Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

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Chapter One: In the Gutters and Streets

The harsh winter season is fast approaching the City of Volstryggr, the winds from the nearby Sea of Nostrok chill the morning and evening air. This minor inconvenience does not stop the hardy citizens as trade and everyday life goes on while the children eagerly await the first frost. What is different is the expression they wear on their faces, the dreaded serial killer known as the 'Blood Angel' is officially tied to the murders of 57 individuals of varying race, age, and gender. Every missing person report is now accompanied by the fear that the Blood Angel had selected them as their next victim. Only one gruesome detail is known about the killer, and that is the gruesome way that each victim is found. Their backs sliced open and muscle tissue splayed out like a pair of wings and nailed against a wall. This seemingly random method of murders has left the general populace fearful as investigators, under the command of Vey Katama, desperately try to find any clue that may lead them closer to capturing the greatest terror the city has ever faced.

This morning, gray skies paint over the normal blue background of the grand capital and with it the first flakes of snow begin to fall down, a light flurry accompanied by a nose-biting bitter cold. There a few more officers stationed throughout the city that what is normal with even Sentinels and their handlers on patrol. The normal noise and commotion that is typcial of a large city is just a bit quieter, the chilled air feels somehow heavier with the weight of an event not yet known or has yet to occur. Besides this small irregularity, Today is just another day. People are covered head to toe with warm, winter clothes....well almost all of them, a few of the races are enjoying the cold weather such as the Ice Giants. Taverns are filled with freezing patrons looking for a warm place to get a hot meal and socialize. Forgetful shoppers scurry throughout the market hoping to stock up on fuel for their fireplaces and food for their cupboards so they can stay indoors during the snowfall. Amidst this rather plain, peaceful day lies a secret hidden from the public. A dark red compliments the white, freshly laid snow in the one of the many tight alleys within Volstryggr. The Blood Angel has taken another a victim but this time it was not some random citizen. No, the implications of this murder are much more severe as does the message, scrawled in blood: "Practice is over. Let the real game begin."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

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You may know Emile better than anyone in the entire world, the bond you two have created over your years of friendship have bypassed the blood of your races into a true brotherhood. That is how you know that right now Emile is greatly troubled by newest report of the Blood Angel's latest victim. It wasn't just him that heard it either. When the messenger hesitated to give his report due to Jacoby's presence, Emile insisted that the report be given anyway. The news was perhaps the most dire yet...the victim was Cyth Braccen, a senior sentinel handler. His sentinel, Abraham, was also found destroyed at the sight of the murder with a large gaping hole in its chest and the magnus core removed if things weren't already bad enough. The color in Emile's face immediately went white with this information and he quickly dismissed the messenger, leaving only you and your sentinel named Bradamante with him.

He turns to you seeming to regain a portion of his composure, this issue with the Blood Angel has weighed heavily on him "Jacoby, I want you to accompany me to the crime scene. I want to see this for myself." The fierce determination in his eyes and voice was a clear indicator that there was no changing his mind. You and Bradamante have been able to handle everything from attempted assassinations to stopping a thief from stealing the original staff of Isaak Volstryggr, a priceless heirloom. Plus, there were already officers on the scene keeping the area clear of civilians "As Global Peace-Keeper, I have to do more than just say pretty words." Emile was already making his way towards the door and his brash nature, completely forgetting that the weather outside was especially chilly for humans.


The icy-blue of the draconian's hide is visible as the figure steps into the door of your smithy, the dark grey of his metal uniform accentuated the already imposing stature of its wearer with a long, red scarf the only thing to break it up. You know him as Renal, commander of the city's guard, and he had been a loyal customer of yours since a few years after you inherited your smithy from your father. It is more often than not he is coming for maintenance on his blade, Istandir, which has been his reason for visiting for the past several years. The opening of the door lets in a brief cold breeze before it closes shut, and the room returns to its much warmer temperature provided by the heat of the furnace. "Good Morning Valvius, here for the usual." He states bluntly, but you know from years of interaction this was him being friendly. The two of you have a quiet friendship, but often you would chat about current events and such. Today does not seem to be one of those days. Most people have trouble reading Draconian's facial features, but you have learned enough to know something is bothering him.

He approaches you with Istandir in its hand-made leather sheath with decorative red and blue embroidering along the sides "I trust you will take good care of her like usual?" and holds it for you to take, offering the closest thing a Draconian has to a smile. With the world in a era of peace, you often do not get to make or repair weapons such as this. Renal could have taken his business anywhere in the city with his kind of reputation but he seemed determined to have his sword maintained by you, perhaps your father maintained his weapon in the past?

@Mystery Bard

The Black Cauldron sees quite the range of customers in its day to day operations, from those with a small knowledge of alchemy wishing to purchase a few ingredients for home-made remedy to those only there for the one of the many potions. Over time your shop has garnered a small reputation for being dependable, as well as for its reclusive and rather odd owner. The shop today is a little slow thanks to the current weather, people are more concerned with staying warm than alchemy it seems. That was until, she walked through the door. You couldn't tell if the sudden drop in temperature was from the air outside or from her entering the room.

