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Hidden 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

"I don't have much time left...Every failed attempt at trying to open this gate causes more and more distortions...It will surely get their attention if I try it once more...I have to make sure the next time will count..."

"If not...I'm afraid I have to use her to take everything with me...I don't want that. She's our trump card...even if she can't control that massive power of hers, I still have hope that we can have her master it. If possible...I don't want to use her as a bomb..."


"Worry not my dear, It will all go according to our plan. Just continue with your slumber, I'll be need you soon enough..."

Unitia City

A place who was once the a massive sign of hope and new beginnings to the nation. Sadly, it is now plagued by high crime rates and negligence of the local authorities, coupled with the loss of some of its most powerful warriors during a sudden civil war some years ago.
They are the Ancestor Mages. Those people have observed history unfold since the old times and have only revealed themselves to liberate and found Unitia City.
The new generation of Ancestor Mages have inherited a heavy burden: To restore the city once more to its former glory and to make the city prosper once more. It is all up to them.

It will be a long and arduous task, nobody knows if they'll even succeed or if they'll suffer the same fate as their predecessors. But as long as their hearts are as one, they may be able to accomplish anything.

This is a tale that will involve many people, willing or not, into a journey that might decide everyone's fate, wheter they'll achieve peace, wheter they'll change for the better, wheter they can protect what they cherish...

Wheter how everybody lives, or dissapears...
Wheter they can unite their strong resolves under the same sky.
This is their story.
Welcome to Unitia City, We hope you that you will have a good stay.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: ???

BGM: Lost in Thoughts All Alone

She danced alone in the lake. Her voice echoed in the seemingly paradisiac location. Animals surrounded, listening and her choreography played atop the water.

???: You are an ocean of waves, weaving a dream, like thoughts become a river stream...

Water began to flow from her hands as her pendant began to flow. Small ripples formed as she danced majestically. As she danced, the miracle water thar waved alongsider her fingers filled the landscape.

???: Pray that we may quell the dark... Light seize the throne. Lost in thoughts all alone...

However... a horrid image interrupted her singing.

???: What?!

The image vividly burned in her eyes. The world has fallen. No one survived. All that was left of it was a ruin unimaginable.

???: This cannot be... is this the vision of ruin that I once heard from the ripples?

???: The Disaster will repeat once again. The world they live will fall like it did in the past. But in this vision, there are no survivors.

To watch it fully, she kept dancing. Without any song to accompany, the ripples showed another image.

???: Eight children of man. Six from this world and two from another... are they the destined to save us? It pains me to relieve this burden upon them. But if this is the decision shown by destiny, I must act.

???: The inheritor of the savior's name, the indomable will of strength, the one searching for the lost, the youth burdened by its task, the abandoned nightmare seeking dreams, the smile that runs from a set path, the heart that beats to protect someone and the spirit that fills a void with strength...

She held her hands together and a light began to shine from under the lake. The animals finally scattered as the blinding light covered everything...

In the next three days, listen to my plea through the rain. Let us meet once my voice has reached you.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Unitia City - Fourth Week of Spring: Three Days after the attack of the unknown group.

A girl was alone in a praying position under the lone tree in the grasslands. She opened her eyes, then stood up, with a smile in her face.

Rayla: Watch over me you two! Till tomorrow.

Then, she left the place, heading back to the city, arriving there after some walking.

Rayla: (The police is leaving the school today. I wonder how that girl is doing...they might want to attack her again. Is she even going to
school after this?)

???: Hey...I think I know you!

Rayla: Huh?

???: Yes, you're the girl that went after my classmate and was fighting all those bad guys.

Rayla: Oh?

???: Ah, how rude of me...Let me introduce myself...

Andorina: Good thing I've got to meet you today. Thank you for helping my friend.

Rayla: Thanks I guess (The credit wasn't fully mine this time around.)
Andorina: Oh yeah, what is your name again?

Rayla: You might not believe it, but I'm actually...

Andorina: Whoa!

Rayla: You actually know about me?

Andorina: Well...I mean...With your reputation, who wouldn't? There's a lot of gossip about how you keep the streets clean of thugs. Guess you're not just a random crazy girl that runs into danger...You're danger itself.

Rayla: I wonder about that. The thugs always seems to come back for more. I'm just the singularity point of their hate for me.

Andorina: Hihihi! I hope you can deal with them once and for all. Also, thanks once again for helping my friend. I'll never forget what you've done.

Rayla: You seem to like your friend a lot. Do you talk often with your classmate?

Andorina: Not after what happened with her. She doesn't answer my texts.

Rayla: I see...So you're not sure she's even coming today.

Andorina: Yep...Although I did hear from her mom that after she recovers, she'll be questioned by the police.

Rayla: (While that's nice of them to wait...Either that, or they're just using it as an excuse to take their time.)

Rayla: (I'm imagining the guild shared what they asked Tatianna since they insisted in taking care of her.)

Rayla: (Tiane...)

(I have yet to visit her.)

Andorina: So...I guess with you here, I can relax since no one would dare to steal my bag with you around. I can walk for once instead of taking a bus.

Rayla: Not a fan of buses?

Andorina: Not really...but I like to slowly apreciate the beauty of Spring Zone.

Rayla: Yeah, this is my favorite part of the city as well.

Andorina: You know...You're really kind for someone who known to be pretty...rough.

Rayla: I have the feeling I'll get that a lot.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Xaizor Arcadia and Marina Arcadia
Location: Arcadia Castle - Throne Room

BGM: The Ark (Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII)

The lands of the Kingdom of Lacrima, a world that exists outside of the universe, on a space of its own. A land bountiful and rich, loaded with all sorts of species. They live together in harmony under the rule of King Lumino Arcadia I, who created this very own world from the remnants of an abandoned one.

In a day, Lumino himself decided to call upon his children. He had an imporant thing to say with them.

