Avatar of lantgreen
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: lantgreen
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 265 (0.06 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. lantgreen 8 yrs ago
    2. ██████████ 11 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I'm back, and ready to take to the skies!


Bio, this thing, all you need to know is that I've been role playing for years. Ignore my post count cause I mainly rp through pm. I don't have much of a life now so I dream of living in alternate universes.

Most Recent Posts

The bar got quiet as the day went on, no members of the Fang had shown up and Marlin was losing his patience. He figured he might as well started heading towards the rendezvous point. He had places to go, and it wasn't like the bar was going anywhere, he'd return at another time. Marlin paid for his drinks, shot down the rest of his rum and left the bar looking for the inn. He stretched and checked his pockets to see if he needed to restock on his crystals or not. He was fine for awhile. Looking for the inn Eve mentioned he started walking around town. It didn't take long, the town wasn't very big and Eve was easy to spot. Small blob of blue sitting on a bench. Marlin approached and gave a small wave. "Nothing new from what we predicted, but I do know they frequent the bar, that's about all I got. Any better luck on your end?"

Marlin took in what Eve said aout not drawing in too much attention, might be a challenge for him but he would manage. Diana glanced at him to which he made eye contact, he felt that odd feeling once more and tried to hold to glance a bit longer but she looked away and proceeded to state she didn't want to be followed. Marlin silently accepted this and turned away to look up and down the street of the small town.

Marlin's eyes landed on a saloon that didn't seem to be far. He made his way in, making sure his aura wasn't too strong of a presence but enough to keep him protected and ensure his healing was still excelling. "Fill this with your top shelf whiskey please," he set his flask on the bartop, "And a glass of your cheapest rum," as soon as the small glass was presented before him it was gone. Marlin placed the glass back down in such a manner as to say he wanted a refill and keep them coming.

"Haven't seen you before, and by the way you're dressed I'd say you're far from home," The bartender started some small idle talk.

"Don't have a home, I'm traveling...so to speak," he glanced around and studied the room.

"Shame, I'd welcome you to the town however theres not much left of it."

"Why is that? Grimm?"

"Part of it, though we were fine for awhile, we knew how to fight them and we were sometimes lucky to have a hunter in the fray from time to time. However only recently have the attacks been more frequent. Despair is falling over the town quickly and people are making the smart move and packing bags."

"Not you?" Marlin asked curiosly as the guy seemed he never had any intention of leaving behind this business.

"No , my whole family has been behind this bar, I'm not gonna let it go just because we get a few more Grimm. Besides my business is booming with the occasinal large group of White Fang coming by. Seems as though they set up camp just outside of town. I wonder if they'll be staying or not."

"Hmm," Marlin took the new gathered information and contiued drinking his rum. He didn't really learn anything new, he already knew that there would be White Fang nearby, what he did know was that they frequented his curent location. Marlin would stay at the bar, drinking and waiting.

The team was traveling once again, everyone seemed to be in operating strength, himself not a hundred percent but enough. Upon their arrival and to his surprise, they weren't attacked, or so it seemed that's all that happens when traveling longer distances. Marlin hopped off the train and walked out a little further than everyone else, taking in the towns ruggedness. He could tell the town was merely surviving on the response time of Mistral or with the luck of a few traveling huntsman; this town needed its own watch.

He turned back towards the group once Eve started talking. Taking note of her objective he butted in, "You think we should split up? Cover more ground," he turned to the town and gestured his hand in a way to show it's appearance, "by the look of things the grimm don't seem too serious around here, nothing we can't handle ourselves." Marlin glanced at everyone else in the group before returning his gaze on Eve, "Captain."

A couple days flew by since the crash and Marlin's injuries were well from healed to the fullest, but at least he could stand. Thanks to the quick recovery of Bisque and her ship, they didn't have to undergo a sketchy surgery in the middle of nowhere. With the proper equipment and team he was well taken care of and now in the process of healing and resting. Though a few days out of commission his aura was plentiful and potent. He didn't wanna do much with it but he threw it around his arms as if playing with a snake, then surrounding his rib cage for added protection and enhanced healing.

Marlin looked around his hospital room for his belongings, only to find a pair of hospital pants on a chair and the gown he was wearing. With short action he threw the pants on and took off his gown, revealing a large surgical scar on his ribs. He stared at it for a moment and touched it carefully only to be surprised it was only sore and no pain, and the fact that he was missing an entire rib. His eyes widened a bit. Marlin was feeling a bit of excitement, he had never lost a bone before, only broken, fractured, shattered, and splintered.

