Sorry about the delay. This took a long time to write.
It's not a problem at all. I'm glad you've been discussing this with me. I appreciate the time given. Hopefully after I'm done reading the post, we can come to a resolution for this.
The fact that you wanted the second character to be subservient limited my choices. Yes I could have pushed for a different character but I chose not to.
Okay. One of the problems I've been having that's lead me to have a bit of hesitation is the idea I'm causing something (when I'm really not.) Even if it's a simple misunderstanding, and I'm sure it is. But that just happens to be a pet peeve.
You're again basing the idea that your character needed to be subservient because of the title. But as I already noted, that title didn't refer to the main characters but was a motto describing the typical structure of society, particularly in that city (and elsewhere.)
But I also want to add, that we both picked our character's personality traits before I ever created the title. It is 100% not my issue that you created a very shy and submissive character. The plot you created was about a beast and a slave, and we both (by our own nature) selected the typical traits you'd expect those archetypes to have. You being shy is solely your creation and it's becoming your own problem, that I wish wouldn't be shifted onto me. (even if inadvertently.)
If we want to combat her extreme submissive behavior in IC, that's fine. I plan to do that with my characters impulsive and rash behavior. It very soon will bite him in the ass...
He needs someone who is capable of planning, well traveled or knowledgeable about the world. Even if my character was all those things there is no reason for Bastian to listen to her.
Well you wouldn't know, if you never try. And just maybe his soft spot for you would give you more control over his decision than she thinks. And my character may be unself-critical. So you're right that simply telling him, he's wrong when he's making an error, probably won't work. But, you still can make different plans or provide suggestions.
He sought help after all. He must be at least partially aware of his own limitations. A man can only be so stupid or stubborn, and Bastian really isn't either of those things.
She could have learned lots of things if she had chosen to do so, but I saw no reason for someone like Liz to learn those skills.
That I just don't understand. Like I don't want to say what your character can and can't do, it's your character. But the way you rationalized that to me, doesn't add up. If Liz didn't learn literally anything in prison. (Doesn't matter if a criminal or not. She'd still adapt to survive, she's a human and that's what they do.)
Now, you could make it that she tried to learn many things but wasn't good at them. Or her conditions were particularly comfortable or poor that she couldn't have learned such things/didn't feel pressured to do such things.
But the way you describe your background scenario is. "Yeah, in prison Liz could have learned to do many things that would have improved her life inside the prison, so anyone hardworking like her would of course learn/do it. But I (as the creator) didn't want her character to grow in that environment."
...Why? You don't even provide a reason why a hardworking girl, who didn't commit a crime. So not like she was plagued with guilt. If she could have gotten smarter, stronger and more criminally and social adaptive in prison...why didn't she? The best answer I can provide with no context, is so ended up in comatose or such a state of shock. She actually didn't do those things, but then realistically you couldn't say "she could do this" if she wasn't mentally stable enough...
No I suppose that not every action that they take has to pay off. I don't mind failure. It can help people grow. If you want Liz to fail I have no problem with that. But this seems like an odd time and place.
This is the first time he's ever done something like this, or your character for that matter. I think it's not only perfectly reasonable to be the time they screw something up...
And this is the point where he's at his last chance to get any new information. Like most points in the story thus far, he hasn't really had another/better choice. So him being unfamiliar with not only, who he's up against, what he needs to do and even the state of world and the stability of its citizenry. I think he's lack of knowledge should come with a reasonable cost...
Liz and I both agree that she is probably safer in gambling establishment. But it still doesn't tell me how she is supposed to find this person. Even if the Bladed Beauty isn't well know, which I seriously doubt from your description, she is know enough that she would have a bounty on her head. Which means she isn't going to be visible. Liz might look like she belongs but she really doesn't and she knows it.
My changes, have already put some of this into account. So you'll see, in quite a flash what I intended for the direction to go. I also intended the pace to slow down, after this. So we could possibly build on character and romance. Since we haven't had nearly any character building stuff.
Actually I was talking about Liz's point of view. My beastkind never asked for their help. In fact he clearly stated that he wasn't there to get aid. Yes I could have had her push more for my beastkind to give them information. But from Liz's point of view Bastian wasn't going to be willing to listen and my beastkind didn't seem to need them so it would have been a waste of time they couldn't afford.
My beastkind is alot like Bastian. He doesn't trust easily. He has a good idea of who has taken his son and where they are headed. He thought he could help someone who didn't seem to have those answers. But he wasn't going push. Either Bastian wanted to hear why he thought he could help or he didn't. It didn't change my beastkind plan one way or another. I don't see them crossing paths again but we will see.
I'm okay with how that scene turned out overall. I just want to make sure you understand it was within character. I guess the idea the Beastkind, being so confident with information but not wanting to push it. Feels off. Because if he was a kindred spirit, and doing this out of genuine kindness. I feel like you'd push past the father, because kids lives are at stake. He was being an asshole, but he hadn't actually done anything to him yet. So it's not like his life was in danger. He didn't even really try talking him down that much.
So, if he really was going to waffle/turn over that quickly. Why would he insist on coming with them, when he made a similar threat not to approach and go in their ride when he did the same thing. Was he working on a three strike rule? I'm fine with not knowing the answer. I can reasonably understand all sides involved.
I don't know what makes you think that Liz knows the danger. I don't so, I don't see how she could. Nor does she see him as reckless. She has known him only about a week.
This is just a little silly. She wouldn't know the danger? How much danger has to be around her before she understands that? Bastian even warned her plenty of times. And even if she thinks Bastian is capable and experienced. She's already had her life threatened in his pursuits, when he wasn't around to protect her.
He may even be naive to knowing just how big the danger is. But not knowing about the danger, specifically in the city in question. When she saw the dead body and fight with someone's head being smashed in. (when in contrast, the other city had a few drunk people throwing rocks at horses.)
I think, you'd need to be blind, deaf and dumb to not have the danger switch light on in this particular city...(or when you're told that you're going after people who kidnapped children. Not exactly a walk in the park.)
The fact that he doesn't know why his kids were taken confuses me. He has no suspects or leads. He is basically running around hoping to find a clue. For all he knows he is going the wrong way. Once the trail goes cold he won't be able to find his kids.
I assumed that Bastian was from the city where he got Liz. I assumed that he had some clues to follow about who had his children or where they went. I assumed he knew about the slave market and decided that he needed a human to go where he couldn't.
The bladed beauty still is/was the lead. I've said that many times now. He is not just wandering aimlessly, he's work was only to aid him in getting more information. Unfortunately for him, his lead didn't have much known about them and had the ability to change many things about themselves.
I never really made clear where he lived. So I can understand that discrepancy. But Bastian certainly seemed oblivious in the beginning about the slave trade happening there. So if it's frequent and routine, it could also show he doesn't know a lot about where he grew up. Or that he didn't live there. Why was he there if he didn't? Well the whole friend was important to the plot thing, again goes hand in hand.
I haven't seen many opportunities for either yet. And I know that is as much my fault as yours.
But is it? I don't wish to say I'm blameless. But I've done several things to outright push you into changing or adding your own elements to the story. But you didn't. Or rather chose not too.
I think you choosing to never change the plot, because you've said/implied many times that you won't/don't do these things...
So I cannot for the life of me, figure how that is even remotely my fault in anyway...
I am sorry if you take my questions as an insult. They aren't meant that way. I am trying to follow your train of thought. Which because I hate it when my partner takes the story in a directions I didn't intend to go. It is one of the reasons I hesitate to add things. I don't want to take away from Bastian's story.
I don't want to control the story. Nor do I have any idea how to do so in this world. None of the things I think exist or will happen don't. I until I have a clear understanding of this world I am not going to control it.
I understand that the current explanation, as far as I'm aware. Goes like this...
"Well you've sort of made the lead/story up yourself, regarding the first lead, transport and the destination, which makes sense because it's your character's quest. So you having/using that information makes perfect sense in IC. However, since you have the lead at this current moment. I don't want to add any details or anything at all that might, possibly, come into conflict with ideas you (may or may not) have. So because of how we both chose to set the story up. I'm feeling unsatisfied, because the character I made can't really do much to effect the story. And I'm confused about certain plot elements, that I cannot reasonably asked to be clarified in IC or OOC. But the story that's been introduced by you, I will make no effort to mesh or fit any additional narrative in. Because it will make the story more difficult to follow?"
