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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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This year is going to be much different. Melina thought to herself. She came from a very prestigious Wizarding school in Luxembourg. For her 6th year of magical Studies, she would be in England. As a foreign exchange student, in Hogwarts. She was one of the few lucky students, that had been picked out for this new program between Wizarding Schools.

Melina had only been to England once in her lifetime. But that was during one of the Summer Holidays, when she was younger. She went with her entire family. England was beautiful, she loved the countryside there. It was like, another world. Feeling quite honored, she was going to Hogwarts. Melina had been excited that entire Summer. She had heard lots of goods things about Hogwarts and how beautiful it was. After quite a long train ride, from London to Hogsmead train station. She found herself among the first year students and a few other Foreign Exchange students, from other Wizarding Schools.

Approximately, half an hour later. Melina stood in the Foreign Exchange Student line, which was standing right beside the long line of the first year students. Looking around the grand hall, she could see the midnight sky, and candles floating in mid-air. The sight was quite spectacular. The four tables, were full of students. So, they had four houses at this school...it seemed. Back where she came from, there were only two.

An elderly man stood at the front, there were two long tables behind him. Teachers were sitting there. Looking at the teachers, some seemed very strict and stern from the way they gazed...others had friendly faces.

"Welcome, Welcome to another year at Hogwarts." The elderly Wizard Spoke. Dumbledore began with an announcement. "This year, is going to be slightly different than previous years at Hogwarts. We have some special guests, foreign exchange students from other Wizarding Schools all over the World. They will be here, with us for the next year or so. I hope, that you will make them feel welcome and help them out, if they are in need. Sorting process may now begin." He announced.

The firsts years, were the first one's to get called up. One by one, they were sorted out in their houses. Gryffindor...Hufflepuff....Gryffindor...Rawenclaw....Slytherin...Gryffindor. And so the sorting process carried on, until each of the first years, had a house. Each of the four table, clapped and cheered, when a new student sat with them.

Even the exchange students, clapped for the first years. All of them seemed nervous. A few of the foreign exchange students, including herself felt a little anxious. Their line was slowly becoming non existent, as the foreign exchange students began to get called up.

"Blaine Waldorf" A very tall, slightly grumpy looking dark haired guy walked towards the stool. "Slytherin." The sorting hat called out, as the hat barely grazed the tip of his spiked hair. The Slytherin table looked slightly grumpy, the new guy looked very intimidating.

"Penelope De Fleur" A petite blonde girl, walked shyly towards the stool. Once she was sitting down, the sorting hat got placed on top of her head. "Hufflepuff." The second table, was full of cheers and claps. A few moments passed, and her name got called up. "Melina Mayer."

Biting her lip nervously, she made her way over to the large stool. The sorting hat got placed upon her head. There was a silence for a few seconds, it seemed like the sorting hat was thinking deeply. "Rawenclaw!" It suddenly called out. The Rawenclaw table, burst into cheers and applause. Melina smiled to herself, as she made her way over to her new house...sitting at the large table.

Once the sorting process finished. A large feast appeared at the table. Everything smelled delicious. The hall was filled with merriment and chatter, as the students and teachers ate. After a very hearty meal, Melina made her way to the Common Room, with the first years.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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The Alkins family said their good byes to the parents and youngest sisters before all boarding the train. The eldest of the family Zander Alkins, the only member of the Ravenclaw house unless his sister who just received her letter joined as well.

“I’m so nervous…” The little brunette haired girl said sitting next to her big brother.

“You’ll be fine.” The twin girls sitting across them said in unison.

“Yeah, what they said.” Zander replied with a cheeky smile giving a big squeeze to his little sister. “You’ll get sorted into a house, make new friends and start a new adventure; all in an evening. Hogwarts is awesome and maybe, if you play your cards right, you could get on the Quidditch team.”

“REALLY?!” Ester’s eyes sparkled up at her brother who shot her a bright smile and reassured her it was possible. Qudditch was the family sport, they all loved it and the chance to play at it in Hogwarts was something a few of them dreamed about doing. Except the current attending twins, they’d rather watch then play but boy did they ever cheer at the excitement and rush. Quidditch, the wizarding world’s past time and Zander had a goal to become the best Chaser ever!

