We are the vanguard of God's retribution, and shall cleanse this land of it's plague of sin.
Anastasia Velcroth
Age: 38
Weapon of choice: Judgement and Wraith
*Elegent embroided blunderbuss
*Custom silver poleaxe
Armor of choice: An ornamental steel chestplate hugs her chest, golden lines forming the Ballanger family crest in the centre, protecting her along with plain steel bracers, greaves, plate boots and small shoulder guards.
Beneath she wears a thick dark leather attire that covers nearly all of her body save her hands.
Over it all she wears a flowing black silk cloak and a pilgrim top hat, presenting an image closer to a lady knight on parade than a fierce, gruff hunter. The pious outfit a central part of her public image.
Personality:In public Ani is kind and determined, fair and firm, a pious lady that goes against everything a hunter or family muscle is often seen to be.
Ever since joining the Ballanger family as a personnal hunter and enforcer, Anastasia has gone out of her way to promote a heroic image, using common con man tactics to make her seem more virtuous than the situation actually is. Be it agitating groups of vampires at innocent families and then coming to their defence at just the right moment, giving peasent land owners "discounts" from jacked up prices, or even staging a mock argument before them, defending them against the greedy estate dealer to get them a better deal.
In her spare time she marches through the political world, preaching a pious image of hunters, extoling them to be virtuous defenders, praising the level headedness and generosity of her patron family, and even actively donating and promoting charitable work for the poor, presenting herself as a defender of the common man. In battle she is tactical and fierce, leading heroic charges against dark forces, or so she pays the bards to say.
Beneath her public persona, she is a cold, weary monster like any other, nihilistic and ruthless, but not sadistic, though she adores anything dramatic that might peak her interest in her grey life. What warmth she has she reserves soley for her patron family, holding a devotional love for her patrons. For them she does anything, assassination, sabotage, political machinations. Their personnal "hell hound", shrouded in the cloak of God.
History:Nobody knows where she came from, a foriegnor hired out of the blue by the Ballanger family, immediately proving her swordhand in the hunter community when she lead a raid on a notorious vampire compound in the forests. All that is known is that in little time she became a notable political voice, starting a new minor trend of pious disciline among the hunters, even establishing her own personal guard of devout fighters, for now only consisting of 10.
Known as the Blessed Ballanger Guard, they wear a signature black and gold leather armor (designed by Villiame), faces shrouded, doning her iconic pilgrim hat, a fanatical uptight lot that patrol the estates of the Ballangra family, spreading her piety.
Many among the hunter community resent her presence, the lower ranks seeing her as a killjoy and veteran hunters eyeing her as little more than a paper soldier, a pretty face riding on the fears and hopes of the oppressed commoners, a sham.
They're only half right.
Strengths:Unholy strength: A wolf in sheeps clothing.
Stealth: Years before in the criminal world has given her some raiding skills.
Swordwomen: Although in public she bears her righteous poleaxe, she's actually skilled in the longsword, and knows her way with it.
Politician: Years as a con have proven useful in the court.
Weaknesses:Drama queen: Intoxicated by her newfound popularity, she never misses a chance to show off her "virtues", earning the resentment of many.
Hysterical: To cross her is to invite a blind fury that she often trips over.
Coward: She has no concept of honor and no shame in running when victory is not assured, pushing others in harms way.
Not a hunter: Anastasia has very little experience actually fighting monsters firsthand, more of a manhunter at best, and will delegate the actual hunting to others. And take all the credit.