Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amaroq


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Long ago, the Ancient races and the humans lived together as one. They shared the land and it was a time of glorious peace. But one day, a Mage by the name of Elderic grew envious of the power of the Ancient one's. He began to study magic forbidden by nature, gaining power no mortal was meant to hold, but even so it was not enough for him. It wasn't long before he found another who held his greed. The leader of the Veldic clan.

He wanted no power, mealy the greed of riches and glory. Forming an alliance, they began to work to get the other the clans on there side. Using a mix of forbidden magic and bribery, Elderic and the leader took control of the clans. It was shortly after that Elderic slew his partner, having no intention of sharing this power with anyone. With all the clans under his control, Elderic took control of the human race, and began plotting against the Ancients.

For years, Elderic built his army. Gather a mass unseen at the time. He knew he had no hope to outmatch the Ancients, but he would use sheer force of number to slay them. Over the years, he sent assassins to make silent strikes against the Ancients, never being suspected. The Ancients believed Elderic to be a wise and loving Mage, how wrong they were.

Over the years, he kept the pretense of peace and friendliness. Though he used the Veldic clans wealth to train and arm his massive army.

After eleven long years.... he struck the first blow.

Sending a group of Veldic Saba tours and Reku Mages to the great Gi' Eld mountains, he struck against the dragons. During their mating season, he had his men use a mix of explosives and magic to bring the grand mountain down, bringing with it most of the Dragonkin.

The Ancient Races were enraged, but Elderic convenience them the men acted alone in this. He slew his own men before the Elvin king in retribution. Though now wary, The Ancients did not hold the human race accountable for the actions of these men.

Eldrics plan was working without fail.

Elderic had many of the Dwarven mines collapsed, he turned the orcs against one another, and poisoned the water of the elves.

But after one more year of these silent attacks, Elderic brought forth his army to the Lunario forest, holy ground to the elven race. King Arato intercepted the great force and held back the army as they tried to set fire to the forest, but he tried in vein. The Elves outmatched the humans, by number overwhelmed them. The king was forced to flee. The holy site was lost to the world forever.
Centuries later

The Ancient race still continue the war against the humans. The Mage Elderic vanished soon after the war was started. Most count him among the dead, but not all.

The humans have taken a king to rule their land. King Palan, direct descendent of the great Mage Elderic. He hold the same ambition of his Ancestor.

The Fighting has continued for the centuries with nether side weaning.

The Dragons refuse to fight for fear of extinction. The Dwarves are starting to talk of retreating into their mines and the Elves continue the fight.

The Vakgar- A Kingdom full of Ancient Races. Elves, Dragons, Dwarves, and Orcs hold this land. It is located near the great eastern ocean of the world. The land is covered by deep lush forest, and mountains that reach far past the clouds. The rich lands or filled with magic, that seems to hang in the very air of the Ancient Kingdom.

The Elven King Arato has ruled over the land since time immortal. Though each of the ancient races have their own leaders, he governs them all.


Elves- Well balanced in all areas of fighting, and of very apt in the mystic ways. They live in the capital of the Kingdom known as Acheron, which is in the center of the kingdom.

Dwarves- Strong hardy, enduring race. They live in the within and around the great mountains, tunneling and living within the earth. They are a proud and stubborn race, and will rarely bend to the will of others.

Orcs- A Brutish race relying on their strength and power to keep them through the test of time and war. They frown upon all use of magic, seeing it as the black arts, though they fear it more then anything. They live within roaming tribes around the lands of Vakgar.

Dragons- Said to be the most powerful creatures in existence, but a dying race all the same. Do to the meddling of a mage, their race is now all but extent. The few remaining live high within the caves of the great mountains.

Cartharg- The kingdom of the humans, ruled by the sorcerer king, Palan. The land is covered with roaming hills, and long grassy plains. The mountains within this land pale to those of the Vakgar, but the soil is rich and fertile.
Thought ruled by King Palan, the Kingdom of Cartharg is shared by the three great Clans.