Guard: Your Majesty, I have already summoned the prince and the princess.

Blessed King of Sun's Radiance
Lumino Arcadia

Lumino: OK then. I appreciate the effort. You may leave now.

The guard gave him a bow and left. Soon, two young teenagers came and stood right in front of him.

Lumino: Good morning, Xaizor and Marina. How are you two doing?

Careful Princess of Wisdom's Radiance
Marina Arcadia

Marina: Good morning, Father. I was participating in a reunion at the Parliament but once I heard you called for me, I left immediately.

Energetic Prince of Strength's Light
Xaizor Arcadia

Xaizor: Pretty good. I was training outside, Dad. I need to get stronger so I can wield Felm Gloria, you know.

Lumino: Sorry for bothering both of you, but there's something that I'm going to do. It's important to me as your father, so-

Xaizor: OK, we get it, Dad. Now hurry with it. I'm losing opportunities to get stronger!

Marina: Xaizor, watch your tongue! You cannot speak like that to Father! Apologize properly!

Xaizor: Hey, what are you getting at?! Dad doesn't look bothered by it!

Marina: That does not matter! Have more respect for him!

Xaizor: Wha- I have a LOT of respect for him! Do you want me to personally show you?!

Lumino: OK, OK, stop. No need to worry, Marina, I don't mind.

Marina: B-But...

Lumino: I'm not that old as well. Honestly, I'm only 5 years older than your brother so I don't mind. Anyway, getting to the point.

Xaizor: Which is...?

Lumino: I'm sending you two in an expedition to another world.

BGM: Stray Cat (Melty Blood: Actress Again)

Marina: Eh? Huh?!

Xaizor: Are you for reals?! You're not joking, right?! Tell me you're not lying! Right, Dad?!

Lumino: No, I'm not. It's not a joke at all.

Xaizor: YES!! AN EXPEDITION TO ANOTHER WORLD!! Finally, a huge chance to get STRONG!!

Marina: F-Father, are you sure?! W-We are probably not ready for this! Besides, Uncle Agni and Uncle Magnum are the ones who-

Lumino: Yeah, I know. They're the official Emissaries of Lacrima. However, they're currently on a... sort of pilgrimage.

Marina: Pilgrimage?

Xaizor: Who cares? I'm so HYPED!! I gotta go pack my stuff right now!!

Marina: Please wait up a moment! Father, this is definitely dangerous! Sending us both, inexperienced as we are is a risk too big! We might end up not being able to return!

Lumino: Marina, I trust that you and your brother are capable enough with what you have. Besides, the world you'll be going isn't that dangerous, as far as I know.

Marina: Father...

Xaizor: Well, you heard Dad. C'mon Marina, let's pack up and go!

Marina: Ah! Xaizor, wait...! I have not finished speaking!

But it was too late. She was already being pulled by the excited Xaizor to their room. Lumino laughed a little and sat back on the throne as he waited for them to return.

Lumino: (Hehe. To think I was like him. These two are something... I don't regret ever adpoting them.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Fleeting Memories High School - Entrance

Andorina: Oh? (There's a police car here.)

Rayla: (Are they not done yet?)

Police Officer: Like I'm telling you...She won't come today.

???: That still won't stop me from trying my luck. Some people might be emotionally stronger than you think.

Police Officer: Yeah, but we saw the state she was in. You better not even bother going at her house either.

???: Geez...Why are you being so defensive about her? It's not like she'll say anything incriminating...But then again...she possibility might've seen something...

Police Officer: You better keep your mouth shut!

Rayla: ...Andorina...Go on ahead. If you want to talk to me later, I'll be at the rooftop.

Andorina: Okay, have fun with what you're going to do right now.

Rayla: (It's not like I'm going to fight anyway...) Alright ladies, what's with the commotion?

???: Hm? (Oh...This woman...)

Police Officer: Ah! M-Miss Rayla!

???: So you're Rayla huh? I've heard tales about you. Let me explain what's happening.

Police Officer: Oh no you don't!

Rayla: Oh please, I'm all ears!

Police Officer: !!!

???: First, let me introduce myself.

Hiagor: I've come here on my own account to investigate the recent incident.

Rayla: I see. (I think I heard his name before.)

Hiagor: More spefically, I want to interrogate the victim of the attempted kidnapping, but Mr.Johnson says that it is not possible.

Johnson: That's right...so please do something about him.

Hiagor: I'll leave the judgement in your capable hands...Spring Zone is your "turf" after all.

Rayla: (Since when?) Anyway...I do have to take Johnson's side. It's not certain if she'll come to school today, and even if she does, it's better to wait a bit longer for her to recover, because the last thing she would want right now is to testify about her kidnapping.

Hiagor: Well...that won't do at all...

Rayla: If you're that desperate for info, try going to the World Crossers Guild. A girl named Tatianna was involved in the incident, so they might share something with you. Just tell them I sent you there.

Hiagor: (So she's not at Spring Breeze Hospital huh? That's news for me.)

Hiagor: Very well. But that doesn't mean I have given up yet. Thanks, and good-bye for now.

Rayla: *nods* It's really sunny today, so make sure to go under the shade.

The man known as Thiagor leaves the place. Rayla turns around and heads for the school building.

Johnson: Is this really okay?

Rayla: Why do you look so worried?

Johnson: We can't just let any stranger near that girl...What if she's attacked again? And besides, he's a former high ranking police officer...He has the skills to gather and share information. He would've probably be promoted to being a member of the intelligence service if he was still in the force.

Rayla: I see...

Johnson: I'm telling you Miss...He's bad news.

Rayla: I'll be the judge of that. If he proves to being just as bad as you guys are, then I'll show no mercy to him.

Johnson: Urgh...

Rayla: You better get going now...

