Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hannibal
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sunlight had not begun to blanket the land when Renault had woken from his slumber, a man of habit as he rose typically before sunrise. It was in that moment that he was at peace, he couldn’t give a damn that the realm was at war. Careful that he wasn’t to wake Madeline from her peaceful slumber as he sat on the side of their bed. His body begging him just a few more moments beside her but his mind said work. Work always won, exhaling a sigh as he rose from the bed. Renault would let Madeline sleep like he’d done many times before, his duties were calling especially now more so than ever.

Renault had a servant lay out his attire the day before, he wasn’t about to waste time on something such as his clothes. Trousers of earthy brown, tunic green like the brightest leaves embroidered in varying shades of brown signifying the crest of his house. Slipping one foot into each of the embroidered boots. Smoothing the clothes so that he would look acceptable for one of his station, he was no perfectionist but he did like looking decent for company. Even if that company was Tyrion Lannister ‘The Imp’, any man of station was to be greeted in the most dignified of manners. There was no time to dally around though, work was to be done and the guest quarters warranted inspection and to speak with Ser Kayne on certain matters, but first, it was time for his breakfast.

Grasping ahold of the brass candleholder, letting the dancing flame light Renault’s way thru the darkness. A trek he made a hundred times before and undoubtedly make another hundred times, with the only sounds being the servants carrying out their duties for the day. Tedious and bothersome as those tasks were, the servants carried them on without complaint.

His journey was nearing its end as the entrance the great hall was within view, Renault’s stomach grumbled in demand of sustenance. Crossing the threshold, as he carried on great tapestries of the deeds of his family hung adorning both sides of the great hall. Looking to only see a few guards at breaking their fast, the ones Marvyn posted at guard duty during the night most likely. Everyone was continuing on just as if it hadn't been Renault's name day yesterday. It was better that way, he didn't much care for large celebrations but since he had remarried and times were getting more chaotic there needed to be some joy before times got darker.

“Crisped bacon, eggs, and cheese. An ale to wash it down.” Renault spoke to the servant girl had hurriedly gone back to prepare the first meal of the day. Sitting at the head of the table his paige had laid out his correspondents out on the table for Renault’s viewing pleasure. The first being that Tyrion was to arrive at midday, sooner than expected but he’d welcome him at the time of his arrival. Biting into the bacon that was brought out, curbing his stomach hunger.

Among the documents was one of Lady Madeline’s former house, no doubt another message from her brother about her father’s health. “Make sure to give this to Lady Madeline promptly when she wakes, but do not wake her and inform her of my whereabouts.” Handing the sealed parchment to the attendant to be delivered. “Make sure Radford and Stelsa have awoken, they have their own duties before Lord Tyrion arrives. Make sure Radford oversees Lord Tyrion's chambers and Stelsa is to be getting ready for the day and inspect the keeps cleanliness.” Normally he’d let them sleep but company was coming.

He’d begun to wonder a moment where Ser Kayne was, but with the tasks laid upon him, he was most likely busy. Despite this though he wanted an update on his tasks, this whole bit on the current power struggles was taxing. Renault needed piece of mind. Since his life was about to get increasingly more difficult and dangerous. Looking up at Talon, his family's heirloom passed from father to son for generations. Hoping that it would keep his family safe during the rest of his tenure.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The sun had not even crested over the hill's of Ash Falls, as Marvyn lead his men on a morning log run. It took about a dozen men to carry each log without struggle, so he had made it extra difficult by assigning only nine men to a log today. Not carrying a log himself, Marvyn had instead brought two over the shoulder satchels, each filled to the brim with river rocks from the falls below. The burn in his shoulders and thighs was immense, sweat pouring down his face and staining his linens, he grinned as he jogged just in front of his men. The cool, moist, morning air washed over him as they crossed the top of the hill, now at the top of the water fall, the stream leading to the drop off into the plunge pool, which streamed off into a now very prosperous town below, with the imposing shadow of the castle slowly beginning to show as the sun was just beginning rise.
"Only a little bit longer now men." Marvyn barked at his men, "Unless you don't think you can handle it!" He exclaimed with an challenging tone.
"I think you're getting soft in you'r old age sir. I remember a time when you would never offer an out on the log run." a blonde shirtless man replied from his line.
"Ah, it's cause the captain's got his boy on the run now! He wouldn't want his wittle baby to gt huwt" another man joked, with howls of laughter quickly following.
From the front of the center log line, a much younger lad spoke up, "Keep talking and I'll shove my sword's hilt up your ass Owyn!" Martyn barked back, not wanting his parentage to be mocked yet again.
"That 's enough from all of ya! Or I'll have you pansies run another lap!" the captain commanded, hiding his grin, not wanting his image of a stern, brutish captain to be tainted. The men replied united, and the run continued on in relative silence to the huffing and groaning of overworked soldiers.

After the morning run ended, Marvyn dismissed his men to report to check with their designated post for the day. Marvyn had nearly double his's the number of guard's on day patrol in the streets and in the castle itself. Lord Lannister was expected to arrive soon, and Marvyn was sure as hell not going to have some catastrophe strike under his watch. Returning to his quarters, Marvyn's mind raced with thoughts, so much had happened recently with the birthday festivities, his son's joining of the guard, and the implosion of the seven kingdoms all weighed heavily on his mind. Removing his sweat soaked clothes, he quickly bathed and dressed his casual attire, brown woolen stockings with a padded greed undershirt with a light curiass on top, and comfortable boots, meant for maneuverability. Rather than carry a blade, Marvyn has become fond of the morningstar as of late, always trying to find new ways to challenge himself. He has become quite skilled with the weapon and has come to prefer it over his blade.

Grabbing a pile of signed and sealed letters, along with some other parchments, Marvyn left his quarters making his way through the castle. First, he found the Maester, to have all of the letter's sent by raven to their proper recipients. Next, he stuck his head into the quarters of both the young Lord and Lady to make sure they were awake and starting their days. He then made his way to the crypts, and bowed his head before the resting place of Lord Gerald, his dear friend. He whispered a small prayer for his former lord and his son, who's resting place lie only short distance from his fathers. The old soldier sat in sullen silence momentarily, taking a short period of time to talk with the gods in the presence of his oldest friend. Regaining his composure, Marvyn left the crypt and focused again on his duties. Making his way to the great hall, Marvyn passed many guard's just getting off duty, having a breakfast for dinner so to speak, they we're off to the barracks to rest before the start of their next shift. Looking to the biggest table of the hall, at the head sat Marvyn's closest compatriot, Renault.
"Good morning m'lord!" Marvyn spoke with a tiny smile, gesturing to the serving staff for a plate of his usual breakfast meal. sitting at the open seat adjacent from Renault, Marvyn waited for his plate, holding just two pieces of bread and some eggs, accompanied by a large pitcher of water.
"The maester is sending out ravens to the correspondents we discussed previously. I'll personally be overseeing the matter and make sure everything is in order for when the time comes." Marvyn spoke, beginning to lightly nibble on his toast.
"I also have had new blueprint's drawn up for new watchtowers to be built on the edges of the town and around the castle." he said, sliding the rolled up parchments across the table.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

“M’lady your father wishes for you to wake.” A servant said as she came into Stelsa’s bedroom, lit some candles, and drew the curtains. It would take a little more prodding from the servant to rouse her from sleep, but once Stelsa acknowledged the servant’s presence the woman quickly left the room to finish her other morning duties. Now Stelsa was just lying in bed, staring at the rafters of her ceiling. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She glanced out the window to see a regrettably dark blue sky, and fog covered river staring back at her. It was definitely too early. She hated being awake before the sun.

The only light in the room was a soft glow from the dying embers in the fireplace. The three candles the servant had lit flickered in the corners of the room, making shadows dance on the walls. Her desire to go back to sleep was winning against her better judgment. She snuggled herself under the cozy covers. Closing her eyes she contemplated if the possibility of vexing her father, was worth staying in bed. With a bitter sigh, she decided that she would get up. Her father's name day celebration was yesterday, and it had lasted late into the night, long after half the household went to bed.

The rose-pink light of dawn was barely gracing the horizon as she finally pushed off the covers and sat up out of bed. Her long brown hair was always a wild mess of waves when she woke up. She fidgeted with the ends of it, and sighed again. Lately it had been colder at night, but now even the night chill was creeping into the mornings, slithering under the doorways, and windows. As she placed her feet on the ground the chill from the stone floor crept up her legs. She shivered and swiftly grabbed her woolen robe from the end of the bed. Stelsa shrugged it on over her nightdress, and shoved her feet into her slippers.

There was a distinct knock at the door that could only be Perra, and Stelsa’s mood immediately brightened. “I’m coming in. Big Mae doesn’t trust you to get yourself up, so she sent me to make sure you do.” Perra playfully mocked as she waltzed into the room, shutting the door behind her. “Is that your way of saying good morning? Because as you can see I am awake, and almost fully out of bed even though it’s still dark out.” She said back as she stood up and smiled over to Perra. They had been friends since they were five years old, and the fact that Perra was lowborn and Stelsa was highborn thankfully never seemed to affect their relationship. Unlike her old friend Jeems who had resorted back to calling her m’lady this past year, and was now ignoring her existence.

