Hey RPG! Your friendly neighborhood Poi is here with a new interest check straight out of the oven. Seeing a few Walking Dead RPs on the Guild got me thinking: what if I base a Walking Dead RP outside of the US? I've been RPing for roughly a decade now and I have yet to find a TWD RP that wasn't in the US, and so now we're here with this interest check.
I didn't put too much effort into this interest check because this is mainly for me to gauge interest before going out and making an OOC. I don't have anything solidified as of yet, but I plan for the player characters to be huddled up in Brussels or the surrounding areas like how we see the group outside Atlanta for sometime. Stuff will happen, people will die, and the gears of the story will move on from there.
Now, if still have you after reading through my laziness (more like sleepiness seeing it is 2:30AM as I write this), I've provided the rules and CS below ahead of time. Feel free to read through them, or just state your interest below in a post if you're still sticking around.
- As with any RP, all guild rules apply to the RP and those partaking as roleplayers.
- My word is law. I'm a pretty carefree guy evident as of this interest check and will listen to concerns, but don't test me with petty arguments once I've made my decision.
- No godmodding, no overpowered characters, etc. We're all capable roleplayers to know this.
- Romance is allowed, but before it delves into the mature category, fade to black and take it to the PMs.
- Please be active for the sake of the RP. If you must leave for IRL reasons or wish to drop out, please tell us instead of leaving us hanging.
- Players will be limited to one, perhaps two characters. NPCs can be made, but please put effort in to the sheets.
- Format the CS as much as you want, but do not post it in the character tab until it has been accepted.
- I will not accept any sheets that aren't in a spoiler. I will look over them, but they will not be accepted until put in a hider.
- Post expectations are lax to limit speed posting. A post is expected at least once a week to avoid rushed and hastily written posts.
- Quality over quantity. I would rather have a few great paragraphs over a novel from my players.
- Finally, as a way to see if people read these, the first person to correctly guess my favorite color will get a free pistol with a few rounds. One guess only per person. EDIT: Color has already been picked, but still comment your favorite color.