She continued on her way to the building, leaving the officer by himself, the man being taken aback by the implication that the police force isn't to be trusted.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Xaizor Arcadia and Marina Arcadia
Location: Arcadia Castle - Xaizor and Marina's Room

Both packed their things, each to its own feelings. Xaizor couldn't hold his excitement while Marina was unable to hide how against she was with this idea.

Marina: This cannot be right... Father cannot be on his right mind. Sending his own children into an expedition out a sudden? What if we get lost? Or hungry? Or thirsty? And if we end up dying?

Xaizor: Agh, stop it already! Darn, you're such a baby.

Marina: Well, I am worried! Excuse me if I am the only one who thinks the expeditions should be called off until Uncle Agni and Uncle Magnum return from their pilgrimage.

Xaizor: Marina, this is a chance of a lifetime! If we lose it, we'll never be able to get another one! It's our chance to show Dad that we're ready to take his place someday!

Marina: Sorry to disappoint you, but little am I interested on the crown or on his weapon like you are. My area of expertise lies elsewhere, outside of the battlefield.

Xaizor: Yeah, I know how much you have an experience on sitting back and watch others do the hard work.

Marina: Rude!! I will let you know that I devise the tactics in case of a war happening and we win because of those plans!

Xaizor: What are you talking about? All the efforts come from the soldiers alone. You guys from the Parliament are on your chairs, relaxing as we do the hard work for you.

Marina: Oh, you little... someday, you will appreciate my tactical aid.

Marina returned to organize her pack and so did Xaizor. However, when she looked back at his side of the room, she got horrified.

BGM: Oh, I'm a Flamelet (Seiken Densetsu 3/Secret of Mana 2)

Marina: Xaizor!!

Xaizor: Goddamnit, what now?
Marina: Look at the mess you are making! For God's sake, fold your clothes while you put them in your bag!

Xaizor: Oh no, clean freak Mary hits again...

Marina: Is it so bad to want things organized and clean?

Xaizor: Look, I don't have time to do this thingamajing. I need to train in order to inherit Felm Gloria.

Marina: Felm Gloria this, Felm Gloria that... ugh, you really do not deserve to be a king.

Xaizor: What?! Am I a failure now just because I don't fold clothes?!

Marina: Not just that. You are so gross and lacks discipline. Maybe this is why Father is sending me along. To babysit you.

Xaizor: I can take care of myself alone, thanks!!

Marina: Oh? So can you cook, wash the dishes, do the laundry, clean the room and all those menial tasks?

Xaizor: Uh... no.

Marina: *sigh* You are a lost cause.

As she finished packing up, she picked her bag and left the room. Xaizor, insulted, quickly closed his filled up bag and followed her.

Xaizor: Hey, hold up! Now you get back here! Why am I a lost cause?!

Location: Arcadia Castle - Throne Room

BGM: Wind Kingdom Rolante (Seiken Densetsu 3/Secret of Mana 2)

Soon, the brothers reached the throne room once again. As they opened the door, Lumino was nowhere to be seen.

Marina: Father? Father, are you here?

Xaizor: Oh, come on! As soon as we need to leave, he bails out to somewhere else!
Lumino: Can you to just go in?

Surprised, they jumped inside as Lumino came in.

Marina: WAH! Oh gods, that scared me.

Lumino: I guess you are both ready then.

Xaizor: Ready to depart, sir yes sir!

Marina: I still have second thoughts about this...

Lumino: Don't worry. A contact of mine already went into that world and guaranteed you'll be fine. Right now, she's resolving issues about the school and other stuff.

Xaizor: Wait, school? Aw man... I thought this was going to be an adventure...

Lumino: It'll be, but that doesn't mean you'll just ignore studies like that. Especially you and your bad grades, Xaizor.

Marina: Xaizor is the oldest but have not left the third year yet. Hehe.

Xaizor: I-I don't have time to study! If I don't train, I-

Lumino: Enough with the inheritance talk. If I end up knowing your grades are bad or that you're skipping school just for training, you can forget about Felm Gloria.

Xaizor: G-Gah! Y-Yes, Dad...

Marina: S-So... are we going now or...?

Lumino: Yes. The fountain is behind the throne. Jump on the water and you'll be taken to the world.

Xaizor immediately forgot the threaten and ran towards the fountain he mentioned. Marina and Lumino walked quietly and upon reaching it, she walked nervously towards it.

Lumino: Alright then, I wish you both good luck.

Marina: U-Umm... wait, I am still to unsure to jump now. Maybe we should give it a day to-

Xaizor: GERONIMO!!

He immediately jumped into the fountain and his shadow vanished.

Marina: X-Xaizor!! Oh gods, why?!

Scared, Marina jumped and followed him. Lumino looked at the fountain once more before hiding it with a wall.

Lumino: Xaizor and Marina... I want you both to grow. I'll pray for your success.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

((This time, I won't forget the music))

Fleeting Memories School - Corridors

Music: Feeling Hi-Fi!

Rayla heads to her classroom, as she arrives there, she sees one of the students sleeping on his chair.

Rayla: (There's Ted being sleepy again...) Hey! Lord of the Sleep! Wake up!

Ted: Hm? Oh...Morning Rayla...

Rayla: I know the Realm of Dreams is a nice place to be, but it's morning already! Wakey Wake!

Ted: Alright fine...I'm up...

Rayla: Are you though? You still look exausted.

Ted: I just went to sleep a bit late...that's all.

Rayla: (This doesn't look like the full story, but I won't press him on it just yet.) Anyway, how is it going?

Ted: Aside from the fact that sis jumped on me to wake me up...everything is fine so far.

Rayla: Hahahahahaha!

Ted: Seriously...She almost broke my back! It is as if she finds more dangerous ways to wake me up...

Rayla: Heheh...Anyway, Stay awake. The test period is right around the corner.

Ted: You don't need to remind me.

Rayla: Good! With that, I shall go to my seat.

