Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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On the year 2072, our planet was home to twelve billion people. Within the space of sixty years, the number of souls living upon the Earth had nearly doubled in number. For centuries, humanity's unchecked growth had adversely affected our world. Carbon fuels that had been thrown into the atmosphere for more than two hundred years had rendered Earth's atmosphere hazy and warm. The pristine seas and oceans that once teemed with living things were swollen by thawed ice caps and flowed thick with garbage and filth. For so long, the planet we inhabited suffered under the weight of so many denizens; but it was this year, 2072, that the human that broke the proverbial back of the Earth was born.

In the Near East, the nations strangled the rivers that had birthed civilization with mighty dams built to hoard precious drinking water from their neighbors. Desire for something as simple as potable water sparked nuclear warfare across the Indian subcontinent and the Near East that snuffed out nearly half a billion people and sickened hundreds of millions more with toxic radiation.In the wake of the Water Wars and the innumerable brushfire conflicts and genocides it sparked, the United Nations enacted a series of protocols designed to ration out the Earth's dwindling resources to a hungry, teeming planet with the goal of preventing such a conflict from recurring - often at the end of a rifle. The once timid United Nations had transformed into a totalitarian one-world government.

Following the Water Wars and the United Nation's ascendency as the world's government, Earth was a crowded, cramped place rife with crime and vice. Bribing the overextended, underappreciated UN Peacekeepers kept the eyes of the law away from powerful criminal enterprises and black markets. Between the authoritarian world government and the cartels bubbling just beneath its nose, it is little wonder so many sought escape.On the arid surface of Mars, a population of steely colonists established the first colonies of any significance and began the slow process of making the red planet more hospitable via terraformation. By the close of the 21st Century, nearly 10 million settlers eked a living from Mars' unforgiving deserts of rust. From the red world came a rugged people who valued hard work and freedom from the dictators and criminal filth on Earth. Mars, however, failed to sate humanity's drive to explore and conquer, and so the instruments of science turned to the stars to seek a more hospitable second home for the cramped human race.

On March 23rd, 2103, humanity had found its new home. Pirouetting around the star 75 Sotelo, radio astronomers found a terrestrial world with with a mass of a comfortable 0.87 Earth masses and a breathable Nitrogen - Oxygen based atmosphere. Radio spectroscopy also demonstrated the presence of watery clouds, and perhaps most tantalizingly of all - brief glimmers of green light shimmering off the surface. As soon as it was discovered, scientists the world over worked to bring 75 Sotelo C - Invictus - within reach of exploration.

Within five years of the discovery of Invictus, Physicist Jeannot Mbambela and his associates unveiled a proof-of-concept of technology that when installed on the fore part of a starship compresses spacetime around the vessel allowing for superluminal travel relative to the universe. With Dr. Mbambela's contribution in place, scientists set to work planning the first mission to Invictus. But before construction could begin, the United Nations approached the scientific parties heading the operation and offered their support with the stipulation that the first missions to Invictus would be to establish colonies rather than conduct the sterile, purely-scientific mission that was previously drafted. Ethicists and biologists were dismayed, but their complaints did little to keep the United Nations from effectively wresting control of humanity's first mission to Invictus.

After twenty-three of construction in Earth's orbit, the colossal colony ship UNIS Ararat with its crew of 1.24 million people left Earth on September 12nd, 2131 with the goal of establishing a permanent base for human settlement on the planet. Despite their excitement to be the first to set foot on this mysterious alien world, all aboard knew that upon arriving at Invictus, 30 years would have elapsed and it would take 40 years for any radio transmission to reach Earth. Even their most long-lived friends and family back on Earth would be long dead before any farewell could be sent back home. While September 12, 2131 was a highlight of humanity';s history, it was a sorrowful day for many. In 2140, the slightly smaller UNIS Fujisan was constructed and followed Ararat into the unknown.

On 2172, listeners the Earth over watched excitedly as a 40-year-old broadcast from the Ararat beamed back a brief testimony from the vessel's captain that the voyage had gone according to plan and that landing would commence shortly, before concluding the transmission with a cut to an orbital view of Invictus. Humanity waited with baited for more transmissions to arrive. But no further communication was made. Nine years later, even after the first transmissions from the Fujisan were due to be received, Invictus remained silent.Concerned by the lack of feedback from Invictus, it was decided that one last ship, the UNIS Olympus, would be sent to Invictus to procure supplies and provide Earth with a report of the progression of the Invictus colonization. And so on March 12, 2182, the Olympus set out into the great darkness to the planet Invictus with a crew of 520 thousand passengers among which you are counted. Following what will seemingly be but a momentary sleep in a stasis bed, you shall awake above the planet Invictus, 40 light years away from home and any family and friends you may have left there.With no way back home for the foreseeable future, you and your 520 thousand companions have only Invictus to look to. Together with them you will help to establish humanity' second home among the stars. The role you will fill on this alien world, no matter who you were on Earth, is vitally important; your legacy will reverberate through the stars as long as mankind travels among them.


Landfall is a sci-fi roleplay set in a futuristic universe where a united Earth has become overpopulated and chaotic. Though united under one government headed by the United Nations, the Earth is still plagued by conflicts over differences and ever-dwindling resources. A once timid United Nations has become a totalitarian government in an effort to quell the violence and control a desperate population. Pollution and loss of jobs to automated programs are but a few of the problems humans face on Earth. Many humans have taken to Earth's closest colonies for a better life but it has done little to alleviate the overpopulated Earth.A partly terraformed Mars has prided itself with a booming agricultural rush and a thriving mining industry, but only 10 million people have been fortunate enough to settle the red planet. Driven by an ever-growing desire for adventure and a desperate need to find other resource-rich planets on which to settle the cramped human race, humanity has constructed a series of three colossal ships and sent them out into the unknown in intervals. Two ships embarked on the journey before the Olympus but communication with both has long-since been lost. You are aboard the UNIS Olympus, the third ship sent on a course set for the mysterious planet codenamed 'Invictus'.

This thread is a continuation of an RP located on another forum that has been relocated due to poor administration. The original Landfall thread had 70 IC posts and will be continuing seamlessly (without any form of timeskip or flash-forwarding) from the MCF thread. As such, a brief summary of the previous thread has been compiled to make it easier for newcomers to jump in. If you have more specific questions about Landfall so far, you are invited to look though the old IC yourself (offsite link) or ask here in the OOC.


In the previous thread, the UNIS Olympus, the third of a series of gigantic starships built by the United Nations to establish a colony on the planet 75 Sotelo C - "Invictus" - arrived in the planet's gravity well after a 40 year journey traveling at relativistic speeds. Shortly after decelerating and allowing the passengers out of stasis, Captain Erick Homsy and Lieutenant Major Len Bendill discovered that their hailings to the planet had gone unanswered. The only response to the Olympus' arrival was automated reply from the seemingly-derelict UNIS Ararat in orbit and a mysterious, unintelligible transmission from an unidentified second starship.

Soon afterward, the Olympus found itself hurdling through a ring of debris around the planet left by the planet's shattered moon, Kerimov. Despite the Captain's best efforts to avoid the micrometeorite storm, the hull was breached in several places and many passengers were killed. With the hull's integrity compromised, Captain Homsy ordered all personnel to abandon the wounded spaceship as he stayed behind to keep the vessel's propulsive nuclear bombs from detonating upon breaking up in the planet's atmosphere.

In a disorderly mess, the passengers were launched from the Olympus in a swarm of capsules, gliders, and dropships. In the chaos, many of the vehicles collided with one another and others still veered off target and landed all over the planet. Most of the survivors, however, arrived at an enclosed colony city called Landfall situated in one of Invictus' jungle regions. To the colonists' dismay, Landfall appeared abandoned and found no response when trying to enter.

Soon after the colonists established camps outside the walls of Landfall, they came under attack by all manner of hostile wildlife - most notable and dangerous being a pack of seemingly-invisible carnivores. In response, a network of hastily-built walls were built around the camps with debris and scrap metal. Hemmed in between the walls of Landfall and the predators lurking in the jungle beyond their palisades, resources dwindle and friction between the groups of exasperated colonists reaches a crescendo that can only end in violence. As resources are consumed within the camps, salvage parties are sent into the abandoned city to recover what they can and ascertain the fate of the previous colony.

Apply Now!