With hair white as the falling snow and skin nearly the same, the woman walked in with expression cold as the outside weather. Every step she took seemed effortless and her firm posture never faltered, the youth of her face betrayed the intelligence in her red eyes. A vampire. Ever since the agreement long ago that allow Vampires established a open, legal market for people to sell their blood, Vampires have become more and more comfortable with appearances in pubic. Of course the rather cloudy day must have made it much easier for her to be outside today "Shopkeeper, I am in search of a phoenix feather. Do you happen to have one?" She boldly stated. Normally that would probably come off as a kind of joke, but she didn't seem the type to joke around. Phoenix feathers were an incredibly expensive alchemical ingredient ever since the species nearly went extinct. A protected, special simulated habitat was built within Volstryggr with the last remaining Phoenixes in the world, their population slowly increasing. A very limited amount of phoenix feathers is leased to merchants every years, only increasing the demand for such a special item. A quick realization seemed to dawn on her, before quickly spoke once more, placing a hand over her chest "My apologies, I did not give my name. I am Helene St.Clair." Vampires are also known for their strict emphasis on formalities.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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It had started out as just another ordinary winter's day at Volstryggr Mansion for Jacoby. The servants were busy, the guards were patrolling, and Emile was planning his next bout of heroics with Jacoby. But then the messenger arrived with the latest news of the Blood Angel's activities. At 1st the messenger hesitated to give his report in Jacoby's presence, but started reading after Emile insisted on Jacoby hearing it too. Within the 1st few sentences of the report, Jacoby was already wishing that Emile had sent him away. The Blood Angel had claimed someone close to Jacoby this time. 22 years ago when Bradamante walked into Jacoby's orphanage in search of its new handler, Cyth Braccen had arrived shortly after to explain the situation to the young half-orc. When Jacoby left the orphanage to become a handler, Cyth became his mentor and taught him everything he knew. And if it hadn't been for Cyth bringing him along to Volstryggr Mansion whenever his duties sent him there, Jacoby was fairly certain he would have never met Emile. Needless to say, news of the man's murder left Jacoby quite shaken.

"Jacoby, I want you to accompany me to the crime scene. I want to see this for myself" Emile said with fierce determination "As Global Peace-Keeper, I have to do more than just say pretty words".
"I couldn't agree more" Jacoby said with equally fierce determination as he followed Emile to the main entrance, Bradamante following soon after. Emile and Jacoby threw open the doors dramatically, stepped out of the house, and were both promptly driven back inside by the biting cold of the weather outside. "Perhaps we should get our coats before we leave" Jacoby suggested after slamming the doors shut on the cold. A few minutes later, Emile and Jacoby once again threw open the front doors in a dramatic manner, only this time they were both clad in great coats that kept the cold at bay and allowed them to actually leave the mansion. Bradamante followed closely behind.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mystery Bard
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Mystery Bard Wanderer and Storyteller

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Valmond Anthos lifted his gaze from the counter, away from the ledger that lay open before him.

He had been mentally running through this week's profits.
Business had been rather slow this week, even on days that the weather was not brooding over them.
Although not completely dead, the past few days' income did not compare closely to that of ten or so days ago.

Valmond credited this to a combination of a slow week as well as the unfriendly conditions.

Today alone he had hardly sold any valuable agents or high-profit brewings.

Yet now, here stood this snow white vixen of a woman, bearing an odd and interesting request.
In fact she made her request upon first entry, prior to introductions or any other dialogue.
This was a first sign to Valmond how critical her request could be.

A Phoenix feather, he thought, what could this vision want with such a rare and valuable component?

So far, much was clear to Valmond.
Firstly, her purse must run deep to request such an item with such a seemingly casual flair.

Secondly, she was a Vampire. This much was obvious to Valmond upon first setting his eyes on her.
Though he had never encountered one until now, he knew the signs of a Vampire.
The deathly pale skin and the glowing red eyes marked her as Vampier, and the fact that she lacked the ears of an Elf-folk was also notable, and finalized her race.

Valmond suddenly felt his heart very slightly increase to a slight thump in his chest. He knew what Vampires could do, he had heard stories of their powers and their nature.

Or perhaps it was...

Valmond mentally shook his head and stood up straighter, and spoke plainly and calmly.

"I am sorry madam, but a Phoenix feather is not something I carry in stock. Nor have I ever. Though I wish a did, such a lucrative agent would bring it's worthy weight in coin."

He paused only for a minute before asking,"May I inquire from the perspectives of a businessman and an accomplished alchemist as to why you seek such a thing?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

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Valvius gently took the sword from the draconian's hands, thinking of how he would ask about his friend's troubles, if he wanted to ask at all. He was aware of the new killer on the block, and he knew to Renal, unhappy would be more than under-exaggeration.

"I always do," Val smoothly got up from his wooden stool and moved Istandir to a weapon rack. He began setting up for his new task. Business had been slow lately due to another swmith moving in a few blocks away. He was still content, even with the small stream of costumers coming in.

"Sure is cold out there. Seems winter snuck up on us this year," V stated, making some small talk before walking into the storm that was the situation. "Its a shame people can't go out and enjoy the snow, what with all that's happening."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 8 days ago


Emile nodding in affirmation, knowing that Cyth was someone that they both had looked up to "Right." He spoke as his friend made the wise assessment to bundle up. Cyth was almost considered a champion of spiritual magic so along with his sentinel he should have been able to handle anything. That is what made this so disturbing. What kind of power did the Blood Angel possess that he could kill not just a sentinel, but a seasoned warrior like Cyth? Finally donning their warm clothes, he and Jacoby would do their best to find out. Even with the warm, insulated clothing the winter wind still nipped at their faces while Bradamante remained unfazed. Emile would be inclined to joke about how lucky the sentinel was, but this was not the time "Bradamante, would you take us to the crime scene?" Sentinel were living archives of information, and part of that was a full memorization of the city's layout. Asking Bradamante was simply the fastest way to reach their destination "Certainty. I already have our path ready." Sentinel's voice were quite diverse, as was their appearance, but it always carried with it a sort of booming, echoing quality no matter the volume.

