Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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The ship crashed down in the forest. A long wake of trees were mowed down in a disastrous wake. Eve wasn't sure for how much longer her aura could last the bombardment of debris and knew they couldn't stay for much longer with the ship starting to roll as it slowed. Eve in one quick motion closed her fans, placed them on her back, grabbed onto Yoki's scarf and grabbed his sword, launching off the back of the ship. She tossed the sword aside so it would land in the dirt and grabbed onto Yoki with both arms, twisting so they were falling onto her back. They bounced and rolled to a stop. She ended up letting go and they both laid on their backs a moment trying to recover enough to stand.
"Eve..." Yoki let out a tense breath.
"Yeah?" Eve looked over at him but he continued to look at the sky.
"Stop asking me to fly..." Yoki groaned, as he stoop up.
"No promises..." Eve said looking over at the ship with worry. It had stopped but there was no telling how the other two were inside. She noticed Yoki offering a hand to her, to help her up. She took it and as he pulled her to her feet she realized she was rather sore but she didn't want to think about the real extent of her injuries just yet. "No time to rest yet..."
"Do we ever?" Yoki said following after Eve as they both ran to the ship.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Shortly after grabbing the mistress from her seat and taking cover being the pilots chair, the ship crashed. It shook the cockpit like it snow globe and Marlin clung to Diana and braced his back against the chair as best he could. The force from the crash impacted Marlin's back as it was up against the chair. He felt a couple sharp pains in his side but ignored them the best he could as the two rode the ship till it stopped.

The ship creaked and groaned as parts were still falling from inside, but once he could tell they were generally gonna be fine, he released his aura. With his body drained of energy he looked to Diana, "You alright? Any injuries?" he asked with the sound of concern in his voice. He had a rough start that morning but he wasn't going to let that be an example of who he really is and what he's capable of. He stood up using the chair as a support only to have the sharp pains return to his side. He clutched his rib cage and winced, "I-I'm fine, we should get out of here before this decides to collapse on us," more creaking and groaning echoed the interior of the ship.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana hissed as she crawled out of Marlins grip, it was hard to tell if it was an angry hiss or a pained hiss. It's probably both. She clutched her right bicep feeling a terrible ache coming from it, she'd damaged her Humerus, and sadly there was nothing humorous about that. She looked back at Marlin her pain professionally hidden. "I'll be alright given the circumstances." She narrowed her gaze on Marlin's side, she was fairly sure he'd broken something.

"You are both wrong and correct. You are obviously not fine, but we do need to get out of here. Now let me help you walk, whatever damage you've taken is obviously serious." While her words should have sounded nice, her stale tone and stern expression made it seem like some kind of an insult. Despite this she walked over and helped Marlin walk, being careful not to apply more pressure than needed to his sides. The ship groaned as its condition continued to deteriorate, the sound making Diana the slightest bit nervous. She decided to kick on her aura and give Marlin a little bit of relief as she picked up the pace. "We must go faster."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Marlin hated to hear someone tell him he wasn't okay, stubborn as he is he doesn't admit to much when it comes to injuries. Though as she helped him stable himself to walk, he couldn't help but accept the assistance, wrapping his tail around her to help the support. The ship continued to groan as he spoke, "I hope by serious you don't mean I'm gonna-" his words were cut off as he clutched his side and coughed aggressively, the sharp pain returning harsher this time as his adrenaline and endorphins wore off.

After a small recovery breath he started moving again, trying to rush out of the ship quickly with Diana. The creaking got louder and something large fell behind them from they once were. Anxiety kicked in and Marlin couldn't help but think they weren't gonna make it. Though through more groaning of both Marlin and the ship, the exit was clear. He pushed forward harder, bracing against Diana more than he probably should have. Easing their way out of the ship, their combined weight on the final step set something unbalanced inside, causing a chain reaction and the inevitable collapse of the interior. Marlin fell to the ground as soon as there was a small distance between them and the ship. Coughing up a bit of blood and clutching his ribs whilst grunting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana fell a few feet from Marlin and landed on her left side, though the force of hitting the ground still went through her whole body. She gnashed her teeth at the pain feeling more annoyed than hurt. Diana shifted onto her chest and pushed herself up, making the left arm do most of the work. Shit! She cursed through the pain and stood up. "Yoki! Eve! Get over here! Marlin is badly hurt and I can't carry him on my own!" Diana would then place her medical box down and open it up. She pulled out a small pill and chucked it down her throat, before quickly diving back into the box and pulling out a compact folding tablet.

