Nation name: Val'gasra hive
Species: Val'gasra, Val'garon
The Val'gasra hive are humanoids that have made excessive contact with the Val'gara virus. They mutated and changed to a mass of horrors. Fleshed beings that hate all that is not contaminated by the Val'gara blight. The creatures are not contagious, and most cannot multiply. Instead, they drag other creatures to their hives and mutate them with their contaminated structures, and assimilate them into their hive mind. They idolize the Val'gara, as they have the same goals and desires that the Val'gasra have. The Val'garon is slightly different from the Val'gasra. This second species are brute-like, savage and primal. They are not created through mutation, but birth and rituals that involve flesh and blood sacrifice. Most of these creatures attack hard and are sturdy, while others out-smart their prey and murder them, and others assassinate and mutilate their victims. The Val'gasra hive seek only destruction, suffering, and ruin.
Description: The Val'gasra are creatures that have made excessive contact with the Val'gara virus and have mutated into fleshy horrors and abominations. These creatures are controlled by the central mind, known as the Va'sara. The Va'sara wishes to expand its control over Africa and secure it so the Val'gara can take control of it so they may take over earth. The Val'gasra may not be the Val'gara, but they have the same intentions.
Flesh reaver:
Description: Flesh reavers are among the least mutated creatures. They are nimble, sleek and thin. They appear as humanoids that have been touched by their mutagen. Having tendrils attached to their backs and their bodies covered and converted to a pinkish-red color, as if their skin had been peeled off. Muscle tissue and parts of bone are visible, and their flesh is consistently bleeding. Some of these creatures seem to still have control over their voices, crying for mercy and wishing for death to end their eternal suffering.
Equipment: None
Body: 1-3 tendrils, head, chest, 2-4 arms, 2 legs, 0-2 bone blades attached to arms.
Flesh ravager:
Description: Similar to Flesh reavers, these creatures are stronger than Flesh reavers, as one or more are attached to each other to create a horrific behemoth of destruction and chaos. Bone-tipped tendrils are attached to its back and chest, many clawed hands and arms to grab at prey and multiple heads, filled with teeth to rip and tear through flesh, the Flesh ravager is one of the strongest attackers, but have little to no natural armor, making them easier to kill, but increases their speed.
Equipment: None
Body: 3-9 bladed bone-tipped tendrils, 2-5 heads, 2-5 chests, 4-7 legs, 4-12 arms, 0-12 bone blades attached to arms.
Appearance picture:

Flesh marauder:
Description: These hulking masses are the heavy tankers for the Val'gasra. Loads of health and damage, but pay for that with their speed and intellect. Strong and tough, but stupid and slow, these creatures are difficult to take down and are immune to blunt weapons. They have two massive arms that end with large club-like shapes, and two smaller arms that can grab things and slash at prey with their freakishly long claws. Their two legs are as thick as tree trunks and 5-10 large tendrils that have bone barbs and a large bone blade that is the size of a broad-sword at the end of each tendril.
Equipment: None
Body: head, large chest, two large arms, two small arms, two large legs, 5-10 large tendrils.
General Appearance:

Info: The Val'garon are humanoids and beasts that have mutated into the strongest of the Val'gasra hive. These large creatures were built for war and live for the hunt. The smallest and weakest among them use tricks and illusions to manipulate their prey and victims into killing each other, luring them into traps and killing themselves to weaken or avoid a fight and still get the boon. While larger and stronger creatures charge into battle or assassinate their prey.
Description: These medium creatures are no bigger than an average human, but their size can trick their enemies into underestimating it. They are fast, smart and tough. A few bullets can put it down, but their damage, speed and intellect makes up for it. These creatures do not leave bodies on the battlefields, eating them or dragging them back to the hives. Each Gorgon varies in appearance, but they generally have multiple legs, arms, tendrils and have large teeth filled maws. They normally do not have functioning eyes, and sometimes no eyes at all. They rely on their blind sense instead. A small organ near their brain allows them to sense any living creature nearby and allows it to identify each other. They can even sense creatures through solid material, but they can only sense things within a 4-10 foot radius around them, and because of this, they are rarely successfully ambushed or assassinated.
Equipment: None
Body: Varies
General appearance:

Description: The Beast-like Gore-claw strain are masters of assassination. Their intellect and speed is more advanced than any other Val'garon creature. They have long claws and tendrils all over their bodies. Most do not even look similar to what they once were. These creatures can be summoned or created through mutation, but both processes take weeks to finish. They tear their recent victim's bodies in half, kills the humanoid creature and slides its tail through its body to create a puppet, places it against the corner of a wall and makes it look like someone is being dragged by something around the corner. Some of these creatures even know how to mimic human screaming to make the scene look more real. When its next target steps too close, it attacks from behind the corner and eats one or both corpses and takes the leftovers to the hive. They also can slide through cracks and gaps and waits for prey to ambush. They never attack prey in groups, as the creature is weak and easy to kill.
Equipment: None
Body: Varies
General Apperance:

Val'gasra Queen:
Description: The Val'gasra Queen rules the hives and are on the top of the ranks in the Val'gasra hive. Queens almost always rule a hive, but there are times when multi-queen hives are formed. Multi-Queen hives have more than one Queen. This increases egg production, but most of the hive underlings become confused as to who is the main leader, and may not listen to one Queen, but follow another. This displacement of leadership often leads to the failure of commands.
Equipment: None
Body: Chest, head, 0-30 tendrils, 4 arms, 2 legs, tail.
General appearance: