Age of Rebirth: The Rising Tide
Encyclopedia Edition
Encyclopedia Edition

Nation(s) Not Shown: Mare Nostrum
Accepted Character Sheets
Nation Name:
Posadist Internationale

Political Environment and Government Type:
The Posadist Internationale encompasses less a centralized authority than it does a confederation of communalized states and regions that survived the nuclear blast and subsequent rise of the world's oceans. Regularly, the member states of the Internationale meet on Havana Island to negotiate common issues and pass legislation. The nominal head of the Internationale is the Comrade High-commander, elected through the Internationale Congress. Likewise, additional high-commanders rule – if chosen necessary – to preside over the outlying regions as elected by local councils or politburos.
Location On Map:

Cuban and Caribbean islands, northern South America, Central America, and Southern Mexico
Latin American (Cuban, Afro-Carib, Colombian, Venezuelan, etc), Haitian, Mayan/indigenous
As a whole, Christian tradition has been somewhat maintained in the territories of the Internationale. However, severed from Europe as an effect of the nuclear war and general collapse of the modern world, the Catholic Church effectively ceased to exist, at least in the Americas. To fill the void left behind and a stronger center to their beliefs the nature of Christianity evolved to encompass and adapt aboriginal beliefs to make a heresy in of itself. Voodoo and other ancient religions imported to the New World as an effect of the Slave Trade integrated itself and the Creole and Spanish traditions of Voodoo more seamlessly meshing in the regional diaspora.
Compounding it further is the now widespread Cult of the Extraterrestrial, a belief that aliens exist and guide humanity and where the trinity and God take the form of unknown aliens beyond Earth. To the believers, extraterrestrial life has perfected the way to live and its followers seek to emulate their ways to ascend to a high means of existence more in harmony with themselves and world. To the believers, nuclear Armageddon was a necessity to purge the world and lay the way to rebuild humanity in an enlightened harmony.
Nominally Latin American still. French-Creole, Spanish, and English is spoken. Within Central America indigenous practices have seen a resurgence.
Important States and Cities:
Havana Island – the seat of the Internationale
San Jose
Tuxtla Gutierrez
San Juan
Santiago De Los Caballeros
Following the nuclear wars, the devastation was not limited solely to the Great Powers. The nuclear fallout flowed over the Gulf of Mexico as the fires burned north over the horizon. As the seas rose, the problems were compounded as much the Caribbean was thrown into disarray. The governments of Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic were thrown into as much disarray as the United States. Enveloped in crisis, the governments of the Caribbean islands collapsed as they were drowned by the sea or in migrants fleeing the United States or their not inundated homes.
What was left of international aid proved feeble and week and collapsed within the year. Incapable of hosting large populations, people fled the islands for the mainland, either choosing to brave nascent radiation in America or the relative health of South America. Either way, the crisis banded communities together who took charge of the situation to mostly save themselves. By this point all semblance of government had eroded and what remained in the likes of Cuba of government was isolated on an island and incapable of exercising control over the rest of its former nation.
The ideological importance of the Castros faded in favor of pragmatic survival as large groups turned whole scale to agricultural economies from the now stalled and faded manufacturing economy that the recent reforms in Cuba had been trying to capitalize on to expand the island nation's way of life. But much of this had lost value, and with the ocean waters heated from nuclear radiation hurricanes became all the more powerful and stunning as annually they were hammered by immense storms that swept the Caribbean and Gulf State of the Southern United States.
In the lack of control however, and the call for answers an ember that had been simmering hidden for almost fifty or sixty years became to pop and spark with life. With nuclear annihilation came the rebirth of the fringe philosophy of J. Posadas. While long dead, Posadas' legacy had been carried on by its few believers and on into the 21st century by a group of radical alien believers or ultra-left activists and no less than a few comedic types. But according to the philosophy of Posadas, nuclear annihilation was considered a way to wipe the slate clean, to rebuild the world free from the old sins. And not only that, that it was an inevitability anyways.
The resurgence of Posadism in the discourse of Cubans who have lived under a communist system for decades came as no effort of any one man, and for the most part the early fringe proselytes faded from common history like so many missionaries of the middle ages. Attracted on the promise of a responsive people's democracy, and that all was ultimately well in the world – no matter the crisis past or present – that they could begin again. And with the might and fury of the United States removed from the equation, they could begin again.
It was however another question in how to reconstruct Cuba. As an experiment over the next few hundred years Cuba was stitched together community by community. Ultimately the former government in a much maligned and decayed Havana was itself annexed into the new people's movement. Following which was bringing the revolution to the other islands and the chain of islands remaining in the Caribbean was steadily liberated and incorporated into the collective.
Forays on the coast of South America expanded the new tradition to new communities and swathes of the coastal and near coastal communities of Colombia and Venezuela were brought in over time. As was central America. Though, efforts to bring Revolution to North America were resisted by the city states there, operations have not let up. While in the south the rural inland and jungles proved to the Posadists that their position at sea may have perhaps put them at a disadvantage as a power of the inland sea.
All the same, for the Hispanic communities of central America they became an attractive force, ultimately meeting resistance from the “zombie” government of Mexico and elsewhere with incorporation of Chiapas and the Maya.
Posadist Internationale

Political Environment and Government Type:
The Posadist Internationale encompasses less a centralized authority than it does a confederation of communalized states and regions that survived the nuclear blast and subsequent rise of the world's oceans. Regularly, the member states of the Internationale meet on Havana Island to negotiate common issues and pass legislation. The nominal head of the Internationale is the Comrade High-commander, elected through the Internationale Congress. Likewise, additional high-commanders rule – if chosen necessary – to preside over the outlying regions as elected by local councils or politburos.
Location On Map:

Cuban and Caribbean islands, northern South America, Central America, and Southern Mexico
Latin American (Cuban, Afro-Carib, Colombian, Venezuelan, etc), Haitian, Mayan/indigenous
As a whole, Christian tradition has been somewhat maintained in the territories of the Internationale. However, severed from Europe as an effect of the nuclear war and general collapse of the modern world, the Catholic Church effectively ceased to exist, at least in the Americas. To fill the void left behind and a stronger center to their beliefs the nature of Christianity evolved to encompass and adapt aboriginal beliefs to make a heresy in of itself. Voodoo and other ancient religions imported to the New World as an effect of the Slave Trade integrated itself and the Creole and Spanish traditions of Voodoo more seamlessly meshing in the regional diaspora.
Compounding it further is the now widespread Cult of the Extraterrestrial, a belief that aliens exist and guide humanity and where the trinity and God take the form of unknown aliens beyond Earth. To the believers, extraterrestrial life has perfected the way to live and its followers seek to emulate their ways to ascend to a high means of existence more in harmony with themselves and world. To the believers, nuclear Armageddon was a necessity to purge the world and lay the way to rebuild humanity in an enlightened harmony.
Nominally Latin American still. French-Creole, Spanish, and English is spoken. Within Central America indigenous practices have seen a resurgence.
Important States and Cities:
Havana Island – the seat of the Internationale
San Jose
Tuxtla Gutierrez
San Juan
Santiago De Los Caballeros
Following the nuclear wars, the devastation was not limited solely to the Great Powers. The nuclear fallout flowed over the Gulf of Mexico as the fires burned north over the horizon. As the seas rose, the problems were compounded as much the Caribbean was thrown into disarray. The governments of Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic were thrown into as much disarray as the United States. Enveloped in crisis, the governments of the Caribbean islands collapsed as they were drowned by the sea or in migrants fleeing the United States or their not inundated homes.
What was left of international aid proved feeble and week and collapsed within the year. Incapable of hosting large populations, people fled the islands for the mainland, either choosing to brave nascent radiation in America or the relative health of South America. Either way, the crisis banded communities together who took charge of the situation to mostly save themselves. By this point all semblance of government had eroded and what remained in the likes of Cuba of government was isolated on an island and incapable of exercising control over the rest of its former nation.
The ideological importance of the Castros faded in favor of pragmatic survival as large groups turned whole scale to agricultural economies from the now stalled and faded manufacturing economy that the recent reforms in Cuba had been trying to capitalize on to expand the island nation's way of life. But much of this had lost value, and with the ocean waters heated from nuclear radiation hurricanes became all the more powerful and stunning as annually they were hammered by immense storms that swept the Caribbean and Gulf State of the Southern United States.
In the lack of control however, and the call for answers an ember that had been simmering hidden for almost fifty or sixty years became to pop and spark with life. With nuclear annihilation came the rebirth of the fringe philosophy of J. Posadas. While long dead, Posadas' legacy had been carried on by its few believers and on into the 21st century by a group of radical alien believers or ultra-left activists and no less than a few comedic types. But according to the philosophy of Posadas, nuclear annihilation was considered a way to wipe the slate clean, to rebuild the world free from the old sins. And not only that, that it was an inevitability anyways.
The resurgence of Posadism in the discourse of Cubans who have lived under a communist system for decades came as no effort of any one man, and for the most part the early fringe proselytes faded from common history like so many missionaries of the middle ages. Attracted on the promise of a responsive people's democracy, and that all was ultimately well in the world – no matter the crisis past or present – that they could begin again. And with the might and fury of the United States removed from the equation, they could begin again.
It was however another question in how to reconstruct Cuba. As an experiment over the next few hundred years Cuba was stitched together community by community. Ultimately the former government in a much maligned and decayed Havana was itself annexed into the new people's movement. Following which was bringing the revolution to the other islands and the chain of islands remaining in the Caribbean was steadily liberated and incorporated into the collective.
Forays on the coast of South America expanded the new tradition to new communities and swathes of the coastal and near coastal communities of Colombia and Venezuela were brought in over time. As was central America. Though, efforts to bring Revolution to North America were resisted by the city states there, operations have not let up. While in the south the rural inland and jungles proved to the Posadists that their position at sea may have perhaps put them at a disadvantage as a power of the inland sea.
All the same, for the Hispanic communities of central America they became an attractive force, ultimately meeting resistance from the “zombie” government of Mexico and elsewhere with incorporation of Chiapas and the Maya.
Mare Nostrum

Notable City States and Territories:

Poltical Enviroment And Government Type:
The Mare Nostrum or Nostrum to the inhabitants are a loose confederation of city states and territories that share control over the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the bombing and war, the sea still provides sustenance and a way of life for the people who live around it. The different states police and patrol the sea heavily, following a strict set of guidelines agreed upon by the different states. The Aegean pact binds the city states and maintains the relative survivability of the life in the Mediterranean.
Most states have skeleton governments, only providing a light police force or a maritime patrol force to comply with the Aegean Pact. Government power rarely stretches outside of major cities and most citizens live completely free from government rule. The Aegean pact laws are the only laws that bind all people who live within its borders.
Only two territories are powerful enough to project their power beyond their cities, both have their own " Sphere of influence" and diplomatic ties and treaties.
Byzantion- Occupies the Northern coast of Africa to the border of the Suez
- The Aegean Pact Confrence was ratified here
- The Largest and wealthiest terri tory
- All Major cities have kept their names
o Alexandria
o Algiers
o Tripoli
o Tunis
- The church of Neptune controls most daily life and promotes protecting the health of the Sea.
- Byzantion has the largest and most advances maritime police and patrol force but no official military.
Nova Roma- Occupies the Italian Peninsula ( Not Surprisingly)
- The most connected of the Nostrum territories
- Most Metro and rail systems are still intact or have been repaired.
- Has the most modern living conditions
o Mostly Urban
- Fishing dominates with other minor industries
o Beef
o Pork
o Olives (resilient things aren't they)
- Considered the bread basket of the confederation
- Has a (relatively) Large professional land army
o Small portion double as marines to remain in compliance to the Aegean Pact.
Aegean Pact
- You are Prohibited from polluting the Sea in any way shape or form
- No Foreign substance may enter the sea without thorough review
- The illegal and Un-incorporated transfer of people, goods, livestock and supplies in Prohibited
- Piracy is strictly prohibited
- All vessels on the sea must have a Universal Designator, detailed by the Universal Designation guide
o All vessels without Designation will be subject to immediate and unwarranted search
- Legal and Incorporated Vessels may NOT be searched, without warrant or probable cause, by any nation or territory without proper clearances.
o Clearance can only be provided by on site government representative
- Illegal and unincorporated fishing without proper clearance is prohibited
- The Amount of water you patrol is dependent on the size of your:
o Population
o Industry
o Wealth
o Or other pressing factors
- Race hasn't been an accurate descriptor for a century or two. Heavy racial mixing between the African, European and Middle eastern regions has led to a universal look, called "The Universal Brown". Most Inhabitants identify more with their nation or city.
o 75% ( Universal Brown)
o 5% Sub Sharan African
o 2% European/Caucasian
o 2% Middle. Eastern
o 1% Other
- Religion was one of the first things to fall, religious regions and icons lost their meaning as people lost their morality. Some traditional religions remain while others have made comebacks
o 20% Christiantiy
o 10% Islam ( Of various sects)
o 50% Atheist
o 30% Pagan ( Yes, Pagan)
- The People of Mare Nostrum are primarily a maritime community. Surviving off fishing and Maritime trade
- Nova Roma is the only exception, being land based in culture and industry.
o All of the livestock of the area comes from the Italian peninsula.
- A good majority of the population is either firmly atheist or firmly pagan
o Christian enclaves still exist but are rare after the destruction of Rome and Jerusalem.
- Most of the population outside of the city states live completely independent of their government
o Nova Roma and Byzantion are the only exceptions
Important States and Cities
- Ruins of Barcelona
- Athens
- Sparta
- Ruins of Gibraltar
- Ruins Of Tel Aviv
- Algiers
- Tunis
- Tripoli
- Alexandria
- Cairo
- Semi Ruins of Beirut
- Ruins of Rome
- Ruins of Jerusalem
- Napoli
The countries around the Mediterranean sea were devastated by the war and the people were left shocked. Total war in the 21st century didn't just result in the wholesale slaughter of men, but the permanent alteration of the terrain as well.
A great marsh was formed along the coast, from Tel Aviv in the south to Latakia in the north. Constant warfare shaped the once fertile land into a series of boggy flatlands and large inland lakes. Cities like Tel Aviv and Beirut were bombarded and stormed for their strategic value before suffering through the inevitable counter attacks.
Constant Naval Warfare turned the Aegean and the area around Cyprus into a ship graveyard. Once great vessels of war were left burnt out and half sunken in the shallow waters around the coast. Whole battlegroups laid where they were struck with billions of dollar's worth of equipment rusting inside.
Once the nuclear option became a reality Barcelona, Gibraltar, Rome and Tel Aviv were destroyed by nukes. Important infrastructure was either destroyed or disabled leaving those who survived in the dark and without contact. It didn't take long for government services to break down, leaving a hole for Anarchy to fill. Some managed to live a relatively peaceful existence amongst each other, but most turned to war and conquest.
The first break away states were in Greece, old factions returned along with the emergence of new city states. Athens, Argos, Corinth all made reoccurrences and rallied in their ancient capitals. The self proclaimed Laconian league occupied the entirety of the peninsula of Laconia, claiming it was their Spartan right to this land.
The Italian Peninsula was hit hard by the destruction of Rome. Cut off by the sea to the south and the alps to the north, Italy was cut off almost immediately following the bombing. Refugees had nowhere to go and overcrowding gave way to anarchy and violence. Gangs and warlords fought over control of cities and territory, weapons left behind by the military were put to use by untrained civilians. War and Violence raged on for decades before all ammunition was expended, but the violence continued. Without the guns, the people resorted to swords and pikes. Warfare regressed back to antiquity, soldiers fought with shields and swords. The peninsula became a warzone, its surviving cities overcrowded and rife with crime and poverty.
The city of Naples was the only exception, ran by the Pagan Cult Nova Roma. Without the working infrastructure of the state, these "new romans" used the ancient aqueducts and sewers of their ancestors. A huge learning renaissance started in Naples and scholars scoured the Italian peninsula for any information that could help their quality of life. New Aqueducts were built, and the city was expanded as life flourished in this city state. Refugees flocked to the city and it became clear that they needed to expand. Like their ancestors before them, conquest was the way they would expand their territory.
The Romans had the man power to field relatively large armies, citizenship was granted to those who survived five years of military service. Refugees from around the peninsula flocked to Naples in droves, trying to escape the chaos of the north. With no ammunition for modern weapons, this expeditionary roman army marched east. Carrying crude swords and shields like their ancestors would thousands of years before. The Romans advanced from Naples all the way to the Adriatic coast, building a wall as the romans conquered territory. After a brief moment to stabilize the new conquests, the romans conquered all territory south to the coast of Sicily.
Nova Roma was now a power on the Italian Peninsula and was powerful enough to trade with other city states along the Mediterranean coast. Byzantion, who had conquered the island of Sicily a half century earlier, held the largest trade empire in the region. Byzantine vessels owned the Mediterranean and traded from Gibraltar to Cyprus. The Northern coast of Africa was relatively untouched by the war and bombs. Life remained normal and government rule slowly eroded away to nothing. Having the space to spread out, villages were days away from each other and people stayed relatively peaceful. With power grids intact, power could be extended anywhere, and cities expanded quickly. Trade flourished between these North African city states, followed by closer diplomatic relationships. The Confederation of Byzantion tied the city states of Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Alexandria and Suez into one territory.
Being a maritime power, Byzantion was able to project its power across the Mediterranean. Using its influence as a trade giant and naval power, Byzantion was able to loose tie the powerful city states of the region together with the Aegean Pact. Safeguarding the health and safety of the Mediterranean while promoting peaceful trade in the area. As it stands now, the Mediterranean is at peace and the loose treaty between the city states is holding for the time being.
- Byzantion has the largest navy in the region, its flag ship is the repaired French Aircraft Carrier the Charles De Gaulle
- The wall built by the first roman expansion is still maintained and acts as a border between civilized Italy and Barbarian Italy
o The Area north of the wall has yet to be Annexed by Nova Roma
- Due to not having modern weapons for so long, romans continue to carry swords and throwing weapons
- The Aegean and the coast of former Syria and Lebanon are huge piracy hotspots
o The half sunken remains of ships provide excellent pirate bases and make traveling through them difficult
o Pirates own the all water east of Cyprus and the entire middle east coast
- The Suez is fortified and patrolled but nothing has passed through it in centuries
- The eastern coast of Spain is mostly independent of The Aegean Pact
o City states are relatively peaceful and wealthy