She unfolded it out and booted it up, she quickly flicked through a few settings before aiming the tablet at Marlin. It was a miniature X-ray scanner. "You're not looking good Marlin. Multiple ribs damaged, and by the looks one might be floating around inside you at the moment. I'm probably going to have to pull it out." She sounded a little worried. Yes she had medical training, but the amount of times she'd had to handle something this major. Yeah there wasn't many.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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Eve and Yoki had just rounded the end of the ship when Diana called out to them. The two sped up, Yoki quickly passed Eve and dropped down next to Marlin and Diana, "What do you need from me?!" Eve's heart grew heavy hearing what Diana had to say about Marlin's injuries. Fear of losing teammates again started to seep in and she froze for a moment. Eve pulled out her scroll, she knew there would be little signal this far out from Mistral and the support towers wouldn't help much, but she didn't know what else to do. An error message displayed that said "Local Area Only" when she opened the Broadcast channel on it. She took a deep breath to try and snap out of the fear and back into a leader and sent out a distress call in hopes at least someone was nearby.
"Eve-y Dearest! You still alive out there?" An annoyingly cheerful voice came through Eve's scroll. Eve's heart jumped in shock and relief seeing the familiar icon and hearing that obnoxious voice.
"B-Bisque!?" Eve was about to ask what she was doing way out there but it could wait. She shook her head and a dead serious expression took over. "Bisque! We are on the southwest shore of Lake Matsu! If you have and air transport we have multiple injured, one with potentially life threatening injuries!"
"I Thought you'd need a ride!" Bisque's giggle sounded somewhere between sweet and maniacal. The wind picked up as a Mistral Airship flew in. It drifted down for a landing and before it even touched down a small girl in an orange and red dress and a white labcoat, wearing thick round glasses jumped down straight for Eve and latched on for a big hug, causing Eve to stumble and swing her around so as not to fall over. "I was listening to the air traffic broadcasts so I knew when you came in! Heard a mayday from the ship captain before it went all warbly and crash, boom, silence! Then I started scanning for your scroll signal! And Ta-da! Your savior Bisque is here!" She finally let go of Eve. Members of the airship crew came over with a stretcher for Marlin. Bisque latched onto Yoki before he could get up. "Ah! It's the Fox-man! Oh and are these the new teammates?!"
"Argh! Get off me you Mad-Scientist!" Yoki growled bitterly trying to throw her off. Eve smiled a bit glad it was no longer her. Her face turned back to concern as she watched over Marlin.
"We'll get you all fixed up good as new!" Bisque wasn't phased when Yoki was trying to shake her but somehow she managed to salute and remain hanging off his left shoulder. "I have the latest and greatest portable medical equipment! A few kind of experimental but promising innovations as well as the regulated stuff!"
"Regulated only please!" Yoki said with a slight panic in his voice. "Definitely none of your medical treatment! We want our friends in one piece not more than they already are!"
"That was then and this is now!" Bisque jumped off Yoki and skipped to the ship. "I've had plenty of time to improve!"
Yoki turned and whispered to Diana in panicked concern, "Please tell me he can survive a flight to Mistral!?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana didn't take her eyes of Marlin, flipping her scanner off and storing it in her medical box. Diana then looked around her medical box for something to ease Marlin's pain. Without looking up at Yoki she dealt out her orders "We need to move him somewhere safer, being out in the open like this is just asking for Grimm to overwhelm us. But we have to be gentle and slow with how we move him, if there really is a floating rib in there then we've got to be extremely careful. We need at lest three arms under his back to make sure he doesn't curl up." She then went to Marlin's right side going to slide her arms under him when she heard Eve yell the name Bisque? Diana tilted her head not liking the sound of this person already.

