Hidden 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

A new Grail War had begun in a small port city called Goldcrest. It wasn't huge, it wasn't tiny, it was just right to cause problems with the residents. This was the sort of city where you could expect theaters, shopping malls, and large businesses, but also expect to see historical buildings like the ancient castle atop the hill, or the stone defenses around the port. It was a big tourist attraction, which for a Grail War was an issue... but such was the way of these Wars. They weren't meant to be easy.

Many mages had been chosen from all over the world to fight for the right to make a wish on the Grail, and they had been sectioned off into teams of three. Seven total teams, making for twenty-one total Master/Servant combinations that would be taking part in the war. It wasn't made clear if the whole team would win the Grail, or if the last team standing would have to then fight its own members to decide the last Master standing, but what was known is that the Servants being summoned were very unnatural.

One team reported their Servants were normal Heroic Spirits of Legend, though they gave no names. However, every other team thus far reported that their Servants were "Not of this world". What that means is not yet known, but they say that their Servants have no place in History and they have never heard of them before. Apparently, some of them have no idea what Earth even is.

Now, three Masters, Ansgar Staudinger, Ryan Vale, and Muhammad Avdol have been chosen for Team Red and they are the final team to summon their Servants, the beings that will be their guardians for this war, their weapons, and their companions. The three are guided to a chapel, considered "Holy Ground" where the war may not take place. They are free to summon their Servants in peace here, but it has been made clear to them that the moment they leave the grounds of the chapel, the war has begun.

The circles are drawn, and the Servants are ready. These Masters simply need but to reach out and offer a contract.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SoundwaveLoo
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As Ryan finishes drawing his summoning circle he places an old comedy mask from a theater in London in the middle of it and steps back.
"Now I just need to say the incantation," he ten pulls out a book and begins reading aloud.
"Let silver and steel be the essence.
Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation
Let my great Master Vale be the ancestor
Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall
Let the four cardinal gates close.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare.
Your body shall serve under me.
My fate shall be your sword.
Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail
If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!

An oath shall be sworn here!
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.
I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,
Come forth from the ring of restraints,
Protector of the Holy Balance!"

After finishing the incantation there is an almost blindingly bright light that reveals a strange looking servant.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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Pandora's Actor emerged in a showcase of light, posing dramatically. His left hand covering his empty face, his right arm outstretched behind him as if to mask himself from the surrounding light. He was leaning backwards, nearly facing the sky. He turned slowly to face his summoner, over-exaggerating his step artistically.

"Ich komme aus unendlicher Dunkelheit... Wer mich anruft, soll den Preis bezahlen..." His voice was bombastic, pitch and tone over the top as he pronounced perfect German. Enunciating every word as if speaking to a deaf man, he continued. "Who dares to summon this self?" Pandora's Actor finally took his hand off of his face to survey his surroundings before addressing Ryan. "Ah, thou shalt be responsible for such rude interruption of this self's devotion to the true lord."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoundwaveLoo
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SoundwaveLoo Weeb Knight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ryan stares at Pandora's Actor for a moment trying to comprehend what and who this servant was.
"My name is Ryan Vale of the Vale family of alchemists, I will be acting as your master for this Holy Grail war," Ryan says with a welcoming smile on his face.

Ryan studies the servant's face or lack there of for any kind of emotion.
"I wonder if that's a mask, but what legend has a German officer wearing a faceless mask." Ryan's eyebrows begin to furrow in confusion as he thinks more on the possible origin of this servant. He continues to think on this topic for a moment before think of a more important question. "What is your servant class, if you don't mind me asking."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ansgar had arrived several days prior to the summons to the Church, though since he had not yet been called to summon his Servant, he had not formally been involved with the Grail War yet. The fact one of his family had been chosen had created quite the stir among his kin, one of them sending a catalyst they had found for just such an occasion, having always been one to be prepared for anything. There were two other mages here, both part of his team apparently. So, did this mean six wishes were being granted, or would their team have to fight each other once the competition was bested? He'd best take a risky advantage then, running through an alternate line of the summoning ritual typically used, despite the danger in such things. He was forewarned, so he was forearmed, after all, even with the potential risks associated with the planned idea. Whether the summoned Servant would play along, was unknown, but what plan survived first contact? With that last thought, he placed the sword into the center of the red summoning circle, curious since it seemed more of half a pair of scissors than an actual weapon, and raised his hands, unleashing his mana reserves as he intoned the ritual words.

