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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Episode 1:
Embers of rebellion

For centuries, humans have rules over this segment of the known universe. Their iron fist firmly grasped upon our necks as the heel of their marching shoes shakes the very foundations of our planets. Their governement thinks of us as second rate citizens, and treats us as slaves. We live under curfew and martial law with soldiers beating up our men and raping our women. But brothers, how long must we suffer under the opression of humans? How long can we go as a race until we are thrown into the abyss by the humans? We have fought wars before them, but we must set aside our differences if we are to survive! Their revered Emperor has not spoken in two centuries, and their morale has surely wavered since the annoucements stopped. Their Emperor- No, GOD is dead, and it is our time to strike at the heart of villany in our galaxy. The humans must go, and so does their Empire. Unite, bretheren of the Triangulumn for we strive to for victory. The Great War should be our last, whether we win or lose. -Unknown Prophet

Rarian Space

The ships of the EOM fly above Raria. Hundreds of traders come and go to unload their supplies and take away the riches of the planet. The old terraforming station looms in orbit as it casts a menacing shadow on the cloudy sky below. Indistinct radio chatter fills the air as people do their business. They are unaware of the horrors that are about to come in the ensuing months. Just another rainy day on an Agrarian planet to most, but the Empire has already set in motion a chain of actions that will irreversibly change the furute of the galaxy. Operation CASCADE has begun.

On the surface

The door slams open as the gust of wind assists the entering person and blows in the rain. The man in the raincoat hurries inside and forces the door to close. After much strain the door finally snaps back to its place and the maglocks secure the flimsy structure. The room is a small, ill-equipped locker room. There are already a few coats hanging from a wooden frame. The man puts his own next to the others and puts a broken umbrella down in the corner. A voice yells at the newly arrived from beyond a shaky doorway. "What took you so long. Get over here already." The man sighs and hurries over to the voice.

The room that he enters is dimly lit by a halogen lamp. The faint light it sheds on the room reveals a poker table and 5 other men playing a card game. The smell of burning cigar is thick in the air and makes the lungs ache. The man sits down at the only empty seat, and picks up a hand of cards that has been dealt to him already. They begin to play another round. The other five are all wearing military uniforms decorated with insignias of different marine corps. The weight of the medals on his shirt reminds the man that he is one of the soldiers. The peace of mind given by the outside weather falls apart as the harsh reality of the situation begins to sink in. They fold cards, and turn their attention to the newly arrived. A man in a staunch imperialist uniform speaks up.

"Jack, I'm glad you made it." The others nod and the man continues. "During the next week, we will begin to gradually change the rules of the game. Raria wil be our first score, but we will march in glory to the Iron Throne and inspire others to follow us." He reaches into his uniform and takes out a small letter and places it onto the table. "The letter inside contains all the information you need to know about the operation. Meet us two days from now on the abandoned terraforming station in orbit." Jack nods ans tands up to take his leave. The man who spoke up smokes his cigar and exhales a large puff of smoke illuminated by the lamp. "Oh, and Jack. Don't go around telling this to anyone else. Not good for business, if you understand."

Jack leaves the building, the cheap raincoat shimmering from the heavy rain. He begins to walk down the road in the outskirts of the Capital, his back turned towards the lights of imperial governement building and the praying eyes of the glory battleship. A few drones fly overhead but don't stop. Maybe not now, but the ships in orbit are already gathering. The prophets of the Triangulum have started to speak to those who listen, spreading their lies about the follies of mankind. The may not be asked now, but a few days or weeks now and every xeno will be monitored by a drone. They may yet hold meetings, but the curfews will soon start to appear in the galaxy. Jack looks up at the clouds as they start to clear brighen up the sky. The parchement in his hand shines as the light of the moon glances off the rebellion's single-headed eagle insignia. On this fated night, the galaxy will begin to change.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LegionPothIX
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Last Free Port:
Tortuga: a day in the life of.

A black cat darted through the interior of this old station. It was hot on the heels of a mechanical rat that winded through burned out conduits and sheered electrical sheathes. Both nimbly bounced through hazard after hazard as the hunter chased its quarry through the closed environment. As predator and prey both rounded a corner leading back into the main hall a flying wrench broke their momentum. In the moment of its passing the rat hunkered low and slid under it while the cat was forced to jump up and backward to halt its forward momentum. It's big yellow eyes glanced up to see the thrower's hand still raised and clench into a fist. "Get the fuck out of here!" Myriam Mackenzie shouted at the cat whom turned tail and darted back into the station's crawlspaces. Brie, the mechanical rat, then scampered to a stop at the mechanic's feet.

Mac scooped up her little 'cheese' and inspected it for damage. Seeing none she plugged it in to a portable battery pack to charge and dropped it in one of the packs side pockets. Quality tools were difficult to acquire in this region of space and she had been required to adapt a series of old multi-tools into one, which hadn't really been a problem until that damned cat showed up. She shook her head in dismay as she resumed her over-scheduled day. Living on a pirate port meant one would constantly run into disreputable characters, and obnoxious stowaways, and she chalked up the black cat to being among one of those two groups.

As she made her way to her next work detail, a large storage room that she was tasked with rewiring to become a state of the art medical facility, she wondered just who had the nerve to get into the business. Medicines were common black-market goods that were bought, sold, traded, and smuggled through this port. She mused that someone was either expanding their business, or cutting in on it, and as a result there would be none too happy to see a hospital open here.

There was, however, a unspoken agreement among these drifters and privateers: don't mess with the chef. As a result of being the one who keeps everything in this shit-hole running, Myriam had nearly unparalleled access to the station and its systems. Not only that, she was very well protected. People like when their things work and, as long as she can keep them working, absolutely nobody dare touch her.


The human empire once had a frontier, and on that frontier there was an edge. And on that edge privateers and entrepreneurs built a thriving society that operated just outside the grasp of the human's mighty fists. However, like the humans themselves, as their empire grew so did their reach, and the human's expanse eventually enveloped all of the outlining systems.

Tortuga was one such system. However it was a system that was difficult to control, even today, due to the many inconvenient natural phenomena it contained that limited starship travel. Furthermore in a show of coordinated indigence free-traders and pirates began congregating there as they were pushed out of other parts of the empire. The system also had a wealth of natural resources whose value could really only be assessed in bulk and, due to the political climate, the convoys required to get at those resources were frequently raided.

Aside from the planet-side mining outposts, and the occasional den of iniquity, there were only two major installations of note in the system. The pirate station and an observational research outpost. The tentative truce between the two was about to be disrupted.


The governor's assistant was trapped in a conversation he could not escape no matter how he had tried. It had been three hours already no matter which way he explained the situation, the person sitting across the local office's mahogany desk simply refused to accept the reality of her situation. His elbows rested on the desk's surface as he sighed in exasperation. "Look," he said through two hands that rubbed his temples, "Those tunnels are ours, and we're going to go down there."

The Grand Matron of some sort of "Nature's Renewal" cult and, due to some unfortunate circumstances, duly elected mayoral representative of this province. And, she was wholly unphased by his assertions. In fact, there had been absolutely no indication of the amount of time and energy she had stole from his day, and worn out of him, as if she was somehow immune to the obscene frustration that was dealing with her. The righteousness of her cause seemed to be all the invigoration she needed, and it burned through her with endless ardor.

"I have told you, sir, that you are not," Aria Summers said, while sliding a document back in the assistant's direction, "going to set one foot in those tunnels. It would disturb the bones of our ancestors." The document was a claim to religious protection, as a declaration of a holy site, that the local government had authorized and intended to honor despite the fact that it contradicted with the state's mining operations and desires. Not only that, in the last three hours the document had been moved back and forth so frequently that there was some concern that it was starting to wear a hole in the finish of his desk. Though, in all this time it had never been picked up. The assertions of the local government did not matter to the humans.

The assistant's head sunk further into his hands. "How many times are we going to have to do this before you get it?" he asked while sliding the document back for what he intended to be the last time, but every time was 'the last time'. "The central government is not going to acknowledge this piece of shit." he added while loosing his temper a little.

The document was slid back toward the assistant as the infinitely composed Aria Summers stated: "Forever," she coldly stated. It was mostly true and very obvious from her demeanor that she took her religious convictions very seriously. And, apparently, her constituents shared that fervor and vigor as they had been gathering on the street and had not dispersed regardless of how long they debated the topic.


The television flickered as the holo-projection came back into alignment after switching from one commentator to another. A banner ran in a ring around a distinguished looking gentleman in a lab-coat identifying him as Dr. Xaith Calhound, foremost expert in simulated intelligence."The specimen is very convincing," he explained, "The infected's memories are leveraged in the same manner as the switch, or a button, in an operand conditioning chamber. However, in this case the chamber isn't a physical box, but rather it is the target's perspective and worldview."

The television faded from the attention of the local bar at the appearance of a more provocative sight. The large shadow cast on the station from a derelict science vessel caught in the suns corona had finally moved as that ship was brought to dock at the station under its own power. More importantly, though, was that the captain of the science vessel was Alalia Wallice, and as she stepped through the station's airlock she asked: "Where is the hospital being built?"

After a few men fell all over themselves to give her directions, and offer her an escort which she allowed, they made their way to the cargobay in question.

A large hole had been torn into the floor of the cargobay. A mechanical rat chewed on wiring while the petite grease monkey calibrated an energy flow regulator. The door had not yet been repaired and was in no need of opening. As the shadow of visitors was cast over her work station Myrim spoke without looking up. "Oh? So this is gonna be your shack?" she asked, "I don't know much about medicine," she added while setting down the flow regulator to turn to face her guest, "but the average human has twelve pairs of ribs. That's eleven places to catch a knife."

An elegant chortle proceeded Alalia's question: "My benefactors are quite anxious. When will this facility be done?"

"Main power should be integrated by the end of the day." Myriam said. Hearing its master talk about its work caused the rat too to pop its head out of the hole and both inspected their guest. Myriam's instant jealousy of Alalia's physical perfection faded almost as fast as she noticed the grotesque nature of the mens' fawning over her. She shook her head and picked her tools back up, preferring to be respected as an equal, rather than desired as an object. "Heads are gonna roll over this."

"Like you, I'm just an intermediary," Alalia said as she nodded in contemplative understanding, "A messenger, or herald, if you will."

"Either way," Myriam scoffed as she and her wheel-rat went back to work, "Don't say I didn't warn you."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Liotrent
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Liotrent Tabby Space Cat

Member Seen 29 days ago


Siege of Areglia

The Areglia system is a binary star system with a fluctuating gravity phenomenon that prevents effective use of conventional ships. The Concordat forces along with the Emporiums Vanguard continue to lay siege to the system’s diverse populace. These races successfully took their planet and downed Emporium ships through the use of illegal weaponry. Naturally, the nearest Emporium and Concordat forces converged on their location.

The Areglian’s and their allies on a moon in the orbit of a nearby gas giant have made a large fleet of warships to contest the system. No doubt the sloppy work of a subpar militia member. The first few days were quite brutal, gravitational anomalies have taken almost half of the arriving Emporium forces; the Concordat on the other hand, fared much better due to the EID’s installed on their ships, allowing them to surf the electromagnetic waves generated by the fluctuating gravitational fields.

The Areglian’s and the Rut’gar still put up a major fight, despite being heavily outnumbered. Eventually, the Concordat called in heavier reinforcements to break the siege, their arrival was projected within the hour.

  • The Silent Ascension
  • 2 minutes before arrival
  • Sector 7 Magisterial Fleet

Stirring a spoon in a white cup, its light tinging sound ringing across the command bridge breaking the tenuous silence. “Estimated time to arrival?” Julia’s voice then echoed into the room, her authority was immediately made present. A man on a computer replied quickly, “Two minutes Ma’am!” he stated, his voice hoarse as if he was coming down with a cold. “Come again Junior Lieutenant?” Julia asked coldly, the man cleared his throat and spoke again in reply, “Ma’am! Two minutes Ma’am!” His voice sounded much clearer, Julia simply nodded and took a sip of her coffee.

“Bones…” Julia’s voice beckoned in the dark room, an A.I. construct appeared, “Yes ma’am” the A.I.’s metallic voice answered her call. “Give me the tactical map, grid info, statistics, and star data recordings.” In an instant after Julia spoke, the A.I. Bones filled the dark bridge with a holographic projection of the fleet battle raging over both Alegria and Femora – the gas giant.

The hologram revealed that the concordat and Emporium forces are having trouble due to the fluctuating E.M. field around the stars creating a gravitational phenomenon making it difficult for most ships to navigate through the system without losing the ship itself. The system was highly regulated with small ships entering as they were less likely to be torn apart by the E.M. waves. The concordat had no such problems, the EID should allow The Silent Ascension to glide through it with ease.

“Fleet status Bones?” The A.I. answered Julia immediately, “Several large Emporium vessels have been lost, escape pods have been recovered. Many Emporium ships have been heavily damaged and the Concordat fleet assisting them has been engaged in combat for quite too long without support. Anything else miss Greystone Ma’am?” The A.I. awaited more orders, Julia simply gestured a wave and the entire hologram faded and the room fell to darkness again. “Estimated time to arrival?” She checked again, “Sixty Seconds ma’am!” the Junior Lieutenant answered, “Give me a line to the Colonel aboard the Sword of Truth.” She barked, the Lieutenant’s fingers danced across the keys simultaneously replying, “Yes Ma’am! Patching you through now!”

  • The Sword of Truth
  • 1 Minute before arrival
  • Sector 7 Magisterial Fleet

“Colonel!” Shouted one of the troopers, already geared for the conflict, “It’s the Fleet Admiral!” At that same moment, a tall figure stood at the back of the equipment area near the armory – Colonel Marion Cutter. He took a long stride, heavy steps could be heard banging on the metal flooring, “Yes, ma’am?” His helmet and mask made his voice sound deeper and muffled. “Colonel, the fleet will be opening up a gap in their defense, use this moment to take your forces and plunge it deep into the heart of the Rut’gar homeworld. The Lord Grand Marshal will be doing the same with Alegria.” Julia’s stern voice emitted an aura of authority, but the Colonel unfazed by her voice replied, “Ma’am, our ships will be able to get to Luzik, Femora’s largest moon, but we’ll need orbital support when we get there.” Julia was taken aback by the colonel’s tenacity to talk back to a superior – she liked that. “I will take command of the Destroyers there and ask them to give you orbital support when necessary, they’re not much, but they’ll do for a while, we’ll crush the enemy fleet in a few hours give or take a few exceptions.” The Colonel chuckled, “Ma’am, my men know you as Miss Gravestone, but-“ Julia cut him off taking offense, “Colonel, I warn you to watch your boundaries. We’re nearing our objective, I suggest you get ready.” The Colonel spoke up, “Let me finish Ma’am. They call you Miss Gravestone for the number of enemies you kill. You’ve saved my men countless times with your command, I’ve every drop of faith invested in you Ma’am. Heia Huzzah!” He saluted, Julia smirked at his remark, her service record is far from perfect, several thousands have died under her command, the only reason why the ground forces survive is because of the sacrifices she makes trying to save them.

The screen shut off and the rest of the forces started loading up into their gunships, Furok, Drones, Gulgarans, Mechs, Tanks, along with humans. The invasion was about to begin. The colonel then rallied his men, Auxiliary or Human, and spoke on open comms with the other transports in his strike force.

“Brave fighting men and women of the Eighth Concordat battle group. We stand at the precipice of war once again!” He shouted, being heard on the many ships going into combat.

With a unanimous cheer, the soldiers of the battle group yelled, “Huzzah!”

The colonel continued, “And once again, we are sent in to wipe the floor until it is stained with the blood of our enemies!”

The Soldiers yelled “Huzzah!” loudly and proudly.

“And if they want to take us with them, then our reply will be short and simple! We shall send them a belly full of lead and a pool of their own blood to drown in! Am I right men?!” He yelled, directing the question to everyone in the Battle group.

“Huzzah Colonel Cutter!” They yelled in reply.

“And the corps will kick their assess like footballs and hand ‘em back, flat! Am I right men!?” He asked again, yelling even louder.

“Huzzah Colonel Cutter!” Their yell was loud, it was full of confidence and pride.

“Give me a Huzzah for the Corps, a Huzzah to the fleet, and a Heia Huzzah to our Emperor! And after that, let’s get in our gunships and kick some Xeno ass!” He raised a fist into the air and started shouting with his men. “Huzzah! Huzzah! Heia Huzzah!” they started running into their gunships and loading their weapons, the tanks started to load into their specialized Chariot Gunships, several Furok and Gulgaran infantry checked their weapons before loading up. The battle was about to begin.

When the fleet exited FTL, they were greeted with fighting almost immediately, the dreadnought made short work of the ships that engaged it. It ripped apart several ships simultaneously and released its fighters, several other ships made the jump with the dreadnought, such as Judicators, Enforcers, Crusaders, Purifiers, Hunters, and several Intervention and Guardian classes joined the fleet combat.

The fleet moved in between the Jovian giant and Areglia, they essentially bisected the enemy fleet allowing for a coordinated assault on both fronts now that they are clearly divided. The Silent Ascension and the Malevolent Cascade the two dreadnoughts leading the strike fleets took position on both Femora and the its moon – Luzik. Their enemies were vastly different from each other, one was a peaceful agricultural/industrial race and the other a warrior community with various tribes. Areglia was the former, Luzik was the latter. The only thing that brought them together is hostile occupation. The Rut’gar are a people who seem to be more slimy and covered in slick jelly, the Areglians are an ape like species, hairy, several appendages, and apposable thumbs for starters. They both have achieved a tech level where they can create starships and create weapons, they have been at war with each other for a long time until the Human invasion of their home world.

They planned for this, however, the Concordat was not the same as its parent. The Concordat would invade in sequence. Orbital bombardments, then shock troops, then main force, then armed occupation. After the planets have been taken over, their culture will be stripped, their children will be taken, and the planet itself may even be purged.