The Veldic- The wealthiest, and most untrustworthy clan. They are skilled in the art of deception, making them perfect assassins and thives. They are more likely to stab you in the back rather then shake your hand. They make their home in the grand city of Cybele.

The Bkir- They are the strongest and most noble men and women within Cartharg. They hold their honor above all else, even thier lives. They are stubborn and enduring, and always ready for a fight. They make their home In the Ald Field Meadows in the village of Shoregrove.

The Reku- The wisest of all the clans. They are scholars by most, but many within this clan are Well verst in the arcane ways. Though do to the Mage Elderic, they are the most hated of the Ancient races. Their home is the city of Vergate in the Sanharst Valley. [/hider]

[hider=Places of note]
Crystalmist Haven- The only neutral ground between the two kingdoms due to ancient magic that prohibits any hostile act.

Highhollow Barrens- No man's land. This is a dark forboding land within the Kingdom of Carthage. It is filled with a dark despair, as the filling of death hangs in the air.

Vergate- Home of the Reku Clan

Shoregrove- Home of the Bkir Clan

Cybele- Trade center for the Kingdom of Carthage, and home of the Veldic Clan.

Melthorn- Home of the elves, and captial of the Vakgar Kingdom.

Lunario Forest- Holy site of the elves, Destoryed by the mage Elderic

Gi' Eld Mountains- Former home of the dragons, destroyed by the mage Elderic [/hider]

Unfortunatly, since the wipe ive decided to restart from the beginning. Unless someone has something of a summary of what had last transpired.

Extra: (feel free to add anything extra.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Ruri Folt
Age: 14
Race: Half-elf
Gender: Female
Profession: Vagrant, Amateur Elementalist
Weapon: none (well, her gloves)
Head: Yellow Ribbons
Torso: Pink Dress
Hands: Oversized, Pink, Channeler's Gloves
Legs: Long White Socks
Feet: Pink Boots
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mean while, I got to remember how I wrote Malakaus and Xia.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I can't find my way to the first page to retrieve Malakaus. Xia was page 2. So is Haven, so if Eyeris needs it I know where to get it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 17 days ago

I'll be making a CS when I decide exactly what I want to do. Since I wasn't in the original, if you need someone of a specific race (like you don't have a lot of something) that is you know.... not orc or dwarves or dragons... because I don't like not being pretty (sadface here because I'm totally shallow), let me know.

In fact, I shall send you a fb message about it right now!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 28 min ago

I'm making her with Dragonlance in mind this time :)

- True name: Taraah
- Elven name: Ruuna
- Human name: Ashwing
- Pet name: Tara
Race: Dragon

Gender: Female
Age: 13
- Height: 160 cm
- Withers height: 100 cm
- Length (head to tail tip): 250 cm
- Wing span (% of body length): 120

Despite her young age, Taraah is actually truly ancient, as her egg was laid at the time of destruction of Gi'Eld. With both of her parents killed in the event, her egg miraculously survived the collapse of the mountain and was recovered by Elderic's army. Taken to one of the Reku towers, the mages tried to hatch her, but their labors bore no fruit. As a dragon egg is of high value to a wizard, it just so happened that Taraah was stolen from one tower at the orders from rivaling wizard, and not just once. Over the centuries, she traded owners from all over the land, none succeeding in awakening her.

The task was hardly ever handled by a wizard, but usually by hired thieves who were professionals at their jobs. Several times the thief tried to keep the egg for themselves and disappear, but they were all eventually found by the hiring or robbed wizard and dealt with appropriately. That was until a few years ago, when on the run from the wizards, the thief simply thrown Taraah's egg away, intending to deny it to the wizard if he couldn't have it himself. Sturdy as it was though, the egg survived the fall and a river took it into the forests of the elves, where it laid lost.