Let silver and steel be the essence.
Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation
Let Red the colour I pay tribute to
Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall
Let the four cardinal gates close.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare.
Your body shall serve under me.
My fate shall be your sword.
Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail
If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!

An oath shall be sworn here!
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.
I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

Yet, though serves with thine eyes clouded in chaos
Thou, bound in the cage of madness.
I am he who command these chaos

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power,
Come forth from the ring of restraints,
Protector of the Holy Balance!

As he intoned, he poured the necessary mana into the summoning circle, awaiting the arrival of the summoned Servant, knowing full well what the extra verses of the summoning ritual had done, so while the class was expected, who it would be was still a complete and total mystery to him. Considering what he had been hearing of the Servants so far from other reports, it was strange indeed.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belladrael
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With the usual dramatic flash of light, and the blat of energy throughout the room, the summoning was complete. Everything died down, and finally, standing in the center of the room was... a schoolgirl? The catalyst was gone, and yet it was nowhere on this Servant's person that was visible. She wore a sailor uniform typical of many academies, and was fairly short portraying her age. Everything about her seemed to just be... young. Her hair was black, with a single red strip, and her uniform had a strange design on the scarf. But beyond all this, the only thing that seemed strange about her was that she was so plain and simple.

And her first action was to... let out a long, deep yawn as she half covered her mouth and then rubbed her eye. If Ansgar had made sure he would get a Berserker, he might be questioning if it worked considering this girl didn't look like she could punch harder than a child. Although, she did have a strange glove on her left hand with a wring around her wrist, and something attached to it. There was definitely more going on with this girl the further into her character one looked, but it wasn't entirely clear what.

When she finally spoke, she had the most dull, bored-sounding voice one could have. "You're my Master then? You look a bit older than usual. Maybe that's a good thing..." She pulled her hannds up above her head in a deep stretch as she bent from side to side. "Lucky you, you got yourself a Berserker." The final part of the contract was sharing names. For the moment, each summoning was happening in a different room, so they didn't need to worry about names getting out. "I'm Ryuko Matoi, and the name of my Master is...?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

With the bright flash of light and wave of energy, Ansgar still had to shield his eyes from the flash, though once he was looking properly, his first thought was confusion, though he kept himself with an even expression. He knew full well that the incantation should have been correct, let alone the fact that, even if he had not gotten a Berserker, the problem was simply he could not place the school girl at all. Perhaps the fact she was a school girl was adding to the general confusion right now, but he guarded his tongue on teh matter. The yawning was also not expected, and she was extremely level headed so far for a potential Berserker, considering yawning and rubbing her eyes was not what he expected out of someone who should not be level headed in the slightest.

"So it would seem. Not nearly as old as some, but I like to think its a balanced middle ground for now." Ansgar let his hands rest on top of his umbrella, retrieved now that the summoning itself had been completed, his hands no longer needed to be occupied with channeling mana into the ritual circle. Not his preferred approach anyways, but he certainly would not call into question such things, not now at any rate. Upon confirmation she was indeed a Berserker, and introducing herself as Ryuko Matoi, one thing was clear. That name meant literally nothing to him, which meant the studies on history were, as it was sounding, completely useless with these Heroic Spirits. But, no sense in not being civil, and he extended his hand in greeting none the less. "As intended, then. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms. Matoi. Ansgar Staudinger, Alchemist and Runecaster."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Belladrael
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Ryuko watched the man curiously, and his reactions told her one thing. He didn't know what to make of her. That conclusion may have been true or false, but it was the feeling she was getting regardless. "I'm getting the feeling you're not sure about me. I know most of my class are typically mindless beasts and the power houses of Servant-kind. I might not look like much, but trust me, I don't know any other Servant stronger." Perhaps a bit of a stretch but she didn't want to sound like she wasn't confident. "Now I know what you're probably thinking. You're wondering how some 'little girl' could possibly be a Berserker. Well..." She had one sure fire way to prove herself to him and, perhaps rid him of doubt. She took her hand, laid her fingers flat, and the man would see her outfit open a little hole in the center of her chest. She took her hand, and stabbed it straight in. This might seem like it would be beyond painful, but she didn't even flinch. And moments later, she pulled out her heart with literally glowed with redish orange light.