Ted: Oh, by the way, Good Morning!

Rayla: Good Morning for you too!

Rayla: Oh yea, Ted, have you heard of a guy named Hiagor?

Ted: Maybe? You have to specify.

Rayla: Let's see...he stinks of cigarretes, a bit taller than me, wears glasses...

Ted: Ah! You mean the Private Detective?

Rayla: That's the guy!

Ted: Sorry, but I only know the name. I did meet him once and he questioned me about some case he was investigating, but that was some months ago.

Rayla: It's a start I guess...Thanks for telling me.

Ted: Anytime.

Ted: Now...It's my turn to ask.

Rayla: Hm?

Ted: How's that girl doing? I mean, the one who almost got kidnapped? I assume you met her at least one these past two days.

Rayla: No...Nobody told me where she lives. From what I've heard from the police, she's still recovering from the trauma.

Ted: Oh yeah, the police were still outside when I got here.

Rayla: Why do you ask? Is she a friend of yours?

Ted: It's just...that I saw her being taken...I refused to help...even when I had the ability to do so...You know...me being a member of the Seimei Branching Family...I know some fighting...But still...

Rayla: I would be surprised if you actually decided to help. I just can't see you hurting a mosquito, let alone possible terrorists.

Ted: ...

Rayla: Well, if I ever get to see that girl again, I'll introduce both of you, then you can apologize to her yourself.

Ted: Thank you Rayla.

Then, she headed for her seat, waiting for the teacher to arrive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Auror Dias Intermezzo
Location: Fleeting Memories School - Classroom

BGM: Feeling Hi-Fi! still playing

???: Good ol' Ted, always sleeping. Lucky Rayla's here to wake you up, I guess.

A cheerful voice spoke from the classroom. He was rather known to be the class' "mascot", though he never minded much.

Youthful Azure Circus Monster
Auror Dias Intermezzo

Auror: I won't pry much, but I wonder how much you'll be able to keep up if you're always deprived of sleep. Makes me curious to know what do you do at night. I know limits so I won't ask.

Auror: In any case, did you guys hear? We might be getting transfer students on our class! Ain't that nice? We do need some new faces to make our class shine a little bit, right?

Xaizor Arcadia and Marina Arcadia
Location: Fleeting Memories School - Fountain Square

He went out and rested at one of the stone benches. He looked at the skies and admired the vast blue that his eyes could see.

???: Ah, the sun's nice today. Yaaawn... time for a good before class rest-

BGM: Joy (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3)

Suddenly, from the fountain, two people were gushed out and thrown in the ground. The boy jumped in surprise.


Xaizor: Ow, my butt and my stomach...

Marina: T-This already means a bad start for us...

???: Holy shit, I never knew fountains could gush out people outta nowhere!

Xaizor: Marina, get offa me!!

Marina: O-Oh, apologies!

She quickly got up and looked around, trying to get a feel from the ambience.

Marina: This looks like a school building...

Xaizor: Oh nice, the first thing Dad does is sending us to a school. Wonderful...

Marina: I am sure this was a coincidence...

???: Hey, you two over there!

When they looked, someone else was there with them. Marina quickly began to panic as the boy walked towards them.

Marina: (O-Oh no, we were caught! Calm down... need to focus... but how am I going to explain this?)

???: That was awesome! You guys do magic tricks or something?

Xaizor: Well, it was magic literally. You see, we-

Marina: W-We were just practicing for a show! This is one... of our tricks.

Xaizor: Wait, what are you saying? Didn't we jump on a-

Marina: Q-Quiet, we cannot reveal our trick! *steps on Xaizor's foot*


???: Cool! So you can't tell me?

Marina: U-Unfortunately, I cannot. My sincere apologies.

???: Nah, it's fine. Anyway, you two students or something?

Xaizor: Eh? No. I'm Xaizor Arcadia and I'm a-

Marina: *pushes Xaizor away* A student of this school, just like me. I am his sister, Marina Arcadia.

???: Xaizor and Marina, huh? Nice names! By the way, I'm...

Thoughtless Visionary Seeking the Space
Kaito Momota

Kaito: And you may not believe me, but I'm a third-year.

Xaizor: Well, you do look old with that goatee.

Kaito: Hey, I'm not that old! And my goatee is style, so you better not badmouth it!

Marina: My apologies, Mr. Kaito. My brother can be a bit rude but he is a nice person sometimes.

Xaizor: What are you insinuating with "sometimes"?!

Marina: In any case, we both are starting today and we do not know where our classes are. Do you know someone who can guide us, Mr. Kaito?

Kaito: Hmm... I don't know if I can guide you, but I can take you to the faculty office. The teachers are there, so you might found out where your are.

Marina: That alone will suffice then. Thank you for your aid, Mr. Kaito.

Kaito: No problem! And hey, no need for the formal treatment! Just Kaito will do just fine.

Xaizor: OK, can we just get going and end this already? I have more things to do.

Marina: Just ignore him. Please, lead the way... umm, Kaito.

Kaito beamed a smile, gave them a thumbs-up and began to proudly lead the way. And thus, Xaizor and Marina's expedition begins in school.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Fleeting Memories School - Classroom

Feeling Hi-Fi! still playing

Ted: Transfer students? Neat! It will be nice to see some new faces.

Rayla: I think I heard a word or two about it some days ago. (Though why now? I thought the attack we had three days ago would shoo out people for a while.)

Ted: I wonder what they look like.

Rayla: If you want to know, You better stay awake for this Ted.

Ted: Urgh...I-I will...For sure!

Spring Zone Streets

Music: Brilliant Show Window

Hiagor: World Crossers huh? They're a group with many branches around the world. They're pretty much like independant city helpers...and their network of information is enough to give me a run for my money. But it seems like they aren't making much of a difference either. Still, the fact that they offered to help someone involved in the incident three days ago is something worth investigating.

