Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

Slot 1 - Angel of October
Skye Ashton Elsen

Slot 2 - LemonZest1337
Marcus Faraday

Slot 3 - Old Amsterdam
Anya Pharmercy

Slot 4 - TheRedWatcher
Morgana La Fraya

Slot 5- Gardevoiran
Magdalene Camiron

Slot 6 - Knifeman
Violet Greene

Slot 7 - Akayaofthemoon
Olivia Cole
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Marcus Faraday

Age: 34


Occupation: Rally car driver

Appearance: Marcus is a specimen, he's well built and stands a above average 6'2 and weighs a respectable 213 lbs. He has a handsome face with light brown eyes. His voice is clear while still having a rough quality to it. He's large but not super toned and he can also wear a short beard well but this isn't normal for him.

Personality: Marcus Faraday is not what he looks like, well most of the time he isn't. When behind the wheel of his rally car he is a thrill seeker who love the moment and everything happening in it. This has led him to be fairly numb when it comes any danger involving a car. He tries to keep his thrill seeking for when its needed and out of everyday life where it would become troublesome. So outside of the driver seat he is a slightly hot headed but not stupidly so, he's not going to strike someone just because they pissed him off. He is also great at talking to new people, and he isn't really phased by awkward introductions, he's met plenty of people going around to all the best rally tracks. He is also no stranger to death, he's seen a few drives and spectators lose their lives in front of him so seeing a mangled corpse isn't going to make him puke instantly or freak out.

He can be a little arrogant when it comes to his driving abilities and he is quick to anger when his driving is questioned. In fact he doesn't like his skills in anything being questioned. He is also tactless when it come to people not being able to deal with stress or stressful situations, this is again because of his rally driving. Marcus is also quick to jump on the defensive when being accused of anything he'd always get hounded about being reckless, which he felt was half the fun of life and why he loves rallying so much.

Major1: Driving. Marcus is a rally car driver. This is a given.
Major2: Boxing. Marcus has partaken in boxing lessons for a while now and has gotten good at it.
Major3: Good endurance runner. A run around the block has been in Marcus' routine and he has great stamina.

Minor1: Cooking. He is not good at cooking, he can whip up a simple dish like pasta but other things escape him.
Minor2: Tradie. He knows a thing or two about building and breaking things.
Minor3: Tech support. He can use a computer.

Your Lie: Marcus Faraday is a rally car drive always has been and probably always will. Nothing makes him happier than getting behind the wheel and driving like it's his last day alive. When he isn't driving and earning big bucks hes keeping fit and messing around in his shed. He does a load of travelling to go to all the different rally tracks so he's not in one place long enough to get into a relationship, this isn't to say he hasn't slept with a few fine ladies, because sex is one of the only things that rivals his love for driving.

Marcus is a action packed man who lives how he wants. It's his way or the highway, either way is good because he's still behind the wheel.

Your Truth: I might tell you if you get in my car *wink*.

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atuFSv2bLa8

Misc: I Accept these Terms.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Occupation: NA

Staring outside to the January snow it seemed as white out there as it did in here. You would assume it's as cold in here as it is out there as there is no refuge from winter in here. Though there is frail raven lurking in these white walls. Dressed in all black, a black t-shirt, and black sweatpants usually. Concealed in black, black hair, and black slippers as if he were a crow in this facility.

In the walls of Lakeview Mental Care Facility a thin young man sat on a chair looking out the window, interacting with little to no one. Though he was muttering to himself something invisible, perhaps the spirits of winter? He as thin that even though you believe his t-shirt was small, it was baggy on him, his sweatpants didn’t fit either. His neck was narrow and thin. He almost had the appearance of a doll, still and posed on a chair.

His collarbone visible, his hair though black and straightened. His wrist were tiny. There was a cut on his lip. His skin anemic and pale, his irises brown.


No response. He didn’t react at first. Nearly catatonic. You placed a hand on his shoulder and he flinched. Looking at you with a dazed, far off look. At first he didn’t seem like he recognized you, well of course he didn’t. Though he had this far off look, like he was staring off into the distance. Towards a world others could not see.