The fleet battle raged on, Xeno ships becoming desperate to break the Concordat grip on the system practically threw themselves into the Silent Ascension and the Malevolent Cascade only to be destroyed before even reaching them. The two fleets outputted a torrent of metallic rods, lasers, missiles, and torpedoes at the enemy; some who were unfortunate enough to get too close to a Gulgaran ship suffered boarding actions. The enemy crew were eviscerated and dismembered by the Gulgarans. The enemy force during the height of their insurrection had three thousand ships, less than a few minutes after Julia and the Malevolent Cascade arrived, less than four hundred even remain operational or in enemy control all against the dreadnought and its combined fleet strengths.

“Damage assessment!” Julia commanded, her voice echoed in the room, “Ma’am the Malevolent Cascade and her fleet have suffered 5.8% damage, mostly due to the Gulgaran vessels throwing themselves at the enemy. Our fleet have suffered a total of 4.1% damage, again also due to the Gulgarans.” The Junior Lieutenant reported. Julia looked on into the hologram of the entire battle, it was near pitiful, the enemy had tried using the same tactics on the Concordat ships that worked for the Emporium ships, the drastically different design made it difficult to out maneuver and outgun. The Concordat focused on round ships due to its unique effective firing area. A three-hundred sixty degree effective firing area, no matter where they went around the battleships, they always had a turret or a gun or a laser that had an angle on you. Of course they weren’t impervious, but it was substantial to note.

Julia noticed several blips on the holoprojection and asked “Status report on the landing force?” The Junior Lieutenant then stated, “They’re about to begin their landing sequence, many of our destroyers are ready for the first part of the invasion.” Julia smiled, and she raised her hand chest level then extended it outward, a gesture to focus all fire power on the planets surface.

Thousands of rods, lasers, missiles, and torpedoes impacted the planet’s surface, their orbital defenses never having the chance to even fire as they melt and turn to slag. The Malevolent Cascade and its fleet began doing much of the same. The fighters that buzzed around the many ships doing battle was like a swarm of bees, many of which turned their attention to the planets bellow them and began accompanying the shock troops. Multiple preliminary bombing runs on important structures took place and the fires of the cities burned high. The resistance forces of the planet would be severely reduced if not completely destroyed. Julia chuckled and said “Another one for the Emporium, and another renowned victory for the Concordat! Huzzah! For the Emperor!” she cheered, the members of her crew celebrated with a sharp “Huzzah!” and continued with their direction of the various drones and inner workings of the ships systems. Julia now left the second part of the invasion to rest on the Ground forces.

Captian and Shipmaster of the Emporium third Fleet of Sector 7, Roland Ingris, he watched the ships of the Concordat utterly destroy the insurrection group, a raw show of power. He himself could not muster the strengths of his fleet to fight in the conflict, but he could prevent the ships from attempting to escape. “Position our ships along these grids.” He pointed towards a Holographic projection of the battle, and immediately, the remaining ships that he had at his disposal carried out his orders. The fingers of his crew danced along their keyboards, the helmsman kept the ship itself steady. The Looming Reconciliation and her wounded fleet, attempted to regain what little dignity they had left.

Suddenly, a group of Imperial troops walked into the bridge itself, “Captain Ingris.” The man nodded, Ingris recognized him by the name tag on his armor and addressed him as such, “Commander Fey… What brings you here to my bridge?” he asked. The commander replied, “My forces are ready to deploy in their gunships, we wish to assist in the invasion.” His voice somewhat suggestive, as if he was trying to convince the captain to let him and his men go. “Go ahead Commander, just know that by this point, it isn’t our jurisdiction anymore, we may operate above the Concordat, but the Concordat has operational command. They’ve had it ever since they got here and started destroying the enemy themselves.” Ingris turned to marvel at the Concordat’s combined strength, “Time really does wonders to people, don’t you think Commander?” The Commander nodded, and left without saying a word.

The captain then ordered his comms officer to report what’s happened in the system, he also ordered his other crew to keep the Data of this battle for future use. He thought it could be used for propaganda, or perhaps a recruitment video, it was definitely within the realm of possibility. He sat down on his command chair and retired to his thoughts as he watched the enemy ships burn, smiling from ear to ear.

  • 07:00 Capital time
  • Colonel Marion Cutter, 8th Concordat Battle Group
  • Second Stage: Shock Combat
  • Femora moon, Luzik
  • Siege of Areglia Campaign

The Eighth Concordat Battle group began its assault with specially fitted gunships, the gunships started their approach as normal. Colonel Marion witnessed the bombers fly past his viewport. “Looks like the preliminary strategic bombing is going to begin.” His men beside him activated their hydraulic compensators, they were going to drop, quite literally, on top of the enemy forces. The gunships witnessed the mass bombing, one by one the enemy forces dove for cover but to no avail. The bombs incinerated the ground next to them, then the gunships dove in firing their auto-cannons and their missile pod winglets. The doors opened and the colonel and his men dropped a good twenty feet from the ground, the colonel felt the impact almost shake the ground, then he looked behind him to see the Assault Mechs come in.

“Kick some ass boys!” The tanks rushed by him firing their munitions, the shock troopers along with Gulgaran support ripped up the first bout of defenders, they led the way for the rest of the Shock corps. Gunships buzzed around dropping off men, tanks, and assault mechs while doing the occasional gun-run. The Gulgarans with their energy blades still lit, charged at the enemies, gracefully dodging shots and returning fire. The weapons that the Rut’gar used were quite primitive, acid-spitting weapons, neutralized only by their own goop. When the Shock forces reached the Rut’gar lines, they were utterly eviscerated, the first line of Gulgarans lunged into their lines cutting limbs and decapitating foes, the second line jumped over and continued advancing returning fire to those in the back. Cutter and his shock troops poured into the gaps that the Gulgarans were making, the Furok infantry men marching towards a position where they could laydown heavy fire on retreating Rut’gar forces.

Eventually, defending forces were pushed back into their cities and the tanks could finally begin their bombardment. Within minutes the rumbling ground and the sounds of tank treads would settle and a distinct whir of the hydraulics and machinery planting the tank firmly into the ground could be heard. Colonel Cutter pulled up his binoculars to eye a certain city, he viewed defenders ushering people down into the basements, Cutter scoffed and raised a hand into the air, preparing to signal the artillery. The tanks crews calculated the distance and adjusted, the whir of their turrets turning and orienting themselves filled the air, and as they stopped, a loud clunk signaled that they were in position.

Cutter held his hand in the air giving their enemy a false sense of hope, he waited until their people were all underneath the structure of the city. When he saw the last person in the outskirts go down into the city depths, he let his hand drop as if he had been holding an axe to an execution. A metallic bang resonated out of each of the tanks, Cutter watched the city turn into rubble in under thirty minutes as it was subjected to a prolonged barrage. Heavy tungsten metal rods with a high explosive charge impacted into the buildings and the ground piercing deep underneath and detonating, all of them traveling mach4. Cutter signaled stop when the dust was so high, and the fires burning so bright, that even from orbit it looked like an orange ball of dust. The same thing happened in Areglia, the Arbiter and the Marshal did not show mercy to the Areglians, even when they showed human hostages at some point. The Concordat and Emporium troops dispatched specialized divisions in order to rescue as many human captives as they could, but unfortunately, fifty-two hostages out of two-hundred and seven died during the siege.

  • Three hours later
  • Julia Greystone, Valarian Marduke, William Merlock
  • The Silent Ascension & The Malevolent Cascade
  • Luzik & Areglia
  • Siege Ultimatum

The Siege lasted a total of Two days, the moment the two dreadnoughts arrived and their fleet of forty ships each, the siege crumbled in Four Hours. William in the Malevolent Cascade left the comms open to all channels on a system-wide setting. “Attention Areglians and Rut’gar, the remainder of your race has been spared. To those who want to continue the legacy of their respective race, you are to surrender unconditionally to Emporium and Concordat forces within the next half hour. If not, you and your petty rebellion will be burned and forgotten. Your choice…” He gestured to the comms officer to cut off open communication and the long wait began.

Shipmaster Ingris heard the broadcast and sent a message via his own ship-to-ship communications array, “Lord Grand Marshal, I think it is safe to assume that the enemy will never surrender. They are animals that deserve to be-“ William cut him off, “Shipmaster Ingris, we came here to assist you, but we do things our way. These ‘animals’ as you call them are also a viable slave force. They provide most if not all the labor on these planets. Luzik was once an industrial world, Areglia was once an agricultural world, both play big parts in the Emporium’s and Concordat’s efforts in Sector 7. Now if you want to explain to the Emperor why we have to spend billions of imperial credits to reseed planets essential to commercial and military efforts here in Sector 7, then I will execute your course of action. We spared a large portion of the planet for a reason.” Ingris was taken aback by the Mirrodian human said. The Red Gentleman gave him a scolding, though Luzik and Areglia were just two worlds, they provided 10.6% of the Sector’s munitions, metals, weapons, and ship components and 23.9% of the Sector’s food stuffs. They could not lose these planets completely, as the already expensive investigation and catalogue of all goods from the system has to be conducted in case of sabotage.