"This is my heart, and I'm sure it doesn't take some kind of scientist to see it's not normal. Aside from the fact I'm perfectly fine with pulling my heart from my chest." She let go of the heart, and it was immediately pulled back inside, and the hole closed up in a matter of seconds. "My body is made out of life fibers, a sort of living material. While I was already powerful before, being a Servant has made me even stronger." She brought her hand up, pointing at him. "So don't underestimate me! But also, we should talk about why it is that I'm a Berserker." She took a deep breath as she went on explaining. This was all things she thought needed to be up front, before they were around anyone else. Servants typically came with all the knowledge they needed, and that included knowledge of the fact she was now one of three to fight together. "I have an extremely powerful Noble Phantasm. Instead of a specific attack or ability or some other crap, it just makes me a hell of a lot stronger than I already am. But it'll tax your mana harshly, and if I stay in that form too long, well... that's when you find out why I'm a Berserker. Only death, or a Command Seal could pull me out of the form. So let's not have that happen yeah?"

She took a deep breath once more as if she had been talking too long, and planted her hands on her hips. "So, I think that's about all you need to know. Sorry to bore you with a big list of crap you should know but it's best you find out now. I don't like my Phantasm but if you decide we should use it, I won't argue. Just a pain in the ass to lose a Command Seal over it." She clearly wasn't one for being subtle, or ladylike. She wasn't one for class either, for that matter.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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HueMan Talrae Admin

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"Pointless to ask the self regarding what I am..." Pandora's Actor outstretched both of his arms towards the sky and raised his voice. "The real question would be what I can be and the answer to such question would be... anything! Everything! For I am the Pandora's Actor, created by the Supreme Being, to emulate any and all beings!
He lowered his arms as he saluted smartly, not towards Ryan but towards an empty wall. His heels clicked together from the shiny boots while his right arm formed a neat and perfect angle on his brow... or wherever his brow was supposed to be. "Blessed be the Supreme Being for gifting me with such an ability. Forgive this young summoner for being unaware of such power and might." Without waiting for Ryan's response, Pandora's Actor stopped saluting and turned to start walking towards the door to exit. With a subtle out-of-place step, he forced himself to bump into Ryan briefly. Pandora's Actor stopped to look into his face with a lifeless face.
"The self was summoned here for a reason I am sure. And whatever that reason may be, he is certain that it must be fulfilled before I can return to my rightful place. So tell me summoner... what is thy bidding?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoundwaveLoo
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SoundwaveLoo Weeb Knight

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Ryan smiles at the odd and rather flamboyant servant before answering.
"Well you've been summoned here to help me and my team win the Holy Grail war," he pauses for a moment gaining a mischievous look in his eyes, "by any means necessary."
He take a second to study the lifeless mask of Pandora's Actor coming to the sudden but not surprising realization that it was not in fact a mask but rather the servant's face. Another realization came to him then as well he had never heard of Pandora's Actor before meaning it was one of the other worldly servants that he had heard about.
After taking a moment to compose himself Ryan takes a step away from Pandora's Actor and holds out his hand the smile not leaving his face, "So Pandora's Actor why don't we work together so that we can achieve our goals."
"Although it would be easier to come up with a strategy if I knew what Pandora's Actor could do, oh well I'll find out soon enough I guess," he think all this to himself with his hand still out-stretched.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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The Egyptian fortune-teller known as Muhammad Avdol had finally finished preparing for his own summoning ritual, perhaps being the last Master to summon his Servant. Without a proper catalyst, Avdol believed he could summon a formidable Servant using the power of the tarot. He had decided beforehand to prepare only three cards in order to keep a proper control of the aspects of the Servant he wishes to summon, as well as to avoid drawing too many bad cards. Avdol looked at the cards he had drawn, once again, thinking to himself for a brief moment. "Hopefully, these will serve as a proper catalyst..." He mentioned to himself, looking over each one before a look of worry washed over his face. After a few more moments of thought, he had arranged the cards neatly on a pedestal standing before the summoning circle he had created prior.

The first one that was placed on the pedestal Justice; a card of fairness and truth, and one that reminded the fortune teller of the very reason why he joined this war... to ensure that no sinister Magus will take hold of the Holy Grail's supposed wish-granting powers. Avdol had placed it with confidence, believing that this may be a sign that he will be able to summon a Servant from the powerful Saber class. To be doubly sure that he would summon such a Servant, Avdol placed this card in the center of the arrangement.

The second that was put up was The Chariot; a symbol of control and victory. This had further assured Avdol that his Servant's goals will be aligned to his, and that he won't have a problem with a incompatible or rebellious Servant. This also could be interpreted as a sign that he may also summon a Servant of the Rider class, known for their superior mobility and powerful Noble Phantasms. Avdol had placed this card left of Justice.