Though she did like the sound of an aircraft approaching. Though that was unfortunately paired with this new and rather annoying face. Diana knew she wasn't going to be able to deal with this woman for a long period of time. Luckily Bisque was far too busy being attached to Yoki. Diana gave the men with the stretcher a quick rundown of Marlin's situation before the carried him off into the ship. Then Yoki asked her a question. "If the equipment on the ship is good and the trip isn't turbulent then Marlin should be fine. At this point I am more worried about myself..." Diana looked over at Bisque then back at Yoki while make sure to not make eye contact, even still her expression that made her feelings clear. Diana let out a sigh knowing she should introduce herself she walked over and extended a hand to Bique, making sure to look off to the side. "Pleasure to meet you." Diana's words couldn't have sounded more unenthusiastic.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jack walked through the halls of the dark tower, humming some sinister tune with some spring in his step. He was starting to realize no one was around, or at least it seemed that way. It bothered him. He never liked it when Grimm was Salem’s only line of defense. Not that it was a big deal since the Grimm were in such quantity here not even the best Huntsmen could get through alive. There was part of him that was amused by the thought of seeing a Huntsman be torn to shreds and another part of him was terrified it could be him. However the former always could push the latter down. Especially here. The sweet loving child would die in an instant. Madness was his only salvation as it has been for years.
Jack stepped into the dark room illuminated by candles and crystals. Petrified wood chairs surrounded the grand table. Windows on all walls to the outside ominous appearance of this corner of the world.
“Jack, you have returned,” Salem’s lips curled upward ever so slightly. She sat at the head of the table in the only chair made of dark crystals. “How's the progression on charging the core?”
“Progressing swiftly, m’lady,” Jack bowed. “The core is in the hands of Miss Oriole and her team, she hasn't a clue what it is and yet she's doing all the work for us.” Jack snickered at the thought.
“I hope your intentions for her remain the same when all's said and done,” Salem had a bitter look upon hearing Eve was alive still.
“The anticipation is killing me,” his grin turned sinister. “Alas her knowledge of ancient history almost rivals yours. So unfortunately she still has use as a pawn.” His disappointed expression was paired with grand hand gestures.
“I told you the likely places to find the locations to charge the core. She is unnecessary.” Salem kept a disappointed tone.
“Yes but I enjoy toying with their lives,” Jack snickered. He pointed his open hand her direction, “Besides wasn't it you who taught me to always use people in the worst way that destroys them?”
“As long as that is your intention…” Salem knew of the other personality and was concerned it might be influencing and interfering in her plan to rid Ozpin of one of his most trusted. The sooner the better, the less of a chance for a change of heart and a greater chance she could keep the twisted child. Salem sighed, “Watts should be here soon. We can further discuss this plan of yours when he arrives.”
“Is Cinereous going to return soon?” Jack looked out the windows of the tower. His desire to meet his trainer was always great when he returned. Cinereous was an expert fighter, experienced in a vast number of fighting styles. There were always new ways to slaughter people he could learn from Cinereous. He'd take every chance he had to learn from him.
“He'll be away for a while,” Salem's relpy caused Jack to pout slightly. “The task I gave him requires some delicate care. Some of the others may be joining us. Apart from Cinder and Cinereous, they should all be here today.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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A small figured had arrived at a location to which she had been to many times. Mainly to receive new orders with her partner, this was the first time should would arrive alone. She stared at the large doors, collapsing her weapon before placing a hand on the wood and pushing her way inside. The halls were dark, or better described as dimly lit though there was plenty of light for one to see. It wasn't a surprise to see a few Grimm roaming around, though normally she would be accompanied by someone this was her first time alone walking through the palace. She had to admit she wasn't exactly comfortable.

As the small figure approached yet another door, she knew what was on the other side. Taking a deep breath she opened the door slowly but more in a determined manner. Even though this was her first time returning alone, she neither shy nor scared. She was determined and serious about the task at hand. She was a professional.

Appearing before the others she stood at hip level for a full grown man, specifically Hazel even though he was above average size to begin with. Her age came with her size, fifteen, though her demeanor was very matured and her education surpassed most out of grade school. The young girl stood wearing tight clothing, specifically nylon featured in various shades of grey throughout parts of the outfit; the only part of her body that was showing skin was her shoulders, hips, hands and head. The skin that was revealing reflected the faunus within her, stripes of a tiger adorned themselves on her skin, along with large white ears that sat upon her head. Her hair flowed between white and black, though there was no solid length, it was cut short leaving a few inches. Her eyes bore a deep blue as she scanned the room, landing on Salem who she immediately recognized, then on to the other person who seemed to enjoy the color green a little too much, though he seemed extravagant and someone who was very skilled. If they were in Salem's company, and alive for that matter than she must respect him, the young girl would consider the man an ally until noted otherwise.