Fortune smiled on the dragoness though, as her egg was found by a flock of griffins. Taking care of it as their own, Taraah slowly woke up from her thousand years long slumber. Hatching a few days after, the animals taught her the basics she would need to survive, such as hunting and flying. Soon though, her intelligence started surpassing that of an animal, and another longing was born in her heart: to find more of her kind. At the age of 10, Taraah decided to try her chances and find her kin, unaware of the war that is still on.

She couldn't avoid trouble for long, as she made the mistake of flying over a human city in daytime. Soon the legend of Ashwing spread throughout this part of the land, many taking arms to try and score the kill, others taking maps trying to find the dragon's treasure. All that forced Taraah into hiding, turning her to the beast of night, when she wouldn't be so easily seen.

Things of interest:
Taraah is fairly inexperienced in her magic, having received no training from another dragon. Most of the spells she casts are out of her control, usually triggered by her emotions rather than will. One spell she can control is a shapeshift into human look:
She seems to favor fire magic above all others, as her fire breath is one thing she is familiar with.
As all dragons, Taraah has natural Gift of Tongues, allowing her to understand every language and, with close eye contact, communicate in thought alone.
while Taraah knows how to fly, she is not that confident in the air, preferring to stay on the ground.
Taraah possesses no weapons but her own body, having no real need for them. All her other possessions she carries in a small leather pouch hung on her neck, having no real need for any material possessions that nature can not give her any time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Name: Kiara Black
Age: 20
Race: Human
A picture can be found here: http://frozenstarro.deviantart.com/art/Reflection-140601777

Physical Description:
Kiara is a woman of medium height, standing at 5' 5''. She has black hair that ends just past her shoulders and midnight blue eyes that look violet in the moonlight. She can be seen wearing a hooded black cloak whenever she is not dancing.

Weapons: One dagger that she always keeps on her hip, hidden beneath the cloak.

Profession: Dancer/Thief

Kiara has no knowledge of her parents. If they existed, which she supposes they must have, they disappeared long before she can remember. She's grown up on the streets her whole life. Though this often caused her to go hungry and cold, it also taught her a very important skill: how to stay hidden. This skill was often the only thing that kept her alive. The streets were dangerous especially for a young girl. As the years passed, they grew even more so. It was not long after she turned sixteen that she purchased a black cloak, the most expensive possession she owns, with all the begging money she had saved up. This cloak hides not only her body, but also her face. It kept her hidden in the shadows until shortly after her eighteenth birthday.

After officially becoming an adult, Kiara decided to leave the town she grew up in, not having any reason to stay. She began to travel, using the guise of a wandering dancer to keep townspeople from becoming suspicious. Though dancing for the residents is something she actually takes joy in, she does not make enough money to keep living. So, at night, she puts on her cloak and uses what she learned on the streets to steal from the very people who pay her to entertain them. No one has yet put this together, but they have taken to calling her Kiara Black because of her cloak and the hair that it is often hiding. It has now been two years since she first began this act, and she has visited many places leaving a trail of unsolved thefts in her wake.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Arrayah, I like the character, but I do have one little detail to point out.
Arrayah said This skill kept her alive more often than not.

It failed to keep her alive once out of every five?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 17 days ago

Yeah yeah I get it. Grammer mistake, meant that it was usually the thing that kept her alive. I was typing it on my phone at 4 am. Give me a sec. ><

On a complete side note. The IC OOC thing is really cool :o
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amaroq


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

lol, well grammer nazi's aside =p

Everyone looks good. I m just waiting until some of the others return, or we get a few more players
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm not a grammar nazi; I'm a grammar opportunist. Grammar mistakes can be funny, so I try to share the laughter. ^_^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Happy days, Xia is back! I needed to rewrite Malakaus's anyways. I'll have him up eventually.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm trying to work out a careful rotation of how I post in threads so I can keep everything in my "Recent Posts" list. But when one gets active, the others start to drop off. Quite difficult, really.
That's why I'm posting here fairly often. Goodnight, everyone!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 28 min ago

I made a RPGuild folder in my favorites and bookmark the threads i visit :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arsenal


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm interested in joining, but before I start really getting into writing my character up, I just wanted to check something first. Are you okay with someone new hopping in or are you only waiting for your older players to return to this one?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 28 min ago

We were recruiting again even as old guild went down, and no we have fresh start of the story. I don't see a problem with you joining :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 17 days ago

Besides, I'm new. I know Amaroq, but I was definitely not in the old one, so it should be fine. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arsenal


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Perfect, as it so happens I just finished up, let me know if anything needs to be changed.

Name: Serkan Stahlwurm

Age: 31

Race: Elf


Gender: Male

Weapons: Serkan carries a single sword in a black-stained leather and steel sheath on his left hip. The sword is a straight, single-edged saber with a plain, cord-wrapped handle, and no hilt guard.

Biography: A self-made man, Serkan was the son of a craftswoman and a hunter, but even as a young child had ambitions that far dwarfed his rather mundane beginnings. With a head full of tales of heroism and valor, he eagerly desired to learn the ways of a warrior, but the youth was far from what many would consider an ideal fighter. Serkan was a scrawny, small child, with little aptitude for magic and even less discipline. Few found the child worth their time, but Serkan never gave up, and when none offered to teach him formally, Serkan began to practice swordsmanship on his own. For five years, Serkan developed his own, incredibly crude, unrefined technique. Yet, it was only when Serkan met a certain someone on the road, that Serkan would finally make true progress.

In a chance encounter, Serkan was practicing his usual routine by the roadside when a passing caravan made a stop to allow their horses a chance to rest. One of the traveling company, a diplomat by the name of Raythe, watched the boy swing a wooden stick vigorously at a nearby sapling in the field, apparently totally oblivious to the world around him. Raythe approached to observe the rather clumsy, untrained movements of the boy, and immediately stopped him, pointing out the flaws in his technique, and more importantly, the flaws in his method. At first hesitant to listen to the man, and offended by his critique, Serkan eventually came around after Raythem demonstrated, drawing his sword and slashing into a nearby sapling, felling it.

Serkan soon begged the man to teach him, but the diplomat sadly explained he was needed in Cybele. Raythe still made a promise that on his return he would teach him. In what was perhaps the longest wait the impatient young boy had to endure, Raythe soon enough returned to the little village, and so began Serkan's formal training. Over years of study, he learned how to use a blade properly, he learned how to cast magic, but most important of all, he learned discipline. Gone was the little boy who only wanted to be a noble warrior of valor and glory, and in its place was an even-tempered, patient young man. Though, such joyous times in Serkan's life were not to last long.

One autumn day, the old diplomat rode into the village as he always had, but time had weighed heavy on his shoulders. He no longer had the strength to draw a sword to instruct his student; instead, he had come to give Serkan a gift, and with it one final lesson. Serkan was passed a sword, crafted by Raythe especially for him, and along with it a message, "The skills you have been given are not to be taken lightly, but neither should those skills be hidden away. Those who can make a difference in this world, should do so while they still can."

After that, Serkan and Raythe shared one last day together as student and teacher, before the diplomat rode home, knowing he would not have the strength to return. After his master passed, Serkan soon gathered his belongings and left home to wander into the world. Taking his parting master's words into mind, Serkan took up arms to serve as a bounty hunter and mercenary, and made his living off of serving the law.

Serkan is unaware that life is about to take a turn, that he will soon encounter something more than mere petty thieves and marauders...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm afraid I don't understand where he fits into the war. I have to assume he doesn't wander human lands, so I guess I just don't see other Ancients being petty thieves and marauders. Thinking on that, though, it's incredibly biased and I'll stop it right away. >.< So has Serkan ever fought on the front lines, or does he stick to local jobs?
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