Notable City States and Territories:

Poltical Enviroment And Government Type:
The Mare Nostrum or Nostrum to the inhabitants are a loose confederation of city states and territories that share control over the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the bombing and war, the sea still provides sustenance and a way of life for the people who live around it. The different states police and patrol the sea heavily, following a strict set of guidelines agreed upon by the different states. The Aegean pact binds the city states and maintains the relative survivability of the life in the Mediterranean.
Most states have skeleton governments, only providing a light police force or a maritime patrol force to comply with the Aegean Pact. Government power rarely stretches outside of major cities and most citizens live completely free from government rule. The Aegean pact laws are the only laws that bind all people who live within its borders.
Only two territories are powerful enough to project their power beyond their cities, both have their own " Sphere of influence" and diplomatic ties and treaties.
Byzantion- Occupies the Northern coast of Africa to the border of the Suez
- The Aegean Pact Confrence was ratified here
- The Largest and wealthiest terri tory
- All Major cities have kept their names
o Alexandria
o Algiers
o Tripoli
o Tunis
- The church of Neptune controls most daily life and promotes protecting the health of the Sea.
- Byzantion has the largest and most advances maritime police and patrol force but no official military.
Nova Roma- Occupies the Italian Peninsula ( Not Surprisingly)
- The most connected of the Nostrum territories
- Most Metro and rail systems are still intact or have been repaired.
- Has the most modern living conditions
o Mostly Urban
- Fishing dominates with other minor industries
o Beef
o Pork
o Olives (resilient things aren't they)
- Considered the bread basket of the confederation
- Has a (relatively) Large professional land army
o Small portion double as marines to remain in compliance to the Aegean Pact.
Aegean Pact
- You are Prohibited from polluting the Sea in any way shape or form
- No Foreign substance may enter the sea without thorough review
- The illegal and Un-incorporated transfer of people, goods, livestock and supplies in Prohibited
- Piracy is strictly prohibited
- All vessels on the sea must have a Universal Designator, detailed by the Universal Designation guide
o All vessels without Designation will be subject to immediate and unwarranted search
- Legal and Incorporated Vessels may NOT be searched, without warrant or probable cause, by any nation or territory without proper clearances.
o Clearance can only be provided by on site government representative
- Illegal and unincorporated fishing without proper clearance is prohibited
- The Amount of water you patrol is dependent on the size of your:
o Population
o Industry
o Wealth
o Or other pressing factors
- Race hasn't been an accurate descriptor for a century or two. Heavy racial mixing between the African, European and Middle eastern regions has led to a universal look, called "The Universal Brown". Most Inhabitants identify more with their nation or city.
o 75% ( Universal Brown)
o 5% Sub Sharan African
o 2% European/Caucasian
o 2% Middle. Eastern
o 1% Other
- Religion was one of the first things to fall, religious regions and icons lost their meaning as people lost their morality. Some traditional religions remain while others have made comebacks
o 20% Christiantiy
o 10% Islam ( Of various sects)
o 50% Atheist
o 30% Pagan ( Yes, Pagan)
- The People of Mare Nostrum are primarily a maritime community. Surviving off fishing and Maritime trade
- Nova Roma is the only exception, being land based in culture and industry.
o All of the livestock of the area comes from the Italian peninsula.
- A good majority of the population is either firmly atheist or firmly pagan
o Christian enclaves still exist but are rare after the destruction of Rome and Jerusalem.
- Most of the population outside of the city states live completely independent of their government
o Nova Roma and Byzantion are the only exceptions
Important States and Cities
- Ruins of Barcelona
- Athens
- Sparta
- Ruins of Gibraltar
- Ruins Of Tel Aviv
- Algiers
- Tunis
- Tripoli
- Alexandria
- Cairo
- Semi Ruins of Beirut
- Ruins of Rome
- Ruins of Jerusalem
- Napoli
The countries around the Mediterranean sea were devastated by the war and the people were left shocked. Total war in the 21st century didn't just result in the wholesale slaughter of men, but the permanent alteration of the terrain as well.
A great marsh was formed along the coast, from Tel Aviv in the south to Latakia in the north. Constant warfare shaped the once fertile land into a series of boggy flatlands and large inland lakes. Cities like Tel Aviv and Beirut were bombarded and stormed for their strategic value before suffering through the inevitable counter attacks.
Constant Naval Warfare turned the Aegean and the area around Cyprus into a ship graveyard. Once great vessels of war were left burnt out and half sunken in the shallow waters around the coast. Whole battlegroups laid where they were struck with billions of dollar's worth of equipment rusting inside.
Once the nuclear option became a reality Barcelona, Gibraltar, Rome and Tel Aviv were destroyed by nukes. Important infrastructure was either destroyed or disabled leaving those who survived in the dark and without contact. It didn't take long for government services to break down, leaving a hole for Anarchy to fill. Some managed to live a relatively peaceful existence amongst each other, but most turned to war and conquest.
The first break away states were in Greece, old factions returned along with the emergence of new city states. Athens, Argos, Corinth all made reoccurrences and rallied in their ancient capitals. The self proclaimed Laconian league occupied the entirety of the peninsula of Laconia, claiming it was their Spartan right to this land.
The Italian Peninsula was hit hard by the destruction of Rome. Cut off by the sea to the south and the alps to the north, Italy was cut off almost immediately following the bombing. Refugees had nowhere to go and overcrowding gave way to anarchy and violence. Gangs and warlords fought over control of cities and territory, weapons left behind by the military were put to use by untrained civilians. War and Violence raged on for decades before all ammunition was expended, but the violence continued. Without the guns, the people resorted to swords and pikes. Warfare regressed back to antiquity, soldiers fought with shields and swords. The peninsula became a warzone, its surviving cities overcrowded and rife with crime and poverty.
The city of Naples was the only exception, ran by the Pagan Cult Nova Roma. Without the working infrastructure of the state, these "new romans" used the ancient aqueducts and sewers of their ancestors. A huge learning renaissance started in Naples and scholars scoured the Italian peninsula for any information that could help their quality of life. New Aqueducts were built, and the city was expanded as life flourished in this city state. Refugees flocked to the city and it became clear that they needed to expand. Like their ancestors before them, conquest was the way they would expand their territory.
The Romans had the man power to field relatively large armies, citizenship was granted to those who survived five years of military service. Refugees from around the peninsula flocked to Naples in droves, trying to escape the chaos of the north. With no ammunition for modern weapons, this expeditionary roman army marched east. Carrying crude swords and shields like their ancestors would thousands of years before. The Romans advanced from Naples all the way to the Adriatic coast, building a wall as the romans conquered territory. After a brief moment to stabilize the new conquests, the romans conquered all territory south to the coast of Sicily.
Nova Roma was now a power on the Italian Peninsula and was powerful enough to trade with other city states along the Mediterranean coast. Byzantion, who had conquered the island of Sicily a half century earlier, held the largest trade empire in the region. Byzantine vessels owned the Mediterranean and traded from Gibraltar to Cyprus. The Northern coast of Africa was relatively untouched by the war and bombs. Life remained normal and government rule slowly eroded away to nothing. Having the space to spread out, villages were days away from each other and people stayed relatively peaceful. With power grids intact, power could be extended anywhere, and cities expanded quickly. Trade flourished between these North African city states, followed by closer diplomatic relationships. The Confederation of Byzantion tied the city states of Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Alexandria and Suez into one territory.
Being a maritime power, Byzantion was able to project its power across the Mediterranean. Using its influence as a trade giant and naval power, Byzantion was able to loose tie the powerful city states of the region together with the Aegean Pact. Safeguarding the health and safety of the Mediterranean while promoting peaceful trade in the area. As it stands now, the Mediterranean is at peace and the loose treaty between the city states is holding for the time being.
- Byzantion has the largest navy in the region, its flag ship is the repaired French Aircraft Carrier the Charles De Gaulle
- The wall built by the first roman expansion is still maintained and acts as a border between civilized Italy and Barbarian Italy
o The Area north of the wall has yet to be Annexed by Nova Roma
- Due to not having modern weapons for so long, romans continue to carry swords and throwing weapons
- The Aegean and the coast of former Syria and Lebanon are huge piracy hotspots
o The half sunken remains of ships provide excellent pirate bases and make traveling through them difficult
o Pirates own the all water east of Cyprus and the entire middle east coast
- The Suez is fortified and patrolled but nothing has passed through it in centuries
- The eastern coast of Spain is mostly independent of The Aegean Pact
o City states are relatively peaceful and wealthy
Fortis Consortium
"Survive, overcome, and rebuild."