The arrival to Hogwarts was a normal routine for the elder Alkins siblings, “Bye Emma, Anna, be good.” He said to his sisters who rolled their eyes in unison and hurried off to the Hufflepuff table. The brown haired boy ran a large hand through his messy hair and shook his head, maybe he was being overprotective to his little sisters but at the same time… he couldn’t help but worry. And it was when he worried that they all got annoyed. His name being called broke his deep blue gaze from his sisters to the Ravenclaw table where the Quidditch players sat. Taking a seat next to the captain of the Ravenclaw team, the group began to chat among themselves about the summer and laughing before the initial ceremony began.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats as names were being called and Zander held his breath as his little sister to the seat. The old hat pondered and pondered before shouting Gryffindor much to the stunned expression of all the Alkins family members. After dinner was over the three eldest found their sister who was… excited beyond all measure. “I’M THE FIRST GRYFFINDOR!” She screamed spring-boarding herself into her bear of a brother.

A relieved laugh left the family as they weren’t sure how she would take the situation and the relief was obvious as the three exchanged looks. “I’m happy for your Es.” Zander said as he sat down his little sister and squatted down to her level. “Now you be good, make friends and be proud!” With that Ester dashed off to join the first years of the Gryffindor house for the tour.

Sighing hard the young man finished chatting with his sisters before heading to the Ravenclaw common room. The entrance to the common room is located on the west side of Hogwarts at the top of a spiral staircase, presumably located on the fifth floor, and is a door without a doorknob or keyhole, but a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. In order to enter the room, a person must answer a riddle asked by the eagle knocker; if they answer incorrectly, they must wait for someone else who gets it right. The Ravenclaw common room is one of the airiest rooms at Hogwarts. It is a wide, circular room with arched windows hung with blue and bronze silks and a midnight blue carpet covered in stars, which is reflected onto the domed ceiling. During the day, Ravenclaw students have an excellent view of the school grounds, including the lake, Forbidden Forest, Quidditch pitch, Herbology gardens and the surrounding mountains. The room is furnished with tables, chairs, and bookcases; and by the door leading up to the dormitories stands a tall statue of Rowena Ravenclaw made of white marble. According to Prefect Robert Hilliard, the sound of wind whistling around the windows of the tower is relaxing while going to sleep.

Leaning up against the frame of one of the windows, Zander let out a sigh as he looked at the Quidditch pitch. It had been a while since he played and he was looking for to it. It and his studies for he did like school but… Quidditch was his favorite thing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

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As Melina made her way to the common room. She looked around the castle, in awe. There were 142 grand moving staircases around the castle. A few of the first year students, gasped upon the stairs moving. The walls of the castle, were covered in plagues...and paintings. Not your ordinary paintings. But moving paintings of famous witches and wizards over the centuries. A few of them, noticed Melina. Looking at her in curiosity. They hadn't seen her before. She caused a bit of an interest, among them.

She smiled a little nervously, at them. She wasn't used to so many paintings staring at her.

The stair cases, were soon flooded with students. All making their way towards their common room's. As the Ravenclaw's finally came to the fifth floor. They made their way up the long spiral staircase, till they came to a door, that was located as the entrance to their common room. Melina looked at the door in front of her...there was no keyhole, no door handle...the first year students mumbled how odd it was.

"How do we get inside?" One of the first years frowned, confused.

Melina had her lips pursed. Riddles...she remembered, one of the Hogwarts Common Room's...was entered via riddles. Walking over towards the door, she lightly took the eagle shaped knocker...and knocked on the wooden door.

"Ah...new students." The eagle knocker breathed out, as if it came to life. "If you shall wish to enter. Tell me, what is the translation of Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus?"

Murmurs broke out between, the first year students. They recognized the quote...well some of them did. It was the School's Motto...but none of them really knew Latin. So they were stuck. Melina seemed to be the only one, who looked deep in thought. She had an interest in Latin...so she was translating it inside of her head.

"Never tickle a sleeping dragon." The door swung open, at her words...letting the first years and Melina inside of the common room. The room was beautiful, she could see the Blue and Golden decorations. The blue, made her feel at home. Everyone was looking around, what would be their new hang out. There was a fire crackling, by the sitting area.

As Melina took everything in. She noticed a young male...around her age staring out of the window. He didn't look too upbeat. She wasn't sure, if he was alright...was he missing someone? Walking over, she cleared her throat slightly. Not wanting to make him jump. "Why so sad?" she asked, her foreign accent was visible. But her voice laced with concern.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Gryffindor… Easter was in Gryffindor, and Emma and Anna were in Hufflepuff. Zander was feeling a little lost as he had always played the big brother role to perfection with his little sisters. Always looking after them, making sure they weren’t hurt or that everyone was being nice to them. They never had to worry about getting injured or mistreated because ‘big brother’ was there to protect them. Now he couldn’t protect his siblings at all…

This, this made him feel useless as he stood staring out the window. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise; maybe he could focus more on his studies and Quidditch without having to worry about his siblings. Besides he hadn’t been on a good date in a while as he had been so worried about his siblings that he never gave much time to the possibilities of dating. Maybe this was actually a good thing.

It was at that moment that he came to his own resolve and licked his lips slightly, decided not to dwell on his current mindset. It was at that moment that he realized he was getting spoken to after a light cough broke his train of thought. An accent echoed through his ears and he turned to see the newest member inducted into Ravenclaw had found her way over to him. A charming bright white smile moved across his face as he gave her a small shrug feeling no need to hide his thoughts from her. “My little sister just got sorted into Gryffindor and my other sisters are in Hufflepuff. Just a bit bummed that I can’t be the protective big brother anymore. But at the same time, it’s also easier on me as I don’t have to consistently watch over them. So I’ve come to the conclusion that I can focus on myself, my studies and my passion for Quidditch….”

“And apparently for rambling on about myself!” He said with a chuckle as he unfolded his arms and offered her a large hand. “I’m Zander, Zander Alkins. Welcome to Hogwarts and, more specifically, the Ravenclaw house.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

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As the young man turned around. His tall frame towered over her, as Melina was only 5'6". His charming smile, was enough to make any girl whom went to the school blush. But Melina, just returned the smile with a warm, soft smile of her own. As she listened to him talk about his sisters. She nodded with an understanding look across her face. She knew how he felt. Her elder brother Bjorn was the only one, that was sorted out into the House of Sigefroi. Whilst, she and her other brother Adrian belonged to Melusina, after their father.

"Just because, they're in a different house doesn't mean you can't protect them. If they need you, they'll come to their big brother." Melina tried to reassure him. "But both houses, seem rather friendly...I am sure, they'll have some friends looking out for them in their own houses." she said with a smile. A slight giggle escaped her lips, as he mentioned rambling about himself. "Maybe it won't be so bad for you either, like you said...you'll get some free time to do what you love." she smiled softly.

She just shook her head, with a warm smile on her lips. "Melina...Melina Mayer. It's lovely to meet you Zander." She said gently, as she shook his hand. "Thank you, it looks very homey here...I like it." she said, referring to the Common Room.

"Aww my gosh." An excited first year Ravenclaw gasped "Are you the sister of Bjorn Mayer? He's one of the best Chasers for Luxembourg Team." A clear Quidditch fan asked. Melina was used to people, asking about her brother Bjorn, anytime they heard the last name Mayer. It didn't really bother her anymore.

Melina smiled down at the first year and she nodded. "Yes, I am. He just got promoted to Captain, over the Summer." A few other Quidditch fans, gasped out with an excited expressions on their face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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As her hand arrived in his, his turned it; facing the back of her hand upwards and he pressed a kiss to it. Something he was taught by his father a long time ago and a trait that has carried on into his late teenage life. A smile moved across his face as he nodded, “It is very homey here and the Ravenclaws work hard to keep it that way. I’m glad that was your first impression when you walked in.” With that bright smile of his, he gently let go of her hand and leaned against the window frame.

Her last name sounded familiar very familiar. But it would be too much to ask if she was related to his favorite Quidditch player. That was a long shot, a stretch and a damn shot in the dark to be true. Someone, however, seemed to have the same question on their mind as a first year approached her with big eyes and a gapping mouth.

And… much to Zander’s dislike, he was left with the same expression when she shared that she was, in fact, related to his favorite Quidditch player. “Really?” His excitement and the excitement of the first year’s matched in tone as they both expressed their disbelief.

Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to find a sibling of his idol standing before him and he did his best to control his excitement, though his eyes were twinkling like a child on Christmas morning. “I got to go to one of his first games as a Chaser for the Luxembourg team, I’d never seen such an amazing Quidditch player than the way you brother plays. In fact he was my inspiration to take up Qudditch.” Running his hands through his thick hair he gave it a small pull, his eyes twinkling and his smile stupidly big.

It took him a minute to compose himself with deep breathes and a reminder that: A] He was in school, B] She was new and C] He really shouldn’t make a complete fool out of himself on the first day. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me.” He said in an apologetic tone. “What classes are you taking?”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

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As he kissed the back of her hand. The gesture surprised Melina. She didn't expect it...her heart slightly quickened inside of her chest, from surprise. A slight pink tint, covered her cheeks in a slight blush. So, he's a gentleman. She thought to herself. She smiled softly, and she nodded. "I can tell, I always tend to notice things like that." Melina said honestly. She liked it, when someone looked after their home, or school house. It made it feel more nicer...more welcoming.

The excitement, soon filled the air. As the first year students and Zander seemed to stare at her in disbelief. She bit her lower lip slightly, before she nodded. "Yes, really." she said, with a soft smile on her lips.

Listening to him talk. She could tell, how much of a role model her brother Bjorn was for him. It made her smile. "I've seen him play a lot of times, he's definitely one of the best, I've ever seen." She said honestly. A lot of people, especially Quidditch fans and players, seemed to admire her brother. "I take it, you're a Chaser for Ravenclaw?" she asked. It seemed like a good guess.

She didn't know, whom was more excited. The first year students...or Zander himself. But his excitement, was enough to cause a small giggle to escape her lips. She just smiled, with a slight shake of her head "It's quite alright. I am used to it, by now. My other, brother...Adrian. He finds it more annoying, anytime someone asks about our brother." Hearing his question, she reached into her cloak pocket. Pulling out a piece of paper. It was her school schedule, for the first half of the school year. She glanced down at it, to see what Lessons she would have. "Potions, Ancient Runes, Divination, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures and History of Magic." Melina then looked up at him again "What about you?" she asked with a soft smile.

Melina also had a few free periods, on her time schedule. She wondered, what lessons they might have in common.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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By his excitement he gave away that he was a Quidditch player but she was able to already to pick out what position he played. His chest puffed out in pride as he gave her a wide grin. “Why yes I am. I’m the next pick for being the Captain for my seventh year and I can’t wait to lead my team to victory. I play hard and work hard, it’s my favorite sport. I hope to make it to the major leagues after graduating.” He said with a proud nod before pulling out his lists to look at his classes.

“I have: Alchemy, I’m a Teacher assistant in Flying, History of Magic, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions and Transfiguration. Along with a few open periods to help with studying.” He said with a nod as he slipped his classroom list back into his pocket. “It look like we have some classes together. If you would like, I would be honored to walk you to some of classes we have together.” A bright smile moved across his face as he gave her a small nod. “Hogwarts is pretty big, did they give you a map? I can show you some shorter route to get around.”

His smile was charming and kind, he could only imagine what it was like to be at a new school, especially after spending so much time at her old one. The least he could do was offer her some help!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

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That proud grin, was her answer. Even before he spoke. She already knew the answer was Yes. Melina wasn't sure, how she had guessed. Maybe it was his passion for Quidditch, that he mentioned earlier. Or the excitement, about her brother being the best Chaser...if Bjorn was his inspiration. It seemed, like a pretty good guess. And she was right.

She smiled, warmly as she listened to him talk. "Well, good luck for next year. I am sure, you must be thrilled to be in the waiting list for Captain." He already sounded like a Captain. All good Captains, wanted to lead their team to Victory. "I think, I'll have to see our house practice, if I got some spare time." Whilst, Melina didn't really play Quidditch, for her school. She did play, for fun with her brothers..but mostly, she always liked to watch. Be a support.