The short girl approached the two and bowed before Salem with grace before speaking, "It's lovely to see you again Salem, I apologize on Mov's behalf, he won't be here today and has asked me to come alone to relay the message." She stood up straight once she could feel that Salem was at least accepting of the situation and not beating her to a pulp for coming alone. "We state that the target has been eliminated and the weapon retrieved is currently being modified per your request, Mov found it better that he focus on the weapon, while I be the messenger." While maintaining eye contact she made notes of Salem's behavior, assuming there would be more meetings where her partner would not be around she wanted to know how Salem felt about dealing with a child alone, a matured one none the less. The young girl had finished her message to Salem, and had no other business with the woman till the meeting starts. She turned her attention to the man in green, looking up at him and extending a large mechanical spiders leg from her backpack in the form of a greeting handshake, though there was no hand at the end of the leg, she did not like making contact with humans unless necessary. "I'm Catalina, Skyy Catalina."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“Perfect,” Salem nodded with a faint smile. “Please proceed with the others on the list when you two have the chance. Do stay for now, I would like to make sure that there isn't any other assignments that might take precedence as a result of this meeting.”
Jack quietly observed the young girl as she reported to Salem. He started to grow a bit jealous, not that he'd let it show. He could hear a faint sense of fondness in Salem’s voice as she spoke. It was something he heard frequently towards him as he completed more missions successfully in the early days of working under Salem.
There was something familiar about the girl and he couldn't place why. He'd seen many Faunus as of late in his dealings with the White Fang, as he was messing with Cinder a bit all the while setting up a trap for Eve. But he didn't think that was why, in the off chance it was all but two Faunus he'd met in the White Fang were dead so he'd rather not use that just yet.
He found her greeting to him amusing but obliged. He wrapped his fingers around the thin spider-like metal and bowed, maintaining eye contact from beneath the shadow of his hat. “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Skyy. My name is Jack Mystic.” He released the curious weapon and stood up straight, turning his attention back to Salem, “You aren't trying to replace me now are you m’lady?”
“Not so long as you maintain your usefulness and loyalty,” Salem smirked ever so lightly. She knew Catalina would make him jealous so she waited for a meeting until it would be more of a motivation for him. “She is a far superior assassin but there is one thing that you have done and will continue to do that she has yet to need to do.” Jack knew what she meant. His family opposed Salem and hers likely did not. That was the ultimate test of loyalty. It was easy for him and it only assured the control the half of insanity had over him.
"Interesting," Jack snickered as he looked back at Catalina.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Catalina retracted the leg slowly after Jack had let go, folding towards her back. The man spoke to Salem about his replacement and usefulness, hearing from the mistress herself that she was a praised assassin made her feel good, though she wasn't one to boast about it. She had a her kill record and nothing more was needed to prove it. Catalina faced Salem once more and bowed slightly whilst the legs on her back extended and gripped on to the floor behind her. "Excuse me Salem, I'll be taking my seat and await the meeting." The legs then lifted her off the ground gently maintaining her simple bow before positioning herself up right and looking down on Jack. "You seem smart and skilled, perhaps there may be a mission in the future for the both of us," she said with a coy smile. Her legs turned and carried her towards the large table in the middle of the room with several chairs adorning the edges, and an obvious one for the mistress at the end.