“A strange touch,” Skye mumbles to himself, his lower lip quivers in a bit of anxiety.

The Remity Therapy should have taken away his memories of a tragic past. Yet, his body reacted and flinched in a way that almost said that his instincts didn’t forget.

“I am your new therapist,”

“Word magicians,”

The way he speaks reminds you of wind. It lowers and highers. At times. Sometimes it's inaudible, other times audible. Whispering, mumble, and muttering. Low and quiet, it sounds smooth like the chill of the winter outside.

Diagnosed with Schizotypal Personality Disorder it is hard to tell where Skye is or who he is. On the surface he appears dissociative from reality. Muttering to himself and conveying things in odd speech that maybe he only understands.

His personality seems completely muddled in the condition of the state of mind his dementia causes him, but that would be unfair to Skye to not mention who he is outside of defining him from the diagnosis.

With that said Skye is still an odd bird. While his condition comes with paranoid thinking, the inability to express emotions, the inability to socialize well, sometimes occupied with extreme social anxiety. Even if you took all that away Skye would still probably be an odd little bird.

He can spend hours staring out the window, finding amusement or entertainment out of the changing of the seasons. All though there is a strict dangerous material code in Lakeview Mental Care Facility, Skye is fascinated by glass making and all the colors glass makes.

He’s not allowed to keep glass with him, for fear of harming himself more than anything else, but the therapist [word magicians] started collecting the glass in a display for him since it seems to sooth him in some ways looking at it.

He likes to bird watch, thus the nickname of an odd bird. Perhaps that’s what he’s looking out all the time at the windows? He can name different birds based on their cries and mimics them as well. Skye says sometimes he believes he knows what they are saying. But people just roll their eyes at Skye when he does so.

Anything that seems personal Skye emulates well. It’s clear his therapy has allowed him to be able to express sympathy or empathy, even if he may feel it dully. Despite it Skye doesn’t mind people, he just doesn’t like touch, which he will flinch from.

There’s a lot of Skye that seems meek and shy, but he will engage with others if they can snap him out of his trances.

What Skye is most afraid of feelings of claustrophobia. Not claustrophobic spaces, but feelings of claustrophobia. Stimuli around him crowd him in. People’s voices are muffled with the sometimes maybe voices he hears in his mind like murmurs in the depths of a body of water. He expresses his depression as a feeling of drowning and that’s an isolating, claustrophobic feeling as well.

He has aversions to sexual and intimate touches. It sends him into panic that he cannot quite control. Skye’s not really violent. In fact most of the time, it's him trying to get away from the uncomfortable, rather than him starting conflict.

Major Skills:

Dissociative Detail -

Skye sees the world in an unusual way. His dissociative reality gives him the ability to identify details other people have missed. He sees the world in such an unusual way that he is allowed to see into things other people might otherwise miss.

Wandering -

Skye is pretty small and is easy to miss, despite his oddities they aren’t really anything that would point him out right away. So Skye has the ability to wander without being noticed, while some would argue this is called sneaking. Sneaking sort of requires the individual to intentionally be sneaking around. Skye merely wanders and people lose sight of him when he does so.

Bird Identification -

Skye has always liked birds. He can mimic their cries and can classify most of them just upon looking at their markings. While identifying birds may seem like an unusual skill, Skye can at least tell you, your geographic location based on the birds he sees. Because birds all have different homes.

Minor Skills:

Glass Blowing -

At first they were adverse to Skye taking the Glass Blowing classes. He’s the type of person to be convinced he cannot feel pain and place his hand on a hot stove not noticing he was in fact burned. But Skye became proficient at a skill taught in the care facility’s craft class.

Noting the improvement it had on him, they continue to allow Skye to work in the workshop as long as another individual was watching him. Not that Skye really minds, he’s so easy and laid back at times like that.

Sewing -

Skye isn’t the best and again the care facility doesn’t let him use glass equipment or needles unless he is closely supervised. But something in the interwoven, forgotten, remembered, and forgotten again memories Skye retains some capability of sewing things with his mother being his close mentor.

