A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Terror! The entire galaxy is at the mercy of the evil GALACTIC
EMPIRE, which smothers the scores of systems and worlds under a shroud of oppression. Far and wide the EMPIRE spreads, conquering and enslaving worlds and stripping the people of all hope.
But there are many who would face this evil, and soon words of REBELLION are heard across IMPERIAL territories.
One such rogue world is the stormy planet of JABIIM along the Outer Rim, far from the influencing fringe of the Imperial core worlds.
As injustice grows and resentment spreads, the wavering flame of independence begins to burn brighter on Jabiim.
But as the Empire tightens it's iron grip, it soon becomes clear that only the bravest will be willing to stand against such a colossal threat...
Terror! The entire galaxy is at the mercy of the evil GALACTIC
EMPIRE, which smothers the scores of systems and worlds under a shroud of oppression. Far and wide the EMPIRE spreads, conquering and enslaving worlds and stripping the people of all hope.
But there are many who would face this evil, and soon words of REBELLION are heard across IMPERIAL territories.
One such rogue world is the stormy planet of JABIIM along the Outer Rim, far from the influencing fringe of the Imperial core worlds.
As injustice grows and resentment spreads, the wavering flame of independence begins to burn brighter on Jabiim.
But as the Empire tightens it's iron grip, it soon becomes clear that only the bravest will be willing to stand against such a colossal threat...

The Jabiim Liberation Army first came to light just short of a year ago, when an Imperial surface supply depot was raided and heavy casualties were inflicted upon the garrison.
The attack not only accosted Imperial lives, but also a heavy cache of weapons, fuel, field gear, as well as basic supplies.
The attack was later claimed by a newly founded resistance group calling itself the "Jabiim Liberation Army".
Broadcasts were made across the planet and pamphlets and holo-disks were dispersed amongst the populace, speaking out against Imperial rule and denouncing the Emperor and his tyrannical holding over, not just Jabiim, but the entire Galaxy.
The leader of the Jabiim Liberation Army has yet to be identified by the Imperials or other outsiders.
Assumed to be male, he is known only as "The Shadow".
Their is no accurate exact count as to their numbers, but Imperial officials estimate their ranks to be anywhere from five thousand to fifteen-thousand strong.
Their equipment and weapons are predominantly salvaged from the Clone Wars as well as black market weapons and stolen Imperial equipment.
They have very little in vehicles and armor, and what combat vehicles they have are likewise salvaged pieces from the Clone Wars, such as AT-ST's(Walkers), AT-AP's(Pod Walkers), and LAAT(Gunships).
The resistance is predominantly human, due to Jabiim being a primarily human populated planet, though there are other races amongst their ranks such as Twi'leks, Zabraks, and Rodians.
Through the past few months the resistance has launched numerous attacks against the occupying Imperial forces of Jabiim.
The majority of these attacks have been against Imperial facilities of interest, such as arsenals, fuel depots, wilderness outposts, and Imperial enlistment academies spread across Jabiim.
While inflicting heavy losses upon the Empire, the Liberation Army has suffered it's share of loss as well.
In the past few months they have lost hundreds if not thousands of good men and women in their attacks, with success and a dream of a free Jabiim being their only continued motivation to fight.
While most of their attacks so far have been little more than raids and probing attacks, The Shadow is preparing for something critical, something that will stagger the Imperial garrison and hopefully win over the full support of the people of Jabiim, and perhaps finally open the eyes of the Jabiimi Congress.

You are now a member of the Jabiim Liberation Army.
You are in fact one of the newest recruits.
You sought out the resistance on your own, and after gaining their trust and proving your ability as a potential soldier, you were granted an opportunity to join their ranks.
You were trained in basic fitness programs and in standard combat, as well as speciality training, and afterward you were commissioned your rank, weapons, and assigned to your unit.
You find yourself commissioned alongside several other new recruits, with all of you serving under a "Captain Darvo Moscone", a Zabrak native to Jabiim who has been with the Jabiim Liberation Army since it's first arisal.
You soon are informed that your unit is going to be taking part in a daring operation against the Empire, one that will boost the support and ranks of the resistance and will prove to the people of Jabiim how vulnerable the Empire is.

Jabiim is a large Terran world in the Outer Rim of the Galaxy, it in fact sits along the far fringe of the Empire.
It most well known for it's climate, which is very stormy and turbulent. Jabiim in fact has never surpassed even five days without global precipitation of some form, be it a light rain or a major storm.
It's landscape primarily is thick, overgrown forests and muddy swamps and marshes.
Jabiim is also lined with mountain and cliff ranges as well.
Perhaps the most noteworthy feature of Jabiim is it's relentless planet-wide electrical storms, which is a disabling factor for repulsorlift technology, which discounts a number of civil and military model vehicles alike for use on Jabiim.

