_______________________________________________ Name | Title _______________________________________________ Status | Age | ♂/♀ _______________________________________________ Ranking | Kagune |Abnormality _______________________________________________ Group | Rank _______________________________________________
CCG Encounters With ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Kagune Description ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Notes ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
_______________________________________________ Name | Rank _______________________________________________ Status | Age | ♂/♀ _______________________________________________ ||Abnormality _______________________________________________ Group | Rank _______________________________________________
For whatever reason, you, as a Ghoul, seeks the rehabilitation offer that a rumored, niche group operating within Ghoul society. The very idea of Ghouls trying to blend into society and become functioning members within it sounds asinine but theKosei claim to try just that. Secretive and selective, hardly any Ghouls know anything more about it outside of their reputation.
It took exhaustive measures to eventually find someone that was within this group and it took even longer to get approved, meeting face-to-face with the Observer in an interview. Eventually you are approved and you are cordially invited to your first meeting. Take care, however, as this group clearly went through a lot of effort to keep their activities private and there is no tolerance for negative behavior.
Meanwhile, the Commission of Counter Ghoul are aware of the Kosei presence but dedicate only a small number of resources to this investigation. Their focus has been elsewhere, focusing on the war that the Silverbacks, one of the largest present Ghoul organization, had started with the CCG. At this point in time, the CCG are winning and will soon look to divert their attention elsewhere.
The City
8th Ward. A functioning book and supply store run by long time friends, Rika and Hitomi. Although the public only have access to the main floor, there is a basement for special guests, namely friendly Ghouls. A storage room, a small bedroom crammed with bunk beds, and a tiny meeting/living space branch off of the single basement hallway. The basement functions as a safehouse for trusted ghouls if they have no where else to go.
8th Ward. Located in the library of Yoyogi primary school, the New Beginnings group have a long standing relationship with the school to meet here and is the most common meeting spot.
CCG Headquarters and Affiliated Branches
1st Ward. Main offices, Laboratory Division and 1st Investigator Training Academy.
2nd Ward. Branch Office and 2nd Investigator Training Academy.
12th Ward. Corniculum Ghoul Detention Center.
23rd Ward. Cochlea Ghoul Detention Center.
The People
CCG Senior Division
Stubbornly adamant about remaining in office until "every last ghoul is destroyed", he has been Director for almost forty years.
Next-in-line for Chief Director, Mako has always been one to not shy away from getting his hands dirty. Presently leads the operations against the Silverbacks faction.
Lead Investigator on the Hinami Kosei case.
2nd Ward Overseer. Famous for being instrumental in the bust of the Ghoul Slave Auction and having several SS rated kills.
Warden of Cochlea and Overseer of District 23.
Assistant Investigator on the Kosei case. Head of the newly formed Quinx Squad.
CCG Junior Division
Assistant Investigator on the Kosei case. Quinx.
Partnered with Nishikori Kei and lead field operator for the Kosei case. Marksman.
Partnered with Kitajima Kosuke and field operator for the Kosei case. Spotter/guard.
Kosei Ghoul Rehabilitation Group
Believed SSS Rank. The Director. Not much is known about the Director but information about the Director is known to be classified by a few CCG Investigators.
SS+ Rank. Kokaku. The Observer. One-Eyed Ghoul.
S+ Rank. Rinkaku. Blackhawk.
SS~ Rank. Ukaku. Dollface.
A Rank. Bikaku. Cat.
A Rank. Bikaku. Dog.
B Rank. Bikakus.
A faction of ghouls born out of necessity for their safety after the CCG's relentless raids against smaller gangs and individuals. This conglomerate was originally purposed to provide a safety in numbers but under the leadership of the Primarch, he declared a full-scale war against the CCG. Some rumors persist that his change of mind came from the CCG killing someone close to the Primarch. With their original numbers advantage, they hit the CCG hard managing a successful raid on a district office, but since they have only been on the back foot. Silverback activities are, at this point, only present in districts 10, 11, and 12.
The creator and leader of the Silverbacks. Egotistical and vengeful. SSS rated. Kakuja.
The newly appointed second-in-command for the Silverbacks. There is observed tension between the Matriarch and Primarch and is believed to be related to the loss of the previous Matriarch. SS~ rated.
Higher ranking members of the Silverbacks that always work together. Individual ratings are S~ but together they form an effective team: Nox is the heavy hitter, using a Koukaku Mox provides support to both her teammates with her Rinkaku Lox is fast and light with her Ukaku
A group exclusively made of extravagant and wealthy ghouls that get their name from hosting "date nights" with significant others by invading a human household and eating them there. Not much else is known about their activity but there is some speculation that the Date-Nighters provide funding for other ghoul gangs to harass the CCG and keep them off their tail.