Pianist -

Skye plays the piano with the proficiency of an intermediate pianist. Actually to be truthful this might be some muscle memory of a past skill he's gotten a little rusty doing. His theme song is a representation of how he may play. While he can fake professional, a true professional could see his lack of skill.

Your Lie:
Skye grew up in a happy loving family. He had perfect parents that never did anything wrong to him. They loved him so much and were very proud of him because he always got good grades. They would always go on family vacations. And they would always play board games late at night. He was never spanked or hit. He was never yelled at. Then one day he got sick. He started losing time. He started losing his grip on reality. His parents were very sad and ended up crying when he had to be taken in the back of an ambulance van to Lakeview Mental Facility. They were very sad that he tried to hurt himself. And that he was very sick. There was nothing wrong with his childhood or the way he grew up and yet he ended up sick in the mind.

Your Truth: You lie.

Misc: I'm the GM I better be accepting the terms I made.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Anya Pharmercy

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Occupation: Unemployed Drifter

Appearance: Anya is a picture of rough beauty, with dirty blond hair that is rarely not in a pony tail. When released it reaches nearly to the middle of her back. Her emerald eyes pierce out with a stunning ferocity. You feel as if everything about you and your actions are analyzed instantly against such a gaze...

She's lean and fit, 120 pounds of packed muscle inside her 5'10" frame. Still feminine, her curves and looks can draw eyes when she walks by.

Her voice, soft and musical, can catch the ear and weave into your very soul.

Personality: Anya is a fairly cold, rational person. She has emotions, but she understands when emotions don't belong. She's learned that lesson. As such it's not easy to catch her out of control or to manipulate her through emotional means.

Given her history, it comes as no surprise that she handles well under pressure and in tense situations. Her first reaction is to mediate non-urgent threats, but she will take action if necessary.

Beyond those eyes is a slight thrill, a burning passion, and it says that Anya will do whatever is necessary for... Whatever her goals are.

Detective Vision: Anya is greatly skilled in picking up audible and visible details in both people and her surroundings. "... Are you following me?"

Clear the Room!: Anya is greatly skilled with all forms of hand based combat. "My body is a weapon, too, you brat."

Break the Wheel!: Anya is in peak physical condition. "I can do whatever you can do... But better."

Control the Mob: Anya is mildly proficient at helping defuse a situation. "Look, bub, I know it's hard..."

Catchphrase: Anya has fair skill with a computer, and mild ability to hack into electronic systems. "You call that a password??"

Sticks and Stones: Anya has been learning how to build things, and has a basic understanding of how to make things fit together. "So... If I put this to that, then...."

Your Lie:
Anya was born in small town, middle of nowhere, "I don't remember the fucking name, you twat" over in the most backwoods place you can imagine.

Her life was... Drab. Boring. She excelled in physical activities, raised and rode horses, hunted, fished, and worked on a farm. And she. Hated. Every. Day.

As soon as she was legal, Anya left for the city. A few years as a stuntwoman, a few months as a parkour exhibitionist, she jogged from job to job.

Eventually she managed to land a security job, which provided training, and she kept it. She made a name for herself. You didn't fuck with Anya Pharmercy or you went to the pharmacy for the meds when you got out of the emergency room.

A private contract came her way when she was 26, and she began her work as a bodyguard for a certain Sonika Treyk, a wealthy woman. For years Anya protected this woman, stopping assassination attempts, muggins, greedy photographers...

But Anya couldn't protect her own feelings. As the months turned into years, Anya fell in love with Sonika, and at the age of 33 confessed as much to the younger woman.

Spurned, her rage consumed her and Anya strangled Sonika until the woman was unconscious before throwing the woman's limp body from the penthouse roof, dozens of stories up.

From there, Anya went in the run. Threatening, injuring, bribing, and killing anyone she needed to in order maintain her freedom. The police wouldn't touch her, and no one was left to seek revenge against her or wanted to do such.

Now she travels the country, looking for the next thing to satisfy the hole in her heart.

Your Truth:
Life is a lie, but only if you let it be.

Theme Song:

Misc: I accept these terms and conditions. Surprise, motherfucker!