When he listened off his own lessons. Melina smiled softly. It seemed, like they had a few lessons and even free periods together. At least, she wouldn't be lost. "That would be nice...I wouldn't want to get lost." she said softly. She then shook her head "Unfortunately, I don't have a map." Melina didn't even think of that, until he mentioned it. All she received, was her class Schedule. "Hogwarts, seems about the same size, as the school I came from."

Her previous school, housed over 1700 students. Maybe even closer to 2000, now.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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“They didn’t give you a map?” Zander’s face dropped into a frown as he brought a large hand up to tap his chin. “Actually, hold on I’ll be right back.” With that he hurried back to his dorm and began to dig through his trunk. After a minute or two the young man hurried back into the main room and to her. “Here.”

With that he led her to one of the tables and pulled out a chair. “Please, sit down, I’ll show you the way around the building so you won’t get lost tomorrow.” Once she was in the seat he took the seat next to her and set up his quill and ink. “Okay so we are here.” Circling the common room he began to walk her through the paths she would take throughout the week, using different styles of lines to indicate each class route she would take to increase her time. This took him about a half an hour before he finished and showed her the final work. “I’ve got another copy upstairs, I was hopeless my first year here and begin the only one in my family I had no one to show me where to go. So please take it.”

Giving her a bright smile he began to clean off his quill. “Despite having the map, a guide never hurts and it would be an honor to show you to the classes we have together if you would still like that.” He shot her a cheesy playful smile that fit his personality to a tea as he placed his quill back into the storage box and put the cork back into his ink container.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As he left to go get her a map. Melina bit her bottom lip slightly. "Oh, I hope that's not your only copy." she said softly. She didn't really wanna take his own map, just because she wasn't given one. But nonetheless, his gesture was sweet. And helpful.

Following him to the common room, tables. She smiled softly. "Thank you." She wasn't used to many guys, pulling out a chair for her. Melina sat down upon the chair. Finding it rather comfortable. She watched him explain the different routes to her classes. And a lot of shortcuts. It was quite helpful and she smiled at him warmly. "Thank you for that, I really appreciate that." she told him with a soft smile. She looked over the map, once again. Looking to see, which route to take in the morning for her first classes. The fact, that he had another copy for himself. Did ease her mind a little bit.

"A guide, would still be nice." Melina said softly. That offer still stood. A guide, did come in rather handy and useful. Even if she had the map. But, sometimes. You never knew what would happen.

His cheesy, cheeky smile made her giggle. She then smiled back at him warmly. "I never had that issue, back in my old school. My other brother Adrian, was in the same house as me. That kind of made it bit easier back then." she said softly. "What about your parents? What house were they in?" she asked him softly. "If you don't mind, me asking that is." Melina added.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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The question about his parents made him smile and he leaned back in his chair. “You can ask that is fine.” Draping his arm along the chair to his left as he looked at her to his right, he proceeded to share a story passed down through his family.

“My mom was in Hufflepuff and my dad was in Slytherin. Now, this was a time when Slytherins were thought to be jerks, arrogant and rude along with their basic traits of being cunning, resourceful and find self-preservation important. My dad was… well he was a jerk, arrogant and rude until he said something to make my mom cry one day at school. It was at that moment that he stood there flabbergasted and my mom pulled her fist back and clocked him in the face. My dad didn’t stumble, he didn’t fall but he accepted the hit.” A chuckle left the brunette haired boy, “I can’t even picture how stunned my dad was that he got hit in the face but he instantly apologized and chased after her wanting to talk to her.”

“My mother spent weeks avoiding him until one day he caught her in Hogsmeade and cornered her in the three broomsticks begging for her to talk to him. She reluctantly agreed and sat at a table together keeping their distance, by the end of the talk they were sitting closer laughing and talking. It wasn’t long after that, my dad asked mom on a date and they went on their first date. From then on no one messed with my mom from Slytherin because my father, the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch Team, became her boyfriend. Between my mom’s kindness and my dad’s willingness to make her happy, they excelled as a team and graduated with high honors.”

A nod rose and fell his head. “The separation of houses and the attitudes towards each other has dissipated into nothing now so we all get along better than they did back then so it’s not something you need to worry about now. But if someone gives you a hard time you tell them ‘Hey, Zander Alkins has my back’ and they’ll leave you alone… maybe.” His voice was playful and charming laugh as he tilted his head at her. “What’s your school like? Did your parents attend together?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

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Luckily, the question about his parents didn't offend. She was just being bit cautions. Not all, liked to tell the stories of their parents. She smiled softly. As she leaned back in her chair, she listened to him talk.

