This is pretty much a fancy of mine, as someone who doesn't actually mind the recent changes to 40k lore too much, and as someone who thinks that there is quite a bit of potential to be had in a narrative sense from them. Writing from the viewpoint of a Primaris Intercessor squad - which requires at least 4 writers at least - I intend to explore various elements, including the partition of the galaxy, how they are viewed by others of the Imperial forces, and what it is to be the next step up in Astartes 'evolution'.
I've chosen the Unnumbered Sons AKA 'Greyshields' so that folks have a nice choice of Marines from any of the 9 loyalist legions, of Primaris who may well have been frozen during the Heresy/Scouring (probably the 'first batch' so to speak) to others that are more recent in their 'ascension'.
The timeline will be starting, as with Dark Imperium, during the closing years of the 200-year Indomitus Crusade, and possibly culminating in the formation of a new Chapter. Who knows?
Please submit your character sheets by Private Message to me, myself and I - once accepted you can post them in the Char tab.
Name: Your character's name. Feel free to give it Legion/Chapter specific 'flavour'.
Rank: Obvious.
Age: Age in real space time, not including freezing.
Gene-sire: From which Loyalist primarch does your Marine take his gene-seed?
Personal Demeanour: What kind of person is your character outside of simply being living weapons, what are their motivations etc, and how do they interact with others? Also please include any hatreds, grudges, and so on.
Description: A written description of your character's appearance, feel free to include the condition of their armour and so on.
History: A sketch of your character's life and history, preferably until their selection by Cawl and subsequent 'ascension'. Give me three solid paragraphs, at least, please.
Equipment and Armament:
Miscellaneous: Anything you want to mention but haven't been able to cover yet.
Name: Your character's name. Feel free to give it Legion/Chapter specific 'flavour'.
Rank: Obvious.
Age: Age in real space time, not including freezing.
Gene-sire: From which Loyalist primarch does your Marine take his gene-seed?
Personal Demeanour: What kind of person is your character outside of simply being living weapons, what are their motivations etc, and how do they interact with others? Also please include any hatreds, grudges, and so on.
Description: A written description of your character's appearance, feel free to include the condition of their armour and so on.
History: A sketch of your character's life and history, preferably until their selection by Cawl and subsequent 'ascension'. Give me three solid paragraphs, at least, please.
Equipment and Armament:
Miscellaneous: Anything you want to mention but haven't been able to cover yet.