Ingris stood down, the Mirrodian had a point, any losses here in the system could spell a huge resource sink in this sector, resources that could be used to fight the other rebellions raging across the Galaxy. The Mekharan front was still quite active, naval clashes are quite frequent, boarding actions are rare but they happen, the more resources that go into research against them is another step into winning the war. So, they waited for nearly twenty-three minutes, finally a response from Areglia, “We are surrendering, we have lost over forty percent of our population.” When the Areglians surrender, the Rut’gar surrendered soon after.

“Bones, contact James Mott…” The Silent Ascensions A.I. responded quickly, the call directly connected to the Lord Grand Inquisitor. “Julia, what a surprise, I was just finishing up a possible gambling ring here in Sector 13. What do you need of me?” the young white haired Mirrodian smirked at the sight of the very beautiful Julia Greystone. “Hmph, I see you’re still doing good with your constant work…” Julia smirked back, “I need you to arrange a heavier patrol here in Sector 7, Areglia Binary system.” James reached into his coat, still smirking, producing a datapad. He tapped the datapad a few times then showed it on Hologram, “How’s this?” Julia squinted at the datapad, “A Dreadnought, several destroyers, two carriers, ten enforcers, and a bunch of Gulgaran ships… I believe that should suffice.” Julia nodded in approval, “I’ll see you at the Capital.” She said, “Oh. You’ll definitely see me.” The young Mirrodian winked, and the Holoprojection shutoff.

Valarian oversaw the capture of remaining rebel groups on the surface of Areglia. He stayed with his forces at a forward operating base in one of the broken captured cities, "Status of the rebellion?" he asked as it echoed in the hall of the once prestigious city hall of the capital, "Sir..." The deep voice of a Gulgaran answered, "The rebellion has crumbled into many smaller factions, their leaders has issued an official surrender, however the factions remain." Valarian stared at the shiny helmet of the Gulgaran chieftain, he then turned on a holoprojection with up-to-date scans. "Points of conflict are happening in very localized areas, we should be able to quell it in a few days. Ilderian, what do you make of the situation?" Valarian asked, "I think it is too soon to call total victory. Only when hostilities end can we declare that we reign supreme." Ilderian - the Gulgaran Chieftain - replied to the satisfaction and caliber that Valarian expected such a race connected to the Concordat to answer, their tolerance of the Gulgarans have paid off in such great ways. The Gulgarans have trained their soldiers in physical fitness and hand to hand, they also taught them ways of surviving in the wilderness of various planets. The Gulgarans were adept, loyal, and most of all, useful. Valarian looked on around him as Furok, human, and gulgaran worked together to create a base of operations with no qualms nor fear, he was quite happy with what the Concordat has achieved.

The Galaxy was one rebellion less that day, the fleet and its task force only awaited its new guardians. The relief would come in a day or two, one thing was for certain, the indifference of the universe proved itself again that day. Hope, extinguished within a few hours of an assault, no mercy, no remorse, and the universe did not even shed a tear.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Ciaran Lord's Blade

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Brigadier Kramla had long grown accustomed to the distant booms and roars of Telerian bombers trying to break through the ceiling of Shoma, one of Arlan's underground cities. They were wasting their time, of course. Nothing short of an especially powerful nuke would get through that thing; the bombs weren't even audible on any but the top level of the city.

Then, something strange happened. The noises stopped. It had been nearly a month since the bombing had started, and since then there had been two or three hitting every minute. Kramla checked the time. One minute passed. Two. Five. Still nothing. The other soldiers looked relieved. Happy. They thought the battle was over. That victory was at hand. Kramla was skeptical, and he was in charge. He didn't plan for any of them to rest on their laurels.

"Send a drone up to the surface and link a video feed back to here. I want eyes on those bombers," he ordered. Easiest way to make sure things were okay.

"On its way, sir," came the reply a moment later.

Within thirty seconds, the drone was out of one of the hidden tunnels leading to Arlan's surface. It traversed the mile between it and the area directly above Shoma in two minutes, where the snow was scattered in huge heaps and valleys from the bombs, but that were already beginning to fill up and fade in the storm. Moments later, its camera picked up a group of about a dozen Telerian transport ships. Most carried groups of soldiers, but hanging from the bottoms of two were what looked like drills mounted on vehicles the size of trucks. Their purpose was clear.