"Ghoul Society is nothing but a cycle of needless suffering, and anyone who thinks they can change that through brute strentgh is kidding themselves."
Kashiyama Yuuto
On the surface, Yuuto is as straight-laced, by-the-book, and diligent as one would expect an Honors student attending college purely on the merit of their many scholarships to be. He doesn't like making trouble, doesn't attend wild parties, and often barely has time in his day to hang out with the few friends he has, though he always tries to make time so as no to go insane from the constant stress.
Along with his diligence to studying, Yuuto is a staunch pacifist in all most every circumstance. He believes that violence is never a good way to solve one's problems, and while he's not one to preach at others about his belief, he will always let them know it in no uncertain terms if the subject is ever raised. If he can't find a way to end a conflict diplomatically, he finds little harm in running from it, as he often finds the potential for ridicule is a much better alternative than the violence itself. That being said, it would be wrong to think him weak or cowardly, and even he knows that sometimes, you can't just run away from conflict. Especially as a ghoul.
Yuuto's history isn't much to tell. He grew up about as normally as any ghoul could, with the only oddities being that his mother seemed to disappear often, his father always looked worried or panicked when watching the news, and his family was constantly moving between wards for much of his early years. It wasn't until he was around 10 that he figured out why.
His mother had been an infamous ghoul, widely regarded as a threat due to her gluttonous feeding habits and tendency to prey on investigators more so than most ghouls. Known as "Seiun Usagi", she was a pretty big target for the CCG for quite some time. And eventually, they got her. In the final moments before her death, she used her Kagune to mangle her own facial features, her final way of protecting her family from the CCG. It was a sad day in the Kashiyama household, and a traumatizing moment for Yuuto that shaped his entire view of life from then on.
Learning about his mother's deeds filled him with a silent scorn and self-hatred for his existence as a ghoul and ghoul society as a whole, a society that he was heavily wrapped up in due to his father being a Mask designer, a craft that Yuuto has a natural gift for and struggles to separate himself from it. Even now, he'll create masks for himself as a way to express his emotions, before letting his self-disgust and anger take hold of him and destroying the works with knives and flames.
Ever since the day where his mother's death was reported on the news, Yuuto has sworn to himself to not only find a way to get out of this hellish cycle that is ghoul society unscathed, but to also try his best to break down this society, to make it something better. That way, no more kids will have to go through what he went through.
A rare chimera ghoul, Yuuto carries both his mother's Ukkaku Kagune and his father's bikaku kagune. For his ukkaku, it often takes the form of a nebulous gas-like substance that spreads out behind him like a pair of wings, the whole of it dotted with a number of bright, star-like objects that helped to give his mother her name. Another aspect of these Kagune is that they can super-heat the RC cells created, allowing them to fire crystallized RC shards at extremely high temperatures, adding an extra layer of danger to his attacks, as well as effectively hampering the regenerative process of other ghouls due to the cauterization of the wounds.
As for his Bikaku, it's a more simplistic kagune, composed of two gleaming red tails, with the end of them carving into some rather cruel looking hooks. It bears an appearance similar to that of a scorpion tail, but neither he nor his father have proven capable of making any form of poison or venom from their Kagune. They, like all Bikaku, are relatively durable when compared to their counter-parts, and capable of doing some damage, but it's clear that if he were more of a fighter, his Ukkaku would be the more offensive tool in his arsenal, while his Bikaku would be used to defend against and deflect incoming attacks.
Notable Characteristics
Yuuto has trained his control over his kagune to be very precise, enabling him to unleash one set of kagune independently of the other easily. A needed skill in order to avoid drawing attention, as his mother's kagune is extremely recognizable and any connection to Seiun would have the CCG on him like a hawk. That being said, this does not make him a capable fighter in the least, as he has taken a stance against learning anything besides some basic self-defense techniques in regard to combat prowess. When it comes to fights, he always views active retaliation as a last resort, much preferring simply talking the situation down or getting the heck outta dodge when he can.
Yuuto has been able to stay off CCG radar due to him never going out to hunt for his food, instead eating only when he has to at specific places that cater to less predatory ghouls.
A very laid back girl that only does what she wants. She is very lax in everything even when it comes to basic tasks. She is quickly satisfied with the work she does so half baked cakes come out of her work most of the times, literally. Her usual personality is sweet, cheerful but lazy. Can be very clumsy at critical times.