Catalina found herself a seat somewhere in the middle but slightly closer to Salem. Salem was the only woman of power that she knew, and thus idolized her. Being raised by just a man, who wasn't even her father, caused her thirst for a grown woman in her life. The room started to fill with more people, some she's seen before while other's she hasn't, especially the large burly man who happened to sit across from her. Catalina's shoulders barely made it over the tabletop so she was by far the shortest of them all. A bit excited she started to swing her feet lightly under the table. These were the people she was going to be working with, along side Mov or not. If they all were in the presence of Salem, and alive, then they were all of respectable quality. She just didn't know their skill and she judged each person based on appearance with her own. Patiently waiting for the meeting to start she held back and introductions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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“I look forward to it,” Jack returned her smile. His twisted interests in methods of killing caused a desire to see her kill with such a unique weapon. He also wanted to know so he could figure out how to interrupt it when it mattered most. He snickered and sat down, watching as the others came in. The last to arrive was Watts.
“Catalina, always a pleasure to see you, my dear.” Watts smiled her direction. His eyes fell upon Jack, who gave him a cheeky smirk, and his face turned sour, “Any day without you is a pleasure.” He waved him off and sat down.
“You might want to get used to it, we are practically partners on this weapon after all,” Jack laughed and leaned back in his seat. Watts glared bitterly at him Jack just narrowed his eyes and smirked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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For the brief moment of silence as the room was filling with more people, introductions and greetings to all around was announced. Catalina kept quiet though, Mov mainly handled the pleasantries so it was a tad awkward for her to be alone. Counting the number of people she remembered and those she didn't, she continued to sit idol and kick her feet beneath the table. Watts had walked in and she had completely forgot about him. "Watts!" she stated at a volume louder than those around her. Upon realization of her actions she sat back down shunning herself before returning her composure, "Ahem, it's good to see you too." Not having Mov around really kept some of her manners at bay.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“What is a child doing here?” Hazel groaned. He didn't like the idea of someone as young as Catalina being around. He wasn't fond of Jack joining them at first either but he's long since proved his devotion to this cause and Salem. This was his first time seeing her around and it didn't sit well with him.
“I recall seeing her come and go, tagging along with Mov,” Tyrian grinned, waving his hand back and forth. He hadn't met the girl yet but he'd seen her around. "Just a messenger, no?"
“If she's sitting at this table does she not deserve respect?” Jack spoke in a carefree manner. “We are about the same age after all. I was here much younger.”
“And she's still far superior to you,” Watts mumbled, aiming at Jack again.
“I don't like the idea of children fighting in this war,” Hazel sighed bitterly, crossing his arms.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Catalina wasn't too fond of being called a child, though she had no argument in the matter, she still knew she was fully capable of making grown men cry. She was about to speak up but Tyrian mentioned Mov before looking to her in confirmation. She gave a simple nod, she was just a messenger but she wanted to be more. Hoping Salem would give her a mission just for her. She knew that the mistress knew her skills but she had yet to do something on her own. Jack defended her and Watts praised her before Hazel gave a bitter expression. It was obvious he didn't like the idea of her being at the table, regardless of what others had said, it was still clear that he was the only one to show disrespect in her presence. Catalina had to make a stand and prove to not only Hazel but to the table that she was no mere child. Sitting close to Salem she hoped she would be backed by her mistress. Without hesitation she opened her folded legs quickly jutting one at Hazel's throat before he could react, two more stabbed the table hard on either side of him shaking the surface and drinks that sat upon it while a fourth went under the table, hidden from view and between his legs. She may be a child to some but she was still mature and knew full well that men valued that place. "Dont underestimate those that Salem values."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“A precious face makes for a prefect mask to hide a killing machine,” Tyrian giggled as he clapped.
“Indeed it does,” Jack smirked and narrowed his eyes.
“That's quite enough...” Salem spoke calmly as though this was what she expected. She waved her hand and everyone settled again. “Watts… Tell me, what progress do you have to report on the repairs?”
“About that,” Watts groaned. “I can make all he repairs I want, but without the core present, even at a partial charge, I cannot see if it is even functional.” He looked at Jack with a smug smirk, he knew Jack didn't have it, they discussed it a while ago, outside these walls. Jack just shrugged, Watts’s animosity towards him never bothered Jack in the slightest.
“I see,” Salem looked to Jack. “Jack, retrieve the core by any means necessary.”
“Yes m’lady,” Jack did a slight bow from his seat.
“Eliminate this team while you are at it,” Salem spoke coldly. “We don't need them interfering…”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