It was a little bit of a surprise, that his father was a Slytherin. She wasn't entirely expecting that. Melina couldn't help but giggle softly, when he spoke of his mother clocked his father, when they were in school. "She sounds, like a strong woman that doesn't like to be messed with." Melina said with a soft smile. His parents story was rather sweet. "Your parents, have got quite a nice story. It's sweet." Melina smiled warmly.

She then rose a slight eyebrow, at his comments about the Slytherins. "I am not sure, they seem rather intimidating and cold..It might just be me. I am not sure, how they're really like, Seeing as I don't know them." she said honestly.

At his curiosity, about her own school. Melina couldn't help but smile softly. "I think, in part it's quite a little bit different than Hogwarts. Lucilinburhuc is beautiful of course. It's surrounded by the most beautiful garden and Lakes. The water is very crystal clear, Students tend to swim in the lakes on the Summer Days. It started out with at least a 1400 students, but now...I think it has expanded and can hold up to 2000. Unlike Hogwarts, we only have two Houses. House of Melusina and House of Sigefroi. Melusina is Blue...a very similar Blue to Ravenclaw's actually. Sigefroi is Red. I think, each house has 3 or 4 towers, for their current houses...with secret passageways. So the students can come and go, to visit their friends...if they're in a different tower." Melina said with a soft smile.

"Our lessons, are pretty much the same. Only a few students, opt to have theirs in a different language. But pretty much all are taught in English." Melina explained.

"What's a Melusina?" A first year student ask. It seemed, like the young girl was curious and had not heard the tales and legends.

Melina smiled warmly, towards the first year girl. "She's a Nymph or Undine. Only typically among the French, German and Luxembourgian Legends. In France, she's said to have a, lower body of a snake. There's a statue of her in our city of Luxembourg, she sits by the river side. People are visit and talk to her." she explained. It brought back a few memories from her childhood. She had often visited the statue herself.

At the question of her own parents. Melina rubbed the back of her neck, a little nervously. Some people, judged if she told them about her mother. "My Mother's actually a Muggle." she said softly. "My father, just like me and Adrian belonged to the house of Melusina. Bjorn is the only one in our family who got sorted out into Sigefroi." Melina then began to talk about her own parents.

"My parents...They've known each other, since they were little. Their families were neighbors. Best friends, from childhood. My mother, actually didn't know anything abut the magical World, until after Dad's graduation. She had a bit of a, shock to say the least. She didn't speak to him for at least, a month. A part of her, felt mad. That he didn't tell her before. And she was also just trying to process everything."

Melina smiled softly, as she carried on. "When they began to talk again. My mother accepted everything...she was understanding about it all eventually, and why he never told her before. My father had been in love with her, for quite a long time. And they eventually got together, after they made up. They've been together ever since then."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Her school sounded fascinating and he listened just as closely as the little first year who spoke up to the stories that revolved around her school. The stories seemed to match a lot of the things Hogwarts was known for but from such an interesting perspective. A grin moved across his face showing his straight white teeth as she educated the two of them on the lore of her school.

By the end of her story of the school and her parents Jake was practically leaning over the table listening closely. He was one to always pay attention when something had his full focus and right now it was her, “That is incredible that your mother was or should I say is, is so understanding compared to some of the muggles I have met. Some of them didn’t know what to do with themselves when they found out magic was real and really rejected the idea. Then of course there were others that thought it was cool but the fact that your mother was able to accept him completely; that’s love.” The eyes of the young man twinkled; he enjoyed love stories because they seemed so rare now-a-days that knowing love was out there meant there was hope in this world!

The night grew to a closes and the two bid each other good night before turning in. Within the next morning, Zander was on his way to class and ended up passing Ester who was chatting with some of her new classmates and he pointed to temple with a smile. Reminding her to focus in class, which she responded with the same gesture; a little Alkins family gesture that helped them communicate without communicating. A proud smile moved across his face as he watched his little sister go off into class and he let out the breathe he was holding, she seemed like she was just fine.