Former student in england, she was a very laid back individual that got scolded at a lot during middle school for not doing anything on school being seen as quite dumb and easygoing in life. It wasn’t until she was about to be expelled at school that she actually did something for once and goofed it by acing it. It appeared she actually was quite a big lazy smartass that tried to do as little as possible. Of course she knew that if she stayed on this simple school that she didn’t have to do much but that is what she wanted. When her school offered her to make the exams early and have a good advice to any top grade school her parents immediately approved of it while she was sitting in the middle of them giving a big sigh. This wasn’t going according to plan at all. Well she was allowed to chose plenty of schools with this though so maybe it had its positive sides as well. The girl got tortured by her parents from day to day to study. Her video games got taken away all her manga was hidden somewhere in the house and she almost had constant surveillance to study at the dinner table, if she even dared looking at the television a big metal soup spoon bounced of her head. By the end of the week she was an empty husk that lifelessly starred in front of her while muttering every single thing in great detail that was known to the universe, she was prepared well enough.
Off course she aced it, she got 99% of the test correct. She really did her best on the test, her motivation to make it all lied in the riches she would get with her next school. Free pudding everyday for lunch it was. The only thing that was wrong on her test was her name misspelled. Even the teacher chopped her on the head for that one. At Least she could chose her own school. Off course it was gonna be the best of the best. She wanted that free excessive food off course and since she liked a lot of other countries as well she found it a great idea to study abroad… without her parents doing this sm torture stuff to her... (making her study) She chose Tokyo, Japan, the country of video games and good rare food. It wasn’t gonna be cheap but atleast her parents saved up for it. The school and the room that was… She barely had enough to buy decent food. The first few months she lived off ramen and school food. She would occasionally sneak some food out of the school for dinner but they became aware for that and kept checking her bag on the way out. After a while it became a bit too serious with money problems, she saved up for games while she had to spent the money on food, after her parents found out her constant tummy tumbling on skype they told her it was a good idea for her to search for a job to make some money.
Off course a deepfound sigh came out of the girl when she heard yet another crazy request off of them. but maybe they were right. There were jobs were you had to test games or watch series right? She looked for a while and found an easy enough solution in downtown Tokyo. It was a job were you just had to be experimented on? You would get some cool benefits from it, it was easy enough and she needed the money. She couldn’t see it hurt. Off course it had a little more behind it but at least she apparently had a good result. Talents Napping Gaming Knowledge and logic thinking Opposite of cooking Eating Sitting still Eating
Likes Eating Napping Gaming Cooking Opposite of work Puzzles Kittens cradle sitting still Tomatoes
Dislikes Work School Outside Insects Annoying people Time Alarm Clock Onions Ragers People who overbear their strength Airco Heaters Dogs Cold No internet
Other Her name is Nono Fox “NOOO Don’t say it to them!” and her age is 17
Name Yamato Suzume (Actually Washuu Suzume) Suzumebachi
Gender Female
Age 21
Height 172cm
Weight 56 kg
Hair style Long, Waistlenght, poorly combed and noticeable greasy.
Hair Color Raven
Eye Color Blue. An eyepatch covers her left.
Skin Color White Bedsheet Ghost.
Suzume is a competent, earnest individual, which a lot of time takes her orders very literally. That is, when she is not crawling around the corner seemed to be devoided of all energy. A coffeeholic, she chugs quantities that other people would have problem with like if it was fresh water. Suzume has also very little in the way of presence and proactivity, usually shuffling behind more charismatic and energetic individuals, and her talks are specially trite.
The battlefield, however, seems to wake her from her usual torpor, as she moves gracefully through it with a mix of elegance and fearlessness. Few, if any people have ever seen sustain wounds in scuffles, as she tends to be able to throw down with the best of them almost as if she had been born to fight with a Quinque or an internal Quinx Kagune. Suzume, worringly seems to be also roused by violence, as injuries usually make her only more dangerous and aggressive, earning her the moniker of Suzumebachi.
It is said that on these, and some rare ocassions... a hint of a cruel smile forms in her face, and that she appears to understand and know much more than she lets know at first glance. Most of her coworkers also do not know how many hobbies she has, and her social life is lacking. Her known hobbies seem to be fairly macabre, as she enjoys death themes and gore movies. She can't hold alcohol very well, and even small doses will make her extremely sick. She, funnily enough, is good with computers and technology in general.
Suzume was born in the organization known as the Sunlit Garden, a secretive facility which has provided the CCG with precocious and precious talents throughout all of their existence. The members of the Garden seem sometimes superhuman in their feats and rigorous training, and they are surrounded by an air of mystery. Suzume was one of these kids, haunted by rumours of being a bastard of a Washuu inspector who had taken an exceedingly dangerous ghoul, Queen Bee, whose intelligence had caught a lot of the CCG staff off-guard. Having gone through an spartan training since a child to fight ghouls, Suzume joined the CCG ranks readily and became a proficient member of the staff.