Is that where we're at? Because if the problem is "I won't attempt to go with the flow and help with the story/roleplay, because plot." I'm more than happy to change that plot...
I don't want you to think even for a second that anything I'm doing is making this unpleasant for you. Because I have no fun, if you aren't...
If you generally really don't like creating complicated and spun narratives for roleplaying, but want to do this. I can always (like I said.) Immediately explain what I'm doing in a scene and how/what will happen in them. I feel it kind of ruins the mystery and the unknown that's suppose to be in roleplaying, but I can do it. If it makes you more comfortable.
Or, if your lost and want to know if something will work. Literally just ask ahead of time, instead of "subtle hints" that I will still point out I've acknowledged every single one of. Just say "hey, I wanted to do this." or "Hey, what did you want to happen here?" Almost every answer you choose, I can make a right answer in roleplaying.
I'm fine if you aren't that flexible, but you have to pick if you actually want control of the story direction and the responsibility that comes with it. Or not. It's not just Bastian's story.
You don't need to take away from Bastian's story. Introduce something that makes it Elizabeth's story too. (I plan on making her a lot more crucial for Bastian, with like I hinted at. It's up to her to keep his curse at bay.)
Yes, Bastian's friend gave him money but as a hunter he could have gotten that anywhere. The rest I agree with.
Yes, but you also asked from the very beginning. "Why did Bastian do a random odd job, when his kids are missing?" Aside from the obvious of, he needs a place to eat and stay too. It also was back payment for the information he had been receiving, he had been doing a lot of work for his friend. Because he'd be even more lost without his information. He didn't have time to just do any old work for money. And money wasn't the only thing Bastian was receiving when he was helping his friend with those contracts.
Eventually Liz might be able to calm him down but I really haven't seen a need for her to do so. She did try to caution him in the tunnels but he acted like he knew exactly what was happening so she backed off.
Don't worry. If this continues, you'll very soon see why he needs to control his curse when it goes out of control...(Though even then, she's seen what happens when he pushes too far and his rage. I'd expect she'd want to calm him down, for her own safety in general.)
Here's another point of contention and confusion that I guess my explanations weren't clear enough about. The tunnels. You pointed out, and said I might not have paid attention to what you said. Because Elizabeth warned Bastian about the oddness of the situation and distrusted the girl's "help". And you further pointed out. "Why did Bastian deny my beastkind's help? When he just did what the girl said?"
This was clearly shown. Bastian also didn't trust the girl and responded to Elizabeth's concerns. But the exit was blocked off. He literally had no other choice. And his stuff was gone, so he had incentive to get it back. But he had the choice when it came to the other beastkind. (And he really wasn't pushed to show what would happen if he denied the help.) If the exit wasn't blocked off, he might have very well went back up those steps...
I've cleared up this point of confusion before, like many other times that I still feel, you still feel that somehow something was done out of spite...(or even just went unexplained, like a plot hole.) When it's clear what drove these actions...(least to me.)
If you aren't intending to use the conflict to progress the story or build character it's just background noise that adds to the confusion. Which is fine if you want to a unneeded drama.
I guess it's on the eye of the beholder. Yes, it's background information. But it's not useless or purposeless. It shows a blueprint and likely pattern of how every place they go will not meet their expectations and be filled with think an uprising like this would merely be contained to a single city? Well if the characters think that, I plan to give them a rude awakening...
It's not remotely confusing when it's something that would be dead-end obvious to occur in a story like this. If you argue it didn't need to be included. It kind of did at this time, because it directly involved our characters into the plot and it's something that tends to put pressure on the both of them. I wanted no place to feel safe for the characters.
Claiming it's unneeded drama, either needs the war to A. Not be related to our characters and allow them to grow from it. (When I intend the opposite to happen.) B. Be toothless, in the sense that it will never actually endanger our heroes. Like if I brought up a war happening in a place that we never ended up going or something.