Political Environment and Government Type:
The Consortium is not a nation or government in the traditional sense. It operates off the basis that the collective is strongest operating in unison with itself, with all of it's made up parts being inferior to the whole. A council made up of the captains of each of the ships in the flotilla leads the Consortium in all matters, with the admiral being the spokesman for the council and the final deciding vote on partisan issues. The admiral holds no additional power except in matters of battle, wherein his word is considered law.
All captains elect a 'first mate' when they first rise to the position. This first mate is not only their second-in-command, but the captain's chosen successor, should he perish. There is no election process in the Consortium. Every man is chosen for promotion by his superior. If an elected successor is deemed unworthy of the position by a majority vote in the council, he can be replaced, though this is usually only considered under extreme circumstances.
While the greater population of the Consortium have no official sway in the running of the government, their voices do not go unheard. There is a system set up that allows 'representatives' to be 'elected' by popular vote. These representatives then meet with the captain of their particular ship to discuss whatever ideas their group supports, essentially lobbying for the vote of the captain. The threat of mutiny hangs ever over the heads of Fortis's leaders, all but forcing them to give ear to the concerns of the masses, if they wish to avoid being strung up by their crew.
The Consortium's structure is designed after that of the U.S Navy. Rankings are determined by merit, usually, though there is a degree of favoritism that goes into every decision by the higher-ups when promoting members of Fortis. Officially, there are no 'civilians' in the flotilla. Everyone serves, so long as they are aboard Consortium ships. Many are exempt from combat roles for a variety of reasons, however; age, illness, mental fortitude and how critical their role in the flotilla is are all important factors in determining if one is 'combat ready.' Engineers, physicists, doctors and other specialists are hard to come by in this day and age. They were the men and women who kept the flotilla, well, floating. They couldn't be sacrificed in battle, so specialists are typically ordered to avoid it at all costs.
All captains elect a 'first mate' when they first rise to the position. This first mate is not only their second-in-command, but the captain's chosen successor, should he perish. There is no election process in the Consortium. Every man is chosen for promotion by his superior. If an elected successor is deemed unworthy of the position by a majority vote in the council, he can be replaced, though this is usually only considered under extreme circumstances.
While the greater population of the Consortium have no official sway in the running of the government, their voices do not go unheard. There is a system set up that allows 'representatives' to be 'elected' by popular vote. These representatives then meet with the captain of their particular ship to discuss whatever ideas their group supports, essentially lobbying for the vote of the captain. The threat of mutiny hangs ever over the heads of Fortis's leaders, all but forcing them to give ear to the concerns of the masses, if they wish to avoid being strung up by their crew.
The Consortium's structure is designed after that of the U.S Navy. Rankings are determined by merit, usually, though there is a degree of favoritism that goes into every decision by the higher-ups when promoting members of Fortis. Officially, there are no 'civilians' in the flotilla. Everyone serves, so long as they are aboard Consortium ships. Many are exempt from combat roles for a variety of reasons, however; age, illness, mental fortitude and how critical their role in the flotilla is are all important factors in determining if one is 'combat ready.' Engineers, physicists, doctors and other specialists are hard to come by in this day and age. They were the men and women who kept the flotilla, well, floating. They couldn't be sacrificed in battle, so specialists are typically ordered to avoid it at all costs.
Mobile, but currently docked in what was once Lisbon, Portugal.
70% Caucasian-American
10% African-American
10% Latin-American/Hispanic
5% Asian
5% Other
50% Protestant Christian
21% Catholic Christian
22% Agonistic
5% Islamic
2% Other
10% African-American
10% Latin-American/Hispanic
5% Asian
5% Other
50% Protestant Christian
21% Catholic Christian
22% Agonistic
5% Islamic
2% Other
The culture in the Fortis Consortium is one of pragmatism and utilitarianism. It is their belief that the world is still a very dangerous place, and it is necessary to take whatever steps they need to in order to survive to live another day. Nothing matters more than ensuring the safety of the collective. Morality, advancement, and all other things are considered secondary to the flotilla's continued existence. As such, the community believes that the sharing of resources and the coming together to solve problems are absolutely necessary. No singular person can survive in a world like this, so they must work together toward that goal.
All live to serve one another. Selfishness is considered the utmost taboo in the Consortium. Crimes such as theft of Consortium property are considered to hold near the same weight as murder. Due to the nature of the flotilla, crimes are generally punished in one of two ways: banishment from the fleet, or death. More minor crimes might be met with lighter rations, a heavier work load and monitoring by security guards. Depending on the necessity one has for the flotilla's survival, some crimes may be handled more lightly than the law clearly defines. For example, a nuclear physicist who makes sure the warships remain in operation may be confined to his quarters and given less to eat for sexual assault, whereas a deckhand or common soldier would be dumped off the side of the ship.
Art, music and traditions within the Fortis Consortium are quite varied, depending on one's heritage. Most of the citizens of the Consortium came from a number of different city-states and nations in North America, each bringing with them a piece of their homeland's culture. Several have joined the flotilla along the way. Some more populous sub-groups include Latin Americans, south-east Asians, Middle Eastern cultural groups, and a few European ethnicities. These cultures have mixed together to form the unique and vibrant society that is the Consortium.
The events that spurred the Age of Rebirth have caused a large resurgence of religious worship in the last four hundred years. Many of turned to God in order to find peace in a violent and turbulent world. The Consortium has a majority population of Christians, most coming from the former States, though there are very active Muslim, Jewish and Hindu sub-communities as well.
All live to serve one another. Selfishness is considered the utmost taboo in the Consortium. Crimes such as theft of Consortium property are considered to hold near the same weight as murder. Due to the nature of the flotilla, crimes are generally punished in one of two ways: banishment from the fleet, or death. More minor crimes might be met with lighter rations, a heavier work load and monitoring by security guards. Depending on the necessity one has for the flotilla's survival, some crimes may be handled more lightly than the law clearly defines. For example, a nuclear physicist who makes sure the warships remain in operation may be confined to his quarters and given less to eat for sexual assault, whereas a deckhand or common soldier would be dumped off the side of the ship.
Art, music and traditions within the Fortis Consortium are quite varied, depending on one's heritage. Most of the citizens of the Consortium came from a number of different city-states and nations in North America, each bringing with them a piece of their homeland's culture. Several have joined the flotilla along the way. Some more populous sub-groups include Latin Americans, south-east Asians, Middle Eastern cultural groups, and a few European ethnicities. These cultures have mixed together to form the unique and vibrant society that is the Consortium.
The events that spurred the Age of Rebirth have caused a large resurgence of religious worship in the last four hundred years. Many of turned to God in order to find peace in a violent and turbulent world. The Consortium has a majority population of Christians, most coming from the former States, though there are very active Muslim, Jewish and Hindu sub-communities as well.
The Fleet:
FCS Purgatory: Designed and built by the Independent California Republic, the Purgatory is a Continental-class amphibious assault ship meant for deploying Marine Expeditionary Units on enemy shores. In it's modern usage, the Purgatory is the flagship of the Consortium fleet. It is the only ship capable of holding aircraft in the flotilla, and acts as the main seat of the council. The Purgatory has a capacity to hold twenty eight aircraft and helicopters (Including the K-66 Knighthawk helicopters, VTOL capable H-12 Hero multi-role stealth fighters, and OK-10 King Osprey tiltroter helicopters), and three Landing Craft Utility boats in it's well deck. Designed for long term sea voyages, the FCS Purgatory is one of two vessels in the flotilla with it's own light water reactors. While it's fuel source is significantly harder to find than normal oil, enriched uranium lasts much longer, requiring next to no stops for refueling. At full operational capacity, the reactors on the Purgatory can last up to twenty five years without the need to refuel. It is helmed by Admiral Joseph Henshaw.
FCS Mjolnir: Another vessel constructed in the shipyards of the California Republic, the FCS Mjolnir belongs to the Olympus-class of fast attack submarines. The only other nuclear powered vessel in the fleet, the Mjolnir can last up to thirty seven years at sea without the need to refuel. Armaments for the nuclear submarine include twelve Olympus Launching System tubes, each holding Retribution-class medium to long range ballistic, non-nuclear missiles, and four Tsunami-class ADCAP torpedo tubes for ship to ship combat. As the most specialized of the vessels in the Consortium's navy, the crew of the Mjolnir is made up of the best of the best. Captained by none other than the fierce old bulldog Captain Wallace Jackson, it is easily the most fearsome ship in the fleet.
FCS Valiant: Stolen from the Northern Conglomerate, the FCS Valiant is one of several prized Destroyers in the Flotilla. Coming from the Zimmerman-class of Destroyer, the Valiant is a multi-purpose warship meant to defend the larger vessels in the fleet. With anti-aircraft, anti-submarine and anti-surface capabilities, the Valiant and her sister ships are easily the most flexible warships in the flotilla. Captained by the fearless Dinah Cohen.
FCS Indomitable: Another procured combat vessel of the Northern Conglomerate, the FCS Indomitable is another of the powerful Destroyers belonging to the Zimmerman-class. Unlike the Valiant, the Indomitable features an array of electronic warfare technologies that protect it and the other vessels in the fleet. Anti-jamming tech keeps the radar and radio frequencies of the Consortium safe from enemy information attacks, while similar technology is used to jam up the information channels of opposing forces. Due to the technical nature of this Destroyer, the Consortium's Captain Allen Hughes, a man of great technical skill and intellect, heads the Indomitable.
FCS Divination: The third of the four raided Zimmerman-class Destroyers, the Divination is much the same as the Valiant in terms of armament and purpose. A defensive warship with a flexible nature, it's armed to the teeth with Retribution missiles, Mark 62 naval artillery guns, and anti-aircraft, radar-controlled point defense guns. Any approaching threat can be met by the Divination and her sister warships in the Zimmerman-class. Helmed by a veteran captain in Marcus Locke, the Divination is a force to be reckoned with.
FCS Tempest: Last of the captured Northern Conglomerate ships, the FCS Tempest has proven itself in combat several times over. Eliminating threat after threat, there are few in the Consortium who can boast similar combat experience as the crew of the Tempest. Led by none other than Captain Jonathan Barnes, a reckless and hotheaded soldier with boundless courage, the Tempest leads the charge against anyone who would dare threaten the safety of the Fortis Consortium.
FCS Salvation: The first of the civilian vessels to join the Consortium's flotilla, the Salvation is one of two ships meant to keep the fleet alive. It's a large ship that carries roughly half of the hydroponics systems that feed the personnel of the navy. Vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, broccoli, and many other variants are grown aboard the Salvation using soil-less agricultural methods. Several animals such as goats and cows are kept to produce milk. Food is strictly rationed by the council due to how difficult it is to grow on the move, and stealing food is considered a horrific crime punishable by banishment or, in more severe cases, death. Captained by Doctor Annabethe Duff, a hard-nosed Irish woman with a mind like no other.
FCS Demeter: Sister to the Salvation, the Demeter is another vessel meant primarily to help feed the population of the Fortis Consortium. While the Salvation focuses mostly on hydroponics growth, the Demeter is a massive fishing trawler refitted for the purposes of the flotilla. Fish are caught in mass, cured and salted, and preserved within it's huge storage tanks to be consumed in the highly regimented meal plans set out by the council. Thanks to recent advances in technology, the Demeter is also equipped to collect and sanitize sea water, filtering it so it can be used as regular drinking water. Helmed by Doctor William Kosov.
FCS Galileo: The FCS Galileo is a research vessel built out of the modified hull of a giant icebreaker cruiser. The Galileo's purposes are flexible, as it houses the entirety of the Consortium's scientific community. Physicists, doctors, engineers, and mathematicians of all sorts gather in the Galileo. Their purpose is to advance the technology available to the Fortis Consortium, discovering new ways to find and refine oil and fuel for the fleet. Biofuels and other alternatives are constantly being updated and tested by the crew in an effort to stretch out the amount of time the flotilla can remain at sea. Led by Doctor Karl Stein.
FCS Bastion: Commonly nicknamed 'Noah's Ark,' the FCS Bastion is one of three vessels meant to house the families and people of the Consortium that do not live aboard the other ships. Children, the elderly, the infirm and those without the skills or knowledge to crew another vessel are placed aboard here. Periodically, the other vessels in the fleet may have or allow their crew to transfer to the Bastion or other such ships for vacation, entertainment and rejuvenation. The education of the younger generations and those without proper technical skills is conducted aboard the Bastion. Schooled in all the knowledge necessary to become a helpful cog in the Consortium's machine, this is where one's place in society is usually decided. As such, the Bastion has become something of a cultural center in the flotilla. Theaters, restaurants, museums and artisans shops are all commonly found within these Arks. At the helm is Captain Andre Bisset.
FCS Sanctuary: The second of the large population ships, Sanctuary has more of a focus as a mobile hospital. Most of the infirm and elderly are contained here, where they can be properly cared for by the nursing staff. The wounded, those critical enough to require long-term care, are also kept in Sanctuary. Most of the medical supplies are stored aboard this ship. Captained by Doctor Nicolas Carter.
FCS Haven: A bulk carrier or freighter, the second largest ship in the fleet behind the main carrier, the FCS Haven is the last of the modified population vessels. Though acting in the same manner as the Sanctuary and the Bastion as a home for those unequipped for work on more specialized vessels, the Haven doubles as a mobile workshop and factory. All raw materials are stored aboard the freighter and used for the production of supplies necessary for the continued operation of the fleet. Fuel, steel, and munitions are all stored within the freighter. There has been some controversy surrounding the operation of the Haven, with some citing it as dangerous to store all of the materials aboard a single, massive ship, seeing it as an easy target for sabotage. Led by Captain Arthur Steele.
These are the twelve most critical of the twenty six ships in the fleet. Of the fourteen remaining vessels, six are military vessels including smaller frigates, combat support ships, and littoral combat ships. The other eight civilian ships are a variety of passenger cruisers, cargo and merchant ships, tankers, and fishing ships.
FCS Mjolnir: Another vessel constructed in the shipyards of the California Republic, the FCS Mjolnir belongs to the Olympus-class of fast attack submarines. The only other nuclear powered vessel in the fleet, the Mjolnir can last up to thirty seven years at sea without the need to refuel. Armaments for the nuclear submarine include twelve Olympus Launching System tubes, each holding Retribution-class medium to long range ballistic, non-nuclear missiles, and four Tsunami-class ADCAP torpedo tubes for ship to ship combat. As the most specialized of the vessels in the Consortium's navy, the crew of the Mjolnir is made up of the best of the best. Captained by none other than the fierce old bulldog Captain Wallace Jackson, it is easily the most fearsome ship in the fleet.
FCS Valiant: Stolen from the Northern Conglomerate, the FCS Valiant is one of several prized Destroyers in the Flotilla. Coming from the Zimmerman-class of Destroyer, the Valiant is a multi-purpose warship meant to defend the larger vessels in the fleet. With anti-aircraft, anti-submarine and anti-surface capabilities, the Valiant and her sister ships are easily the most flexible warships in the flotilla. Captained by the fearless Dinah Cohen.
FCS Indomitable: Another procured combat vessel of the Northern Conglomerate, the FCS Indomitable is another of the powerful Destroyers belonging to the Zimmerman-class. Unlike the Valiant, the Indomitable features an array of electronic warfare technologies that protect it and the other vessels in the fleet. Anti-jamming tech keeps the radar and radio frequencies of the Consortium safe from enemy information attacks, while similar technology is used to jam up the information channels of opposing forces. Due to the technical nature of this Destroyer, the Consortium's Captain Allen Hughes, a man of great technical skill and intellect, heads the Indomitable.
FCS Divination: The third of the four raided Zimmerman-class Destroyers, the Divination is much the same as the Valiant in terms of armament and purpose. A defensive warship with a flexible nature, it's armed to the teeth with Retribution missiles, Mark 62 naval artillery guns, and anti-aircraft, radar-controlled point defense guns. Any approaching threat can be met by the Divination and her sister warships in the Zimmerman-class. Helmed by a veteran captain in Marcus Locke, the Divination is a force to be reckoned with.
FCS Tempest: Last of the captured Northern Conglomerate ships, the FCS Tempest has proven itself in combat several times over. Eliminating threat after threat, there are few in the Consortium who can boast similar combat experience as the crew of the Tempest. Led by none other than Captain Jonathan Barnes, a reckless and hotheaded soldier with boundless courage, the Tempest leads the charge against anyone who would dare threaten the safety of the Fortis Consortium.
FCS Salvation: The first of the civilian vessels to join the Consortium's flotilla, the Salvation is one of two ships meant to keep the fleet alive. It's a large ship that carries roughly half of the hydroponics systems that feed the personnel of the navy. Vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, broccoli, and many other variants are grown aboard the Salvation using soil-less agricultural methods. Several animals such as goats and cows are kept to produce milk. Food is strictly rationed by the council due to how difficult it is to grow on the move, and stealing food is considered a horrific crime punishable by banishment or, in more severe cases, death. Captained by Doctor Annabethe Duff, a hard-nosed Irish woman with a mind like no other.
FCS Demeter: Sister to the Salvation, the Demeter is another vessel meant primarily to help feed the population of the Fortis Consortium. While the Salvation focuses mostly on hydroponics growth, the Demeter is a massive fishing trawler refitted for the purposes of the flotilla. Fish are caught in mass, cured and salted, and preserved within it's huge storage tanks to be consumed in the highly regimented meal plans set out by the council. Thanks to recent advances in technology, the Demeter is also equipped to collect and sanitize sea water, filtering it so it can be used as regular drinking water. Helmed by Doctor William Kosov.
FCS Galileo: The FCS Galileo is a research vessel built out of the modified hull of a giant icebreaker cruiser. The Galileo's purposes are flexible, as it houses the entirety of the Consortium's scientific community. Physicists, doctors, engineers, and mathematicians of all sorts gather in the Galileo. Their purpose is to advance the technology available to the Fortis Consortium, discovering new ways to find and refine oil and fuel for the fleet. Biofuels and other alternatives are constantly being updated and tested by the crew in an effort to stretch out the amount of time the flotilla can remain at sea. Led by Doctor Karl Stein.
FCS Bastion: Commonly nicknamed 'Noah's Ark,' the FCS Bastion is one of three vessels meant to house the families and people of the Consortium that do not live aboard the other ships. Children, the elderly, the infirm and those without the skills or knowledge to crew another vessel are placed aboard here. Periodically, the other vessels in the fleet may have or allow their crew to transfer to the Bastion or other such ships for vacation, entertainment and rejuvenation. The education of the younger generations and those without proper technical skills is conducted aboard the Bastion. Schooled in all the knowledge necessary to become a helpful cog in the Consortium's machine, this is where one's place in society is usually decided. As such, the Bastion has become something of a cultural center in the flotilla. Theaters, restaurants, museums and artisans shops are all commonly found within these Arks. At the helm is Captain Andre Bisset.
FCS Sanctuary: The second of the large population ships, Sanctuary has more of a focus as a mobile hospital. Most of the infirm and elderly are contained here, where they can be properly cared for by the nursing staff. The wounded, those critical enough to require long-term care, are also kept in Sanctuary. Most of the medical supplies are stored aboard this ship. Captained by Doctor Nicolas Carter.
FCS Haven: A bulk carrier or freighter, the second largest ship in the fleet behind the main carrier, the FCS Haven is the last of the modified population vessels. Though acting in the same manner as the Sanctuary and the Bastion as a home for those unequipped for work on more specialized vessels, the Haven doubles as a mobile workshop and factory. All raw materials are stored aboard the freighter and used for the production of supplies necessary for the continued operation of the fleet. Fuel, steel, and munitions are all stored within the freighter. There has been some controversy surrounding the operation of the Haven, with some citing it as dangerous to store all of the materials aboard a single, massive ship, seeing it as an easy target for sabotage. Led by Captain Arthur Steele.
These are the twelve most critical of the twenty six ships in the fleet. Of the fourteen remaining vessels, six are military vessels including smaller frigates, combat support ships, and littoral combat ships. The other eight civilian ships are a variety of passenger cruisers, cargo and merchant ships, tankers, and fishing ships.
The United States of America was devastated by nuclear war. Russian missiles turned every major city into a crater, washing the U.S in waves of fallout and heavy radiation. The death toll was catastrophic. Those to survive were the few lucky enough to escape to bunkers scattered throughout the country, or who lived in areas sparsely populated enough that they weren't caught in the fighting. Still, nuclear winter proved difficult for those few survivors, as radiation claimed even more lives. Colonies formed. Tiny pockets of civilization amidst the chaos and death, hiding away in mountains that kept them from irradiated winds. Though Doomsday had indeed come, there were those precious, hardy few who managed to stave off the apocalypse.
When the harsh conditions of a war torn, destroyed world began to slowly fade over hundreds of years, those colonies began to expand. Repopulating the earth became a priority as humanity banded together to rebuild all that had been lost. Cities rose from the ashes. Those cities would connect with others like them. Some joined together peacefully, forming unions that eventually became the basis for the new nations. Others saw their neighbors as threats, or resources to be mined. It was during these days that the Independent California Republic formed, based out of the newly rebuilt Los Angeles. Up north in Washington States and parts of Canada, The Northern Coalition was brought together by the confederation of a number of smaller sovereign states.
These two nations were quickly set up as rivals after a number of trade and border disputes. Small skirmishes over scavenging grounds eventually led to all-out armed conflict. Development of military technology was once again a priority, as men seemed to forget what had brought the world to it's knees but a few centuries before.
Progress was built on the back of war as new, updated weapons were used to devastate the battlefield. Soldiers died in the hundreds as each nation struggled over small plots of land. Tanks, missiles, aircraft and infantry were all given state of the art updates to use against their enemies.
It was during this war that the a few soldiers of the Independent California Republic's navy gathered, meeting in secret to discuss the nature of the conflict. Too many lives were being lost. It was a fruitless endeavor that would only prove to weaken both nations. With how close to extinction humanity was, fighting was nothing but a waste of resources. Commander Henshaw, along with his peers in Allen Hughes and the venerable Wallace Jackson, approached the leaders of the ICR with their concerns. The president and congress both waved off their concerns, threatening to indict the navy men with charges of treason if they did not fight. Knowing that this war with be the end of them all, Henshaw and his supporters rallied what loyal crewmen they could and came up with a daring plan. In the dead of night, they took control of the Purgatory, the Mjolnir, and the since sunk cruiser, the Endurance.
They fled California waters and sailed north, requesting an audience with the leaders of the Northern Coalition in an attempt to arrange peace talks between the two sides. Despite Henshaw's best efforts, diplomacy broke down after several months of indecision, with neither side wanting to surrender to the other. They believed that the resources they had already sunk into this conflict necessitated that victory be achieved at any cost. It was not all for nothing, however, as some within the Coalition shared Henshaw's beliefs. A meeting was arranged with Captains Dinah Cohen, Marcus Locke and Jonathan Barnes. After much deliberation, it was decided that they should take all who didn't wish to participate in this fruitless conflict with them, and flee the ravaged coast.
A daring mission was arranged. Sailors from both sides joined together to commandeer four Destroyers from the Northern Coalition fleet, as well as a large cruise ship and a fishing trawler. Though there was bloodshed, and the resulting battle ended up costing the stolen California Republic cruiser. Fleeing the burnt out harbor, eight ships made it out to sea, jam packed with citizens of both countries that wished to leave that hellhole far behind them. They established the council of captains, flew the flag of the Fortis Consortium, and began their own bitter struggle for survival upon the harsh ocean waters. Headed by the iron Admiral Henshaw, the Consortium traveled the world, picking up more ships and more people for their flotilla. Many lost their lives along the way, and many vessels had to be abandoned. But the Consortium fought on. Ever forward they marched, eyes to the horizon as they sought out a place they could finally call home.
When the harsh conditions of a war torn, destroyed world began to slowly fade over hundreds of years, those colonies began to expand. Repopulating the earth became a priority as humanity banded together to rebuild all that had been lost. Cities rose from the ashes. Those cities would connect with others like them. Some joined together peacefully, forming unions that eventually became the basis for the new nations. Others saw their neighbors as threats, or resources to be mined. It was during these days that the Independent California Republic formed, based out of the newly rebuilt Los Angeles. Up north in Washington States and parts of Canada, The Northern Coalition was brought together by the confederation of a number of smaller sovereign states.
These two nations were quickly set up as rivals after a number of trade and border disputes. Small skirmishes over scavenging grounds eventually led to all-out armed conflict. Development of military technology was once again a priority, as men seemed to forget what had brought the world to it's knees but a few centuries before.
Progress was built on the back of war as new, updated weapons were used to devastate the battlefield. Soldiers died in the hundreds as each nation struggled over small plots of land. Tanks, missiles, aircraft and infantry were all given state of the art updates to use against their enemies.
It was during this war that the a few soldiers of the Independent California Republic's navy gathered, meeting in secret to discuss the nature of the conflict. Too many lives were being lost. It was a fruitless endeavor that would only prove to weaken both nations. With how close to extinction humanity was, fighting was nothing but a waste of resources. Commander Henshaw, along with his peers in Allen Hughes and the venerable Wallace Jackson, approached the leaders of the ICR with their concerns. The president and congress both waved off their concerns, threatening to indict the navy men with charges of treason if they did not fight. Knowing that this war with be the end of them all, Henshaw and his supporters rallied what loyal crewmen they could and came up with a daring plan. In the dead of night, they took control of the Purgatory, the Mjolnir, and the since sunk cruiser, the Endurance.
They fled California waters and sailed north, requesting an audience with the leaders of the Northern Coalition in an attempt to arrange peace talks between the two sides. Despite Henshaw's best efforts, diplomacy broke down after several months of indecision, with neither side wanting to surrender to the other. They believed that the resources they had already sunk into this conflict necessitated that victory be achieved at any cost. It was not all for nothing, however, as some within the Coalition shared Henshaw's beliefs. A meeting was arranged with Captains Dinah Cohen, Marcus Locke and Jonathan Barnes. After much deliberation, it was decided that they should take all who didn't wish to participate in this fruitless conflict with them, and flee the ravaged coast.
A daring mission was arranged. Sailors from both sides joined together to commandeer four Destroyers from the Northern Coalition fleet, as well as a large cruise ship and a fishing trawler. Though there was bloodshed, and the resulting battle ended up costing the stolen California Republic cruiser. Fleeing the burnt out harbor, eight ships made it out to sea, jam packed with citizens of both countries that wished to leave that hellhole far behind them. They established the council of captains, flew the flag of the Fortis Consortium, and began their own bitter struggle for survival upon the harsh ocean waters. Headed by the iron Admiral Henshaw, the Consortium traveled the world, picking up more ships and more people for their flotilla. Many lost their lives along the way, and many vessels had to be abandoned. But the Consortium fought on. Ever forward they marched, eyes to the horizon as they sought out a place they could finally call home.
Nation name:
Madira Conglomerate

Political Environment and Government Type:
Technocratic dictatorship
The country is ruled by the Cruz family, currently the president Marco Cruz. His orders are carried through the Committee - a group of experts carefully selected from the best minds in the country. The president, as well as the Committee resides at the capital city Salta Plaz.
The peace and law-enforcement falls under the Steel Order - well organized and equipped police organization, which also functions as an army if need be. Part of the Steel Order is also a secret police, designed to uncover possible threats from within the country and filter out people who show open disagreement with the regime.
Location On Map:

Demographics (Religious and Racial)
Large part of the population is comprised of original population or Argentina, Chile and also Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil, from areas which were completely flooded thanks to rising sea level. There is also a lot of people whose ancestors originally came from USA and Japan before the war, to be a part of the mining and science operations in northern Argentina. There is still a fraction indigenous population of Native Argentines, mostly living out in the wild. The ones who live in the cities are usually slaves or live in huge poverty.
There are 3 casts of people within the Conglomerate
There is mandatory basic education for every child up to the age of 12. When they become 12 years old, every child is tested (including the children of slaves or poor people). The test comprises mainly from an extended IQ test, along with a test of basics math, chemistry and physics to see if the child has a bright enough mind to continue with education. The best children are promoted to the elites and given the best education in one of the scientific fields. The rest of the children become normal citizens and can either choose to continue education in some area to support the society (nursing and caretaking, agriculture, construction, etc.) or can go to work, if their family needs additional financial support. Only few of the children become slaves after this test, all of them with some degree of mental retardation.
The elites are the smartest and brightest minds of the country, making sure that the science is always advancing and improving the lives of other citizens. They live in a beautiful district in Salta Plaz, their every need taken care of by a number of employees and slaves.
Slavery in the Conglomerate is very strictly regulated. The slaves have their rights, mainly the right for food, shelter and decent clothing, also their working hours are limited to 10 hours a day 6 days a week. This is a reason that many extremely poor people choose to rather sell themselves to be slaves than to exist in such miserable conditions. Slave work is used mainly in the lithium mines and agriculture.
While religion isn't officially banned in the Conglomerate, there are no official buildings of worship or support for them of any kind. Some families still uphold the beliefs of their ancestors, whether it is Christianity or Buddhism, but this is mostly done through small family rituals, like gathering for a Christmas Eve, or having some small sculptures of the gods or spirits in the house. Government's official view on the religion is that there is no place for any gods or supernatural in the mind of a smart person.
The people in the Conglomerate value practicality above anything. While there are a few prevailing cultural habits, especially from the latino-american ancestors, the government is working to eradicate them and replace them with the one of the main doctrines of the country - practicality and pragmatism above anything else. People are taught to always take the smart and logical paths when deciding anything.
People in the country are hard-working and content. Anyone who would want to say otherwise will soon end up as a slave mining lithium from brine pools. The main focus of the society is on technological advance - at first it was to eradicate the need for fossil fuels by electrificating everything from cars to factories, currently the research is focused on improving the biggest wonder of the Conglomerate, an actual operational fusion reactor.
Important States and Cities
Salta Plaz - the capital, located in the north of the country, on a mountain plate surrounded by brine pools and salt plates
Arizaro - technological center hidden away in a small valley in the Andes
The Pampas - fertile area on the south of the country, there are many farms and ranches there, producing food for the population
Maquinchao - metropolis in the Pampas, connected with Salta Plaz by electrical high-speed train track
Madira Conglomerate

Political Environment and Government Type:
Technocratic dictatorship
The country is ruled by the Cruz family, currently the president Marco Cruz. His orders are carried through the Committee - a group of experts carefully selected from the best minds in the country. The president, as well as the Committee resides at the capital city Salta Plaz.
The peace and law-enforcement falls under the Steel Order - well organized and equipped police organization, which also functions as an army if need be. Part of the Steel Order is also a secret police, designed to uncover possible threats from within the country and filter out people who show open disagreement with the regime.
Location On Map:

Demographics (Religious and Racial)
Large part of the population is comprised of original population or Argentina, Chile and also Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil, from areas which were completely flooded thanks to rising sea level. There is also a lot of people whose ancestors originally came from USA and Japan before the war, to be a part of the mining and science operations in northern Argentina. There is still a fraction indigenous population of Native Argentines, mostly living out in the wild. The ones who live in the cities are usually slaves or live in huge poverty.
There are 3 casts of people within the Conglomerate
- elites
- normal population
- slaves
There is mandatory basic education for every child up to the age of 12. When they become 12 years old, every child is tested (including the children of slaves or poor people). The test comprises mainly from an extended IQ test, along with a test of basics math, chemistry and physics to see if the child has a bright enough mind to continue with education. The best children are promoted to the elites and given the best education in one of the scientific fields. The rest of the children become normal citizens and can either choose to continue education in some area to support the society (nursing and caretaking, agriculture, construction, etc.) or can go to work, if their family needs additional financial support. Only few of the children become slaves after this test, all of them with some degree of mental retardation.
The elites are the smartest and brightest minds of the country, making sure that the science is always advancing and improving the lives of other citizens. They live in a beautiful district in Salta Plaz, their every need taken care of by a number of employees and slaves.
Slavery in the Conglomerate is very strictly regulated. The slaves have their rights, mainly the right for food, shelter and decent clothing, also their working hours are limited to 10 hours a day 6 days a week. This is a reason that many extremely poor people choose to rather sell themselves to be slaves than to exist in such miserable conditions. Slave work is used mainly in the lithium mines and agriculture.
While religion isn't officially banned in the Conglomerate, there are no official buildings of worship or support for them of any kind. Some families still uphold the beliefs of their ancestors, whether it is Christianity or Buddhism, but this is mostly done through small family rituals, like gathering for a Christmas Eve, or having some small sculptures of the gods or spirits in the house. Government's official view on the religion is that there is no place for any gods or supernatural in the mind of a smart person.
The people in the Conglomerate value practicality above anything. While there are a few prevailing cultural habits, especially from the latino-american ancestors, the government is working to eradicate them and replace them with the one of the main doctrines of the country - practicality and pragmatism above anything else. People are taught to always take the smart and logical paths when deciding anything.
People in the country are hard-working and content. Anyone who would want to say otherwise will soon end up as a slave mining lithium from brine pools. The main focus of the society is on technological advance - at first it was to eradicate the need for fossil fuels by electrificating everything from cars to factories, currently the research is focused on improving the biggest wonder of the Conglomerate, an actual operational fusion reactor.
Important States and Cities
Salta Plaz - the capital, located in the north of the country, on a mountain plate surrounded by brine pools and salt plates
Arizaro - technological center hidden away in a small valley in the Andes
The Pampas - fertile area on the south of the country, there are many farms and ranches there, producing food for the population
Maquinchao - metropolis in the Pampas, connected with Salta Plaz by electrical high-speed train track
The Dark Years 2018-2143
The south of South America was mostly spared from the bombings, as there weren't any important military targets, but it was largely affected by the rising sea level. More than half of the Chilean surface was lost, and it was the more fertile and populated half, the only parts of lands Chile had left were the mountains. Countries on the other side of the Andes were hit even harder. Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil were gone and millions of refugees fled to Argentina or north to Bolivia or Peru.
Argentina also lost some coastal areas, not even talking about the city of Buenos Aires, which generated another millions of refugees. The country submerged into chaos, people fighting for food and fresh water, hundreds of thousands of lives were lost due to famine, diseases or wars between small groups of survivors.
One of the areas that avoided total destruction during the bombings and the turmoil after that was Arizaro. Originally a small city hidden away in the Andes near Lago Salar de Arizaro, large salt flat. Fortunately the area was considered a wasteland, as fresh water was scarce and nothing could grow on the salty lands, so the refugees avoided it. However there was something valuable hidden in the ground - various minerals, and above all what the modern technologies coveted most, the lithium.
Before the war, there was a large mining operation in Arizaro, employing dozens of specialized workers. The main company operating in this area was a large multinational corporation Madira. This company invested not only in mining, but also into a large private research center that with its size could easily compete with Swiss CERN. Fortunately, its existence was kept a secret, so it was not marked as a valuable target for bombing. Around three hundred of scientists worked on the research projects in Arizaro, most of them bringing their families to live with them in Argentina. With other personnel, the population of Arizaro soon rose to two thousand.
When the world around collapsed, the people decided that they would be safer staying where they are than to try their luck in the refugee-flooded collapsing countries. The technology helped them to survive and even grow the population in time. Desalination and deep wells provided enough fresh water to large hydroponic gardens complex, people were even able to grow a few sturdy plants in the barren land.
The electricity was provided by a functional experimental cold fusion reactor, the biggest gem of the Madira Conglomerate. The company wanted to announce their success to the world, but this effort was thwarted by the war breaking out, so it remained a secret only known to citizens of Arizaro.
The south of South America was mostly spared from the bombings, as there weren't any important military targets, but it was largely affected by the rising sea level. More than half of the Chilean surface was lost, and it was the more fertile and populated half, the only parts of lands Chile had left were the mountains. Countries on the other side of the Andes were hit even harder. Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil were gone and millions of refugees fled to Argentina or north to Bolivia or Peru.
Argentina also lost some coastal areas, not even talking about the city of Buenos Aires, which generated another millions of refugees. The country submerged into chaos, people fighting for food and fresh water, hundreds of thousands of lives were lost due to famine, diseases or wars between small groups of survivors.
One of the areas that avoided total destruction during the bombings and the turmoil after that was Arizaro. Originally a small city hidden away in the Andes near Lago Salar de Arizaro, large salt flat. Fortunately the area was considered a wasteland, as fresh water was scarce and nothing could grow on the salty lands, so the refugees avoided it. However there was something valuable hidden in the ground - various minerals, and above all what the modern technologies coveted most, the lithium.
Before the war, there was a large mining operation in Arizaro, employing dozens of specialized workers. The main company operating in this area was a large multinational corporation Madira. This company invested not only in mining, but also into a large private research center that with its size could easily compete with Swiss CERN. Fortunately, its existence was kept a secret, so it was not marked as a valuable target for bombing. Around three hundred of scientists worked on the research projects in Arizaro, most of them bringing their families to live with them in Argentina. With other personnel, the population of Arizaro soon rose to two thousand.
When the world around collapsed, the people decided that they would be safer staying where they are than to try their luck in the refugee-flooded collapsing countries. The technology helped them to survive and even grow the population in time. Desalination and deep wells provided enough fresh water to large hydroponic gardens complex, people were even able to grow a few sturdy plants in the barren land.
The electricity was provided by a functional experimental cold fusion reactor, the biggest gem of the Madira Conglomerate. The company wanted to announce their success to the world, but this effort was thwarted by the war breaking out, so it remained a secret only known to citizens of Arizaro.
The Years of Unification 2144-2280
Over 120 years from the war Argentina and what was left of the surrounding countries still convulsed in utter chaos. Small groups rose and fell, fighting each other for territory. As education wasn’t viewed as very valuable at that time, every upcoming generation knew less and less, the knowledge treasured and expanded by mankind for centuries forgotten and ignored. When old technology broke or stopped working, there was no one who knew how to fix it, let alone creating something new. Thanks to this, the civilization was slowly devolving towards the new Middle ages.
Only Arizaro remained as a beacon of hope, still hidden and forgotten by most. Here education was set to the utmost level of importance, with the thought that if all people in the world were educated enough, the war would have never happened. The citizens would occasionally scout what was happening to the rest of the country and since the news were getting worse and worse, the Committee unanimously voted on trying to expand Arizaro’s influence and try to avert the civilization downfall.
They reached out to several leaders of the small groups of survivors and offered to help them, provided they agree to join the newly-found nation and obey the orders from the Committee. The diplomatic way hasn’t always been successful and brute force had to be used. No group could ever hope to match the level of Arizaro’s armed forces. While small in numbers, the army’s level of technology was something not seen in the area for generations. Radios, vehicles, superior weapons, even battery-powered helicopters made all the difference that the Conglomerate needed.
One by one the settlements and groups have been persuaded to join the rising nation, either by diplomacy or force. After securing the northern part of the former Argentina, the decision was made to construct a new capital, so that Arizaro would only remain a science center, shielded from curious eyes. The layout for Salta Plaz was carefully and efficiently planned and in a few years the city became the center of civilization in the area.
The expansion continued southward, because the growing nation needed to secure reliable food sources. Soon the Pampas were conquered and many farms and ranches constructed to provide fresh food for the citizens. Several other cities were founded and citizens from Arizaro were relocated there to spread knowledge and maintain order.
It usually took at least one or two generations for the people to adjust to the new situation, but mandatory education and new rules helped to slowly return the civilization close to its former state.
Over 120 years from the war Argentina and what was left of the surrounding countries still convulsed in utter chaos. Small groups rose and fell, fighting each other for territory. As education wasn’t viewed as very valuable at that time, every upcoming generation knew less and less, the knowledge treasured and expanded by mankind for centuries forgotten and ignored. When old technology broke or stopped working, there was no one who knew how to fix it, let alone creating something new. Thanks to this, the civilization was slowly devolving towards the new Middle ages.
Only Arizaro remained as a beacon of hope, still hidden and forgotten by most. Here education was set to the utmost level of importance, with the thought that if all people in the world were educated enough, the war would have never happened. The citizens would occasionally scout what was happening to the rest of the country and since the news were getting worse and worse, the Committee unanimously voted on trying to expand Arizaro’s influence and try to avert the civilization downfall.
They reached out to several leaders of the small groups of survivors and offered to help them, provided they agree to join the newly-found nation and obey the orders from the Committee. The diplomatic way hasn’t always been successful and brute force had to be used. No group could ever hope to match the level of Arizaro’s armed forces. While small in numbers, the army’s level of technology was something not seen in the area for generations. Radios, vehicles, superior weapons, even battery-powered helicopters made all the difference that the Conglomerate needed.
One by one the settlements and groups have been persuaded to join the rising nation, either by diplomacy or force. After securing the northern part of the former Argentina, the decision was made to construct a new capital, so that Arizaro would only remain a science center, shielded from curious eyes. The layout for Salta Plaz was carefully and efficiently planned and in a few years the city became the center of civilization in the area.
The expansion continued southward, because the growing nation needed to secure reliable food sources. Soon the Pampas were conquered and many farms and ranches constructed to provide fresh food for the citizens. Several other cities were founded and citizens from Arizaro were relocated there to spread knowledge and maintain order.
It usually took at least one or two generations for the people to adjust to the new situation, but mandatory education and new rules helped to slowly return the civilization close to its former state.
The Years of Stability 2280-onwards
While the conquest for the new lands still continues, it is not as fast and aggressive as it was in the earlier years. The main focus of the Committee is currently on maintaining stability and slowly continuing to advance technologically.
There are however some expansion plans, that aim to what is left of southern Brazil. The eastern coastal areas of Guay Sea (the sea where Paraguay, Uruguay and part of Brazil used to be) have already been occupied, but the Madirian navy is still weak and small in numbers, so it goes slowly.
While the conquest for the new lands still continues, it is not as fast and aggressive as it was in the earlier years. The main focus of the Committee is currently on maintaining stability and slowly continuing to advance technologically.
There are however some expansion plans, that aim to what is left of southern Brazil. The eastern coastal areas of Guay Sea (the sea where Paraguay, Uruguay and part of Brazil used to be) have already been occupied, but the Madirian navy is still weak and small in numbers, so it goes slowly.
Nation Name:
Empire of Lithuania

Political Environment and Government Type:
Lithuania is a theocratic empire ruled by a high priest called the Krivis (fem: Krivė). The Krivis is believed by the local people to be the manifestation of the god Perkunas on earth and as such, his rule is absolute and his word is final. Alongside the Krivis are high priests called the Council of the Vaidilos. Each member is a priest referred to as a vaidila (fem. vaidilutė) who is believed to be a vessel through which their patron god speaks verbatim. Beneath the Vaidilos are a series of lesser clerical rulers who answer to their local vaidila, and enlist the help of military orders to maintain rule in their jurisdiction.
Location On Map:

Lithuania is comprised of about 70% ethnic Balts, who can be found throughout the empire, but cluster most densely in the central area of the country, radiating outward from Dievomiestas. They are divided into various sub-ethnicities, the Lithuanians being the most important. In the farthest northern areas of the empire are the Finns and Estonians, who mostly inhabit the regions of Estonia and the Finnish Isles and rank about 5%. To the east are people collectively termed Russians (descendants of Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians) who make up about 20% of the population. To the West are the Poles, who make up the remaining population at about 5%.

Religion is a tricky matter, as the religion of Dievugarbinimas incorporates various religious cults that could be found in the Post-War Baltic. It is known that a small minority of "old believers" who worship only Dievas and his two avatars, Kristus and Dvasia, exist in areas, and this cult is especially popular among the Poles and some Russians. That said, they are not viewed as entirely distinct from Dievugarbinimas, as the mainstream religion also accepts that Dievas came to earth through the avatar of Kristus, and spoke through the avatar of Dvasia, and will return as Kristus to fight the darkness on Earth after the tribulations (which Lithuanians believe they are currently living in) and establish Lithuania as his heavenly kingdom on earth.
Some major religious cults in the Post War Baltic that were incorporated into Dievugarbinimas were:
There are slightly more women in Lithuanian than men, with about 55% of the population being composed of women.
The people of the Baltic began to regress socially and culturally after the war, with Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Prussia, and Belarus being the main recipients of the nuclear fallout that was emanating out of Russia. The Baltic was plagued with nuclear winter and rising sea levels that were beyond apocalyptic.
The result was a very clannish and tribal society, where the extended family transitioned from irrelevant to central to society almost overnight. Lithuanians are extremely religious, though their religions have changed over time, with mainstream Christianity largely falling out of favor as "pagan" ideas started to become the norm.
Many Lithuanians are agricultural, with the soil of Lithuania only just starting to recover, and the necessity for farming to surviving. There is also a tradition of semi-nomadic warrior bands, mostly comprised of young men who wander the countryside taking what they need to survive, with their violent existence accepted by their rulers on the condition that they will rally to their master's call when he needs them.
Important States and Cities:
Dievomiestas - The New Capital city, founded by the first warlord in the heart of Lithuania
Vilnius - A major city in Lithuania
Riga - The most important city in the North
Knigsberg - The most important city in the West
Empire of Lithuania
Political Environment and Government Type:
Lithuania is a theocratic empire ruled by a high priest called the Krivis (fem: Krivė). The Krivis is believed by the local people to be the manifestation of the god Perkunas on earth and as such, his rule is absolute and his word is final. Alongside the Krivis are high priests called the Council of the Vaidilos. Each member is a priest referred to as a vaidila (fem. vaidilutė) who is believed to be a vessel through which their patron god speaks verbatim. Beneath the Vaidilos are a series of lesser clerical rulers who answer to their local vaidila, and enlist the help of military orders to maintain rule in their jurisdiction.
Location On Map:

Lithuania is comprised of about 70% ethnic Balts, who can be found throughout the empire, but cluster most densely in the central area of the country, radiating outward from Dievomiestas. They are divided into various sub-ethnicities, the Lithuanians being the most important. In the farthest northern areas of the empire are the Finns and Estonians, who mostly inhabit the regions of Estonia and the Finnish Isles and rank about 5%. To the east are people collectively termed Russians (descendants of Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians) who make up about 20% of the population. To the West are the Poles, who make up the remaining population at about 5%.

Religion is a tricky matter, as the religion of Dievugarbinimas incorporates various religious cults that could be found in the Post-War Baltic. It is known that a small minority of "old believers" who worship only Dievas and his two avatars, Kristus and Dvasia, exist in areas, and this cult is especially popular among the Poles and some Russians. That said, they are not viewed as entirely distinct from Dievugarbinimas, as the mainstream religion also accepts that Dievas came to earth through the avatar of Kristus, and spoke through the avatar of Dvasia, and will return as Kristus to fight the darkness on Earth after the tribulations (which Lithuanians believe they are currently living in) and establish Lithuania as his heavenly kingdom on earth.
Some major religious cults in the Post War Baltic that were incorporated into Dievugarbinimas were:
- The Cult of Dievas: Seems to be a mixture of Christian folk-beliefs from the various people of the Baltic, as well as Poland and Russia. These were synthesized into a new cult focusing on a supreme creator named Dievas.
- The Cult of Perkunas: Perkunas was the Lithuanian pre-Christian god of Thunder, and his memory lived on after the war, with a religious cults appearing centered around powerful leaders and warlords, who claimed to get their legitimacy first from the Christian god, but gradually over time taking on the title of Perkunas, to invoke nostalgic and mythological ties to their claims. Eventually, this came to its logical extreme when the new King of Lithuania proclaimed himself to be a reincarnation of Perkunas. As a result, the worship of Perkunas is the main orthodox state religion of Lithuania.
- The Cult of Dawn (Aušra): The Cult of Dawn was a cult that worshiped the destructive power of the Atomic Bombs that decimated the world. They came to worship a goddess named Aušrinė, who had the title of "Dawn-Bringer" and was associated with the Morning Star and the Wind. Aušrinė was believed to be the goddess who created the Sun, and who stands at the gates of paradise and lights the way for those going there. Aušrinė was tasked by Dievas to destroy the world when it became too wicked, and thus it is believe that she gave the power of nuclear bombs to humanity to destroy them.
- The Cult of Saulė: Saulė was the sun goddess, and her cult was the worship of the sun.
- The Cult of Bangpūtys: The Sea God who is extremely popular among Latvians and Livonians.
- The Cult of Kristus and Dvasia: Believed to be the avatars of Dievas, one used to walk on earth, and the other to communicate spiritually with his followers.
- The Cult of Giltinė: The worship of Death, the Death Cult was a common religion in the Post-War Baltic. Followers of Giltinė operate as bands of nomadic assassins, who kill as an act of worship of their goddess.
- The Cult of Gabija: Gabija was one of the daughters of Dievas and the goddess of Fire. She was also seen as the patron of machinery, and thus her followers became collectors and venerators of the machinery of old.
There are slightly more women in Lithuanian than men, with about 55% of the population being composed of women.
The people of the Baltic began to regress socially and culturally after the war, with Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Prussia, and Belarus being the main recipients of the nuclear fallout that was emanating out of Russia. The Baltic was plagued with nuclear winter and rising sea levels that were beyond apocalyptic.
The result was a very clannish and tribal society, where the extended family transitioned from irrelevant to central to society almost overnight. Lithuanians are extremely religious, though their religions have changed over time, with mainstream Christianity largely falling out of favor as "pagan" ideas started to become the norm.
Many Lithuanians are agricultural, with the soil of Lithuania only just starting to recover, and the necessity for farming to surviving. There is also a tradition of semi-nomadic warrior bands, mostly comprised of young men who wander the countryside taking what they need to survive, with their violent existence accepted by their rulers on the condition that they will rally to their master's call when he needs them.
Important States and Cities:
Dievomiestas - The New Capital city, founded by the first warlord in the heart of Lithuania
Vilnius - A major city in Lithuania
Riga - The most important city in the North
Knigsberg - The most important city in the West
Lithuania was one of the countries hit the hardest by World War 3. Being on the borders with Russia, the NATO alligned Lithuania was one of the first countries to face the brunt of a Russian invasion, with Vilnius being bombed almost immediately in the start of the war. Lithuania became one of the frontlines of the War, with the forces of NATO fighting against the forces of Russia in the Baltic. The Lithuanian population was devasted by the atrocities they faced at the hands of the occupying Russians, as well as the untold loss of life carried out by attempts to retake the small Baltic country from Russia.
Things only got worse as Russia began to take its brunt of nuclear bombing, with the fallout from the bombs being carried across Russia, to settle in the Baltic. The condition became so devastating that even the Russians had to withdraw from Lithuania, the area becoming a living hell that no one wanted to touch. The area was surrounded by an exclusion zone, essentially becoming cut off from the world forever.
Things only got worse as Russia began to take its brunt of nuclear bombing, with the fallout from the bombs being carried across Russia, to settle in the Baltic. The condition became so devastating that even the Russians had to withdraw from Lithuania, the area becoming a living hell that no one wanted to touch. The area was surrounded by an exclusion zone, essentially becoming cut off from the world forever.
At this point, the nations of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, and the Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia fell into complete chaos. All law was gone, and families began to band together for protection. The Baltic had effectively regressed back into the Dark Ages.
The Baltic peoples lived as nomads for the majority of this period, wandering back and forth to find the least polluted areas, as nuclear winter hung over them. Powerful tribes formed out of family clans, with the most powerful being the Lithuanians, the Latvians, the Curonians, the Livonians, the Samogitians, the Yotvingians, The Prussians, the Selonians, The Sambians, the Kalinians, and the Lubavians.
Tribal Warfare between Baltic peoples, as well as with the trapped Slavic and Finnic peoples who were in the area resulted in a very violent warrior society brewing in the background.
By this point in time, the Balts had reformed into a new society, with a new religion, new languages, and new ways of life.
The Baltic peoples lived as nomads for the majority of this period, wandering back and forth to find the least polluted areas, as nuclear winter hung over them. Powerful tribes formed out of family clans, with the most powerful being the Lithuanians, the Latvians, the Curonians, the Livonians, the Samogitians, the Yotvingians, The Prussians, the Selonians, The Sambians, the Kalinians, and the Lubavians.
Tribal Warfare between Baltic peoples, as well as with the trapped Slavic and Finnic peoples who were in the area resulted in a very violent warrior society brewing in the background.
By this point in time, the Balts had reformed into a new society, with a new religion, new languages, and new ways of life.
The Lithuanians were a powerful tribe but were in constant war with their southern neighbors, the Yotvingians. The Yotvingians organized constant raids against Lithuanian villages and camps. The leader of a Lithuanian subclan, the Nerisians, sought to organize a meeting with the Yotvingian Varveian clan. The Yotvingian war-chief, Skalvas, poisoned the mead that was consumed in the peace negotiations, allowing the Yotvingians to invade Nerisian territory with little effort. The son of the Nerisian leader, Valdemaras, was forced to go into exile with his mother and sister, as the remaining Nerisians abandoned them when his father died. Later, Valdemaras would be enslaved by Latvian raiders, though he did manage to escape back to Lithuanian lands, where he found favor with the Zemelian clan-leader Titas, who was around his age. The two formed a close friendship, and Valdemaras would go on to marry a woman from another Lithuanian Tribe, Aušra.
Aušra was later kidnapped by a Yotvingian warlord, and Valdemaras and Titas set out to get her back. In the battle, they managed to not only get back Aušra, but the lands of the Nerisians.
Later, after the birth of his son Laurynas, Valdemaras was struck by lightning and began to have bizarre visions about his future and the greatness that the Lithuanians would have. At some point later, Valdemaras and Titas lead a joint invasion of Yotvingia, with Valdemaras gaining strong favor with the warriors of Lithuania and even the men of Yotvingia. With Titas' death in the invasion, Valdemaras decided to continue his conquests, and later took on the Latvians, conquering them whole, and proclaiming himself to be the reincarnation of Perkunas.
Valdemaras later conquered the Western Balts and the Ruska, a Slavic tribe descended from the Russians of Kaliningrad. His final solidification of power, however, would be his invasion and conquests of Belarus and Estonia.
Aušra was later kidnapped by a Yotvingian warlord, and Valdemaras and Titas set out to get her back. In the battle, they managed to not only get back Aušra, but the lands of the Nerisians.
Later, after the birth of his son Laurynas, Valdemaras was struck by lightning and began to have bizarre visions about his future and the greatness that the Lithuanians would have. At some point later, Valdemaras and Titas lead a joint invasion of Yotvingia, with Valdemaras gaining strong favor with the warriors of Lithuania and even the men of Yotvingia. With Titas' death in the invasion, Valdemaras decided to continue his conquests, and later took on the Latvians, conquering them whole, and proclaiming himself to be the reincarnation of Perkunas.
Valdemaras later conquered the Western Balts and the Ruska, a Slavic tribe descended from the Russians of Kaliningrad. His final solidification of power, however, would be his invasion and conquests of Belarus and Estonia.
Valdemaras died an untimely death, and was succeeded by his son, Laurynas, who later took on the Regnal name of Mindaugas, and set out to make Lithuania a strong nation. Mindaugas conquered lands in Poland, and sent Lithuanian raiders on excursions deep into Europe, and south, even reaching the Caucasus Mountains. Tales would be told of the "Black Flags from the east, of heathens coming to pillage, burn and rape across Europe." Lithuanians became a feared force as they descended like a dark army across the land.
Kingdom of Britannia
"The greatest service to others."

