So i have inhuman amount of free time and I'd like a role play partner or 2 ((since most of my old partners are out of reach, too busy, or straight up just ignoring me))
I have a few plots i really want to try out. If you don't like either, we can work up a new one. Just between us. We can do the role plays in the pm or discord, whichever you prefer.
I will only play the role of the male/males(i used males just in case there's that one person who wants me to pkay several guys whilr they play one girl) if you likethe story I'm willing to make tge smutty parts available in keypoints, same if you want just smut. Also I'm looking for a long term partner, I've been ghosted a lot and it's starting to get to me.
Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3
Plot 4
Plot 5
Plot 6
Plot 7
Plot 8
Plot 9
Plot 10
Plot 11
Plot 12
Plot 13
Plot 14
Plot 15
Plot 16
Plot 17
Plot 18
Plot 19
Plot 20
Plot 21
Plot 22
Plot 23
Plot 24
Plot 25
Pm me if you're interested and we can discuss details or new plots.
They're all still open, seriously I have LITERALLY nothing but free time.
P.S. anime pics or artwork only, real life pics for a roleplay make me a bit uncomfortable. And writen appearance descriptions annoy me. Also no cutting to black on the naughty bits, it annoys me as well.
P.S.S. The only MxM I'm comfortable with is guy on femboy, just to let y'all know in case anyone wants an MxM plot.
P.S.S.S. Absolutely NO messed up kinks like, genital mutilation, NTR, BDSM, Toilet play, cannibalism, non consensual anything in any way shape or form, necrophilia, slave and master dynamic, torture, fat ugly bastard and anything involving children or non anthropomorphic animals.
I have a few plots i really want to try out. If you don't like either, we can work up a new one. Just between us. We can do the role plays in the pm or discord, whichever you prefer.
I will only play the role of the male/males(i used males just in case there's that one person who wants me to pkay several guys whilr they play one girl) if you likethe story I'm willing to make tge smutty parts available in keypoints, same if you want just smut. Also I'm looking for a long term partner, I've been ghosted a lot and it's starting to get to me.
Plot 1
A school tough guy is best friends with a girlish boy who likes do dress like a girl, they like to pretend like they're dating just to laugh at people's reaction when they find out the girl is actually a guy. The girly boy however has a bit of a family secret even he doesn't know about. If he were ever to be kissed by a guy he would turn into a girl, the transformation is not permanent as he will change from guy to girl and stay as one for a certain amount of time depending on his feelings. Should he be attached to a girl he will stay as a boy longer and if he becomes attracted to a boy he'll stay as a girl longer. The transformations will stop and he will stay in either gender depending on who he has the strongest feelings for
Plot 2
A mercenary is hunted down by an all female team of space marines, led by his ex-girlfriend and her 3(maybe 4 or 5) other teammates. A fellow soldier(s) like her, a scientist and her assistant. Upon boarding his ship, they discover the scientist's assistant is an experiment that was stolen by the scientists, she has minor clairvoyant abilities and the government wants recapture her to use on their war effort. However the government's reach has a limit in the galaxy. The team must decide wether to sell out one of their members or run away to the far reaches of the galaxy with the mercenary as their leader. In space it can get lonely so most of their time spent in space between planet to planet travel will involve a lot of..... well you get the idea.
Plot 3
A skilled warrior from the eastern land of sand has been wondering around further west. He is then hired by a royal body guard to rescue a princess from her vindictive soon to be husband. After the rescue the warrior takes in the princess and her body guard and agrees to protect and train them. Along the way both girls become his lovers, but it's not the end. Through their travels theyvrun into several other maidens from several countries, they join him as he begins to start a personal mercenary band with the women. A mercenary band of his comrades and lovers, who are all women.
Plot 4
New sex ed class curriculum dictates that a male student mus perform intercourse in from of the class to properly demonstrate how to have sex, he will also be given fertility pills to induce and demonstrate impregnation. His partner or partners will be chosen by him and the ladies must do as they are told to pass the class. Afterwards they are to drive to a specialized home where their pregnancies will be monitored. This will all be paid for, including child care costs.
Plot 5
Two wealthy heirs with their own personal harems fight for ownership of the mansion where they are staying in and use the members of their respective harems as spies and saboteurs in their quest to have the other submit to them. The Young Lord of The house and his girls attempt to get dirt on the lady of the house and her boys by means of seduction and mild subterfuge. The lady of the house does the same, but somehow along the line they are slowly forgetting the reason why they are disputing and instead having fun with each other's harems.
Plot 6
A Marine returning from home wakes up in a strange woman's bed, trying to figure out how he got there he talks to the girl to try and remember the night before. Slowly but surely he begins to fall for her and they start a fruitful relationship. But like any relationship there's always a fair bit of drama.
Plot 7
A group of adult manga artists are working together trying to publish their work but sevral things get in the way. Mostly them getting drunk and having way too much fun with each other. The group can consist of either an even or odd amount of guys and girls.
Plot 8
Two long time friends end up moving in together, secretly both have had huge crushes on each other. Will they live together as friends or will their feelings and urges take over?
Plot 9
A story similar to Spy x Familyset in a futuristic cyberpunk/modern fantasy setting, a mercenary needs to kill a rather illusive target. However to get to them he'll need a have a wife and kid. However he's single and childless so he'll need to hire someone to be his wife in order to adopt a child. Many obstacles will get in his way such as old enemies, his reputation and the fact that the only opening to the target is in a prestigious school. He gets attached to the adopted child and begins to train her as time passes.