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheRedWatcher
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TheRedWatcher Stabby Shadow

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“The fairest rose of the garden.”

Age: 27

Occupation: Holistic Therapist - Use of alternative medicines to heal those who are in desperate need and care. They are the abandoned people of society because natural medicine does nothing for them.


There’s something behind her eyes that adds to her allure. Bohemian dresses around a curvaceous body, that she strides with confidence. Roman sandals, and and ankle long dresses, a flower clipped in her raven black hair and sweeping makeup. It is her allure and mystique that makes many feel comfortable coming to her. Standing at 5’5”, she’s not a very intimidating individual. Instead she seems a bit like fragile flower petals.


Anyone who knows Morgana knows her as the most charming and beautiful woman they have ever met. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body many people say. They don’t know how the world has created such a beautiful and alluring woman. Despite her aloof mystique Morgana is in fact a tender woman who cares deeply about other people.

She will always go out of her way to selflessly help others. Looking for rare ingredients to save her patients. She always tries to give them hope that there is indeed more in the world and encourages them to live on and fight the diseases that ails them.

She’s open minded, loving and very caring despite not sharing much of her past. Considering it too painful to recall. She rarely loses her temper, and seems fairly emotional. Crying in very moving moments. When her patients weep for a lost one, she weeps with them. When her friends invite her to weddings, she cries with tears of joy.

A bubbly and energetic woman, who attracts many people with a simple look. There’s not a soul who believe that she has done anything bad in her life. She is truly a Saint. She should be as recognizable to them as the Virgin Mary they say.

There’s no one who doesn’t love Morgana or sings her praises. There is nothing negative to note about Morgana.

She loves tango music. She loves blood oranges. And tropical tasting drinks. She dreams of finding her prince charming and hopes to someday find the right man for her. Which shouldn’t be too hard many of them line up at the door to see if they have a shot with her.

Major Skills:

Seduction -

A girls’ gotta have a few secrets. Morgana is a master at seduction. She can put most men, even woman under her spell. It allows her to get by without much consequence. Or allows her to use someone else to do her work for her if need be. Her sweet and sexy personality makes most not feel so threatened by her presence.

Whip Proficiency -

It’s just a little fun hobby of hers, again a girl has to have some of her secrets, right. Morgana may not be able to use a gun, but she knows how to use a whip efficiently.

Pole Dancing -

Oh this. This is just for fun. It's great exercise.

Minor Skills:

Lockpicking -

She has some very deft hands. Able to get in where she may need. It was just something she started picking up online. Wanted a new skill.

Alternative Medicine -

Morgana is quite knowledgeable on alternative medicines. She actually knows quite many home remedies with common herbs. She can classify many plants in an environment, even knows which ones are poisonous and which ones are edible. She’s also quite knowledgeable in healing crystals and aromatherapy.

Exotic Dancing -

Just great exercise. I am not conventional.

What I tell People About Me:

Do you know how hard it is to be a woman afraid to be alone? Always leaping out shadows, afraid that he may come back. I don’t like being alone because it reminds me of all the hardship and strife that I have had to go through to make it in life. A man will never understand the fear or know the pain of losing your life because men hurt woman.

I use to be your typical woman. Housekept, imprisoned by a man who would come home angry and frustrated. He’d hit me till I went numb. And would use my body even when I said no. I eventually fell pregnant to this man I called my husband. He didn’t think about our future. I was a kept housewife. I was a prisoner in my own home. One day he got so angry with me, he hurt me so much, that we lost our baby.

He was even angrier than. I somehow mustered the strength to survive. I somehow mustered the will to escape and flee. I ended up in a woman’s shelter for batter woman and I decided that I wanted to give abck to the community. So I went into alternative medicines to help people who struggle in the current system that would not understand their pain.

They didn’t understand that my womb has scars, so why would they understand the struggle of all these patients? Now in the warm and sunny tropical city, I give back to a community that has shown me love where I had not known love.

It’s difficult because it’s been my whole life. My father walked out on me and my mother. And my mother was depressed and alone. She was always crying. I didn’t know love. Until I came to Sunny Springs. They brought warmth to a life that had only known coldness.