As he arrived at the Guild's Entrance, he saw a group in front of, as if they were guarding the place.

Hiagor: Excuse me, I have business with this place, may I pass?
Thug: Huh?

Hiagor: I need to talk with the one in charge. So if it's not much of a bother, can I enter?
Thug: No deal, the boss is talking with our little girl right now.

Hiagor: Boss?
Thug: Yes, and you better not bother him.

Hiagor: (Guess I might have to force my way through...) Don't look so stressed. How about we play some blackjack?
Thug: That would be neat!

Hiagor: Wait, we're actually...

Tall Man: You're between friends here. We live to enjoy good times and do whatever we want!

Hiagor: Alright then, let's see if have my deck here....Aha! It's here.

Tall Man: Good! Let's get started.
Thug: *pulls a lighter* Do you smoke sir?

Hiagor: Yes, but not right now though. (Geez, I'm pretty much regret ever considering beating them all up now. They're not your common type of thugs.)
Thug: Okay then.

Then, they start their game of blackjack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Auror Dias Intermezzo
Location: Fleeting Memories School - Second-Year Classroom C

Auror: Well, to be honest, all that I heard were rumors that we're getting transfer students. But I do hope they end up here! Faces get a little too old when time passes.

BGM: Inside the Castle Walls -Qumu Remix-

???: Big Bro!

Another cheerful voice spoke from the door. Auror and some other students who were in class looked at it.

Auror: Oh, Vivi?

Little Sister of Bubbly Sights
Veronica Intermezzo

Upon seeing he answered, Veronica (or Vivi as Auror and many of her friends called her) waved and ran towards his desk. She was one of the first years, Auror's little sister and one of the most popular girls in the entire school, even though she began high school recently.

Veronica: I have some biiiiig news to tell you! You have to hear, you have to hear!

Auror: OK, OK, but before that...

Veronica: Oh, righty!

Before she could begin speaking, she turned to Rayla and Ted. While smiling earnestly, she hopped a little and said her greetings

Veronica: Hello and pretty morning, Miss Rayla and Mister Ted! I hope this day is being nice to you two!

Auror: There we go, just like we talked before. Now about those news of yours...

Veronica: It's about the transfer students! I asked my teacher and she said there's going to be two of them!

Auror: Really? And which class are they into?

Veronica: One is a first-year, like me! The other one is a third-year. That's what my teacher said.

Auror: So no second-years? What a bummer...

Veronica: Ahaha... sorry, Big Bro. I know your class hasn't been getting too many newcomers.

Veronica: Oh, I know! I can bring mine to have lunch with us and we can ask Mister Kaito about the other one!

Auror: Good idea! We might give them a reception from other years. (Alongside some warnings.)

Veronica: Yaaay!! I'm so excited that I can't wait! Miss Rayla and Mister Ted, why don't you join us too?

Before they could answer, Veronica looked at the rest of the classroom, trying to find someone while some of the boys aimed their vision range totally at her. When she found the desk she was looking for, it was empty.

Veronica: Huh? Where's that other Mister?

Auror: What other student, Veronica?

Veronica: You know... that caped guy that sits right there in a corner and is always reading a book?

Auror: Oh, the Vermillion loner?

Veronica: Big Bro, that's so rude and uncool! He may sit way too in the back but that doesn't mean he's a loner! He has friends, like Mister Kaito and me!

Auror: Hey, don't blame me. The guy never made an effort to talk with anyone else. Besides, it's Kaito and you who always comes to say hi to him before your own classes starts.

Auror: Doesn't he live at the orphanage, Rayla? I do remember seeing him at least once or twice when I lived there.

Veronica: And. And how does he act when he's there? He can't be that lonely, right?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Fleeting Memories School - Second-Year Classroom C

Rayla: In the two years I've been living there, he hasn't made any effort in socializing either. He does answer when you talk to him but that's about it. It does get on Reeta's nerves. (I guess the good thing about all of this is that he doesn't get into trouble.)

Ted: I can never read that guy.

Rayla: Well, about Veronica's proposition, can you take your friend to the rooftop? I promised I had to meet with someone there.

Ted: Are you helping someone else again? Busy as usual huh?

Rayla: I mean, I kinda found out today that I did help her.

Ted: ???

Rayla: You'll know when you meet her.

Ted: If you say so. Guess I'll meet the new transfer student earlier than you then.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Auror Dias Intermezzo
Location: Fleeting Memories School - Second-Year Classroom C

BGM: Inside the Castle Walls -Qumu Remix- still playing

Veronica: OK then, I'll bring her to the rooftop as soon as class ends!

Auror: It's decided then. Lunch at the rooftop today.

Veronica: I can't wait to share homemade lunchboxes! I'm gonna share mine with my new transfer friends!

Auror: It's... better if you don't. We don't want them going to the nurse's office on the first day.

Veronica: Why you... just because of that, I'm not sharing mine with you!

Auror: (Oof, thanks. I don't feel like eating your "food", if one could call it like that.)

Veronica: ... Big Bro, what are you thinking right now...?

Auror: That you should be in the way for your class or else you'll be running late.

Veronica: O-Oh no, you're absolutely right! I'll head back then!

Veronica: But first, Big Bro...

Auror: Aren't you the stingy one, huh?

Auror got off from his seat and gave Veronica a kiss in the forehead, as she always liked to have before going to class. She hugged him tightly as he gave her a pet in the head.

Auror: Now have a good day and we'll see each other later.

Veronica: Yes! Have a pretty nice day, Big Bro! You too, Miss Rayla and Miss Ted!

She released her brother, waved and skipped away while humming. Auror got back into his seat.

*BGM ends*

Auror: She's so excited about so many things... I kinda wonder if Veronica was like that before I joined the family.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Fleeting Memories School - Second-Year Classroom C

Ted: And there she goes! She really likes you Auror.

