Well I had a couple of ideas in the tunnels
She reached out and touched Bastian's paw. She didn't know much about magic but she could see that the woman's magic was similar to his. But she didn't think that meant that she was on there side. Liz hesitated a minute before expressing her concerns. "Bastian what did moving the horse and wagon accomplish? The guards will know you have it. I don't know where this tunnel goes. Do you?"I was planning a trap but that didn't work out. When I asked if the things Bastian were seeing were illions caused by the fog I had an idea to use that to reveal alittle of Liz's past but it was all internal and had nothing to do with the fog. I dropped hints in the IC. I do not plan out the story ahead of time. If I have an idea I will hint at it through the character's thoughts or actions. If my partner follows than I will develop the idea. If not I let it go. Yes the beastkind I introduced could return but he won't. There is no point.