The last card was one that Avdol had hesitated on placing... Death. The symbol of both endings and new beginnings. A card that is misunderstood for being negative, yet also brought a chill down Avdol's spine for its other connotations, namely the possibility of Avdol summoning a Servant of the Assassin class, a Servant specialized more in eliminating other Masters, and a Servant that Avdol feels he would be least compatible with. Nevertheless, Avdol still had to place the last card in the arrangement, placing it on the far right side.

Stepping back after his catalyst was properly arranged, Avdol examined his arrangement, once again, pondering for a moment what else was required. Sticks of incense and candles were placed around the circle, which was drawn out of chicken's blood. "Everything's now in place... It is time to go on with this ritual." Avdol had said to himself, confidently, putting his dominant hand out and clearing his throat.


Manifesting next to Avdol was his stand, Magician's Red, in a burst of flames and a mighty caw. The avian-like spirit released a puff of flames, lighting all the candles and sticks of incense surrounding the summoning circle. Once this was done, the Stand began to imitate its user's movements, with a hand pointed out towards the circle. Avdol grinned at the display of his Stand's power, confident in the control he has over his Stand. And with the candles being lit and the catalyst being prepared, Avdol began to finally chant.

"Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill..."

As Avdol continued the incantation, the circle itself started to glow with a luminescent light. As he poured his own mana into the incantation, a howling gale began to fill the room centering from the circle itself, as if they were testing the resolve of both the Stand User and the flames he has lit. As the ritual proceeded, the room continued to be brought into disarray, all three of his cards slowly beginning to drift into the air. First was Death, then The Chariot, and finally, Justice...

And so comes forth a Heroic Spirit from another world...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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HueMan Talrae Admin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Grail War you say..." Pandora's Actor paused for a second. "Magnificent~! It sounds... dramatic! Grand and opulent! Of course, I speak of the event rather than the Grail. Holy Grail is nothing but a petty item meant for the lesser beings to stare in awe but... if I could claim it, perhaps it could have a place among the lesser treasures of Nazarick. Yes... Lord Momonga may have a use for even such minor objects." He took up a firm stance and reached out to meet Ryan's hand. The long, worm-like fingers crawled over Ryan's hand and wrist. "Summoner, I accept your proposal." Pandora's Actor pulled away his hand. Without a moment's hesitation, he began heading towards the exit of the chamber.
"With swiftness we must move, for time is a limited commodity for mortals like you." Despite being untrained and uneducated in the exact mechanics of this world and Holy Grail War, Pandora's Actor could instinctively sense and guess that his Summoner's survival was crucial to Pandora's Actor's own existence. It was... curious. He supposed Ryan acted like his battery of sorts. "Teams you spoke of... yet I only see ourselves here. Find them, you shall."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SoundwaveLoo
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SoundwaveLoo Weeb Knight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ryan follows close behind Pandora's Actor straight faced.
"Well first thing the Holy Grail is a magic item that is said to grant the deepest desire of both the summoner and the summoned," he pauses briefly before continuing, "second thing while we are on a team the summoning ritual itself needs to be done in solidarity." After a few moments of silence Ryan decides to start speaking again, "Another thing you should know is that there are rules to a Holy Grail war such as this."
While Ryan talks he notices that they are heading towards the churches sanctuary where he had left his belongings and more importantly his bat, the only weapon he brought with him as well as the only weapon he knows how to use effectively. "I hope for my sake that I'm never in a situation where I'll need to use my bat."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Psychic too, or good at reading people? Never was much of one for putting up a false front, I suppose." Ansgar rested his hands on his umbrella while letting her speak to her fill, considering her rather blunt and forward approach to the explanation and response to his skepticism as rather refreshing really. He could appreciate the lack of round about games and cloak and dagger that seemed to plague interactions with his peers, when they came up. Though he was certainly taken aback, figuratively, when she quite literally tore her heart out of her own chest and held it out for him to see, an eyebrow raised in surprise at the fact she was currently holding her heart out. A younger him would have freaked out, but he kept his composure for now. Freaking out could be done in his own privacy. "I suppose that brings a whole new meaning to getting to the heart of the matter, eh?"

