Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
So, the character sheet!

First of all, the less fun bit. Banned & Nerfed Powers and why.
Do note that this applies to Character Abilities; you might find items or things that allow things that are normally banned later on if you're lucky.

Flight/Hovering - This one should be rather obvious. Unless you've got good reasons to posess the power of flight, I'd rather not have people capable of flying around the place. It makes lots and lots of obstacles useless. I'm willing to make an exception for gliding because gliding is basically 'slow falling'.
The obvious OP powers - Teleportation, Immortality, Invisibility, Mind Control, Telepathy, Telekinisis, a lot of abilities from here, etc. Not allowed for obvious reasons.
If I think of/find/encounter anything else that is too OP, I'll add it here. When in doubt, please ask me on whether or not something is allowed.

Anyway, the sheet:

Name: (How would they introduce themselves)
Species: (If not human, please describe the species here)
Appearance: (What do they look like?)
Abilities: (What special skills/abilities, if any, do they have?)
Special Weaknesses: (Do they have any unique weaknesses? Allergies, Phobias and more extreme weaknesses go here.)
Weapons: (Do they carry any weapons with them?)
Items: (Do they carry anything special with them?)
Backstory: (This is where your character's past goes. Optional but recommended.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zyngard
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Zyngard The Red Mage

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Aelih

Species: Elf (more long lived than humans, generally less strong but more dexterous)

Appearance: 5’ 7”, with a slim athletic build, wearing specially fit thin elven armor. Green eyes and short blonde hair which has grown messy over the years.

Mending: A simple use of magical energy to mend objects, with larger fixes requiring more energy. This can fix broken weapons, but the weapon is generally weaker afterwards, as it is not a perfect fix in any way.

Hone Edge: An enchantment for Blades that lasts about 2 minutes or so, and uses up a significant amount of energy, but sharpens the edge of any blade. Takes about 15 seconds to cast, due to a short ritual that must be used

Weapon Training: Aelih is proficient in spears and most long weapons, although still able to use a sword or bow if need be (with less of a proficiency, due to focusing on spear combat)

Special Weaknesses: Aelih is afraid of growing too close to someone and then being abandoned, and also has an mediocre aversion to fire.

Weapons: Aelih carries around an elvish spear, made of metal and enchanted for durability, as well as a pocket knife.

Items: Clothes, Thin Elvish Armor

Backstory: Aelih used to live in a relatively small elvish city in a forest, spending the youthful years training with weapons, mostly with the spear. After several decades, the city was under threat of a marauding force (Aelih does not remember what species the marauders were), and Aelih was forced to flee, living out part of life in a separate forest, making sure to stay up to date with the news of the world, and training to keep the edge with weaponry. Once the news of the growing undead threat came, Aelih knew that it would be worthwhile to help out in one way or another.

Other: Not Applicable, I guess
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hokum
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Hokum The man in the moon

Member Seen 9 mos ago


About Devlin

Partly human


Five feet, six inches

18 years


Devlin is a brave sort, yet she is mostly quiet and reserved, living the life of a nomadic loner since the tragic and bloody death of her family. Her silence, however, carries with it a great deal of bitterness, a deep seeded rage born of the atrocity she witnessed on the day of her parents death.

General Dislikes

Being stared at. People breathing on her. Conversation, particularly long ones.



Weapons and Magic

Devlin has a bow she crafted herself, two silver daggers with 10 inch blades, which she took from her daddy’s hidden chest in the wake of his death, and a somewhat antiquated broadsword that holds an age old enchantment she is yet unaware of. This Broadsword was a gift, forged from an ancient and lightweight metal, and presented to her by her only friend, a reclusive and very strange individual who lived in a cave on the side of a mountain.

Devlin is also descendant from a long line of witches, and although she learnt little more than a few small tricks from her mother and grandmother, she spent two years with the aforementioned individual in the mountains of Epir following the death of her family, where this individual shared his knowledge and disciplines in melee and range combat, as well as various forms of Electromancy.

Melee and Range

Had Devlin's lean body-type, unusual strength and agility not been enough, her deep seeded bitterness and hunger for vengeance would have alone served well in the development of her impeccable skills and accuracy, in the arts of both melee and long range weapons.


Having the blood of a witch in her veins certainly helped in the development of her magical skills. In the two years with her mentor, she managed to acquire a good deal of knowledge in the harnessing and application of electricity. Electromancy came natural to her. Her specific abilities primarily involve, but are not limited to, both defense and combat in numerous forms, such as the conjuring of various warding and destructive charges.

Combining Forces

Another ability she learned was the capacity to endow her melee and range weapons with a charge of electricity, effectively adding an electrical kick to her sword, daggers and arrows during combat. The downside of this strength, though mainly prevalent in melee weapon use, is the time in which the 'constancy' of this charge can be maintained before resulting in the depletion of her energy.


The strength of any given attack or defense pertaining to the use of Electromancy, pends solely on the amount of energy she is willing to use. At full charge, that being enough to at the very least kill a full grown bear, a single use of her powers will result in the temporary yet debilitating depletion of her energy.


In the various pouches on her attire, Devlin carries small bottles of medicine and other items that tend to come in handy in the life of a nomad.


Enjoys thick layers of butter and a topping of honey on freshly baked bread... and milk.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

"I need to test something real quick! Ooh, I'm so excited!"

Name: Gabriel Julianos Saldosius

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: Gabriel stands at a rather average height of 5'10 and weighs averagely on that matter as well. A mope of light brown hair sits upon his head and is often seen as messy and unkempt as he doesn't make any special effort to keep it neat and tidy as he believes it would just take too much time out of his schedule. His eyes are a stunning blue - reflecting the happiness that constantly resides within the male. At certain lighting, however, it seemingly turns into gray. His skin, as expected from a man of his stature and occupation, is only lightly tanned.

He often wears simple clothing - though he doesn't forego protection especially under these times. Wearing an enchanted traveler's cloak and lightly padded clothing underneath, he seems prepared for what he has to face. He is generally seen in traveler's clothing with a beige cotton top and brown trousers with a black belt keeping it up for comfort. He wears brown boots that are also fit for traversing harsh terrain and then gloves - just in case.
Abilities: Gabriel is capable of using Runic Magic and has trained intensively on it. He also has the unique ability to pinpoint a certain enchantment just by seeing the item, but is none the wiser on what that certain enchantment is until he tries it out himself or spend hours pouring over it.

Gabriel, while subpar in his skills in close combat, is quite the marksman. One can say that he's close to mastering the art of archery. He is a quick learner, however, so he simply needs a patient teacher so that he xould at least know how to properly wield close combat weaponry.

What sets him apart in social settings is his charismatic nature. As the second child to a wealthy merchant, he learned the art of bartering at a young age and is proficient in it. This is how he survived alone and still earned money.

Special Weaknesses: Gabriel is easily distracted by various things - whether it be of magical nature or otherwise. Whilst athletic and has been seen holding his own in a fight, without any formal training, he isn't going to last in a fight against trained units; hence why he relies heavily on long-ranged weapons and only results to swordplay when he feels confident. He's highly allergic to poultry and cannot consume it unless he wants to be incapacitated with rashes that are too attention-seeking to ignore.

  • Enchanted Compound Bow - A simple bow that he has purchased and upgraded himself, the enchantment placed in it allows for easier drawing of the string while still keeping the power behind the attack. This allows for faster firing and less taxing attacks.
  • Shortsword - He hasn't enchanted it yet because he doesn't know which one to place. He's working on a durability enchantment on it though. He usually keeps it on his waist.

  • Enchanted Cloak - The cloak he wears is enchanted so that it is akin to armor. While not as heavy duty as iron, it does help with tanking hits and saving his skin every now and then.

Backstory: Saldosius - a name that would come to be familiar to anyone who has gone to South Akripola. It's a name of one of the wealthiest families in South Akripola and owns a large land. The Saldosius family trades a variety of things and a branch family works as shipbuildiers, but also as a crew itself that takes the Saldosius trade items to various places. They employ a variety of poor members of their community - but it is painfully obvious to anyone who would see that they are treated poorly, but in their words "at least better than when they're not under our protection."