This is not a strategy RP! Nor is it a nation RP. You play a human being aboard the UNIS Olympus, an enormous ship carrying 550,000 colonists. You may play a doctor, a builder making use of large mechs for heavy-lifting, or perhaps a surveyor sent out into the wild to provide accurate, eyes-on readings of treacherous alien terrain. The choice is yours. Do your part to establish a permanent human presence on this new world.But once landfall is made, illusions of thriving societies may crumble and unanswerable questions may arise. Perhaps you'll abandon your post and take to the unknown in search for answers. Factions with differentiating views and methods may form and perhaps you'll join or lead one. Or maybe your loyalties lie with Earth and the authority aboard the Olympus. Whichever path you choose to embark on, is for you to decide.

This is not a Advanced-only RP! This is not to say people capable of writing lengthy posts will be asked to tone it down a bit. No, we encourage lengthy, detailed posts. However, we do not require this. Intermediate writers are welcomed, as is anyone below that skill-level willing to push themselves in order to keep up and learn from more experienced writers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


If you would like to join Landfall, please fill the This basic application or Vilage's application must be completed to OP's satisfaction before you may post IC.




Starting Location: ((E.g. Landfall, In the jungle near Landfall, the Salt Desert, etc.))

Vilageidiotx has made us a new application format for characters with more detail in the interest of making it easier to interact with one another's characters. This is intended more for established characters in the IC world so it is not expected for one to be prepared to fill out all the fields for this app until you have made several IC posts. Eventually, after your character has established some background IC, you should consider filling out the app below for your main character and any ancillary characters you may have invented within IC posts.



Restrictions for Use:

Job/Place in Society:



Personality Traits:

Important Biographical Facts:

Character List

-Alfrek Gawaadi
-Len Bendill
-Hayato Nishihara
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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TheEvanCat Your Cool Alcoholic Uncle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I should probably join now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shall we repost our apps?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 13 days ago

Yo whudup niggss
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Chapatrap said
Shall we repost our apps?

That'd be a good idea. I'll probably just copy them myself and actually fill out the character list like I should have a week ago.

Dinh AaronMk said
Yo whudup niggss

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlienBastard


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

I'll repost me app.


Alfrek Gawaadi


Magician/stage performer, amateur programmer and wannabe Zoroastrian priest.


Born on Mars, with a mixed dutch-persian ancestry dating from the early 22nd century from what his obtusely rich and religious grandfather, notorious for his excessive pot smoking, bribing of dutch politicians and generally not following his own religion despite demanding everyone else follow the rules [he likes bacon] did in Amsterdam.

The child of that grandfather who would be the father of Gawaadi would inherit much of his father’s wealth despite the out of wedlock birth in secret. Using that money, and knowing the troubling nature of Grandfather Gawaadi with the great scandal that erupted around Grandpa Gawaadi Mr. Gawaadi used what money he could muster form his inheritance to start off anew on mars. Free from the limitations of Earth and the stains on the Gawaadi family name

On the way to mars, Gawaadi disillusioned by his father;s corruption renounced his shi’ite faith, but not wanting to fall to atheism Gawaadi would ultimately go the neo-pagan route and become a Zoarastian.

On Mars Mr. Gawaadi took a occupation as a Casino dealer, fell in love, got married [unlike Grandpa Gawaadi] to a engineer [yes a female engineer- mars does that to people] and had a child. That child grew up to be Alfrek.

Alfrek was slightly out of place on mars, for while the majority of martians spent their time in heavy handed, rugged work in agriculture and industry with less government overbearing Alfrek spent his time making the machines of industry dance for the amusement of little kids in magic shows. He even personally programmed [though not invent] drones he could “control with his mind” [or hand movements] to fly around the places he operated his shows. In spite of this, Alfrek proved useful as as a result of understanding how to program machines to dance he knew how to make AI and applied those skills to practical use with improving on the AI mainframes in multiple structures around mars becoming quite proficient in his technical skills as a result, joining a skilled class of technicians.
However, Alfrek isn't just some eccentric mutt with machines. He is a eccentric with machines and fire.

For Alfrek adopted neo-pagan faiths like his parents had, but unlike his more secular father followed the zoarastian faith more intensely. Thanks to his more dogmatic approach to Zoarastianism, in his teens he had a falling out with his father that would lead to Alfrek wanting to do what his father did- go to another world far away.

Like, 40 light years far away.


Not that good a survivalist and will be rather reliant on everyone else to not die, but he does make good use of one of his magic tricks that will help light the way in a dark, hostile world. That magic trick being tiny drones he controls with hand movements that act as smart flares. Though the amount of these “fire drones” is far from unlimited.

Also I should note his age is 34 or so which I think is young by 22nd century standards.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 13 days ago

gorgenmast said
That'd be a good idea. I'll probably just copy them myself and actually fill out the character list like I should have a week ago.Finally...

Oh hush, I've been here sense you said you were porting this over soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlienBastard


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

Nice to see this RP's made landfall.

When is ICing okay?

Since I need to get Gawaadi out of the tents before he is devoured by clam headed invisible monsters with wavy jaws.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Now I suppose. Feel free to start whenever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ElectromagneticRailgun


Member Offline since relaunch

Ohai. Give me a sec, need to acquaint myself with RPGuild. Apparently I've been pampered by the MCforums layout.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 13 days ago

Name: Len Bendill
Occupation: Security Operative
Bio: Len was only a year old when the Fujisan was launched from Earth's orbit to pursue its sister ship to the planet 75 Sotelo c. The game humanity played in space was hardly of interest of young Len's life as popular discussion of the ship's fate died off from public channels to the point of a few whispers or references amidst those who claimed to know anyone from the 1.24 million strong Fujisan. Though the missions to Mars and the colonization of it was certainly well discussed, Len never really became aware of the space-ship's launch as his parents were until his public schooling career was in full swing. And even then, it was only a loose emotionless knowing of the ship that came with by-gone history.

The dusty escapes of Wyoming had long closed in as humanity spread. The once sleepy state of the former United States had slowly expanded to a state-wide suburbia reminiscent of the US East-Coast. And even by conventional standards as still being a back-water town in the proverbial wild-west, Cheyenne had grown into a wide-spread metropolis completely engulfing the county of Laramie.

Len was born on July 8th, 2130 in the Wyoming country-side in northern Plake county. There, his family managed a bison ranch on the sprawling preserve they fought hard to protect from the growing interests of the real estate market and urban developers desperately seeking cheap land outside of the clustered cities that choked the US East and West coasts. Commercial prospects from Canada were even looking at his family's property given the lax economic laws granted by the UN World Government in their new global administration.

Len's parents could hardly claim to know what it was like when the world was still covered in nation-states. The closest Len had to the old-world conservatives were his aging great grandparents, having long entered their centennial years with all the mental agility of an energetic fox hound. But their stories of a nation born strong who held the sword of a just cause felt shallow and distant. It, if anything though, sparked in the youth a certain fantasy for the wilderness and the pioneer life.

Before he had entered his teenage years he had long dreamed about settling on Mars as a share-cropper, or even applying for a loan to enter the explosive agriculture industry that was covering the red planet in shades of green and yellow. Though the closest in noble goals, it however grew more distant has he passed on through to his 18th year and then slipped into his twenties by a high cost of entry.

By twenty-one, Len was still living on his family farm with his brothers and sisters, helping the best they can to keep them afloat amid rising fuel and water prices in the year 2152. By this point, the ventures to 75 Sotelo c felt like a myth. Something a part of the new international mythology.

By twenty-two years of having gone no where, Len became increasingly frustrated with his lot in life. The family farm was eating at him from the outside in, and he was nowhere near his ambitions. His troubles only increased at the passing of his grandparents and the gradual drifting away of the ranch's employees. His family was growing desperate, and not even his much beloved father could bring in the money they needed to stay afloat.

And so in desperation, Len joined the United Nation's army of peace-keepers.

Len trained as an infantry man outside of Tripoli in the hot desert. Until that point he had never left Wyoming and the shock of the different culture – even if having been gradually homogenized by a unified Earth government – and the baking temperatures of the desert heat struck him hard. During basic, Len sought how he could withdraw. But as it would seem, the service contract was as vicious as the heat and he forced to stay.