"While I cannot say I have ever heard of a 'Life Fiber' before, I must admit it sounds quite potent indeed. Considering their apparent strength if attempted removal of the heart is hardly an inconvenience, coupled with the strengthening of becoming a Servant..." He had this curiously thoughtful look on his face, one that would quickly be known as one that resided whenever he was in deep thought, planning and considering what he knew so far as she continued on speaking about her Noble Phantasm being little more than a massive spike in power, if the turn of phrase 'little more' could be fairly applied to that sort of thing. The downsides of mana drain and potential loss of control were noted, the former he could plan for, the latter a consequence of dealing with a Berserker class Servant. "Your willingness to cooperate in the face of discomfort is certainly a pleasant surprise and appreciated all the same. Needs must when the devil drives, but we shall hope he does not drive too hard, yes?" He would be saving her Noble Phantasm as an ace in the hole, especially if pulling her out of it would take a Command Seal, something he only had a very finite supply of and could not afford to be spending willy nilly. They both had a reason to be here, wishes to see fulfilled, and cooperating would see that done as smoothly as a Grail War would allow.

"Rest assured though, Ms. Matoi, I much prefer an up front list of need to knows over unnecessary surprises. I'm afraid that I am hardly anywhere close to as interesting though, rather mundane when it comes to Masters really, if you look at the history of Grail Wars." He chuckled, and whether he was deliberately underselling himself or just joking at his rather tame appearance compared to the other two he had spotted coming in remained to be seen. For a Berserker from a time or place he had absolutely zero clue about, she was a rather refreshing amount of bluntness. Whether that meant she was exceptionally good at keeping the skeletons chained in the closet, or there was little else to see, he could not discern, but he would keep an eye on such things just in case. "I must confess my confusion was not just at the classification you bore, but the fact you were not drawn from History. Leave it to the Grail to throw a wrench in the plans of its participants."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belladrael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ryuko grinned at that. He had a sort of look about him that gave off an "Older mentor" type of feel. Sure, he wasn't actually that old, but to Ryuko who in this form was only 18, he was almost twice her age. "I also can't die in normal ways. Lop off my head, it will just reattach itself. Same with arms, legs, stab me and it won't do anything. Rip my heart out... as long as there is a single strand of Life Fiber connecting something to my heart it will reattach itself and completely heal in a matter of seconds. I can limit this healing so it does it over time, which is often a good idea because, well..." She thought of how to explain it for a moment. "Here's the deal. I don't die like any other Servant like I said. Another Servant, you cut their head off, they die. You stab them enough, they did. Pierce their heart, their brain, their lungs. It all effects them as it would a normal person. But me, I just shrug all that off. The Life Fibers hold me together. They are threads, like sewing thread. The very same threads my uniform is made entirely out of. And, no normal weapon can cut it. Only special weapons like my own can halt the regeneration of life fibers. They grow back just as fast as you slice through them, so it's impossible to cut them. But, it's not all good news. My regeneration takes up mana. So as I'm sure you can figure out, the more hits I take, the more I have to draw from your mana to not die. The more mana I use, the less mana I have for my noble Phantasm. And if you run out entirely, no more regeneration for me. Berserkers are durable, but every one of us has our limits."

She took a deep breath and leaned back. "So, now THAT is the last bit of information. Something less important..." She looked down at her uniform. "Introduce yourself."

A fairly deep voice rang out as if it was coming from Ryuko, but nothing moved. "I'm Senketsu, a Kamui. I'm an outfit made entirely out of Life Fibers, so I myself am my own being. It's nice to meet you, I hope we'll get along well." It was clear he was trying pretty hard to be very formal and friendly.

Ryuko had a big, pride filled grin on her face. "Yeah, talking clothes. You should be able to hear him but nobody else can. I mean I can but, you know, I mean just us. This is my partner and now I guess you are too. Oh and you aren't some kind of perv or anything are you? When I transform to fight, I'm not exactly wearing a whole lot. It's part of this whole thing about me and Senketsu becoming one. He becomes my skin basically, but to anyone who doesn't understand it, just looks like I'm in some kind of slut suit or something."
She as long past her shame in wearing Senketsu. It had taken a long time, but eventually it happened. And now she had no issue putting him on even in front of a thousand people if it came to it. Because she knew she was safe, and stronger than anyone could hope to be as long as she was wearing him. Although, the last thing her Master said made her tilt her head in curiosity.