Gabriel Saldosius was the odd one of the bunch. Second child of the current overall ruler of Saldosius, a lot were to be expected of him. His older sister, Micah, was going to be battlng for the title of ruler with her cousins and the likes. As the second child, Gabriel has the responsibility of aiding her older sister in her quest to become the next ruler of the family. But Gabriel was not interested in becoming the geenral advisor of his older sister, but he delved into the arts of enchanting. Considering they were only one year apart, and the trial did not start until all candidates were, at the very least, 18 years old, Gabriel had enough time to study up on his runes. His father humored him and even got him a Runic Mage teacher.

When it was time for Micah to start her trial, Gabriel decided that it would be for the best if his sister would be the ruler and he did actually care for her, so he went ahead to help her. He had an... odd way of supporting her. Enlisting the help of their younger brother named Jeremiah, the three set up trades all over Akripola to boost reputation. Gabriel introduced the concept of solidifying the trade of enchanted weaponry, as these are highly sought after by warriors, hunters and many others. After his sister agreed with this and hired Runic Mages and began the trade. This along with other plans got Micah the position, Jeremiah was then placed onto managing their ships, and Gabriel? Gabriel was allowed to roam since Micah let him go as she understood what he wanted to do.

Since then, Gabriel has been roaming around to find new magical artifacts and to learn more runes. It has taken him to every kingdom in Akripola but he decided to stay in the Kingdom of Nora because of the sheer amount of ancient ruins in there and what better place for a Runic Mage to be than a place rich with history? Gabriel has set up a temporary shop in Nora as an enchanter that gives him a steady flow of money. He's known for experimenting and attempting to discover new runes for enchantments and whatnot. He can also be hired to go exploring in ruins with a party.

But then he recieved a letter from the Saldosius family - a letter from his sister. Micah alerted him that the family was hit hard by the monsters as their area was assaulted. They took up arms and drove the monsters back, and are now recovering from the attack, but had lost many of their members. Jeremiah, their parents and many cousins. Gabriel knew that he had to help somehow and has now found himself in Nadska while searching for answers regarding the appearance of the monsters.

Other: He regularly receives and sends letters via a communication system set up by the Saldosius family.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Valkon
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Valkon Multiversal Vagabond

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Red, aka Jack

Age: 24

Gender: Male


Appearance: Jack stands at six and a half feet, a relatively normal height for an Elrian.

Abilities: Due to his Elrian heritage Jack has a few inherent abilities. These include:

-Enhanced physical abilities: As described in the species section, Jack's physical characteristics are beyond that of a normal human.

-Fire Resistance: Jack is aligned with the element of fire, rendering fire and heat that would otherwise be dangerous less effective on him. In addition, he can handle hotter climates and weather conditions without ill effect.

He also has some abilities that he has achieved through other means, such as training.

-Unarmed Combatant: Jack has expertise in styles of hand-to-hand combat, both unarmed and making use of improvised weaponry, when available.

-Survivalist: Having spent most of his life traversing more uncivilized lands, Jack has the knowledge and skill required to survive in the wilds between the cities and towns of the various kingdoms of Akripola.

Special Weaknesses: While his alignment with fire gives him a resistance to fire and heat, it also renders him susceptible to cold; cryomancy and other magic with chilling attacks are far more effective on him than normal, and colder climates and weather affect him more quickly than usual.

Weapons: Jack carries with him two pieces of equipment to enhance his unarmed combat style.

-Arcane Redirection Gauntlets: A pair of steel gauntlets equipped with inert magic crystals which allow Jack to absorb incoming magic attacks, store the energy, and use it to boost the power of his punches. Whether powered or not, spikes on the knuckles of the gauntlets also serve to make his attacks more effective.

-Sabatons: Though designed more as armor than a weapon, steel plates attached to Jack's boots help make kicks more effective.

Items: Jack carries little more than the clothes on his back- both armored and unarmored- and a pack slung on his back and hidden by his cloak, in which he stores survival equipment, maps, a journal, a pan flute made from bones, and however many coins he happens to have on him at the time. Occasionally he also stores potentially valuable objects he finds in it, though he has none at the moment.