Len finished basic training later that year and was redeployed to Mexico for advanced training. He lived in a dirty base outside of Chihuahua, Mexico; primarily squashing scorpions and joining local police patrols for the last heirs of the cartels that should have had died out a century ago.

By the age of twenty-seven Len had the opportunity to leave the army, but after five years of service he had decided he was comfortable in the military. And he was making enough to send home to his family for his own type of support. A feeling of family honor had seeped into his brains and he felt obligated to provide the best he could with what he got. So he signed the contract for another five-years.

Immediately after, he was sent south to Panama. Here, and across all of Central America workers who operated the inter-planetary space-ports between Earth and Mars had broken into a violent and bloody protest over their replacement to machines and the worsening and humiliating conditions they had to work in. Once again in Latin America, the red hydra was rearing its head demanding better conditions, and it had again ignited the poor of Latin America into a revolutionary madness.

The UN was prepared, and it had dragged Len into it.

For the next five years, Len was forced to dodge bullets and trade fire with anonymous and angry protestors and revolutionaries that swelled and grew in their angry fervor as supporters smuggled themselves in by the hundreds to Latin America. Len fought in the mountains, and in the jungles, and the cities as the UN spoke with a voice that echoes of a Cold War long mythologized. La Cia had come to that land as thin of a whip and hot as Hell again.

Len won many distinctions in his five years of service and collected many injuries. From a lowly infantry man, he was offered the chance into a special forces field. The contract and terms offered longer pay, for service that though indefinite offered long-term periods of paid reserve until the age of seventy-eight.

Len signed it.

For the duration of the conflict Len learned and practiced skills as a specialized hitman and recon specialist against the revolutionaries that had destabilized the region. By the time he had turned thirty-three, and a ghost from space had arrived to remind the world of the Ararat's mission that had so long ago been launched.

Len was in the jungle when the transmission came, and he had missed that first glimpse of this specter planet and the proud deceleration of the captain.

Len closed his 40th year in the jungles of Honduras in 2170. The civil war that had rocked the hot whip closed after fourteen years of troubling guerrilla conflict and complicated urban warfare. It seemed to have tarnished the UN's global rule, if for a bit. Len was allowed his first bout of leave as they began cracking down on protests elsewhere on the planet, and even to some degree on Mars.

Len returned to the family Ranch a different person. To his family, he felt colder and more distant. Hondura, Panama, Costa Rica, and Honduras had changed him as a person. Even out of the bush, he wished he was back in it. He still felt the heat of the weather, and the battle; even on a cold winter night. He heard the screams of his companions, and every shock of a IED. The chanting. The blood. His body ached in bed from old wounds before a stormy day.

After a year of trying to re-acclimate to his family, Len couldn't take it. Without saying a word, he left the ranch one night, and taking a plane flew to Alaska. He hoped that perhaps being alone would silence the ghosts.

And for the most part, it probably did.

Though cold and undesirable to many people, the cheap land opportunities had not kept people unlike him at bay at it didn't take long for his lonely cabin outside of Nome, Alaska to acquire neighbors much like those he had shared back at Wyoming. The land that he had used to rekindle his affinity for hunting was being gradually swallowed up by migrants from Russia. And very soon he could not roam far without stumbling on the signs of developmental communities sprawling out from the growing Alaskan town.

So when the UN reactivated his service with a ticket on the Olympus, he was quick to accept.

New York's demands were simple, to oversee the mission from the side-lines aboard the ship under the guise of a high-ranking officers in their security detail. The feat wasn't hard on anyone's part, and the only thing Len needed to keep silent was that he reported to the UN officially and not his ranking superior. For him, his mission was to do little more than ensure there were no defections from the UN loyalty.

A mission he thought he could serve forty light-years from home.

Starting location: North of the right-most crater lake.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Of course, I never get these mass PMs about important things. Well, I'm here now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Snow


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ohey. Look what I found.

Hayato Nishihara
Translator (Yakuza runaway, but for the sake of having a job, we'll say he's the only one in his group who speaks English.)
Hayato was born on December 6th, 2140 to a single mother, and three siblings. His father, whom he was named after, had disappeared earlier that year, managing to grab one of the last seats aboard the Fujisan, spending the family's entire savings on the ticket, leaving them in poverty. With four children, and a meager income, Hayato's mother would die later that year, leaving Hayato and his other two siblings in the care of his 12 year old brother, Yuuta.