"Huh? Seriously? You've never heard of me? Ryuko Matoi, literally saved the entire world?" The Grail had given her information she needed. Namely that she was one of three who would fight side by side. However, it had not graced her with the knowledge that this wasn't even her world. Grails were tricky like that.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ansgar took in this most recent bout of information with a curious look in his eyes. If her regeneration was limited by his mana reserves, he would have to limit active spell casting whenever she was engaged in battle, which meant relying on runes that were previously charged. It did give him a theory he could test later, once he was back in his quarters here, if he could craft a runeword that let him store mana, he could use them like expendable batteries and vastly extend how long he could support her, and he was confident that, as the war dragged on, his reserves would grow both naturally and in his artificially planned manner. Constantly taxing them would act much like strengthening his muscles, and he remarked on the matter, the thoughtful tones in his voice indicating he had plans to circumvent those draining needs once he had some time to plan. "Taxing indeed, it sounds like we would wish to end fights quickly. Though I have some ideas for...emergencies if mana supplies wane."

He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise as the uniform began talking of its own accord, introducing itself as Senketsu and it was a Kamui, and promptly explained what that meant. Life fiber filled uniform, sentient being that interfaced with Ms. Matoi, almost like a parasite and a host maintaining a beneficial relationship between each other. Though he made sure to keep his thoughts private, and chuckled after it dawned on him the uniform was trying to be formal and polite. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Senketsu. No need to be so formal with me, we are allies in this endeavor after all."

Ansgar couldn't help but laugh readily at being questioned on whether or not he was a perv, even if the explanation did give credence to that outlook. He did pause to reassure her before she took a curious stance on his remark on not recognizing who she was at all. "Rest assured, if I were of a perverse nature, I would already be staring. I am not one of those to question the means to an ends, and if that means having your power misunderstood as, how did you say it, a 'slut suit', then so be it."

Coupling what Ms. Matoi had said thus far, alongside what he had learned from reports and talk he had gathered from the others that arrived before him to supervise and observe the Grail War, he could put two and two together. With a smirk that could be described as the little brother to the shit eating grin, he elaborated on his realization, all thanks to her remark on saving the entire world. "Saved your entire world, not mine. Oh that clever cup really threw a wrench into things this time. It isn't drawing from our legends and history, its drawing from alternate timelines, possibly completely different realities. Normally those that prepare greatly for the Grail Wars study history in depth, to recognize hostile and allied Servants and their potential weaknesses. But now? Now all bets are off, as they say, and there won't be any predicting our foes until we see them act first hand. We may even run into other figures you would recognize, so this puts us in a rather unique position, as far as Grail Wars go..."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belladrael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ryuko frowned, and crossed her arms. "What? You're saying this isn't even my world? That's a pain in the ass... Well where are we then?" She looked around and quickly determined they were in some kind of old building, but she had no clue what she would find outside. Not her world... so would the sky be red? The moon the only source of light? Did they eat ice cubes and drink tree bark here? Who could possibly know just how weird this new world could be. Little did she know, it was pretty much identical to her own, just different layout for where everything went. "Alright then, I guess our first move should be to meet the other Masters and Servants we'll be fighting with, and then get out there and win us a war right? But you're the Master so I'll follow your lead."

It wouldn't be long before the fighting began, and considering Servants were being brought from other realities, other universes... things were going to get interesting. The true names didn't seem to matter, unless there was potentially someone they knew out there. She couldn't rule out the possibility that she could run into someone like Satsuki or Nui in a battlefield like this. It was just too obvious. But she would have been lying if she tried to claim she wasn't excited to find out.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ansgar raised an eyebrow at her response, and decided to not poke fun at her confusion or unfamiliarity with the new world. "Earth, more specifically, an old church of some sorts." The man could not readily say whether or not her world was that extremely different from his own right now, though it would be a topic of interesting discussion, at a later date however. Perhaps her world had different perceptions of the ideas of magic or the like? He had to admit, internally at least, that he was fascinated by the idea of the potential differences between their worlds. Her suggestion brought his attention back to reality, and he nodded briefly. "You'll find that I am rather relaxed when at all possible, Ms. Matoi, so suggestions are welcome. We should indeed go and meet the others we shall be working with, and figure out a war plan from there."

The only real addendum to her suggestion that Ansgar had made was to come up with an actual plan, instead of just heading out and starting to pick fights. He had to wonder what to expect out of the other servents and if anyone would be able to recognize them or puzzle things out at all. So far, he knew a name and what she was capable of in a fight in regards to Ms. Matoi, but beyond that, she was a mystery. Saved her own world, supposidly, but that was it. It would be a bridge that would be burned later though, right now they had others of their team to meet.
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