Perra pulled out a gold silk dress from the trunk at the foot of the bed. “You should wear this today since the king’s uncle, the imp is coming yah know. Everyone in the kitchen is talking about it. Do you think he's really as ugly as everyone’s saying?” Perra asked as she unfolded the dress, and patted down the creases. Stelsa did wonder how long Lord Tyrion would be staying here. She had not been paying much attention when her father explained things to her and her brother. “I don’t care if he is ugly, I’m more interested in why he is even coming here in the first place. Hopefully he'll find his visit enjoyable, and be on his way.” Stelsa said quickly glancing at the simple gown Perra chose. It was the most expensive gown Stelsa owned, mainly due to the lush gold silk material. She had only worn it a handful of times, and it was Perra’s favorite.

Stelsa brushed her fingers over the embroidered sleeves of the blue dress draped over the chair in the corner. She had worn it yesterday for the festivities, and was planning on wearing it again today. It was her mother’s old dress, and she was curious to know if her father even noticed. She had been leaving little reminders and hints of her mother around ever since her father remarried. From what she gathered, none of it even registered to her father. Stelsa happily agreed with Perra’s choice instead, deciding to give the passive aggressive behavior a rest for the day. Perra helped lace Stelsa into the gold gown. She then proceeded to brush Stelsa's tangled brown hair into a less wild state. By the time the sunrise was in full swing Stela was fully dressed, and Perra had magically managed to tame her hair enough to pin it into a court fashion. To some this could be considered a small miracle. Getting her out of bed was considered a chore by most, so Stelsa was normally the last one down to breakfast.

Perra ran off after saying something about forgetting to make the dough for tonight's fish pies. The light silk of her dress was doing nothing to prevent the cold morning air from making her shiver, so she ruffled through her trunk of clothes for a coat. Thankfully the brown fur trimmed one she loved was still folded and wedged where she left it weeks ago. It was old, and since she'd grown four inches since it was made the hem ended in an awkward length above her ankle. Her favorite thing about it was the ivory buttons, and green ivy leaves she had stitched around the collar. Stelsa made her way to the great hall for a absurdly early breakfast. If this were any other day she would still be burrowed under her blankets fast asleep for the next hour. "Good morning." she greeted her father with a kiss on the cheek. She sat down in her usual place, and food was brought out. She spread blackberry jam onto a slice of bread, and took a bit.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 14 days ago

Lᴀᴅʏ Mᴀᴅᴇʟɪɴᴇ Aɴɴᴇ Lᴀsʜᴛᴏɴ

@Hannibal @LordLinguinie @Emma
Madeline eyes fluttered open whenever she rolled over and found that her darling Lord was already up and probably getting started on his duties for the day. She continued to lay down until she heard a knock upon the door, which she told the person behind to go ahead and come on in. It was the messenger attendant that had a parchment, which was sealed in his hand and handed it over to her. Madeline thanked the male as he scurried off as she peeled off her brother's seal slightly before she pulled out the letter that was contained inside. Before her eyes gazed down to read it, Madeline got out of bed and walked around the room until she found better lighting since the sun had not made it's presence known yet.

Dear sister,

First, I am still envious that Lord Renault of Ash Falls married you and we miss you dearly here at the Kingdom. Father's health is stable and he is better than he was when you were here. I am married now to Lady Sanna of House Stinson, whose expecting a child and I am now apart of King Renly's Vanguard. I hope you see you soon, sister. Make sure Lord Renault takes good care of you.

Your loving brother,
- Lord Heath II

Once she was done reading the letter, she sat it down and let out a sigh of relief. Madeline had been so worried about her father since she left the Kingdom and married Renault but to heard that he is doing better, was definitely something that she needed to right about now. She hate that she missed his own brother's wedding but the fact that she was going to be an aunt really warmed her heart, which was slightly shattered whenever he mentioned that he was now apart of King Renly's Vanguard. Madeline hoped that her brother was safe and if she didn't have anything to worry about before, she was definitely worried about her brother now.

Again, she sighed but this one was not of relief but filled with worry. After she folded the letter and placed it back inside, she stood up from her seated position and got ready for the day as she remembered that the messenger attendant said something about her darling Renault's whereabouts. Now that her mind was on her Lord, who had celebrated his name day yesterday and what an eventful day it was - Especially for her since she made sure everything was promptly set up to make him happy and enjoy his day.

Lady Madeline got dressed the morning, with the help of her handmaiden then asked how she looked as her handmaiden said that she looked absolutely stunning. Thanking and dismissing her handmaiden, she started her trek towards the dining hall and when she arrived, she not only saw Renault but also Ser Marvyn and Lady Stelsa. Upon her entrance, she spoke for one of the servants to go and retrieve her a plate of the breakfast food along with a goblet of ale. From there, she approached Renault and gave him a kiss on the cheek then smiled towards him as she sat down in a chair that adjacent from him and in front Ser Marvyn and beside Lady Stelsa.

She turned her gaze towards Lady Stelsa now. "Good morning." She spoke towards her then turned her attention towards Ser Marvyn with a slight smile. "Morning, Ser Marvyn. How was your morning run? Good as usual, I hope?" She asked then her gaze went over towards Renault just as a servant came out with her plate of breakfast and goblet as she leaned over and grabbed Renault's hand into hers. "How are you doing this morning, my lord?" Madeline asked towards him with a bright smile forming among her lips.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Forested lands passed beneath his vision. He could see the entire lay of the land race below as he soared half a league above. A river to the west snaked its way through the greens, tans and reds. Open tracts of farming country marked the landscape in the distance. Smoke billowed upon the horizon caught his attention. The speed of his descent toward what felt like danger incensed his heart rate. It was an exhilarating feeling; the blood rushing through his veins.

Nearing the smoke, he found men, some on horseback others running about putting torches to thatched structures. A stone keep, half a kilometer to the north stood on a small hill rose prominently out of the forest, as if watching down on the burning village. He heard shouts of men and screaming women. A violent foray as those unable to defend themselves ran to escape torture.

He banked towards the south racing onwards. The roads, below teemed with refugees fleeing death and destruction; heading towards King’s Landing. The displaced people attempting to find shelter, peace and a hot meal. Hope for a promising future was all these lowborn souls could hope for, with their world now torn asunder.

His vision changed. He now raced over a flowing river, barely five meters over the surface. Peering at his reflection in the water, he could see the light-colored belly and underwing of a red-tailed hawk. The bird’s feathers a rich brown above and pale below, with a streaked belly and, on the wing underside, a dark bar between shoulder and wrist. The tail, pale below and cinnamon-red above.

He approached a water fall and felt his body angle upward as his powerful wings flapped heavily scooping the air to gain altitude. As he reached the top of the water fall, the land opened up into a village overseen by a castle he recognized in the distance. Running men carrying logs beneath him raced towards the village and castle. The men also seemed familiar in some way. He felt a sense of anxiety as he neared the castle. Several emotions overtook him, causing him to wake.

Radford opened his eyes in bed thinking about the dream he just had. He wanted to remember every crisp detail. He recounted it believing it was he who was flying as the bird. It was truly an amazing dream. ‘Maybe I should write this one down?’ he asked himself.

Motivated to begin the day, he flew back the covers to dress himself. Before choosing his clothing, he retrieved a thin branch, shoved into the coals until it took fire, then he lit several candles around his room in order to add some light. The sun threatened to streak over the horizon, but not yet. It was much too early, but Radford always loved the morning. It was his favorite time of day.

He recalled events from his father’s name day celebration. He enjoyed the revelry, laughing with his sister and the other guests at the affair. He remembered the conversation he had with his father earlier in the day. He thought of Beatha Kenning of House Kenning of Kayce. A mildly attractive young waif of a lass, who more than anything else was rather intelligent. She was quick with a retort and her smile filled a room with joy. Lord Rennault recommended the Young Hawk to pursue this lass. He could not help but wonder also about Lady Glover who had strong attachments to. It saddened him to know his father would not support a union with Deepwood Motte. He also thought of his friend Evelyn Risley who was skilled a sparring partner as any boy or man he may have fought with. He truly enjoyed her company. He questioned whether the young lady truly wished to bear children. This was not a subject he could bring himself to ask with her. Lord Radford was almost to the point of asking Lady Glover’s hand in marriage, but his lord father cautioned haste. For some reason, his lord father did not want him to wed a northerner.

Over the past few days, Radford observed the blacksmiths and metal workers in Ash Falls working on swords, breast plates, helms, and shields as well as other components used in the crafting of armor and weapons. The artificers were hard at work producing weapons of war. This single action provided Radford to some insight to his lord father’s mind. In Radford’s opinion, House Lashton is going to war! The thought truly thrilled the young hawk. He could hope for nothing more. He knew he would excel in battle; distinguishing himself among some of the finest warriors in the realm.

Radford was giddy with excitement as he pulled on his breeches, undershirt and his signature green and brown doublet with gold thread; the same top he wore to his father’s name day celebration. He pulled on a pair of high hard brown leather boots then dragged a brush through his hair to insure he was presentable.

As he strolled from his room, a smile crossed his lips knowing the future would present wonderful opportunities for him. He simply needed to be strong enough to grasp them when they presented themselves.

The ward, Cedric Smallwood stepped from his room, clad in brown breeches, black boots, white undershirt and his brown leather Jerkin with acorns embroidered upon the chest. Radford had grown to consider Cedric something of a younger brother. They didn’t share everything, but were amicable enough. “Lord Cedric, are you heading to the hall to break your fast?”

“Yes m’lord,” the younger ward responded. “Shall I join you, Lord Radford?”

“Please do, m’lord,” Radford answered. The two young men walked and after a brief pause, Radford stated, “you have never expressed your views on the war raging in the realm. Do you have an opinion on the matter?”

Cedric bit his tongue. This was as of late a sore subject with the Lord of Acorn Hall. He never wanted to admit his disdain for the Lannisters. “Well, it should be no surprise, my loyalties lay with those of my lord father. He has apparently bent the knee to King Robb of Winterfell. I trust this information will have no ill feelings between myself and House Lashton?”

Radford peered into his eyes as they continued walking toward the great hall. “You have nothing to fear, m’lord. I understand your loyalty for your father. I have often stated, I don’t care which side we fight for as long as we fight.” Radford became more animated, excited as his voice intensified. “Have you seen all the weapons and armor the smiths have been forging!?”

Cedric nodded his head maintaining a placid expression, giving none of his thoughts away. He acknowledged the signs. The Lashtons were indeed going to war. But he could not know his step father’s mind. He hoped it was with either of the new kings, not with the Lannisters sitting on the Iron Throne in King’s Landing.

As the two young men entered the great hall, Radford immediately spied the young whore replacing his dear sweet mother. He was saddened by her loss and the brief span of five years was insufficient to completely get over her loss. She was truly a wonderful woman. The Young Hawk accepted that his father appeared happier as a result of this union, but something about the woman did not sit well with him.

“Good morning, my lord father,” Radford greeted Rennault at the head of the table taking the seat to his right. He gave a slight nod to the man as he greeted him. Cedric took a seat further down the table next to Lady Stelsa. “I trust you slept well?” He waited for a response before continuing.

“Good morning Lord Kayne,” Radford stated with a stern expression on his face. Intoned with curiosity, he asked, “did you take some men out for a run this morning? Carrying logs perchance?” He waited for a response before greeting the rest seated at the table.

“Good morning my sweet sister. It warms my heart to see you. I absolutely love the dress you wore to father’s name day celebration yesterday. You reminded me so much of our own pure mother, Gods bless her soul.”

Finally, Radford turned to look at his step mother with the stern expression, “Morning, m’lady.” He then quickly turned to a servant, I will have two strips of bacon, two poached eggs, toast and marmalade, with a goblet of ale to wash it down, please.”

“Father! I had the most amazing dream this morning,” Radford returned to his usual excited demeanor. “I must tell you about it later. It was very telling. Uplifting, I do say so myself.” Radford smiled at the rest of his family seated at the table returning his grim expression when his eyes fell upon his father’s new wife.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 9 days ago

Corlys Velaryon

The castle was silent and dark when Corlys Velaryon woke, taking a moment to yawn and blink rapidly as his room came into focus. Corlys sighed, moving his hand up to his head and then letting it flop back into the bed. With a heave of his body the Platinum haired teenager had his legs over the side of the bed and hand blindly searching for the torch he kept below. Stifling another yawn the Velaryon used the flint to light the torch and proceeded to light a few others to give his room some light. He had no idea what time it was, but his internal clock signaled it was the usual time he woke. He stumbled to the chamber pot and relieved himself before turning to the ragged clothes he had set out on the furniture. Dressing quickly the 15 year old left his chambers and just like every morning for the last two years made his trek down the Castle corridors and out into the silent night.

It was relaxing, the night. The sky still dark yet slowly lighting up as the Sun began winning the eternal battle of night and day. It was Corlys's favorite part of the day, when everything was still quiet and still yet just beginning to stir and wake for the inevitable work that needed to be done. Cor nodded to a few of the Castle guards who were unlucky enough to get the night shift and then began stretching as he approached the training yard. Just as he entered the memorized area Corlys was hit by a wave of nostalgia and a soft smile came to his face as he placed his hand on a wooden post beside the entrance.

Corlys had been 13 years old when he first arrived at Ash Falls, nervous and excited at the same time to be on the mainland and not an Island. He had been introduced to his new Knight and Lord of the House and then the mans children. He remembered the first night clearly, the somewhat awkward supper, not knowing where he should sit or who to talk to. He went at it like he went at everything in life, cautiously and calculating variables. He remembered waking up the same time as he always did and getting lost in the brand new Castle until some guards helped him.

As Corlys gripped the wooden post now brought back to the present with his memories catching up with him, the younger Velaryon gripping the same post when he first found the training area. With a deep sigh, Corlys pulled off his tunic and stretched a bit more as he broke into a slow jog. The jog would slowly turn into a full run as Corlys let his lungs fill with the fresh air, the boy closing his eyes a bit since he knew the route by heart and just enjoying the peace. His thoughts, now firmly out of the past was thrust to the future. The realm was a tinderbox, already half of it had exploded and the rest would soon follow no doubt, loyalties would be made to various Kings and Cor would have no choice but to follow the Lashton's, less his dishonor himself by abandoning his mentor. A small smile broke his face as he thought of the Lord Renault. He was a good man, and Corlys had learned quite a lot from him and his Master at Arms. It made the Velaryon a bit regretful that he didn't stay long at the festivities the night prior, but Corlys was a stickler for routines and didn't like breaking schedules.

With his thoughts all over the place Corlys lost track of time and by the time he finished running it was because the morning had finally come and the sun was beginning to rise, bathing the retreating dark grounds in a half light. His chest heaving, Corlys returned to the wooden post where he left his shirt and slung it behind his neck. He made his way back towards the entrance of the Castle and smiled when he saw Ser Kayne beginning his own training with some of his Guards. Corlys nodded to the new guards who were stationed at the entrance and made his way back to his room, causing a bit of a scene when a small herd of serving girls passed by him, heading to their duties. He had just smiled at the young ladies and bowed, his platinum hair plastered to his head from sweat. They all giggled and fluttered off like birds which made the teenager grin brightly.

As he entered his room he waved hello to his personal servant and good friend Tristam who had already prepared a bath for his master, knowing the boys tendency to run in the morning. "Morning Cor, I assume you want to wear your usual wardrobe so I'll get it put on your bed. Lord Lashton has not quite woken yet. I will be back in 15 minutes with your clothing." Corlys just nodded to his friend and thanked him for his thoroughness before stripping and lowering himself into the bath, sighing in relaxation as he felt the still warm water caress his hot and sweaty skin, causing the muscles to unclench from the exercise and go limp. He let his head go under as well and held his breath as he enjoyed the unique sensation of seeing the world from underwater. He stayed that way until his lungs began screaming for air and then surfaced, resting the back of his head against the tub and closing his eyes while he caught his breath. With another sigh the teen grabbed the soap and began scrubbing, figuring he might as well get it over with before relaxing again.

By the time Tristam returned Corlys had finished washing and was just enjoying the water which was becoming cold. The servant placed his masters favorite wardrobe on the bed and then disappeared without a sound, leaving the Velaryon teenager to prepare himself for the day. Corlys hadn't even opened his eyes when he heard Tristam re-enter, instead sighing knowing that it was time to truly being another day. He finally pulled himself out of the bath and padded over to his bed, drying off as did so. He looked down at the White and Aquamarine clothing and nodded. He had seen the style worn once when he had gone to Kings Landing, the Kingslayer having worn it when walking about the Red Keep early in the morning. Cor had fell in love with the simple yet elegant look and adopted it himself. He dressed quickly, and strapped a simple dagger to his belt instead of his sword and then adjusted the sleeves near his wrist to allow better movement. He stopped at a mirror to check for any possible indication of facial hair and tried to hide his disappointment that none seemed to appear overnight. Sighing but content that he was ready, Corlys moved to his desk and poured out a liquid which he then placed on his neck and wrists. The Liquid was a slight cologne, not strong enough to be overly noticed, but noticeable should someone move close enough.

As he left his room Corlys remembered he needed to retrieve some swords from the Blacksmith and bring them to the Guard Barracks for Ser Kayne. Cursing his forgetfulness Cor quickly made his way to the Blacksmith and begging the mans forgiveness for waking him retrieved the swords. The Velaryon gave the Blacksmith a little extra for the misunderstanding from his own pocket and then headed back to the Castle, rolling his eyes and smirking at the joking from the same guards he had passed earlier. With his task complete Corlys figured Lord Lashton would be awake and already breaking his fast but to make sure the teen headed to the Kitchen where he was greeted by the head chef. "Oy, Velaryon, no sweets for you. It's breakfast eh, why aren't you with Lord Lashton." Cor groaned as he replied. "I wasn't aware he was awake quite yet, but I figured I'd come down and find out myself since he likes to eat breakfast first thing. What did he order?" The chef chuckled a little and repeated the order and Cor grinned as an idea sprang into his head. "Mind making another order like that, since that's his usual I'll just say I came down here to get it for him." With another chuckle the chef just nodded and soon enough Cor was heading up to the Great Hall from the Kitchen with a plate of food.

As he entered the hall however he saw he wasn't the only one who was up early that morning. The entire family was practically at the High Table at this point. As he approached his Knight he locked eyes with each Lashton individually. First there was Lady Stelsa, the brown haired princess as Corlys had called her once when he was younger. They were the same age and Corlys would be lying if he said he didn't find her attractive. He also appreciated her friendships with the lower classes, as well as her quick wit. Cor inclined his head to the young woman as he approached and moved his eyes from her to her step-mother. Lady Madeline was no doubt a beauty and Corlys was happy that his Knight had found happiness once again though he knew that all were not happy that the woman from the Vale were currently sitting beside the Lord Lashton. He respects her as the Lady of the House and finds her to be quite nice and polite to him overall. Next was Ser Kayne who in Corlys's mind was an honorary Lashton himself. Ser Kayne was one of Corlys's role-models and he appreciated the man quite a bit. It was obvious the Velaryon teenager respected the Vulture Knight thought not only for his considerable knowledge of warfare but for the respect he did command from everyone that met him. Finally his eyes met Radford, and he inclined his head again in respect. Corlys liked the young man who was heir to Ash Falls quite a bit and found him to be a fun opposite to himself, he had no idea how the 20 year old felt towards him but Corlys liked to think the older boy thought of him as at least a friend. Beside the Lashton heir was Cedric Smallwood, the other 'ward' of Ash Falls and Corlys sent him a smile. Cedric was one that Corlys tried to be overly friendly to just because he desperately desired a friend, he found the quiet nature and more spiritual Smallwood boy to be good company and while they practiced against each other in the training yard Corlys had never gotten enough courage to approach him and just talk.