He quickly went for the door slamming it open as the bang echoed the halls of the hospital. The first person he spotted was Yoki, shouting before he could think, "DUDE I'M MISSING A RIB!!!" then noticing Eve standing next to him. A small look of worry still adorned her face. "I mean, it's gonna grow back." He strutted over there, half naked and all showing off his enormous scar and pointing at it. "You can touch it too, doesn't hurt, CAUSE IT'S GONE!" he got loud again before realizing the team wasn't entirely together, "Where's Diana?" A look of concern shortened his smile as the last thing he remembered was shielding them both before the crash.

Nickname: Cat

Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and ears)

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 72lbs

Aura Color: Dark Blue

Semblance: Invisibility- Her aura bends the light around her to render her invisible

Semblance Limitations: The longer she remains invisible the more her senses start to wear off. She trains to increase not only her endurance but her opacity as her current state she is only capable of being partially invisible.

Weapon: Spider Backpack; Designed by Mov, this backpack holds extendable legs mimicking a spider, hoisting them up off the ground and moving the user as they desire. It is also capable of shooting a limited amount of a web like substance, though its only purpose is to restrain, and can be broken out of through effort. The backpack can only store something if the legs are collapse as they are what make up the bag. The weapon was initially designed so Catalina can protect herself while Mov was away on missions. Mov designed the backpack to use a cyan dust crystal allowing the legs to shoot lasers and if four or more legs were adjacent to each other, a shield would form between the points.

Favored Dust Element: None, since the backpack was designed with Cyan in mind, it would ultimately be that.

Personality: Catalina is mature for her age but still has her adolescent side. She isn't afraid to pick at a persons weakness, and use that weakness as much as she can.

Bio: Catalina is the daughter of Marlin Skyy, through a complicated tragic event, she was separated from her dad. Raised at a young age by a mercenary named Mov, she learned to fight and protect herself, or more accurately put, to kill. Though Mov's intention were only for her to protect herself, not harm others....

Catalina wasn't too fond of being called a child, though she had no argument in the matter, she still knew she was fully capable of making grown men cry. She was about to speak up but Tyrian mentioned Mov before looking to her in confirmation. She gave a simple nod, she was just a messenger but she wanted to be more. Hoping Salem would give her a mission just for her. She knew that the mistress knew her skills but she had yet to do something on her own. Jack defended her and Watts praised her before Hazel gave a bitter expression. It was obvious he didn't like the idea of her being at the table, regardless of what others had said, it was still clear that he was the only one to show disrespect in her presence. Catalina had to make a stand and prove to not only Hazel but to the table that she was no mere child. Sitting close to Salem she hoped she would be backed by her mistress. Without hesitation she opened her folded legs quickly jutting one at Hazel's throat before he could react, two more stabbed the table hard on either side of him shaking the surface and drinks that sat upon it while a fourth went under the table, hidden from view and between his legs. She may be a child to some but she was still mature and knew full well that men valued that place. "Dont underestimate those that Salem values."

For the brief moment of silence as the room was filling with more people, introductions and greetings to all around was announced. Catalina kept quiet though, Mov mainly handled the pleasantries so it was a tad awkward for her to be alone. Counting the number of people she remembered and those she didn't, she continued to sit idol and kick her feet beneath the table. Watts had walked in and she had completely forgot about him. "Watts!" she stated at a volume louder than those around her. Upon realization of her actions she sat back down shunning herself before returning her composure, "Ahem, it's good to see you too." Not having Mov around really kept some of her manners at bay.

Catalina retracted the leg slowly after Jack had let go, folding towards her back. The man spoke to Salem about his replacement and usefulness, hearing from the mistress herself that she was a praised assassin made her feel good, though she wasn't one to boast about it. She had a her kill record and nothing more was needed to prove it. Catalina faced Salem once more and bowed slightly whilst the legs on her back extended and gripped on to the floor behind her. "Excuse me Salem, I'll be taking my seat and await the meeting." The legs then lifted her off the ground gently maintaining her simple bow before positioning herself up right and looking down on Jack. "You seem smart and skilled, perhaps there may be a mission in the future for the both of us," she said with a coy smile. Her legs turned and carried her towards the large table in the middle of the room with several chairs adorning the edges, and an obvious one for the mistress at the end.

