action when we get back. Between what you guys taught him and the academy I'm sure he'll be quite the junior hunter." The mission about his sister came up and he would've liked Hansa to tag a long for obvious reasons but the situation didn't stand in his favor. "Speaking of his sister, do we even have a place to start looking? What do we know about her?" Marlin was indeed mainly along for the ride and hunting any Grimm that came their way, it's was he was hired for. However he joined Eve on a much bigger mission, though he didn't know all the details, if any at all, he was mainly concerned for all the information on this operation because they were dealing with a child. Nothing mattered to him most than the young blood of the world.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“Hansa told me about their hometown.” Eve crossed her arms and placed a finger on her chin trying to recall all the information they talked about. “I figure we could start there. He said that the White Fang was keeping a close watch over her. He told me she has red hair and droopy rabbit ears and is blind. I don't imagine she'll be too hard to find unless the White Fang started moving her around.”
Eve noticed they were getting close to Lake Matsu. She didn't see any of the floating islands yet, but she always looked forward to seeing them. She got up again about to go look out the window, she always enjoyed the scenery on Anima anyway. But before she could even take a step the whole ship shook casing her to stumble. “What was that?!” Eve caught herself. Alarms on the ship started going off.
“We are under attack!” The captain of the ship came on over the intercom with a panicked voice. “Grimm! Everywhere!” The ship shook as though struck a few times. “Huntsmen! Quickly! This ship can't take too many hits!” Eve quickly set her balance to handle the turbulence. She snatched up her weapon and ran to the window to see Lancers buzzing about.
“Couldn't just have a quiet flight now could we?” Eve clicked her tongue. She looked over her shoulder at Marlin, “How's your aerial combat?”

Yoki was walking around the ship, he had turned invisible using his semblance, not wanting to be bothered. Multiple things were running through his mind. Recent events, past events, things that collided into an inner turmoil he couldn't help but deal with constantly.
Yoki was in a narrow hall in the center of the ship, with no windows, when it shook. He slammed into the wall and hissed bitterly, no longer being invisible. His ears could faintly pick up the buzzing of Lancers over the noise of the ship even before the captain spoke over the intercom. Yoki reached for his weapon on his back but remembered he left it in the main sitting area when he was just trying to get away from angry Eve.
“This is why I hate flying!” Yoki growled as he started for the main room.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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Marlin took note of all the information she had shared with him about Hansa's sister. It was important for him to know in case the group had separated for the situation called for them to search separately, that and he often ventured alone after dark, having the details on her appearance would be nice to have. He took another drink from the bottle of water before readying himself to stand. That was when the ship shook and rattled his brain as the throbbing came back for a brief moment. He clutched his head and cursed under his breath for getting too drunk the night before. The intercom came on and it didn't help at all. Eve spoke once the captain stopped speaking, "Crap, martial arts is my specialty, unless I have something to throw or shatter like the boulder the other day, I'm useless, unless they are in arms reach."

He stood up as the ship made evasive maneuvers. It was pretty easy for him to maintain his balance, having a tail was a bonus but his nature instincts were sharp with constant uneven terrain. He headed towards the railing on one side of the ship, looking around for something he could possible stock up on to start hurling at the Lancers with blinding speed. "Shit shit, why do I have to be weak in this specific category of fighting."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana looked out over the balcony and thought about her argument with Yoki. She was deeply annoyed with how it went, because she already knew all the things Yoki had told her she couldn't help but hiss in annoyance. But her main focus was the end of the conversation, she'd not even noticed she'd drawn her own weapon. She has never been good with people but she didn't think she was that bad. She popped the sword out of its sheath and looked at the crimson blade. She ran her tongue along her top row of teeth as she let out a long sigh, as the sigh ended she retracted her tongue and forcefully bit down making a sharp click as her teeth collided. "Dammit..." she murmured under her breath. She then slid her blade back into the sheath and went back to looking out over the ocean, it was beautiful as always. The ocean was always pure and truthful, it had it's secrets but if never changed.