Needless to say, growing up was harsh. Yuuta managed to get enough food for his family by breaking into homes while their owners were away, and stealing food and water. He would later go on to join the Yakuza, which aided in their continued survival tenfold. He never let his sisters know how he suddenly made so much, but, when Hayato turned nine, he let his little brother in on the secret. Knowing and seeing no other alternative, Hayato would eventually end up in the same group as his brother.

For Hayato, life in the Yakuza was fairly easy. Everyone in their group was branded with a serpent tattoo running from their eyebrow to their collar bone, making them easy to notice for the Peacekeepers in Tokyo, who received a heavy sum to keep their hands off, and turn their heads. However, this also made them easy to notice for rival gangs, who would constantly try to challenge their authority. These small fights were the hardest part of the job, but generally went smoothly, especially when the peacekeepers joined in. Generally, things were simple. Hayato would join his brother in patrolling their territory often, whenever he wasn't taking part in a smuggling job, or delivering the monthly bribe money to the Peace keepers.

It wouldn't be until one day when he was delivering the bribe money that things would turn to hell. It seemed that somebody in one of the rival groups had learned the pattern, and figured out how Hayato's group was keeping the peacekeepers away. They had set up an ambush, and burst out, taking out two of the cars ahead of Hayato, and destroying the third as everyone in the back ran out of their vehicles for cover. This would eventually lead to a huge firefight in the middle of the city, that would eventually lead the peacekeepers to join in on. When they arrived, a small group escorted Hayato to them, and brought him to the man in charge. However, when Hayato handed him the money, the peacekeeper laughed, and told him that the bribe was never received.

By the time Hayato caught on, he had taken a bullet to the chest.

A couple of days later, he would wake up in a hospital bed, chest bandaged tight, and so heavily drugged he couldn't get up. When the nurse saw this, she instantly ran out of the room, coming back moments later with Hayato's brother.

Once he came to completely, and managed to sit up, he had everything explained to him. The peacekeepers took advantage of the firefight, and said they never received the money, and that Hayato had died before he could deliver it. Because they didn't have the bribe money, the Peacekeepers raided the Yakuza's base, killing almost eighty percent of their members. Those that survived were those away on jobs, or those who were at a smaller base outside of the city.

It was then explained to Hayato that the bullet had apparently managed to miss his heart and all major arteries, and only barely damage his lung. He had somehow survived on fools luck.

A couple of weeks later, Hayato had finally been discharged, and was taken to a small safe house, where only seven other members were. At this point, it was explained to him that the peacekeepers were now hunting anybody and everybody who had the serpent tattoo on their face, and that the message had been sent around the globe, so even fleeing the country wasn't an option. In addition, and tattoo parlor with the machinery to remove a tattoo was under heavy surveillance. As it was, they were not going to be able to survive, and booking a flight to Mars wasn't an option, either.

With no other choice, Hayato's brother booked them a flight among the Olympus, who accepted almost anyone with their lax background checks. Together, the nine of them would flee Earth, and start a new life for themselves on Invictus.

When it finally came time for their departure, the small remnants of the Yakuza group would escape Earth, taking with them only a few stashed belongings, and what little they still owned. Yuuta laughed to himself, and finally told Hayato how their father escaped, and sat there, wondering to himself if it was for similar reasons. Yuuta had gained some new found hope that their father wasn't a terrible person who abandoned them, and simply had to escape the planet, same as them.

During the escape from the Olympus, Hayato and Yuuta ended up getting split up. Yuuta would arrive at landfall with three of the groups members, but Hayato and the others were not so lucky. While flying down to the planet, their pod would get rammed into by another, sending them flying off track, to the West of Landfall. The last thing any of them saw before meeting with the surface would be strange trees being pulverized against the front of the pod.

Starting location: West of landfall, just beyond the greenery surrounding the ocean.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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TheEvanCat Your Cool Alcoholic Uncle

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

They have been attended to. Remember, if you're coming from MCF feel free to just jump back in again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlienBastard


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

What are you doing on page 2 Mr Landfall?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 13 days ago

This is most troubling.
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