The soft, fresh layers of snow crunched and compacted under his heavy step. As a living suit of armor, normal thinking would assume they were quite slow. The opposite was in fact correct, most sentinels were much faster than any living creature on the planet. Emile started to follow after the sentinel when he asked a question "You don't think another handler and their sentinel did this?" He said in a quiet sort of way, even though Bradamante would easily hear him. Handlers are taught from the day they are selected to put the needs of others above their own goals, that the safety of City of Volstryggr and its people is their utmost concern. If the Blood Angel really was a handler, they would be breaking every tenet of their code. As they moved along the city streets, the patrolling police officers made sure to clear the way for them the best they could. Vey would be there most likely surveying the scene, for once she and Emile would have to get along.

@Mystery Bard

A bit of sadness sank into her well-framed features, a loose fist rising to her chin as she stated with disappointment "I see..." she spoke plainly, voice trailing off to almost a whisper as she seemed to descend into thought during his brief pause. Her eyes glanced around the shop seeming to search for something before Valmond addressed her and her interest in the feather. Helene crossed her arms across her chest giving a perfect, little smile "Then you must know what the Elixir of Life is? I would like to try my hand at creating one." She spoke with complete confidence about the most dangerous and difficult potion to make in the history of alchemy. The results of failing to complete the elixir were often catastrophic with the most common results being a large, chemical explosion or the release of a extremely deadly gas with no traceable color or smell. The production of single sip of this potion required half a lifetime's worth of experience and knowledge before an attempt could even be made.

There has never been a reported case of a vampire drinking one however, as there wasn't really a point. A scholar however theorized that by drinking an elixir of life, a vampire would 'come alive' for a short period of time. Helene took another look around the shop and seemed mildly intrigued "Well if you don't have a phoenix feather, perhaps you have something else to offer?" A subtle, playful threat in her voice as she clarified "A rare ingredient or a potent poison?" she asked with a deceivingly innocent smile.

Renal let out a small chuckle at Valvius's response "Of course." and settled in, leaning on a wall to watch Valvius work. He had let it slide once that he enjoyed the simple talk and atmosphere of Valvius's smithy, being in charge of the guard was enough to give him an unwanted amount of fame. Simply, This was Renal's time to relax and think more clearly "Indeed, our winter uniforms barely arrived." He replied in kind, appearing to realize where this conversation was headed "I don't see that changing anytime soon." A low growl seemed to accompany his words "The issue of a city with this much diversity and people, things stop standing out." He grumpily spoke with irritation, though it simply him voicing his frustration "Have you decided to visit your sister yet? Like everywhere else, the dockyards aren't quite busy this season." He seemed to be suggesting that Valvius should do just that. No one was safe from the Blood Angel after all....not anymore at least.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

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Val fiddled with a grindstone. He supposed it was his turn to be uncomfortable. He hadn't seen his sister in years. Just the thought of leaving his smithy was stirring his stomach. He couldn't go, especially not now, not with a murderer on the loose. But, the killer was just more reason to see if she was okay. He turned to face Renal.

"I don't even know if she's still at the docks. It's been years, Renal. She could be on another plane of existence for all I know." Valvius made a small joke to try and cover his concern and maybe distract his friend from the fact that he was afraid to leave. "At this point it might be too late."

Valvius turned back to his work, sharpening a sword from a previous client. He had a nearby window, but it did nothing to keep out the heat or give him a view. The window near the forge faced an alley, one that was usually dark and musty. Val found a dead cat in that alley once and hasn't been back in their since. It seemed there were too many reasons to stay inside.

"I suppose I should check on her, but I don't know how I'd bring myself to leave the house, let alone go all the way to the docks. I can't help but think she won't be there."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mystery Bard
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Mystery Bard Wanderer and Storyteller

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Valmond stood silent as he listened to the Vampire woman explain herself, and was unable to hide the expression of surprise when she revealed her intentions.

The Elixir of Life? Why would she wish to have one? Vampires by all truth were immortal, a breed of "living dead", the Elixir of Life had little value to an immortal that Valmond knew of.

Granted it had been years since Valmond had last educated himself on the Elixir. He in fact had an old alchemy volume somewhere in the shop that contained an entire section on the Elixir of Life, but it's been well over a year since he last read from that book, and longer still since he had concerned himself with the Elixir of Life.

Valmond in fact had never even brewed it himself, for he never had all of the ingredients, and even if he had, he would have still been very wary of it.
It was by all account one of the most dangerous concoctions to attempt, bearing dire consequences if one were to botch the mixture.
Surely this woman knew that.
Although she did not really impress Valmond as master alchemist, or even an adept really.

But then again, looks can deceive.
He thought.

It mattered not though.
Valmond had no Phoenix feathers, nor did he on-the-spot know of any other nearby alchemists who might carry one.
So with this, he could not help her.

When she began questioning Valmond about any other items for sale he may have, specifically ingredients or poisons, he composed himself once again and responded.

"Well of course, I have a number of uncommon agents, and as for poisons you say, well, no shortage there either. Some of my more unique ingredients are Red Mountain Flowers, Marsh Fungal Pods, Scrin Root, White Cap Mushrooms, Tusk Meal, Glyptis Leaves, and I could continue still.

Now, as for poisons, I have a wide selection there as well.
A number of them are mixtures of snake venoms, spider venoms, insect venoms, and extracts of poisonous plants.