After a long half day he hurried to the Divination tower and leaned against the wall near the exit waiting for Melina to come out so they could walk to Herbology together.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

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The evening was rather pleasant. Melina enjoyed talking to Zander and the first year, about her school and educating them on the lore that her school was famous for. Which included the story of Melusina and Count Sigefroi. It seemed to interest a few others in the common room. Even if they were silent; they had enjoyed the story.

Melina nodded with a smile. "Yes, she's quite different than some muggles." It was quite rare, to find a Muggle who would be so accepting like her mother was. After they said their goodnights. Melina met her new roommates,the girls were around her age and they struck up a brief conversation before going to sleep that night. The next day, her first day of Lessons began.

Her first lesson had been Care of Magical Creatures. There she had met quite a number of students, from the other houses. And Hagrid, the Game-Keeper and teacher for that lesson. The students studied the Phoenix. Dumbledore's own pet, Fawks was used an example. Melina found the creature interesting and beautiful. A lot of students, just like her admired the Phoenix.

The rest of the half-day went surprising quickly with Ancient Runes and Divination. Most seemed to think that Professor Trelawney was bit loopy. But she found the woman and her predictions fascinating and interesting. Melina could tell the older woman was kind. Just took her own predication rather seriously, maybe a little too much...which seemed to put of some students. As some thought, it was supposed to be for good fun too.

After her lesson ended. Melina walked out of the classroom. Her books in her hands. Chatting to a Gryffindor student. Melina smiled when she saw Zander waiting for her "Hey, how was your day so far?" she asked, as she walked over to him. She glanced over at the Gryffindor girl "I'll see you later." she said with a small wave towards one of her new friends.

A few other students, stopped in their tracks. Surprised to see the new girl, already had the attention of Zander. A few murmurs broke out, that Melina had an escort already.

Melina tried to ignore the whispers. But wondered what it was about. "How's your little sister doing?" she asked. Wondering if he had a chance to catch up with Ester yet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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As the attention turned to the two, Zander just ignored it. Rumors were bound to begin just because she was in the same house as him but this wasn’t much help to fight against the rumors.

“Wonder how long they’ll last?”, “How far do you think it will go?”, “I give Alkins two weeks before he’s bored of her.”, “Just another heartbreak waiting to happen, but at least she’s only here a year before she gets to go away. Most girls have to live with seeing him every day.”

The words whispered harshly around them but sadly, it wasn’t anything new for him; which made ignoring the words all the more simple for him. “I actually passed her on my way here.” He said with a bright grin as he gestured down the hallway and began to walk as they fell into step, “It looks like she’s already made a few friends and that’s good. She had some difficulty in our home town making friends since she is the middle child. There weren’t many people her age around the neighborhood so I was concerned about her social skills. I’m glad to see that I don’t have to worry… too much, about her.”

His large shoulders rose and fell with a shrug before a grin returned to his face. “How are classes so far? Is the teaching pattern similar to Lucilinburhuc?”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 8 mos ago

'She probably, has his interest since she's a foreigner.' Came out one of the new murmurs. With a slightly harsh tone.

Trying to shake off the sudden murmurs. Melina paid attention to Zander. She smiled softly as he told her about his little sister. "That's good. Seems like she is fitting in nicely in her house." she said softly; as she walked down the spiral staircase, by his side. "I had a feeling, there'd be nothing to worry about." Melina glanced over at him as she spoke. "At least you know, she's in good hands."

"It's kind of similar..the classes seem like 5-10 minutes shorter, than what I am usually used to. Although, the topic in Ancient Runes, I got at the moment would usually go at near the end of the year, back in Lucilinburhuc, not at the start. Might take me a little bit, to sink into a new pattern." Melina explained. "So, far people seem rather welcoming and nice." she said with a soft smile. "Anything interesting, happen for you so far?" she asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“I’m glad the school has been welcoming.” Zander responded with a bright smile as he listened to her talk about her time so far at Hogwarts. Hogwarts was its own beast and some people can or can’t handle it. It seems like she was getting along through her time well and that made him give her an honest and happy smile.