While her talents were known, her poor sleeping schedule and overall apparent lack of motivation and stamina did overshadow her many scuffles with ghouls wide and far, and she was decried as one of the less stellar members of the Garden. This forced her to make a tough choice, and swallow her pride.
She volunteered for the Quinx operation. This allowed her to regain some of her lost face, even if her old vices of being perpetually tired and crawling in search of coffee still stand.
So, obviously... I've been very slow. Very, very, slow, But I've finally gotten most of this very basic character on paper. She could probably be better, but it's more than I had before. Currently accepting any ways to fix her up some.
*staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare* “.........”
If she ever gets herself fixed up and actually taken care of that is.
Takahashi Aoi
Aoi is something of an oddity. She seems to like many of the things one would expect of a girl her age, but can also be something of a cynic. She rarely speaks, and when she does it is broken as she has never received formal, or continued, education during her time with the CCG. While she can give off multiple facial expressions, it’d be rare for anyone to find her without a blank expression under the bandages. Even so, if given the opportunity, she would have a room full of stuffed animals, although their level of cuteness would be up to her to decide. Not many would probably agree on what is cute either as she doesn’t seem to have much consistency in this area regardless.
Apart from that, Aoi surprisingly likes to eat. This is likely because she hardly ever is given any form of proper nourishment by the CCG, and hasn’t since her capture. Thus, when she does get the chance to actually eat, she can get a little out of control. Even so, she does remarkably well keeping herself contained in public or around CCG agents, no matter how hungry she may be. This is likely due to fear of being hurt or killed should she go too far.
Aoi is strange, but she is kind, and can be quite loving. One of the things she picked up from her parents was a sense of justice and empathy towards others even if she knows she might not always get the same. Still, she tries her best to be better than the monster she is made out to be. Especially, since her sniffing out other ghouls has put something of a target on her back. Even if she were to escape, she wouldn’t be very likely to have a happy life.
Takahashi Aoi was born to a ghoul father and human mother, who had fallen in love. Though she doesn’t particularly know or understand the details behind their tragic romance, she knows that she had something of a happy life before the raid. She was homeschooled by her mother who had worked as a teacher’s assistant prior to falling in love. Her education was going quite smoothly, albeit a bit slow, but she was always smiling. While Aoi was with her mother, her father spent his days doing odd jobs and working to help support his family and other wayward ghouls. He was kind and would have done anything to help anyone he could. The same was true for his daughter whom he always made time for when he got home.
Even so, one night, when Aoi was 4 years old she was awoken by the sound of banging on the door and footsteps. Her father was out on one of his night jobs and she was sleeping with her mother. Then, gunfire. Her father had come home and started a battle with CCG agents who’d come because of potential ghoul activity in the neighborhood. It was her and him. The battle had started immediately as the CCG broke in. He mowed down many of them, but he was badly injured. Her mother was dead. She’d picked her up and tried to protect her, tried to run, but with a hail of bullets and an onslaught of attacks her mother couldn’t escape anymore than she could.
She doesn’t remember much more from that night. Blood, fire, screaming… So much screaming. Everything was hazy. Her father was gone, presumed dead. She, however, was not killed. Though many agents planned to do so, one in particular brought her in. She could be useful.
That was how her life of under a microscope began. Testing, poking, prodding, everything that could be done to test the limits of a ghoul was done. She could almost always heal, but she would immediately be hurt again. That’s why so much of her time has been, and is, spent in her bandages. Even so, where, when and how she will die… She doesn’t know. She’s just going one day at a time. They can’t all be painful after all.
CCG Title
CCG Rating
B Rated
Aoi has no formal mask (for now at least) as she never got the “luxury” of having one created. Even so, bandages from years of poking, prodding, and experimentation by the CCG have taken the place of a typical ghoul mask.
RC Type
Aoi’s Kagune typically manifests in the form of four tendril-like appendages which she has an incredible degree of control over. They are sickly shade of neon green with purple accents streaking through them from the base of the tendrils all the way to the ends which are coated in purple. She can change the shape and size of these tentacles, even showing the capability to seemingly combine them into fewer, or even one, or splitting them into more. The upper limit she has shown during testing was 8, double the usual four.
Apart from that, while she does exhibit incredible control over the tentacles, she typically keeps the ends of them molded into the shapes of beastly mouths. These fangs jaws can bite, tear and grip quite powerfully, but on average seem to move as though they have a mind of their own. It is sometimes questioned whether or not she actually has control of the kagune. Regardless, it is of little worry to the CCG as her kagune is fairly weak compared to its estimated potential due to her diet of human food, or none at all. She doesn’t often get the proper nutrients. This leaves her abilities all fairly frail and lower compared to what she should be capable of.