Rayla: It reminds me of the kids back at the orphanage treating me like I'm their big sister. Lady Amara keeps reminding me to not spoil them too much.

Ted: Must be hard with them being so adorable.

Rayla: Hehe...

Ted: They'll probably miss you once you're 18 and find a job.

Rayla: Yeah...I'll most likely be at my old home again at that point. I'll still visit Lady Amara that's for sure.

Ted: Sigh...If only Himika was a bit more like Veronica, I wouldn't run the risk of having my back broken in my sleep.

Rayla: Don't be like that. Everyone has a different way of showing affection.

Ted: Well...You're not exactly wrong...

Rayla: Just make sure to wake up before she does it and you'll be fine.


Rayla: Hahahahahaha!

Rayla: (I better cherish all these moments...I'll make sure that this mysterious group don't get in the way of my everyday life.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Second-Year Classroom C

Auror: Hahahaha! Let's all hope for that or else you'll end up flunking on the tests!

Soon, the rest of the class that was outside left. Steps could be heard so it meant the teacher was near. Auror opened his notebook and checked the schedule for the day.

Auror: Guess class about to start. Let's see... oh, it's Math.

Location: Fleeting Memories School - First-Year Clasroom A

All students on the class began to talk and guess about the new student who would join their class. Soon, their teacher came in.

Teacher: Good morning everyone. As you may know, we are now receiving a new student in our class. Please enter.

The newcomer entered and stood next to the teacher. She was trembling a bit, but tried to hold her fear back.

BGM: Fides -Materia Mami- (Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable)

Marina: Umm... good morning. I am Marina Arcadia and I... I hope we can have a good year together.
Teacher: Miss Arcadia comes from a distant country and she has other customs and cultures, so please respect her space. I'll be organizing somethings on my desk, so you all have some time to talk. Let me see... there. Miss Arcadia, please sit next to Miss Intermezzo.

Marina did as she was instructed and sat on the indicated desk, right next to Veronica. The teacher began to organize her things as she said she would do and everyone began to talk.

Veronica: Hello and pretty morning, Marina! I'm Veronica Intermezzo, but you can call me Vivi!

Marina: O-Oh! G-Good morning, Miss Intermezzo!

Veronica: No no, no Miss here. Just Veronica or Vivi will do juuuuust fine!

Marina: O-OK. I-I will be careful the next time.

Veronica: You're pretty timid, aren't you?

Veronica: Well, it's fine. I am a little jumpy and energetic, so I might scare you.

Marina: No, please. I am glad you talked with me. I am... a little nervous, but it is not because of you.

Veronica: Phew... thank goodness. I was worried I was being obnoxious...

Veronica: Hey, after this class, how about we go to the rooftop? Some friends from other classes will be meeting up and they wanted to say hi.

Marina: S-Sure. Oh, but I did forget to bring lunch today.

Veronica: No worries! I'll share mine with you, OK?

Marina: T-Thank you, Veronica. You are really kind.

Veronica: And you are really cute! I might have found my rival!

Marina: Rival...?

Veronica: Juuuuust kidding! Hehe!

Veronica: But you do have some different air. You sound as if you're an actual princess...

Marina: ...!

Veronica: Well, that may be since you're so different from us. But that's no problem! Here's hoping to get along!

Marina: M-Me too.

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Third-Year Clasroom B

All students on the class began to talk and guess about the new student who would join their class. Soon, their teacher came in.

Teacher: Alright, you little grown brats, be quiet and just wait for the intro. New guy, come in!

The newcomer entered and stood next to the teacher. He seemed really confident.

BGM: Prex -Materia Kyokoensis- (Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable)

Xaizor: The name's Xaizor Arcadia. I'm going to be the strongest guy, no matter where I am, so you better not get into my way!
Teacher: Meh, whatever, you little piece of-

Xaizor: Hey, you be quiet!! I haven't finished speaking!!
Teacher: Mind your mouth!! Now, go sit right there before I give you an detention!!

Xaizor gave the teacher an angry glare and got to his desk, right next to Kaito.

Kaito: Seems like we're deskmates from now on, huh?

Xaizor: Oh, it's goatee old guy. You really are a third-year.

Kaito: I'm not old and don't mock my goatee! I'm seriously gonna beat you up!

Xaizor: Hah, you wish! When's the training session?

Kaito: Training? You mean P.E.?

Xaizor: If that's what you call it, I don't care. When's it gonna be? Just say it out!

Kaito: Oh, we don't have P.E. today.

Xaizor: Are you kidding me?! Goddamnit, this school sucks.

Kaito: Yo, outside of that, how 'bout we have lunch together? I wanna show you to some other buddies of mine.

Xaizor: I don't have time to lunch! I need to train! Besides, I haven't brought anything to eat.

Kaito: More the reason for you to come with me. You can't train with an empty stomach, right?

Xaizor: Fine, fine, but you owe me a good training later, got it?!

Kaito: Heh, you're on!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Second-Year Classroom C

Rayla: Math huh?

Ted: (Oh boy...Now I'm not sure if I did the homework for today...)

And then, the hours passed, lunch time had arrived, Rayla went for the rooftop while Ted left to meet with Veronica. On her way to her destination, she asked other students about Hiagor, but couldn't get anything important about him.

Music: The Long Afternoon of the Mages

Rayla: (Guess he's not that popular with the "youngsters"...Geez, I'm sounding like Lady Amara right now...)

Rayla: (But then again, talking about a private detectives isn't a good subject for gossip.)

Fleeting Memories School - Rooftop

As she arrived at the rooftop, she saw Andorina talking on the phone.

Andorina: I see...Well, tell her I said hi, okay? Bye...

Rayla: What's the matter?

Andorina: Oh...Just phoning my friend but her mother picked it up instead and told me she doesn't want to talk.

