Adala Posner

(Image for the face paint that's all this is for)

{"Insanity is just a synonym for imagination."}
NameAdala Ann Posner
NicknamesAda- Simply a shorter version of her real name that came up during her grade school years and few use in the present time.
Code NameScorn
BirthdateJanuary 13, 1988
RoleAttacker | Stealth

(Image for her claws which are her weapons)

{"I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it."}
In-Depth AppearanceHer skin is pale nearly white. She always has her skull face however, never going outside without painting it on so few know what lies under the skull. Her eyes are a haunting vibrant orange that seem to glow unnaturally. It doesn't matter if she has a t shirt or a sweat shirt the one thing she always has on is her skull hoodie. She primarily wears a t-shirt and shorts with simple shoes and long stockings. Not much changes between that and what she has in the field except for the added skull shoulder pads, the boots, gas mask, and skeleton gloves.
Habits and Quirks- Her face has to always have the skull painted on. No exceptions.
- Habit of talking to herself constantly, having full conversations with herself.
- Loves pulling jokes on her unsuspecting comrades.
- Always wearing the skeleton hoodie.
- Moving her hands while expressing herself
Likes- Weapons
- Video Games
- Hard rock or heavy metal
- A good fight
- Drawing
Dislikes- Modern music
- Silence
- Authority
- Spiders
- Sitting still
Fears- Entrapment, then being forgotten
- Loosing everything she holds dear and slipping further into her own mind.
PersonalityAdala has most of her marbles, emphasis on most. After her metal break down at age sixteen, all the pieces haven't quite gone back to the original places leaving her hyperactive and a mind that most would deem a mess and needs to see someone for help. It doesn't mean she can't focus on a task, just that she is prone to either improvise or go and do something else. At times this makes her speak to herself. On the plus side it keeps her mostly in a good mood, best not to piss her off because she holds a grudge like no other and can be patient for her revenge.
She does suffer from PTSD after what her father did to her as well as what the rehabilitation center's torture methods. For the most part she keeps this secret to herself self medicating herself by taking what she needs when she can. This doesn't stop the nightmares and night terrors but helps her during the daylight hours.

{"I'm not crazy! No wait... Maybe I am crazy... One second, I have to talk to myself about this."}
BackgroundAdala was born into a broken family to put it mildly. She grew up neglected and rejected by her alcoholic father and abusive stepmother. She never got a chance to meet her real mother who up and abandoned her and her father after Adala's birth. Despite the negative home life though she managed to be a happy little girl thinking on the positive and being oblivious to the grim truth's that haunted her house life. To her if she felt the wraith of her parents it meant she must of done something wrong and deserved it, even if she could never figure out the reason they would be so mad at her. Her false reality came crumbling however shortly after her seventeenth birthday. Her father eventually did unspeakable things to her which shattered the facade she had lived with but from the pieces came a new being that she has since embraced as her true self.
A disturbance call would have the police discover Adala outside a blazing home laughing and cackling away in pleasure at the sight. She would be charged with murder though eventually the charges would be dropped replaced with a plea of insanity and stacking evidence of her parents neglect and endangerment. She was sent to a rehabilitation center to try and help her with the damaged caused to her along with the addition of PTSD attacks that was observed after her arrest. This rehabilitation center would be where she would spend six years of her life in a new personal hell. The experiments done on her were new forms of augmentation that was kept well under wraps by those running the asylum. Any shred of humanity left her while trapped in that prison. She would have the last laugh. She escape one stormy night, using her new augmentations on her captors before disappearing into the darkness of the night. She didn't reappear until a year after her escape, running a small gang in Centerville.
Place of OriginAustin, Texas
FamilyJonhathan Posner (Deceased): Her father a drunk who blamed Ada for her mother leaving and took out his frustrations on her while she was a young girl. To say Adala got the last laugh is an understatement.
Ashley Wheatly (Deceased): The woman who Adala had to call her mother, or step mother. Ashley simply ignored Adala mostly, she wanted nothing with her except at times to use Adala as a punching bag or take her verbal frustrations out on. Adala eventually made her eat her words literally.
AbilitiesPassive: Shadow-Stalk - Scorn stealths when moving in shadowed areas, she gains stronger stealth depending on the shadows extent and darkness. She gains additional movement speed as well, that gets stronger the more she is stealthed.
Weapon: Claws - A short-range attack that replaces her quick-melee as well as regular attacks. Strikes quickly and deals decent DPS. She has no ranged option.
Ability 1: Lunging Strike - Does a short lunge and deals damage at whatever enemy gets in the way. Only strikes one target. This move has higher range and critically strikes from stealth. If the attack lands on an enemy's back, the move can be used again after a brief moment.
Ability 2: Disappear - Scorn will jump into the nearest patch of shadows and fully stealth for a small moment. If there is no shadow to jump to, she will jump backwards by default and stealth briefly. This move has no damage component.
Ultimate: Nightmare - Scorn will plunge the area into darkness, granting her essentially full stealth within that area so long as she is there, she will still be seen if they are close enough to her. This move has no damage component, but will let her capitalize on her passive and lunge to the fullest potential. Do note once more, in this mode, all her Lunging Strikes will critically strike, and she will move incredibly fast with stealth.
WeaponsClaws augmented to her body, that she uses with her minor shadow abilities.
ExtraShe has haemolacria, a rare condition where rather then crying tears, she cries blood. Experimentation can lead to... Some undesirable after effects (it will be mentioned in the first few posts I just want a little surprise).
Theme Song