Backstory: 25 years ago, a mage by the name of Jacques Rezello decided that he was fed up with the variety of mundane tasks that came with being a mage of his caliber- setting up experiments, collecting materials and foci, sorting out equipment, and other such things that wasted time and effort he could devote to more important things. And, like any mage of his caliber, he studied historical magic events and discoveries, and thus knew of the Elrians. He concluded, therefore, that the most appropriate course of action would be to obtain an Elrian to work for him. A normal human would not suffice, after all; they would tire, demand breaks and respect, try to live their own life outside of working for him, and other such nonsense. Besides, Elrians were designed to perform mundane tasks. That's what they were meant for.

At first, he tried to obtain one as one would any other employee- tracking down qualified individuals, making an offer, and disposing of those who refused. Of course, Elrians weren't exactly the most common individuals, and tracking down good candidates was difficult. It certainly didn't help that those he did find never took the offer, and were not willing to be disposed of, leaving Jacques beaten, lost, and, more importantly, without an Elrian to work for him. Deciding that being reasonable clearly wasn't working, he set out to capture an Elrian to force them to work for him.

This turned out about as well as one might expect, leaving him with yet more injuries and time spent lost. Luckily, like any mage of his caliber, Jacques knew how to restore himself from the brink. But, unfortunately for him, a year had nearly passed and he had yet to obtain an Elrian of his own. And so, he concluded that perhaps attempting to capture an Elrian who was not yet an adult would be a better course of action. But where would he find one? Young Elrians were nearly indistinguishable from absurdly strong human children, after all. As luck would favor him, however, while mending his wounds in a local tavern he happened upon a rumor that a pure-blooded Elrian had been born in the village that he was currently in. And so, he set to seek out this child.

Long story short, the rumors turned out to be true- or at least true enough that the child was in fact an Elrian, and he could tell it was one- and Jaques managed to obtain it through methods he would insist were completely legitimate. Initially he was displeased with the prospect of having to devote time to raising such a young creature, since the Elrian wouldn't be useful to him for another few years, but he figured the end result would be worth it. And so, he raised the child to be a perfectly obedient and subservient individual who would do all manual work for him. Which more or less just meant making sure the child grew up without dying, since Elrians were designed to work for mages and therefore this one would be perfectly obedient and subservient by default, because they're meant to be like that. Surely, he figured, the great mages of old couldn't have possibly been wrong or made a mistake.

Jacques began assigning tasks for the child as soon as it had grown up, and soon determined that it would be easier to do so if he gave the child a quick, short name he could address- going to find the child and trying to get its attention otherwise would be inefficient, after all. He gave the child a brief look-over, deciding to name him Red after the spare crimson cloak that he had hastily wrapped him in to serve as makeshift clothing. Short, simple, easy to remember... it was perfect. And so began Red's life of work under the mage.

While Red served Jaques unquestioningly- it was the only thing he had ever known, after all- as he grew older he began to resent the mage for enslaving him. Servitude was the only thing he had ever known, after all. When Jaques figured Red was old enough, he decided it was time to teach Red how to read and write. Jaques needed scrolls and tomes transcribed, after all, and despite requiring some degree of knowledge it was still mundane work. After teaching Red enough that the child could reliably understand and transcribe written script, he assigned him to perfect it- poorly written scrolls and tomes wouldn't suit a mage of his caliber, after all- by practicing on the library of old books that the previous owner of Jaques's home had abandoned when he left. By being killed by Jaques.

This would prove to be not Jaques's greatest mistake, but simply one in a line of many, many equally great mistakes that only someone like him could manage to accomplish. As it turned out, in transcribing these books, Red not only copied them, but also read them, something that Jaques never would've anticipated despite the fact that one must read what a book says to transcribe it. He also had never bothered reading the books himself, so he also never could've anticipated their contents; contents that, as Red transcribed book after book, kindled and fueled a flame in him, a burning desire for freedom. Yet he knew that as he currently was, he would have no hope of defeating Jaques; he was only a child, after all. Freedom would have to wait until he was stronger.

