The subtitle found under my actual title that I took up, "Aspect of the Ferine", was a potential username in place of this one. They merely would have swapped roles as they are now. The reason this title took precedence is because it served as a better name and address, such as that of "Harbinger"; i.e., "The Harbinger wrote..." and those similar.
I still like my chemical romance but I am not totally fanatic anymore. I was crushed when they broke up. But I have moved on with my life since then, or at least I tried to.
I have at length considered what I wish to be imparted upon my epitaph, as well as the tomb itself.
Wow. Hopefully that'll be much later than sooner :/
I have lived a vegan lifestyle for almost three years now, and while the expense is a bit more, I've found the benefits have greatly outweighed the negatives.
I've been reading military history since I was 10 years old. It was a foregone conclusion I would serve in the military. One of the best decisions of my life.