I am here.
First some GMing.
All the character sheets present on the OOC until this post have been accepted, including Mr_pink's.
All of you have at least one character except for Zane which said that he will be joining in.
Currently we have ten character, nine roleplayers, three player created nations, five player created races and a nice amount of OOC posts.
Also as another person in charge of the IC I requested a Co-GM and Tatsua PMied his interest. Since no one else answered the calls Tatsua is now officially the Co-GM in charge of handling the IC with me and all non-setting related things in the OOC, which would mostly be character sheets based on one of the races we already have.
Lucius glad to have you here. Hope we have some nice RPing experience together again.
I also have one thing to ask of all of you (through you don't need to answer if don't want to): "How did you stumble upon and why did you join this RP?"