With his raid fire thoughts finished Corlys found himself standing in front of his Knight and put an apologetic look on his face which was genuine. "I apologize I wasn't fast enough to bring you your breakfast My Lord." He inclined his head and awaited the next words. He still often wondered where he was supposed to sit with this motley crew of Lashtons and adopted Lashtons and always tried to put himself in a spot to be told where to sit and what to do so he didn't make a mistake. Of course his mind was busy as work with various potential outcomes and like a organized clerk was putting situations from his past that were relevant to the position he was in now.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hannibal
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lord Renault


“Morning old friend.” Greeting his closest confidant with more enthusiasm, knowing that everything was proceeding along smoothly with Marvyn at the helm. Marvyn was Renault’s saving grace in this whole debacle with the realm going down the privy. Without that old buzzard, he’d have gone bald by now. “Good, with any luck we’ll be able to bring some peace to the land.” Especially since he was working with a major player in this kingly nonsense.

Renault scanned thru the blueprints, they were well drawn. From his days of war he looked thru them for any structural weakness that could be taken advantage of. He knew that Ser Kayne had already taken care of such flaws, but a second pair of war stained eyes couldn’t hurt. “We’re gonna need one on that west bank between us and Lord Ryger. You can bet that he's looking at us with hungry eyes now that Starks and Tullys have merged together. We need a first warning as a precaution.” Renault carried a serious dislike of Lord Ryger, that resembled the hate between cats and dogs.

Renault watched as his daughter Stelsa had entered the hall. He knew full well she’d still be buried under the mounds of bedding if he hadn’t called for her. He’d watched her grown into a beautiful young woman much like her mother was. Renault was getting more than slightly vexed with her antics as of recently, especially towards his wife Madeline. With current events and the secrecy with Marvyn he couldn’t scold her as he wanted to at the moment. “Good morning Stelsa. Thank you for yesterday.” Appreciating her behavior despite wearing his late wife Lucia’s dress. Acknowledging her kiss on her cheek.

“You will be inspecting the keep for Lord Tyrion’s stop on his way to King's Landing. It needs to be warm and welcoming. We don’t entertain royalty much anymore, so we need to make him feel at ease.” Entrusting Stelsa with this task since it will be one of her main duties as a wife when he decides to marry her off. They will be lessons she will need to learn soon.

Renault bit into the bacon, crunching it as Madeline came into view, smiling slightly as she entered. His mindset was on business but couldn’t help to show his appreciation for her despite he was focused on other matters. Letting her settle next to him, hoping that the small talk she’d initiate would be received warmly by Radford and Stelsa.

Intertwining his good hand with Madeline’s looking back towards her. “I’m better that you’ve awakened Madeline. I trust that you slept well?” Renault didn’t use her title, often calling her without the title or by Madie. He didn’t use later to avoid early morning antics from Stelsa. “It appears that Lord Tyrion will be coming around midday. If you’d be kind enough to help plan accordingly for his visit, perhaps the Dornish red from the celler would be an adequate spirit for this evening.” Renault glared at his daughter for a moment, then moved his sight back to his wife. “And thank you for last night, I couldn’t have asked for a better name day celebration.”

Using two of his three fingers Renault pushed the last of bacon into his mouth, followed by brown ale to wash it down. Radford his prodigal son, stronger and quicker than Renault was in his youth. As the saying goes, ‘Like father, Like son.’ He had hoped his son wouldn’t be so quick to act sometimes but still, he couldn’t ask for a better son and heir. Renault’s mind went back to yesterday briefly for a moment as they talked about his marriage possibilities.He truly wished that Radford could marry the Glover woman, maybe he still could if the rebellion was to end soon. Renault, however, would force his son to marry Bethea Kenning if it was required. That, however, was for another time.

“I would be most curious to hear of it. When your duties are taken care of first, our company is coming earlier than anticipated.” He could tell the excitement in his son's voice came from the smithies at work, yes he was going to war but war was never a good thing. Soon his son would see that first hand.

“Nonsense Corlys, please sit. You’ll be having plenty of time to make up for the instance.” Knowing that the hour was soon approaching that the young man would prove his worth and in turn honor his lord father with a knighthood. “Sit wherever suits your need.”

The stabs kept coming at Madeline, something he was growing quite tired of. Radford making the jest about Stelsa wearing their late mother’s dress was uncalled for. Especially for the heir of his house to make such a gesture. Renault was going to make a comment until the maester had come delivering a message.

Removing his hand from Madeline’s to accept the scroll, turning the scroll around to the seal seeing who it was sent from. Renault looked down at the wax stamp and then to Marvyn, giving some indication of who the sender was. Looking back to Madeline who was looking at the stamp with relative concern. Renault shook his head for her not to mention what she had seen and as they’d converse about it later.

He opened the scroll, his eyes skimming thru its contents. Clenching his bad hand as he often did hearing a particular name. Its contents not enlightening but it did provide insight to his partner's thinking and valuable information. “Ser Kayne it looks as if ‘The Blackfish’ has become Robb Stark’s outrider captain. ” The Blackfish was an extremely sore point for both Renault and Marvyn for well justified reasons. It was often the point when Renault flexed his bad hand.

Looking towards his ward Cedric and feeling sorry for the lad, he truly didn’t know what to say to help the young man in his situation. He would have to speak with him and without the presence of others. To help console him and understand his feelings on the matter. The matter with the Blackfish leaving the Vale to join the Stark Tully rebellion wasn’t what Renault had in mind starting the day with.

Renault’s headache was just about to get worse though. Commotion and chaos was happening outside the doors, he heard it and couldn’t help himself to get up and see what the ruckus was about. His stomach churned as he walked away from the table as the commotion got worse and worse. Finally breaking thru a host peasant came bursting into his home, battered and bloody. “Sorry m’lord they surprised us.” One of the guards came rushing through begging for an apology. Renault just held up his hand motion for him to be quiet.

“What happened? Who’s banner?” Renault demanded as he stood face to face with what looked like the leader of this rabble. “Mi’lord he didn’t have none. But did bid you have these.” The war-ravaged peasant handed Renault. A small dark brown sack, the bottom wet with a substance that he was dreading. Opening the sack and looked, a feeling of rage seething through his being. Hawklings, dead and beaten.

“This ends now! Kayne summon the men now, we're going hunting and it's not ending until I have Lord Ryger’s head on a damn spike! Corlys armor and horse now!” Renault pace quicked towards Radford, staring him dead in the eyes “You want your chance for glory, here it is. Get your damn armor. Kill this bastard and you can marry a goat for all I care!”

Renault red as the wine last night, he hadn’t been this angry since he’d found out that Rhaegar’s children had been murdered. Looking towards Stelsa, “Take care of them.” Starring towards his daughter for a moment, then to his wife. Motioning for her to walk with him towards the stables outside.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Enjoying the rest of his breakfast, Marvyn greeted the family as they slowly trickled into the hall, filling the table around him. Lady Madeline had been very kind to him, and seemed to make his dear friend very happy, which is what mattered most. Of all the children Marvyn had guarded and raised over the years, Stelsa was the one person Marvyn could not read like a book. Her brother Radford was an open book to Marvyn, he could easily tell his disdain for his father's new wife. Cor, Renault's Ward, was just another one of the kids to Marvyn, and they had grown quite fond of each other over the years. Stelsa however, remained an enigma to the old man, mostly because of his lack of experience raising daughters, though they still got along just fine. The peace and quiet of the ealry morning hours came to an abrupt end however, when a peasant bolted into the room, ragged and injured, followed by guards who had failed to keep him from getting through the door.

Lord Renault and Marvyn had spent many weeks and months holding out against the lords of the Riverlands during Robert's rebellion. Of the Houses they faced, none had been as big a thorn in their side than house Ryger. They faced off many times on the battlefield, and Ryger and Lashton forces were constantly intercepted by one another, though they had the assistance of the Blackfish at the time, a luxury the Rygers do not have now. Marvyn knew Renault what Renault was going to say before the words left his mouth, motioning for his guards nearby to get moving to signal the forces. Moving quickly from his chair, Marvyn rushed down the halls to the barracks, where many of his men sit and lay, recovering or preparing for a long shift. One glance from their commander and all of them began to rush to get their armor on. Marvyn himself switched out his light curiass for his more maneuverable thick leather tunic and bracers, as well as adding a sheathed dagger to his belt line, opposite his morning-star. Grabbing a quiver full off arrows and the accompany bow and throwing them over his shoulder, Marvyn moved back down the halls, lines of guards following behind at a steady jog.

Making their way down the halls to the main entrance of the castle behind the walls, Marvyn and his men could hear the synchronized ringing of bells from all of the guard outposts, signalling everyone to defensive positions. Around the town families rushed into their homes while the guards and enlisted men rushed to their set location. At each entry way into the town, small troops of armed men gathered and stood ready for intruders. In the multiple drill runs Marvyn had overseen, the longest it had ever taken the town to fully mobilize the troops was only a few minutes. Marvyn stood at the front of his men, now forming their lines in the courtyard, more and more armored soldiers filing in from surrounding posts and taverns. Marvyn mounted his black steed and stood at attention at the head of the small battalion behind him, awaiting Lord Renault's presence before moving.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

“Good morning Stelsa. Thank you for yesterday.” Lord Renault said to her. “You will be inspecting the keep for Lord Tyrion’s stop on his way to King's Landing. It needs to be warm and welcoming. We don’t entertain royalty much anymore, so we need to make him feel at ease.” He instructed her.

Stelsa did her best not to frown as Lady Madeline entered the room. “Of course father.” She said quietly. She took a bite of her breakfast, and wondered where in the world the rest of the family was. She was not in the practice of small talk and pleasantries when it came to being alone with the newlyweds. She made it a point to not be alone with the woman. Stelsa was coming to regret not sleeping in like she had wanted to.

"Good morning." Madeline said towards Stelsa.

For the short time Madeline had been living here, Stelsa had not been able to find a legitimate reason to hate the woman. She wasn’t mean, or spoiled. The lady didn’t pretend to be in charge over Stelsa, or insist to be called mother. In fact she hadn’t been what Stelsa expected her to be at all. She was loving towards her father, and overall played the part of a good noble wife well. But the idea that Lady Madeline had taken her late mother’s place beside her father, made Stelsa dislike the otherwise outwardly nice woman. Witnessing Madeline kiss her father on the cheek, and seeing the blatant affection in her father’s eyes as he spoke to her was irritating to say the least. Stelsa bit back the nasty retort that was brewing, and politely inclined her head in greeting to her new stepmother. Thankfully Radford and Cedric entered the hall before Stelsa’s notorious tactlessness appeared. Relief was all she was feeling as she watched the boys take their place at the table.

“I trust you slept well?" Cedric asked Stelsa.

“Well enough I suppose. But you know me Cedric. I’d still be in bed if it wasn’t for our guests arriving today.” Stelsa said candidly to him. Cedric was someone Stelsa considered family, as she’d known him since she was seven years old. She trusted him as much as she trusted Radford. There was a short time when he first arrived at Ash Falls when she had a crush on him, but that ended quickly when her mother explained he was her father’s ward, and should be treated as a new brother. “How any of you wake up so early and go running baffles me.” She said happily to the men in the room.

“Good morning my sweet sister. It warms my heart to see you. I absolutely love the dress you wore to father’s name day celebration yesterday. You reminded me so much of our own pure mother, Gods bless her soul.” Radford said to her.

Stelsa was amused by her brother comments, and greeting. She hid her pleased smile by taking a sip of the ale in her cup. She was glad that her dear brother and favorite person in the whole world appeared to approve of her behavior. He seemed to be participating in it as well. “Good morning to you too. And thank you Radford.” She replied to him cheerfully. If you knew Stelsa well, then you could most likely spot the mischievous flash in her eyes and approval of Radford’s words. She was happy Radford noticed and appreciated the dress, even if her father didn't.

“It appears that Lord Tyrion will be coming around midday. If you’d be kind enough to help plan accordingly for his visit, perhaps the Dornish red from the celler would be an adequate spirit for this evening.” Renault said as he glared at Stelsa for a moment, and then moved his sight back to his wife. “And thank you for last night, I couldn’t have asked for a better name day celebration.”

Stelsa didn't miss the brief glare. It hurt more then she expected it to, but the added comment about yesterday’s celebration just made her angry. What about the last five name day celebration she and Radford planed for him? Or any of the ones mother had arranged when she was alive?! Stelsa balled her hand into a fist under the table, the gold silk of her dress crushed between her fingers. With the rest of her food forgotten she stewed in her temper. She was just about to blurt out all of her angry thoughts when the peasant covered in dirt and blood ran in.

Things were set in fast motion then. First she looked to her father for reassurance or anything, but she followed his gaze to Madeline. Who knew abandonment was a feeling. She stood up from the table and looked to Radford for instruction. Fear, and worry snuffed out the anger that had been brewing, but the hurt was still in the back of her mind. Stelsa didn't know what to do in this kind of situation. The urge to run over to Radford and cling to his arm was knocked out of her mind, by putting on her brave face. Though her eyes betrayed her, she stood still at the table waiting and watching.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 1 mo ago


He toyed with his food, hungry, but pre-occupied. He was confused, but did not know what it was about. He wanted to tell the family about something, but he was confused and didn’t know what to say. Lord Cedric listened to the conversations around the table. He understood the animosity these two children had for their step mother. But Cedric noticed that she was nothing more than a loving woman to their father. She was a strong woman. She took their passive aggressive behavior in stride; not letting it phase her at all.

The conversation at the great table was disturbed by a peasant with news for the head of house. The creature’s teeth were gnarled; the front two missing, giving the man a slight whistle to his speech.

“Sorry m’lord they surprised us.” A soldier standing watch at the doors to the great hall rushed in behind, issuing an apology for the intrusion. Lord Rennault waved the man off, as if telling him to resume his post. Obviously Lord Rennault’s curiosity outweighed the necessity for protocol.

“What happened? Who’s banner?” Cedric’s mentor stood, demanding an answer from the peasant. He looked the man in his eyes.

“Mi’lord he didn’t have none. But did bid you have these.” Cedric hadn’t noticed it before. The man held a small dark brown burlap sack. The kind one would use to feed corn to chickens. An obvious dark liquid stained the bottom of the sack. A sense of foreboding fell over the great hall with the presence of this item. What was in the sack? Cedric watched Lord Rennault open and peer inside. It must be something heinous based on his appearance.

“This ends now!” Lord Rennault exploded. “Kayne summon the men now, we're going hunting and it's not ending until I have Lord Ryger’s head on a damn spike! Corlys, armor and horse now!” Rennault’s anger was quite obvious now. He issued orders in a fury, telling something to Radford. The heir to Acorn Hall did not hear what he said to his son. All he heard was an order to put his armor on.

Cedric looked at Stelsa, “It appears you are the head of Ash Falls now. Take counsel with the Maester. You will do well, my sister.” Cedric rushed from the table as soon as he uttered the words of encouragement to Stelsa. He returned to his room quickly to put on his armor. He did not have a squire like the other Knights. He had been a squire for Rennault for several years, but was knighted just prior to his last name day.

Cedric was already wearing the leather jerkin. He pulled a heavy mail surcoat over the leather armor and then the yellow and brown tabard of House Smallwood over the mail surcoat. He strapped a thick leather belt around his waist to cinch up the armor and tabard. On his left side, he wore a standard long sword given to him by his father as a gift on his last name day. His father maintained contact with him on a regular basis by raven or courier. He pulled the mail coif hanging behind his back over his head. There were a few small leather pouches containing items he may need while on campaign; a flint and steel, utensils, coins and chance cubes for leisure. He also attached a small 8” dagger to his belt before heading to the stables.

Oakrunner, his chestnut destrier was already saddled with appropriate mail barding and matching yellow and brown caparison displaying the acorns of House Smallwood. Cedric lead his horse outside and mounted. He rode up to the head of the column, standing near Lord Kayne. An armorer handed him a small yellow shield and a 14’ lance with yellow and brown ribbons hanging above the heft of the lance.

Within several minutes, Lord Radford rode his black steed out of the livery. The horse was trimmed in mail barding with the brown and green caparison hiding everything beneath. Lord Radford wore his tournament armor, minus the steel helm. He managed to take the great sword, talon from the Great Hall before he dressed. It slung across his back. He obviously had a squire to assist him. A second sword slung from his left side along with a 9” dagger tucked into his belt line. He too was handed a shield, this one was larger, made of steel. It was colored in Green and brown. His 14’ lance had green and brown ribbons fastened near the tip. Lord Radford took a position next to Lord Cedric.

Over the next half hour, roughly sixty riders carrying lances arrived who would ride with Lords Radford and Cedric during whatever campaign the Lashtons engaged in. These were peasant riders with some training in horsemanship and the use of the lance. They wore mail armor, a steel conical helm, small wooden shield and the same lance, the lords carried. They all wore the green and brown tabard of House Lashton. They also carried a long sword at their hip to use when needed. The detachment of Lancers would be used as outriders to reconnoiter the path in front of Lord Kayce’s vanguard and provide flank security during movement.

Cedric was excited about this adventure. He was good about hiding it, and secretly hoped he would not have to fight against someone who was a friend of his father’s. He did not want to be perceived, a traitor. He still had his honor to look out for.

Cedric looked at his adopted brother, “may good fortune bless you, Lord Radford.” Cedric smiled when he spoke to his friend.

“And to you as well, my brother.” Radford was confident only good things would come from this campaign. He knew he would be heralded as a hero and a champion. His father would be very proud of him. Radford had no clue what he was getting in for.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 14 days ago

Lᴀᴅʏ Mᴀᴅᴇʟɪɴᴇ Aɴɴᴇ Lᴀsʜᴛᴏɴ

@Hannibal @LordLinguinie @Emma @Gunther @Apoalo
As she waited for a reply from Renault, she turned her gaze towards Radford, who was just now entering in the dining hall. She offered him a smile but that quickly turned into a frown upon his greeting, which was stern towards her but while she was not going to let it bother her, she responded back towards him. "Morning, Radford." Madeline returned the greeting towards him in a rather pleasant tone then looked towards Renault again, smiling as she responded to his comment and question.