Is there any particular kind that you are interested in?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Jacoby contemplated his friend's question as he followed Bradamante to the crime scene. Had the Blood Angel killings been the work of a handler and their sentinel? There had been 2 incidents of sentinels going rogue before. The 1st incident saw a sentinel known as Cain go on a rampage through Volstryggr's underworld when its handler got taken by a gang of criminals. And the 2nd incident had a sentinel by the name of Moriarty take over 1 of the city's larger gangs after severe damage to its Magnus Core left turned it's mind from that of a dedicated keeper of the peace to that of a ruthless career criminal. But those were the only times sentinels had gone rogue the since the time of their creation and Cain had even been brought back into the fold once its handler was rescued. On top of that only 1 handler had ever gone rogue. Unfortunately for aforementioned handler, his sentinel had no intention of joining him in such a venture and promptly locked him in a prison cell. Other than those 3 cases, both handlers and sentinels were incorruptible. Sentinels being programmed to stand as bastions of peace and justice, and handlers being selected by the sentinels for their strong commitment to the aforementioned ideals.

"I can't see that happening" Jacoby said finally "For something like that to happen, both a handler and their sentinel would have to go rogue at the same time. But only 2 sentinels have gone rogue with only 1 of them actually staying rogue, and only 1 handler has ever gone rogue to date and he didn't even last a day, let alone long enough to kill over 50 people. So the likelihood of that happening is next to nothing. And besides, there aren't...weren't many sentinel/handler pairs capable of taking down Cyth and Abe, and those who were able to do so wouldn't have gotten away unscathed, so unless 1 of those pairs turn up covered in unexplained dents and bruises, I think it's safe to say that we can cross other sentinel/handler pairs off the list of suspects".
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

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Renal closed his eyes and nodded "I know its been Valvius." and let out a soft sigh, simply listening to his friend's general dislike for the outside world. Even with the world at peace, that didn't mean crime didn't happen nor did people stop harboring hate in their hearts. The threat of a serial killer targeting anyone and everyone was more than a reason for any person to stay indoors. He remained unfazed at Valvius's attempt at a small joke to change the subject slightly. The face Renal made next made it seem like he was about revel information he's been keeping secret "I know she is there. She's got a family now. I've been stopping by to check on her a little after I started coming here. I hope you don't mind." he didn't seem quite finished yet "What if I took you to see her? Surely you can trust the head of the guard to keep you safe?" he smiled and let out a low chuckle, hiding his sorrow.

@Mystery Bard
Helene grinned at the precious look of surprise on Valmond's face, as if it had deeply amused her. Her dress provided additional evidence that she came from a wealthy family or had a small fortune under her control, the material as well as the design were on the higher end of fashion. By appearance alone, the vampire woman appeared to be in her mid-20s but it is a wel-known fact that vampires stop aging the day they are turned. Her eyes squinted, looking off to the side as he listed the various products he had for sale. After he had finished, she opened her eyes fully with a half-smile "I will take the glyptis leaves and the strongest snake venom you can offer. Mmm, I will be able to make a fine sedative..." She spoke calmly with absolute assurance, in alchemy a poison's paralyzign effects can either be magnified or lessened, depending on the amount used and the properties of the other ingredients. Her request was not as odd as one might think. Vampires are known to pay even more for a 'live' transfusion, and most often they adminster sedatives to avert the pain "The weather is nice today, don't you think?" She stated after she listed what she wanted, she didn't seem be using any kind of sarcasm.

Emile listend carefully to his friend's counsel, while the Volstryggr knew more than most about the sentinels...only handlers truly understood the relationship they have with their sentinel. It is common among handlers to refer to sentinels as their partner. He did not seemed shock that it was near impossible this was both handler and sentinel, though it only seemed to increase his worry "You're right. Cyth was among the best handlers in the entire city." He made a tight fist and slammed it against a passing brick wall as they made their way closer to the crime scene, gritting his teeth hard "Whoever did this is gonna pay..." The wrathful tone of venegeance rose to the surface, a very dangerous quality in an Volstryggr. Bradamante interjected shortly after this "We will arrive at the scene shortly. I suggest you prepare yourselves for what you may see." He advised, since Emile had yet to see the handiwork of the Blood Angel yet.

Eventually the three of your found yourselves in a dark alley, tall town houses rising high above the cobbled floor. The first thing that came into view was the investigators, including Vey, then the motionless form of Abraham with his chest looking like it was peeled open, and finally...Cyth. His body pinned to the stone wall and the skin on his back spread like a pair of wings, the ground below saturated in his blood. Above him in large letters, the chilling phrase Practice is over. Let the real game begin.. Emile, unable to handle the gore of the scene, promptly dashed for a nearby waste container and hurled inside it. His body trembled with both fear and anger. As he did this, Vey spotted the three of you and approached "Orthog. Bradamante....Emile." She didn't waste time with pleasantries, the wolf-like ears pushing her black hood up a little "I'll cut to the chase. We have our first goddamn lead on this bastard." The viciousness in her tone was nearly overwhelming, her muscles tensing before relaxing once more "A magister from the Academy is on their way here. They should be able to follow the core's trail." she informed them, her dark amber eyes sliding over to Emile "If you can't handle your stomach, get out of my crime scene. Peace-keeper. ." The last word coming with a faked tone of respect. Emile composed himself and stood defiant "I'm fine! I need to see with my own eyes, Vey! I'm going through." He insisted, Vey simply allowing him to pass as Emile walked closer. She grabbed Jacoby's arm briefly at he passed, she insisted on calling him by his orc named however "You watch him Orthog." Her stern voice suggested she wasn't talking about his safety.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

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"I'm glad at least one of us is checking up on her. And yes, I would appreciate your company." Valvius sat down on the lip of the cooling forge, the heat warming his back.