Rayla: Even through the phone?

Andorina: That's right...I'm starting to think her trauma is more serious than I thought.

Rayla: She did get injured sometime during her kidnapping...So maybe that's the cause...

Andorina: Injured?

Rayla: Yeah. According to the girl who treated her wound, it was a fairly superficial slash.

Andorina: Poor Kaori...Why were they're being cruel to her?

Rayla: (Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have told her this...Now she's more worried than before. Nice one Rayla...)

Andorina: This may sound repetitive...but thank you once more for helping her...

Rayla: ...(No...I can't accept her thanks again...)

Andorina: Rayla?

Rayla: Say Andorina...How about I introduce you to someone after school is over? I believe she deserves way more credit than I do.

Andorina: Really? Who it is?

Rayla: A girl named Tatianna...She was the one that managed to sneak into the van and save your friend.

Andorina: Really? That's great! I can't thank her enough.

Rayla: Besides...I'm not sure if she wants to talk to me...

Andorina: Huh?

Rayla: Nothing...Anyway, what are you eating for lunch?

Andorina: This lunchbox Momma made for me, want some?

Rayla: Not right now, let's wait for the others.

Andorina: Others?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Rooftop

Veronica: Excuse us!

BGM: New Days (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4)

As the door opened, three people came in, those being Veronica, Marina and Ted, who met them in the way.

Veronica: Hello and pretty morning!

Marina: Good morning...

Veronica: Huh? Big Bro isn't here yet?
Auror: Now I am.

Auror, Kaito and Xaizor soon came to join in.

Auror: I went to the thirds to fetch those two over here.

Kaito: Wow, now this is kind of a big group you guys brought together, huh?

Veronica: Yeah! Though he's not here...

Kaito: He?

Auror: You know, that best friend of yours from the seconds who studies on our class.

Kaito: What?! But he told me he was going to run a little late!

Auror: His little late meant "not coming at all" if I say so myself.

Kaito: That little... once I get back home, I'm seriously going to beat him up!

Xaizor: Can you guys just jump to the point? Why are you reuniting us here like this?

Veronica: Oh, right! Before we can have lunch, we should introduce ourselves, even if some of us know each other!

Veronica cleared her throat, as she decided to begin with the intros.

Veronica: I'm Veronica Intermezzo from class 1-A! Since you're all my friends, you can just call me Vivi if you want.

Auror: I'm Auror Dias Intermezzo from class 2-C. Also, I'm Vivi's older brother. Pleased to meet you all.

Kaito: I'm Kaito Momota, the Luminary of the Stars from class 3-B! Nice to meet you all!

Auror: And also, he's a lunatic.

Kaito: D-Don't go giving them the wrong idea! I'm pretty sane!

Marina: I-I'm Marina Arcadia, from class 1-A. I hope we can have a good year and, um... I am pleased to meet you. *bows*

Xaizor: The name's Xaizor Arcadia, Marina's older brother. Class 3-B.

Marina: Xaizor, will you please be considerate and say "It is nice to meet you"?

Xaizor: Oh. What she said.

Marina: You rude idiot! *steps on Xaizor's foot*


Marina: Do not "what is the deal" me! Can you please stop being so rude at least once?!

Xaizor: I wasn't rude at all! My intro was perfectly nice and short!

Marina: It was just short!

Auror: Oh, I guess this is the case of "little sister rules over big brother and both just fight all day long when they are together".

Veronica: I don't know. I think they like each other pretty much, right?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Fleeting Memories School - Rooftop

Rayla: I mean...You're not wrong...

Ted: (Himika is going to have a field day with this guy...)

Andorina: Whoa! Wasn't expecting a crowd.

Rayla: Hehehe.

Ted: Wait, who are you again?

Andorina: I just got to know Miss Rayla personaly today. My name is Andorina Carla, nice to meet you.

Ted: Same here. I'm Ted Mamoru Seimei...Say, are you someone that Rayla helped?
Andorina: Indirectly, yes.

Ted: Hmmm... (I wonder how.)

Rayla: And I'm Rayla Celest Lilly. I hope you all have a great time at this school...And by great time I mean be a good person and don't try bother others much!

Rayla: I don't like when someone else is causing trouble to others, so stay sharp. (Especially this Xaizor guy. I have the feeling he might need some discipline...Since it seems like his sister is having some trouble with him.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Rooftop

Auror: That was a point I wanted to reach. Hey, do you two have any plans to explore the city or something?

Marina: I suppose...? We do need an idea of environment.

Auror: I have three words for you: Go. Straight. Home.

BGM: Troubled (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3)

Xaizor: And why should we?

Auror: Wait, did you two come here without knowing about this town?

Marina: We did. Father did say this town is not dangerous, so we should be able to-

Auror: Guess your father knows just as little as you two. This city is infested with thugs, terrorism and bad politics.

Marina: So, it is dangerous as I have always feared...!

Xaizor: Thugs? Meh, I can easily protect us both if I want to.

Marina: Wait, we should not cause trouble here, just like Miss Rayla said! M-Maybe the authorities or guards can help us!

Auror: Authority? We don't have that. Our guards, which we call the police, is useless. They don't do anything. We're in for ourselves in this place.

Veronica: We recently suffered from an attack from a terrorist group. It was three days ago. It was very scary.

Xaizor: I still don't see why I have to worry. Like I said, I can protect us both just fine. Those guards of you would only get in my way.

Auror: Well, aren't you confident? Just to warn you, Rayla here is hella strong. If she catches you doing something, you're in for pain.

Kaito: Either way, the town's in no conditions for sightseeing tours. You two should stay low and don't do anything if you don't want to get hurt.

Marina: We shall do that. Are we clear on this, Xaizor?

Xaizor: Whatever. But if those guys come, I'm beating them up with all that I have.

Veronica: I would feel very bad if you two got hurt. Can you promise me that you'll stay low?