"Oh, Renault. You amuse me so." She muttered with a blush then continued. "I did sleep well but who cannot with a big, strong man sleeping beside them." Madeline could not help but tease towards him as yesterday was his name day and of course, she was sure that he felt like he was getting old but he was still adorable in her eyes. "You are welcome, my lord. You still do not look like you aged a day." Madeline teased again with a smile and slight blush overcoming her cheeks as she stared at Stelsa and Radford momentarily then shifted towards Ser Marvyn before she picked up a piece of bacon and taking a bite. "I'll be sure to assist help with Lord Tyrion's visit." Madeline mentioned as she looked towards Stelsa as Renault addressed her.

While she ignored the fact that his children somewhat despised her, Madeline did not know what to do about that. She pondered on the thought momentarily as she continued to eat her breakfast - Not really knowing what to say, or who to talk to besides Renault. It was then when Corlys entered and Renault, as always, was nice towards him. Lady Madeline looked at the ward and smiled, offering him a greeting of her own. "Morning, Corlys." She greeted him then looked at the seal on the back of the stroll that her darling Renault had just received.

Madeline gasped as she her hand was removed from Renault's and she dropped her utensils on the table. She could not believe what she had just saw and was certainly going to make sure Renault knew how she felt about that. But before she could, a solider entered the dining hall and interrupted their breakfast. The matter seemed a bit urgent to everyone in the keep as her eyes went from the solider over towards Renault, who opened the burlap sack as Madeline let out a shriek as to what the sack contained.

Everything was seemingly happening too fast as Renault shouted orders towards the men then looked towards his daughter and then towards her. Madeline's gaze looked up towards her lord as she got up from her seated position and grabbed the goblet of ale, chugging it down as she had to somewhat brace herself for what was happening around her. Madeline went by Renault's side now she followed beside him towards the stables that were outside. While she tried her best not to question her lord, she could not help herself but to do so. "What's going on, my lord? Who could have sent you those Hawklings?" The tone of her questions was more of worry than anything else but she did sort of demand answers to her questions.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 9 days ago

Corlys Velaryon

Corlys smiled to the Lord and inclined his head, it was just another reason he respected the man so much. He went to sit next to Stelsa, barely even able to touch his food before his mind snapped his back two years once again. The first morning of his stay, how he had entered the Great Hall looking lost and having not washed after his run since he got lost again. He was sweaty and dirty but had been invited to sit down at the High Table by Renault then as well and he had sat beside Stelsa. He had been a bit stricken with her then, the crush evident since most of the females from High Tide were related to him since he wasn't part of any potential marriage alliances. Aside from Shireen Baratheon of course. And so there Corlys sat, probably smelling a bit ripe breaking his fast with an amazing young lady. Can you say embarrassing!

Snapping out of his thoughts Corlys realized he was blushing a bit even at the mere memory of that morning and turned his face down towards the table to try and keep anyone else from picking up on it, especially Lady Stelsa. And yet, Cor couldn't help but sneak some glances at her when he thought she might not be looking, hoping she would be busy with her family discussion. Corlys didn't really chime in on anything, taking a leaf out of Ser Kayne's book and staying quiet, just observing unless his opinion be asked on something.

However, his head instantly went up and his eyes brimmed with curiosity when the Blackfish was mentioned. Brynden Tully was not a man many mentioned without good reason, the Knight of the Bloody Gate in the Vale the 'Blackfish' was always an enigma to Corlys. How could someone turn their back to their family and join another House? He could see from the tension in the room however that this news that the Blackfish had left the Bloody Gate and goes to fight with Robb Stark didn't sit well with the Lashton House. Cor just sat quietly and took another bite of his breakfast, glancing over at Stelsa once again. He briefly wondered where Lyonel was and figured the young man from the Vale was still sleeping, or getting a headstart on training for the day. Cor smiled and looked forward for a day of training and lounging around the Castle reading.

That idea was shot down when the doors burst open and a battered peasant farmer limped into the Great Hall, followed by some bewildered Guards. Renault earned a lot more respect from Cor when he allowed the man to speak and seemed to be very concerned for his people. He was taken by surprise however by the terrible anger that came over his Knight and he jumped to his feet quickly when he heard his name, nodding his head and sprinting out of the room.

His first stop was the Barracks to rouse the ten or so Velaryon House Guards that had been sent with him to House Lashton, after ensuring they would be ready, Corlys ran back to his room where Tristam seemed surprised to see him. "Trist, armor." came the quick order and after a time the teenager was bounding back into the hall dressed for battle in his regular set, a custom built sword for his stature strapped to his side in a ornate sheath. A dagger with a merman head was strapped to his opposite side. The Valyrian sprinted to Renault's chambers, knowing that Tristam would prepare his own Horse for travel.

Luckily Cor had spent a good amount of time memorizing the best ways to place the Lords armor on him and with a grim determination in his face the boy attended to his duties as Squire, triple checking every strap and plate segment to make sure he didn't miss anything. After he was finished he nodded to Renault and stepped back. [color=green]"I will prepare your warhorse my Lord."[/green] Corlys ran off towards the stable and realized just how nervous he was.

His hands were shaking, and his stomach felt like it was flipping all over the place. Swallowing, Corlys realized that he was also sweating, but the liquid felt freezing cold as he dripped down his spine, causing goosebumps to appear all over the back of his neck and arms. He shuddered and had to take a moment, staring down at the ground and breathing in deeply. He was heading to battle, and the actuality of the scenario was taking its toll on the 15 year old. Slowly but surely he returned to his senses and he snapped back to his duties.

With his Lords Warhorse ready to go, Corlys instructed the stablehand to wait for Renault to arrive and then moved to his own horse, Seamist a dappled gray destrier which was adorned with the same armor Corlys was wearing, aquamarine and white intertwining. A white seahorse on a aquamarine background was draped on either side of the horse's side and Corlys swung himself onto the saddle with practiced ease and gathered the reigns from the stableboy. He took a deep breath and then trotted out into the now crowding courtyard.

From the many drills that had been done under Ser Kayne, Corlys knew roughly where to meet with the others and as such it didn't take long for the 15 year old to spot Lord Radford and Cedric. Cor and Seamist trotted towards them and Cor nodded to each of them, making sure to school his expression to hide his nerves which was mingling with excitement and anxiousness. For the second time that day he wondered where Lyonel was and he glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the boy from the Vale.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zhaeth


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Lyonel Waxley

Swords clashed in the courtyard as Lyonel swung vigorously at his opponent. ''You take that back you hear me?'' he yelled as he continued his assault on his sparring partner. A veteran guardsman about twice his age. The guard nimbly parried his attacks and kept on taunting him. ''I'm sorry m'lord did I insult you? Are you going to run to your father now or did he not want you either?''

Lyonel, now enraged pushed his assault even further. He tried to move in on one of the parries and strike at the mans head with the hilt of his sword. The veteran was too quick however and moved in simultaneously to headbutt Lyon to the ground.

A collective laughter filled the courtyard as Lyon opened his eyes facing the cloudless sky. A crowd had gathered when they saw a boy holding his ground against a veteran soldier. The man was bigger and obviously more skilled but unable to break the boys defense until he taunted him into making a mistake.

An outstretched hand appeared over Lyonel as his eyes gained focus. He reached for it to be pulled up by the veteran. The man patted him on the back and explained to him. ''If you had tried that in battle I would have skewered you, boy. If you're going to do something smart don't make it so obvious.''
Lyonel winced as he wiped blood from his forehead and thanked him. ''Thanks, but I saw you getting tired there old man, I almost had you! But a deal is a deal so I'm buying the ale tonight. Just be careful, before long that belly of yours will be too big to fit your armor. Then we'll see who has a harder time keeping his feet on the ground!''

Suddenly the crowd was interrupted as an hysterical peasant holding a bloody bag raced past them towards the keep. Everyone gawked for a second until they realized something was very wrong. The crowd dispersed in all directions and Lyonel raced after the peasant to run to his room and don his weapons and armor. He thought about going over to warn Cor. A ward whom he had befriended shortly after arriving to Ash Falls. They were both outsiders and had become intense sparring partners. Lyonel thought highly of him but he realized as he reached the keep that Cor would probably be busy squiring to his lord during such commotion.

Lyonel was only recently knighted and had no squire. Although he was not poor he didn't wish to push his family's support and request one. Upon arriving in his room he struggled to put on his plate armor, a gift from his family for when he came of age. He could curse his father all he wanted but he did provide him with some of the finest armor available to him. His favorite was the bright silver breastplate with the tabard to represent house Waxley. Three candles with red flames, within silver candle holders on a grey field bordered in black. The knights of the Vale were considered some of the finest in the land and Lyonel was proud to represent them in such fabulous armor.

He was only just about finished buckling his sword and shield when the bells started ringing the garrison to action. With a quick stop at the stables he mounted up with his lance and joined the other soldiers in formation. His heart pounded from excitement as he moved up front next to Cor and the other nobles. Finally after months it looked as if he might do some real fighting again. He smiled and nodded towards Cor who seemed just as excited as he was, even a bit nervous. He realized that Cor had yet to prove himself in battle and would be just as eager and unsure as he had been himself a year earlier.

Lyonel had already taken part in a few battles against mountain tribes and other lowlifes. One time even saving his lord by killing a man. He didn't know how to feel about that. He wasn't sad about it but not proud either. A shiver went up his spine when he recalled cutting his stomach open and watching him drop his weapon to keep his guts from spilling out. He would never forget the terrified cries turning into gasps for air when he split the mans neck in half. Lyonel shuddered and shook his head back into the current situation.

