Spring Zone Streets As Rayla and the other girl persisted in their pursuit. Suddenly, the runaway van lost control and hit and lamp post.

Rayla: Oh no!

Girl: Tch!
They stopped near it, both girls leaving the vehicle.

Rayla: (Please be okay...)
Suddenly, the back door of the damaged van opened, Tatianna was carrying the injured girl out of it.
Pledge of Demon -Long Version-
Rayla: T-Tiane? (People sure are making a habit to show up all of a sudden to help out.)

Tatianna: You sure took your time.

Rayla: Well...

Tatianna: Don't worry, she'll be fine, just in need of some first aid.

Girl: I'm on it!
The injured girl was took to the intact van.

Rayla: Thanks for helping out. What's with the getup anyway? I never thought you would like-
Suddenly, she had to dodge an energy shot coming from an arrow.

Rayla: What do you think you're doing?

Tatianna: Now then, since we're here now, I challenge you to a fight my dear rival.

Rayla: We don't have time for this, what if more of those guys show up? We need to protect that girl right now.

Tatianna: It will be fine, they wouldn't risk more men for a failed operation. They'll benefit more if they stay low profile right now.

Rayla: (Her way of talking...)

Tatianna: Besides...this is the perfect opportunity to test these new abilities of mine.

Rayla: It has to do with that outfit isn't it?

Tatianna: That's right! It gave me this new combat knowledge and reworked my nervous system to keep up with it. I feel excellent, like I'm an entirely new person that can do anything!

Rayla: I still think we should avoid fighting for now...maybe that device affected you somehow, we need to check it...

Tatianna: Shut up!!! I've been trying to hard to be better than you...Working hard everyday...In the hopes of defeating my rival...I've been through a whole lot to get stronger...but it was never enough...It always seemed like I've never progressed at all....I was always defeated in the same humiliating way.

Rayla: ...

Tatianna: But now...with this newfound power...I feel like I can do everything! Even crush you under my foot for good.

Rayla: Tiane...Snap out of it! You're letting yourself being controlled by that power.

Tatianna: On the contrary, I'm welcoming it with open arms! I'll feed it with my desire to defeat you...
Rayka: You fool...Don't take our rivalry that seriously...

Tatianna: That's right! I'm a big idiot! You better give it your all if you want to get rid of me once and
for all!!!

Rayla: I never said I wanted to get rid of you.

Tatianna: Fight with all you got!!! Don't be afraid to break my body apart!

Rayla: ...Fine...I'll do what you want...But not because I want to destroy you...I want to snap you from that trance.

Tatianna: What trance? This is what I truly wanted all along!

Rayla: (That's not true...Not true at all...I know that you're better than this Tianne. I'm going to save you! I promise!) Here I come! HAAAAAAAAA!!!

Suddenly, Tatianna felt her body getting heavier. Rayla was tapping on her magic power.

Tatianna: Kurgh...W-What's with this pressure? T-That aura...

Rayla: You're just getting what you wanted, that's all. I'll show you that you've been outclassed from the start!

Tatianna: B-Bring it on! (N-No way...T-There's no way I'll hesitate. I'm stronger than her now...WAY STRONGER!!!)
Then, both girls ran at each other, starting a fight that was fiercer than what they usually did. Tatianna's reaction time and combat skills were indeed superb due to the data that was inserted in her mind, but Rayla's strenght as an Ancestor Mage was still too much for her. The battle ended up with Tatianna being thrown into a wall after a strong punch, but she still managed to stab Rayla in the leg.
Last Tone
Rayla: Urgh... (How did it come to this...)
She slowly walks towards Tatianna, trying to check if she was alright.

Tatianna: So in the end...I'm still weaker...

Rayla: (Looks like that outfit is gone...) Hey, can you move? I didn't hurt you that bad, did I? Here, I'll help you out.
She helps Tatianna to stand up, wincing in pain due to the leg injury.

Tatianna: Ah! Your leg...

Rayla: Oh this? You've managed to hit me during my last attack, but I'll be fine. I can still walk...

Tatianna: That's not the problem...That last attack was aimed to kill you.

Rayla: !!!

Tatianna: I...Tried to kill you...my friend...

Rayla: Tiane, calm down, it's not your fault...

Tatianna: Of course it was! I know you heard that I embraced this power...Everything I've done was intentional...

Tatianna: What I did can't be forgiven...I never wanted this to go so far...I just...I just...

Realizing how heavy the consequence of her actions truly are, Tatianna was reduced to a sobbing wreck. Rayla tried to confort her, but was pushed away.