Commander Hughes stood on the bridge of his destroyer, arms clasped behind his back surveying the scene before him. The Domination hovered in low orbit of this backwards planet. In the distance he could see some of their rudimentary airships floating around transporting non-essential resources from one port to another. By non-important, it meant resources that were of no interest to the Empire. If they were they would have been transported aboard an Imperial Freighter. He couldn't wait until they had stripped this planet dry of all their resources, then he could leave this insignificant backwater of a planet behind and move elsewhere in the system. A R4-Series droid wheeled onto the bridge, plugging in with the latest update. Looking down at his datafile he nodded. The Mining Guild had recently deployed it's first Ore Crawler to the world, a behemoth of a machine that would strip the planets surface of all it's resources and burn the top layers of the ground away.
It was a necessary evil, it prevented waste of any valuable metals when digging up for a mine, while also allowing them to collect vast amounts of resources without taking the time to dig down and remain structural integrity. Not only did they collect the resources, they processed them and had them refined and ready to go to the factories. So far the Empire hadn't built many factories on Armania, however work was being started on a new factory. Pretty soon the entire planet would be working for their heroes.
A Stormtrooper Captain walked up the ramp with an electrostaff in hind, his E-11 being held by a subordinate who shadowed him. He looked around the body of the shuttlecraft, his cold unfeeling gaze peering through the helmet to the riff-raff assorted. From teenage boys, Chadra-Fans and elder aged individuals it was obvious that the only thing that would ever bring a group like this together would be. He stood to the side and a large looming Besalisk walked up the ramp, his species characteristicly large chin swayed back and forth as he walked up the ramp. On his waist were two electrowhips coiled up, with two staffs attached to his back.
He very clearly wore the helmet of a Mining Guild slave driver. His lower right hand grabbed onto the hilt of one of the whips, he snapped the activation hilt and yellow energy crackled down the whip and jumped around the body of the hold as he slammed it down onto the floor of the shuttle. If anyone wasn't paying attention to the slaver, they would be now. "You all work for me now. You will call me sir." He pointed his lower left arm out of the shuttle door. "Down that ramp is your new home, get yourself down that ramp and to work."
One of the individuals, a Shistaven stood up. "You don't control me!"
With one flick of his wrist the whip coiled itself around the beings neck. "Is that so?" With a giant thumb he pushed down on a button, sending electricity coursing through the beings body. "Anyone else?"