He held the reins tight and his heart beat even faster as he turned towards his friend. ''Hey Cor, I got your back no matter what happens alright?''

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hannibal
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"That damned Lord Ryger. He means to take my land while the realm is in the damn privy." Renault spoke with haste. He had to since the war reached him prematurely. "Damned fool had to attack while I was drawing the men." He'd been slowly drawing his forces for an attack against the Riverlands. "Renault! Renault!" The Lady of Ash Falls, Madeline, called out towards her Lord as she trailed behind him and tried to keep up with his pace. Whenever she got close enough, she reached out to grab his arm with the hopes of stopping him and standing in front of him now. "I know that this isn't the time but you are aware that we might need to talk." Madeline eyes gazed into Renault's now with a hint of worry shining about them. She wanted answers and she wanted them before he left, honestly.

"About what? The seal?" Looking at Madeline with a slight look of discomfort. Renault wasn't used to this side of his wife and he didn't like it, especially as he was preparing for battle. "Yes, I've sided with the damn Lannister's. No it isn't right but we will survive because of that alliance." Walking around Madeline to Corlys who was about to put on Renault's armor. She stood there, shaking her head as he mentioned that he had sided with the Lannisters. Madeline knew that Renault did not like this side of her but he made a decision and she wasn't even involved. "Forget that, Renault." She watched as Renault walked around her now then proceeded to trail behind him. "I am not upset that you sided with them but why did you not let me know, Renault? Why did you not let me know before you decided to side with them." Madeline question towards the Lord of the house and awaited a response.

"That is the nature of war Madeline. Part of which is secrecy. War and politics of this scale need to be kept in the dark. Also your brother. I love him like my own kin but he's sided with Renly already." Renault knew Madeline's brother was an honorable man and following his liege lord, but now he was the enemy and hoped they'd never engage each other. Moving away from Corlys after his armor was on, making way to the stables. Madeline gasped whenever Renault knew that her brother had sided with Renly. She was taken back by those words that she was seemingly speechless and stammered between her words until he walked away again, with her following right behind him towards the stables.

"I was going to tell you, my lord." Madeline's voice softened now as she stood beside Renault, exhaling a sigh as she knew that he needed to leave now. "Just come back to Ash Falls safely, Renny. I would be lost here without you." Her tone changed quite drastically from their previous interaction but now, she was caught in the middle of not the current uprising war but a war between her lord and her brother. Madeline leaned up and gave Renault a kiss on the cheek before stepping back a few paces now as she wanted to watch him depart while she fidgeted with her mother's necklace.

“I will after I’ve expelled Ryger from my lands.” Renault wanted to kiss her back but it was precious time that he required for war. Mounting his night black horse, laden with armor. “Treat Tyrion as you would any guest and help Stelsa with anything that requires attention. I can’t delay any longer.” Renault was quick to the point. War in his early years had taught him as much.

Renault and his armored beast came trotting into the courtyard, approaching his son. “Son you will have our lead. If anything so much as a damn bird crosses your path inform me at once, this is no time for heroics. Start forming at the ready once you see Ryger’s forces.” If Renault’s voice didn’t convey the seriousness of the matter his eyes did.

Retreating back to Marvyn who was holding the middle with the vanguard. “Well, Marvyn it seems like we’ve done it again. Another damned fight. You ready to show these kids how it's done? But fight well my friend.” Giving his compatriot a nod before steering his mount off to address the crowd.

Steering his mount to where everyone could see him. “Ash men, my brothers! We’ve been attacked and I’ll be damned if we let some damned rivermen get away with it!.” Various cheers were shouted out. “Are we gonna take it!? Are we gonna let them shit on our home!?” The men started shouting out “No” with vigilance. “Today we hunt Rivermen! Forward!” Launching the campaign for battle.

Renault let the men march before walking his mount into the rearguard where he caught Corlys and Lyonel. “Lyonel I want you in the middle. I’m short of experienced men. Form up with Ser Kayne. You’re to follow his instruction understood?” Marvyn and his men had the experience and had already been to war once unlike most of the men were still green.

Looking over to Corlys. “Me and you will hold the rear guard. If you perform well, a knighthood could be well within your reach.” Giving the young man something to look forward to other than the prospect of war.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

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The Young Hawk was excited about his prospects; the anxiety, mildly overwhelming. He focused his breathing, calming himself to not let it get the better of him. His pet hawk, Pecker alighted upon his left arm; taking up a spot on his armor. Radford fed the bird a morsel from one of his pouches. “Yea, little Pecker, you will ride into battle with me, won’t you boy?” The young man spoke softly towards his avian friend.

Radford watched his Lord father gallop toward him from the stables, preparing for whatever engagement lay ahead. Radford admired the level of confidence his father exuded. His presence filled the son with confidence. He could see things with such clarity. He recalled every lesson he learned from Rennault and Lord Kayne.

As his Rennault moved closer, he listened to his words, “Son, you will have our lead. If anything, so much as a damn bird crosses your path, inform me at once. This is no time for heroics. Start forming at the ready once you see Ryger’s forces.” Radford peered into his Lord Father’s eyes. Their appearance conveyed a heavier tone than the words he uttered.

“Yes, my lord!” Radford responded without hesitation. Then he turned to Cedric, “Lord Smallwood, if you please, take a vedette of six horse and cover our flank. Place yourself about a kilometer from Lord Kayne between him and Lord Ryger’s lands. Send a rider back to our Lord Ashton in the event you spot anything from that direction." A vedette is a term used by cavalry formations to denote an observation post or covering force to provide security for the main body, preventing it from being surprised. He then looked at the Lancers, “Mr. Coventry, choose five men and follow me. We are screening the front.” Radford spurred the dark stallion, wheeling him towards the city's entrance.

Radford wasted no time. When his screening force was ready, the Young Hawk lead the way, trotting out of the city, heading along the road that would take the Lashton force into Lord Ryger’s lands. Once clear of the wall, the vedette galloped forward; a Lashton banner flapping in the wind overhead. The young man was thrilled. He looked back at the city, keeping an eye on the Lashton forces arrayed behind him. It was truly impressive. His hawk, Pecker flapped its wings taking flight, keeping an eye on the surrounding countryside.

You'll keep me safe, won't you boy, Radford thought to himself as though he were communicating with the bird; his eyes.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

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Marvyn Kayne

Marvyn rode in front of the vanguard, a force of men he had spent the last half of his life molding into a deadly and revered fighting force. The center of the forces were all armed with standard short swords and shield. Along side Marvyn at the front of the vanguard, rides a well trained group of horse archers, aptly called "The Wake" a term used for a flock of feeding vultures. The wake also includes the hounds, trained to attack and heel at Marvyn's command. When the vanguard charges, Marvyn and the wake splinter off to the outer flanks to provide support and try and smash through the enemy flank. The left and right battalions are divided into three main divisions. Archers in the back, mixed with both long-bowmen and crossbowmen, who also equipped with short swords and shields strapped to their backs. The center of the forces are the two largest portions of the Lashton army, consisting of pike-men, axe-men, long and short Swords-men, all brandishing a Hawk somewhere on their armor. "The Steel-Hawks" are the Lashton knights, in steel armor and equipped with poleaxes and a sword and shield. Two small scout parties ride in front of both flanks as well as two rear guard, and two side-guard, each having a mix of horse archers and cavalry.

Along with Marvyn rode Lord Lashton and his squires as well as the other ranking members of the Lashton forces as they left the town in front of the Lashton Castle. Among this group this included the young knight new to the Lashton forces, Ser Waxley. Marvyn had heard a little of the lad's deed's and was excited to test the boy's mettle.
"Ser Waxley, I sure hope you experienced with a bow, as you'll be riding with me and The Wake today!" He excitedly shouted tossing the young knight a bow and quiver. Next to Lyonel rode Cor, Marvyn's young apprentice/prodigy. Though still lacking the experience, the boy had shown a knack for leadership, and Marvyn believed him destined to be a great commander. Turning to Cor, Marvyn began again.
"I hope you're feeling brave today lad! I'm putting you in command of the Steel-hawks." Marvyn explained with pride. He had spent countless hours with the boy grooming for command. Cor would be as essential to Radford as Marvyn had been to his forefathers. Despite the boy's age, Marvyn had no doubt he could command the knights. Radford had shown great prowess and ferocity in combat, and an eagerness to display his skill. To match this, Marvyn had put him in charge of the outer guard/scouts, putting him in charge of the front-lines of defense. Turning his dear friend with a sly grin on his face, Marvyn couldnt help but get a little excited for the battle ahead.
"Do you think Lord Ryger knows we're coming for his head?" Marvyn asked visibly delighted by the thought of finally vanquishing a longtime foe.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hannibal
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While his father didn’t exactly send him with a proper escort, ten men and Bronn did work to keep out of harm's way. Tyrion didn’t exactly feel safe though until he’d reached Ash Falls and then still perhaps not but that wasn’t until he’d arrived at his host's castle. He knew the Lashton’s had sided with the crown back during Robert’s Rebellion. Their loyalty to the crown now was a blessing now more than ever, to quell the insurgents rising up to take the throne. That old buzzard Ser Kayne and Renault knew nothing but victory in Robert’s Rebellion until they joined forces with the Targaryens did they taste defeat.

Looking about the town of Ash Falls seemed a little bleak and it’s people were scarce. Tyrion exhaled looking about once more and assumed the worst possibility that most of the men had been called to battle. What baffled him though is that according to his father that Renault was drawing his men slowly for an attack or unless he was attacked. He guessed the latter.