Auror: Veronica...

Veronica: The last thing I want is to see the people close to me dying for nothing. I feel as if many people suffered from that and I can somewhat share the pain.

Xaizor: ... OK, OK, just don't relive a bad memory.

Auror: Huh?

BGM: Youthful Lunch (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4)

Xaizor: If that's going to hurt you, we'll stay low. Sound good to you, Veronica?

Veronica: Yes, it's perfect! Thank you very much, Mister Xaizor!

Xaizor: S-Sheesh, no need to be so... formal, I guess... I don't like when girls are crying...

Kaito: Heh, you're all red!

Marina: Hehehehe! Like a pepper.

Xaizor: Y-You two, shut up!

Veronica: Now, let's have a nice lunch and share lunchboxes! Who's going to begin?!

While Veronica picked up her lunchbox and waited for answers, Auror looked at Xaizor and Marina for a little second.

Auror: (I have a feeling Rayla's already aiming at Xaizor. Though I won't deny that he can defend himself and Marina. His powers aren't that hidden... more like he doesn't make any effort to be normal. And she's not normal herself. She speaks as if she knew this was going to be dangerous from the start.)

Auror: (Now I'm very curious. There's something more to those two than it meets the eye. In any case, they're not the only ones hiding their abilities.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Fleeting Memories School - Rooftop

Ted: (Well, isn't he brave?)

Ted: (But at least he's willing to fight...)

Rayla: (Sending his children to a dangerous place...Can't say if it's on purpose or just plain negligence...Either way, we have some talking to do if we ever get to meet.) Guess I wasn't specific enough...Self-Defense is alright. Don't fight unless they attack first. Hopefully, I was a bit more clear on this matter.

Rayla: Anyway, in case you decide to take a stroll, Spring Zone is your starting point, specially in, well, it's spring. The cherry trees are in full bloom until summer arrives.

Andorina: It's my favorite place as well. I had the opportunity to take a walk and appreciate the view thanks to meeting Rayla.

Ted: How did you two meet anyway?

Andorina: Oh, I reconized her face as being one of the girls that helped take down those "evil janitors".

Rayla: Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

Andorina: I mean...nobody knows what they are so...That's all I can think of to call them.

Rayla: I know...please continue.

Ted: Oh yeah, there were other people that stepped in right?

Andorina: Yes, one of them was another classmate of mine.

Rayla: The purple-haired one with the cutesy eye-patch?

Andorina: That's right. We don't talk muc...But I keep hearing her talking about creating her own team of hall monitors that defends the school. She always seems so dead serious about this project.

Rayla: (That...doesn't sound like a bad idea actually.)

Ted: I guess I heard a word about that too. Who was the other one?

Rayla: Someone that came here to visit her younger brother. I didn't really get her name, but she knew how to drive a car and how to do first aid.

Andorina: Hmmm...Doesn't ring any bell...

Ted: Maybe she'll come here again.

Rayla: Hopefully, I'll see her again.

Ted: Well then, how about we start eating? Did someone forget lunch? Cause I can share mine if you didn't bring a box.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Fleeting Memories School: Rooftop

Auror: Alright, time to dive in! Did you two bring your boxes?

Marina: To... be honest, we have not brought lunchboxes. I am deeply sorry, but do you mind if I shared with you, Mister Ted?

Veronica: No fair! I was going to share mine with you, Marina!

Kaito: Then do you mind if I eat it with you, Veronica?

Veronica: Not at all! Please make yourself at home, Mister Kaito!

Veronica opened her lunch box. It was a cute shaped bunny-figure rice with salads altogether, which she cooked herself.

Kaito: Oh, that looks delicious!

Auror: Kaito, if I were you, I wouldn't eat it. Believe me, it just looks good.

Veronica: Oh, shush! Unlike you, Kaito knows a good cook when he sees one.

Kaito: Don't mind him, he's just jealous! I'm grabbing a bite right now!

Xaizor: Hold it! I'm getting one too!

Veronica: Please enjoy!

Kaito and Xaizor took a bite out of Veronica's seemingly good lunch box. However, it tasted horribly. Their stomachs began to twirl inside of their bodies.

Kaito: Hrmmpgh!!

Xaizor: Ggggh!!

Marina: G-Goodness!

Veronica: Hehe! Isn't it tasty?

Auror: ... I warned you two.

Veronica: Hey Marina, why don't you try it out?

Marina: U-Umm, I will share with Mister Ted today. M-Maybe in the next time...?

Veronica: Aww... fine.

Auror: Vivi, you really need some cooking classes before you can actually share boxes.

Veronica: You're just jealous because I'm trying!

Auror: I do cook, you know. None of the people who ate it were instantly sent into a convulsion.

Veronica: S-Stop talking bad about my food! Mister Kaito and Mister Xaizor liked it, see?!

But as Auror said earlier, Kaito and Xaizor were actually repulsed with the food. For Veronica, however, that was actually a praise.

Kaito: God... is that you... here to receive me...?

Xaizor: I can't... fall yet... not here... to a food...!

Marina: (My god... am I to add Veronica's cooking to the list of dangers?)

Veronica: I didn't knew that my food was that good for them to call upon God! I must have divine hands for the art of cooking and I never knew that!

Auror: Oh bother...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Fleeting Memories School - Rooftop

Andorina: Oh my...

Ted: (Guess I'll ask one of the members of the main family to pray for their souls when they reach God.)

Rayla: (Yep...She didn't test her food beforehand...She's going to have one heck of a surprise when she actually eats it...)

Ted: Anyway...Guess I'll share my box with Marina now...Here, I'll let you have half.

Andorina: Here's your portion Rayla.

Rayla: Thanks!

As she eats it, she feels a rather "homely" sensation coming from it, reminding her of her mother's cooking. Andorina noticed the smile and just did a single nod.
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