Unitary technocratic semi-constitutional monarchy
The Monarch is both the head of state and head of government, responsible for the executive branch of governance. Both the Commander-in-Chief and King/Queen of the Kingdom of Britannia. While having exercised once absolute authority during the Days of Rebirth, most of the legislative power has been delegated to the House of Intellectuals. The Monarch is still responsible for signing new laws into motion, vetoing existing laws, declaring war, in-charge of foreign and national affairs.
The House is responsible for the writing of new laws and policies into power. Compared to the olden days of democracy - the House has only a hundred elected members, with ninety of them belonging to the Ministries and the other ten up for popular choice.
When the House of Intellectuals was made official, the Lower Chamber of Debate took over the function as an advisory to the Monarch. Most people part of this are chosen on a random basis from a predetermined source of requests. They are a mostly non-governmental function, that is easily accessible to the common folk.
The Chamber of Assembly houses most of the Ministry that are responsible for the administrative oversight of the Kingdom. Most people here get elected on a Ministry Box - as they get elected directly into the Ministry of their choice. As most Ministries operate a certain branch of administration - most require a decent degree and education in such a field. The only Ministry with looser ties is the Ministry of Education.
Currently there are ten Ministries in the Kingdom of Britannia:
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Resources and Extraction
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Energy
Ministry of Engineering
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Labor
Ministry of Infrastructure
Ministry of Science and Research
Currently there are ten Ministries in the Kingdom of Britannia:
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Resources and Extraction
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Energy
Ministry of Engineering
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Labor
Ministry of Infrastructure
Ministry of Science and Research

65% Agnostic
25% Folk religion/Protestant mixed religion
10% Irish-Catholic
25% Folk religion/Protestant mixed religion
10% Irish-Catholic
77% Euro-White (Majority)
23% Mixed (Euro-Asian)
23% Mixed (Euro-Asian)
The current Kingdom is a mix of old British, Irish and Celtic Revivalism. By this point in history, it's almost impossible to tell the difference between the three - in art, language or music - with most labeled under the same category.
In Britannian' society, people are both hard-working, highly-educated and cultured, a mixture that makes them be both a bit xenophobic and elitist towards outsiders. They are a country who has both a very rich and long history of art, music and media, yet whom also sees nothing wrong with state-controlled euthanasia and eugenics, where intelligence is a determination for civil, voting and economic rights.
In Britannian' society, people are both hard-working, highly-educated and cultured, a mixture that makes them be both a bit xenophobic and elitist towards outsiders. They are a country who has both a very rich and long history of art, music and media, yet whom also sees nothing wrong with state-controlled euthanasia and eugenics, where intelligence is a determination for civil, voting and economic rights.
Saxonia; District
Icelandia; District
Britanny; Region
Gronland; Region
Norga; Region
New Edinburgh; Capital
Bergen; Military Outpost
Rennes; Minor City
Rejkav; Major City
Icelandia; District
Britanny; Region
Gronland; Region
Norga; Region
New Edinburgh; Capital
Bergen; Military Outpost
Rennes; Minor City
Rejkav; Major City
When World War Three was unleashed, nobody expected it. Nobody in MI6, the CIA, NATO or likely even the GRU could have predicted it - nor of the wide-spread destruction unleashed. Despite the numerous preparations set in place during and after the Cold War - the United Kingdom wasn't spared nuclear destruction. The missile defense network around the British Isles managed to destroy some - yet Russian warheads got passed and destroyed the House of Parliament. While numerous officials were in the middle of talks about trying to stop the escalating crisis.
Smaller tactical warheads also struck the regional parliament in Ireland, Wales and Scotland. In one swoop, most of the British leadership was killed off. Although, such an act had been prepared for - namely in the form of the Cromwell Protocol.
The Cromwell Protocol had been signed into law during the darker days of the Second World War - when fear of Nazi bombing and invasion, set into motion a secret law that would be utilized to allow England to maintain a position of leadership and authority, in case most of Parliament and any successor were killed off. The Cromwell Protocol had been renewed and had added authority, included within the Protocol during the days of the Cold War.
While after the Collapse of the USSR, the Cromwell Protocol was retired - yet in the rising tension of the 21st Century, it was renewed for another two decades. The motion of the Cromwell Protocol had been up for renewal in 2020 - although, two years before that everything changed.
With most of Parliament and some of the Royal Family dead - the Cromwell Protocol went into motion, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge - was granted de-facto control over the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branch of the Government and had de-facto authority of the British Armed Forces. Although by that point, he was the ONLY legal authority remaining.
A cry for assistance to the British Isles was given to all ships flying under the flag of the United Kingdom. While the British Army was deployed to help in maintaining order. Namely the Crown had the plan into evacuating as many people as they could to the various surviving Commonwealth nations. While the initial plan had been to evacuate people in way of the fallout - it soon became evident, that nuclear exchange had happened across the entire world. Thus only a fraction of British society could be saved - while the rest would be left behind.
While most of the Royal Family was prepared to flee and abolish the British Monarchy - a few handful of them were willing to stay and brave the storm. Namely they'd stay and not run away - as was their duty as Royalty: to lead when all hope was lost and people looked to them for guidance. Those whom stayed, rallied around the leadership of the young Mary Windsor - 77th in-line, yet now Queen of England.
Her rule could be considered both brutal, bloody yet necessary. With fallout killing both people and crops, chaos breaking out, separtism and sectarian violence on the rise, the entire British Isles needed to be pulled under the authority of the Crown - to even survive a day. Thus Executive Order 47 was given to all Royal Armed Forces.
Queen Mary allowed most people who wanted, a last chance of escaping England - yet stated, that anybody staying would follow the order of the Crown. Those who would deny this declaration would be purged out with utmost efficiency. Once the deadline fell, anybody resisting was put down with the harshest and swiftest brutality.
Anybody engaging in resistance, be it religious, racial, political, economic or social - were eliminated. Their leaders captured, tortured and killed. While the resisting territories were bombed with naval cannons or artillery fire. The brutal campaign to re-unite the scattered cities, purge the rebels and save as much infrastructure and resources as possible took nearly forty years. The situation further hampered with rising sea levels that started swallowing up more and more of the British mainland.
With Ireland falling into the sea and into chaos, Mary III also had the Royal Armed Forces sweep across Ireland and secure it under British control. By the end of 2058, what was called the Days of Iron had come to an end - as much of newly formed British Archipelago came to rest in the hands of the English Crown.
Mary the III, wouldn't live beyond her sixties, as once the last rebel holdout had been destroyed - she abdicated in favor of her son, before she commited suicide via gun.
Smaller tactical warheads also struck the regional parliament in Ireland, Wales and Scotland. In one swoop, most of the British leadership was killed off. Although, such an act had been prepared for - namely in the form of the Cromwell Protocol.
The Cromwell Protocol had been signed into law during the darker days of the Second World War - when fear of Nazi bombing and invasion, set into motion a secret law that would be utilized to allow England to maintain a position of leadership and authority, in case most of Parliament and any successor were killed off. The Cromwell Protocol had been renewed and had added authority, included within the Protocol during the days of the Cold War.
While after the Collapse of the USSR, the Cromwell Protocol was retired - yet in the rising tension of the 21st Century, it was renewed for another two decades. The motion of the Cromwell Protocol had been up for renewal in 2020 - although, two years before that everything changed.
With most of Parliament and some of the Royal Family dead - the Cromwell Protocol went into motion, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge - was granted de-facto control over the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branch of the Government and had de-facto authority of the British Armed Forces. Although by that point, he was the ONLY legal authority remaining.
A cry for assistance to the British Isles was given to all ships flying under the flag of the United Kingdom. While the British Army was deployed to help in maintaining order. Namely the Crown had the plan into evacuating as many people as they could to the various surviving Commonwealth nations. While the initial plan had been to evacuate people in way of the fallout - it soon became evident, that nuclear exchange had happened across the entire world. Thus only a fraction of British society could be saved - while the rest would be left behind.
While most of the Royal Family was prepared to flee and abolish the British Monarchy - a few handful of them were willing to stay and brave the storm. Namely they'd stay and not run away - as was their duty as Royalty: to lead when all hope was lost and people looked to them for guidance. Those whom stayed, rallied around the leadership of the young Mary Windsor - 77th in-line, yet now Queen of England.
Her rule could be considered both brutal, bloody yet necessary. With fallout killing both people and crops, chaos breaking out, separtism and sectarian violence on the rise, the entire British Isles needed to be pulled under the authority of the Crown - to even survive a day. Thus Executive Order 47 was given to all Royal Armed Forces.
Queen Mary allowed most people who wanted, a last chance of escaping England - yet stated, that anybody staying would follow the order of the Crown. Those who would deny this declaration would be purged out with utmost efficiency. Once the deadline fell, anybody resisting was put down with the harshest and swiftest brutality.
Anybody engaging in resistance, be it religious, racial, political, economic or social - were eliminated. Their leaders captured, tortured and killed. While the resisting territories were bombed with naval cannons or artillery fire. The brutal campaign to re-unite the scattered cities, purge the rebels and save as much infrastructure and resources as possible took nearly forty years. The situation further hampered with rising sea levels that started swallowing up more and more of the British mainland.
With Ireland falling into the sea and into chaos, Mary III also had the Royal Armed Forces sweep across Ireland and secure it under British control. By the end of 2058, what was called the Days of Iron had come to an end - as much of newly formed British Archipelago came to rest in the hands of the English Crown.
Mary the III, wouldn't live beyond her sixties, as once the last rebel holdout had been destroyed - she abdicated in favor of her son, before she commited suicide via gun.
After the acts of Mary the III, with all of the British Isles under the control of the Crown, the hardest challenges were ahead. Namely what would be called the Days of Hardship was two centuries of a Dark Age - as most people would only understand the notion of working, brutal cold, and the iron-boot of the Crown. While harsh, the people of the slowly developing nation of Britannia were saved the pains of famine and radiation poisoning.
While the Crown exercised absolute authority over everything, many had advisory from the surviving Intelligent Community - giving rise to a technocratic faction during the early days of Britannia. As genetically-modified fish and eatable seaweed was cultivated within the newly formed rivers - while what land remained was planted with cold-hardened crops. A heavily regulated society was also created in those years. Genetic engineering, eugenics, population control and euthanasia was widely utilized - the notion, becoming that any waste of resources without future gain, sadly couldn't be afforded. Thus the policy of eliminating the mentally and physically ill became a part of Britannian policy until genetic engineering eliminated most such issues during the 2200s.
Education became widely available and mandatory to attend - as Britannia lacked raw resources, they had to squeeze out the most of every asset they had - the only thing in abundance was people. More and more complex systems and machinery were established. Recycling became a mandatory hobby, the notion of blind ignorance became anathema as the ultimate insult to being human. While the notion of democracy started gaining traction once more, it was quickly squashed by both the Crown and the intellectual elite before it gained any major support. Namely both factions favored more of a technocratic state - build upon by the notions of logic and reason - instead of the ignorance of the mass, demagoguery and subversion of the rule of law.
In 2260, the House of Intellectuals was established, as an advisory body to the ruling Monarch. While regional leaders were allowed to be elected from the educated elite by their peers.
While the Crown exercised absolute authority over everything, many had advisory from the surviving Intelligent Community - giving rise to a technocratic faction during the early days of Britannia. As genetically-modified fish and eatable seaweed was cultivated within the newly formed rivers - while what land remained was planted with cold-hardened crops. A heavily regulated society was also created in those years. Genetic engineering, eugenics, population control and euthanasia was widely utilized - the notion, becoming that any waste of resources without future gain, sadly couldn't be afforded. Thus the policy of eliminating the mentally and physically ill became a part of Britannian policy until genetic engineering eliminated most such issues during the 2200s.
Education became widely available and mandatory to attend - as Britannia lacked raw resources, they had to squeeze out the most of every asset they had - the only thing in abundance was people. More and more complex systems and machinery were established. Recycling became a mandatory hobby, the notion of blind ignorance became anathema as the ultimate insult to being human. While the notion of democracy started gaining traction once more, it was quickly squashed by both the Crown and the intellectual elite before it gained any major support. Namely both factions favored more of a technocratic state - build upon by the notions of logic and reason - instead of the ignorance of the mass, demagoguery and subversion of the rule of law.
In 2260, the House of Intellectuals was established, as an advisory body to the ruling Monarch. While regional leaders were allowed to be elected from the educated elite by their peers.
The Days of Expansion was what followed, as radiation levels dropped to more safe levels and the biting cold became less and less harsher - allowing Britannia to re-establish trade with other sovereign regions of the world on a more regular basis. It was around this time, that the Britannian naval power started to be rebuild - under Richard the Fifth, whom wanted to restore to restore the Glory of the Ancient Times. Under his rule, the Crown of Britannia also looked to expand its territory. It sent forces to unify with Britanny, who had both survived the rising sea and resulting chaos and conquer what remained of once Northern France.
Expeditions were also sent into the Icy North to secure both supplies of fresh water from Greenland and also the fertile lands of Iceland - after most of the inhabitants had regressed into tribal societies after the Third World War. This allowed the Kingdom of Britannia both to grow, expand and restore the Royal Navy to old heights - as Global Warming allowed Britannia to access the rich regions of the Artic Circle for both mineral and oil resources.
During those times, they also started to come into contact with other surviving nations - namely those that had reverted to piracy and savagery to survive. The Royal Armed Forces of Britannia fought for several decades against the Neo-Scandivan Pirates, whom utilized hit and run tactics on undefended coastal regions - until many of their ships and bases were torched or captured by the Royal Marines under the aegis of the iron-might of the Royal Navy. As well as, the former pirate port of Bergen was seized by Britannia and also the region around it, renamed Norga.
Expeditions were also sent into the Icy North to secure both supplies of fresh water from Greenland and also the fertile lands of Iceland - after most of the inhabitants had regressed into tribal societies after the Third World War. This allowed the Kingdom of Britannia both to grow, expand and restore the Royal Navy to old heights - as Global Warming allowed Britannia to access the rich regions of the Artic Circle for both mineral and oil resources.
During those times, they also started to come into contact with other surviving nations - namely those that had reverted to piracy and savagery to survive. The Royal Armed Forces of Britannia fought for several decades against the Neo-Scandivan Pirates, whom utilized hit and run tactics on undefended coastal regions - until many of their ships and bases were torched or captured by the Royal Marines under the aegis of the iron-might of the Royal Navy. As well as, the former pirate port of Bergen was seized by Britannia and also the region around it, renamed Norga.
As Britannia gained power, so too did the power of its people prosper. Resources were once again flowing into the Archipelago, allowing some of the more heavy-handed policies to be relaxed or even completely removed. It was around this time, that Britannia started to slowly move from an absolutist monarchy to a more mix of both monarchic and technocratic elements.
Under Elizabeth the Fourth, several bold ideas were put into motion - establishing a self-sufficient state of existence, breakthrough into genetic engineering of the human body and project of a nation build around the ideals of progress, logic and harmony.
By the time of Queen Mary the Wise - the Kingdom of Britannia had established some notions of success. As most people worked to the best of their abilities on a four day-four hour basis - allowing society to be both efficient, precise and with the people a fair notion of success.
It was during the early years of Mary X, that the House of Intellectuals was established as the official Legislature of the Kingdom - similar in a way to the old House of Parlament. While the Monarchy retained executive power and control.
Under Elizabeth the Fourth, several bold ideas were put into motion - establishing a self-sufficient state of existence, breakthrough into genetic engineering of the human body and project of a nation build around the ideals of progress, logic and harmony.
By the time of Queen Mary the Wise - the Kingdom of Britannia had established some notions of success. As most people worked to the best of their abilities on a four day-four hour basis - allowing society to be both efficient, precise and with the people a fair notion of success.
It was during the early years of Mary X, that the House of Intellectuals was established as the official Legislature of the Kingdom - similar in a way to the old House of Parlament. While the Monarchy retained executive power and control.
"Kill millions without remorse, and your a monster. Kill millions with justification, and your a tyrant. Kill millions with regret, and your a ruler."