Do you mean Bastian or his friend knows the Bladed beauty has connections to the kidnappers? Honestly I don't see how either is possible. Bastian is clueless as to who has them or why they were taken. His friend might have knows the assassin's guild was involved but seemed to have no other information.
His friend knew that, and Bastian doing work for his friend. Gave him the same information, he also was given character descriptions/sketches based on the last times she was seen or spoken about. But her pictures and those details are useless, for obvious reasons.
You wouldn't understand why an assassin's guild would have reasons/a purpose to seek information regarding a criminal who change change appearances? Or do you just don't see his friend as competent enough to get that information on his own? (The later, might even be right. So that begs the question, who did give the friend the information and do they know more than they're letting on?)
The friend was apart of the assassin's guild. I'm certain I said this before. (even the IC hints at that.) But you seem unaware of that? So making that clear.
So, what I was going to do for my next post involved the woman who challenged you to explain herself. That she knew who you were with. Spies had been keeping an eye on the gates. The reason it's a ghost town up north is because all the nobles abandoned the area, evacuating to safety to another town, before war strikes. They've also already stopped the poisonings because they've put a great amount of focus and effort into doing so. And have reinforcements from that town coming here. The beastkind rebels are unfamiliar with this town, most invaded here not so long ago, and they will use that to their advantage. So a huge group of the beastkind rebellion gets crushed and they believe the rebellion in general will get squashed before it's even started.
So, she knows that Liz and Bastian are strangers. And aren't part of the rebellion, the spies seeing Bastian helping the civilian being attacked. The challenge she places on you, assuming you seek information. Is giving you answers to help you. Since she herself had a troubled past, and that she always wanted to help people that have had unfortunate circumstances. So if you'd win, an answer wouldn't be hard to give. She'd lose nothing sharing such things. But if you'd lose. She'd request you and Bastian join in their efforts against the rebellion. She'd point out the human cowards standing at the gates, being used by the rebellion. Saying that "if humans will join a cause that actively wants their way of life destroyed. We can use more reasonable beastkind to retain the status quo."
This is where, Bastian comes in assuming from the information given to him. (he was right, he was being used as bait. Just not how he pictured it.) Whose already been purposely using the curse and is using it. He happens to see the poker playing woman's necklace. Which smells just like his daughter, it's crafted by him and its one of a kind. This infuriates Bastian and he violently grabs her, and demands answers. The surrounded others try to stop him, these is where all the lights in the city go out from seals that cast darkness...which were able to stay hidden because of their efforts were too focused to stop the poisonings. And humans inside, the mobs outside and the oncoming reinforcements can't see, but the beastkind rebellion most certainly can...
Bastian tears these people apart, which I can do before or after the lights go out depending how gory you or I want it to be. Bastian's fury and curse will get the better of him and he beat the hell out of her to near death. When she's revealed to not actually be the bladed beauty but her sister. The bladed beauty is the plain maiden in white. She declares that she doesn't actually help any real criminals but ones falsely accused, and she wasn't actually aware that these were real kidnappers. She was paid in his daughter's jewelry. But she know there's names and locations, because she does follow up research on all her client. Because he's killed her friends and pissed her off, also claiming that she wouldn't feel safe giving you the information. If Bastian was just going to kill them after he got it.
Bastian (who at this point will act completely different, which may give another clue that the fact the curse is fricking talking to him that something more may be going on.) will decide that if he can't get them to speak through words. He'll start savagely torturing them, and he does. He'll get the two names of the people who kidnapped his children, but before she can even disclose the locations. His anger will have already killed her by then...and that's when the curse ends.
However, Elizabeth wants to try to solve this situation. I don't know, to be fair if it becomes dark for most of it. (The bladed beauty may have a personal light spell scroll or something in handy. Just so Elizabeth can actually see...) I wanted to introduce a part where you could spend taking care of Bastian who ruined himself in that fit of rage. And maybe use romance, as a way to remind him of his wife and better times, as a way to calm him down.
Make sense? Need any further clarification? And like it? Thoughts?