"When would we go?" Val looked away from the sword and towards the ground, contemplating. Tomorrow would be the best time, he supposed. It was said to be warmer, and maybe if the snow didn't freeze overnight, the trip would be safer and less taxing. He was glad Renal offered to accompany him, he probably would've kept delaying if he didn't have someone with him. With the knowledge that his friend would be by his side, Valvius felt more confident about going outside. Besides, on the way back he could maybe even go to the market. Or he could go beforehand and get her a present. He assumed she still had a fascination with horses, that was something he never thought she would grow out of. Maybe it was finally time to get back in touch with his sister. Maybe even stay outside for longer than an hour. Maybe.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"You're right" Emile said as they continued on towards the crime scene "Cyth was among the best handlers in the entire city".
Jacoby opened his mouth to make a reply, but was cut off by Emile slamming his fist into a passing brick.
"Whoever did this is gonna pay..." Emile growled vengefully as Jacoby's gaze lingered briefly on the crack his friend's fist had left behind.
"There going to do a lot more than pay if I get my hands on them" Jacoby replied as the shock of Emile's out burst faded away and thoughts of vengeance against the Blood Angel spread from Emile to Jacoby.
"We will arrive at the scene shortly" Bradamante interjected shortly after "I suggest you prepare yourselves for what you may see".
"We'll do our best" Jacoby replied, although he had a feeling that the sentinel was making that suggestion more to Emile.

Jacoby knew they had reached their destination when he spotted the investigators. He had thought himself more than ready to face the crime scene. He was wrong. Jacoby felt his heart crack at the sight of Abraham's lifeless husk sprawled on the ground. Bradamante was the only sentinel Jacoby knew better than Abraham, so seeing it in such a state shook him. But not as much as the sight of Cyth's corpse. Like all other victims of the Blood Angel - Barring Abraham - Cyth's head had been cut clean from his shoulders. His body had been pinned to the wall. His back had been flayed. And the skin had been used to fashion a pair of angel wings for Cyth. This time however, there was something new. On the wall above Cyth, his killer had written a message in blood declaring that practice was over and that the real game was about to begin. Was it a sign that the killer was getting cocky or that things were about to get worse? Jacoby silently prayed to the gods that it was the former.

While Emile vomited in a nearby waste container, Jacoby was approached by Vey. "Orthog. Bradamante....Emile" Vey said.
"Vey" Jacoby replied, his voice subconsciously shifting to a more orcish tone, as it usually did when someone addressed with his orc name.
"I'll cut to the chase" Vey continued "We have our first goddamn lead on this bastard. A magister from the Academy is on their way here. They should be able to follow the core's trail".
"And possibly lead us to the killer" Jacoby said with a look on his face that betrayed his eagerness to get his hands on the Blood Angel. It was then that Emile returned from the waste container
"If you can't handle your stomach, get out of my crime scene. Peace-keeper" Vey shot at Emile.
"I'm fine!" Emile fired back "I need to see with my own eyes, Vey! I'm going through". With that said, Emile moved passed Vey and approached Cyth's corpse.
Jacoby went to follow, but was waylaid by Vey for a moment. "You watch him Orthog" She said sternly before releasing her grip.
Jacoby nodded before approaching the corpse, knowing Vey had said that more in the interest of preserving the crime scene than out of concern for Emile's safety.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mystery Bard
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Mystery Bard Wanderer and Storyteller

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Valmond nodded as she made her request and turned to a long shelf behind him.

He began gently pushing aside and shifting numerous bottles and vials, until he came to a slim, green vial with a red label on it.
The label had a crude etching in charcoal on the front that was supposed to represent a coiled snake.
Beneath the etching, written in ink, it said Cliff Viper Venom.

Cliff Vipers were one of the most dangerous snakes that one could find in the mountains or on high peaks.
Their venom was very strong, a fast acting and potent nerve toxin. A very unpleasant affliction.

Valmond took the green vial from the shelf and placed it on on the counter next to the still open ledger.

He then reached over to a different shelf which was lined with small pouches and leather purse-like bags.
He grabbed one of the small pouches and pulled the drawstring, opening it and exposing the contents, thirteen Glyptis leaves, small oval shaped leaves with a web of "veins" scrawled across the top.

Valmond fastened the pouch bag shut and sat it next to the snake venom.

He had ignored her casual statement about the weather.

While he actually enjoyed gloomy and cold conditions, he wasn't one for small talk, and he didn't really care much for this young Vampire woman, regardless of how charming or ravishing she was.
He didn't like her joyous and seemingly chirpy nature, they weren't likings of his.

He looked at her squarely and said,"I presume that you have coin, I don't barter or trade. Twenty for the Glyptis leaves and sixty for the snake venom. This is a suitable type, yes?" He asked, typing the green bottle with his left index finger.

"If not, I have other types." He said, slightly jerking his head toward the shelf behind him.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 8 days ago


The intangible, undeniable aroma of flowery fragrances nearly make the air inside hard to breathe. Dim lights provide the only illumination for the establishments eager patrons, eagerly awaiting the show to begin. A blonde-haired half-elf woman steps slowly onto the stage, her movements graceful and alluring. The patrons eyes' widen with excitement as her routine begins, the half-elf's outfit revealing just enough to wet their appetite for the more adventurous party upstairs. Not everyone can afford the more expensive services at the Silkin Sithin, but for some that does not matter. While more reputable businesses may be experiencing a slower rate of customers, the cold winter air only attracts more people wanting to experience the warmth of another body. Brothels are not illegal of course. In fact, they fall within the protection of the law so dealing with undesirable patrons is...easier. The dark silhouette of bouncers still can be found inside, one can never be too careful.