Catalina found herself a seat somewhere in the middle but slightly closer to Salem. Salem was the only woman of power that she knew, and thus idolized her. Being raised by just a man, who wasn't even her father, caused her thirst for a grown woman in her life. The room started to fill with more people, some she's seen before while other's she hasn't, especially the large burly man who happened to sit across from her. Catalina's shoulders barely made it over the tabletop so she was by far the shortest of them all. A bit excited she started to swing her feet lightly under the table. These were the people she was going to be working with, along side Mov or not. If they all were in the presence of Salem, and alive, then they were all of respectable quality. She just didn't know their skill and she judged each person based on appearance with her own. Patiently waiting for the meeting to start she held back and introductions.

A small figured had arrived at a location to which she had been to many times. Mainly to receive new orders with her partner, this was the first time should would arrive alone. She stared at the large doors, collapsing her weapon before placing a hand on the wood and pushing her way inside. The halls were dark, or better described as dimly lit though there was plenty of light for one to see. It wasn't a surprise to see a few Grimm roaming around, though normally she would be accompanied by someone this was her first time alone walking through the palace. She had to admit she wasn't exactly comfortable.

As the small figure approached yet another door, she knew what was on the other side. Taking a deep breath she opened the door slowly but more in a determined manner. Even though this was her first time returning alone, she neither shy nor scared. She was determined and serious about the task at hand. She was a professional.

Appearing before the others she stood at hip level for a full grown man, specifically Hazel even though he was above average size to begin with. Her age came with her size, fifteen, though her demeanor was very matured and her education surpassed most out of grade school. The young girl stood wearing tight clothing, specifically nylon featured in various shades of grey throughout parts of the outfit; the only part of her body that was showing skin was her shoulders, hips, hands and head. The skin that was revealing reflected the faunus within her, stripes of a tiger adorned themselves on her skin, along with large white ears that sat upon her head. Her hair flowed between white and black, though there was no solid length, it was cut short leaving a few inches. Her eyes bore a deep blue as she scanned the room, landing on Salem who she immediately recognized, then on to the other person who seemed to enjoy the color green a little too much, though he seemed extravagant and someone who was very skilled. If they were in Salem's company, and alive for that matter than she must respect him, the young girl would consider the man an ally until noted otherwise.

The short girl approached the two and bowed before Salem with grace before speaking, "It's lovely to see you again Salem, I apologize on Mov's behalf, he won't be here today and has asked me to come alone to relay the message." She stood up straight once she could feel that Salem was at least accepting of the situation and not beating her to a pulp for coming alone. "We state that the target has been eliminated and the weapon retrieved is currently being modified per your request, Mov found it better that he focus on the weapon, while I be the messenger." While maintaining eye contact she made notes of Salem's behavior, assuming there would be more meetings where her partner would not be around she wanted to know how Salem felt about dealing with a child alone, a matured one none the less. The young girl had finished her message to Salem, and had no other business with the woman till the meeting starts. She turned her attention to the man in green, looking up at him and extending a large mechanical spiders leg from her backpack in the form of a greeting handshake, though there was no hand at the end of the leg, she did not like making contact with humans unless necessary. "I'm Catalina, Skyy Catalina."

Marlin hated to hear someone tell him he wasn't okay, stubborn as he is he doesn't admit to much when it comes to injuries. Though as she helped him stable himself to walk, he couldn't help but accept the assistance, wrapping his tail around her to help the support. The ship continued to groan as he spoke, "I hope by serious you don't mean I'm gonna-" his words were cut off as he clutched his side and coughed aggressively, the sharp pain returning harsher this time as his adrenaline and endorphins wore off.

After a small recovery breath he started moving again, trying to rush out of the ship quickly with Diana. The creaking got louder and something large fell behind them from they once were. Anxiety kicked in and Marlin couldn't help but think they weren't gonna make it. Though through more groaning of both Marlin and the ship, the exit was clear. He pushed forward harder, bracing against Diana more than he probably should have. Easing their way out of the ship, their combined weight on the final step set something unbalanced inside, causing a chain reaction and the inevitable collapse of the interior. Marlin fell to the ground as soon as there was a small distance between them and the ship. Coughing up a bit of blood and clutching his ribs whilst grunting.
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