"Our ancestors once dominated the land and sea. Allowing these filth to continue, is not only illogical but also an unforgivable insult against our people."

"It is time, we regained our planet, our land, our own body from the weakness of the mind."

"The wisest Monarch, knows when to listen, when to speak and when to act."
Empire of Quebec

Political Environment and Government Type:
The Empire of Quebec is an absolute monarchy ruled by their imperial dynasty. The Emperor has complete power over the government of Quebec. He appoints his own family members or close friends to be dukes or mayors of regions or cities throughout his Empire. The ruling dynasty of Quebec is the Trudeau dynasty, a group that claims to be direct descendants from the same family as the Trudeau line that produced 2 Prime Minister's of Canada before the apocalypse.
Location On Map:
Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Southwest Greenland
Quebecois (Descendants of the people of Quebec Pre-Apocalypse), Anglo-Quebecois (Anglo descendants, both American and Canadian, who've adapted to Quebec's culture and speak French), Canadiens (Anglo-Descendants from Canadians who've not completely assimilated), Americans (Anglo-Descendants from Americans who've not completely assimilated), African-Americans/African-Canadians, Asian-Canadians.
Quebec's Catholic church still holds some power in the Empire, even without a major direct line to Europe. Multiple Protestant sects do exist throughout the Empire though, mainly in the former territories of what used to be the United States. Religious conflict between the two different Christian ideas isn't common in the Empire though, as the Royal Family doesn't look upon Religion as the largest issue at hand. Catholicism in Quebec has evolved from it's form Pre-Apocalypse though, forming into what is called simply "French Catholicism", with the major difference being the recognition of many Saints throughout France's and Quebec's history.
Going further than the recognition of New Saints are multiple cults throughout the Empire that treat many figures throughout history as Gods. These cults have created pantheons similar to that of Ancient Rome and Greece made up of Gods who are either inspired from figures in history or created for the Pantheon. The difference between these varying cults in the Empire are which Gods they look upon as the head of the Pantheon. The largest of these cults are most likely Trudeauists, a group that look at Justin Trudeau and Pierre Trudeau as Gods that existed on Earth to lead Canada on the right path earlier in history. These cults still are far behind the Christian populace in population though.
The culture of the Empire is similar to that of Quebec Pre-Apocalypse, with French spoken as the main language. You still find pockets and cities that are distinctively Anglo-American or Anglo-Canadian in culture with English spoken as the main language though.
Important Cities:
Quebec City – Capital of the Empire
Montreal (Quebec)
Augusta (Maine)
Montpelier (Vermont)
Concord (New Hampshire)
Burlington (Vermont)
St. John's (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Fredericton (New Brunswick)
Nuuk (Southwest Greenland)
Phase 1: Collapse 2018-2250
Canada, and mainly Quebec, were not left unaffected by the bombs that destroyed so much of the world around them. While none of Quebec was directly hit itself, the radiation from the destruction of Toronto and the fall of so many American border cities spread to territory in Quebec and some of the surrounding provinces. In benefit of Quebec's surviving populace, they wouldn't see the loss of much of their territory to the rising tide.
The fall of Canada's government completely in 2020 would begin the chaos of the next century and a half. The nation would devolve into complete insanity, with surviving territories becoming independent settlements that would fight with each other in attempts to stay alive during the collapse of society around them.
Major cities, such as Quebec City, would stay mostly intact though, with majority of the loss of life coming from the plague that ended in 2045. By 2076, many of the cities surrounding areas would be colonized by the rulers of Quebec City in an attempt to try and salvage what was left of the region.
Quebec City, now simply just named Quebec with it's growth, would remain peaceful for majority of the Chaos period, not seeking war with the surrounding cities. Expansion ceased in 2099 when they would hit a wall with many surrounding cities owning the territories around Quebec.
Quebec's first war for expansion began in 2120, seeing this idea of recounqeirng the rest of Quebec as their God-Given right. By 2135, much of what was South Quebec pre-apocalypse would be ruled under the hand of Quebec's government.
In 2150, a coup, led by a general claiming to be a descendant of Justin Trudeau, would take control of Quebec's government. He would declare himself Emperor of Quebec and create the Empire that now rules the territory today. Under his rule, which would last until 2178, Quebec would reclaim majority of what was Quebec before the bombs dropped.
Canada, and mainly Quebec, were not left unaffected by the bombs that destroyed so much of the world around them. While none of Quebec was directly hit itself, the radiation from the destruction of Toronto and the fall of so many American border cities spread to territory in Quebec and some of the surrounding provinces. In benefit of Quebec's surviving populace, they wouldn't see the loss of much of their territory to the rising tide.
The fall of Canada's government completely in 2020 would begin the chaos of the next century and a half. The nation would devolve into complete insanity, with surviving territories becoming independent settlements that would fight with each other in attempts to stay alive during the collapse of society around them.
Major cities, such as Quebec City, would stay mostly intact though, with majority of the loss of life coming from the plague that ended in 2045. By 2076, many of the cities surrounding areas would be colonized by the rulers of Quebec City in an attempt to try and salvage what was left of the region.
Quebec City, now simply just named Quebec with it's growth, would remain peaceful for majority of the Chaos period, not seeking war with the surrounding cities. Expansion ceased in 2099 when they would hit a wall with many surrounding cities owning the territories around Quebec.
Quebec's first war for expansion began in 2120, seeing this idea of recounqeirng the rest of Quebec as their God-Given right. By 2135, much of what was South Quebec pre-apocalypse would be ruled under the hand of Quebec's government.
In 2150, a coup, led by a general claiming to be a descendant of Justin Trudeau, would take control of Quebec's government. He would declare himself Emperor of Quebec and create the Empire that now rules the territory today. Under his rule, which would last until 2178, Quebec would reclaim majority of what was Quebec before the bombs dropped.
The death of the first Trudeau ruler in over a century would produce a great period of sadness for the people of Quebec, but this sadness wouldn't lead to an era of depression. The ascension of his son to the throne of Quebec would see a more peaceful rule, not involving much conquest, but one that would see the creation of a more centralized Empire ruled completely by the Trudeau Dynasty.
His death in 2202 would see a new era of conquest and the fall of many surrounding territories to Quebec, along with the complete reclamation of Quebec that was apart of Canada. His rule would also see the start of what would eventually become the Trudeauist cult that makes up small pockets of Quebec. The major event of his rule would be the conquest of Newfoundland/Labrador, seeing the first conquest of a Non-Quebec State by the Empire.
The death of this great ruler in 2231 would see the ascension of arguably the most important Emperor in Quebec's history, Pierre the Great. A man who would see the conquest of a former American territory in Vermont, and the colonization of Southwest Greenland. His rule would be most known for the creation of the Royal Palace in Quebec City, a monument to his family and their rule that still stands in 2430.
Following the rule of Pierre, Quebec would mainly begin to focus on staying put with their current territory, with the only major conquests done post-Pierre being the conquest of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. The unbroken line of Trudeau rulers would continue up until present day.
The most recent conquest made by Quebec would be in 2401, overseen by the current Emperor's father, it would be the conquest of multiple former American territories in both Maine and New Hampshire. The current ruler of Quebec is Louis III, a 21 year old who succeeded his father in 2428.
His death in 2202 would see a new era of conquest and the fall of many surrounding territories to Quebec, along with the complete reclamation of Quebec that was apart of Canada. His rule would also see the start of what would eventually become the Trudeauist cult that makes up small pockets of Quebec. The major event of his rule would be the conquest of Newfoundland/Labrador, seeing the first conquest of a Non-Quebec State by the Empire.
The death of this great ruler in 2231 would see the ascension of arguably the most important Emperor in Quebec's history, Pierre the Great. A man who would see the conquest of a former American territory in Vermont, and the colonization of Southwest Greenland. His rule would be most known for the creation of the Royal Palace in Quebec City, a monument to his family and their rule that still stands in 2430.
Following the rule of Pierre, Quebec would mainly begin to focus on staying put with their current territory, with the only major conquests done post-Pierre being the conquest of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. The unbroken line of Trudeau rulers would continue up until present day.
The most recent conquest made by Quebec would be in 2401, overseen by the current Emperor's father, it would be the conquest of multiple former American territories in both Maine and New Hampshire. The current ruler of Quebec is Louis III, a 21 year old who succeeded his father in 2428.
Nation Name: The Free United Nations (TFUN)
Flag/Banner(s): None, yet. Ths is the last thing I feel like I need to do. It'll get done, but it's half past 2 here. I want to sleep.
Political Environment and Government Type: I'm going to put this in hider dot point things to organise my thoughts a little more.
Location On Map:

Demographics (Racial):
TFUN is a melting pot of different ethnicities. This is a breakdown only of the most common:
Cultural/Social/info in general.
Culture changes significantly as you change city/region.
Important States and Cities:
History: (Start of the first year listed to the end of the second.)
Flag/Banner(s): None, yet. Ths is the last thing I feel like I need to do. It'll get done, but it's half past 2 here. I want to sleep.
Political Environment and Government Type: I'm going to put this in hider dot point things to organise my thoughts a little more.
The cities used to be separate nations, but were recently unified by Warlord Seme IV under The Free Uniting Pact. Now they're still considered states in the nation of The Free United Nations. There are no hard rules, except those in TFUP. Everything else is held together by a judgement system explained further below.
The cities have a 'friendly rivalry' type of thing going on. Warring between themselves is not prohibited, but they must do it in good spirit/sport or accept that Jajeme could tell them to resolve it nonviolently if it is weakening TFUN more than a little. War between cities is often encouraged, as it allows for practice. Each city has a certain personality and role, which are explained in more depth below.
Despite all of this, the cities always help each other against or with outside forces. The Warlords are always happy to meet in Jajeme to feast, or whore, or drink. Not that any of those are exclusive of one another. This is because all conflicts the Warlords hold outside of Jajeme must be forgotten, for fear of murder.
The Warlords try to do well by their people for this same reason. More details under 'Warlords'.
Regarding extra-TFUN forces, they decide what to do based on disposition, TFUN gain, personal gain, and personal values. Ie. If a nation is willing to be allies, TFUN will happily trade and defend, until it becomes harmful towards the wellbeing of TFUN. Personal value placed on loyalty is a very minor consideration.
The cities have a 'friendly rivalry' type of thing going on. Warring between themselves is not prohibited, but they must do it in good spirit/sport or accept that Jajeme could tell them to resolve it nonviolently if it is weakening TFUN more than a little. War between cities is often encouraged, as it allows for practice. Each city has a certain personality and role, which are explained in more depth below.
Despite all of this, the cities always help each other against or with outside forces. The Warlords are always happy to meet in Jajeme to feast, or whore, or drink. Not that any of those are exclusive of one another. This is because all conflicts the Warlords hold outside of Jajeme must be forgotten, for fear of murder.
The Warlords try to do well by their people for this same reason. More details under 'Warlords'.
Regarding extra-TFUN forces, they decide what to do based on disposition, TFUN gain, personal gain, and personal values. Ie. If a nation is willing to be allies, TFUN will happily trade and defend, until it becomes harmful towards the wellbeing of TFUN. Personal value placed on loyalty is a very minor consideration.
Warlords act as rulers over their individual cities. They are bound by The Free Uniting Pact (TFUP) to enforce very few laws in their city. By custom, if a Warlord is killed, their killer takes rule. This is unlikely if the Warlord is well liked, which they'd better be for fear of assassination. If a Warlord is not killed and dies of sickness or age, the first person to assume the mark of power for that city becomes the new Warlord (this can be a throne, a staff, a crown, shit like that). This usually has a ritual before it, involving competition with other candidates, but there's nothing apart from stigma to stop someone forgoing this ritual. When someone becomes a Warlord they discard their old name, taking on the name of the city.
So basically justice is fit to be served by any three people not involved in the perceived wrongdoing. If these five people disagree they will have to make the vote unanimous in any way they see fit (debate, murder, threat) Justice is complicated. The large majority of the people follow a loose moral code, generally something along the lines of "Everything is appropriate at different times.". Apart from this strange cultural habit, there is no formal justice system.
This is the only city protected from the inside by TFUP. If anyone within TFUN attacks Jajeme, they will face the wrath of all the other cities. The Warlord of Jajeme doesn't follow normal rules either. The Warlord has several students he has chosen, usually about 5. These students take it in turns to run certain aspects of the city so the Warlord can evaluate them. When the Warlord dies any way the students appeal to the Warlords of the other capitals, who must make a unanimous vote on a student (again, by any means.). The Warlord of Jajeme ensures the safety of TFUN as a whole, and enforces the rules put in place by TFUP.
The rules enforced by TFUP are as follows:
- It is our responsibility to punish any Warlord who neglects his responsibilities.
- It is our responsibility to defend Jajeme.
- It is our responsibility to forget conflict if Jajeme asks, until Jajeme sees fit to resume the conflict.
- It is our responsibility to defend cities of TFUN from outside forces.
- It is a Warlord's responsibility to only control one capital at once.
- It is a Warlord's responsibility to enforce a minimum of rules in their city.
- It is a citizen's responsibility to dethrone an unworthy Warlord.
Location On Map:

Demographics (Racial):
TFUN is a melting pot of different ethnicities. This is a breakdown only of the most common:
- East African (28%)
- Arabic (22%)
- Eastern European (15%)
- Central African (12%)
- West Asian (14%)
- Other (9%)
Cultural/Social/info in general.
Culture changes significantly as you change city/region.
The culture surrounding Jajeme is a peaceful one. At least as peaceful as it gets within TFUN. Jajemites tend to have inflated egos, and consider themselves more entitled than others. Then again, they've not needed to live in fear.
Seme culture is best described as condescending. They tend to see themselves as the superior city within TFUN because they've been around longest. When it comes to interacting with nations outside TFUN, they become self-conscious. Wanting to flaunt wealth and power to prove themselves.
Jajanhart culture is aggressively progressive. They're always looking to advance their knowledge and technology. They also tend to be straight up aggressive when confronted. If some city withholds goods, they will be warned, then attacked. There's also an element of pride surrounding their landborne army.
Eljawheran culture is supportive. A leader is considered good if they're in a place to help others at little expense, or even gain, to the city. Passive manipulation is the game.
Sevre culture appreciates the working class. Oxymoronically, they're almost the nobles of Sevre. The harder you work, the more you are respected.
Religion is quite diverse here. In general there are 6 main religions, listed and explained below. Due to hundreds of years passing and cultural mingling these religions are quite different to those around today.
(nol-ZEE-veh) Worship life in all forms. An Omnitheist religion that believes life is one entity with many facets. Life is all powerful, and the highest priority for followers of Nolzive. Capital punishment is thoroughly wrong, even if the perpetrator had committed murder. This religion demands total pacifism, and as such is quite unpopular among the anarchists of TFUN. About 4% of the population.
Yeah, I know it's a philosophical position and not a religion. I thought I'd put it here as a majority of the population fall under this, and Existentialism rejects gods for the most part. Google what it is if you don't know, it's mostly the same here. About 47% of the population
Rather than naming the innumerable versions of this present, I'll lump them under this. Generally follows a moral code along the lines of 'Be a good person by following. Take comfort in faith and knowledge of the afterlife.'. About 9% of the population.
A strange and mingled version of Monotheism. This is the religion of the refugees who fled north. It teaches that it is holy to be a part of a larger group(s), and contribute to it's survival. Aiding those in your group is the main consideration of this religion, and the more you aid the higher you go in heaven. It teaches that everyone goes to heaven, and that no hell exists. But there are different levels of heaven, the lowest being a void of infinite nothing, and the highest being a space for you and your group to do as you please. Acting selfishly or cowardly reduces your merits, and acting altruistically increases them. about 9% of the population.
A polytheistic religion that mainly advocates acceptance. It is a religion that accepts the notion that all gods can coexist, and each is equally valid as another. Those who are religious are most likely to fall under this religion. I guess you could say it's the cultural parallel to casual Christianity. About 20% of the population.
(hi-WOO-an) A religion that worships Haiweuh (hi-WOO), the god of Chaos. Followers of this religion believe that luck is the most desirable and holy attribute. They also believe that Good Luck is a gift from Haiweuh, as a reward for doing extraordinary things. Their morals are very odd. They believe that magnitude and predictability is a direct measure of morality. The less predictable, and the larger the magnitude, the more good it is. When something becomes utterly predictable, and/or when something is tediously subtle is when it becomes wrong. As such it is rather simple. About 11% of the population.
Important States and Cities:
The capital of TFUN, and founded as the free uniting pact was formed. A city large enough to be a state itself. Centerpoint of all other TFUN cities. No special trade or wealth, as a central location was prioritised over a wealthy one. Finished being built on 2400, started in 2373.
Originally a mining encampment controlled by Jajanhart, it was declared independent after TFUP was founded. Owns farms and mines all along the Nile, and produces a wealth of food. Trades in Petroleum, Iron, Tungsten, Precious Gems, and Sulphite.
The gateway to the east, Eljawhera is a very diverse city. The center of trade with the east, if trade is occurring. Anything that wants to get to TFUN's core by sea has to get past Eljawhera and Jajanhart. Has a broad spread of semi-valuable resources rather than a wealth in anything in particular. This includes, but is not limited to; Orange-spectrum dyes (from Chromium), Petroleum, and Copper. Has a fairly strong navy.
Easily one of the more wealthy cities in TFUN. Jajanhart benefits heavily from resources which were untapped before the war. The more valuable of these include; Iron, Tin and copper (by extension, bronze), and salt. They developed advanced blacksmithing, and military tactics fairly early on. Has a very strong ground army.
(Pronounced SH-ehm) Is a largely agricultural city due to the minerals found in the soil. However, as the main defense against the North it still holds an army comparable in size to Jajanhart. Center of trade for eastern and southern Europe. It also holds decent quantities of Gold, Silver, Iron, and due to sulphur deposits, has recently rediscovered basic guns and gunpwder.
History: (Start of the first year listed to the end of the second.)
The Arabian Plateau was too close to Syria. It was hit with extreme nuclear fallout, and a large crater near it's north. After this, an extreme amount of once-citizens sought asylum in central/southern Africa, which wasn't a huge target. Only a few thousand made it through, however. Non nuclear bombs were falling all over the horn of Africa, making it extremely dangerous to pass through, and radically changing the landscape.
Those who couldn't make it into Africa tried to go northeast. Many died from hunger, and many more from fallout. Only a small number made it through. The refugees who fled both ways attempted to keep their culture alive, but through the ages change had a word or two to say about that.
The separate groups of refugees split into subgroups, and eventually went separate ways.
Their once-home was never forgotten, though. One day they'd have it back.
Those who couldn't make it into Africa tried to go northeast. Many died from hunger, and many more from fallout. Only a small number made it through. The refugees who fled both ways attempted to keep their culture alive, but through the ages change had a word or two to say about that.
The separate groups of refugees split into subgroups, and eventually went separate ways.
Their once-home was never forgotten, though. One day they'd have it back.
Through the years a few groups tried to go back, but ultimately met their end by the hand of radiation or undetonated warheads. In 2038 Seme was settled, and to the great surprise of others, useful resources and farm-able land were discovered there. Word leaked, and Seme attracted the attention of the refugee groups who fled so long ago. For just a few years everyone was only happy to be back...
After this 'grace period' people started fighting over power, siting pure descent, resource control, previous experience, and wealth as their reasons for deserving more. Eventually resource control won out, and the first Warlord took power. She renamed herself after her fine city as a means of gloating, and banished her rivals. This shattered the budding nation of Seme, and with the powers growing in the north, they could only go south.
Power was found in two other resource rich locations, which were dubbed Eljawhera, and Jajanhart. Each city rose to gain significant power through different means.
Eljawhera used wood gathered from nearby forests to craft boats. This led to an 'advanced' navy, and an immense boom in the trade of salt, Dyes, and Petroleum. They developed a keen trade sense, and are almost always able to gain the upper hand in a trade.
Jajanhart recovered ancient information on metallurgy, and was able to create bronze and steel surprisingly suddenly. This led to advancements in arms and armor, often based on pictures in ancient books. They truly took blacksmithing to a new level of advanced. They found rich deposits of gemstones in the southwest, and started mining there.
Meanwhile, Seme was all too aware of the rise of these two cities, which seemed almost too happy to work with each other. An attack was launched against Eljawhera. The outcome was disastrous for Seme, however. The army was sent down the east coast of the Red Sea, only to be met with a blockade set by Eljawhera. The blockade kited Seme's ships into the coast, forcing them to beach. Much to their dismay they were met here by the Jajanhart army, who forced their backs to the sea. It was rumored that the stink by that sea was great indeed.
Warring continued for many years, crippling each city. Jajanhart and Eljawhera eventually turned against each other. Basically, shit happens. People died, territory is gained, and I don't have enough time to write a simple descriptor of all the battles that happened.
After this 'grace period' people started fighting over power, siting pure descent, resource control, previous experience, and wealth as their reasons for deserving more. Eventually resource control won out, and the first Warlord took power. She renamed herself after her fine city as a means of gloating, and banished her rivals. This shattered the budding nation of Seme, and with the powers growing in the north, they could only go south.
Power was found in two other resource rich locations, which were dubbed Eljawhera, and Jajanhart. Each city rose to gain significant power through different means.
Eljawhera used wood gathered from nearby forests to craft boats. This led to an 'advanced' navy, and an immense boom in the trade of salt, Dyes, and Petroleum. They developed a keen trade sense, and are almost always able to gain the upper hand in a trade.
Jajanhart recovered ancient information on metallurgy, and was able to create bronze and steel surprisingly suddenly. This led to advancements in arms and armor, often based on pictures in ancient books. They truly took blacksmithing to a new level of advanced. They found rich deposits of gemstones in the southwest, and started mining there.
Meanwhile, Seme was all too aware of the rise of these two cities, which seemed almost too happy to work with each other. An attack was launched against Eljawhera. The outcome was disastrous for Seme, however. The army was sent down the east coast of the Red Sea, only to be met with a blockade set by Eljawhera. The blockade kited Seme's ships into the coast, forcing them to beach. Much to their dismay they were met here by the Jajanhart army, who forced their backs to the sea. It was rumored that the stink by that sea was great indeed.
Warring continued for many years, crippling each city. Jajanhart and Eljawhera eventually turned against each other. Basically, shit happens. People died, territory is gained, and I don't have enough time to write a simple descriptor of all the battles that happened.
After far too long warring, these nations were slowly realising that they could very well see a repeat of past events. Seme sent a peaceful messenger to Eljawhera for the first time. Niceties and gifts were exchanged in a solemn shame, both seeing the horrors of war. Jajanhart was harder to convince, but it eventually calmed.
The Free Uniting Pact was formed, the Sevre region mines were declared independent of Jajanhart, and the only internal problem left was what was to be the capital of The Free United Nations. Seme argued that they should be the capital, because they were the original nation; Jajanhart argued they should be the capital because they had the most formidable military; and Eljawhera proposed they work together to build a city specifically to be a capital. Eljawhera's idea was accepted, and Jajeme was built.
Not long after Jajeme was finished, Sevre made a land grab northwards. It claimed a large swathe of land rich in Iron, Petroleum, and Tungsten. Most importantly though, it gained control of the Nile, and established many farms along it. This established Sevre as an important force, where it was previously a backwater. The other cities were utterly surprised, and Jajanhart was proud it had 'birthed' such an ambitious city.
Warring continued, but mainly as a way to train their troops. Some battles went bad and caused hostilities. These were allowed to play out under the watch of Jajeme.
Resources and knowledge was freely shared between the cities, through Jajeme.
<Snipped quote by Jajanhart II>
The Free Uniting Pact was formed, the Sevre region mines were declared independent of Jajanhart, and the only internal problem left was what was to be the capital of The Free United Nations. Seme argued that they should be the capital, because they were the original nation; Jajanhart argued they should be the capital because they had the most formidable military; and Eljawhera proposed they work together to build a city specifically to be a capital. Eljawhera's idea was accepted, and Jajeme was built.
Not long after Jajeme was finished, Sevre made a land grab northwards. It claimed a large swathe of land rich in Iron, Petroleum, and Tungsten. Most importantly though, it gained control of the Nile, and established many farms along it. This established Sevre as an important force, where it was previously a backwater. The other cities were utterly surprised, and Jajanhart was proud it had 'birthed' such an ambitious city.
Warring continued, but mainly as a way to train their troops. Some battles went bad and caused hostilities. These were allowed to play out under the watch of Jajeme.
Resources and knowledge was freely shared between the cities, through Jajeme.
<Snipped quote by Jajanhart II>
- Seme I: She was the first Warlord in TFUN area. Banished the people who would become Jajanhart & Eljawhera I. ruled from 2240 to 2263. Murdered.
- Seme IV: Was the Warlord who sought to end the Resource wars. Ruled from 2360 to 2381. Crushed by construction materials.
- Seme X: The current Warlord in Seme. Ruled from 2402 to present.
- Jajanhart I: First warlord in Jajanhart. Reign 2242 to 2270. Knife to the neck.
- Jajanhart XI: Current Warlord of Jajanhart. Reign from 2419.
- Sevre I: The Warlord who was raised after Sevre became independent. Did the land-grab. 2410-2415. Publicly executed for enforcing too many rules.
- Sevre II: Current Warlord in Sevre. Reign 2415-present.
- Eljawhera I: First Warlord in Eljawhera. 2243-2247. Killed for incompetency.
- Eljawhera II: Got shit started in Eljawhera. Started multiple trade routes, and communicated with Jajanhart. 2247-2283. Old age.
- Eljawhera IIX: Current Warlord in Eljawhera. Known for her high standards. 2390-present.
- Jajeme I: First and current warlord of Jajeme. Kept peace between TFUN, likely to last a while. 2400-present.
People Who've Shown Interest/People Involved/What Countries They Are
@Taeryn - N/A
@Raylah - Madira Conglomerate
@NecroKnight - Kingdom of Brittania
@Strange Rodent - The Free United Pact
@Nerevarine - Empire of Lithuania
@Apollo26 - Mare Nostrum
@Dinh AaronMk - Posadist Internationale
@Superboy - Fortis Consortium
@EveryMemeAKing - Empire of Quebec
Nation Sheet
Nation Name
Political Environment and Government Type
Location On Map
Demographics (Religious and Racial)
Demographics (Other)
Important States and Cities
Some Nice Music