With no more competing applications in the course of a week, I will be reviewing this tonight. Assuming everyone is still on board.
Am on board as well >.<
With no more competing applications in the course of a week, I will be reviewing this tonight. Assuming everyone is still on board.
I'd be down to play the monk, but I do have a few questions. Like, would I get any of those pseudo-magical Ki abilities that monks always get? And also would I be able to use the standard 'monk weapons' like bo staffs or nunchucks and stuff?
If he can heal, that's good enough X3
I'd be down to play the monk.
@Poke @Seirei No Hai
It’s your go. Welcome to Eferion and shite.
Ah, ok. I'll make him a little disappointed that his theory is wrong when he sees the torii then.