As she looked out over the open sea she noticed something a small object off in the distance, before she could make it out the ship shook violently. Then the captain's voice came over the loud speaker, Grimm... As I expected. Because this trip wasn't fun enough... Diana drew her blade to it's full length and took a deep breath before leaning out over the balcony and looking for the threat, and it was a sizable swarm or lancers. She also looked around for a way onto the top of the airship, she couldn't find one and hissed sheathing her blade again and running back into the airship, she skidded to a halt in the room with Marlin and Eve,
"Is the item secure?" She would ask with a sense of urgency, she'd had left her post because of her temper and also threatened a teammate. She gritted her teeth at the thought but hid any outward expression of her disappointment in herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“It should be fine,” Eve said in response to both Marlin and the newly arrived Diana. “You two focus on keeping the Lancers from hooking onto the ship.” As she said that a Lancer stinger crashed through the window she was next to. The glass bounced off her as she sidestepped, turned, grabbed onto the cord and severed it with her fan. “If they hook us they will tear this ship apart!” She hit the intercom button on the wall. “Yoki, help me thin out the swarm! Captain, get us into the floating islands!”

Yoki was passing a door when it was impaled by a Lancer stinger almost hitting him. He saw it was covered in blood and when it retracted he looked through the hole to see the Captain being pulled through the front window. “Shit!” As the ship lurched downward, Yoki threw the door open and grabbed the controls. He flipped the switch for open communication for everyone to talk freely as he did his best to stabilize the aircraft. “Easier said than done! I just watched these Lancers forcefully vacate the Captain!” Yoki looked around seeing most of the control panels were damaged or bloody and the other seat was empty. “And there's no co-pilot here so probably him too! Anyone with better flight experience than me come take over! The most I can do is keep us from dying when we crash!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Diana wasn't satisfied with Eve's answer but there wasn't time to argue.Then a lancer busted down a window and sent glass everywhere, Diana instinctively block the shards with her aura, then Eve gave out her orders Stop the lancers from tearing the ship in half? Should be easy enough. Diana thought to herself, it's not something she hadn't done before. But before she could act Yoki's findings complicated the situation, Diana sighed "I can pilot the ship, then Yoki can help Marlin. I don't enjoy crashing..." Diana left little time to respond before darting off into the hallways making her way towards the cockpit. She wasn't looking forward to seeing Yoki again but at least this time the meeting would be short.

She would eventually make her way up to the cockpit and open the door. Her face would be sour and she would take off her gloves and stash them in her pockets. "I'll handle this, you go help the... Team..." Diana didn't know how to feel about the word team, the idea was nice but so far it hadn't been the best, it wasn't fun to say either. She would give Yoki a brief look, "I am sorry for before. I did not mean to draw my weapon..." she couldn't keep her eye from twitching. She had just done something she doesn't do often, her body wasn't use to it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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The conversation ended short with fragmentation of the glass window, Eve had given orders shortly after dispatching the Lancer cable. After new information from Yoki the team had to be reorganized, Marlin had no experience with most if not any at all types of vehicles or machinery, he was just glad that someone here could. Looking at the situation at hand he was left to defend the ship from the anchoring Grimm. Or at least keeping them off the ship while the other two dispatched them from range. Marlin knew what best to do with his body for maximum efficiency but it would take a tremendous amount of control.

Marlin transferred his aura to the extensions of his body, primarily his hands and feet, infusing each body part with a different dust crystal. Having mixed elements throughout his aura could become hazardous if he were to 'cross-streams' so to speak, if an extension of his body happen to come too close to another, there would certainly be an explosive reaction between elements. Though this technique would certainly help their survival in the incident.

He dropped a wind crystal to his left foot, this allowed a quick first step which could launch him to different sections of this ship in short time. A burn crystal was infused with his right foot, giving him the opportunity to kick each severed stinger back at the enemy, sending the lancer ablaze with its own weapon. His hands held an ice in one hand and an earth in the other, since Marlin had no sharp objects or weaponry, nor would he know best to use one, freezing the cable then shattering it with force from the earth infused hand made for an excellent combo at removing the anchor points.