My truth:

How do you know I am not lying? How do you know if what I tell people is or isn't the truth? You cannot determine those things about people.

Theme Song:

Misc: I accept to your terms.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Magdalene Camiron

Age: 25

Occupation: Surgeon


Details on Appearance: The picture is incredibly accurate for her face, though the black eyepatch she wears is not pictured. Her body is rather lithe and short, with her normal attire consisting of a gray hooded sweatshirt and a pair of jeggings, complete with well worn but comfortable trainer shoes. She's normally seen with a gray backpack filled with a fair amount of random junk, but sometimes has some good stuff. Her voice is slightly higher, but doesn't quite have that voice that you'd find when it comes to a 14 year old girl. She speaks with a feigned northern accent in attempts to mask her southern heritage, and the accent just barely falls short of being believeable.

Personality: Magdalene is a quiet, but headstrong girl, eager to make a difference within the world as she knows it. She's embarrassed of her southern heritage and tries to hide it, but only to avoid the stereotyping of southern folks. She suffers from horrible self esteem due to the mess of her face, but she tries her hardest not to think about it, viewing her imperfection of a face as something that is unique about her. That being said, if someone does treat her face as a gross mess of skin and scar tissue, she shuts-down socially and will just stop talking, sometimes to the point of full-on depressive spells. Otherwise, she expresses an uncanny fondness of exploring and discussing the human body, and she loves animals, save for most Rottweilers.

Skills: (Plus means Major, Minus means Minor)
+ Medical Skills : Magdalene is a doctor and is experienced in doing surgery. Given the situation the group ahead is presented in, she'll be a bit in a bind with a lack of actual medical supplies, but she can make things work.
+ Anatomical Knowlege : Magdalene is a quick learner, and can figure out the anatomy of a creature and how it works by observing it in a natural habitat for a decent amount of time.
+ Encouragement : Magdalene became pretty good at encouraging herself and others as a result of her depressive spells. She hates them and learned how to try and get out of them as a coping mechanism.
- Freerunning : Another form of coping, Magdalene was a decent freerunner at one point in her life. Though, it's been a decent amount of time since she last did this.
- Cooking : Magdalene is a decent cook, though, she's far from a 5-star chef.
- Repairing Tools : Though she's not a miracle worker, Magdalene can actually fix things from time to time if she has the right parts and enough time.

Your Lie:
Born to a middle-class household, Magdalene had a pretty decent life up until she was about four years old. One faithful day, the girl approached what seemed like a friendly Rottweiler, and things took a very dark turn very fast. Ambulances were called onto the scene as passerby and parents watched on in horror as this four year old girl was mauled by this Rottweiler. It was terrifying to her parents, but even moreso for the child involved. She had to spend a month in the hospital with bandages coating an entire half of her face, and even once those were off, she had a lot of therapy afterwards in order to help her come to terms with her face being what it was.

Magdalene's educational years weren't great. A lot of kids her age never wanted to talk or associate with her due to her face looking like a horrorshow and a half. This led to a lot of bullying throughout her schooling years, resulting in her therapy sessions being more frequent and her receiving medical permission to occasionally skip school due to depressive spells. The bullying only got worse in high school, where multiple girls began to bully her because of her smaller stature and stunted growth in addition to her facial structure. After a few years, Magdalene gave in and went to her counselors to address the issue. Her bullies would receive legal consequences if they persisted being mean-spirited and mocking of Magdalene. Of course, they wouldn't stop, and of course, two girls were arrested.

After graduation, Magdalene went on to pursue a career in medicine, which had been a passion of hers for a decent amount of time, specifically since her junior-high years. Receiving a number of scholarships due to her conditions and her academic ranking, Magdalene pursued a nigh full-ride to a cheaper, but still good, medical school, where she obtained a degree and became a surgeon. Despite being new to the career force, she is incredibly precise and has an uncanny talent for her line of work.

Theme Song: Trauma Center : Second Opinion - Code Blue

- Magdalene has a large first-aid-kit on her at all times, in the case she needs to respond to something on the spot.
- Terms have been accepted, maestro.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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knifeman gender: cryptid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Hold your breath and clasp at Cassiopeia"

Name: Violet Lenora Greene

Age: 24

Occupation: Librarian

Appearance: Violet is the very definition of “non-threatening.” She has a small, thin frame and a soft face usually carrying a warm expression. She has pale skin and tired brown eyes. Her brown hair is straight and reaches her shoulders. She usually wears it down or in a messy bun. She doesn’t dress in a particularly flashy way, usually wearing t-shirts and jeans, or simple skirts or dresses. She’s fond of bomber jackets, stockings, and boots.

Personality: Violet is a polite and pleasant, if quiet young lady. She’s the kind of person who you have nice conversations with every day, but you don’t know her well enough to call her a friend. She’s friendly and inviting, but very secretive. If you do, by some miracle, get to know her, you’ll find that she loves horror and sci-fi to an avid degree. If you get her going, she could talk for hours about David Cronenberg. She may even start to creep you out with her fascination with true crime and real-life serial killers. She speaks about horrific murders with the interest of a scientist talking about their latest findings. To get her to let her guard down, though, you’ll need plenty of persistence.

Organized - Violet’s entire job is based on keeping things neat, tidy, and organized and this skill has spilled into her everyday life. In her home, everything has its own place, and she knows exactly where that place is.

Calming - Her warm demeanor can be a great support in times of stress. She tends not to lose her cool in all but a few stressful situations, and can be a rock for people who aren’t as calm. She’s good at making people feel good.

Mystery Lover - She often reads mystery and crime novels and loves to solve the puzzles within them before the answers are revealed. She has gained a talent for putting clues together and finding potential solutions.

Strong Stomach - Because of her fascination with horror, both real and fictional, she can handle herself around guts and gore.

Miniatures - She likes to make dollhouses and little themed dioramas. She has a modestly popular Instagram account where she shares her work.

Bilingual - Violet is fluent in both English and French, as both of her parents are French immigrants. She used to have a strong accent, but it has faded over time, now only coming through when she’s particularly emotional.

Your Lie:
Violet grew up in the suburbs, in a small apartment with four older siblings; two brothers and two sisters. Her siblings were much more rowdy and extroverted than her, so she often found refuge in books. When they were young, her siblings often teased her for being a bookworm, and she never really fought back. As she grew up, she spent plenty of time at the library, moving from the children’s fantasy section, to the adult mystery and nonfiction sections.

A year or so after graduating high school, she moved out on her own. Since then, she has lived quietly, working at a library and frequenting the local coffee shop. Her life is what some would call boring, but she’s happy with it.

Your Truth: "Truth? That was the truth. I don't understand..."

Theme Songs:
The Spine Song - Cake Bake Betty
Cassiopeia - Joanna Newsom

Misc: She suffers from insomnia and nightmares that she can’t quite explain.
I Accept These Terms
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 1 day ago


Information Technology (IT)

Liv stands at the height of 5’10, her height coming mostly from her lean muscled legs that are described often by others as “legs that go on for miles”. She has a soft hourglass figure and roughly weights about 135 pounds at her maximum weight. Platinum blonde hair falls just above her shoulders in cascading waves to frame a softly chiseled face. A dust of light freckles across her features add color to her ivory pale skin. Her eyes are a stormy blue that often like to change depending on her make up or clothing color which can make her eyes anything from an almost gray or a brighter blue.

Liv is a serious type of person and doesn’t have time to deal with anyone’s bull so if you don’t want to be called on it then she isn’t the woman you want to be around. She has a sharp tongue and is always ready to through out a pun or quip if it is fitting. She is calm and collected in most situations unless you get in her face and the you will meet fire with fire. Now, one wouldn’t say she is surly as she does have her soft points. She is soft and gentle with around children or those she views as such. Once you have her trust and friendship, she is fiercely protective and could not find a better person to depend on. She will calmly listen to your woes and if she needs to take action then she has no problem standing by your side in a scuff.


Major Skills
  • Hacking - She alters system or security features to accomplish a goal that differs from the original purpose of the system
  • Gaslighting - form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity.
  • Kick Boxing - She trades her ballet shoes for a pair of gloves, wanting to keep in shape but also learn to defend herself if the need should arise.