After everyone had boarded the aircraft Diana moved to shake hands with Bisque,she beamed and grabbed onto Diana's hand. She yanked her down to her level and pulled her into a tight hug, her vice grip made it impossible to pry her off. "You must be Diana Seraph! I've heard all about you from Eve but I've heard your name before on my research trips in Atlas! You are a top notch Atlas Specialist! Ohhhh! It's so good to meet you in person!"
"In case you didn't notice Bisque like to hug..." Yoki was trying to stifle his laughter. "You were right to worry!"
"Bisque I told you it wouldn't be a good idea to hug Diana!" Eve called out. She was sitting near Marlin. "I thought you were going to keep your hands to yourself for once!"
"Isn't that asking the impossible from her?" Yoki scoffed.
"I can't help it she looks like she could use a little love in her life!" Bisque giggled.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana was a little shocked when the tiny woman pulled her into a hug, though that shock quickly turned to annoyance as Diana could feel how tight Bisque was holding on. She tried to escape the hug a little but didn't feel she was getting anywhere. She submitted to being held there for a time, though her temper was quickly getting the better of her. She look in Yoki's direction her foul mood steadily growing worse. "I've noticed."

Diana was surprised such a horrible combination of traits had mixed themselves into one person. Bisque had no idea of personal space, and was a long hugger. Diana's escape attempts became a little more forceful now, slowly prying Bisque off her. But while she was doing this Bisque managed to strike a nerve. I can't help it she looks like she could use a little love in her life! It was at that point that Diana simply shoved Bisque off her person, her hair lighting up faintly. She Looked Bisque right in the eyes. "That is quite enough! You would do well to learn what boundaries are! Unless you would like me to demonstrate what earned me the 'specialist' title!" Diana then stormed onto the aircraft and took a seat.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"I'm already quite familiar," Bisque seemed unphased by Diana's threats and her glare. She backed off regardless. It was more or less her ship and it was past time to leave for Haven. "Alright you whelps! Let's head out! Straight for the Haven Medical Center!" She smacked the side of the ship a couple times to signal it was time to go. It took off with no problem.
Yoki had watched the whole altercation with Diana and Bisque and was perplexed at how unaffected she was by Diana. He didn't stop the ordeal, even though he could easily, because he wanted to exasperate them both a bit. He knew that Bisque would rub Diana the wrong way and he wanted Bisque to feel that bit of intimidation that came from Diana. He spent most of the flight there trying to figure it out. He'd even steal a glance at Diana to see if it was still in affect. When he confirmed it was he got around to asking Bisque as they were landing. "Hey shorty? How the heck did you remain unaffected by Diana?" He whispered to the tiny spazz even though he knew once she spoke it wouldn't make a difference.
"What are you talking about?" Bisque tilted her head out of confusion. She looked over at Diana across the way. "Oh unless you mean-" She pulls her glasses down just enough to peer over the rims at Diana. "Oh my damn!" She jumped a bit not knowing what to expect when the sense of fear hit her. She pushed her glasses back on completely. "How fascinating! I designed these to block illusion based semblances but I guess they work on anything optical!"
"Optical, huh?" Yoki mused to himself.
The airship landed safely at the medical center's landing pad. Medical professionals were all at the ready to deal with the injured, especially Marlin, given his injuries were more life threatening, they took him inside immediately. "If any of you are injured please follow me, we can get you treated right away," One of the doctors said to the other three.
"I'm fine..." Yoki waved him off.
"Really now?" Eve looked annoyed and lightly tapped his right shoulder. His ears pinned back as he slightly yelped in pain. "That doesn't seem fine to me! No use in the Tough-guy act! Keep it up and Bisque'll be the one to treat you!"
"Okay! Okay!" Yoki said, panicked.
Eve looked over at Diana her voice was heavy with concern, "Same for you. I want all of my team in tip top shape. Until then we aren't going anywhere."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Diana couldn't help but overhead Bisque speaking about blocking optical things, it was fairly easy to put two and two together. And while the proposition of being able to look at people dead on without them getting frightened was an appetizing one. But as much as she was interested she would save her questions for later, now she needed to rest, the pain in her arm was really starting to piss her off.

Diana managed to get a good amount of sleep on the ship though waking up to a sore neck and arm left her in a particularly poor mood. At least they were at the medical center now and she'd be able to get her arm into a brace. As they got off the ship they were greeted by some staff, and Yoki being the tough-guy that he is tried to wave them off. Diana was more than happy to witness Eve kick his ass into the medical. Though Eve felt it reasonable to make sure that Diana wasn't going to try and be a tough-guy. "Don't worry, I'm well aware that I require medical attention. I don't have a secret affection for pain." Diana walked off with the medical center staff, I wonder how Marlin is faring.
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