- Name: Nakajima Hisako
- Age: 16
- Gender: Female
- Appearance: "... I guess so." She's quite petite for her age.
- Personality: Hisako is a rather deadpan girl, prone to giving off a somewhat caustic and sarcastic summation of the events around her. Indeed, it can be said that in outlandish scenarios she is something of a straightman, her natural inclination being to disbelief or sarcastic comments. The more strange or outlandish the situation becomes, the more likely she is to become exasperated, her rather deadpan sarcasm giving way to frustration, confusion, and exasperation. Hisako's response to strange behavior from her peers is, of course, to begin with a deadpan sarcastic response that slowly accelerates into full-blown irritation if it persists. That being said, she has very few people she is particularly close to. Indeed, Hisako is actually a rather isolated girl, without many friends outside of the club itself. Deep down, she feels rather aimless and without direction in life, sort of drifting through existence without really having much of a purpose. She doesn't know what to do with herself, even given the unique ability she seems to possess. Among psychological 'weak points' for Hisako are her total inability to cook anything with any competency(a fact she privately acknowledges but would become very embarrassed if anyone discovered) and her very petite figure(almost everyone seems taller then her in her high school and she's... lacking in some areas). When flustered she is likely to attempt to deflect attention with sarcasm, or at worst, simply attempting to vanish behind anything large enough to hide behind.
- Brief Backstory: Hisako was born to a normal life in a normal family with nothing particularly strange about it. At least, this is what she thought. At nine years old, shortly after the birth of her younger sister, she encountered her first ghost, and soon realized she was able to see many things others did not. Not only that, but after using a camera she realized that she could capture images of such things. Excited, and eager to show everyone what she could do, she began to show the pictures off to her family and friends. But eventually Hisako began to realize that, truly, no-one really believed her. Soon, even when given the opportunity presented itself to prove the truth behind her abilities, she had convinced herself that no-one would ever believe her claims. Hisako had convinced herself that her Spirit Photography was nothing special, simply something she had to live with. She drifted fairly aimlessly through middle school, but as she entered high school a certain club caught her eye...
- Skills: Hisako's cooking is a lethal weapon, relegated only to the most simple of instant meals. She is a mildly decent student, neither outstanding nor sub-par, and of her physical prowess, well... she's basically useless. PE is can be considered a descent into hell. Swimming is nice, though.
- Abilities: Hisako is a Spirit Photographer. Her ability to perceive and interact with ghosts and other spiritual entities is only a part of this capability. Through the use of a camera(any kind will work, as long as it is in her hands), she is capable of capturing imagery of spirits in sharp, clear detail.