Kramla stared at the screen for a few more seconds before getting to work. There were times when being right was a bad thing, and this was one of them.

"Evacuate the North mine," he said to the assembled officers. "Move third and fourth companies to defensive positions in the mine. The second every civilian's out, open the doors."

One officer obviously didn't agree with his plan. "But, sir, wouldn't that compromise our defensi-"

"Our defensive strategem is compromised. Did you see those drills? Better to have them come from a direction we can control."

Thankfully, the Telerians took the bait. They weren't expecting much resistance, considering the tactics their enemy had used so far, and they thought of the opening of the huge doors as a kind of surrender. They were outnumbered, but individually far more dangerous than either a human or an Iratoc. As such, the Arlene forces would have to make proper use of their home field advantage.

The Telerians spread quickly throughout the first level of the mine, stooping to fit their large forms in the tunnels built for creatures of human height. Only when they were certain that the level was clear of enemies did they regather at the stairs at the southern end of the mine. What they didn't realise was that already a handful had been silently dispatched by soldiers of the Providence hiding within.

The invading force moved into the stairway, heading downwards to the second level. After about two thirds of their force had made the decent, the defenders struck back fully. Those left waiting for space at the top of the stairway were suddenly assaulted with a series of grenades. Most were killed immediately, while those that remained were cut down by gunfire.

The remaining two thirds panicked, turning and trying to strike back at what they didn't realise was only a small portion of the enemy. It proved almost impossible as they were bottlenecked by the stairway. The moment they were visible, each Telerian was shot down in time for the next one to step over his body. It didn't help them that any Iratoc in th enemy force had far better dark vision than them.

Next, once the Telerians' attention was fully diverted once more, the main force of the Providence struck. A number of incendiary explosives were set off within the stairwell, sowing confusion within the remaining Telerians at this new source of pain. Moments later, Providence soldiers opened fire from the second level, and within another minute the battle was won.

The defense had been a brilliant success. Over one hundred Telerian casualties, against seven from the Providence. Seven. Unfortunately, this would not be enough to get them out. No way would the Telerians fall for that trick again, and those drills posed a problem. The solution was clear, the method less so; the siege had to be broken.

"Brigadier, sir!" One officer caught Kramla's attention. "It's the field marshal, Maltarn, sir. She wants to speak with you."

"You're joking. Surely she has more important duties to worry about," was Kramla's reply. The officer said nothing in return, simply pressed a button instead, and suddenly Maltarn's face was on the screen at the front of the room.

"Brigadier Kramla," she adressed him. "I have been told that earlier today, you repelled the Telerians' first attempt at a ground assault?"

"Yes, ma'am, that- that would be correct," Kramla stammered, stepping to where the camera would be able to see his face more easily.

"This isn't good. Not at all. But, you've proved yourself, and I want you to be the one to break the siege."

Kramla paled a little at this. It was a lot of responsibility. "And- and how would you expect me to do this?"

"The Telerians use a clan-like structure to govern. First, this means that a repercussion from the other clans is unlikely, assuming we win here. Second, this means that if the chief is killed, the collapse in leadership should encourage them to leave. And that," Maltarn smiled, "would be where you need to get creative." And then the transmission was cut.

The room was silent. All eyes were on Kramla. Afraid, but excited. Waiting for orders.

"Get me an infiltration unit with vaccsuits, a stealth ship and as many fighters as we can spare. We have work to do!"

Soon, a sizable force of fighters had gathered alongside the Future Sight, which exited Arlan's atmosphere in their approach to the Telerian gathered in high orbit. The fighters struck fast and without warning, engaging both larger ships and enemy fighters with guns and explosives. After the battle had begun, the Future Sight passed close to the Telerian flagship, the Reaper. In those few seconds, six of the Providence's best jumped across the gap between the ships in vaccsuits and magnetic boots, before priming a thermite charge and detonating it on the hull of the Reaper.

All three Telerians inside the room were killed instantly and lost to space. The team entered the room, drawing weapons, and began to slowly move through the ship, dispatching anyone in their way with silenced ballistics.

It was slow going, scouring the huge ship for one room in particular. Basic logic helped, though - it would likely be near to the back, and near the bottom of the ship. Eventually, however, the engine room was located. The room was filled with timed explosives, then the team made their exit.

Once again, the Future Sight made a close pass with the Reaper, while the Providence's fighters began to retreat, having suffered from the difficult battle already. The team made the jump again, and the Future Sight joined the fleeing fighters. The Telerians were left utterly confused as to the point of the attack, until less than a minute later when a chain reaction with their flagship's engine completely destroyed it and their leader.
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