“Nothing really interesting for me so far but I was looking ahead to see what we would be dealing with in Herbology and it sounds like we’re going to be working with the Venomous Tentacula. So be careful, they’re grabby.” He said giving a mocking grab with his hands before chuckling. “I’m sure you’ll be fine I’m sure.” Once they reached the moving staircase and started to go down, he pointed out a few of the paintings and shares some stories behind the people who were in them that related to Hogwarts history. As a Ravenclaw it should come as no surprise that this information was something he had but it seemed to surprise a few passing students that he was sharing it. Maybe he was just a jock after all.

Once they reached the exit of the school, he pulled the door open and let her out first before following her. Once outside they started towards the Herbology area, however the more people they passed the more whispers they heard. So instead, he decided to fill the time with some more chit chat. “During the weekends, students have the option to go to a town just outside of Hogwarts called ‘Hogsmeade’. It has shops were you can purchase things, a few restaurants, a place to get some drinks and treats. Do you think that would be something you’d be interested in doing?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Aren't they usually?" Melina asked with a slight raised eyebrow. Maybe his surprise to the school being so welcoming towards her, was something that didn't happen often. But that would shock her if it were true, as everyone seemed warm and nice. She didn't think they'd be anything but.

As she listened to him go on about his day; Melina nodded as he warned her about today's Herbology task. Giggling lightly at his hand gesture. "Thank for the warning, I'll be careful." she reassured him. But nonetheless the warning was appreciated. As they walked down the stair-case:Melina was intrigued and fascinated by the stories he told her, behind each of the paintings he had pointed out. For a Jock, he sure was smarter than most would have given him credit for.

The fresh air, hit her instantly when the door was opened for her. Smiling at him warmly, Melina walked out of the door and into the open fresh air, making her way down with him towards the Herbology Green House. Hearing him mention Hogsmeade; Melina seemed to pipe up with excitement. "I heard quiet a bit about Hogsmeade, I would love to go and see it." she said with a warm smile. Melina, being whom she was had done some research and Hogsmeade was one of the places she had looked up prior to her coming here; the thought of seeing it was rather thrilling.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“You’ve heard about Hogsmeade? That’s surprising I thought the awesome village didn’t get the credibility it deserved. That’s good to know.” Zander seemed rather pleased that the little getaway town was getting the attention it deserved. A nod rose and fell his head and as they walked towards the Herbology house, he went through the available shopping ideas within Hogsmeade along with the best place to get food and the wonderful invention known as Butterbeer!

Of course, he could fill much more of the conversation with the good stuff, especially when he started in on the food and sweets but alas they had already arrived at the greenhouse.

The doors were open to the greenhouse, welcoming in the students into it. The Ivy crawling along the walls, the glass windows allowing the sun and many many plants lined the tables. Today’s lesson was about potion using on a plant for increasing production for fruits and vegetables.

Professor Sprout happily welcomed the new students before greeting Zander and Melina, “Miss Mayer, welcome to Hogwarts.” The plump professor offered a polite smile and a happy demeanor. “I trust your time with us has been good so far? Do you like Herbology my dear?”

Zander’s attention went to some of his classmates who were waving at him, those were on the Quidditch team and seemed to be more interested in the time he was spending with the exchange student then with them. He gave Melina a little nod before gesturing towards his friends, an indicator that he was heading over there before he left her with the professor in case she had something to cover with the exchange student or maybe catch her up in where they were.

“Hey Zan, scoring with the new girl already? You work fast.”

Zander rolled his blue eyes as he began to gather his things for the class today. “It’s not like that, she’s new and doesn’t know her way around.”

“Look man no judging, she’s a good catch so I don’t blame you for trying for some…”

“It’s not like that,” He corrected again, “I don’t need more people thinking I’m some man-whore or a heartbreaker. The rumors are already getting out of control and I’d like it to stop or I’m never going to have a chance to get somewhere professionally with Quidditch if I have a negative reputation.”

“Negative reputation?” One of his fellow chasers said with a small laugh as the group talked together. “Zan that’s the definition of being a famous Quidditch star, you’d be more famous for being surrounded by drama and being a player is the greatest way to create drama.”

“I’ll pass.” His voice was a bit sterner this time and the player that was pressuring it held up his hands in defeat before finally dropping the topic. Thank god.
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