Coding Credits WIP
E L E M E N T Water •• Fire •• Air •• Earth •• | R E S U L T Rain, Snow or Hail Call Lightening Battering Wind Sand Storm |
L E V E L 1 2 3 | R O L L 13 16 19 |
L E V E L 1 2 3 | S I Z E tiny medium large |
![]() ····································· | H U M A N S Humans. The largest, strongest, most influential of all races. Beings plagued by curiosity and the means with which to satisfy that thirst. They're intuitive, intelligent, inventive. Constantly crave to improve themselves and the world around them. Because of these defining traits, their known to be a naturally combative people. In their search for a knowledge of all things, the means by which they obtain this knowledge can often be by force. However it's these same traits that have also caused a rift in their peoples. On one hand, their drive for power and knowledge leads them to paths shadowed in darkness and on the other, they openly share and seek this knowledge by benevolent means. The human race is generally indecisive like that, not entirely willing to stay completely good or bad and often times switching alignments on a whim. Many have left their homelands and have integrated themselves into the populace of other races, or left the main lands of Eidelon for Alastar, tasting for themselves a life more peaceful than their last. Being as adaptive as they naturally are, humans have been known to delve into any discipline with ease, those not exclusive by race alone. Humans hail from either the Kingdom of Eidelon under King Jon and Queen Ashley or the Kingdom of Alastar under King Edwin Brynwulf and Queen Celeste Brynwulf. |
![]() ····································· Bonuses: • • • • | E L V E S A race of peoples blessed with a life of longevity and a deep sense of wisdom that far exceeds any of the others. They're gifted practitioners of magic, sharing their prowess of the use of the arcane with humans who are nearly as practiced as they are. Their lithe build and dexterous nature make them prime selection for infiltration and they excel in surgically crippling their enemies both within and out of their range. Their skill on the field is supplemented by a heightened perception of all things. Given their long life and the experiences centuries of shared knowledge has taught them, they are as intuitive as Humans and have even dabbled in a little tinkering with the Dwarves. Elves boast a naturally weaker constitution and are more susceptible to disease than others. In addition, they are for the most part physically inferior. They were at one point slavers to compensate but in more recent years, and because they had lost in the war previous, they've learned to rely on their own strengths instead of others. Elves hail from the forest Kingdom of Vinegral ruled by King Celador and Queen Edenwel. |
![]() ····································· Bonuses: • | D W A R V E S Dwarves have been for centuries the very best tinkerers in the known world. There are none more inventive than they with skill near matched only by the Humans. While their work with all things material is highly revered and steadily sought out, it is their salesmanship that has brought the Dwarves to the heights of prosperity. Their capital is by far the riches, most extravagant and thus far most heavily defended. Dwarves boast the best in weapons and armor; they're smithing unmatched. It has been said that while the sword of a Elf can cut through anything, the metal of a Dwarf is nigh impenetrable. Combining the two would indeed breed a new kind of warrior. Exclusive to the home of the Dwarves is a natural deposit of arcane crystals. Clear in color, they're warm to the touch and vibrate ever so slightly. It was discovered early on that they can take on the properties of any magical force applied to it, altering it's color and allowing this energy to be stored indefinitely. These crystals have been dubbed "Arazilians" or "Aries". As the richest and quite possibly the eldest of the races, Dwarves are inherently selfish. Amid their many feats of ingenuity, they remain careful to keep tucked away the secrets of their more incredible machinations. For the most part, many have little to no knowledge of Dwarven engineering and Dwarves do enjoy keeping it that way. Dwarves hail from deep within the mountain of Arazil nestled among a rock of treasure. They're ruled by King Torrigg and Queen Evynere |
![]() ····································· Beast Shape • | T H E R I A N S The Therians are a younger race hailing from a time shortly after the rise of Dwarves and Elves. They're a race similar to humans in size, stature, lifestyle and lifespan but all Therians boast one unique physical difference. Therians have the ability to alter their physical form into that of a specific animal. The animal in question corresponds to physical cues that can be found on their body. A woman that can turn into a cat may have cat like ears on her head. A man that can turn into a crow may have black wings on his back. A Dragon may have sections of scales instead of skin. Although Therians make up the largest populace for any given race, they are rarely found in groups together and have been completley assimilated with others... with the exceptions of Lycans. |
![]() ····································· Vampirism • | V A M P I R E S An ancient race and the only race besides the Celestials that do not age. They are however far from immortal. Vampires are as fair and wise as the Elves and near as fast and strong as any Lycan. Their skin is usually of a pale complexion, their eyes turned to dark, dark grey or at times a deep red and of course the canines of their teeth protrude further than normal. They draw their strength from their reliance on blood and the more they feed, the stronger they become. As Vampires are simply a result of a disease that once contracted cannot be cured, victims do not suddenly lose memory of their past life. Any skills learned from before they were turned are carried over to varying degrees. Although Vampires do enjoy a life of near eternal longevity, they suffer from a number of drawbacks. First of which is their reliance on blood. Feasting is a necessity to sustain themselves and if one should skip one too many meals, they'll soon weaken and die. Standing in sunlight without any protective clothing can weaken in much the same way skipping a meal would. Vampires do not burn in the sunlight. Vampires can only turn other humans. Vampires hail from Holstein and are ruled by Tearle and Edana Valen |
![]() ····································· Bonuses: • • • • • | F A E Fae are a race that are tied deeply to the world around them. They have a natural affinity for the elements and also to the very essence of life itself making them excellent healers and gifting them with extraordinarily long lives. It's also why one of their more defining characteristics is their penchant to do good. They strive endlessly to create bonds and foster peace. Most Fae are marked by a physical tell somewhere on their body to clue one in to the season they were born be it the color of their hair or that of their eyes. Fae are also notoriously selfish and at times emotional. This strong drive does tend to lead to heated lasting (or fleeting) relationships and but can also lead to hastily made decisions, one of the main reasons behind the King calling for a tournament. This emotional drive is also a means to drive a Fae to either extremes of a spectrum. While most Fae are naturally benevolent at heart, those who are misaligned quickly become corrupt. Fae do not have wings. The Fae hail from the Forest Kingdom Peteraflos and are ruled by King Oberon and Queen Titania |
![]() ····································· Bonuses: • • Lesser Divinity • | N E P H I L I M Nephilim are people blessed (or cursed) with the blood of the gods. While those of heavenly descent are rather inconspicuous, blending in reasonably well with the rest of the people of their land, those with the blood of the devils are not so lucky. Their skin is usually a strong tinge of red hue and most are crowned with horns. The Nephilim draw their strength directly from their blood link with the gods. They in essence borrow their power, drawing from them commands of divinity and or those of the devil to do with as they see fit. The Nephilim heritage is a point of pride for their people but is also the biggest motivation behind their constant and sporadic civil wars. Besides the Humans, no other race is as divided as they are. Originally created by the gods to fight at opposite ends of the same war, their people have continued to do so long after they were left on their own. The throne for example is far from and never was a position one could simply be voted into. Every year the King or Queen is challenged to a dual and the winner, usually these days by submission of their opponent, takes the crown. Nephilim of heavenly decent are typically called angels. Those opposite them are Demons. Nephilim hail from the Kingdom of Purtoria and the crown is currently held by Queen Medina, an angel. |
![]() ····································· | Humans. The largest, strongest, most influential of all races. Beings plagued by curiosity and the means with which to satisfy that thirst. They're intuitive, intelligent, inventive. Constantly crave to improve themselves and the world around them. Because of these defining traits, their known to be a naturally combative people. In their search for a knowledge of all things, the means by which they obtain this knowledge can often be by force. |