The population of Jabiim is primarily human, which adds up to around eighty percent of it's populants.
Prominent non-human populants are the Zabrak, a fraction of Twi'leks, and a noteworthy number of Rodians.
Settlements are divided equally between massive industrial and economically powerful cities and rural agricultural based towns and villages.

These separate settlements and colonies are nearly all separated by deep, overgrown forests or boggy, muddy, swamps, which forces most transportation between cities and towns to be air-based.
Jabiim itself has no unified military, but rather extensive police forces and security contractors which maintain law and order and enforce the will of the Jabiimi Congress and the planetary governors.
The entire planet is overseen and lead by the Jabiimi Congress itself, a massive political body of elected officials from separate regions and cities.
Since the rise of the Empire though, the Congress's political power has been belittled to near nothing as most laws and regulations now are made by the Imperial Regional Governor and are enforced by the occupying Imperial forces.
Additional Information; starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jabiim
The year is 6 BBY, four years prior to the official founding of the Rebel Alliance on Kashyyyk.
The Galactic Empire has more or less concreted itself throughout the galaxy. Emperor Palpatine's will is enforced by his seemingly infinite army and the juggernaut that is the Imperial Navy.
Not to mention of course the terror that is known as Darth Vader, the Emperor's apprentice servant and the physical embodiment of his terrible will.
With all this at his disposal, in the decade(roughly) since the destruction of the Jedi Order and the reformation of the Republic into the First Galactic Empire, Emperor Palpatine has subdued most of the known galaxy, stamping out insurgencies and putting any and all traitors and radicals to death.
Through the years there have been those that would dare to challenge the Empire.
Though in the end they would all meet the same fate; death and destruction at the hands of the Emperor.
The Jedi-lead coup on Naboo, the insurgency of Gizor Delso, and the Kaminoan clone rebellion are all prime examples of failed lash-outs at the Empire.
In the recent years many former radically independent systems have been quelled, their rebellious spirits broken and finally realization of Imperial dominance.
There are few systems left at current that still vocally oppose the Empire, and many of them as well are beginning to lose their spirit of opposition.
Still, though few and far spread, there are still a handful of worlds that remain radical in whole, and do not shy away from their desire for freedom from tyranny.
One such world is the Outer Rim planet of Jabiim.
Several months ago word began circulating across Jabiim that a new organized rebel force was in full swing against the Empire.
This at first was shrugged from interest, as there have been literally dozens of uprisings and revolts across Jabiim in the past decade or so.
Ever since the rise of the Empire Jabiim has been a radical world of anti-Imperial activities, and has given Emperor Palpatine no shortage of problems.
Time and again militia armies and revolutionary groups have been snuffed out by Imperial forces, only then to be followed up by a new outfit with the same fiery lust for independence.
But these rebels are different.
They're organized, they're well-equipped, and their agenda and voice is becoming louder as their ranks swell by the week.
They call themselves the Jabiim Liberation Army. The people of of Jabiim generally refer to them as "the Liberators", while to the Empire, they are simply "Rebels" or "Jabiimi Rebels".
The Jabiimi Congress has publicly denounced them, which seemed to only further emblazon the fires of insurgency, which are beginning to burn hotly on Jabiim...
The Galactic Empire has more or less concreted itself throughout the galaxy. Emperor Palpatine's will is enforced by his seemingly infinite army and the juggernaut that is the Imperial Navy.
Not to mention of course the terror that is known as Darth Vader, the Emperor's apprentice servant and the physical embodiment of his terrible will.
With all this at his disposal, in the decade(roughly) since the destruction of the Jedi Order and the reformation of the Republic into the First Galactic Empire, Emperor Palpatine has subdued most of the known galaxy, stamping out insurgencies and putting any and all traitors and radicals to death.
Through the years there have been those that would dare to challenge the Empire.
Though in the end they would all meet the same fate; death and destruction at the hands of the Emperor.
The Jedi-lead coup on Naboo, the insurgency of Gizor Delso, and the Kaminoan clone rebellion are all prime examples of failed lash-outs at the Empire.
In the recent years many former radically independent systems have been quelled, their rebellious spirits broken and finally realization of Imperial dominance.
There are few systems left at current that still vocally oppose the Empire, and many of them as well are beginning to lose their spirit of opposition.
Still, though few and far spread, there are still a handful of worlds that remain radical in whole, and do not shy away from their desire for freedom from tyranny.
One such world is the Outer Rim planet of Jabiim.
Several months ago word began circulating across Jabiim that a new organized rebel force was in full swing against the Empire.
This at first was shrugged from interest, as there have been literally dozens of uprisings and revolts across Jabiim in the past decade or so.
Ever since the rise of the Empire Jabiim has been a radical world of anti-Imperial activities, and has given Emperor Palpatine no shortage of problems.
Time and again militia armies and revolutionary groups have been snuffed out by Imperial forces, only then to be followed up by a new outfit with the same fiery lust for independence.
But these rebels are different.
They're organized, they're well-equipped, and their agenda and voice is becoming louder as their ranks swell by the week.
They call themselves the Jabiim Liberation Army. The people of of Jabiim generally refer to them as "the Liberators", while to the Empire, they are simply "Rebels" or "Jabiimi Rebels".
The Jabiimi Congress has publicly denounced them, which seemed to only further emblazon the fires of insurgency, which are beginning to burn hotly on Jabiim...