The head of Assallya's bouncers approaches her, he is a draconian with a warm black hue. A large scar stretches from above his right eye down underneath his chin, yet he has never missed a single action that occurred with the Silkin Sithin "Madam, You have a visitor." He states calmly, his voice would be much harsher if the individual was unexpected. A dark-elf male around the age of 42, still young in respect to elves, made his way into your personal chambers. You know him as Valtair Krios, an investigator with the Volstryggr police who has come to to you in the past for information on the criminal elements. It is not a one-sided exchange of course, he often gives you the latest update of current events in the police force. A man dedicated to his profession, he had resisted the attempts of your girls several times on his visits "Greetings, Assallya." He says informally, at this point in your business relationship this is not out of the ordinary. He takes a seat across the table from you, leaning against the back cushion of the crescent-like couch "It is quite a wonderful day is it not?" He speaks with a hint of sarcasm. You know very well that he never comes to you unless its urgent, and you know the difficultly the investigators are having finding this Blood Angel, a individual you yourself do not have any concrete information on.


Renal seemed to perk up at Valvius's reply, this must seem like good news to him considering the two of you never met each other outside of your smithy. He only seemed to think for a moment before he arrived at his answer "Noon tomorrow would be the best time to reach her. I will be rather...busy after tomorrow so I will not be able to accompany you after that." His voice suggested that this was related to the troubles he expressed earlier. Tomorrow would be his last day of leave before returning to his post, where he was sure there was a lot of work awaiting him. Of course as once of the protectors of this city, Renal was never truly off-duty "She has wanted to see you for a long time, Valvius." Whenever Renal would see his sister, he would update her on what was going with him. Considering how he hardly ever went outside the house, the updates were always quite brief.


Emile's face was a few shades whiter as he looked at the mutilated body of the once grand and stead-fast Cyth, the Global Peace-keeper had one arm around his stomach and the opposite hand over his mouth standing just beyond the pool of blood. There were no real signs of a struggle that the naked-eye could make, it was likely the killer had ambushed Cyth and administered a lethal strike before he could react. The condition of Abraham's body indicated a higher level of resistance, several dents in other areas besides the chest gave evidence to that. After Jacoby walked next to him, he seemed to gain a bit more composure lowering his hand "I-I don't think this...Blood Angel is just a serial killer. He's got an agenda." The title rang harshly in his voice, like it disgusted him.

Bradamante stood silent over the motionless body of Abraham, who was now just a lifeless husk of armor. Sentinels were very hard to read given that they didn't express anything through their 'faces' or their posture. However, the stiff way Bradamante stood over his fallen comrade...it was enough to convey he was grieving. Shortly after the three of you began to look at the crime scene, an indiviual dressed in the exquisite robes, though a heavier winter model, of the Invictus Institute approached Vey. The charcoal black skin and the black curved horns that jutted up from his temples were the defining traits of a Demji, a race previously persecuted for their likeness to demons. While you could not hear their conversation, it was obvious this was the magister sent to trace the magnus core.

@Mystery Bard
Helene seemed to watch every moment Valmond made with an idle sort of interest. A subtle pout appeared on her face for a brief moment as he bypassed her comment and then brushed it off completely. She looked over the items he presented and nodded with content "These ingredients shall be adequate for my intentions, yes." she spoke once more adopting the strange form of formality. Without a momemt more of hesitation, she took out a golden zloty with the number 100 etched into the face and placed onto the counter with a small smile "Please keep the change, but would you do me one favor?" Her red eyes seemed to almost sparkle, an almost mischievous look about them "Tell me, what made you want to be an alchemist?" Again she did not show any signs of joking around. She had placed a golden zloty on the counter like it was pocket money. Zloty come in denominations of gold, silver, bronze, copper, tin, and finally iron which corresponds to 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, and 1. Groszy follow the same pattern except they are all made of iron and there is no 100 denomination.

As the vampire woman said this, another customer walked through the doors looking a bit shifty. His eyes constantly looking around the store yet never meeting yours, his hands unable to keep relatively still. Predictably, he quickly snatched a few ingredients from the shelf once he got close and tried to make for the door. Thieves were a rare occurrence, especially in this part of the city, but they do appear once in awhile. You have had a couple in your years running the store but none have ever made off with your goods. Before you could even move to deal with him, Helene's face scowled and in the blink of an eye she had the would-be thief by the arm, the limb held tightly in her hand above his head. With his feet off the ground slightly, he began to struggle and make quiet sounds of pain "Release." The previously somewhat sweet voice of the vampire woman turned harsh and cold as ice, like commanding a disobedient dog. The way it looked it seemed the arm could dislocate at any moment. The thief upon meeting the terrifying glare of Helene quickly did just that, leaving the ingredients to fall to the ground. His arm was released and he darted out the shop like a bat out of a hell

