Armania, a resource rich planet in the outer rim. Armania was settled hundreds of years ago by humans from the Core Worlds who wanted to have a new life. For a period of time there was peace, however eventually families divided into different clans across the plains. The most prominent clan being the Alaxians, whose ruling family felt that they were the rightful rulers of the planet. Living in the capital city of Relti, they built up a strong Empire and were the capitals of industry and culture.
This city was built from the last of the great ships that the Armanian people travelled to Armania in. Technology reached a stalemate, droids became obselete and rare for only the richest families, blasters and shields ended up being hundreds of years behind the galactic curve. It was in the year 2232 that life began to change for the Armanians.
Space Travel had returned to their life, with satellites and vessels in orbit. The Armanian people were even toying with the idea of mining from their asteroid belt when an old hyperspace transmitter became active at the presence of a ship in system. Upon making contact it became clear that this was a mighty warship for a 'Confederacy of Independent Systems'. It wasn't long before the CIS moved in and set up an occupation on the previously unknown world, subjugating the people to horrors previously unknown to them, as battle droids roamed the streets enforcing law and slavery being commonplace trying to get the rich resources out of the planet.
Within a year of the occupation the Battledroids deactivated for approximately twenty four hours, there was mass rioting and revolt until the droids became active once more and took control of the planet again. Though the seeds of unity had been sowed between the clans, so when another Faction showed up called the Galactic Empire who then destroyed the CIS forces and promised to help bring Armania into the modern galaxy they were welcomed by the new Armanian Council of Elders, a council made up of the leading family member of each clan.
There was peace... for a time....
Any questions? We're playing approximately two years into the formation of the Galactic Empire. In this Roleplay, the Empire has occupied Armania and set up a regional occupation of the planet. More recently things have been stirring, with the Mining Guild building an outpost in system and moving in more equipment. Law Breakers are disappearing from traditional jails, with rumours that they're being forced into slavery. Things are changing.
Any questions, let me know. Its pretty simple hook, slightly behind the times planet. Empire has come in and bringing it up to modern age and being all nice and peaceful about things, for now. Players will be a group of slaves, prisoners imprisoned for a variety of reasons given to the Mining Guild to work. You're not really sure where you are, all you know is that you don't want to be here.