She combines the attacks of her naginata with a vast repertoire of kicks and acrobatics
Jutsu: Whirlwind Sprint: By focusing all her Ki in her legs she can rush fordward witht he speed of the wind, she can use this to reach high places like roofs or tree branches and backwards to dodge an attack.
Name: Hikage Tamashi Age: 20 Village: Iga Weapons: Sword in pic, throwing daggers, chain sickle Jutsu Shadow Stealth: If there is a shadow, Hikage can melt into it and hide, virtually undetected. While in the shadow he cannot be harmed, however to attack, part of him must leave the shadow. Also, he can be forced out if the shadows are removed.
She carries two handheld Kunai, both meant for close ranged attacks. This, combined with her Jutsu create a more traditional style of combat.
Jutsu: Earth Mud Wall. Using this Jutsu as a ramp to increase her speed and/or ability to reach places that would generally be very taxing to get to. She can also use this as a sort of barrier to shield her, and anyone around her for a short period of time. It only covers a small range, and can pose as a hazard for anyone behind it.