Plot 10
A guy is attracted to a girl and wants to date her, the girl however has a twin(identical, fraternal etc.) She has a crush on him as well but there's a catch, he has to seduce and pleasure her sibling first. If he succeeds he gets both of them.
Plot 11
Same as hunnie pop, a fairy/love goddess goes to a lonely guy to teach him how to seduce women. However her reason for doing this is that she wants a proper human lover so she wont have to go back home and marry another fairy/god her father set up as her mate.
Plot 12
2 best friends go apartment hunting, they find a real bargain for a 5 bedroom 3 bath apartment downtown. However it turns out 3 guys live there already, an artist, a mechanic and a MMA fighter. One friend openly let's the boys know they can do whatever they wish to her, the other friend does the same but has gotten a crush on one of the boys. So she lets that particular boy spend time with her more often than the others.
Plot 13
Pretty self explanatory, we can go the typical route, full konosuba or a healthy mix of both i don't mind.
Plot 14
Not based on the anime/manga just a combination of a fallout style post apocalypse setting and cyberpunk setting for a story driven rp, it can be smutty if you want I'm not gonna say no
Plot 15
A lonely guy seeks a lover but can't seem to get one, so instead he uses a ritual book to summon a demon lover(s). Now he has to provide for this otherworldly creature(s).
Plot 16
Just any plot that is purely or mostly smut, I can think of a few things but if anyone wants something like this I'm more than capable of coming up with something.
Plot 17
A guy is put into a cross species breeding program to test human/monster interspecies breeding viability, he'll start with a few but with each successful conception he will be given an extra mate.
Plot 18
So I'm slowly starting to get into BL, so plot is 2 guys(or more if you so incline) live in an apartment together, My guy is burned out from failing to get a gf, his roommate, a femboy or trap secretly has a crush on him and volunteers to fool around with him if he likes, from then on it turns into a relationship(or guy with femboy/trap harem if you choose to play more than one)
Plot 19
An escort service that caters to various clientele with obviously sexual services, the current workers are 5 men(played by me) and 5 women(played by whoever agrees to this plot) they live in a large multi bedroom mansion where they can tend to clients there, tend to each other or prepare to tend to a client outside of the living area in either a standard or specific way. There's no penalty for tending to random people they run into so the city population is also on the table.
Plot 20
A semi serious comedic D&D story, a modest party of various adventurers travel the world completing jobs and quests for various interesting and important people. Though some will seem serious hilarity will find a way to break the tension.(smut is optional)
Plot 21
Similar to the girl next door plot but set in dark fantasy, a strange young man moves and his pets into a small walled off town near a haunted forrest. He rarely interacts with any of the townsfolk and just goes hunting for days on end, only to return home with a handful of small animals or 2 or 3 massive dead beasts. The townsfolk don't seem to trust him and are overly suspicious of him due to his nonexistent interaction with them. However a young girl who's family lives next to his house grows curious to see what he is really like. However when she is discovered by the young man they strike up a conversation and get to know each other better and become close friends. In a misguided attempt to protect the girl the townsfolk chase off the young man and place a bounty on his head. Now they both must brave a dangerous world full of monsters of all kinds to survive on their own.
Plot 22
After years of constantly foiling her plans, an adventurer who was her life long mortal foe had decided he grew tired of the charade and confessed to his mortal enemy. Confused but flattered she reluctantly agrees as she has also secretly grown tired of the years of back and forth conflict. A life together with the man who used to be her fated foe will definitely be an interesting change of pace.
Plot 23
In a modern world where monsters and people co-exist relatively peacefully, guy in desperate need to pay his rent decides to pit his knowledge of monsters to good use and open a massage parlor in his studio apartment. He'll manage and tend to his clients effectively with the help of his assistant and landlady.
Plot 24
A single and lonely guy lives with his pet(which can be anything ranging from a dog to a snake or gecko) one day the pet transforms into a more human/anthropomorphic shape and both start a relationship. That's pretty much it.
Plot 25
A light romance thriller, mystery and action plot. A professional devil hunter has taken in an orphaned girl as an apprentice and assistant, he teaches her how to track, scout and kill monsters and devils, how to prepare for a battle, how to explore evert advantage possible to ensure victory. Over time she begins to develop feelings of desire towards her mentor, reluctant due to a possibility of ruining their relationship she keeps this too herself. But eventually her feelings will want to come out. Maybe their bond becomes stronger or they keep their current relationship but with perks of a lovers relationship.
Pm me if you're interested and we can discuss details or new plots.
They're all still open, seriously I have LITERALLY nothing but free time.
P.S. anime pics or artwork only, real life pics for a roleplay make me a bit uncomfortable. And writen appearance descriptions annoy me. Also no cutting to black on the naughty bits, it annoys me as well.
P.S.S. The only MxM I'm comfortable with is guy on femboy, just to let y'all know in case anyone wants an MxM plot.
P.S.S.S. Absolutely NO messed up kinks like, genital mutilation, NTR, BDSM, Toilet play, cannibalism, non consensual anything in any way shape or form, necrophilia, slave and master dynamic, torture, fat ugly bastard and anything involving children or non anthropomorphic animals.
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