"Hmpf." She knelt down and picked up the fallen ingredients, even if they were only show-case and more common ingredients. Any good merchant keeps the valuable stuff behind the counter. She returned to the counter quickly changing the terrifying visage to the more innocent one she held prior "Excuse me, here is the merchandise. Now then, where were we..." She spoke with a expectant look, not seeming to want to draw attention to what was just shown here. There was a good reason vampires were feared back then and even now, their physical abilities were above most mortals.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Alright, the time is set. Meet me here, and if I'm busy, take whatever it is that's busy-ing me out of my hands. I don't want to wiggle out of this. It's about time I saw her. Especially if she's interested in seeing me." Valvius set the now sharpened sword down and smiled at his companion. He was certain that if Renal hadn't offered, he would still be in his little smithy, working his life away. Venal figured he would try and get her a stuffed horse. If she didn't want it, she could always give it to one of her children. He smiled to himself, imagining how much like her they would look. He hoped they were good for her. There's rarely a worse curse than a permanently misbehaving child.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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"I-I don't think this...Blood Angel is just a serial killer" Jacoby heard Emile say as he drew level with him "He's got an agenda".
"That could be the case" Jacoby said with a nod "But finding the details can wait. For now, we should make finding the killer our priority". After saying that, Jacoby looked back up at the message the Blood Angel had left behind. Between what the message said, and who the latest victim was, Jacoby had theorized that this message was an announcement from the Blood Angel. A declaration of his intent to begin targeting people who were a little more notable than the average citizen. People like Emile. Jacoby looked away from the message and turned his gaze upon the Global Peace-Keeper. Emile was like a brother to Jacoby. As a result, nothing troubled Jacoby's mind like the thought of losing Emile. So needless to say, the thought of somebody able to kill people as capable as Cyth and Abraham coming after Emile left him quite shaken. Jacoby had never been able to defeat Cyth when sparing with him, so was there any chance of beating his killer in a fight to the death if it came to that?

Jacoby was pulled from his grim thoughts by the sight of somebody approaching the crime scene. From the looks of things, the new arrival was the magister sent to trace Abraham's missing Magnus Core. "Our tracker has arrived" Jacoby said to Emile before looking over at Bradamante to let him know as well. Upon seeing the sentinel silently grieving over Abraham's husk, Jacoby decided to leave Bradamante be for the moment and went with Emile to greet the magister.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mystery Bard
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Mystery Bard Wanderer and Storyteller

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Valmond stood frozen behind the counter, looking back at the Vampiric woman with unconcealable awe at her unnatural strength. Though not in a state of complete shock, his mouth was slightly parted and his red eyes had a sort of flair to them.

He had heard that Vampires were riddled with power, both common and alien abilities alike. But it still could not register with him. This fragile, petite looking girl handling that thief like a child's rag doll.
It was abnormal.

Valmond mentally refocused himself on the present.

He grabbed the coin she had placed before him and crouched down behind the counter. He used his master key to unlock the iron strongbox he kept on the bottom shelf and dropped the zloty in with a slight clink.

After closing and locking back the strongbox, he stood and reached for a nearby quill that was perched in an inkwell.
After slightly dabbling the quill in the ink, he began scribbling away at the open ledger before him.

Suddenly and subconsciously realizing he hadn't responded to the woman, he spoke, though without lifting his gaze from the ledger where he continued to write,"Thank you for that, if you would be so kind as to to replace those on that shelf for me, please."

He finished the last but he was writing and then placed the dripping quill back in the inkwell, and then closed the ledger.

He spoke again, looking directly at her,"Now, regarding your question about my choice of career, there is a multitude of reasons I chose the profession of alchemy. The good pay, the usefulness behind the craft, the scientific thrill, I could go on still yet. Not to sound coarse nor rude, but why do you ask? Curiosity is it?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Placing the nub of the hose leading to the hookah to her lips the blonde elven woman inhaled gently, letting the flavoured cannabis slip over her tongue and to tickle her lungs. She held it there a brief moment, an oft used maneuver that allowed her a moment's thought, before exhaling the soft white plume back into the air.

Assallya truly wished she had more information on the Blood Angel but the problem with scrying was that you had to have something to work with. At the very least a person's full name and title was required but preferably a bit of the person, a scrap of hair or a bit of a man's fluids were ideal. If only it were possible to scry into the past... Then she could see the actual murder take place.

Pulling upon her ankle, drawing her heel closer beneath her groin she took note of her own posture and continued with the pleasantries. After all, pleasantries were the only thing that kept those in the city from tearing each other apart like the animals they all truly were.

"Would you care for refreshment?" she asked, ready to ask a stylized version of what the general public would think of as a jungle girl complete with a gold chain stretching from ear to nose ring. It wasn't truly accurate in the slightest but her job wasn't to teach people but to produce the illusion of the exotic and mysterious.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 8 days ago


Renal seemed elated to hear Valvius so committed to this, perhaps the draconian captain should have pushed him sooner "Of course, now that you have committed there is no chance I will let you out it now." A toothy grin accompanied a jolly voice, it was the best news that Renal had all day. Just a little happiness in the this time of dark for the old captain "You have no idea how happy this is gonna make her, Valvius." The time was coming soon that Renal would have to depart "I hate to cut this celebration short but I must retu---" His speech was cut off by the entrance of one of your stranger, more expressive customers but this man was a sort of local celebrity on the verge of international fame. The Patron of the Five Senses was his self-given title, as he was a near-master of cooking, tailoring, music, various forms of art, and even fragrant aromas used in candles and perfume. His mane of black hair was always looked full and tediously taken care of, while his dress was always unique no matter the colors or fabric. He was a man who liked to stand out in a crowd and the way he entered made it known "Valvi!" He energetically exclaimed as he entered, a bent piece of metal in his outstretched hands. After his grandiose entrance he finally noticed "Oh and Captain Renal as well? Today must be my lucky day." Renal seemed to see right through him "Sorry to cut this short Vocere, but I must be going. Bye Valvius, I will see you tomorow." He spoke courtesy to Valvius before leaving through the door.