But, as it turned out, freedom was rather impatient. One of Jacques's specialties, and thus services he provided, was in the analysis of magic artifacts, and a traveler had recently arrived with a large amount of them. Simultaneously overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of items one man could have on hand and anticipating the chance to display his expertise, he assigned Red to sort out the excess equipment for him while he analyzed the first batch of items. While Red was doing so, one of the artifacts, a pair of gauntlets, drew his attention. As he looked over them, he felt a force compelling him to put them on. Glancing back at Jacques, who was still busy with the items he was working on and the traveler, he couldn't help himself as he took the opportunity that had come to him.

He slipped the gauntlets on, which despite being a bit large for his hands, felt as if they were meant to be there. A sensation he had never felt before surged through him, invoking power, the opportunity to take control of his life- of freedom. He was snapped out of this sudden state as he heard Jacques's voice sharply address him, and as he turned to look back at his master he was greeted with two looks- one of anger from his master, and one of amusement from the traveler. Jacques demanded he remove the gauntlets and return to work, but as Red looked down at them, the feeling of power slowly built up again, his hands turning to fists as he looked back at his master, uttering a simple no.

Jacques's anger turned to fury- the traveler's smirk, unseen by Red's master, turning into a smile- as he lifted a hand, thin bolts of electricity arcing up his forearm before he jabbed the raised hand towards Red, lightning launching from his fingers. Red raised his open hands almost instinctively in what should have been a futile attempt to block such an attack, and yet block it did- or so it seemed. Crystals that had lined the bracers, thought by Red to be decorative, lit up as they absorbed the energy. Red looked down at his hands, balling them into fists once more, now glowing with power. He looked up at Jacques, whose fury had subsided into confusion and fear, something Red had never seen from his master. This- combined with a slight nod from the traveler- broke open the floodgates that had been holding back all of Red's resentment and hatred for his master.

In a moment that seemed a blur to Red, he leapt forwards towards his master, striking him down with a series of brutal punches. Standing over his now deceased captor, he stared down at the mage's tenderized carcass for a brief moment before turning and looking up to address the traveler. The man, however, had disappeared, along with all of the other artifacts, no traces that he or the other items had ever been there left behind. Looking once more at the pitiful remains of Jacques, Red took a moment to calm himself, walking out the door of his master's arcane shop and into his new life.

He took with him the gauntlets, the cloak that had been his namesake, and his master's name- altered to Jack- and money. His master wouldn't need either of them anymore, after all, but he could make use of them. Now, on what would happen to be Red's- Jack's- tenth birthday, he was finally free. He would spend the next fourteen years roaming the countryside, sustaining himself with hunting- both of animals and of individuals with bounties on their heads, preferring taking down mages in the latter case. Initially he resented entering civilized lands, only doing so when necessary or to take on or turn in a bounty, though in the past few years he has mostly gotten over this. He still prefers the wilds, however, and generally distrusts mages.

Other: Jack likes spicy food.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Candy
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

~ 𝐹𝒶𝓊𝓋𝑒 ~


Name: Fauve.

Species: Human in appearance. Her human side came from her mother, her other side was taken from her unidentified father who is of a yet unnamed race. Even though her father’s species looks human and thus didn’t change Fauve’s physical appearance from that of human, the inhuman abilities he handed down to her are well and truly apparent.

Age: Who the hell knows? Probably in her late teens to early twenties, there abouts, but she never bothered to keep track. Neither does she give a damn.

Gender: Female... normally.

Appearance: Straight shoulder-length dirty-blond hair, supple fair skin, green eyes. She is just under 5' 5" with a petite build and perfectly proportioned attributes. She may be pretty as all damnation, but her presentation is kinda messed up because she doesn’t normally go much on bothering to maintain her appearance.

I'll leave the clothing out at this time, because it will vary a lot through the RP.

Occupation: Haha, well here’s a funny thought! Let’s just call her a thief, a murderer, and a filthy little penny scrounging whore. Her dignity as any decent form of human has long since fled the premises.


1. Acts a lot on impulse and never usually derives much or any remorse from any acts that may appear wrong from another person’s standpoint, or even her own. She also lacks manners. Most people might be so inclined to call her a feral lowlife.

2. Her main goal in life is survival, and will pretty much do whatever it takes to stay on top of things.

3. She loves valuable items, and like I aimed to mention beforehand, doesn't hesitate to steal or sell another shred of her humanity if the opportunity presents itself and serves her gain well enough.