Without hesitation Marlin quickly darted to each point the Lancers had attached to the ship, breaking the cable with a quite 1-2, then kicking the stinger. This continued throughout the vast of the ship, though he didn't pay attention to how many were in the skies, he knew there was at least enough to keep him busy. Though the technique was simple, the hardest part was maintaining balance in his thoughts and spirits to keep his feet and hands away from each other. He was the biggest threat to the ship and team at the moment, but at least they were still in the sky.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“Don't sweat it,” Yoki said heading for the door. “Keep us alive!” Yoki bolted down the hall to retrieve his weapon from the main room. He was tempted to use the backup weapon he had on him but he didn't want Eve to know about it. He knew she'd take it from him.
He swooped into the main seating area just as Eve dove past the window taking out a Lancer that was about to attack him. She opened her fan-blades and started gliding through the air again. The surface glittered white with the slow release of Wind Dust helping her control her speed. She twisted around quickly as she approached a couple Lancers, cutting them in half. She landed on top of one so she could suddenly change direction, slicing it up as she launched off of it. Diving for a line of them she spun around again before leveling out under the ship. She swung downward as though her fans were wings and the added boost of Wind Dust launched her back up. She landed on top of the ship, closing her fans and putting them together, jamming the staff into the surface of the ship.
“Yoki! Forward! Wide!” Eve's voice caused Yoki’s ears to twitch. He swung his sword towards the front of the ship and released the blade to it's full length he yanked up and back. Eve jumped and balanced on top of the staff as Yoki’s sword wrapped around the lower half. He jumped and swing to the top of the ship. He retracted the blade as Eve pulled the staff out of the surface of the ship. “Sever the attachments. Marlin can only do so much inside. I'm sure there’s some inaccessible places these jerks are hooked to.”
“What's the endgame?” Yoki asked before she had a chance to jump off again. “I think we all know this ship won't make it all the way to Mistral now!”
“Well let's hope Diana can land us safely.” Eve broke apart the fans but kept them closed as she walked to the edge of the ship. “Otherwise don't die when we crash!” She winked and jumped off.
“I'm never flying again…” Yoki growled.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Diana wrestled with the controls as Yoki sprinted out of the room. "That is my job!" She called back, fighting with the steering wheel. She hissed as she managed to slow their descent for a while, then one of the engines was torn off the aircraft completely. Shit... Diana growled as she tried to keep the ship airborne, but there was just no possible way. She patched into the speakers, her voice crackling over the entire ship. "We've just lost a main engine, this ship isn't going to be airborne much longer, I can get us to land, but don't expect a soft landing." Diana gritted her teeth as she angled the ship towards land, they were diverted from their main coarse, but their lives were worth whatever extra walking distance they would have to go through.

"Brace for impact!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The engine exploded as it was torn away from the ship. It nearly knocked Yoki off as some of the debris hit him in the back. He jammed his blade into the roof of the ship so he wouldn't go flying off. Eve took a wide swing and released all of the wind dust in her fan blasting the last of the Lancers away so that they could at least crash uninterrupted. The force of the windblast knocked her back onto the surface of the ship. She slid on up to stop next Yoki, a dead serious expression on her face, “Kneel!” Yoki ducked down and propped himself against his blade. Eve opened both her fans and keeled on his back, placing one foot on his blade. She jammed her open fans in the top of the ship, angled to defend them from the debris the impact would cause. Her semblance could protect them from the rest as the ground quickly approached.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Upon hearing the engine explode and then Diana on the intercom, he knew there wasn't going to be an easy landing. Marlin approached the back of the ship to give a last minute attack to disperse the rest of the Lancers, though it would injure him greatly, at least the team wouldn't have to worry. As he was about to clasps his infused hands together a large dust attack swept the sky from above the ship. "Seemed like something Eve would do," he said to himself. Now no longer needing to hurt himself or deal with the Lancers he didn't have much choice but to brace for the impact.

He took in consideration of everyone, both Eve and Yoki were on top of the ship, if anything they'll jump or land on a tree, regardless it was better than being inside. Marlin was towards the back and figured he'd grab on to one of the framing points and brace while the front of the ship crumbled with the ground. It was just then, as the ship was getting closer to the ground did he realize Diana was still in the cockpit, still managing the controls. If anything she was at the most risk during the crash.

With quick thinking Marlin dispersed the dust in the right side of his body, removing the ice and fire to replace them with earth, while switching elements he quick stepped towards the cockpit, still using the wind infused foot. It took a matter of seconds to reach Diana. He dropped his wind dust and transferred the rest of his aura back around his foot so his entire body was infused with earth. Without a word he yanked her out of her seat bringing them both to the ground behind the pilots chair. Controlling his aura to cover them both like a large heavy blanket, they were both now better protected than the stronghold of the cockpit. Keeping Diana from escaping his earthly grasp, he braced for the rough collision.
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