While Renal's vists were always on a kind systematic schedule, Vocere never came at the exact same time twice and never with the same object twice "Lots of bark on that one...anyway Valvi I need you to mend this metal into a smooth shape again." He show-cased a curved metal plate with several large dents in along the surface and the edge of one curved the opposite way "I was working on a piece as usual but I made a mistake. I would mend it if I could but I figured you'd do a better job." He would talk and talk if left alone with another person, it was just the nature of his eccentric attitude. The opposite of Valvius one could say.

Emile eyebrows furrowed, perhaps holding back his anguish, as Jacoby replied with wise words and released the pressure he was putting on his face "You are right. Wondering why will get us nowhere when the twisted fiend is still lurking the streets." You have never seen Emile so fired up or distraught about anything like this before, even his father's death fell short to the anguish the young peace-keeper was feeling. Emile just kept looking at the dismembered and mutilated body of Cyth, how many more times would he see this before the killer was caught? The message was clear at least. No one was out of the Blood Angel's reach. No one could safely hide anymore if he was able to take down Cyth and Abraham.

The peace-keeper's head turned over see the magister for himself "Perhaps some answers as well." Meanwhile Bradamante simply nodded, not moving a single inch from his post. Sentinels were beings that acted like normal people, but had their own unique connection to each other. As Emile approached the Vey and the magister, their conversation seemed to naturally conclude "This is Magister Arcen. He will bring us to the missing magnus core." Vey said straight to the point as always. Magister Valtair loomed a few inches above the two, and with Vey's shorter figure it made it almost comical the difference between them "A pleasure to meet you, Global Peace-Keeper and his trusted bodyguard Jacoby Drexlehand." His voice was deep and nearly sounded as if two voice occupied the same body. Emile accepted his introduction, he just wanted answers "Will you be able to find the core?" He spoke with no reservations. The Demji solemnly smiled, seemingly unfazed by the scene behind the two "I have studied this artifacts for most of my life. I shall find it." He made his way past them and approached the un-animated armor. Bradamante finally moved, stepping out of the Demji's way looking at Jacoby to let him know he had made his peace. Arcen crouched over the 'corpse' of Abraham, holding both hands over them as a soft,blue light shone from his palms and his eyes closed shut "It shall take me a moment. A magnus core is a concentrated mass of arcane energy and this body is its containment unit. I will be able to follow the trail of magic once I understand its essence." He spoke almost quietly, clearly trying to concentrate. Emile was unaware that such methods existed for tracking these things, it have never been need so his interest shown in the magister's methods.

@Mystery Bard

It might have been a trick of the light but you may have caught a slight blush as Helene made her way to counter again, perhaps at the unrestrained way you observed her power. Vampires once thrived on deceiving appearances and sugar-coated words to lure their victims in where their overpowering strength could take over away from bystanders. The way the Vampire girl looked it seemed like she barely thought anything of it. After he had given his thanks, she did exactly what he asked and placed them back in their original arrangement before returning. When he had finally decided to answer, she listened intently despite the general attitude of his reasons.

She hesitated seeming not to know herself, but arrived at an answer anyway "It sounds like you are very passionate about your work." She first stated with a gentle smile "I guess you could say I was curious, my sisters are very strict with my education but as soon as read about the Elixir of Life...I just wanted to give it a try." She seemed a little down about it, what could it be that she hoped this dangerous concoction would do for her?


Valtair held up his hand and gently shook his head "Not this time, I'm afraid." His friendly tone did not cover up the seriousness of his visits, it almost always involved a question or two revolving around the Blood Angel. At this point, the casual formalities held between you two were almost a sort of small game before the real talk started. However, today Valtair didn't seem keen on waiting through them "I was wondering if any rumors have come your way about a magnus core in the black market." He asked the question like it was asking for a extra cube of sugar for a cup of tea.

The black market was the last vestige of true, organized crime in the world spanning the every land and loosely held together by money and blood ties. The largest player in the game was known as simply as the Banshee but you know her public name as Catherine St. Claire. She had met you only once before to establish a diplomatic connection, since anything you want she has. However, no rumors of such a priceless object has been passed onto you.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Good day to you, Renal," Valvius moved the sword he was previously working on into a separate rack, and put a card on the hilt. He stepped towards Vocere and took the piece of metal. "What were we working on this time, Vocere?" Valv set the piece onto his forge.

He would work on it later, he had other orders to fill. He pulled a dented sword from a rack and began warming it up in his forge. It wouldn't take too long to fix up the sword. Besides, if Valvius made a show of it, Vocere might get a tad impatient and pay him a bit more than his usual fee to get his piece done first.

Valvius hoped Renal was right and that his sister would actually enjoy seeing him. Negative thoughts filled his mind.
What if she's not really there?
What if she doesn't really want to see you and Renal is making a fool of you?
and finally the worst of his thoughts.
What if I get there, only to find that she's been butchered?

Valv's mind raced thinking about the meeting. It had been at least a decade since they had seen each other. She might not even be the same person. Hell, she might not even remember who he is. Or worse, she could think of him as some sort of villain. Someone who abandoned their family. Someone who wasn't there to grieve when their parents died. Someone who wasn't worth loving anymore. Someone who wasn't her brother.

Valvius quietly pounded away at the sword, as if he was smacking the negative thoughts from his mind. He didn't have time to think about it, he had work to do. Plus, if he didn't at least pretend to listen to Vocere, he might leave with his piece, taking it to some other shop. Someone who would listen.

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