Minor Skills
  • Face Prosthetic Makeup - She is fairly good a sculpting the clay as long as the project is simple and not a full face mask. She is learning which mixtures work best but some just don’t come out beautifully as hoped. This is where the internet is a great help.
  • Lockpicking - She does not have enough skills to open everything, a simple lock or deadbolt she can do but it takes her far to long for it to be a truly useful thing. The internet can only be so helpful while you learn the feel of each lock.
  • Stealing - She has nibble fingers and can be light to the touch but she has a long way to go before she can steal any heavy objects. For now, only small items can be obtained. If she was given a whole room to search, well that might be a different story.

Your Lie
Most would say that Liv had the fairy tail dream, the perfect life many could only wish for. Her childhood was a simple life in the city, living in the same house on the corner till she was off to college. She had loving parents that pushed her to do her best and encouraged her to follow her dreams which made Liv strive to reach her goals, be it ballet or building a computer from scratch with her father. It was during college that she bumped into the man that would later become her husband. They were the pair that seemed to never fight and if they did then it blew over too fast, each one not able to stay mad long. After years together, he asked her to be his wife and everything fell into place. They married on a beach surrounded by friends and family, got a small place together that had room for growth and soon a little one was on the way. However, that all changed in a flash and crumbled down around her. It is scary to know that one moment can change everything. In an instant, she had almost lost everything.

A pair of stormy blue eyes fluttered open, noise dulled, vision blurred and her head pounded. She felt drowsy, the world around her seeming in slow motion as it took all her effort to breathe as pain coursed through her. It took her mind time to catch up, understand what had happened or where she was. Liv remembered the highlights, a feeling of being jerked roughly to the side as her hands moved to protectively hug....eyes widened, panic setting in as she realized her position. They had been in a crash, she was practically hanging in the seat but that didn’t matter as her hand went to the large bump of her pregnant belly. Another flush of pain hit and she gritted her teeth, crying and praying help would come for them as she hadn’t even been able to look to James yet.

Liv forced one of her hands away from her belly and moved the long wavy strands of blonde hair that was blocking her view. It would have been better if she hadn’t awoken from her slumber as the view she saw next made her cry out. James was in a twist of metal, she couldn’t tell where he was and the metal began. It was as if all had become silent, she didn’t hear the sirens, didn’t notice when the smashed metal that had once been her door had been pulled away to reveal the night air or flashing lights, and certainly hadn’t heard the voice that was trying to sooth her as they worked to get her out. She didn’t mean to struggle, she hadn’t meant to cry for him or tell them to get him out of the car first but she had because this had to be a nightmare.

In the back of an ambulance, her son had not been able to wait to greet the world. The day that should have been so happy falling into such chaos. She fell into depression, hacking off her long hair and not even being able to look at her son. The family helped her and understood that she needed to grieve but they were worried that maybe more was going on here. It had been a good month of living with her parents when in the night she had heard him crying, going to him and looking down into his crib. Liv picked him up and it was like all she had held back let lose, she held her son close, rocking him gently as tears rolled down her cheeks. James was still here, in the little boy they had both created and she had almost forgotten it all because she was afraid that it would bring up all the bad memories but it hadn’t. He had brought her the good ones. Liv knew then she needed to be a better mother and be their for Aaron. She would be present and show him all the love she had to give. That was the day she had turned it around. She started learning how to cook, moved back home and started her job back up. Aaron being the happiest and sweetest toddler anyone could meet. It seemed life, though not as perfect as it was before could still be pretty wonderful.

Your Truth
The truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it isn't going away.

Theme Song

  • Loves to dance, this is most due to years of ballet during her childhood
  • Loves the rain and snow even though it means having to bundle up.
  • Likes baking and cooking, a passion she found while trying to learn more to take better care of her son since she was never the best cook before then.
  • Likes sweets, if it can be on the go then even better
  • Hates people that think they are better then everyone else
  • Hates lairs and backstabbers
  • Hates knives
  • Has a scar on her right upper arm and on her right side

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