4. She barely has any acquaintances and she doesn’t have any friends and doesn’t feel the need to gain any, because she doesn’t at all care for the maintenance involved and considers most people stupid or pathetic in one way or another. She’s pretty much a loner, no other way to put it, but this doesn't mean that she’s shy, as she’s actually quite sure of herself and confident in doing what she needs to do, just that she doesn't particularly care for anyone outside of her own world.


She has a particular fondness for throwing knives she learned to use at a carnival she was a part of earlier in life. They’re the only weapon she keeps on her person at all times, and has an uncanny knack for hitting her target from a good distance off.

Because of other abilities soon to be mentioned in the magic section of this sheet, her other weapons of choice are unnecessary and transient to her possession some of the time. When wanted or needed her other weapons of choice consist of whatever she might pick up on her tramp through life. Over time she’s become fairly proficient at using more convenient types: Knives, daggers, short swords. Things like that. They seem to suite her way of getting things done than the more cumbersome variety like bows and broadswords, which are a little too big for her anyway. She will also just use whatever other item might be laying around if she feels the need for variation or fun. Ultimately, she’ll simply just upgrade current weapons with a new one if a weapon of more value or efficiency turns up. A lot of the time she’ll disregard the weapon she has just because she got bored with it hanging around. She prefers to travel light as possible.


Manipulation, specifically Metamorphosis: Not to be confused with shapeshifting! Because it’s not. This particular type of metamorphosis was handed down from her father’s side and allows Fauve the ability to manipulate any aspect of her biology: limbs, bones, hair, gender etc. She cannot alter her form into that of another species or an inanimate object or anything like that, but she can alter her physical size to an extent or cause her bones to elongate into weapons or change arms into legs, and other similar things like that. Most of these changes can only be sustained for short duration's of time and said duration's differ with the type of change.

She wasn’t aware of this gift for a lot of her life. She stumbled upon it by accident during a scuffle with another thief a few years ago and since then has managed to train herself in using the ability at times she deems it necessary to. She tends not use this gift unless she absolutely has to, because it can cause her a considerable amount of discomfort and sometimes even pain. Fortunately, she does have a higher than normal pain threshold and can conceal her pain quite well.

Hand in hand with this is the ability to heal faster than a normal human. For a wound created by an external force that might normally take a week or so to heal, will only take a few hours for Fauve.

Other abilities

She’s understandably a spry and wiry little thing, allowing her to run fast and jump fairly far and high and have more physical strength than an average girl of her size. That’s not to say she’s supernatural in this area, but the average person is going to have a hell of time keeping up with her.


Well, let’s see here…. Fauve’s an illegitimate child, and by illegitimate I mean she was the product of a cheating husband and the local nightwalker in the town of her birth. She never met her father, or maybe he was never told about her. Her harlot mother raised her for a few years before getting sick of the little terror hanging around. From there she was pushed around from adopting family to abusive male ‘care givers’ to travelling carnivals until she finally had enough and took off on her own in her early teens. After that she pretty much scaled the land making a nuisance of herself by all the already mentioned means. She’s very smart but on account of her unstable upbringing and the many abusive men in her childhood, she holds a lot resentment towards people and pretty much life in general.

Other: Since food preferences seem to be the order of the day, I'll just go ahead and say Grapes, particularly the darker varieties.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dartbored Fairy
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Dartbored Fairy Sleepy Fairy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I decided it'd be a smart idea to put the main character I'll be using here.


Sentient Magical Construct

Officially she's 6, but she's got the appearance, skills and knowledge of a grown-up due to being a construct.



To those who don't pay much attention to people, Lui looks like a regular person. With short, unkempt black hair and preferring function over vanity, she looks just like any other boyish teen. However, on closer inspection, there are a few things that stand out. For one, Lui's left eye isn't actually an eye. Instead, it's place is taken by a round, red gem, about the size of an eye and it has a faint glow, causing it to shine in the dark..Her other eye, however, looks rather normal and is a bright blue in color.

Those who pay really close attention to Lui would notice that she's not human at all. While her skin looks and feels like regular skin, it's merely a cover to hide the body of wood that lies beneath. Though her skin doesn't come natural to her, enchantments placed on her by the mage who used to own her enables her skin to regrow if removed.

At her major joints, such as the elbows and knees, Lui's skin doesn't grow, creating small gaps to ensure no skin gets stuck between joints. For this reason, Lui rarely wears clothing that reveals these areas of fake skin.


As a Magical Construct, manipulating Magic comes as natural to her as breathing does for humans. However, she’s unfortunately unable to cast spells without training. She's been trained in the use of Fire Magic, though she can use other forms of magic to some extent as well. Besides this, she's also adept at fighting with either Quarterstaves or Spears.

Lui's Fire Magic comes in many different shapes and sizes, from flinging fireballs to lighting torches on fire, Lui's magic is versatile but definitely not quiet or sneaky. Not only does her fire generate more heat than regular fire, it burns brighter than other fire and is harder to extinguish, making it bad for stealth operations.

Besides this, Lui's nature as an artificial creation also means she's immune to things like poison and temperatures, neither does she require oxygen.

Special Weaknesses:

Lui’s a light sleeper, as she suffers from nightmares induced by her one red eye.

Another problem she often faces is that she herself is considered valuable. There are mages and other people out there who would like to get their hands on Lui to take her apart and find out how she works.

There are also other... entities that take interest in Lui. Not for who she is, but for the artifact that has taken the place of her left eye. These creatures occasionally manage to 'hone in' on her when she's using magic, and therefore using too much magic is risky for her.

Another big issue is that she uses the same energy to stay alive as she does to spells.If she casts too much magic, she basically 'shuts down', rendering her unconscious for up to 24 hours. After this amount of time has passed, she'll awaken again, but unable to cast complex spells for another 48 hours. If she does, she risks killing herself.

She is also way too quick to believe people, allowing them to easily beguile her. But at the same time, she doesn't easily trust people to let point of letting her guard down, due to the constant risk of people wanting to abduct her.

A minor detail is that, due to not breathing, she also cannot do things like blow out candles and other common day activities. She can still talk, of course. . Meanwhile her lack of capability to feel heat means she doesn't realise when things are getting dangerously hot, and since her interior is constructed of wood, fire is always a hazard.


Lui always carries her prized 'Magelight' with her. The magelight is a rare weapon and was created by an ambitious mage long ago.When wielded by a Mage, the Magelight takes on the appearance of a Lantern attached with a chain to a long metal pole, about the size of a quarterstaff. When wielded by a non-mage, the Lantern vanishes.

The Magelight's key ability is to enhance the skill of a Mage based on the colour of the flame in the lantern. For example, Yellow Fire enhances the skill in Air Magic for the wielder and others nearby, while Green Fire enhances the mage's skill in Nature Magic. The flame can only affect forms of magic that the wielder has experience in, and so, for example, those that have no ability in enchanting things cannot use the Magelight to enhance enchanting.

The Magelight's 'enhancing' does two things. One: It makes casting magic of the attuned element less exhausting for others within range, and Two: It allows those others within range to cast magic they previously were not skilled enough to do, though it also makes those magics more exhausting than usual.

The Magelight's lantern can also be turned into a Spear. This however causes it to lose it's Magic Enhancing ability.

If the lantern is smashed against the ground, it creates a small explosion of Elemental Fire. This renders the Magelight inert for at least 5 minutes, reverting it a regular metal quarterstaff.

Originally, there were only 10 Magelights, though other mages have since copied the designs and created many more. The original 10 are prized artifacts and said to be enchanted with a yet unknown ancient spell.

Lui's Magelight is one of the original 10, taken from the mage who used to own her. Lui doesn't know it's an original, though, and doesn't treat it like the treasure it truly is.


Lui carries with her a simple backpack, holding the essentials she needs for travelling. If, however, a backpack isn’t enough, she can always tie another bag to her Magelight for extra storage space.

In her backpack she carries:
- A small tent, fit for one person
- A bedroll
- Some bandages
- Some rations
- A flute

Besides this, she also carries a small bag on her waist containing two identical-looking books. One is her Grimoire, the other is just a regular book.


Throughout the Wizarding World, Magical Constructs are common. However, there are few as famous as the Life-Sized Sentient Dolls invented by a long-deceased mage. These constructs are almost indistinguishable from a non-construct race, were it not for the fact that they still have no choice but to follow the orders of their master..

While the original constructs are rare and thought extinct, the mage who invented them left behind enough information on how to create them that replicas are obtainable by anyone who has sufficient funds to afford such an expensive creation.

These constructs would go on to be called 'Living Dolls', and they'd end up being used for all sorts of things: Babysitters, servants, slaves, assistants. Living Dolls have filled almost every occupation a human has.

This is how Lui came into being. Her creation was commissioned by a wealthy and probably insane mage known by the name as Athor. He had Lui built in order to experiment on her, which he did.

To start, Athor first worked on a skin for Lui to wear in order to conceal her nature as a Living Doll. The true reason for this however was that Athor was experimenting with the fake skin in an attempt to create something that could be used to alter the way one looks.

Secondly, he taught Lui the basics of magic, a process Lui really enjoyed. In truth, Athor just wanted to find out if artificial creatures could use magic in the same way non-artificial creatures could.

Finally, Athor forcibly removed Lui's left eye and replaced it with an artifact he found just to see what would happen. This event still haunts Lui, as Athor didn't bother thinking of a way to ensure Lui wouldn't feel the pain from the process. Nevertheless, the process was a success, and Lui was forced to live with everything that came with having a cursed artifact in her head.

Ever since, Lui wanted to get away from her owner, but she was incapable of doing so due to being unable to go against his orders. She suffered through Athor's experiments for several years, until Athor finally died at the hands of another mage who challenged Athor to a duel. Lui managed to run away before the winning mage managed to claim her, and she's been on the run ever since.

Having managed to snatch some useful items when she fled, Lui now lives her life doing odd jobs here and there, but never staying in the same place for too long. Her ultimate goal in life is for her fellow Living Dolls to gain independence, but for now she’ll be satisfied with finding out where all these monsters are coming from.


Since food seems to be a trend, Lui’s favourite food is Strawberries. She’s also intolerant to alcohol and gets drunk very easily.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sempis


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Barnaby Eyre



Species: Ipotane (Belgian Draft Horse)

[center]Occupation: Blacksmith, Bladesmith, Farmer

Humanoid: If it weren't for Barnaby's lower half being that of a hulking draft horse, he most certainly would not be the height that he is. He is only an inch or two above average for the few members of his species, standing at 6'10. His chestnut hair is wavy, and easily swept up out of his face. His eyes are a dark hazel color, his complexion tanned from days spent working in the sun.
Horse: Barnaby's horse form is a belgian draft horse, his coat reddish white in color, his mane and feathering black. He stands sixteen hands high, a pure muscle powerhouse. The tradeoff of being a draft horse is relinquishing speed for strength. Barnaby is kind enough to give weary travelers a ride, most of the time not expecting payment.

Abilities: Barnaby can switch between his humanoid and horse form. In his humanoid form, he can reach top speeds of 15 mph, and 20 mph in his horse form. Being a draft horse, Barnaby is very strong.

Special Weaknesses: Barnaby is slower than the average ipotane, seeing as he is a draft horse.
Barnaby often times underestimates his strength.
Barnaby will forget how tall he is, either knocking his head on doorways or have to crouch in under low ceilings.
Barnaby's back legs can go into painful spasms if put under too much pressure or strain.

Weapons:Barnaby didn't take much with him when he left the farm, except for a couple of knives he crafted before he left, if only for self defense.

Items: Barnaby carries a large pack, which is hardly a load for him to bear. Items include:
- Knives
- Food
- Flint and Steel
- Bedding
- Water Filter

Backstory:Barnaby grew up in a small family of ipotanes in the woods. When he was sixteen, he went to a small village outside of Nadska to work and smith for farmers, common for ipotanes who wanted to live in civilization, rather than living in the woods as most did. When monsters leveled the farm to the ground, Barnaby decided to avenge the people who had homed him for a decade, and went into Nadska for answers.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Seraphin


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