The Jabiim Liberation Army first came to light just short of a year ago, when an Imperial surface supply depot was raided and heavy casualties were inflicted upon the garrison.
The attack not only accosted Imperial lives, but also a heavy cache of weapons, fuel, field gear, as well as basic supplies.
The attack was later claimed by a newly founded resistance group calling itself the "Jabiim Liberation Army".
Broadcasts were made across the planet and pamphlets and holo-disks were dispersed amongst the populace, speaking out against Imperial rule and denouncing the Emperor and his tyrannical holding over, not just Jabiim, but the entire Galaxy.
The leader of the Jabiim Liberation Army has yet to be identified by the Imperials or other outsiders.
Assumed to be male, he is known only as "The Shadow".
Their is no accurate exact count as to their numbers, but Imperial officials estimate their ranks to be anywhere from five thousand to fifteen-thousand strong.
Their equipment and weapons are predominantly salvaged from the Clone Wars as well as black market weapons and stolen Imperial equipment.
They have very little in vehicles and armor, and what combat vehicles they have are likewise salvaged pieces from the Clone Wars, such as AT-ST's(Walkers), AT-AP's(Pod Walkers), and LAAT(Gunships).
The resistance is predominantly human, due to Jabiim being a primarily human populated planet, though there are other races amongst their ranks such as Twi'leks, Zabraks, and Rodians.
Through the past few months the resistance has launched numerous attacks against the occupying Imperial forces of Jabiim.
The majority of these attacks have been against Imperial facilities of interest, such as arsenals, fuel depots, wilderness outposts, and Imperial enlistment academies spread across Jabiim.
While inflicting heavy losses upon the Empire, the Liberation Army has suffered it's share of loss as well.
In the past few months they have lost hundreds if not thousands of good men and women in their attacks, with success and a dream of a free Jabiim being their only continued motivation to fight.
While most of their attacks so far have been little more than raids and probing attacks, The Shadow is preparing for something critical, something that will stagger the Imperial garrison and hopefully win over the full support of the people of Jabiim, and perhaps finally open the eyes of the Jabiimi Congress.

You are now a member of the Jabiim Liberation Army.
You are in fact one of the newest recruits.
You sought out the resistance on your own, and after gaining their trust and proving your ability as a potential soldier, you were granted an opportunity to join their ranks.
You were trained in basic fitness programs and in standard combat, as well as speciality training, and afterward you were commissioned your rank, weapons, and assigned to your unit.
You find yourself commissioned alongside several other new recruits, with all of you serving under a "Captain Darvo Moscone", a Zabrak native to Jabiim who has been with the Jabiim Liberation Army since it's first arisal.
You soon are informed that your unit is going to be taking part in a daring operation against the Empire, one that will boost the support and ranks of the resistance and will prove to the people of Jabiim how vulnerable the Empire is.

Jabiim is a large Terran world in the Outer Rim of the Galaxy, it in fact sits along the far fringe of the Empire.
It most well known for it's climate, which is very stormy and turbulent. Jabiim in fact has never surpassed even five days without global precipitation of some form, be it a light rain or a major storm.
It's landscape primarily is thick, overgrown forests and muddy swamps and marshes.
Jabiim is also lined with mountain and cliff ranges as well.
Perhaps the most noteworthy feature of Jabiim is it's relentless planet-wide electrical storms, which is a disabling factor for repulsorlift technology, which discounts a number of civil and military model vehicles alike for use on Jabiim.

The population of Jabiim is primarily human, which adds up to around eighty percent of it's populants.
Prominent non-human populants are the Zabrak, a fraction of Twi'leks, and a noteworthy number of Rodians.
Settlements are divided equally between massive industrial and economically powerful cities and rural agricultural based towns and villages.

These separate settlements and colonies are nearly all separated by deep, overgrown forests or boggy, muddy, swamps, which forces most transportation between cities and towns to be air-based.
Jabiim itself has no unified military, but rather extensive police forces and security contractors which maintain law and order and enforce the will of the Jabiimi Congress and the planetary governors.
The entire planet is overseen and lead by the Jabiimi Congress itself, a massive political body of elected officials from separate regions and cities.
Since the rise of the Empire though, the Congress's political power has been belittled to near nothing as most laws and regulations now are made by the Imperial Regional Governor and are enforced by the occupying Imperial forces.
Additional Information; starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jabiim