Tyrion had to admit that the Lashton’s keep was impressive even if it was nearly devoid of life. “Who goes there?” A man from the castle walls shouted down. Tyrion and Bronn looking up at the man on guard duty wondering how stupid the man was, their lion banners waving in the wind. ”Tyrion of the House Lannister, this is my associate Bronn and the rest are men guarding me.” He heard the men talking and then nothing but silence until the gates started raising.

Tyrion, Bronn and the rest of the men guarding the dwarf walked into the castle. [color=coral]”Why isn’t Lord Lashton here to greet me directly?”[/color=coral]

“Sorry mi lord, Lord Lashton’s town south of here was attacked. He is personally taking charge of the matter. Along with the young Lord Lashton and Ser Kayne. You go, get the ladies of the house so they may greet the king's uncle.” Telling his subordinate to go and get Lady Madeline and Lady Stelsa. So that may welcome him into their humble abode.


"If he doesn't he's more stupid than I remembered." Renault let out a small smile. "But taking that hog's head would put the both of us at ease." Renault reference to Lord Ryger's banner of a boar. But this rivalry between Ryger and Lashton was going to end. End the Ryger line if needed, hopefully, it wouldn't come to that but if it was needed then Renault wouldn't hesitate. His family and house come first. "How much fight to you still have left old buzzard?" Renault taking a small jest at Marvyn.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 1 mo ago


The forest had an eerie quietness leaving Radford on edge. His pet hawk, aloft looking for anything the Young Hawk may be interested in. Radford raised his right hand, elbow bent at a ninety-degree angle, halting the small group of lancers.

The trees in this area of the forest were sparse, more than twenty meters between trees. A thick undergrowth of bush was sparse and scattered, found more oft in the open areas. A brook, less than ten meters in width meandered from west to east. Radford had caught many trout in this brook during his youth. The smells of the forest filled the men’s nostrils and the sounds of wild birds chirping and whistling provided their invitation in their ears. But there was something not quite right about the forest today.

His eyes turned white as he entered another world, ‘the forest passed beneath him. He soared overhead looking down upon a dirt road; one formed years ago by his ancestors and those of Lord Ryger. As the hawk descended towards the road, he identified a column of soldiers on the march, heading in the direction of Ash Falls. Lord Rennault’s Host was marching on a collision course with this force. The Young Hawk could see the boar’s head banner in Ryger’s colors fluttering in the breeze as the force of more than a thousand trudged slowly along the road.

Two small groups of soldiers marched about two kilometers in front of the vanguard on either side of the road; both numbering about ten soldiers. They wore mail armor, steel spaulders, steel helms and armed with short swords and shields. They wore the colors of House Ryger. The Vanguard consisted of a small contingent of lancers; maybe fifty in number and over two hundred footmen. Another kilometer behind the vanguard were over a hundred archers and more than seven hundred footmen; most carrying swords, but a few carrying battle axes, but all dressed in Ryger colors. Another kilometer behind the main body was a force of 20 lancers and 20 heavy cavalry; knights dressed in plate armor covering the rear of the movement. The Young Hawk could see small vedettes of light cavalry posted on both flanks about a kilometer on either side. Their numbers were only about a half dozen.

Their presence and location were easily identifiable to the Young Hawk. He called for Pecker to return. He looked at the other riders, relieved from his warg with Pecker. “The host of our enemy is no more than five kilometers in front of us, heading this way. They will be at this spot in the forest in an about an hour and meet my lord father in about an hour and a half.” Lord Radford spoke to the lancers around him. “They number about a thousand soldiers, with archers and light cavalry similar to our formation. We must get back to the Lord Kayne with all due haste.”

Lord Radford wheeled his charger around and galloped back along the route of march of Lord Rennault and Lord Kayne. The bird raced ahead of them. At a full gallop, the seven horsemen would reach Lord Kayne in under under five minutes.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

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Lᴀᴅʏ Mᴀᴅᴇʟɪɴᴇ Aɴɴᴇ Lᴀsʜᴛᴏɴ

@Hannibal @LordLinguinie @Emma @Gunther
Madeline still fidgeted with the necklace that was around her neck as she watched the men of Ash Falls or The Ash Men as they were called, gallop away on their horses. She had let out a soft gasp after remembering her Lord's words about Tyrion's visit and quickly turned heel to head back towards the castle now. When she was inside, she closed the door and stood on it, back first with rapid breaths escaping over her parted lips. Madeline may have been the Lady of the house but she was really not ready to host someone with the caliber of Tyrion Lannister all by herself. She tried her best not to panic around others as she walked with her usual stance, head held high and hands clasped before her then went to the barking orders.

"Please alert me whenever Tyrion's close. Make sure his chambers is ready and that we have the wine he requested there. Whores, does he still like his whores?" She questioned but no one responded as she held a hand to her head with those rapid breaths coming from her again. Madeline was not ready for this type of responsibility but she was definitely handling it to the best of ability. "Go and make sure Lady Stelsa is ready for Tyrion's arrival." She said politely towards one of the handmaidens nearby, who bowed and scurried to do as she was told.

Again, she started to fidget with the necklace around her neck as she could not help but worry about her men, more importantly Lord Renault, Ser Marvyn and Radford, out there on the battlefield. She hoped that they remain safe and come back home to her and Stelsa. Not that she did not care about the other men but her Lord and Radford, along with Ser Marvyn were more important to her than anyone else. While she started a trek towards the dining hall, a male, a guard came over towards her and muttered. "Lord Tyrion is here, my lady." The guard mentioned with bow as Madeline nodded her head and dismissed him with the wave of her hand. 'Great.' She could not really wait for Stelsa to show her face so with all the courage mustered up inside of her and three guards surrounding her, Madeline walked with a sense of pride towards the double doors that lead to the inside of their castle.

Now that she was outside, she plastered a greeting smile among her lips and opened her arms in a welcoming manner as her eyes gazed up towards the guard addressing Tyrion and his men. "It's quite all right. Tyrion's an important guest here and shall be treated as such." Madeline said as the guard stood down and allowed Tyrion along with his men to enter further into the keep known as Ash Falls.

"Lord Tyrion. I shall apologize for my Lord Renault absence but I am here to make sure your stay at Ash Falls is quite enjoyable until his return." Madeline spoke with a bow and in a calm and greeting manner as she followed those words with a smile. 'So far, so good. I hope anyways.' She thought to herself then cleared her throat before she continued to speak. "I am sure you'd like to rest from your journey. Malisa here will show you and your men to your appropriate chambers. Plus, my cooks are preparing a midday meal for all of us to enjoy."

She was doing really well or so she thought she was but since there was no one around to say otherwise, she knew that things were going well. "Oh, before I forget, welcome to Ash Falls." Madeline muttered and ended with another smile as she turned heel to walk back inside of the castle. When no one was really focused on her anymore, she exhaled a sigh and lowered her head towards the ground before quickly picking it back up and continuing on towards the inside now.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Marvyn Kayne

Marvyn only nodded at his lord's joke, not allowing himself to laugh or break his stern, commander's compose. The vulture jokes had long outgrown their humor, and now only the nickname had stuck, thank's to none other than Renault himself, announcing "The victorious vulture!!" upon Marvyn's successful raids in the river-lands. After the dozenth time or so, everyone from Ash Falls to Kings Landing had heard the joke.
As the wake rode in front of the center infantry battalion, Marvyn could see the oncoming group of galloping horsemen quickly approaching. As they got closer, it became clear it was one of the scouting forces riding out in front of the main host. Leading the group, Radford, commander of the scouting parties. His ability to use his hawk as a forward scout made the decision quite easy for Marvyn and allowed for the boy to gain experience in a commander's position.

"Father, Lord Kayne, I've come to inform you that Lord Ryger's forces are only a few kilometers east of here, and they are headed this way." the young Lord explained. Marvyn looked to his old friend, giving a slight grin. Sometimes the gods can be just, others than can be a massive cock, today however, they we're bountiful. On the left side of the Lashton host, sat a large rocky hill, impossible for a horse to traverse, surrounded by a low density forest. On the right side of the host, sits a river that runs from the Godseye all the way to the blackwater, separating the forest from the dirt road they traveled. He knew this trade road, and the options for open fields for battle were thin, and they stood in a rather good spot for a surprise attack.

"Radford, I want you to pull back the scouts and have them spread the word, we are preparing an ambush." Marvyn turned slightly, gaining the attention of the men who sat on horseback around him. Clearing his throat, he spoke in his booming commanders's voice.
"I want every longbow men available on the western face of the hill, bows pointed east, no one comes down this path without us knowing. I want crossbowmen hidden in the tree line behind the river, out of sight, ready to strike. Steel hawks are to form up in a tight formation half a kilometer down the path. Center battalion is to form up behind them, left and right battalions maintain the flanks."

Marvyn motioned with his hands as his voice boomed over the troops, who had already begun to move. Turning back to Radford, he spoke again, "I want you to take all of the light cavalry we have and take them around the back side of the hill and be ready to come in and flank when the time is right." He commanded, trusting Radford would know when the time to strike was. Turning to the force under his direct command, The wake, he ordered his horse archers to split in half and cover either flanks of the steel hawks. The idea was to extend the front line, so when Lord Ryger approached he would think the entirety of the Lashton host was in line traveling down the path, and this would also prevent the Ryger's to get an accurate estimate of Lashton forces, as they could not see the troops behind the front line of horsemen. The soldiers of the lashton army moved with quick haste to fall into their positions, preparing for battle that was looking to be a slaughter.
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